Blog 30 on three – 11 –23

the previous start of my problems was when I decided to publish a blog on Mount Calvary and on magnetism. The site went blank and would not allow any access. I now have many bits of pieces to pick up in order to continue. It will take a while but I am going to try. Mount Calvary will need to be rerun which I am capable of but magnetism I am not. I want to be able to say, ‘I have attempted it’and maybe returned there in so many years time.
My idea of magnetism

I have just spent my day and writing up Magnetism. I held down control and the save button together and when I release them a blue circle Appeared. When it disappeared so did the whole blog. Someone there does not want to hear my ideas on magnetism is especially that they are relatedTo Mount Calvary. Another attempt tomorrow.
chapter 19 of the book of Numbers is a projection of time from Sinai to Mount Calvary, on 14 – one – 3889, Good Friday and the step of eternity into the Most Holy Place, the heaven of eternity. Much has been written of two of the players and they are to become central characters in the story from now on. Moses introduced all of the law and is now watching its fulfilment. He is near in a tent but it is Eleazar the priest who is in charge of proceedings between nine and 12. The problem is this service is not a part of the temple and not a part of heaven. Eleazar must make it so. But what has he to offer God with this unusual request? He wants the sacrifice not only to be accepted by God but he wants it and accepted at the highest level! There is no higher offering than the body and blood of the Son of God, Christ. This is a commemoration of the Last Supper and this was what was on offer. It was the total destruction of the red heifer . This occurred on 14 – one – 3889 between nine and 12, all the hard work have been done and it was done by Son of God, Christ himself. The end of this part this part sacrifice was concluded when the blood was split and waved towards the tent of meeting which was still some distance away. But it had been accepted as part of the temple service.
The service now continues by man who is clean and has already done the work of God.
by noon the sacrifice of the red heifer was complete and had been accepted by God the Father in heaven. The furniture of heaven may not have been complete but the raw materials were there. The body of Christ which had been ashed and was to become the throne of God and from it was to come and it is He who gathers up the ashes of the heifer and places them outside the camp. A different stage of the sacrifice is now to begin. There is a change of background scenery as light changes to darkness. There is a twofold reason for this change. The Son of Man must take every confessed sin on himself and take it to hell and to substitute the part of the person life with his own. And in the history of humanity the last sin was handed to Jesus at 3 PM on 14 – one – 3889. It only took Jesus one second to appear in heaven to hand the scroll to God the Father and to return to earth and to die on the cross.
the topic of sin is in deed difficult and controversial and I like others try to find a biblical solution. I find it best to work with numbers and even if I have to make up a number myself. I made up that 144 million were going to heaven. I made up the earth is 7777 years, seven months, seven days and seven hours before it is destroyed. Good Friday on Mount Calvary occurred at the halfway point. I made up that on days six of creation God created 14 billion human beings and that he allowed Satan to paint everyone of them with sin. I was painted with 20 million original sin, something I cannot get rid of, and even cross Good Friday could not do.


the biggest privilege a Christian-based Bible commentator could be given would be to be shown some intricacies of the cross of Good Friday on their deathbed. Such was my position. As the final step I called my Mel to bring the bread so we could celebrate the Lord’s supper, the body and blood of Jesus. I was really hoping she would say, “I think we should really have just the foot washing of Peter as that is the level at which you are at , dad. You do not need like Peter to have your head and shoulders washed just your feet. You will be shown the rest of the faith that you need when you are shown the risen Jesus. No matter, we still had a wonderful Last Supper. Body and blood of Jesus!
The source of my inspiration is Numbers chapter 19. It is based on the fact that there should be no separation within the body of Jesus. But there was. the cross of Jesus had to face where the temple was. Up to now the cross had not been accepted of the temple service and therefore the approval of the order of God. And entry into heaven itself.
when it came to being shown some of the intricacies of the cross Good Friday I thought that a mountain of information was being shown me but it was just straw. After eight years of blogging the little I knew about this important subject amounted to 0. I was bitterly disappointed in deed but I don’t intend to give up now. I will try to summarise the little I know before starting to expand on it. The source of my inside information was from numbers itself and that was that Jesus has allowed his blood to be split into two components. He allowed one of those to be split into seven and sprinkled towards the existing temple which was some distance away from Mount Calvary. The other component he allowed to stay with the cross. It was this critical split which allowed for the breakdown within the blood. The hard igneous rock of Meribah broke down to form ash and the blood breakdown into two components of water and blood. Satan liked the idea so much that he put it at the list of his requests to Jesus to carry it into Satan’s world of eternity. Change rocks into bread was going to happen in his world and under his command. Good Friday on Mount Calvary. But where have all the exchanges got us say at 3 PM on Good Friday? Presumably the sacrifice of the red heifer has because of the blood being accepted we have now moved into the tent of meeting. There is still a long way to go to enter the most holy place. Let us see what the text tells us.
