Blog one on Revelation posted 31/12/2014

                                                                                                                                       To LESTER Head Elder of The Church of JESUS THE CHRIST            From Julius Kudrynski        Subject  Could you please revue this presentation before I present it to our members.          REVELATION The book of Revelation is about two men, Lester & Julius (Mt 24:40).  Lester was taken and Julius left behind highly distressed.  He was wrong because he could have given any number of reasons why he should have been taken and Lester left behind but he is not wrong to know the reason he was left behind was because his sins were NOT on Calvary’s Tree and whether it takes 2 seconds or 2,000 years the result is I am going to hell.  My first intention is to commit suicide, as the longer I live, the more sins I will commit and the worse my suffering in hell.  But I feel my wife intervention (Mt 24:41) cut in (all Ch. 8 of Revelation) as she was taken up.  “Don’t do that Joule because you will incur more of the Lord’s wrath in that one act than if you had lived for another 2,000 years.  The ONLY reason I was taken and you were left behind was because I carried oil in a spare jar (Mt 25:5).  You have been given a perfectly valid command from the wise virgins; money to buy and seller sent to sell the oil so go and do it.  You can see now why I couldn’t give you any of my spare oil”.            So I am now a different person.  I am NOT like those foolish virgins who should have been honest when they went back to knock at the door and added, “We did not get the oil we were told to get”.  When I knock (Mt 25:11) I will call out, “Open the door Master and let me in.  I have got the oil”.  I don’t know what JESUS you worship Lester but the ONE I worship will now leave Heaven, come to earth, live a perfect life, die a perfect death and go through a perfect Resurrection, even if I am THE ONLY ONE BEING SAVED. You may think there was a                      big party when number 100 was saved – but what about number 101?


So now we begin the serious journey of Julius.  The command I was given was valid as God’s Church (the wise virgins) never mislead.  I now need to find the GOOD OIL.  Provisions made for me by God are – (also rest of 5 virgins).


  1. I am a proper church. I have seven Biblical names:

(i)   Laodicea – the church after the second coming as it does not have one good person in it.  But the Lord has not spat me out.  He is knocking on my door and this church has the fullest texts on what the Good Oil is.


(ii)  The church of the 144,000. Before the Lord sends His calamities on the earth, He personally puts a seal on my forehead (Rev 7:3) and He has every confidence I will succeed because He allocates me in a tribe.  The reason why Julius receives the seal of God (which I thought I had received at my Baptism) is the same as why Lester received his – by the Grace of God. Please note – I cannot go to hell with this SEAL; I must remove it and replace it with the mark of the beast first.


(iii) The Church of the five foolish virgins on which Heaven will now not leave one stone unturned in order they be saved.


(iv) The Church of the Talent (to buy the oil) – I go desperately close to handing in God’s seal, and in fact, have every intention to do so but note Mt 25:2.


(v)  The Church of the two men working in the field.  Revelation spends approximately equal time on each.  Why should this be the case, Lester, when God knows the foolish ones will fail and be eradicated? (Q 1)


(vi) The Church of the two women, and,


(vii) The Church of the sheep and goats.




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We already have one question; here we have another one  which Revelation answers . When does every knee bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord? – no exception – could have lived anytime or anywhere or be any age.  One second after conception there may not be any knee or tongue.  But there is a plan for them and God counts them as a life.  This question is different to the next one as it acknowledges Christ our Maker.  The next one is Christ our Redeemer.


  1. When is this Gospel taught to every kind, nation and tongue? (again, not one exception).


  1. Adam and Eve question – Who amongst us is deceived by Satan like Eve was and who is not?


  1. When does the door of mercy close?


  1. Why does the door of mercy close?


  1. Salvation plan A for Adam (those not deceived) and salvation plan B for the Eves (those who are deceived). And most importantly, the 101 question – You may have other questions to add as I may also. It is important to answer each question for every soul ever conceived.  Only God knows this number and you may choose another number to me but we must answer these questions for the numbers we choose.  In my scenario God is counting every drop of innocent blood that is being shed and it only takes one more to fill the cup of Mercy.  It has just happened and even though these may be 10s of 1000s of bodies gushing innocent blood before the next drop has time to leave, God has said, “enough is enough” and appears as His second coming.  I take the number of souls present at this instant of time as 7.2 billion dead and 6.9 billion alive (ranging from just conceived to the oldest.  Thus I am following 7.2 billion dead and 6.9 billion alive.  You may choose any number you want but let us begin to follow them.


The Lord has thus appeared in ground zero but He has given us many warnings before this date and may in fact give us extra warnings.  These warnings all end with the Second Coming but because the nefarious schemes are carried out in a desert (Revelation 17:37) we can’t be sure when the 1260 days begin (Revelation 13) or Daniel’s 1290 and 1335 (Ch. 12). We are warned that when the midnight cry goes out, “Here comes the Bridegroom”, (Mat 25:6) it is already too late. Our fate is already determined; we are already classed as wise and foolish and we already know their fate. Coupled with this, the incredible slaughter that the Lord is going to allow to His Saints (R13:7, Mat 24:22).  I am convinced He will and has already given us extra Biblical warnings.  Only God knows, but say there are 700,288,000 Christians alive today and the Lord is coming in 1260 days, there will be 700,000,000 Christians killed leaving only 288,000, i.e. 144,000 wise (R14:1) and 144,000 foolish (R7:4). The laws for this to happen are already in every country disguised as “Terror Laws”. Please add to my list of warnings present in the Bible.


The Lord does acknowledge the bridegroom has been a long time in coming and does not reprimand His church for falling asleep (Mt 25:5). I could write pages on Mt 24:2 and Mt 24:32, but Mt 24:2 is covered in Revelation Ch. 15.


The one I am watching is the period of Joseph in Egypt.


II 7 years of plenty             II 7 years of famine

Sept 11                            Sept 11                            Sept 11

2001                                2008                                2015



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When the people had no money, cattle, land and, in fact, had sold themselves (could that be debt to our banks?) and the midnight call? Only time will tell.


Now for the waypoints in the timetable of time. Even though Satan is only a small player in the big picture, he is the major player of 7,777 years, 7 months, 7 days and 7 hours of this planet and is chosen by the overwhelming majority of people and God gives him the privilege of setting the timetable. Ch. 12 is Creation to Second Coming and Ch. 20 is Second Coming to Consummation. Initial study is just to establish the waypoints.


Ch20   If this is the Second Coming then there is only one angel this could be – JESUS CHRIST. Please note that He is not MIGHTY. He is the only one who could be sent and we probably won’t hear His first call, “Roll back the stone.” We certainly will hear His 2nd and 3rd call – “Lazarus come out” and “remove those earthly bandages”. He is the only ONE capable of binding Satan in his last throes for 1,000 (literal) years. (N.B. Satan must be set free, this is the period of judgment of the elders – probably 100s of millions of people have just arrived and the elders are worrying if any of these are likely to want their own way (not God’s) and what better way to judge anyone than by the prayers they pray which arrive at the same time in a golden censor (R Ch. 8 – probably the most beautiful chapter). Even though this is not a detailed study of Ch. 20, I must mention the prayers. They affect both Heaven and earth as the newly arrived saints are in a priestly mode but only for 1,000 years. The first thing that shocks us is how precious our prayers are in Heaven. It may have only taken 1 second to mention Vella in our prayers but Heaven treated it as if it was the only prayer that had been prayed.


The 4 creatures and the 4 prayers:


  1. Creature with a human face – are our priestly prayers we prayed for the living – those left behind which I can feel especially when they are bundled back into the golden censor and hurled back to earth.


  1. Creature that looks like an ox – are answered prayers because these people are now in Heaven only because of Christ’s Blood Sacrifice. Every prayer we ever prayed now and its answers are shown to the people, the gratitude expressed etc., etc., it is a very busy 1,000 years.


  1. Eagle-like creature – I used to call these useless prayers but how wrong I was. Even though many people have many problems with Apostle Paul, I do NOT. After his conversion he did not put a foot wrong or say one wrong word. I have no doubt he prayed for Nero and assuming Nero is not in Heaven, then I thought this was a useless prayer – Nero can’t hear it as he won’t come to life until the end of the 1,000 years and he is not in Heaven. But it is the exact opposite. It answers the concerns of these judges who are judging us. It is the exact prayer they are looking for. The fact that we pray for our enemies proves we have a Christ-like nature and there will be no problems with us in Heaven.


  1. Lion creature – is what this book is about. Having mentioned the essential requirement of a Christ-like nature (must mention what will definitely exclude us from Heaven). This is a part from our own willful exclusion aided by so-called pastors rightfully dressed in black and a grin with a flash of white. We think we are under the new covenant of grace because God will only write on our hearts the laws we like. We do not realize it; ALL the law and how Jesus fulfilled it or, NONE – we are still under the old covenant if we do not accept the whole of Gods Law.




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The above questions are answered by the question, “Why does the door of mercy close on humanity, on Satan and on the pre flood people?”

Answer:  R 11:10. It is demonic to gloat. The remainder of Ch. 20 tells us that Satan will be released; that there are 2 wars against God and consequently 2 judgements. Ch. 21 is the consummation question when the Bride and Bridegroom enter the new city to live in perfection for an eternity. Thus Ch. 20:


1000 years                    150 days           260 years                could be 500 years



2nd                                                                        Satan            dead                Daniel

Coming                                      released        rise                  12:7                   Consummation


Seals, trumpets and bowls will fill out detail. (Ch. 12)


God knew about Calvary’s tree when He created the stars so He did it in two stages. The first batch was the woman and child, the second was Satan and his cohorts. Satan had plenty of time (almost 4,000 yrs) to prepare for the first coming. This is one of the Scriptures that moves past Calvary and not mention it (R 12:5). It does come back in Verse 7 in stunning detail. For Julius K to be saved he must at least meet 3 requirements (apparently, but in reality they are one).


  1. Must be washed by the Blood of the Lamb.
  2. Bear testimony to all about it.
  3. He died for me, am I prepared to die for Him?


The rest of the chapter is witness Scripture to the first third. Thus Ch. 12 is:



Creation                                                ascension                                                Ch. 13



                                                                                Cross            1260                                      The beast arise

before the second

Stoning of Stephen.                              coming.

Satan expelled form Heaven


So I can now provide a tentative view of the history of this earth and universe; from Creation to Peter’s fire which will consume every atomic and subatomic particle. Perfection then will have no trace of the old earth with maybe 1 exception.


First Adam            Second Adam

Fell asleep at 3.00pm                         probably                 YES

Side opened at 4.00pm                      probably                 YES

Bride formed from rib                       YES                       probably

Side closed and healed                       YES                       probably


We will thus probably carry Jesus’s post resurrection body for an eternity. Biblical numbers I supply will be in parenthesis and my own (which anyone can substitute with their own) are just ordinary numbers. All should be done in pencil as they can change depending on the rest of Scripture.



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Chapter I begins by hitting the nail right on the head. It is the revelation of Jesus Christ which God gave Him…. What revelation did Jesus require about Himself that could only come from God? We are told about it on resurrection Sunday when Jesus would not allow Mary to touch Him because He had not checked with the Father if His sacrifice was perfect. He knew that the cup the Father had handed Him contained as many drops as would be required to fill the universe and even if He had left one drop behind His sacrifice would not have been accepted as perfect. That is why the Saints, even after being in Heaven for an eternity, will not even begin to see THE ACT OF PERFECTION. And we are about to be introduced to this Act as well. I read this book because of the blessings which are associated with it which I desperately need. One blessing is to be given the testimony from and about my Lord Jesus Christ. With the revelation of Jesus we will also be given the best explanation of the Holy Trinity also. It is all about His Blood which has already made us into a kingdom and our title is “Priests”. Verse 7 sounds our first warning about judging other people and we will literally fall out of our chairs when we see the standard Heaven sets. Here we know Jesus prayed for those involved in His crucifixion to be forgiven and, sure enough, they are here – they have come good and are part of the resurrection of the righteous. The scenario I take at this time is that Jesus will bring all human life (young) to 12 years old. So when I get over the shock of being left behind I stagger around and see no children or pregnant women. In fact, workmen are changing…. Public School to ….. High School. So I can say I have answered Q2 (p3) for the billion alive at this time and also the Adam & Eve question. Satan cannot deceive these as he is bound for 1000 years. What about his helpers? There are 100 million of them – can your theology answer this question?


