Blog 22 created on 17 – 03 – 2022

  • with so many events in the last month I have lost touch with this long blog but now things should be different. I had a directions hearing on 3 March which lasted more than one hour but less than two but from which I was so exhausted I took one step from my chair and collapsed on the floor. The miraculous changes that must have occurred for the actual hearing in 11 days time are amazing. I am not only lasted three days hearing I did not collapse of my chair. Brainpower has increased by at least 20. Computer has been doing funny things and I was emailed from the court 10 pages on which the main headings were present but nothing recorded of what was said and this was shown to the judge. The next day when I tried to get it printed again the system crashed in fact many of the pages published before have disappeared. I intend starting a new blog called blog 22 and much revision will be required to fill out the missing pages. I really have not completed my apprenticeship which should occur on July on the seventh day.(Gives me seven years, seven months and seven days).
  • The blog consists of three topics being covered simultaneously and that is Genesis and Good Friday Mount Calvary book of Revelation. In Genesis it was a shaky start because time in the Bible is represented by the daily sacrifice where two lambs are killed one at 9 AM and the other at 3 PM. This could not happen in the first second of the first day is that none of these items were present. With time being incomplete and so much depending on it race problems. Quantum mechanics relies on time and if it was incomplete and so was quantum mechanics. Many today trying to find the link between quantum mechanics, 4D, and relativity, 3D, but I go back once step further and try to relate time with quantum mechanics and what does incomplete quantum mechanics been, no exclusion principle, no Hund’s rule of multiple multiplicity or what? So we first must sort out the problem of time.
  • Time was never incomplete and it began with first day. There was evening and there was morning- the first day. And so it was in the beginning and has been ever since. The secular lot say this is not the case but that then again applies to all the Bible including Genesis 1. If we want to study real science, their science and their interpretation of it we find that we are studying many laws including Newton’s laws, for gas laws, the law of mass action and chemical equilibrium and many others. What is a feature of these laws is that they are obeyed when they are obeyed but when they are not they are not obeyed. It is very hard to discredit such logic and back from logic in that something might happen or it may not happen. There are the occasions when something happens every time like life never comes from death and even the laws of thermodynamics these are dealt with by saying the opposite happens. Thus the walls of the asylum have been maintained as things mail way not happen. In this blog rather they concentrate on the 3D world I tend examining the 4D world and this is the spiritual world where such thing as love exist. It is a world where someone puts her arms around me and says, “Joule I love you and I am so happy that you are still alive today!”
  • There is no such thing as incomplete time and the very first day was made up of a evening, morning and a number. Jesus answered yes I am prepared to go through a 9 AM death and a 3 PM death to allow my creation to exist inside it. This question requires to be answered every day and time therefore comes in sections or slabs. It is bounded by 9 AM and 3 PM and does not include 3.00.001pm when Christ the son of God appeared in the throne room God and was given the scroll. It is purely the work of The Son of Man or Jesus the Messiah. So we take the creation of time be the willingness of Jesus died twice on every day since the first day and forevermore. Our existence within this time if taken as a bicycle rim and these rims stacked on each other to generate the height of these rims would produce a space time diaphragm. This was what was created when Jesus answered yes for the first time On the First Day of His Creation. The expression of what happened is the study of quantum mechanics as is alone studies those first 12 hours of darkness. What happened on 14 – 01 – 3889, Good Friday is an expression of what happened on that day. Yes there was a six hour timeslot between 9 AM and 3 PM where the Passover lamb did die. There were two lambs that died, different lambs on that day. First one occurred when there was a separation within the Godhead when the Son of Man separated and went to the cross so as to remove our intentional sins. The second death was the actual death Of the Son of Man but Christ The Son of the Living God took over the affairs. It is Christ The Son of the Living God who has the power to usher into the throne room God people who chose to do so. The act of salvation took three days and it is these three days we are studying under the banner of salvation, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
  • We have already said there was much that occurred on the Friday but very little is said about the remaining two days. All Scripture points to these days and then points away from them. We look to the words of our Saviour as to what happened then. Much happened on these two days. I thought all those involved were the people who called, “accept!” Were going to be involved but there were more, there were wise virgins and there were foolish virgins and the story of both is told in the book of Revelation. This is the story of the wise virgins who accepted the sacrifice that was been shown to them, were lifted into the throne room of God to see Jesus arrive and ask for a scroll with seven seals on it. We all voted Jesus as worthy of taking the scroll and opening it seven seals. We were all there all 14 billion souls to be ever created as we were in our spiritual dimension. I take the number as responding as 144 million and from heaven we rode as riders behind the white horse who unfortunately was dead at this time. We worshipped this rider as he hung from the cross between the hours of 3 PM and 4 PM. It takes much insight of what happened at 4 PM. It was a spear of a pagan Roman soldier that opened up the side of Jesus and released the water and blood. This pool of blood then trickled through a crack in the rocks and finished dropping Onto the Ark of the Covenant which had to be in place for this to occur. Here then in the hours of darkness every one of those 144 million souls was presented and individually so. One of those souls that had absolutely nothing going for him was JK and the only thing he did have going for him was he had called, “accept!” To what he was shown of Jesus on the cross. The purpose of the blood that was dripping was not to remove sin because sin had been removed between 9 AM and 3 PM. The purpose of the blood had to be coupled with this Sabbath day it was presented on and the purpose of this day was to give life or to give
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  • For JK it was a life giving event and as it fell on the Ark of the COVENANT the answer came back that this individual had met define requirements and was now qualified to enter the throne room God.