Jesus could have chosen to be represented by Aaron on Calvary’s tree but chose not to. This was still a long way away from the Jews murdering Jesus on the cross but three-quarter time where we are at at the second coming and the start of the thousand years of rule without Satan. Jesus could have been represented by Moses but chose not to. Moses was the one who introduced the animal sacrificial system and a system which would cover time is even into the New Jerusalem. A very privileged position in deed. Jesus chose to be represented by Eleazar the priest. The other two were to fail in the next chapter. He took red heifer outside the camp and slaughtered it in his presence. 3 PM on Good Friday. Eleazar then takes some of the blood and sprinkles it towards the front of the tent of meeting. What happens next is hard to correlate with Good Friday but it seems like the time of fire from 9 AM to 3 PM. Jesus was the only spiritual being alive on Mount Calvary at the time.
when Michael defeated Satan at the birth of Jesus he was thrown down to earth. Not only did the earth become the exclusive of Satan so did an envelope of space around it. I take that space to be 1000 km wide. When a person dies he is the subject of Satan for a period of three days in which Satan may change his mind but not so after three days, we are out of that zone. After seven days we have cleared the area completely. Thus we have two washings, at three days and seven days after death. The Jews knew that Adam had allowed Satan to drag their souls through the worst of sin and that this had sustained them for life but there was nothing they could do about it until the arrival of the red heifer and the water and ash which resulted. That water and ash was available on the cross at 3 PM on Good Friday to Jesus and he was able to call, “ is Julius now able in my presence to be acceptable in the Most Holy Place?” I was because I had been washed by the water and the ash that was the result of Calvary. That cleanliness did not last for long after. It was the cleanliness attained by the Jews after being washed on day three and day seven. The sins we can be stained with include those which have been left due to contact with the bones and the body of the Satan and Adam combination. The contact can be removed by the water and the ash left behind from Friday on Mount Calvary. The original sin left by these two cannot and must await a totally different destruction, Peters conflagration which will see the end of this universe.
chapter 19 in the book of Numbers begins by introducing three characters, Aaron Moses and Eleazar. Aaron the high priest could stand in Christians/Jews but they already have been covered in the genealogy of Matthew or the people going to heaven and accepted Christ on Good Friday. Of interest are Moses and Eleazar. Moses stood for the cut-off point, when the animal sacrifices finished and this point was now, Good Friday on Mount Calvary.Eleazar the priest stood at this critical moment.. The old sacrifices were still there but were about to be replaced by Good Friday on Mount Calvary. Thus we have a beautiful explanation of one aspect of what happened on that day. We can’t speculate on what may or may not have happened had Moses not showed disrespect soon after but Moses was present on Good Friday on Mount Calvary. The first real sacrifice was conducted by LSR
correcting the previous error concerning Moses and Aaron. They made their mistake in chapter 20 about the rock of Meribah whereas we are in chapter 19 and they cannot be condemned for something they haven’t done. It is like condemning me for abandoning the Lord next week when I haven’t done it yet. Also recently I felt that the family get-together and hold the Lord’s supper because I felt I was to be taken from this planet very soon. This has not happened but the reason why I was being taken was because I was just too lazy. I did feel a little jealous but I was thrilled blog would be given to someone who is more competent. That may have in fact have happened but that does not stop me from writing my blog. The subject concerns Good Friday on Mount Calvary.
Good Friday on Mount Calvary is not mentioned in the old Testament and therefore first has to establish its mark. It has to be made a part of the temple service, even if that means a distant part of, whatever that distance between the temple and Mount Calvary happened to be. To do this Eleazar, Moses and Aaron had to pull all stops. They sprinkled seven times the blood of Jesus, the Son of God in its divine form towards the temple. This would change the nature of the blood for ever, never would it be the same again. The blood would become water and blood and the flesh of God would change from a hard crystallise substance become ash. This ash would become throne in heaven from under which a stream of water flow. And this is for the eternity to come. Just that one sprinkling of the blood could cause these massive changes. Some of the changes that occurred were foretold in the old Testament but many were not. It was a different sacrificial offering. Now what was on offer on Good Friday that was not on offer on the Day of Atonement? What about the similarities between them?
Both the Day of Atonement and Good Friday on Mount Calvary begin with a scapegoat. Only Good Friday that scapegoat is Christ the divine son of the living God. The depth to which he has cleansed sin has left a lot sick and diseased bones exposed. He did not get rid of those bones but the impurity that results from coming in contact with them. This did not happen on the day of the atonement. From one we are going to the Most Holy Place but from the other we are going to finish up on earth. The original sin left by Satan and Adam can only be dealt with the 200 mile River of blood when it burns and destroys this universe. No fire on earth can do this. The Day of Atonement did not destroy the body of Jesus Christ as what happened on Good Friday

.There was always going to be a day of atonement and the presence of God living among his chosen people. What was never envisaged to be was that his people would live in the Most Holy Pace, right alongside God. It happened because not because of Moses and Aaron but because of Eleazar. It happened because of the ceremony of the red heifer. It was the height of creation and it was the ceremony of Good Friday on Mount Calvary. The journey could only be accomplished with water that was held by the ashes reduced from Mount Calvary. While walking on this highest of paths I fell of and there was no God.
One night I tried to find God but could not. It is the birthright of each member of his creation, to call, “ My Father!” This call was being denied me. My legs refused to listen as did my head and many parts of my body. I wandered in a dark house but found no one. The only consolation would be in the bowls and the archers there would be excruciating pain as well. But I continued to search for God. All that is required was two words.

it must be obvious that the thruput of this blog indicates serious problems and it should be ceased. Before ceasing however I will lump problems together which may allow any future return.
[The three problems are 1; Good Friday, 2; lack of faith, 3; the heavenly language of quantum mechanics.