Verse 9 John is a stunningly privileged person to be shown this and I can give you 7 scriptures to show he is now alive. He was on the Island of Patmos asking for a Sabbath blessing and what a blessing he got!! We have to spend some time on the seven Churches as they have seven different levels of meaning!


(a)  There were 7 literal churches which were or were going to go through major persecution. Because they were on a mail route the letters passed around as did their prayers. What a wonderful reassurance that God not only knew their plight, but actually allowed it. (Crux of Ch. 6:7, 8).


(b)  They are every one of God’s people – Lester & Julius included. This exposes a shocking truth – if I am Ephesus then God, not Julius, says I know your perseverance, hard work. Tolerance of wicked endurance, WOW, God has just given me a 95%!!!! But then He takes it all away again – He only needs 100% or nothing in between (Laodicea). He knows that with a 100% He can do a Stephen stoning on me. This church is about to cop full persecution as it becomes Smyrna and as the animals tear them to pieces. God will open Heaven for them to see and they will not feel a thing – like Stephen.


(c)  They are consecutive Churches. Ephesus – apostles Church 30 – 100 Smyrna the Church of blood 100 300 (roughly Constantinople’s time) – the Church of Permagun which destroys the Sabbath and compromise. Thyatira (No.4 always the highlight as 3 on either side the Church of the Morning Star (300 – not sure…) ….. Sardis….1500 almost fallen over but rescued by Luthers Lot (1500 – 2000 approx.), the Church of the open doors (in both Heavens) and Laodicea, the Church after the second coming 2000 to the   end.




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(d)  They are concurrent Churches – each church has a certain amount of these qualities.


(e)  They are the 7 stages of initiation in Heaven. Each one has to him who overcomes I will do and not will spend an eternity in perfection with me.(We would expect it to say if we overcame we would spend an eternity with our Lord) Even if it takes only 1 week to initiate 1 person and there are 144,000,000 there, that is still many millions of years. The point being, our one to one existence with our Saviour.


(f)  There is a parallelism between them; 1-7, 2-6, 3-5 and 4 is unique. This would (could) mean that we will cop full on persecution for 10 days (R 2:10). The Temple Church (R Ch. 15). Each one of our Saviour’s attributes is displayed at least once in each Church (R 1:10-17). On the first run through Revelation I will only give brief thoughts (except Laodicea).


  1. Ephesus was the Church that got it right. If not only contents of the Bible are inspired them so is probably its arrangement, i.e. First 4 books are history of our Lord. Acts is the establishment of His church. Romans is full message – the correct relationship between Law and Salvation. I and II Corinthians under-emphasise the Law and leave it all to Grace, Galatians overemphasise the Law and leave nothing to Grace, Ephesians have it right. Any church that gets it right must except to get attacked from without (Philippians) or within (Colossians). If this happens they must concentrate on the Lord so on return (1 & 2 Thessalonians) and they can only do this if they have the right pastors (1 & 2 Timothy, Titus & Philemon). They will explain that it is out with the old (Hebrews) and in with the new – love, hope, charity (James 1&2, Peter 1,2,3 John) and perseverance (Jude) with grand finale – Revelation. The Lord only wants 100% of us (hot) or cold the worst is something in between (Laodicea). We can’t fool Him because He walks AMONGST us. The interesting bit is our first stage of initiation – the right to eat – I would really need a few pages to explain but it is the opposite of what happened in the Garden of Eden.


  1. Smyrna, if parallelism is correct, we will experience this Church and the law and judges are ready to carry it out.


  1. Pergamum has the best and the worst of our history. It has Council of Nicea (purest theology so far) and the worst Council of Laodicea, where not only the Sabbath was changed to Sunday, but anyone who refused to change was a criminal and put to death. Part of the initiation is the restoring of the eternal Sabbath (hidden manna) and given a key to our own residence in Heaven (white stone). With no Sabbath blessings, it’s sharply downhill for the Church now except for those who are prepared to die for God’s Law.


  1. Thyatira is the highlight of history and the climax of the initiation ceremony. When this happens (R 2:26-29) is self-evident.


  1. Sardis is an exponential fall but still has some good people. Its fall is arrested by Luther and his lot.


  1. Philadelphia is the Church of the open door – RIGHTESSNESS BY FAITH – and this door will not even close and, in fact, is our door into the new Heaven of eternity. No wonder we feel so secure knowing our destiny belongs and depends 100% on our Lord and Saviour.


I may have skipped over the first 6 Churches but not for the one I now belong to Laodicea. The whole Church and my fate are based on the word, BUY – in its purely legalistic meaning – legal exchange of. It is equivalent to me going to Buckingham Palace and asking Her Majesty to buy all her land, buildings, furniture, jewelry, paintings, etc., etc. – and she asks, “and what are you



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“Well, Your Majesty, I will exchange you the rubbish I have accumulated in my red bin over the last week”, and she replies, “done.”  The scenario is much better than this because it is His Majesty, our Creator and Redeemer who is knocking on our heart’s door. And what a deal He has!! He wants to BUY all our rubbish and only He knows what rubbish it really is, refine it through Calvary’s Fires and hand it back as Gold, white cloths and salve (in that order). That is what the word GRACE means. As I am still struggling with the fact I have been left behind, and I did not have the Seal of God either, Les you have to try to answer this question: Can I only sell Him part of my rubbish or in bits at a time or all or nothing???


We now move into Heaven (Ch. 4 & Ch. 5) and operative words are “I will show you what must take place AFTER THIS.” THIS is obviously Calvary’s Tree @ 3.00pm on Good Friday and I take t as 7 minutes either side, 2.53pm – 3.07pm, although it could be a lot shorter. Before 3.00pm Jesus was our Creator and worthy to receive honour ….(R 4:11). But 1 second after the title Redeemer was added and this now makes Him worthy to open the scroll – the rejoining of Heaven – earth or Divinity to humanity. This is acknowledged by (R 5:8-14), the twenty four elders (I assume Paul takes Judas’ place) and all the redeemed because our prayers are there in Golden bowls. The only people not represented at this time are the souls of Noah’s day. Jesus gathers them together and shows them the beauty of Calvary’s Tree and they swell with such awe and gratitude their graves break open and they come out and preach… All humanity is thus represented as are all the angels (R 5:11-12).


The earthquake happened very soon after 3.00pm and Jesus was elected to open the Scroll by all people of all ages (R 5:13-14). The door standing open was probably the one Jesus came to earth through and the one He communicated through back to Heaven. The beauty He left behind was almost like going through hell and thus the glass. The four living creatures determine the first 4 seals, 4 churches, 4 prayers, etc., are the nature of Jesus and therefore the only way we have of communicating with God and He with us, i.e., the alter. Once the scroll has the 7 seals broken it folds out and Divinity and humanity is rejoined. Note, only Jesus is worthy of doing this. If this is this rejoining, then the first seal has to be Resurrection Sunday, sent by the lion creature – conquest by the Lord through His Church and doesn’t return until for later than we think. Natural attributes of Jesus last forever, thus the bow has no arrows. Jesus conquers by beauty alone and the crown was from Calvary’s Tree.


Second seal horse sent out by ox creature and is all about blood. Jesus shed blood (horse is red) and that of His Church. The power to take peace is given and will not last forever. He did not come down to bring peace but I think we can only use force to defend ourselves if we are in that situation (R 6:3) Jesus will ultimately yield the sword – the sharp sickle of R Ch. 14.


The third seal must be opened by the creature that looks like a man because it is about justice, divine and human, so the scales are a divine attribute. God was right when He said to Adam – if you disobey Me you will surely die – breaking God’s Law results in death, even if it means the death of God’s only Son – thus the black horse. A fair day’s wages was an issue in John’s day also right down to very minute detail as it certainly is today.


The fourth seal is most important and also most difficult. I couldn’t work it out – so much blood, death, swords?? The beauty of the Bible is its simplicity – there are only good and bad. So there must be 4 alternatives: good kills bad; bad kills good; good kills good and bad kills bad. The second seal appears as good kills bad; certainly Jesus does and He became worthy to annihilate evil at the cross.


The fifth seal is bad kills good and God is not concerned that much about bad kills bad. Then it struck me – this now since the Cross is about the Lamb – He is the One who is in control as He is the One who breaks the seals in order; first, 2nd

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The apparent discrepancies are explained by (R 17:17). So it is God who is truly in control. He knew the impact of every stone that hit Stephen; was in control of every muscle of every animal that jumped onto those first Christians; will be in control of the death of every last day martyr (in fact, is counting every drop of blood) and it was God the Father who handed God the Son the cup to drink from on Calvary’s Tree. We have just had the explanation in the third seal why it had to happen (DIVINE JUSTICE).


So, the 4th seal is quite simple. The creature that looks like an eagle (God) is going to allow ¼ of the earth to fall by the sword, but it is only a temporary death, (thus pale horse). So the question is asked of every person being redeemed. “I died for you so that you could be for an eternity with Me. Are you prepared to die for Me so that I can be there for an eternity with you?” All will answer, “Yes Lord”, so there are only martyrs in Heaven. Those who actually go through this martyrdom are literal martyrs and those (the majority, I think) who don’t are symbolic martyrs. The first lot of martyrs was by wild beasts, so the last lost will probably be the sword (or laser beam).


The 5th seal is a fascinating one and occupies the majority of time. The SDA’s are the only one I know that have the right state of the dead (DEAD), so this must be figurative language. Their question of (R 6:10) is answered in (R 10:6) but they have a white robe and they are under the alter (i.e. the interface). Their questions are perfectly valid and in the right order judgment is followed by avenging.


The 6th seal only opened when that last drop of Christian blood fills the cup of mercy and the Lord appears. Events and signs have already been given in Mt Ch. 24 and this is the witness scripture. Here again scripture uses figurative language, as every human being cannot be in a cave at the second coming. I take the caves (enclosures) as skulls and the covering rocks as hands. Thus even though the events are indescribable when the Lord arrives and we fall where we are as dead people (not breathing, with hearts stopped). We are still allowed two reflex actions – we must turn over and lay face down (caves) and cover our head with our hands (rocks).


Before I tell you the rest of Julius’s story, I will tell you a bit of Lester’s story in Heaven (along with the redeemed). You can’t believe the beauty of the place and you know you shouldn’t be there. You know the Master is on His way and He is checking for those who are not properly dressed, but you plead just for another second before you are thrown out into the darkness. And that is why this is the loudest sigh that has ever been heard when the elder answers his own question (R 7:13-17). This is a serious question – you had the robe of Christ’s righteousness but did not know it? Thus we have to go through the 7 stages of initiation in Heaven. But even at the start we boldly now walk around holding out our new robe, but now (Ch. 8) begins with the breaking of the 7th seal and the unrolling of the scroll – now fully and stunningly visible and John cried when he saw the outside cover, so imagine what happens now. There should be stunned silence for a million years but time must move on and God only allows ½ hour. We have come the hop, step and now the jump of history, (last 1,800 approximately to bring up the 7 7’s).


The specific prayers mentioned are for the priestly prayers for those left behind as they pass through Jesus’s hands. The 1,000 years in Heaven finishes when the prayers, incense and fire are put back into the golden censor and hurled back to earth. Thus the last trace of earth leaves Heaven, the golden censor probably pierces the shaft to the abyss to release Satan and the earthquake alerts those on earth the door of mercy is abut to close. For the foolish virgins the trumpets are blown as a final warning.



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The trumpets are only partial punishment (1/3 destroyed) but bowls are full on. God creates in love the earth, sea, rivers and stars over 4 consecutive days, but destroys (partially) over approximately 1,000 years probably. People with the seal of God are perfectly safe, but a lot is expected of them, especially in trumpet 5 & 6 & 7 which are the woe trumpets. Trumpet 5 looks bad but is really mild when compared to No.6. This is the last time the 5 foolish virgins are to use their talent. As the population are going through this pain they are supposed to say, “Come and join us and receive God’s seal and you will be protected like us.” But they do not.