  • Another aspect that we attempted was to look at the third day of salvation and compare it to the days of Jonah. Our success here was very limited. As the events here will show up Revelation I will summarise them here AS FAR AS JONAH WAS CONCERNED he was dealing with two groups of people. He was dealing with the Assyrians or the Ninevites which I take to be 100,000 of them. The second lot he was doing with with the people on the boat he was travelling with. He wanted nothing to do with the Ninevites as these were the cruellest of all nations and preaching to them would be a waste of time but for the grace of God which would intervene and convert everyone of them. It would be a waste of his time and not only did he refuse to go he ran away in the opposite direction. It was a waste of 2000 years and put the hundred 44 million saints through duress. So we were dealing with 100,000 Ninevites or with 100 people on the boat that he boarded to get away from it. The storm that erupted was going to drown 100 people on the boat. These were the people Jonah came to save and the only way to save them was to be thrown into the water. This is what happened and all hundred people were saved. After three days in the water and inside the belly of the whale Jonah was spat out onto the beach and went on to preach to the hundred thousand K Ninevites who were in turn saved and converted. At this stage the explanation is very tentative and I interpret as follows; Jonah/Jesus knew they had to be thrown into the water and to spend three days in the whale as this was the purpose of his mission. Jesus came to save the hundred 44 million who were to spend an eternity with him WITHIN THE THRONE OF GOD. Some of these were wise virgins and were to come to spend some time with Jesus on the last moments of the world’s history. It was about those in heaven forever. This then leaves 100,000 Ninevites who by the grace of God were converted. Who are these? They finish up in the book of Revelation in many categories and one of those is as foolish virgins. There are also many other categories such as those who teach Scripture, feed the poor, look after the sick and many other benevolent actions. They are a very large group of people which I take as 1 billion but everyone of which when examined individually finish up abandoning their faith, rejecting the Holy Spirit and accepting the mark of the beast, labelled as evil and destroyed in hell. It is their story that is taken up in the book of Revelation. It is there where the distinction is made between good and evil. It is their story that we now go to. They were not in the grave on that Sabbath day of 15 – 01 – 3889. They had not called accept!” At the time when they were shown Jesus on the cross of Good Friday. They had their own method for salvation. What Jesus wanted to do was to take the hundred 44 million persons of eternity back to heaven with him when he ascended into heaven 40 days after the cross. He knew that ultimately the hundred thousand Ninevites would abandon their faith and it was as waste of time waiting around for them. It was an exercise in the grace of God which unfortunately did not pay off. There are many holes in the story but that is the gist of it – the grace of God had to be shown to exist.
  • [Even if I do find the missing texts I will only publish them if they are of interest. This is not an attempt to cover over steaks I have made.] Returning now to the book of Revelation where there was a separation of the goodies and went to heaven but also the history of the church that remained on earth and this was 1260 years or the third coming of our Lord. As I type now and get tired I know I cannot finish up falling over the edge but the most that will be required is a little bit of sleep.
  • The greatest level of achievement and the highest plane of knowledge for humanity is its study of how it could achieve an existence within the throne of God that is as a part of God. The level below this is how spend an eternity in the presence of God on this earth. Both levels are the major topics of the Bible and both the topics of the Sabbath Day. For both these to occur there are two deaths within the holy Trinity and symbolised in the death of two lambs of the Daily Sacrifice. These two topics have occupied the greatest minds and are of such depth that little could be understood by the average mind. The advantage of a simple mind it cannot divulge difficult mysteries but can only approached them from a simple angle. I have such disadvantages in mind but still approach it anyway. The two stories are told from the angle of The Son of Man as compared to Christ The Son of the Living God. Scripture tells us story of these two characters starting from page 1 and finishes on the last page. The input I provide comes from a life which has been buffeted by many storms and these may be of advantage or they may not. At present things are disorganised and I am trying to organise them again I am trying to get traction. I start with Genesis itself and moved to the Cross of Mount Calvary and try to follow Mount Calvary to the end in the book of Revelation. The highlight of the Bible is Mount Calvary which is itself split into three days; Friday, Sabbath, Sunday. Sunday I have little on in that it started with the darkness that followed the light of Sabbath. That light of Sabbath was the worship of and the resurrection of the rock on which a church will be based and is based. Before that day each individual, all 144 million were presented individually during the hours of darkness and the question was asked whether they were given life or death. They were presented with the rock but the blood that was dripping in the background was not for the forgiveness of sin. They had been forgiven on the previous day between 9 AM and 3 PM. What was now required was had this individual met the requirements of God as expressed in the 10 Commandments. The sacrifice was acceptable and Jesus had met the requirements of the law. I with Jesus have met the requirements of the law and the continual falling has been taken into account also. Jesus now and enters the Sunday and the final day of salvation. Jesus does not want to do this as he thinks is all over by that Sabbath night. He does enter into the belly of the whale but is spat out on the beach some seven hours later on resurrection Sunday morning when He goes on to evangelise the Ninevites with an incredible degree of this success. Why did Jesus/Jonah not want to go to evangelise the Ninevites when there would be such success? The answer is to show the grace of God and the events which are to happen now in the book of Revelation. There is little wonder that a simple mind struggles with such complex issues.