Chapter 19 of the book of Numbers;
we may all agree that there is a chance that God the Father could have rejected the sacrifice that Jesus made on Good Friday. We may also agree that anyone who has this doubt is guilty of sin. This is not what the Bible says about itself . There is no mention of Good Friday in or near Genesis and this serious situation did not develop until near Mount Sinai .I

there is a sacrifice that has been established for thousands of years and is the central topic of the old Testament, and of God’s people, Day of Atonement. The problem is its limitation, it only applies to the Jews. In the old Testament these can be counted in the hundreds of thousands but what we need is a system where people can be counted in the hundreds of millions. These extra people are later to be called Christians. Their system is not an addition to but a replacement of the existing system when the Jews rejected God and murdered him. It is this replacement system that is called the sacrifice of the red heifer. It is the subject of chapter 19 of the book of Numbers.
The advantage of the old system was that it had been established by heaven, it was a part of the temple. The new system was not and chapter 19 begins with that, establishing red heifer as part of the temple. This is done by Eleazar/Jesus Christ the priest but the only link that needs to be established as to the tent of meeting and not the Most Holy Place. This is done by the people bringing a red heifer without defect to Eleazar where it is taken outside the camp and slaughtered in his presence. It involves blood which he sprinkles seven times towards the tent of meeting. As he watches the heifer is burned, all of it, is hide, flesh, blood and intestines. As it is burning the priest adds some cedar wood, hyssop and scarlet wood. It is the who burns the heifer and the man who cleans and gathers up the ashes and puts them in a ceremonially clean place outside the camp that are of interest. The place that is ceremonially clean but outside the camp is Eden, the archives of heaven and specially kept for this purpose. The man who burns the heifer is not capable of entering the Most Holy Place but the man who gathers the ashes thrills at the prospect of spending the eternal ages there. That is the difference that pushing the heifer into the fires ourselves has made.
Much has been said about our cleansing and much will be said about keeping us clean. The reality is the body of Jesus Christ is but a short time to move from the scapegoat and back to the main part of the service in the temple involving the blood of the High Priest being taken into the Most Holy Place and sprinkled on Arc of the Covenant where the 10 Commandments were. On Mount Calvary is about moving the body of Jesus into the tomb and rolling the stone into place. There are many reasons why people study the Bible, some to get an in-depth knowledge of a certain subject in some to get any knowledge on the subject. And in my case it is a matter of getting any knowledge on the subject of quantum mechanics. And being a little bit more truthful it may be feeding on the best food available, the Bible or the word of the Lord to keep a brain one which is rapidly dying, alive. The reasons do not matter. The reasons are probably irrelevant to me anyway– divine water which has just come through the fires of hell is being stored in vessels made from the ash left behind after the divine body of Jesus has been burned in the fires of Good Friday. Divine water being stored in the divine vessel. It does tell me a lot of what happened on Good Friday.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
it does describe to me the seriousness of the sin. Neither Moses nor Aaron raised any objection to the sacrifice being offered by Eleazar. They offered the temple sacrifice that belonged to the Most Holy Place where the blood of the High Priest was taken and a plea was made for mercy to God the Father to grant mercy while blood was being sprinkled on the Arc of the Covenant. This could only be done when all sin had been forgiven. All sin had been forgiven on Friday, 14 – 01 – 3889 so the plea for mercy was made on the next day, 15 – 01 – 3889. It was therefore that holy Sabbath that the Day of Atonement occurred. Both Moses and Aaron knew that by showing doubt by striking the rock of Meribah twice that they had commited the unforgivable sin and they had to die. But the first part of the temple service, the part about the scapegoat had to come first. Good Friday on Mount Calvary had to be attached to the tent of meeting. It was that that produced the divine water and the ash. It was there that hundred 44 million saints of eternity pushed the red heifer into the flames of hell. The Jewish service thus had two parts; one out of the temple and the city where the scapegoat was dealt with and one within the temple with the question of divine justice was settled. In the Jewish service this ran over one day but in the Christian service this ran over two days.
Both Moses and Aaron and anybody else are entitled to wonder how this translates into a dual occupancy throne in heaven with water pouring out from under it. The throne itself is the ashed body of Jesus Christ and the water that comes from this throne is the same water that came from the cross of Good Friday, Meribah and it covers both tent of meeting and the raised city. It is not the sea. But dual occupancy? Yes, one seat is occupied by God the Father but there is no God the Son as his body was converted into ash on Good Friday. It is his body that the throne is made of, he is but one with God the Father. The second seat is kept for God the Son of Man and he keeps that link with humanity for ever!
I wonder what awaits me as I try to establish that the spiritual body does exist within me. Categories of life I will be comparing are: plants, animals, live human beings, dead human beings who have been dead for longer than three days and those who have not been that long dead, the humanity of Jesus Christ the Son of Man and the divinity of Jesus Christ the Son of God. You will never know if you never go !
each night before I pack up I look ahead through Scripture for the subject matter that I will discuss tomorrow. The above topics seemed fair enough as they gave seven categories of life but they are not the subject matter of the day and if anything shows me that I am losing the plot. The subject matter of the day is the red heifer but is not the Jewish Day of Atonement where the sacrifice would have been the scapegoat. It is the expanded form of the scapegoat. It is about the cleansing of anyone who has touched a human course and the cleansing of both third and seventh day and this is where the quantum mechanics is involved.