Trumpet 6 is the release of the dead and the 200 million horsemen. Now we should look at the standard God uses in judgment. There is absolute pandemonium; people dying the most horrific, painful deaths – first they are stung and immobilised by the tail, then the horse turns around and burns them to death with burning sulphur but they would prefer to go through this death than to repent and give up their idol worship. The foolish virgins are again unaffected, but refuse to evangelise. The redeemed in Heaven see this and are convinced there is no hope for this lot and want God to finish off time.


He now begins with His appearance as a Mighty Angel (R Ch.10). All the attributes of Jesus but carrying only a small scroll – the essentials of salvation. He anoints John as one of the 2 witnesses (Elijah probably the second) and this means that John has never died before, as this would now be his second death, which is Hell. Other witness scriptures say John is still alive and will be the second witness is: (R 10:11) John must prophesy AGAIN. John has the message (R 10:8-10), he is told to measure and count (R 11:1) also John 21:21-23 and somewhere it says Jesus said that some of the people in front of Him would be alive in end day events. John’s first task is to measure and count. There are so many temples here now (none in original position) that to identify them John will have to measure as only one was rebuilt to the original God’s plan and there are still the original 144,000 left behind not one was hurt or killed.


Most people were convinced before the Lord’s second coming was these fundamentalist Christian was the problem and that is why God will allow us to be slaughtered. You see when the one world order was declared and the one world religion (September 11, 2015???) you could believe anything you wanted providing you believed in EVOLUTION. We refused because evolution is the cruelest and most inefficient way of making new species and the God of our Bible is a God of love and efficiency. When the Lord took the remainder of us to Heaven with Him the world  left behind had to prove we were the problem and allowed anyone and everyone – Jew, Muslim, 144,000, Buddha, etc. to build a temple in Jerusalem – that is the reason why there was such a plethora of temples there. Note the total exclusion of the gentiles now, they would much prefer to be burnt by burning sulphur from the horses’ mouths than to repent – it is now only about the 144,000 foolish virgins the simplicity of their message:  put in sackcloth and preach repentance and the incredible back up power given and God’s shekinah Glory has returned to the proper temple (Ch. 11:4) of which Satan will take advantage of later. Note how clever the beast is though – he started his count of 1,260 days from this appearance and attacks and kills these two witnesses on day 1,261, then will justify this event that he should lead the battle of the harvest. Note it is the gloating of the inhabitants of the world that closes the door of mercy, and is the opposite of praying for our enemies. The taking of the two witnesses in a cloud (God’s Shekinah Glory now leads to events which determine future outcomes on which I will rely on. The door of mercy has closed with such a bang that it has set off a major earthquake. We really have to take the temple (God’s temple) and count the houses and the people around it and count 7,000 people because that is not only the area that cracks and subsides, but does it big time (6 – 10 kms deep) because the people (worldwide with TV) are terrified and give glory to God. This is not the same as repentance but we can now add that all created knees and tongues have confessed that Jesus Christ is Lord.


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The 7th trumpet is about to be blown so we can say it’s all over rover (R 10:6). Verses 15-19 are the chronology of the rest of this Book right to the end – the opening of the temple in Heaven. Ch. 12, 13, 14 rerun time from creation to consummation also. Ch. 13 is just before the second coming and can only really be understood with the help of Daniel (particularly Ch.7). I was going to add this as an appendix but because this Chapter 13 is heavily reliant on it and Daniel Ch.2, I will spend a bit of time on these first. I am sure Daniel Ch. 4 is just as significant but I am still working on it and Ch. 11.


In Daniel (D) Ch. 2 the four beast are consecutive – Babylon knocked over by Medes and Persians knocked over Greece knocked over by Rome, i.e., they are separate as in D (7) but they are also concurrent – they must be if the Rock is to strike them down and grind them into a powder and throw them into the wind to disappear altogether (D 2:32-35). This grinding will only occur at the very end of time some 4,000 years later so who/what are these entities so well bound and enduring? It can be Babylon because it long ceased to exist and Greece is but only a shadow of its former self. So I take Babylon as evil within the heart (it is almost equal to the Dragon (external evil) in strength and the two never challenge each other). They are independent as the Dragon watched the beast arise spontaneously out of the sea. The feet, the iron and clay beast and the 4th beast of Ch. 7 was Rome which is really about emperor worship or false religion. I have no problem with internal evil and false religion last to the end. (D 7:11-13) tells us that this section which is about Calvary’s Tree that false religion was not only slain, but its destroyed body thrown into a blazing fire and once the feet have gone the other three fall over also. But this did not happen at Calvary. Not only did this head make a remarkable (miraculous) recovery no wonder the people were so amazed (R Ch. 13:3) the remaining three sections were stopped from falling over (D 7:12). Even though I have no problem with the head and feet, the other two are far more tenuous as I realize they must also explain Daniel Ch. 8, 9, 10, 11 & 12.


Greece, I take as democracy so this allows powers like USA to be players (evil). Out of all these powers the chest and arms of silver being Iran and Iraq could be major players right through to the end of time – but if the other 3 are symbolic, then it must also be. Because of their animosity to Jesus I take this monster as Islam (both branches). In reality there was only one real judgment – Calvary’s Tree (D 7:9-12). So Daniel looks forward in time and John sees the same 4 looking backward in time – only these 4 come into play before the second coming so the remaining 3 (really 4) heads are of no consequence to us. The beast gives himself away when the question is asked, “Who can make war against him?” It has to be the UN and it is they who will declare the one world government and one world religion. It is who will slaughter God’s people until there are only 288,000 left forcing God’s return. There is very little room in jails even if emptied especially for us so it is the sword by which most will fall.


Now for the beast out of the earth: Evil seems to copy good so we have a Holy Trinity and therefore an unholy trinity. The images are God the Father mirrored by Satan, God the Son mirrored by the beast out of the sea and God the Holy Spirit mirrored by the beast out of the earth. I still struggle with the question, what is the main function of the unholy trinity? Is it to receive worship or to hurt God via His people? The beast out of the earth is very good at mimicking the Holy Spirit in its relationship to Jesus. He is hell-bent on directing everyone on worshiping the beast out of the sea. Just as it is natural for evil to arise from a multitude of people (beast out of sea) so it is also spontaneous for evil religion to arise from these people like the earth arose from the sea on day 3 of creation. I compare the image of the beast to an image of Christ. If I was convinced that it was a good idea to make an image of Jesus, I would say that provided it portrayed Jesus as God, Jesus as man, Jesus as Creator and Jesus as our Redeemer, it would be a fair image; and there is such an image – it is called CALVARY’S TREE.




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The image of the beast would have to portray no God, no man, no redeemer and no creator. This image is called EVOLUTION. The powers that God gives to this beast are amazing, it gives life to evolution (probably one of the people washed away in the flood is found in some strata, i.e., THE MISSING LINK, [is no longer missing] we will not be able to argue its human-like features and our objections to its age will fall on deaf ears – it looks like the Lamb and has 2 horns like it – (humanity and divinity), and the only way to distinguish it is to listen to the blasphemies it has to say. Is it so powerful because of the miracles it performs or do the people just want to see them to confirm their present beliefs? If we don’t worship the image the scenario is quite simple. Have only plastic money. To get your card you will have to sign. You believe in evolution (mark on forehead) or use the card (mark on hand). Either mark is mark of the beast and precludes you from Heaven. Without the card you go hungry and the terror laws will automatically apply to you – loss of property and car. So the result is you have zero and are an object for the full use of the Law against you, the TERRORIST. The number 666 is very controversial but if this is what is to be used against us God must give us an answer (see also R 15:2). Unless someone already has a definitive answer our group should have a forum on it.


Thus we have come to the second coming and after the second coming only three items are of concern and what the Bible is about – The Bridegroom, the Bride and preparing the Bride for an eternity. Everything else will disappear. So far the Bride can unequivocally say – get rid of the rest of them – they would much prefer to be burnt to death with sulphur than to repent, then to bring them to Heaven to be with Jesus would be equivalent to putting them into Hell.


But now, the more serious question, what effort does Heaven make to bring in the rest of the harvest? The first fruits now splits scripture (R Ch. 14:4) just like the word, THIS, did in R4:1. The first fruits were spotless but the rest of the harvest a total failure. Could Heaven have done something to prevent this? Firstly, what is this harvest?? One property it must have, it must be of the same substance as the first harvest. You can’t offer grapes in first fruit then go and harvest the wheat. This then automatically includes the 5 foolish virgins (144,000 sealed left behind). The harvest must be much larger than the first fruits. Only God knows the number and I take it as 144,144,000. It must be a significant number as it requires its own battle and probably judgement. It would include the people who wrote the legislation to exterminate Christians, the ones who knowingly carried out the orders (these would only be in the 1,000’s at best) so it must include the ones who approved of our deaths. For a while they thought of actually joining our group but decided it would be too hard so they turned against us. This was the lot that the 144,000 were to evangelise to but that was a total failure and all that is left behind is the 144,000 because they were not subject to the burning sulphur horses and did not have to make the decision like the 144 million or the rest of humanity. So now to answer the direct question – what effort did Heaven make to save the five foolish virgins:


  1. It sealed them and allocated them to a tribe in Heaven.


  1. It sent the first angel (R 14:6) the same as the two witnesses of Ch. 11.


  1. It sent the second angel (R 14:8).


The foolish virgins ignored the two witnesses, were protected during the 7 trumpets and were also protected during the full-on destruction of the bowls (R 16:2), ALL because of the seal they received (R 7:3).



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But now the tide turns and Babylon has fallen (see also R Ch. 18). So whereas there was only one evil unit before (the unholy trinity) now is split into three and where there was one battle now there will be two and finally, the two beasts will turn on each other (R 17:16). But even though they disagree on many things, they realize that now even in their weakened state they have to destroy good. They should have done this whilst they were in a united state, but now the beast has his plans and Satan has his. Either way, if they are to march against good they must get rid of the good amongst them – the 144,000 or they could turn against them in the battle. The 144,000 are now in an untenable position – they must die either they replace the seal with the mark and march against God’s army (result inevitable) – the third angel (R 14:8-14) or they can keep the seal and be killed by the beast (R 14:12-13). Either way, they will die. I am fairly sure that (R 14:13) is ‘plan B’ of salvation – had Eve stopped with her bite this is what would have happened to her.


Now for the two battles: here they are called the harvest and the clusters of grapes. They are different and by looking into R 14:14-20 will cover same battle of Ch. 19 and 20. The beast (along with the false prophet) send the call out to battle. It is a specific call and only the 144 million respond. The beast says, “I very nearly wiped that lot out before and if Jesus had not returned, there would have been no one left. I am the one who took out the two witnesses that caused us all those problems. Even though they had divine power I still killed them. Now is the time to complete this work, come and join with me against Christ and His followers even though they are in Heaven.” Note Satan uses R 16:15 to counter this. From God’s point of view, this battle must take place because these 144,000 cannot go to hell because they have not experienced their first death yet and hell is the second death. They are also called those who destroy the earth (R 11:18) because they cannot be put into hell and will therefore consume all the earth’s resources. After this battle all evil will have died once and can now be put in hell. This harvest is not gathered (like the grapes) but is left to rot supplying the grapes with fertilizer.


Only very few respond to the beast (out of approximately 14 billion) and Jesus is very selective with the sharp sickle because only the harvest is ready but not so the grapes. Some time after the grapes ripen and Satan uses lies and distortions of scripture to gather all for the final battle. He insists it was he who dried out the Euphrates, exposing the Holy City to armies from the east. He asks everyone to note how quiet the temple is as it sits surrounded by 6 km deep cracks. He does not tell them that God’s Shekinah Glory returned with the witness (thus they are zapped from Heaven and not sideways from the temple). The result of the battle is obvious but this time the grapes are gathered. I calculate that 14 billion people with 10 litres of blood each would make a pool 300 km long, 112 cm high and approximately 80 m wide. What are the dimensions of the Jordan? Note that there is no first fruit from this harvest. It is totally rotten from start (Adam & Even ate the grapes) right to the very last.