  • The book of Revelation is complex because I have unintentionally made it so. I follow two characters one who goes to heaven on the inside of the closed-door of mercy and the other who is kept outside. One is the church of the throne of God itself whereas the other is the church that remains on this earth. I keep interchanging these two characters for what I should really do is to just maintain my focus on one that stayed outside. Just because I called, “accept!” To what I was offered on 14 – 01 – 3889 does not mean I cannot change my mind and rejected. But by rejecting what I had seen on the other side, in my case twice, you would think would constitute the unpardonable sin. I had committed the unpardonable sin and if this had been accepted by Jesus he would let me die/commit suicide and this becomes the story of that particular person At the Time I Rejected Jesus I knew that when resurrected there was still going to be a long time of hardships to go before my final obliteration but I did not appreciate it would be as long as 800 years nor did I appreciate the difficulty I was page 4
  • still going to go through and if I had known maybe I would not have asked for suicide as a way out. The end result is Jesus rejected my request and I’m still alive today but the story that I tell is of the character this call was accepted. I did rest from it all for over 1000 years and came to life with the rest of the wicked dead. It is important to mark this demarcation and which makes nonsense of Revelation if you. The unrighteous living have a totally different history to the unrighteous dead. Now that I have categorised myself I will not be involved in the battles to follow. They are against the battle of the beast, the living wicked who have never died and are owned by the beast. The biggest mistakes so far concerned the nature of Babylon and being split into three components which I took to be Satan and the beast was split into two, out of the earth and out of the sea. Satan should not be included as my owner and the owner of the wicked dead and we get a treatment which is totally different to the living. But how can the beast has three components when we are only told about the one out of the sea and the one out of the earth? Yes they do on each other but where does these third part of Babylon come into play? Bible is very careful to give us a complete history and any apparent errors or contradictions are but a part of our interpretation. If you think I have made many errors in predicting and those events so far you may not think much of future predictions. My predictions of end day events are still based on Matthew chapter 24 and stand firm. What is clearly predicted is that all the stones in the present temple will be thrown down and he makes no difference if the stones are 6 m off the ground or 6 m under the ground. It makes no difference whether they are 40 tons or one ton all will be thrown down. This has not happened. The body that will do that is the abomination that causes desolation and there are many of those to choose from today. If it is Israel that is destroyed by this earthquake then it cannot be a Jewish abomination is someone who hates Jews. It may or may not be papal Rome which may or may not be the beast that comes out of the earth. It may be the third mysterious creature that has turned up in Babylon and could only come from the beast out of the sea and the beast out of the earth. Revelation tells us there is one beast there that has paws like that of being which in old Testament times stood for Medes and Persians, so Islam could be a real possibility now as well as when this last battle takes place.
  • Matthew 24 has not eventuated and when it does anyone standing in the area will have to run for high country before a massive earthquake sea area. This earthquake will spread worldwide and mark second coming of Jesus. It is one lifespan away from figtree becoming green. The lifespan in the Bible is usually 70 years but that can vary and if we take Moses as an example he was 120 years old when he died and if this were the case today we still have a fair time to go. The present omens are but a false alarm. The main one is the coronavirus vaccine and I have no that this is daemonic and when turned on will turn out to be so. It came from the house of lies, USA, but has been transferred to 2 of the other heads, China and Israel. To be the mark of the beast it has to be compulsory where it almost is in my country, Australia and it must lead to the confiscation of property both of which are a possibility here. When this occurs in my books qualifies as the mark of the beast. This may already be the case in many places overseas but it really does not matter if we have our faith in Jesus, we are part of the new covenant when Jesus has done it all for us. So many Christians have already accepted I had to lift the number to 1 billion and will have done so and so changed that file number of outside the gate when it’s close and inside all the 144 million.
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  • When we talk about the eternity to come what is going to survive? It can’t be my body because that is already dead almost. It must be my soul because that has a spiritual dimension and it is dimension that we struggle with to understand. This is even because of the fact it is the subject of quantum mechanics a subject is very well understood but no one has related back to the Bible. It is because the body has a soul humanity cannot become extinct which every other living species including the higher apes can do so.. When their parents disappear they become extinct but if the last human being disappears humanity does not become extinct but it depends on the number of souls left in the cookie jar.. If Jesus had gone back to heaven on day 40 he would have taken with him many souls that had not yet become alive but he did not even know he wanted to. We would have left but simply not have had our body which for the best time would only have lasted about Hundred years. Our body ages our soul which would not have happened had our soul not attached itself to our body. The sole is meant to live the dimensions of time and is only time that will destroy it if we vote that we do not want to live within the time span created. Everyone of those souls, all 14 billion of them was given a chance to cast a vote on 14 – 01 – 3889. Most of them chose, about 99%, they did not want to live within that created time of the love of Jesus Christ and what they voted for will occur. Only 1% voted to want to continue this life and their wishes will also be granted. Soul is a created entity which can last for ever providing it wants to do so and that is in the presence of the love of Jesus Christ which physically is expressed as time. It is the spiritual dimension that we must continue to study. But if Jesus is to return in the next few years the result of my court cases hangs and whether they are worthwhile. So it is not a frivolous question. My body at present has pretty well left the third dimension and is in the fourth dimension especially the brain.. I wish this to be the case as it was this brain that was present on that Friday of 14 – 01 – 3889 that having heard the tutorial that Jesus gave voted either reject or accept when shown Jesus on the cross. It is a property that this soul had and it had held it since creation on 06 – 01 – 01. It was created to live forever within the unit of time as it was on the first day of creation.