When a person dies usually the spiritual body 4D, the quantum mechanical one leaves our ordinary body behind which then starts to rot and smell. But this does not happen every time and as usual well I don’t know the number I guess. My guess is 1000 bodies will produce one which does not begin to decay. It just lays there and after three or four days comes back to life. Allowance for this to occur is made in many cultures including Jesus and Lazarus. In fact it seemed quite common. How can this occur the body just lays there without decay when the life source has left? Why doesn’t it begin to rot and decay? The elements of this physical world have handed control over to the spiritual world and they are refusing to take control. The two examples that I used were Jimmy Swaggart and Julius K. Satan would refuse to take Jimmy and put him in the compartment that says, ‘to be raised from the dead at the end of the millennium along with all the wicked dead’,. He is far too useful as a foot soldier on earth as not only does he deny the importance of the sabbath and leads so many people astray by filling them with that pack of demons that were left with him. He Has a well trained army which makes the likes of Luther sound very unreasonable in demanding that the only solution to this ministry is to kill them all, genocide. Jimmy is far too useful on earth to have him sitting around and doing nothing up here. He must be taken back!
The appearance of Julius K in the heavenly host has already been covered and is quite encouraging for me to tackle the big question, the correlation between the Nazirite in chapter 5 and the red heifer in chapter 19.
the chapter on the Nazirite is indeed controversial but whether it is as controversial as I’m about to suggest remains to be seen. Eating and drinking grape juice or grapes or raisins was indeed controversial especially on the cross of Good Friday and is mentioned in the Gospel of Luke. Why I found this chapter very satisfying is because it answered something we had worried about the hair of the Nazirite, why it was so critical that it remained long and sinless. It is the cutting of this hair that begins my final step on the journey to eternity. It is day 1260 and the final day of the heavenly Day of Atonement. It is not the day after Good Friday on Mount Calvary. 15 – one – 3889 but rather the day after the day after Daniel’s Day of Atonement. I had just been laying in front of the cross for 1260 days and could not take my eyes off it such was its beauty. It was the act of Jesus the Nazirite cutting off his beard, placing it at the foot of the cross and setting a light to it that settled all the issues. This cross was coming with us into the new universe!!
The last issue to be settled is the question of sin, Numbers 6;9; ‘if someone dies suddenly in the Nazirite’s presence, thus defiling the hair that symbolises their dedication, they must shave their head on the seventh day— the day of their cleansing. The clock to restart the cleansing stars again.
Both Moses and and Aaron knew that is a requirement of the law that they were required to bring to Eleazar the priest a red heifer without defect or blemish who would take it outside the camp and have it slaughtered in his presence. It involved blood offering which involves sprinkling it seven times in front of the tent of meeting. The red heifer is then burnt in its entirety, the hide, flesh and blood and intestines. It is hundred 44 million saints get to push the red heifer into hell. I did that personally.
life has many crossroads and some of these can be painful to take. I am now in the process of taking one of these, to blog or not to blog, is quite a difficult decision to make. It started back on 011-01 – 23 when our house was gutted taking all with it. All I had left behind was my T-shirt, nappy and shorts. If those young people standing around and let me go back into the flames I am not sure what I would have looked for. Logic tells me it should have been my keys, my credit cards my phone etc. logic was not on my itinerary and they picked me up and carried me to the other side of the street and would not allow me to cross over .my son in law who was on his way home from work stopped by and took me home.
Here I was with an ideal start to Christian life. I had nothing and therefore could rely on Jesus for everything. The T-shirt and shorts did not last for long and neither did the nappy but I could not see many of these on the heavenly racks. These heavenly racks did not contain the love and attention I sought. They may have been in another part of the warehouse but not where I was looking. Then where was that part that gave good health? I had just suffered a stroke and was now to suffer a massive a massive heart attack for which I would require assistance. Then there are those mundane things of life like food and shelter and clothing. I could crawl around and did not need my walking frame provided that there was no concrete or bitumen. But the heavenly picture looked so bleak because of the one who is looking.
But unlike Moses and Aaron I do not have doubts about the rock of Meribah nor the water that it carries. Both are divine entities and the result of the suffering of Jesus on the cross. What paradox and dilemna face me?

in my first attempt to split time I set the centre point of time as the cross of Good Friday, 14 – one – 3889. There were three periods of time, the approach to the cross, the cross itself and events after the cross. The second time I add an extra before the cross and one after the cross. The one before the cross is called the sacrifice of the red heifer and the one after the cross is 2000 years later and is called the second coming or the end of the great tribulation. Should Moses or Aaron have paid more attention to this sacrifice of the red heifer only a matter of days before it happened? Eleazar the high priest did and went on to be promoted and live, Moses repented and went on to be given a seat at the cross inside a tent, an Aaron went on to drop out of the picture . They all knew the significance of the red heifer. It would have changed the results of time had they reacted differently. And now we come to another inflection in time, 4, some 2000 years later and after the cross of Good Friday. What is happening, what has happened and what is going to happen?
Good Friday Mount Calvary resulted in hundred and 44 million, out of 14 billion accepted Jesus as their answer to all problems and their names were written on a big scroll and taken to heaven at 3.0 p.m.. This was the Friday and the Holy Sabbath, 24 hours, that followed it. There was still 24 hours of Sunday to go. The Act of salvation was to be a three-day event.

I have been struggling for some time on subject matter that I could develop but with no success. Now the idea has come to me, why not chronology of the world. At this stage that chronology is split into quarters and at the next stage can be split into eight. At this stage very roughly 2000 years between them. The water of Meribah which are left in the fires of Mount Calvary are mixed with, are slurried with rock or and and this is the same slurry of cleansing of eternity. Yes, blood of the red heifer was involved in this ceremony as well but it had nothing to do with the removal of sin. Its presence was there as a pleading for the acceptance of this sacrifice to be accepted and be a part of the tent of meeting. That is how low the pleading got. And Paul argued with Jesus for 14 years in the desert that Friday on Mount Calvary did not exist in the old Testament. What part of it was missing? It is the best part of Good Friday that I have found in the old Testament!