My first intention was to skip Ch. 15 as it is here I have most disagreements with my SDA friends. But this is about a great AND marvelous sign in Heaven so these are my present thoughts. When scripture uses ‘last and completed’ does not mean that all has been exterminated and vaporised, e.g., Babylon has fallen. Yes, it did fall on that fateful night but its final expunging took place a long time after or the events for its destruction are now irreversibly been placed into position. Thus it is with God wrath (R 15:  ), but at least it is all about to be over. The sea of glass (R 4:6) now has the fire from Calvary’s Tree added to it with those who had been victorious standing along side it. The difficulty that arises is that they sang the song of Moses and of the Lamb – we are now to combine the imagery, symbolism and ceremony with the new and the last, so where did these ceremonies point to in the song of the Lamb?



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On the surface, both lots have just crossed the sea leaving the enemy behind. Only Lord God Almighty could have come through Calvary’s Furnace (‘great and marvelous are your deeds’ seems a bit of an understatement). Your ways and judgements are true and just and who in Heaven will not fear You and bring glory to your Name (the Lord’s Prayer). We have been split into Tribes (Nations) and bring Him worship for an eternity. No doubt many pages have and could be penned comparing these songs together. But now for the hard part, and I would expect this to be totally rejected.


The Old Testament on its own only and solely points to the New Testament. It is the moonlight we study under when the sunlight is too bright. At first, I will begin by totally rejecting SDA putting Azazel as Satan, as Satan cannot be a part of any offering, let alone the most important offering – the sin offering. The goat had to be perfect which Satan is anything but, and the High Priest transferred all the sins onto him – Satan is not responsible for all sin and God does not transfer sin onto us; sins which are not ours. So, who is this second goat of R 15:5-9? Also, if Satan represents the second goat which is released into the desert to reproduce and live, then sin would also do this and the Jew would have to go home knowing his sins live on in the desert. I think we have to go back to Adam & Eve. When they sinned, God probably killed two goats; one for Adam’s intentional sin and one for Eve’s unintentional sin; thus two goats for the sin offering. If this were the case, then the intentional sin required the shedding of blood but the unintentional sin only required death.


The goat was pushed over the edge of a cliff and torn to pieces validating God’s warning, “If you eat of this tree you will surely die.” So where are the sins of the redeemed now? Lester: if you say they were expunged on Calvary’s Tree and do not exist (after all, it is God who has accepted Calvary’s Tree as perfect) and with your last breath reject Jesus Christ, which you are entitled to do at any time, then it would mean that Jesus died for someone going to hell – impossible. Your sins, Les, and those of the redeemed have to be somewhere and can be returned to you if you wish. But we know when Jesus ascended in Heaven taking His Blood, the perfect sacrifice, and there is no trace of God’s wrath for the redeemed – they are forgiven completely (past, present and future sins), the moment they accept Jesus as our Saviour and we don’t have to worry about them again. Could the Old Testament be of any help? The blood of animals, including goats, was sprinkled on the curtains to the Most Holy Place and also taken inside. After a few days it would have begun to decay and produce a foul odour and so we need the incense and the prayers of the people to create a sweet aroma and cancel the stench of sin, which can only be done with God’s mercy. The majority of the blood, however, was taken and thrown against the alter and ran in an open channel outside the temple. (The wing where Jesus hung in, Daniel 9:27), i.e., sin was transferred to the sanctuary via the blood and remained there until the High Priest transferred it onto the second goat, which was then led away. In Heaven there is only one offering when Jesus ascended taking His Blood and the beauty of this offering we will still be stunned by after an eternity. There is also only one transfer of sins and God’s wrath (R 15:6-7). God’s wrath is a divine attribute and will be returned and replaced back into the golden censor (never to be required again (R 15:7)), but the sins remain to be consumed by Peter’s fire.


Thus, the Bible begins with God creating in love and ends in God destroying in wrath in the same order things He created over the first four days. The fact that God’s wrath is poured out onto these objects means they will ultimately be destroyed even if it appears to take some time. The plagues come out of the temple itself but God’s wrath is only added by a creature outside and not the other way around.



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Surely this is the basis of the Old Testament also. Whilst sin and hell remain we cannot enter into a state of perfection. Many will regard the above as blasphemous that Jesus Christ cleared Heaven of any and all defilement. The fact remains that both the plagues and the wrath came from Heaven. The smoke in Heaven is due to the glory of God (R 15:8) whereas the smoke in the earthly MOST HOLY PLACE was taken in by the High Priest with incense to prevent him from being struck down by God’s Shekinah Glory whilst pleading for mercy with the blood of the slain animal.


So Ch. 15:8 finishes with 11:19. We still have R 11:18 to fulfill. The first four bowls are fairly self-explanatory and confirm the 144,000 still have not received the mark of the beast and will come through the bowls unscathed. The fifth bowl is of interest because R Ch. 17 is based on it (final judgment of the dead R 11:18) but it is important to realise that it is the angel that has caused the beast’s kingdom to be plunged into darkness and it is the angel who dries up the Euphrates in the 6th seal and not Satan as he claims. Evil may well realise that Babylon is about to collapse so it is making a hurried attempt to gather all for the final battle, Armageddon. But why R 16:15, and in this particular place??


It appears that the deceit of the unholy trinity is s convincing that the 144,000 are thinking of changing their allegiance to the beast, which they don’t do until after the split in Babylon, occurs. The witness scripture to this would be (R 14:12-13). The 7th bowl could be the split in time-space with all its horrific consequences – the main one being the fall of Babylon and all the cities of earth. The fall of Babylon is still to be accompanied by all the consequences of Ch. 18 but first Ch. 17, the judgment (first) then the punishment of the great harlot that occurs (i.e., the judgment). We are told three times when the beast “now is not”. You would think that this great harlot would not require judgment – i.e., it is not only a false religion but the worst of the false religions – who can she try to put the blame onto? Well, she blames the beast – “he made me do it and if I did not obey he would destroy me.” This, in fact, does ultimately occur in (R 17:   ).


So the judgment must take place when the beast “NOW IS NOT”. So what is the worst of false religion? For the answer we go back to the 5th bowl. All the world, except the 144,000 is now going through excruciating pain. They can’t blame the beast because he is not there. The height of false religion is (R 16:10-11). “Men gnawed their tongues in agony and cussed the God of Heaven because of their pains and their sores but they refused to repent of what they had done”. Whereas before this the angelic hosts had all written off evil there is now positive pressure on God to exterminate evil; the elephant that was in the room when we arrived in Heaven and is now about to be totally revealed. Notes and timetable for Ch. 17 appear to be:



+ 10 horns

1st       2nd      3rd      4th      5th      6th      7th      8th   King as beast


  1. I am still to be shown an abomination and filth then righteousness by works and holding up a cup filled with the greatest curse known to humanity – alcohol – and calling it the most precious thing known to humanity – JESUS’S BLOOD.


  1. Only the first four heads are required by the second coming so they are named. I take the remaining 4 to be USA, China, India and the U.N.


  1. The 6th head is in operation in the fifth bowl when the judgement of the great prostitute occurs.



Page 15.


  1. In R 17:8 we again see a reason for the 144,000 switching allegiance to the beast.


  1. The shortest reign would have to belong to the eighth head and 10 horns as they gather to fight against the Lamb and His followers, i.e., 8th King.


  1. It is during and shortly afterwards this battle that they turn on each other (Verse 16).


  1. There appears to be an expansion in time for God’s specific reasons (Verse 10).


  1. It is the Lamb who accepted the role of restoring the perfect union between Divinity and humanity and who breaks the seals even though He may use other instrumentalities to accomplish His purpose (Verse 17).


Ch. 18 begins with probably the fourth coming of our Lord. It is certainly He who announces the fall of Babylon. His appearance now is required because of the final call to the 144,000 foolish virgins who have been duped by now by some pretty amazing signs performed by the beast and evil spirits. So they cannot say “the beast that you did send did deceive me”.

Verse 2 – the fall of Babylon (the unholy trinity) follows closely to the fall of literal Babylon but in reverse order – it did and is a haunt for evil spirits, it did fall whilst they were mocking “the weakness” of God to allow His temple objects to be drunk out of, and the evil of excessive riches at the expense of the poor. Verse 4 – the final call for the foolish virgins is equally applicable to us with the same consequences – She is about to be consumed by fire. Very difficult to explain how the Kings of the earth not only get out of her but also actually see her being consumed by fire. Their fate must have already been determined by (R 16:11). More amazing still is that the King’s sea captain and sailors take God’s warning and get out but the foolish virgins do not. They certainly miss the trade that includes all commodities (Verse 11-13) and are upset (Verse 15). They do have a spiritual dimension as they realise that good has triumphed (Verse 20).


Verses 22-24 show that even though Babylon was evil – the unholy trinity, evil in Cities, all murder amongst some of them – it was still permeated by God’s people who probably played divine music (not many harps in rock bands) men working in God’s field (one taken) women working on the millstone (feeding God’s harvest and bringing up children). The lamp of Gospel being shone around the marriages almost certainly were not same sex but all was in vain and all were led astray by the magic spells.


Chapter 19 begins with the full apparition of the elephant in the room. The Heavenly host now not only acknowledges the existence of evil, but see its detail and the detailed punishment of it. So the elephant is now obvious – WHAT ABOUT US – You not only know every intentional sin of those left on earth for which they will suffer in hell and you know the areas which were and are defiled by these sins, what about us? On Calvary’s Tree you not only suffered for our intentional sins but also our unintentional sins, which outnumber the intentional ones. The old sacrificial system covered unintentional sin with the exception of theft (which had to be restored + 20%) and lies, which had to be publically confessed to be forgiven. Other intentional sins – idolatry, blasphemy, Sabbath disobedience, adultery, blasphemy of parents and murder were subjects of stoning. BUT JESUS CHRIST YOU COVERED FOR ALL THESE SINS AND THAT IS WHY WE CARRY THIS BEAUTIFUL WHITE ROBE – SHOW US NOW SOME OF THIS BEAUTY – GIVE US FINE LINEN SO THAT WE CAN SEE PROGRESSIVELY THE BEAUTY OF THIS WHITE ROBE WHICH WE CONTINUALLY OFFER TO GOD AS THE PERFECT GIFT.




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The fire linen (the Holy Spirit) allows the White Robe Calvary’s Tree (JESUS CHRIST’S RIGHTEOUSNESS) to be worn comfortably and presented to God the Father. THUS WE HAVE THE HOLY TRINITY OF ETERNITY.


Thus we now have a difference between us and the prodigal son and we perform our FIRST righteous act. Yes, we do go back to the Father, yes He is anxiously waiting for us, yes He does cover us with His cloak, yes He does throw us a splendid party but the difference is we bring the Perfect Gift to Him which even He cannot refuse and has acknowledged as Perfect. Thus the Wedding has now taken place. Verses 9 & 10 are ones Satan has a particular problem with even though he knows the Bible from Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:21 is the Word of God. So why is Verse 9 a particular problem to Satan? He insists that because John is in vision he cannot adequately express what he sees and hears. This is a lie because John is told to “write”. Satan also insists on the doctrine of predestination. “God has created a few of us to be at the wedding and looks after these to the point of spoiling them rotten. He doesn’t really care about the rest. Another lie because he knows those specially invited all failed to attend. Some had donkeys; others had land they wanted to check out (both invalid reasons). The master then sent his servants out in the cities and even the country where the unclean were (particularly lepers). Thus all are invited and the sun shines and rain falls on all. It is our choice whether we make it there and it is only on God’s terms. (He rules with an iron scepter).


With the marriage completed it now only remains to remove evil from the face of the earth beginning with those who were so successful in nearly destroying us before. Thus the battle of the harvest. But why has it taken nearly 2,000 years for us to demand and be given fine linen? Only the Lord really knows but I suspect it is the humanity that we retain and will also prevent us from ever understanding fully that act of perfection – Calvary’s Tree.


The harvest puts up only feeble opposition and the Lord shows us why He allowed to happen to us what did happen at the second coming. Compare the wedding of the Lamb to the great supper of God. The bodies undergo their first death and as in Ch. 19 their bodies are not gathered.


Ch. 20 has only received a cursory treatment. The difference between my expose’ and all others I have seen is that it doesn’t follow directly from Ch. 19, i.e., the eight King but returns back to the second coming. I will pose some questions and attempt to answer them.


  1. If Satan knows he is to be bound for 1,000 years all he has to do is to instruct his generals, etc. what he wants done whilst he is locked away and his work of deceit will continue during the 1,000 years.