  • Returning back to the book of Revelation and not confusing the matter any further and JK has had many regrets about that suicide and that Jesus had accepted his wishes. He did have rest, and he slept for over a thousand years I was woken at the end of the millennium along with all the other unrighteous dead. He now has about 800 years of survival left before he is destroyed in hell and that in itself is a very difficult question as hell is incapable of destroying the sole, only time can do that. Somebody comes out of hell to be thrown into the wine press of God’s wrath which then when operated extracts of blood which has life ended and it forms a river 200 miles long. All these events are written up in the holy book of Revelation. We have been following events of these very last days for a while now and are near the end of Daniel’s 7×70 years. It is well over 400 years and much less than 70 years to go. A return to this time will soon be required for what has happened heaven as tipped out fifth bowl and set the challenge to the beast and the battle of the beast. The beast does not want to engage in the battle though badly weakened by the first four bowls. The sea which has had the privilege of being firstborn has lost it. It had to quench and wash the huge mountain that had been thrown out of the sky. Things are in the bad way and those sores came on the people of the earth way back when the door of mercy closed are still hanging around.
  • XXXXXXXXXXX 21/03/2022 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
  • I still have plenty of time before I begin the blog proper and to gain traction beforehand. My problem has always been inordinate time that is spent on cleaning up evil; of the 8000 years of creation nearly 2000 years or 25% is concentrated on cleaning up evil. They could have
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  • been zapped and thrown into hell and into oblivion in a matter of seconds but were not. It is understandable that those who go to heaven would be very wary of another rebellion, another time when their Jesus would be required to leave heaven and undergo that suffering and brutalisation again. There are a number of filters to see that this does not happen. One of those is the second coming of Jesus where the good are separated from the evil in that most of the good are dead  time and are resurrected plus the wise virgins. A bad do not come to life until the millennium ends but the evil are not resurrected till the end of the millennium. In this scenario JK has had a thousand years of rest/sleep whilst heaven has worked on the wicked living. Scripture maintains a mountain of difference between the living and the dead. Once we die, once we take our last breath that breath will either be in Satan or in Jesus. the end of the millennium all those who are resurrected have either died in Satan and there is no attempt made to try to win the back, be that bowls or trumpets. JK is one such character and there are 7 billion of us. We belong to Satan and no attempts are made to retrieve us. In the trumpets we probably are bitten by the locusts but not affected by the crazed horseman. We may try to sneak through the door of mercy as it closes and this is the second filter but as we cannot learn the new song we are left behind. We are certainly affected by painful sores and then there is a long period of time probably more than 400 years before the second bowl is poured out. What is being lined up the battle against beast and this involves the wicked living so even though we experience hardship that occurs we are not involved. It is only wicked living that are involved. This period of time is critical in the humanity history as it defines evil. Only evil can go to hell. Evil is the rejection of the Holy Spirit if we have been given it, replacing it with the mark of the beast and fighting against God’s army from heaven. This is the history of those left behind when the door of mercy’s slams closed. It is why no church resulted from those left behind and there was only one church of good and that was of those who went to heaven. The interpretation must be that JK who was resurrected at the end of the millennium was never involved in the salvation attempt of the last 600 years (?). And the suffering that he incurred could easily have been made up by an extra 10 minutes (?) Of suffering in hell. There is a purpose for each event that occurs and each is sent by Jesus Himself. We would expect the battle to be between good and evil and the good are riding behind the rider of the white horse a position they occupied way back in Good Friday. Forces of evil do not include Satan but only the beast who is in turn made up of the beast out of the sea and the beast out of the earth.. The beast out of the sea although badly provoked still does not want to fight and it is the spirits that looked like frogs are sent out to convince him. At this stage with 4 billion present this beast may consist of 100 or more kings and they have to be gathered in one place to battle I am not sure who decides they are to meet on the dry bed of the Euphrates River. It is a very large place tryout in order to hold 4 billion troops. It also brings into question the word Armageddon whether it meant one battle against all evil or just the battle against the beast. Anyway it all happened in verse 17 when the seventh angel poured out his bowl and that massive earthquake broke up Babylon occurred. This is the last bowl and everything is supposed to happen in that time.
  • I take that for rider of the white horse to only have one swing of the sharp sickle and then a brief pause. In this time beast who had such success against the followers of Jesus in his encounters and banked all his money on this battle occurring on earth again. When he saw the rider of Whitehorse swinging his sharp sickle while sitting on the clouds he knew it was all over and the army that was gathered against him in the bed of the Euphrates River then
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  • turned against each other. And now we look at chapter 17 and 18 for the details of what happened.