(1 Creation (2) the rock of Meribah (3) Good Friday on Mount Calvary} (4) the second coming of our Lord ( 5) Peters conflagration to end it all. Out of these I want to concentrate on Meribah and the second coming of our Lord. Firstly it allows time to be split into quarters. It gives us two mechanisms of how our sins were forgiven on Mount Calvary. It is divine water that is used, not used up by the flames that is used to wash away our sins on Good Friday. This water is the water of eternity and flows from under the throne within new heaven. This water is stored in a rock type structure which was the body of Christ after it had been through either the hell. Both the water and the body of Jesus Christ were involved with myself salvation will be for evermore. But surely once I receive my final wash I will not need either the water or the rock to store it in. These are matters that concern us in about 1800 years.
up to now and for about seventy years when the Jews had to go into battle they went into battle under the umbrella of the host station, the United States. And the one thing that the Jews cannot have enough of it is battle. Now they have gone into battle again but this time under their own banner but using United States equipment. For whatever reason the world really questioned the techniques or tactics of the US. They were allowed to, and they did literally get away with murder. Whether this remains now that Jews are in charge is to be seen. If it does remain we will enter a millennium that is indeed peaceful but if it doesn’t remain and there is an exchange of new nuclear weapons turmoil will result. It actually is under the control of one person, Jesus Christ and he has predicted that the period will be called, the great tribulation. Jesus is concerned for every life that falls but his main concern is the death of every Christian. They carry his blood. It is the number of Christians that die and the number that live that is the overwhelming concern. There must be 144,000 alive because the work has already been assigned to them. They are the 144,000 wise virgins. As yet there is been made no attempt to move the battlefront to Australia when I will have no choice but to support my Christian brothers in their battle. It does seem that the majority of Christians worldwide are going to get an easy ride. Our easy ride begins with the appearance of Jesus and this time it is forever. There is no turning back! And you will be surprised how soon that will be it! But what does the Scriptures say will have the first?

the chapter on the Nazirite is indeed controversial but whether it is as controversial as I’m about to suggest remains to be seen. Eating and drinking grape juice or grapes or raisins was indeed controversial especially on the cross of Good Friday and is mentioned in the Gospel of Luke. Why I found this chapter very satisfying is because it answered something we had worried about the hair of the Nazirite, why it was so critical that it remained long and sinless. It is the cutting of this hair that begins my final step on the journey to eternity. It is day 1260 and the final day of the heavenly Day of Atonement. It is not the day after Good Friday on Mount Calvary. 15 – one – 3889 but rather the day after the day after Daniel’s Day of Atonement. I had just been laying in front of the cross for 1260 days and could not take my eyes off it such was its beauty. It was the act of Jesus the Nazirite cutting off his beard, placing it at the foot of the cross and setting a light to it that settled all the issues. This cross was coming with us into the new universe!!
The last issue to be settled is the question of sin, Numbers 6;9; ‘if someone dies suddenly in the Nazirite’s presence, thus defiling the hair that symbolises their dedication, they must shave their head on the seventh day— the day of their cleansing. The clock to restart the cleansing stars again.
Both Moses and and Aaron knew that is a requirement of the law that they were required to bring to Eleazar the priest a red heifer without defect or blemish who would take it outside the camp and have it slaughtered in his presence. It involved blood offering which involves sprinkling it seven times in front of the tent of meeting. The red heifer is then burnt in its entirety, the hide, flesh and blood and intestines. It is hundred 44 million saints get to push the red heifer into hell. I did that personally.
life has many crossroads and some of these can be painful to take. I am now in the process of taking one of these, to blog or not to blog, is quite a difficult decision to make. It started back on 011-01 – 23 when our house was gutted taking all with it. All I had left behind was my T-shirt, nappy and shorts. If those young people standing around and let me go back into the flames I am not sure what I would have looked for. Logic tells me it should have been my keys, my credit cards my phone etc. logic was not on my itinerary and they picked me up and carried me to the other side of the street and would not allow me to cross over .my son in law who was on his way home from work stopped by and took me home.
Here I was with an ideal start to Christian life. I had nothing and therefore could rely on Jesus for everything. The T-shirt and shorts did not last for long and neither did the nappy but I could not see many of these on the heavenly racks. These heavenly racks did not contain the love and attention I sought. They may have been in another part of the warehouse but not where I was looking. Then where was that part that gave good health? I had just suffered a stroke and was now to suffer a massive a massive heart attack for which I would require assistance. Then there are those mundane things of life like food and shelter and clothing. I could crawl around and did not need my walking frame provided that there was no concrete or bitumen. But the heavenly picture looked so bleak because of the one who is looking.
But unlike Moses and Aaron I do not have doubts about the rock of Meribah nor the water that it carries. Both are divine entities and the result of the suffering of Jesus on the cross. What paradox and dilemna face me?

each night before I pack up I look ahead through Scripture for the subject matter that I will discuss tomorrow. The above topics seemed fair enough as they gave seven categories of life but they are not the subject matter of the day and if anything shows me that I am losing the plot. The subject matter of the day is the red heifer but is not the Jewish Day of Atonement where the sacrifice would have been the scapegoat. It is the expanded form of the scapegoat. It is about the cleansing of anyone who has touched a human course and the cleansing of both third and seventh day and this is where the quantum mechanics is involved.