Answer:  Peter 2:4  The hierarchy of devils was bound at the fall and all that is left are the workers – the ones that require daily supervision.


  1. Why is Satan released 150 days before the unrightous resurrection? They now claim when we want to sleep Satan was there and when we wake up he had already been there for 150 days. Therefore the devil that you put there did deceive me (the Adam & Eve question).


Answer:  The dead do not really have any claims as they had their chances whilst alive. The 1,000 years onwards is really only about the living and the foolish virgins. The devil still has the great chain around him, which could prevent him from deceiving the risen dead. His main focus would have to be on the foolish virgins.



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  1. Why MUST Satan be set free?


Answer:  Because the people are desperate and demand it. In my scenario, after the second coming the world under the UN enters into a period of peace proving that it really was that lot of Bible-based Christians that was the problem. With no wars, poverty is easily eliminated and the focus of research is to crack the genetic code and to produce life. This is essential as there are no new births after the second coming. Work progresses well for the first 600 years and by 800 years the code is cracked only to find they can’t produce life anyway and the desperate call goes out for Satan’s release. When released, Satan reprimands the world for not realising this and their efforts should have been to alter the chimp (or whatever) code so as to make it human like and evolution would require only a shorter time to make a human being.


Revelation 20:11 appears to have two judgments – the living and the dead. The dead-dead are no problem. These are from the beast battle, the crazed horsemen, the earthquake (7,000) and others. In Verse 13 they are raised from the sea and Hades and destroyed in hell. The living dead, those raised in the second resurrection and are judged using two books are a problem that I have no solution as they appear to go through their third death in hell. Their first death was overcome by the second resurrection; their second death was when they surrounded the camp of God’s people and now their third death in hell, which is anti-biblical.


Chapters 21 & 22 are about the new heaven and earth. It would be presumptuous to try to add to Gods description or to improve no it.Here are some thoughts on it:


1: It appears that even if God destroys the old creation He recreates using similar atoms___gold, oxygen,silicon  etc.                                             2:Atfirst I could not relate how an inanimate object (although stunningly beautiful )like the New Jerusalem could be called a bride the same as Gods living people for whom He died. Then I realized the text where this occurs Daniel 9 :24_27 would have no meaning unless this was the case.Here we have 7×70 for all these things to be accomplished. Calvary’s Tree occurs at 69 ½ so there are3 ½ years to accomplish all these things.This appears to be saying that Calvary”s tree is of no value unless Gods church was established which took 1260 days for His Church to enter into Jordan’s river far enough to see the Man in white above the waters and never think of turning back to Egypt.Thus God regards His Church as a unit ____His people and the place where they will spend an eternity in. 3:  If the light of the sun is replaced by God’s presence theynmust be of a similar nature. This would mean that mankind has no chance of understanding the nature of light and our present Uncerntainty principle of momentum-position and particle-wave concepts are a gross oversimplification just as saying carbon dioxide +water gives sugars in photosynthesis.The same would apply calling water H2O.


Unfortunately  even though the typist did a good job it was not the corrected version that was published so there are a number of corrections to be made but first I will add the additions.


1’The trumpets cannot begin to blow until our prayers are packaged and hurled back to earth at the end of the 1000 years.Our priestly prayers are so powerful that they prevent God ordained  calamites from occurring . Thus the word THEN (R 8:8). To overcome the apparent clash in time you have to assign dates to the events. I don’t know but assume that Jesus is coming back on 1-1-2017 then—

A.1-1-2017 is the start of the millennium.

  1. 1-1-3015 is the end of the millennium when the bowl of prayers is hurled to earth and the trumpets blown. God created the earth over 6 days in love but now partially destroys it over 4 days in wrath.

C.first trumpet on 1-1-3017

  1. second trumpet on 2-1-3017
  2. third trumpet on 3-1-3017

F.fourth trumpet on 4-1-3017

G.fifth trumpet on 5-1-3017 when the key is given to the   star that arrived on earth 4 days ago and it will open the  Abyss (R 9:1) and the 150 days  will begin followed by the sixth trumpet. We may have had 1000 years of unprecedented peace but now we have a year of calamities not experienced since the Flood.




If Paul was present in  R 5:8 ie he was one of those 24 elders  present in Heaven  7 seconds either side of 3 oclock  on Good Friday then he is indeed was

the greatest of sinners on at least 3 grounds:

1.He voted Jesus to be his savior (R 5:12-13) yet continued to prosecute His people.

  1. Noah who was there (R 5:13 the imprisoned souls) would have gone to Paul and told him “How can you do this to Jesus people – we were both there  and we voted Jesus as our redeemer”

3.Pauls greatest strike against him was always Stephen. He would and did kill to get that peace and serenity that Stephen had. Pauls reply was “The only reason I was taken to Heaven was because I am trying to do what God told us to do over a 1000 years ago”. It took the Master Teacher 14 years of full time teaching to orientate Pauls mountain of knowledge in the right direction. When Paul was blinded on the road to  Damascus he  knew he had seen that blinding light before. The only problem that remained was what body did Paul have when he was in Heaven.Noah and the other resurrected souls that Jesus preached to would have had new resurrection bodies which went to Heaven but Paul could not have had his sinful body there as it would have defiled Heaven— so what did he have in Heaven?



Question. Why can chapters 18 &19 not only talk about Babylon being fallen but actually being destroyed by fire (R 19:3) when the  2 battles have not taken place and all 3 entities of Babylon ( the 2 beasts and dragon )are still alive ?

Answer. ( R 19:3) “The smoke rises from her for ever and ever”.The deep core of evil is still there, thus the smoke, but the fire has been put l out.-their method of operation – evil trade ,murder etc. The smoke will only cease to rise when the fires of hell have done their work on them.




This question was addressed but only poorly answered earlier—THE MIDNIGHT CALL   (Mat 25:6). When this call goes out it is already too late. The Church will awake only to find half are wise and half are foolish and are going to hell. God could not and  would not allow this to happen without major warning in His Holy Word. Let us look at those warnings.

1 (Mat 24:15). The abomination that causes desolation


The fire linen (the Holy Spirit) allows the White Robe Calvary’s Tree (JESUS CHRIST’S RIGHTEOUSNESS) to be worn comfortably and presented to God the Father. THUS WE HAVE THE HOLY TRINITY OF ETERNITY.


Thus we now have a difference between us and the prodigal son and we perform our FIRST righteous act. Yes, we do go back to the Father, yes He is anxiously waiting for us, yes He does cover us with His cloak, yes He does throw us a splendid party but the difference is we bring the Perfect Gift to Him which even He cannot refuse and has acknowledged as Perfect. Thus the Wedding has now taken place. Verses 9 & 10 are ones Satan has a particular problem with even though he knows the Bible from Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:21 is the Word of God. So why is Verse 9 a particular problem to Satan? He insists that because John is in vision he cannot adequately express what he sees and hears. This is a lie because John is told to “write”. Satan also insists on the doctrine of predestination. “God has created a few of us to be at the wedding and looks after these to the point of spoiling them rotten. He doesn’t really care about the rest. Another lie because he knows those specially invited all failed to attend. Some had donkeys; others had land they wanted to check out (both invalid reasons). The master then sent his servants out in the cities and even the country where the unclean were (particularly lepers). Thus all are invited and the sun shines and rain falls on all. It is our choice whether we make it there and it is only on God’s terms. (He rules with an iron scepter).


With the marriage completed it now only remains to remove evil from the face of the earth beginning with those who were so successful in nearly destroying us before. Thus the battle of the harvest. But why has it taken nearly 2,000 years for us to demand and be given fine linen? Only the Lord really knows but I suspect it is the humanity that we retain and will also prevent us from ever understanding fully that act of perfection – Calvary’s Tree.


The harvest puts up only feeble opposition and the Lord shows us why He allowed to happen to us what did happen at the second coming. Compare the wedding of the Lamb to the great supper of God. The bodies undergo their first death and as in Ch. 19 their bodies are not gathered.


Ch. 20 has only received a cursory treatment. The difference between my expose’ and all others I have seen is that it doesn’t follow directly from Ch. 19, i.e., the eight King but returns back to the second coming. I will pose some questions and attempt to answer them.


  1. If Satan knows he is to be bound for 1,000 years all he has to do is to instruct his generals, etc. what he wants done whilst he is locked away and his work of deceit will continue during the 1,000 years.


Answer:  Peter 2:4  The hierarchy of devils was bound at the fall and all that is left are the workers – the ones that require daily supervision.


  1. Why is Satan released 150 days before the unrightous resurrection? They now claim when we want to sleep Satan was there and when we wake up he had already been there for 150 days. Therefore the devil that you put there did deceive me (the Adam & Eve question).


Answer:  The dead do not really have any claims as they had their chances whilst alive. The 1,000 years onwards is really only about the living and the foolish virgins. The devil still has the great chain around him, which could prevent him from deceiving the risen dead. His main focus would have to be on the foolish virgins.


Page 17.


  1. Why MUST Satan be set free?


Answer:  Because the people are desperate and demand it. In my scenario, after the second coming the world under the UN enters into a period of peace proving that it really was that lot of Bible-based Christians that was the problem. With no wars, poverty is easily eliminated and the focus of research is to crack the genetic code and to produce life. This is essential as there are no new births after the second coming. Work progresses well for the first 600 years and by 800 years the code is cracked only to find they can’t produce life anyway and the desperate call goes out for Satan’s release. When released, Satan reprimands the world for not realising this and their efforts should have been to alter the chimp (or whatever) code so as to make it human like and evolution would require only a shorter time to make a human being.


Revelation 20:11 appears to have two judgments – the living and the dead. The dead-dead are no problem. These are from the beast battle, the crazed horsemen, the earthquake (7,000) and others. In Verse 13 they are raised from the sea and Hades and destroyed in hell. The living dead, those raised in the second resurrection and are judged using two books are a problem that I have no solution as they appear to go through their third death in hell. Their first death was overcome by the second resurrection; their second death was when they surrounded the camp of God’s people and now their third death in hell, which is anti-biblical.


Chapters 21 & 22 are about the new heaven and earth. It would be presumptuous to try to add to Gods description or to improve no it.Here are some thoughts on it:


1: It appears that even if God destroys the old creation He recreates using similar atoms___gold, oxygen,silicon  etc.                                             2:Atfirst I could not relate how an inanimate object (although stunningly beautiful )like the New Jerusalem could be called a bride the same as Gods living people for whom He died. Then I realized the text where this occurs Daniel 9 :24_27 would have no meaning unless this was the case.Here we have 7×70 for all these things to be accomplished. Calvary’s Tree occurs at 69 ½ so there are3 ½ years to accomplish all these things.This appears to be saying that Calvary”s tree is of no value unless Gods church was established which took 1260 days for His Church to enter into Jordan’s river far enough to see the Man in white above the waters and never think of turning back to Egypt.Thus God regards His Church as a unit ____His people and the place where they will spend an eternity in. 3:  If the light of the sun is replaced by God’s presence theynmust be of a similar nature. This would mean that mankind has no chance of understanding the nature of light and our present Uncerntainty principle of momentum-position and particle-wave concepts are a gross oversimplification just as saying carbon dioxide +water gives sugars in photosynthesis.The same would apply calling water H2O.


Unfortunately  even though the typist did a good job it was not the corrected version that was published so there are a number of corrections to be made but first I will add the additions.


1’The trumpets cannot begin to blow until our prayers are packaged and hurled back to earth at the end of the 1000 years.Our priestly prayers are so powerful that they prevent God ordained  calamites from occurring . Thus the word THEN (R 8:8). To overcome the apparent clash in time you have to assign dates to the events. I don’t know but assume that Jesus is coming back on 1-1-2017 then—

A.1-1-2017 is the start of the millennium.

  1. 1-1-3015 is the end of the millennium when the bowl of prayers is hurled to earth and the trumpets blown. God created the earth over 6 days in love but now partially destroys it over 4 days in wrath.

C.first trumpet on 1-1-3017

  1. second trumpet on 2-1-3017
  2. third trumpet on 3-1-3017

F.fourth trumpet on 4-1-3017

G.fifth trumpet on 5-1-3017 when the key is given to the   star that arrived on earth 4 days ago and it will open the  Abyss (R 9:1) and the 150 days  will begin followed by the sixth trumpet. We may have had 1000 years of unprecedented peace but now we have a year of calamities not experienced since the Flood.