  • There has been attempts made to explain these chapters in the blog proper. I am not sure how much I could reproduce now.
  • against each other. And now we look at chapter 17 and 18 for the details of what happened.
  • There has been attempts made to explain these chapters in the blog proper. I am not sure how much I could reproduce now.
  • I am going to assume a proud title for myself of the master’s apprentice. It is still some four months till I finish my apprenticeship when I expect a lot more from myself. Right now I am in a fragile state being one week out from my court case where the word relief comes to mind. I am dealing with a very difficult topic of the Bible and of humanity and that is the end of time; it has to be for the wicked but for the righteous it is the start of time. This will only happen once and it did not happen on Mount Calvary- evil still abounds as does wickedness at the righteous still go through a hard time. Going through the Bible we first meet the encounter of good and evil in Eden where we are supposed to glean certain aspects of both. We see that Satan’s head is crushed and that sounds like death and the fires of hell but Eves seed has his heel bruised. There is much theology in this encounter. Firstly the bruising of the heel is not the same extent of punishment as having once had ones head crushed. The Day of Atonement is different to Good Friday on Mount Calvery. And we have to explain these differences.
  • The next apparent mention of end days is Numbers chapter 5 where much detail is given a character called the Nazirite. On this chapter we have spent much time and return many times but basically this Nazirite was to stay away from all sin, even if it was his parents he was not to go near them when they died. The exception was when a person died suddenly alongside him. And this then became a full explanation of what happened back in the garden of Eden- it was the story of the original Day of Atonement before Abraham and his lot were included by Melchizedek. I probably will have to go back there and fairly soon but mostly because it gives me 100 years that I am looking for and when Moses finished building the temple.
  • And then we come to Daniel 9:24-27 which seems to fit many pictures. Many try to fit it to Jesus and the first coming but it could also be Jesus and the fourth coming which I will attempt again to tell me which was which. Daniel 70 weeks and the Messiah verse 24; ‘70 weeks have been decreed for your people and your holy city, to finish transgression, to make an end to sin, to make atonement for iniquity, bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal a vision and prophecy and to anoint the most holy place. So you are to know and discern that from the issuing of a decree to restore the rebuilding of Jerusalem until the Messiah the Prince there will be seven weeks and 62 weeks; it will be billed again, with Plaza and moat even in times of distress. Then after the 62 weeks the Messiah will be cut off and have nothing, and the people of the prince who is to come will destroy the city and the sanctuary. And its end will come like a flood; even to the end there will be war; desolations are determined. And he will make a firm covenant with the many for one week, but in the middle of the week and will put a stop to sacrifice and grain offering; and on the wing of abomination will come one who makes desolate, even until a complete destruction, one decreed, is poured out on the one who makes desolate.’
  • The timing is very accurate and there is no room for 100 years extra we are allowed 70 weeks of seven or 490 years. Scripture can be filled in many ways including these verses but there are many parts not fulfilled if this applies to Mount Calvary. The timing factor is 490 years and it concerns people of God And the Holy City. By this stage we have been in the garden of Eden or the final archive of the new heaven which has not appeared as yet so we might be your people but where is The Holy City? Is it that city that has been rebuilt with the page 8
  • temple down there on earth or is it the garden around us or maybe even the new Jerusalem that is still to be built in the not too distant future and will be in the new universe? If this is the new Jerusalem the fires of hell have already gone out after the battle against Satan which happen seven days before the Day of Atonement. The extinction of hell certainly will remove many of these evils. IF THIS HOLY CITY is still on earth and has just been rebuilt by Satan and the beast and that includes the temple and this city is about to disappear for good. If all this is to occur within the 490 years and must be the city on earth, this planet. The issuing of the decree by the beast and Satan very soon after the first bowl tipped out and happens 49 years first bowl is stepped out. It is to restore and rebuild Jerusalem and then after this the forthcoming of Jesus will be 7×62 years. It is a surprisingly long time before we force the authorities to issue the decree but is counted as part of a 490 years. On earth when Jesus came there was no Plaza and no moat when the bowls are tipped out there are times of distress. The sire will be cut off when he comes to earth because he has left the riders of the wine horse behind him and he comes alone. Before him he has to go through the Day of Atonement to rejoin His Father and behind him there are these riders which he will never see again. Stated is built in sanctuary and the city and there is no way he’s going to allow it to be used as part of his destruction and he destroys it along with the beast. This happens right at the end in the last seven years of 490. The only wars that are occurring at this time is a war against the beast the wicked that are killed leave their property behind or desolation is determined. There is no way and either Peter or Paul could interpret these passages as referring to Good Friday on Mount Calvary. No wonder it remained such a mystery.