When a person dies usually the spiritual body 4D, the quantum mechanical one leaves our ordinary body behind which then starts to rot and smell. But this does not happen every time and as usual well I don’t know the number I guess. My guess is 1000 bodies will produce one which does not begin to decay. It just lays there and after three or four days comes back to life. Allowance for this to occur is made in many cultures including Jesus and Lazarus. In fact it seemed quite common. How can this occur the body just lays there without decay when the life source has left? Why doesn’t it begin to rot and decay? The elements of this physical world have handed control over to the spiritual world and they are refusing to take control. The two examples that I used were Jimmy Swaggart and Julius K. Satan would refuse to take Jimmy and put him in the compartment that says, ‘to be raised from the dead at the end of the millennium along with all the wicked dead’,. He is far too useful as a foot soldier on earth as not only does he deny the importance of the sabbath and leads so many people astray by filling them with that pack of demons that were left with him. He Has a well trained army which makes the likes of Luther sound very unreasonable in demanding that the only solution to this ministry is to kill them all, genocide. Jimmy is far too useful on earth to have him sitting around and doing nothing up here. He must be taken back!
The appearance of Julius K in the heavenly host has already been covered and is quite encouraging for me to tackle the big question, the correlation between the Nazirite in chapter 5 and the red heifer in chapter 19. All

it does describe to me the seriousness of the sin. Neither Moses nor Aaron raised any objection to the sacrifice being offered by Eleazar. They offered the temple sacrifice that belonged to the Most Holy Place where the blood of the High Priest was taken and a plea was made for mercy to God the Father to grant mercy while blood was being sprinkled on the Arc of the Covenant. This could only be done when all sin had been forgiven. All sin had been forgiven on Friday, 14 – 01 – 3889 so the plea for mercy was made on the next day, 15 – 01 – 3889. It was therefore that holy Sabbath that the Day of Atonement occurred. Both Moses and Aaron knew that by showing doubt by striking the rock of Meribah twice that they had commited the unforgivable sin and they had to die. But the first part of the temple service, the part about the scapegoat had to come first. Good Friday on Mount Calvary had to be attached to the tent of meeting. It was that that produced the divine water and the ash. It was there that hundred 44 million saints of eternity pushed the red heifer into the flames of hell. The Jewish service thus had two parts; one out of the temple and the city where the scapegoat was dealt with and one within the temple with the question of divine justice was settled. In the Jewish service this ran over one day but in the Christian service this ran over two days.
Both Moses and Aaron and anybody else are entitled to wonder how this translates into a dual occupancy throne in heaven with water pouring out from under it. The throne itself is the ashed body of Jesus Christ and the water that comes from this throne is the same water that came from the cross of Good Friday, Meribah and it covers both tent of meeting and the raised city. It is not the sea. But dual occupancy? Yes, one seat is occupied by God the Father but there is no God the Son as his body was converted into ash on Good Friday. It is his body that the throne is made of, he is but one with God the Father. The second seat is kept for God the Son of Man and he keeps that link with humanity for ever!
I wonder what awaits me as I try to establish that the spiritual body does exist within me. Categories of life I will be comparing are: plants, animals, live human beings, dead human beings who have been dead for longer than three days and those who have not been that long dead, the humanity of Jesus Christ the Son of Man and the divinity of Jesus Christ the Son of God. You will never know if you never go ! All

there is a sacrifice that has been established for thousands of years and is the central topic of the old Testament, and of God’s people, Day of Atonement. The problem is its limitation, it only applies to the Jews. In the old Testament these can be counted in the hundreds of thousands but what we need is a system where people can be counted in the hundreds of millions. These extra people are later to be called Christians. Their system is not an addition to but a replacement of the existing system when the Jews rejected God and murdered him. It is this replacement system that is called the sacrifice of the red heifer. It is the subject of chapter 19 of the book of Numbers.
The advantage of the old system was that it had been established by heaven, it was a part of the temple. The new system was not and chapter 19 begins with that, establishing red heifer as part of the temple. This is done by Eleazar/Jesus Christ the priest but the only link that needs to be established as to the tent of meeting and not the Most Holy Place. This is done by the people bringing a red heifer without defect to Eleazar where it is taken outside the camp and slaughtered in his presence. It involves blood which he sprinkles seven times towards the tent of meeting. As he watches the heifer is burned, all of it, is hide, flesh, blood and intestines. As it is burning the priest adds some cedar wood, hyssop and scarlet wood. It is the who burns the heifer and the man who cleans and gathers up the ashes and puts them in a ceremonially clean place outside the camp that are of interest. The place that is ceremonially clean but outside the camp is Eden, the archives of heaven and specially kept for this purpose. The man who burns the heifer is not capable of entering the Most Holy Place but the man who gathers the ashes thrills at the prospect of spending the eternal ages there. That is the difference that pushing the heifer into the fires ourselves has made.