If Paul was present in  R 5:8 ie he was one of those 24 elders  present in Heaven  7 seconds either side of 3 oclock  on Good Friday then he is indeed was

the greatest of sinners on at least 3 grounds:

1.He voted Jesus to be his savior (R 5:12-13) yet continued to prosecute His people.

  1. Noah who was there (R 5:13 the imprisoned souls) would have gone to Paul and told him “How can you do this to Jesus people – we were both there  and we voted Jesus as our redeemer”

3.Pauls greatest strike against him was always Stephen. He would and did kill to get that peace and serenity that Stephen had. Pauls reply was “The only reason I was taken to Heaven was because I am trying to do what God told us to do over a 1000 years ago”. It took the Master Teacher 14 years of full time teaching to orientate Pauls mountain of knowledge in the right direction. When Paul was blinded on the road to  Damascus he  knew he had seen that blinding light before. The only problem that remained was what body did Paul have when he was in Heaven. Noah and the other resurrected souls that Jesus preached to would have had new resurrection bodies which went to Heaven but Paul could not have had his sinful body there as it would have defiled Heaven— so what did he have in Heaven?



Question. Why can chapters 18 &19 not only talk about Babylon being fallen but actually being destroyed by fire (R 19:3) when the  2 battles have not taken place and all 3 entities of Babylon ( the 2 beasts and dragon )are still alive ?

Answer. ( R 19:3) “The smoke rises from her for ever and ever”.The deep core of evil is still there, thus the smoke, but the fire has been put l out.-their method of operation – evil trade ,murder etc. The smoke will only cease to rise when the fires of hell have done their work on them.




This question was addressed but only poorly answered earlier—THE MIDNIGHT CALL   (Mat 25:6). When this call goes out it is already too late. The Church will awake only to find half are wise and half are foolish and are going to hell. God could not and  would not allow this to happen without major warning in His Holy Word. Let us look at those warnings.

1 (Mat 24:15). The abomination that causes desolation gives us our reference – the book of Daniel particularly chapter 12.This expose is based on the time from the awakening of the righteous dead (Dan 12:3) to the time when the power of Gods people has been FINALLY broken ie the two witnesses return to Hea.ven after the door of mercy closes, as being 1260 years (Dan 12:7) But there is still a time when the Daily sacrifice is abolished. To make sense of these dates and to correlate Daniel, Revelation and Mathew I have to assign numbers even though I have no idea what they are and maybe bordering on the absurd. On the day Gods people are to begin last day trials (Dan 12:11) ie the start of the 1290 days Gods sleeping Church is made up of 5 groups of people-

Group 1  200 million people

Group 2  144,000

Group 3 144,000

Group 4  144,000

Group 5   144,000 Only the last two are Biblical numbers and will become the wise and foolish virgins.This makes Gods sleeping Church a total of 200,576,000  people.


One possible scenario is the precipitating event is the declaration by UN of a world religion.Christians refuse to accept any god other than our Lord and God JESUS CHRIST. They are declared to be terrorist organisation ie cessation of the daily Sacrifice as far as the world is concerned and the beginning of last day events. It takes 30 days for this proclamation to take effect and be enforced. So we now come to the beast out of the sea beginning his great slaughter (R 13:1-10).He rises to amazing heights ( R 13:8) as he slaughters 200 million of Gods people. They are easy prey as  they organise protest meetings  against these unjust laws and are taken by the sword (or laser). It is a very sharp rise to power and fame  and his fall is so dramatic the next beast actually has to FORCE the people to worship this first beast (R 13:12).–very kind of him as he could have received all the worship himself — sounds as if he is scared of this beast. So we arrive at the end of Revelations 1260 or Daniels 1290 days having lost 200 million of Gods people but with 576,000 remaining. Now the abomination spoken of through Daniel appears. This is the beast out of the earth and his reign of terror will last for 45 days. It is the when the Church awakes with its remaining 576.000 people. The new beast kills 288,000 people (groups 2,3). ( R 13:15) so when the Lord arrives there are only 288,000 people left. Group 2 are no problem as they are wise virgins and will go to Heaven. The problem is group 3 who are foolish virgins  who die for the Lord and along with the surviving 144,000 foolish virgins are going to hell. The only Scripture to justify this I can find is (Mat 7:23-24).The history of the foolish ones is well documented and no doubt Heaven made the same effort to save this lot as it did with every soul.


This has been a rough outline of what Holy Scripture has to say about last day events and if these are indeed last days it would have been revealed to 100s if not 1000s of Gods people who have published or are about to publish on the Net.

I will now attempt to fill in more details of what Scripture has to say about these events by a series of questions and answers.

QUESTION 1. Could you use Mathew 24 to throw more light onto last day events.

ANSWER. Significant use has already been made use of this chapter about the two working men and the two women ( M 24:40,41) but these do not address the main issue-the three questions of the disciples. In every commentary that I have seen assume that Jesus says 98% of these stones will be thrown down and 2% will be left behind ( or whatever the %that remain in the existing  foundations that are visible today). Jesus actually said 100% of these stones will be thrown down and the witness Scripture is 0% will be left behind ( Mat 24:2). There may have been partial fulfilments of this prophesy but its full fulfilment is still to come. The 3 questions which Jesus answers in the reverse order are;

  1. When will this happen ?. (Mat 24:32-51)

2 What will be the sign of Your coming ?. ( Mat 24:15-31).

3 And of the end of the age ?. (Mat 24:4-14).

Firstly question 3.The only time when every created creature is present at the same time (ignoring those taken up to Heaven) is when the two witnesses are on earth and this Gospel can be  now taught to them .This is before the door of mercy closes and is rejected by all except the foolish virgins who retain the seal of God through the Bowls (R 16:2). This question takes us to the end of Daniels 1260 years. During this time and in fact through all history we must be aware of false prophets. Today we are told by most Churches that if we have a warm feeling in our belly, read the Bible and do some good works we will be saved. NOTHING COULD BE FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH. We can only be saved if we are under the new covenant ( Heb 8:10) We have Gods Law written on our hearts and we rely 100% on how Jesus kept  and fulfilled this Law. No wonder our place in Heaven is so secure !!. Not only do these teachers keep us out of Heaven they turn people against God. I could not think of a better turn off against God than the teaching of eternal punishment. Here we are in a state of perfection in Heaven for an eternity whilst watching the overwhelming majority of humanity screaming whilst they are roasted and toasted. Sin could not be infinite and be classified  as intentional and unintentional and be committed by finite beings. The fires of hell are like every fire and will cease and perfection will begin. God conquered evil at the Cross and the fact that God allowed time to run in equal portions under the Old and New Covenants is His prerogative. The old Covenant began with God Himself killing probably two goats and the end of time will be the fires of hell going out and the Bride and Bridegroom entering the New Jerusalem.

Jesus admonition about being put to death ( Mat 24:9) certainly applied to the apostle John if he was to be kept alive and be one of the two witnesses as it will apply to Gods people especially before His second coming.This also applies to all the calamities. Verses 10-13 are most problematic if applied to this period, but certainly applicable to the second coming. If the witness period is indeed involved then the 144,000 foolish virgins are indeed in for an uncertain time. But they must come through it as they retain their Seals of God for the Bowls. I was going to address this as a separate question but if the Church of the last days is really the church of the one talent then doesn’t the servant go to the Master and  hand in his talent ie the seal of God and cannot be any longer be protected by it during the Bowls ?. That is the reason he goes to his master at the end of Daniels 1260 years. He has been through a really hard time and wants no more of it. He also wants no more of this sackcloth  and repentance stuff.( R 16:2 ) actually says it is the people with the mark of the beast that are hurt. The 144,000 foolish virgins may have only returned the talent and yet received the mark of the beast. Against this we have they had every intention of handing it back but it was TAKEN from him by a Heavenly being ( Mat 25:28). But the trump card is ( R 14:13) these would not be blessed by God at death if they did not still retain the Seal of God. If the hour or day is unkown then why set dates?Jesus did not know in His time on earth (giving us an idea in the split of His humanity and  Divinity) but He certainly knows now and why does the Holy Word give us these numbers if they have no meaning?. ALL Scripture is inspired there to teach us.

Question 2 has  similar events to Revelation and question 1 I think has already been covered.


QUESTION 2. Where does the Bible say the seven Churches at one level are the initiation we go through when we get into Heaven and why these particular stages?.


ANSWER: If God Loved us so  much He died for all our sins and would have died for us if even we were the only ones being saved He is not likely to treat us as  a mass production line in Heaven. Each church in Revelation has the phrase ” to him who overcomes I will “. The obvious answer to this is SPEND AN ETERNITY WITH ME IN PERFECTION but it does not say this but gives seven detailed statements. By Personally welcoming each of us God is also introducing the  people we will be spending an eternity with. If there are 200 million redeemed  and the initiation process takes 7 days ( all of Gods Commandments including the Fourth stand or fall as a unit even though there no day or night in Heaven ) it will be some 4 million years to complete but a drop of the ocean that fills the universe. In the remainder of  this presentation I will use the same meaning  of  ” place ” that Jesus used when He told His disciples He was going to prepare a place for them. To find my place in Heaven come in through the east gate and turn left at the fifth street and  it is the tenth house on the right hand side. My position may be anywhere in Heaven and I still cannot work out why I should walk outside the walls if Gods throne is inside them. We must keep in mind what Paul said about his appearance in Heaven–words could not begin to express the beauty of what he saw. The seven stages of my initiation are:

EPHESUS. In the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve sinned they lost both their position — they were thrown out of the Garden –and their place -an angel was placed at the gate to prevent  them from entering back in. Contrast this with satan who only lost his position and was allowed to return to see God. He only lost his place after the most vicious of battles ( R 12:8). After this time he was confined to earth. Both lost their position because they disobeyed God but Adam and Eve lost their place as well because if they had reentered the Garden and eaten from the tree of life they and evil would have lived forever. The only reason I can think of for satan not losing his place at the Fall was the door of mercy had not yet closed on him and had he repented he would have been saved. Its closure was for the same reason as for the rest of humanity –and they did gloat–and has already been covered. So the first part of my initiation is the restoration of the right to eat from the tree of life and therefor live for an eternity.

SMYMA.  This message would have been most comforting for this suffering Church as it will be in last days. For me in Heaven who is still stunned by the beauty of this place (in fact if Heaven could be represented by the ocean and I was now shown one drop of that ocean I would physically begin to glow –there are no words in any language to express this beauty ) I need some reassurance from someone who can be trusted –you will not be hurt by a second death Which occurred for you by My One and only begotten Son. The peace that those words will bring can only be fully understood by a sinless person.

PERGAMUM. We are now just short of the climax of our initiation so a lot has to be packed into this message and has already been covered on page 6. It is reassuring to know that Gods Word is eternal and in fact our last battle ( not Gods) is fought under this banner ( R 19:13). The true beauty of the Sabbath Day is restored after being lost by humanity and at their expense for all those millennia.

THYATIRA. We now arrive at the climax of our initiation. The events themselves are very straight forward but fitting them into a timeframe is not. We demand the Holy Spirit to reveal some of the beauty of what Jesus did for us on Calvarys tree ( R 19:7,8) and it is done for us and we join our Lord in the battle against the living.We are perfectly well placed to judge here as we know Gods way and have His scepter  and our right to dash the people who don’t was established way back on Good Friday. I will update dates and events at a later time.

SARDIS. Again this is a fitting statement to the climax we have been through and reassures us  of what we have just experienced. Jesus is and will remain our intermediate between us and God for an eternity.

PHILADELPHIA. We are now ready to move into the new Heaven and earth and it is by the same Door by which we got into Heaven by and which was opened and never to be closed again by Luther and his lot. RIGHTEOUSNESS BY FAITH. The difference is that now we become part of that door and have His Name and that of the City written on us. Nothing could be more permanent than that.

LAODICEA. It only remains to be told of how close our relationship with Jesus will be  but not on how many occasions. The fact that we eat and drink and the new the New Heaven and Earth has similar elements and compounds as our earth shows God did not use second hand materials in His first effort but only the best.


QUESTION 3 How much of our humanity do we retain in Heaven and our earthly experiences?