  • I am just sitting here in a pretend mode thinking I am sitting here on the 07 – 07 – 2022. That is the day that my apprenticeship finishes and I will be required to produce a commentary with some depth in it. What I have in front of me is Daniel 9.24-.. I know I am at the end of time, in fact the last 490 years and I have in front of me what has been decreed for your people and your holy city to finish transgression…. I am quite sure of your people and they have been since Good Friday on Mount Calvary and the call of acceptance that they made and that call will carry them through to eternity. Your holy city is a little bit more difficult in that it is a place in which these people live and have lived. This city will contain the sanctuary or the dwelling place of God. The centre of this dwelling place is the altar and this altar is the cross of Christ. Its location was established on Good Friday on Mount Calvary. That location has remained the same and will only change in these very last days. It cannot remain in the same place at this time as both the city and the sanctuary are going to be destroyed and it will be during the time we are studying. It was last destroyed at the third coming of Jesus when the door of mercy was slammed closed. It was the time when the seven bowls were about to be tipped out. The first of those bowls was poured out and it resulted in painful ugly sores and the people on earth panicked because they knew there were six more bowls to go and this frighten them and they thought that by appeasing the wrath of God they would produce mitigating circumstances. This turned out to be the case. By forcing the beast and Satan to produce a decree to rebuild the temple trouble was avoided for a long time. To rebuild the temple was 49 years along with the city and the work was so perfect God’s wrath was appeased for nearly 400 years. We actually come to year 483 – 490 when this almost perfect temple plus cross in the holy city when the city is has been rebuilt with Plaza and moat and almost 400 years ago. Then the Messiah is cut off in 483 and leaves his army, the
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  • riders of the white horse behind in the Eden and comes alone to earth or near it. He has nothing because he has left his army behind and will not see them like this again. He has Day of Atonement in front of him before he can see His Father again. He has nothing. He is in a certain place above us and now it is obvious what is going to happen, people of the prince destroyed the city and the sanctuary. Satan was not going to allow these to be used and his destruction so the city and sanctuary are probably destroyed at the beginning of 483. The end will come with a flood and there will be wars and desolation determined. This war could easily be the war against the beast as we are not told of any war between Satan and the beast. ‘There is a firm covenant made with many for one week, but in the middle of the week he will put a stop to sacrifice and grain offering; and on the wing of abominations will come one who makes desolate, even until complete destruction, one that is decreed, is poured out on the one who makes desolate’. And it is this last week wherein the problem lies and always has. The cross of the Day of Atonement is the centre of this week with a 3 ½ year tutorial on either side. This has had to happen when Jesus to return to the garden of Eden where his troops have been waiting. The cross, your holy city has been moved to the archives of heaven. The Day of Atonement will put a stop sacrifice and grain offering. Its location in the Eden is directly above the pulverised temple on earth, above the wing of abominations. The destruction is now complete and earth has been severed from heaven or at least its archives. Where the words fit this picture I still have to determine but then again I still have hundred 60 days to find this. This is one account of those last 490 years and it has to fit in with these battles of Revelation.
  • As the master’s apprentice since here and pretends it is the seventh of the seventh and wonders what topic he will begin the blog proper with. Revelation and the woman and the beast, don’t know. Genesis and the beginning of quantum mechanics,, don’t know. Book of Numbers and Deuteronomy, I don’t think so. These are supposed to point to Mount Calvary but you can’t point with nothing, don’t know. Good thing it is not 07 – 07 – 2022. This topic of evil is so complex and it actually began in Genesis 1;1, “in the beginning”. Jesus created time and blocks of one day and that was a 24-hour timeslot where we could exist on the condition that we accepted what happened on that day. Thus we have the introduction of good and evil, of those who accepted and those who do not. Creation itself was split on those decisions and I do not know why approximately 99 in 100 chose not to accept this existence and therefore this existence will not apply to them. They will be destroyed as they do not want to be there. Free choice free will. I am now dealing with the last days of those who chose not to be there, and evil in the long run and they will disappear. To get these two categories we need to define them and the good were the ones are called accept on the cross and the evil were the ones who chose to reject what they were shown. There appears to be an extra lot and they were prepared and many did die for Jesus and how can these people be called evil? 144,000 of them will receive the Holy Spirit and all the related advantages and surely these people cannot go to hell. Receive the Holy Spirit, died for Jesus or were prepared to, when around doing God such as feeding the poor and hungry and many other Christian endeavours. The book of Revelation specifically answers this question by giving these people three ultimatums; must keep the Holy Spirit and not reject it; must not replace it with a mark of the beast and must not fight against the rider of the white horse. Revelation shows that all this happened, all are declared evil and all are killed in hell. We are specifically doing with the agglomeration of evil in different forms and in this case the woman and the beast how they got together to try to eliminate people of God. It is quite
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  • a complex story and even though I have explained it satisfactorily before I am still having difficulty with it this time round. It is the time of the seventh angel and of the seven seal. He is going to show us the punishment of the great prostitute who sits on many waters the adultery that she commits as with the Kings of the earth and the inhabitants of the earth were intoxicated with the wine of her adulteries. These nefarious activities are taking place in a desert so we don’t know about them just when the final result occurs. So first we have to identify the woman and then the beast and the relationship between them.