Much has been said about our cleansing and much will be said about keeping us clean. The reality is the body of Jesus Christ is but a short time to move from the scapegoat and back to the main part of the service in the temple involving the blood of the High Priest being taken into the Most Holy Place and sprinkled on Arc of the Covenant where the 10 Commandments were. On Mount Calvary is about moving the body of Jesus into the tomb and rolling the stone into place. There are many reasons why people study the Bible, some to get an in-depth knowledge of a certain subject in some to get any knowledge on the subject. And in my case it is a matter of getting any knowledge on the subject of quantum mechanics. And being a little bit more truthful it may be feeding on the best food available, the Bible or the word of the Lord to keep a brain one which is rapidly dying, alive. The reasons do not matter. The reasons are probably irrelevant to me anyway– divine water which has just come through the fires of hell is being stored in vessels made from the ash left behind after the divine body of Jesus has been burned in the fires of Good Friday. Divine water being stored in the divine vessel. It does tell me a lot of what happened on Good Friday.

with world events rapidly approaching a climax it may be a forced result to define both the beast out of the sea and the beast out of the earth. The event being described is the theme of the Bible, the Day of Atonement Yet no one knows anything about it, no Christian and no church. It is a total blank. To keep this event under cover to the extent that it has been has been a major accomplishment of the devil, of Satan. Not only is the date being kept under wraps, 15 – 01 – 33, a Sabbath day, all Sabbaths have been placed under wraps. The fourth commandment has been removed from the list, it has been made meaningless. Without the Day of Atonement message of salvation has been made meaningless. With no one believing in the existence of the fourth commandment it should be quite easy to publish a decree to make it illegal to worship on the Sabbath day. Such a decree would be more binding if it was issued by the UN but it appears that it is to be issued by Israel itself and therefore binding on the Jews. Hardly a beast that comes out of the sea!
The decree to abolish the Seventh-day, is accompanied by some enforcing agent, the beast out of the earth. There would be any number of demonic institutions, called churches that would help with this task but the one that has been practising for 500 are the Jesuits and the Pope. They step up to the line and they can do what has been described in chapter 13. The Pope would be more interested in destroying Christianity that in just destroying the Jews
Numbers 19
The Water of Cleansing1The LORD said to Moses and Aaron: 2“This is a requirement of the law that the LORD has commanded: Tell the Israelites to bring you a red heifer without defect or blemish and that has never been under a yoke. 3Give it to Eleazar the priest; it is to be taken outside the camp and slaughtered in his presence. 4Then Eleazar the priest is to take some of its blood on his finger and sprinkle it seven times toward the front of the tent of meeting. 5While he watches, the heifer is to be burned—its hide, flesh, blood and intestines. 6The priest is to take some cedar wood, hyssop and scarlet wool and throw them onto the burning heifer. 7After that, the priest must wash his clothes and bathe himself with water. He may then come into the camp, but he will be ceremonially unclean till evening.
8The man who burns it must also wash his clothes and bathe with water, and he too will be unclean till evening. 9“A man who is clean shall gather up the ashes of the heifer and put them in a ceremonially clean place outside the camp. They are to be kept by the Israelite community for use in the water of cleansing; it is for purification from sin.
10The man who gathers up the ashes of the heifer must also wash his clothes, and he too will be unclean till evening. This will be a lasting ordinance both for the Israelites and for the foreigners residing among them. 11“Whoever touches a human corpse will be unclean for seven days. 12They must purify themselves with the water on the third day and on the seventh day; then they will be clean. But if they do not purify themselves on the third and seventh days, they will not be clean.
13If they fail to purify themselves after touching a human corpse, they defile the LORD ’s tabernacle. They must be cut off from Israel. Because the water of cleansing has not been sprinkled on them, they are unclean; their uncleanness remains on them. 14“This is the law that applies when a person dies in a tent: Anyone who enters the tent and anyone who is in it will be unclean for seven days,
15and every open container without a lid fastened on it will be unclean.
16“Anyone out in the open who touches someone who has been killed with a sword or someone who has died a natural death, or anyone who touches a human bone or a grave, will be unclean for seven days. 17“For the unclean person, put some ashes from the burned purification offering into a jar and pour fresh water over them. 18Then a man who is ceremonially clean is to take some hyssop, dip it in the water and sprinkle the tent and all the furnishings and the people who were there. He must also sprinkle anyone who has touched a human bone or a grave or anyone who has been killed or anyone who has died a natural death. 19The man who is clean is to sprinkle those who are unclean on the third and seventh days, and on the seventh day he is to purify them. Those who are being cleansed must wash their clothes and bathe with water, and that evening they will be clean. 20But if those who are unclean do not purify themselves, they must be cut off from the community, because they have defiled the sanctuary of the LORD . The water of cleansing has not been sprinkled on them, and they are unclean.
21This is a lasting ordinance for them. “The man who sprinkles the water of cleansing must also wash his clothes, and anyone who touches the water of cleansing will be unclean till evening. 22Anything that an unclean person touches becomes unclean, and anyone who touches it becomes unclean till evening.”
For all time I have been convinced that the red heifer was chapter 15 and not chapter 19 in the book of Numbers. With such a basic mistake one only wonders what other mistakes have been made in interpreting this chapter. The Bible uses different animals to represent different natures of Jesus Christ. To a Jew the most valuable animal was a bull and this represented Jesus as high priest. Another representation was the Passover lamb which represented time. It was one year old, without defect and the peak of its life. It was in this condition that Jesus was prepared to die twice a day, 9 AM and 3 PM in order to generate 24-hour the time for us to live in. It was conditional time and depended on being accepted. As we lay there after the door has been blown in into the universe the pink blob that passes through the gap is real-time and has been made by Jesus when he hung on the cross between 9 AM and 3 PM. It is real-time and it is permanent. When this Passover lamb is slain each year and its blood is painted on doorposts it too has the power to prevent death of each firstborn male of the family. But we are not dealing with a bull or a one year old male lamb without defect we are dealing with a red heifer which is something in between.