ANSWER. At the end of the 1000 years all our prayers along with MUCH incense and  fire from the  altar are returned to the gold holder and are hurled back to earth. To my wife in Heaven I am no longer her life long partner whom she so desperately wanted to come to Heaven with her but now just a number ( probably the number of conception that I occurred at ?? 7,654,321,012 ).Now I am  one of those stupid human beings left behind who insists on doing things his way and Heaven has made provision for them if they change their ways—- their prayers of repentance have incense and fire to ascend to Heaven. ( much incense will last for a long time) Included are the  prayers the saints prayed for each other which were such a big deal during those 1000 years but now have become totally  insignificant as those prayers for our enemies which quelled the fears of our elders the judges. So is there any humanity left at all —yes and much of it. I have already made a case for our Heavenly bodies being similar to that of Jesus after His resurrection. Our last battle is fought under the banner THE WORD OF GOD ( 19:13 ). If we also enter Heaven under this banner then at least 3 aspects of our existence must be involved  .ONE. Christ our creator. We His creation will live in His New Jerusalem in His new Heaven and earth. He speaks these into existence out of nothing just like He did the first time. TWO. It is Christ the Word that became flesh and will dwell amongst us for an eternity but with provisions so we can appreciate Him (  though not fully as we are not full spirit ).  THREE. It is Christ the Written Word and if it is going to last for an eternity  can only apply to the Bridegroom, the Bride and the preparation of the bride for an eternity. All other references must be to the Bride’s preparation and will have no meaning after x number of years. Would not it be lovely if we could answer with the surety that Jesus answered satan “it is written” and that settled the argument every time and satan fled. Satan well knows our doubts and cuts us to pieces. So in Heaven we are always aware of what Jesus did for us because of His unbelievingly  beautiful Nature . If you believe that Jesus would come to earth and live the perfect life, die the perfect death and come up in the perfect resurrection for you even if you were the ONLY person being saved you have begun to see that Jesus. The thrill of doing a website like this is that some of the comments say they are now starting to remove some of this doubt. It should be very obvious to all that I am computer illiterate and because the errors and typos have confused many people something I will now  to correct. It does however put the heavy onus on those people who have had similar revelations on Scripture to also publish — your excuse that you are not computer literate is not valid. God has many such people out there whos duty it is to contact you and me and to arrange this presentation  as God’s Word. I have been overwhelmed  by  the response to this blog and if you are one of those waiting  for a response  and you have the ability to help  could you please contact me and state the date and time you sent your comments to J.Kudrynski  14 Highway ave,  Wollongong. N.S.W  2500 , Australia .Until something  significant happens I will continue to overwork this index finger.


Quiet a number of people  want more insight on certain subjects. This is probably because  the first explanation lacked coherence. So  these resulting  comments will be largely  a rerun of existing text. The main focus has to be the restoration in the trust of God’s people in His Word and the preparation of His people  for the midnight call  ” here comes the bride–“.The events must logically fit into the  7,777 years 7 months 7 days and 7 hours of created time.


question1.  How many battles are there? (2)


Ans. Initially both satan and the beast out of the sea decide on one battle. Satan is most upset he was drabbed  and  bound for 1,000 years and this happened on his territory!!!!.The  beast is likewise upset that his kingdom was plunged  into darkness  taking him out of the picture. They decide that the only way to prevent this is to make war against   Jesus and His people and get rid of them for good. ( R 14:14-16) It is however God’s plan that is the determining factor  by the Word that  the second death is hell  (this phrase will give us  more problems than any other). As time approaches the final end there will still be people who have survived about 1,750 years ( plus the age they were at the Second Coming) and as these people have not gone through a first death they cannot go through a second death  (ie  be put into hell) These  are the people  involved in the first battle with the beast. They are the battle of the living and referred  to under the following names : Ch 14 calls them the harvest and includes the 144,000 foolish virgins who have changed their allegiance .Their bodies are not gathered but left to rot and be resurrected  ( R 20:13,14) judged and thrown in hell. In ch 19 ( R19:19-21)  they fight against the rider on the white horse and his army ( they are already married as they have their fine linen) defeated and whatever is not eaten by the birds is left on the ground. Ch 18 separates the living and the dead and thus the sea captains come out and do not march into this battle–they only see the smoke rising  after the battle.Now  about the other lot the dead ( R20:12). and  ( R 14:17-20) .If we follow them in ch20 we are told they are deceived by satan go and surround God’s city and are struck down by fire from Heaven. Satan’s deceit is Bible based. He asks the dead to notice how quiet the Temple is as it surrounded  by deep cracks which was set off by the earthquake caused by the slamming shut of the door of mercy. ( R 11:13). He does not  tell them it was quiet because God’s  glory returned along with the 2 witnesses to Heaven. Instead he tells them it was because he had dried the river Euphrates and now his armies can march on and defeat the city that God loves. This is why  the Temple is so quiet–it feels vulnerable. They obey his instructions and march and surround the city.There is no problem with judgement occurring at this stage. Most of these people have come a long way with one intention—to destroy God’s people. Their must be another dimension involved to account  for the 2 pictures we are given. Picture 1– God’s city surrounded by evil people surrounded by earth surrounded by sky outside of  which is  God on the great white throne. Picture 2— Peter’s fires (presumably) destroy the earth and the sky and leave the  dead standing in front of the great white throne. Why have not these fires also destroyed those bad people? Could they have been removed to another dimension? All we know is they are thrown  into the lake of fire which is the second death.


Question 2.Do all the Redeemed have to go through a first death?


Ans Yes. Our second death has been taken by Jesus on the Cross.Well what about the 144,000 who are alive and taken to Heaven. ( and Elijah and Enoch)?. The Church fails us as it is asleep and this is but one example of this. For Christians our death is the Baptismal font and this is the only death we have to go through. You wouldn’t think so by watching a baptism in progress.In and out of the water in under a second or worse still pouring water onto an infant who has no idea of what is going on .We should stay under water as long as we can to begin to realise the magnitude of the event we are experiencing. This is it!!! That place we so richly deserve to go to (HELL) is now no longer an option–unless you think this is one of the many Bible lies and if it is you are still missing out on an incredible sense of everything that is good. ( I can cannot find words to express the magnitude of your loss). This does not mean you will not fall asleep for a short time— but that is all that it is  SLEEP. The most beautiful human being  I have known ,my mother-in-law, is asleep today.Yes she is greatly missed but who would want her taking the 50 odd tablets  a day, the pain, the gasps for air   etc. sleep well granma and it is our blessed hope to see you in Heaven.


QUESTION 3. Are there two plans of salvation –one for unintentional sin (those deceived) and one for intentional sin? Where there is no Law there is no sin.


ANS. God is only concerned for the wicked as far as  until they show that they would prefer to die by the crazed horseman than to repent It is at this time that Heaven give up with the wicked and when John turns up as one of the two witnesses he is specifically told ( R 11:2) “But  the outer court, do not measure it because it has been given to the Gentiles. They will trample on the holy  city for 41 months.” God now is only concerned about the foolish virgins. They believe in the hocus pocus produced by the evil spirits ( R 16:14 ) even though God trumps these by many factors including His third  ( R 10:1) and fourth appearance on earth ( R 18:1). His final warning  is ( R 14:13).The biggest blessing that God can bestow on any one is to allow him to spend an eternity with God. The next biggest would be to take his place for him in hell .Thus God’s final Word (and this is not just the best presentation that John in indescribable  circumstances  it begins with God’s instruction WRITE ( R14:13) ” Blessed and the dead who die in the Lord from now on.” “Yes says the  Spirit ” they will rest from their labor, for their deeds will follow them.” And Heaven could do no more. This is plan B of salvation that the foolish virgins would have experienced had they retained the seal of God. It is also what would have happened had Eve’ s sin stopped at this stage and Adam screamed ” God You must appear immediately look at what the woman  has done—–” Jesus would have died for Eve’s sin (it was He Who said  “if you disobey Me you will surely die”)  if she had repented , but she would not have gone to Heaven just like the foolish would not have  gone to Heaven .Isn’t all I have proven their repentance was not genuine???  So salvation plan B was for the foolish virgins if they turned up with the seal but no oil and for Eve if she  committed no other sin.This just makes me realise  that I am beating  around the bush and not addressing the main issue. If  the main intention of this site  as well as many other sites is to strengthen God’s people’s confidence in His Word then surely we must address the greatest destroyer of that confidence EVOLUTION.


Evolution would have no foothold if it was not for  the millions and billions of years they claim for the age of the earth. The reality is even if the world was trillions  upon trillions of years older there still be would not  be enough time to accomplish these feats. These and many other issues of creation are addressed on many excellent sites from the world of academia down to ordinary level. ( just type creation into google) As with Revelation I want to approach from the level of Jesus’s disciples (except that Paul). Not that there is no  room for academia and Bible based academics could throw much more light on this beautiful Book.


It appears that I have under estimated the role of evolution in last day events. I have the majority of God’s people being killed by the beast out of the sea but Jesus warns us it is the abomination from Daniel which is the one to watch. I will have to rework the numbers. It seems a pity that the sleeping Church did not realise that the Bridegroom would come after 45 days after the midnight call. If it did anyone with more than 45 days of oil could have given it to those who were short and specifically asked for it.


There appears to be two models for the history of time  ; Dawkins Mount Improbable and  Biblical Mount Certainty. In Mount Improbable we have a series  of uphill mutations over a very long period of time when the goo he starts with finishes up on top of the mountain as you via the zoo. He does not use the vertical cliffs  ( which I would use and call them “punctuated equilibrium”) just the gentle slopes. In the Biblical model everything starts at the top of Mount Certainty when God declares His creation to be very good ( Gen 1:31  ).WE thus have two ways off this mountain—the vertical drops which we call mass extinctions and the gentle slopes which we call mutations. It does not matter where I look in the past or present I can only see mass extinctions or deleterious mutations. So which model do I believe in?


People do not realise that the secular history of time goes something like this—-Once upon a time a long, long time ago there was nothing which miraculously turned into a fog. Now in the fog there was a bog with a log which had a cog that caused a dog to come out of one end and out of the other end hopped a frog.  The dog was wrath with the frog but the frog escaped by turning into a beautiful princess. The dog turned  into a handsome prince. They were married and had many children. Each day they would sit by the bog ,eat hog and watch the children play with the dog and the frog .When the fog would lift they would all go for a jog to stop them from getting the wog which may evolve into a zog. Now this child is the real history of time –past present and future!!!!!!!!


The discussions on evolution are usually very short and terminate when our evolutionist has to admit the only way we can get from simple, lifeless amino acids to the indescribable  complexity of just  the simplest cell ,net alone an organ or whole organism  is  by way of increases in genetic information . This occurs via natural  selection which is death and a shocking loss of genetic information. The obvious question is — how can there be an INCREASE in genetic information when there has been a DECREASE in genetic information? If you can explain an object is white because it is black then you will have no problem in explaining all the shades of grey. But satan does not give up that easily. So far we have an absurd model with an absurd explanation with an absurd mechanism so all we have to show is the time factor of millions of years and the evidences for are also absurd then the only other explanation ( the Bible ) is lily white. One of their first experiments  (Uren & others) certainly was absurd. He sparked gases he thought existed  at the beginning of his world and finished up with a tiny amount  of mostly toxic chemicals. From  this experiment we can draw the conclusion that if we are struck by lightning we  will still live providing we get struck 300,000 times more by lightning in the next 21 days. So hang on there if you do you will not die — you will certainly will  have a lot of potential!! Lightning is their source of life !!


I wish it was as easy to disprove their time scale. You cannot turn on the tv or any other media without being bombarded by millions of years. Surely you ask (and rightly so) how can all those scientists be wrong ? My arguments are along these lines;


  1. Finding a very young object inside a very old object disproves their old ages. The example I use is absurd but it is only there to make the point. The 2 objects are a double decker bus with compliance plate 1-2-1924 in a Permain coal seam of indisputable age of 200 million years. Yes I am digging away in this coal seam and I come across this bus. All the scientists in the world with their best arguments could not convince that this coal seam is 200 million years old –rubbish I would say rubbish! there are any number of sites that show young objects ( usually trees in order of 1000 ‘s years old) in very old layers ( usually coal or sandstone said to be many millions of years old) Rubbish I say rubbish) In fact you have made the same mistakes in  arriving at both of your dates.