  • As I revise this blog a lot of the memories come from the present no mention and by invoking the fourth dimension I hope to bring up some memories from there also. I think I have established the means for a war against the living and the war against the dead. The battle of the beast and the battle against Satan as two separate entities. Chapter 17 is about the war between the woman and the beast but I missed the whole point that it was the seventh angel that was involved. It is a time when the punishment of the great prostitute nurse. It may not be as late as the rider of the white horse springing his sharp sickle for the first time but it is certainly right at the end. These to know that the end is coming and they meet together in a clandestine meeting which seems very fancy indeed. The woman is in full regalia, “dressed in purple and scarlet and was glittering with gold, precious stones and pearls she held a golden cup in her hand, filth of her adulteries. The title was written on her forehead, “mystery Babylon the great the mother of all prostitutes and of the abominations of the earth”. I still take this woman to be the papacy and the Roman Catholic Church. She has not suffered much over the past 2000 years and she was drunk with the blood of the saints, the blood of those who bore testimony to Jesus. But why should they meet before they are destroyed and a very short time as well before that? She is sitting on a scarlet beast that was covered with blasphemous names and is a conglomeration of the evil king of the day as it has seven heads and 10 horns. Together they have combined over the millennium to destroy the people of God but why this clandestine meeting just before they attack each other? They have been a formidable force of evil over the years. Are they expecting victory now? Only hours away from victory? This whole thing is a mystery of Babylon the great. The beast which once was, now is not and will come up out of the abyss and go to his destruction. The inhabitants of the earth whose names have not been written in the book of life from the creation of the world will be astonished when they see the beast, because he once was, now is not, and yet will come. This calls for a mind with wisdom. The seven heads are seven hills on which the woman sits. They are also seven kings. Five have fallen, one is, the other has not yet come; but when he does come, he must remain for a little while. The beast who once was, and now is not, is the eighth king. He belongs to the seven and is going to his destruction. The 10 horns you saw are 10 kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but who for one hour will receive authority as kings along with the beast they will make war against the Lamb, but the Lamb will overcome them because he is Lord of Lords and King of Kings – and with him will be is called chosen and faithful followers.” Then the angel said to me, “the waters you saw, where the prostitute sits, are peoples, multitudes and nations and languages. The beast and the 10 horns you saw will hate the prostitute. They will bring her to ruin and leave her naked; they will eat her flesh and burn her with fire. For God has put it into their hearts to accomplish his purpose by agreeing to give the beast their power to rule, until God’s wrath is fulfilled. The woman you saw is a great city that rules over the kings of the earth.
  • It is now a week since my court case but the blog has recommenced in a way. What we have found is this extra beast that is present in Babylon and to which I will return tomorrow.
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  • in my walk with the Christian Bible I claim certain progression. I claim to be able to change from an apprentice to a teacher. As an apprentice I am allowed to progress so far through a certain topic and then claim that I am getting confused and I need a rest. And this should be the demarcation between a teacher and his apprentice. I have certainly got so far in a topic of the last 600 years and am getting confused and I need a rest but therein lies the problem; I am progressing towards the teacher stage where I will have to stay with it and get some answers. Here is my first attempt getting to this teacher stage. It is heartening to know that I am not the only one who finds these matters complex but it is not an excuse for not understanding them. Chapters 17, 18, 19, and 20 are the chapters involved and there is much material in them. The advantages that I have I have already been through them using my 3D brain. I am very sure that Jesus included them in this tutorial of 1260 days before the cross and therefore they are also a part of my 4D memory. The new Testament would have been included by Jesus but maybe not in the exact form, but in essence the ideas are already been laid down. So the name of the jigsaw puzzle is the last 600 years and now we have to look at bits and pieces of it. It is an evil being dismantled but the same evil that was allowed to almost destroy Christianity. It is about the beast who is not. It is probably the eighth king who appears and whose role is to destroy the prostitute which he successfully does. If it is the forces of evil there should be two of them, the beast out of the earth and the beast out of the sea. They are to be unravelled and destroyed individually.
  • I have already been through Daniel 9:24 – 27 which is the big picture but it seems to concentrate mostly on the last seven years in the block of 490 and as of today I have not been able to weave it in these chapters of Revelation. Then I went back to Revelation chapter 11 and saw the door of mercy closing. We were left outside the door and suffered the first of the bowls with the painful and ugly sores. We demanded that the authorities, the beast and Satan, immediately issue a decree for the rebuilding of the city and the Temple which they did. If this was supposed to appease the wrath of God and then worked brilliantly well and right now we have been poured out on the beast which goes into the state of nonexistence. ‘Beast now is not’. This is a condition at which we arrive in chapter 17. This beast has seven heads and 10 horns and represents all evil but we are not told to what depth it is destroyed. The United Nations seems to be destroyed but the individual countries and kings are not. For those who claim to commit sin as unintentional sin the reason disappears, “they refused to repent and glorify him”. “Man gnawed their tongues in agony and cursed the God of heaven because their pains and sores, but they refused to repent of what they  ” The beast remains out of the picture as far as chapter 17 but he also remains the great mystery, “mystery, Babylon the great and the mother of prostitutes and of the abominations of the earth”. The world organisation has gone into hiding individual kings still remain and may need to be convinced they have to go into battle which is the sixth bowl. The Kings require much convincing they have to go into battle and it takes the spirits that look like frogs to convince them. We are told the end result which is seventh bowl but in the meantime we are filled in with the details of the woman and the beast.