When Aaron looked at this heifer did he realise that he was the start of this rot when he made the golden calf and did Moses realise that with the 10 Commandments that he had the solution to this rot. Aaron had introduced death and by the death of this red heifer would introduce life and life at its highest level, in the Most Holy Place where eternity would take place. The very next chapter is where the heinous error takes place. Aaron and Moses strike the rock of Meribah twice and for this crime, God it is going to kill them. Moses and even Aaron may have realised the seriousness of their sin and in the book of Deuteronomy try to make amends. Moses is rewarded by having his own tent on Mount Calvary on Good Friday.
It is in the presence of Eleazar that the red heifer is taken outside the camp and slaughtered. The full extent of the love of God towards the Gentile is now being displayed. There is only one more significant sacrifice than the red heifer and that is a sacrifice involving the high priest, the bull. If this red heifer does not prepare us for a life in the Most Holy Place then nothing else will. But for this red heifer to be of any value it must come under the umbrella of the temple, the tent of meeting. It is the role of Eleazar to bring the Gentiles into the tent of meeting which he does by offering the red heifer until the final stage of being burnt. Calvary from 3 PM to 4 PM.
In the meantime a secondary act is being played out on the stage, involving all 144 million souls and one of those is called Julius K. They have been warned by Jesus that unless they take the hold of Jesus and pushed him into the fire they will not be saved. This is saying to what Jonah told the people, ‘only the people who push me into the water will be saved from the storm’. Yes, I pushed Jesus into those flames of hell and I was only following the instructions of Jesus. That is how badly he wants me . Yes, I am ready to enter the Most Holy place with confidence and Jesus to accompany me.
Now for some real controversy, the nature of Jesus. There should be two gospels, one concerning human nature of Jesus, the son of Man and the other concerning his divinity, as Christ the son of God. The three-dimensional body with three-dimensional blood and divinity of body with divine blood. But there are four gospels so there must be a mixture. Three-dimensional body paired with four dimensional or spiritual blood, Matthew and Luke and a spiritual body, four dimensional with ordinary 3D blood. That gives us a total of four.
Now if we take occurrences of the 10 versus of the book of Numbers 19 we find that the body of Christ has been turned into ashes. It could not be his three-dimensional body as there is still a lot of history to be played out by this body like having a Roman spear thrust into it. So it must have been the spiritual body of Jesus does not mean the end no longer pass through doors and barriers? Does that mean that it is no spiritual Jesus in heaven? Good Friday on Mount Calvary was not supposed to answer the questions, the only question that was supposed to be answered was, ‘was JK sinless and would have he be admitted into the Most Holy Place if he turned up.’ Not how much of his dimensions are 3D or 4D? The issues are but warming up and will arrive at their zenith at 4 PM on Good Friday when that Roman soldiers spear is thrust into the body of Jesus. Water and blood are released. Does the water that is released remix with the blood or is it taken away separately to form a slurry with the ashes of the burnt body, [4d] of Jesus? Much still has to be learned from our remaining study of the Gospels.
Is the man who is clean, Nicodemus or Joseph, and is sent to gather up the ashes of the heifer and put them in a ceremonially clean place outside the camp. Does that apply to the physical or spiritual body of Christ? The beauty of Christianity is that it doesn’t matter when the problems of life start, whether they belong to this world or the next world, the answer is Jesus. Jesus is the answer to all our problems in life. We do not need to explore all the burrows and of religion of life because Jesus already has the answers.
But trying to follow some of the burrows of life simply because we have been given a brain which is capable of doing so can lead to the discovery of great mysteries of religion. For some time now I have been trying to find out about my spiritual life and to apply quantum mechanics to it. Most of the efforts have been painful as I try to access my 4D brain because it was the one that was present on Mount Calvary, on 14 – 01 – 33. I wanted to know what my call was, whether it was accept or reject to Jesus hanging on the cross. I also wanted to know about the 1260 tutorial I have been through with Jesus and had understood every word. Today when I go through the tutorial, the four gospels, I understand very little of them and so I wanted to jog my memory. But there must be a benefit to all the negatives I have experienced like what happens in our health system. If I walk into the system a free person that should not be allowed to lock the door behind me, put me in a steel cage and stand guard there to make sure I do not remove the mask that is feeding me poisonous gases. Australia? Yes that happened there and there would be no point in writing it up as no one would believe you. It is from verse 11 of Numbers chapter 19 that I walk in uncharted waters.
When Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead he waited for four days [?] Before coming to his tomb so he would not be an accused of taking advantage of natural phenomena. The first three days after a person’s death is a period of intense spiritual activity. If Jimmy Swaggart was to be killed in a road accident and arrive at the pearly gates, Satan would not accept him. His ground for rejection would be something like, ‘I don’t want him up here he is far more valuable to me down there. He is the prime soldier for abolishing the Seventh-day, Sabbath day. I still have hordes of demons down there to be instilled in the population and he has a well trained army to do just this. I am sending him back!’ I would certainly hope that heaven would raise a similar argument if I arrived unexpectedly at the pearly gates, ‘ we don’t want him up yet, his work is not finished down there. Almost but not yet. The person to whom he will pass the baton is not quite ready. His stocks are getting a bit low but should now be raised with the knowledge of his wife’s health. He has been a staunch defender of the fourth commandment. But now we return to the text itself.