Other evidences for a young earth are plentiful ( I acknowledge that the theory of relativity does allow for a young earth but an old universe – it all depends where you are in it ) and available on a myriad of creation websites .Whereas my material on Revelation I have not seen anywhere else ( does not say it doesn’t exist) my thoughts on Genesis are a regurgitation of what I have read over many years and will  probably be doing these sites an injustice by reproducing them. These thoughts I now present Have not been very effective with my family or friends and in fact maybe a recipe  for what not to do. I am only following the Lord’s instruction to all of His followers– Once you warn them you will no longer be held responsible. These ideas are also what make me tick.


Before you entertain  any ideas on evolution you must realise it has only ONE main function– to take you away from God and His Holy Word. It will be replaced by chance  ( it just happened for no reason ) and where you had truth and light you will now have darkness. ( dark matter floating in dark energy with dark flows with frogs becoming princesses etc, etc.) Evolution is the cruellest and most inefficient way of producing anything and it is blasphemy to say that the God of the Bible  ( God of love and efficiency –just look at His creation ) used evolution. The Bible in both it’s sections stands or falls as a unit. Even Richard Dawkins ,the most ardent atheist , can see that Christianity is meaningless unless Genesis is taken literally ( if the first Adam was not a real person who disobeyed God then there as no need for the second Adam –Jesus Christ.)  By siting on the fence and accepting evolution as part of God’s creation you are not only in danger of losing the respect of both sides but of falling off the fence and losing your eternal life. The only reason satan is so effective in destroying our Faith is because he uses  our ignorance as a lever to generate doubt , something he could never do with Jesus but just fled. The Book of James specifically warns us about this ( anyone who had been through his experiences would also be able to pen such beautiful words but I am still a long way to go .) Jesus accepted me the way I emerged from the Baptismal Font but I still have much rubbish to sell Him so He can refine it and hand it back as gold ,white clothes and salve ( R 3:18).


To disprove the concept of chance I use 4 objects of increasing complexity –a cup, a computer, a car and a Concorde. There is every chance we may find a cup that has formed by chance ( lava thrown into the air and just landed in water and gave this shape ) It is another thing to say this could have happened to a computer .One pleasant memory in my retirement  is having taught retired people  machine language .( Assembler and yes it was the perfect example of the blind teaching the blind.) To say suggest the software or hardware happened by chance is absurd in the extreme. It becomes even more absurd, if that is possible, to say a car with this computer occurred by chance. (  not only now do we have bits moving through registers and onto stacks as marked out by stack pointers –I can’t remember what the other 9 registers did, we now have this complex machinery causing TPS moving,spark advancing, brakes being applied etc. But more is still to come. You can multiply all the above complexity by millions and finish up with a Concorde. I would be the first person to admit I should be locked up with the criminally insane if I was found digging a hole  in my back yard and hoping to find a Concorde already  fuelled up and ready to take me on a holiday. If this is the case then why shouldn’t you be locked up with the criminally insane for thinking that a living CELL which is millions of times more complex than a Concorde has occurred by chance???.Even if statistical thermodynamics does allow for such an event they would still be lifeless chemicals . To justify such an absurd theory there are 2 classes of evidences — wrong and fraudulent. There is no  point  in bringing these up with your evolutionary friends as they realise without them there is nothing left. It is your duty as a parent to point these out to your children. Again the various creation sites do a marvellous job  in exposing them but I must tell you about my favourites.


SIMILARITY. Because there are so many similarities between these objects ( whatever they are comparing ) how else could you explain them?  Well if I could find 100 or 1000 or millions of similarities  between my nose and a Jumbo jet it would not prove my nose evolved from a Jumbo jet ( I think this is the right way around when I look in a  mirror and I am a 1944 model and  should prove my stance ( it is supposed to be wrong and confusing)) All it proves when 2 complex objects are compared then similarities must occur. As a creationist I  would say being a perfect God He would only give these creatures the best designs. There must be a stage when there are so many similarities  that evolution at least becomes a viable option. Using Avogadro’s  number as the number of cell reactions in our body  ( just a guess and also the number of  drops of water in


the sea ) per second if the earth is covered with books with the similarities between us and a banana to a depth of one metre then there  is still no need to panic ( halve the banana’s DNA is the same as ours ) they have still accounted for about a half  of what they are supposed to account for.


FRAUD. Haeckel’s drawings, pepperred moth , Piltdown man Nebraska man and dozens of others were fraud and if all were  excluded the cupboards would indeed be bare. To their credit Piltdown forgery was admitted but why not cancel the 55 PHD’s which were written about this fraud ? It would be my duty as a parent to look up the complete list and compare it to those appearing in my child’s textbook. I am going to leave you to look these and the up yourselves as it can get fairly technical .


A final word.If a lower seconds chemistry (thermodynamics)  allows oneself to be called a thermodynamisist  ( spell checker says their is no such word ) then I at Least can call myself a pseudo thermodynamisist and even in my field I find questions with no answers like; if delta G =-RTlnK then any reaction with a K value of less than one could not be spontaneous as the negative log term would cancel the existing negative. Clearly this is not the case as most reactions in nature are spontaneous and probably why God made all those brilliant enzymes. This equation itself is a problem as the third law defines entropy to be 0 at  0kelvin and if free energy is also 0 this would make enthalpy 0 which is not the case. It may be at a minimum but not zero. I will include  a section in the appendix of some other doubts I have. Needless to say it is not only Economics that can be defined as ” the subject where the questions remain the same it is just the answers that vary”. Physics could certainly be also be included!.


During this discussion I have deliberately misled you just like secular scientists do by not distinguishing between experimental science and historical science. Historical science stands behind those people in white coats and laboratories and all those inventions they have come up with and claim their discoveries have the same credibility. They do not and it is the results of these pseudo scientists that challenge the Word of God and which inturn I challenge. We  both look at the same mountain ,valley and  river and they see a small amount of water over a long period of time as doing all this erosion. I see a large amount of receding water  (especially if it was  banked up in a holding valley) rushing out in a straight line  and eroding a deep valley which in the 4000 odd years since the flood has been eroded by a small amount of water  which would account  for the fact there is a meandering river on the floor. This is what I see in many places. Furthermore I would expect that rushing water to deposit it’s sediment further down and entombing (fossilising ) anything in it. I consider it absurd to say a fossil took a long time to entomb. It either would have rotted or scavengers would have eaten it. As the Word teaches these events took place within one year  I would expect the layers of sediment to be almost parallel with no time for erosion between. Again this is what I see. The only thing geologists, cosmologists and astronomers have in common is they are sure  that the Bible is a lot lies. Have you ever wondered why these “experts” have to watch the daily news?  The geologist watches to find out if and where any earthquakes have occurred,  the astronomer wants to know if and any how many meteorites have landed (especially  if they have wiped out any city with nuclear processing facilities.) These “experts” have billions  of $s of public money and they can’t even do that !! They are too busy searching distant black holes to see if they have emitted another photon !!. If you can’t see what is in front of your nose how do you expect me to believe you telling me about far more distant objects.?? They are too busy searching distant black holes to see if they have emitted another photon !!. If you can’t see what is in front of your nose how do you expect me to believe you telling me about far more distant objects.?? The bottom line is if it agrees with the Word of God it comes from the laboratory and if it does not agree with the Word of God it comes from the lavoratory.

After all science is the study of that scrapheap called ideas . It is only through constant prayer and study of His Word that we can overcome the barrage of garbage that is being thrown at us  ( surprisingly by people in black with white collars ) to create doubt in His Word. God has also left us with many Christian websites to verify the truth in His Word . The bottom line is He will force no one to believe who does not want to. That is why it was so important to me for the Book of Revelation to answer of Adam and Eve –who is genuinely deceived and who is not?. ( R 12:3,4).

Another major problem that exists today with Holy Scripture comes from well meaning Christians. They do not want anything to do with the Old Testament. They only want to be like Jesus of the New Testament. The God of the Old  Testament  is too cruel— He orders women and children to be killed and what about all those innocent animals?(all blood and guts)–The Jesus of the New Testament would never do that because He is a God of love!! Can’t you see it is the other way around? The God of the Old testament obeyed the rules of war. Combatants die but non combatants live. Where do you get that in warfare today?. The U.S don’t even count the number of civilians  killed !! When the French and English bombed Libya did they not fire 5000 ( or was that 1500) cruise missiles into buildings full of women and children?When the wars in the Old Testament were against evil ( God had usually put up with this evil for a long period of time and yes God in His time will end evil)  it was the men and women who were evil so they were the combatants and they died. We don’t have to worry about the female children who were spared but what about the male children you may ask? The custom of the people in those days and even today is for the male child to avenge his parents death. So if I left a baby boy alive I knew it was only a matter of time until he came to kill me. It could be in 20 or 30 or whenever years. I would have to watch my back constantly and the older  I got the less capable I would be to defend myself. So I’m sorry about this but if it is my life or his then self preservation right through history takes preference .

To feel abhorrence against blood  sacrifices is to say the least a very strange reaction. Calvary’s Tree is the centre piece of our existence in eternity. Even after an eternity we will still  not be  fully able to appreciate its beauty. You would think with such an incredible beautiful event  where the Sonlight is just too bright for us to begin to appreciate that

God would allow us to see the event under moonlight— which is what He has done with the old sacrificial system of the Old Testament. There was only one way to restore humanity with Divinity– the cleansing agent  had to come from high enough ( from God) and fall low enough to reach humanity on earth. This was accomplished by Jesus Christ Who fully God and fully Man. The agent He used was none other than His Precious Blood. What  drove Jesus Christ onto that cross? . He could have got out of it on any number of occasions like when everyone feel down dead when Jesus  revealed His Divinity  ( John 18:6) all He had to say was that lot aren’t worth it and gone back to Heaven. So what did drive Him onto that cross?

HIS GRACE. Could not Jesus see the horror, the excruciating pain the anguish, the isolation from the Father with every  milligram of suffering we would cause Him. Could He not see that the milligrams would turn in grams and the grams into kilograms which would turn into many many tonnes that we would cause Him yet He still chose us?.It was His grace that put Him on that cross.

HIS COMPASSION AND MERCY. Do we not deserve to go through the fires of hell for trampling on His Holy Precepts like a pig tramples mud?. Yet He could not bear to see us go through that horrific suffering and that is why He took our place on that cross. It is His compassion and mercy that put Him on that cross.

HIS LOVE.  When Jesus looked  ahead in the Garden of Gethsemane could He not see us for what we really are; a hedonic, hypocritical , hysterical , horrible, helpless, hopeless, hateful ,hardhearted , yet haughty humanity made up of sinning ,sinful just a stinking agglomeration of dying cells. As repulsive as what He sees He still loves us with an infinite love. It was His Love that drove Him onto that cross.

HIS JUSTICE. Could He not see during creation week that humanity would fall and that God’s justice would demand the death of His only Son to meet the requirements of Divine Law? It was His justice that put Him on that cross.

HIS HOLINESS.  There are words which have no real meaning to humanity. Words like infinite ,perfect, and holy. We know that God is infinite, perfect and holy and we are the exact opposite finite, imperfect and blasphemous. There was no other way of rejoining these extremes other than by Jesus shedding His Precious Blood on Calvary’s tree. It was His Holiness that put Jesus on that tree. It should be with gratitude and confidence that we should look to Calvary and know our place has been assured.

Without the Old Testament to rely on (  Paul only had  the Old Testament when he wrote ALL Scripture is inspired and there to teach ( 2 Tim 3:16

) you become very easy prey for evolution. You have no problem with God using the cruellest, most inefficient way imaginable to create His creation. How can you claim that Jesus is a God of love?? At least you will not be affected when ,  as history shows, these lies when not accepted will be enforced by legislation and finally death. As this blog has now passed 20,000 words I have begun a new post

The Revelation of Jesus Christ (Chapter 2)






One Reply to “Blog one on Revelation posted 31/12/2014”

  1. You can certainly see your enthusiasm in the work you write. The sector hopes for even more passionate writers such as you who are not afraid to say how they believe. At all times follow your heart. “Until you’ve lost your reputation, you never realize what a burden it was.” by Margaret Mitchell.

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