  • The irony in chapter 17 when this woman and beast meet is that when this beast materialises he’s going to do so as the eighth king. This is Islam and the King specifically set aside for destroying the prostitute. The woman does not realise that this is the pact that she’s getting into. The results of this battle are foretold in chapter 20 but at this stage my bet is prostitute is totally destroyed but Islam goes on for the remaining fight. The remaining fight is the fall of Babylon. “After this I saw another angel coming down from heaven. He had great authority, and the earth was eliminated by his splendour. With a mighty voice he shouted; “Fallen! Fallen is Babylon the great! She has become a home for demons and they haunt for every evil spirit, a haunt for every unclean and detestable bird. All the nations have drunk the maddening wine of her adulteries. The kings of the earth committed adultery with
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  • her, and the merchants of the earth grew rich with her excessive luxuries.” Then I heard another voice from heaven saying: “come but of her, my people, so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her plagues, for her sins and piled up to heaven, and God has remembered her crimes. Give back to her and she has given; they have bank double for what she has done. Give her a double portion from her own cup. Give her as much torture and grief as the glory and luxury she gave herself. In her heart she boasts, “I sit as Queen; I am not a widow, and I will never mourn.” Therefore in one day her plagues will overcome her: death, morning and famine. She will be consumed by fire for mighty is the Lord God who judges her. When the kings of the earth who committed adultery with her and shared her luxury see the smoke of her burning, they will weep and mourn over her. Terrified at her torment, they will stand far off and cry: “woe! Woe a great city. Oh Babylon, city of power  in one hour your death has come!
  • By the time we get to chapter 19 we realise that I have been telling the wrong story. I will quickly revise this chapter before correcting it. It only shows that biblical knowledge is progressive. “19:1— “after this I heard what sounded like the roar of a great multitude in heaven shouting: “hallelujah summation Mark salvation and glory and power belong to our God, for true and just are his judgements. He has condemned the great prostitute who corrupted the earth by her adulteries. He has avenged on her blood of his saints.” And again they shouted: “hallelujah! Smoke from her goes up forever and ever.” The 24 elders and the four living creatures fell down and worshipped God, who was seated on the throne, and they cried: “amen, hallelujah!” Then a voice came from the throne, saying: “praise our God, all you servants, you who fear him, both great and small!” Then I heard what sounded like a great multitude, like the roar of rushing waters and like loud peals of thunder, shouting: “hallelujah! For our Lord God Almighty reigns. Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready. Fine linen, bright and clean, was given her to wear.” [Find linen stands for the righteous acts of the saints] then the angel said to me, “write: lesson are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb!” And he asked, “these are the true words of God.” At this I fell at his feet to worship him. But he said to me, “do not do it! I am a fellow servant with you and with your brothers who hold to the testimony of Jesus. Worship God! For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.”
  • The rider on the white horse verse 11; ‘I saw heaven standing and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice he judges and makes war. His eyes are like blazing fire, and on his head many crowns he has a name written on him and no one knows but he himself. He’s dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and his name is the Word of God. The armies of heaven were following him, and riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen, white and clean out of his mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations. “He will rule them with an iron sceptre”. He treads the winepress of of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty on his robe and on his thigh he has this name written: King of Kings and Lord of Lords. And I saw an angel standing in the sun, who cried in a loud voice to all the birds flying in midair, “come, gather together for the great supper of God, so that you may eat the flesh of kings, generals, and mighty men, of horses and their riders, and of the flesh of all people, free and slave, small and great.” Then I saw the beast and the kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to make war against the rider on the horse and his army. But the beast was captured, and with him the false prophet who had performed the miraculous signs on his behalf. With these signs he had eluded those who received the mark of the beast and worshipped his image. The two of them were thrown alive into the fiery lake of burning sulphur. The rest of them were killed with the sword that came out of the mouth of the rider on the horse, and the birds gorge themselves on his flesh.”
  • The story we set out to tell when that door of mercy closed and one lot went inside the door and most stayed out side. They could not learn the new song and strictly this is the story of
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  • the last 500 years. Yes this beast is killed one who came out of the darkness way back in the fifth bowl. And the birds of the air did get their meal but it is all that happened in the meantime wherein lies the problem. And it all has been about the beast or those who are left to live at the second coming of Jesus Christ. It is a completely different take that of Daniel 9:24. All that stuff about sugars being right-handed and proteins being left-handed as they follow the double helix of time which itself is left-handed are now no longer valid. We are going to have to go back to, “in the beginning, God……….”. Which we would soon have to do is as only one chapter remains in Revelation and that is chapter 20. As I went back to that last 500 years I knew it was important but not how important it really was..
  • In chapter 19 we know that the battle of the beast is over. We know where that took place and that was in the dried up Euphrates River. We know that it was against the rider of the white horse and his army. We know there were 4 billion dead (?). We know that their bodies began to rot and there would be an incredible stench from about day 10 onwards. We know that the birds of the air were invited for the great feast. We know that they carried the bodies away as faeces to distant parts of the world. This lot there were killed were very rich and controlled the trade of the earth. They had a thousand years to establish the domain has a lot that belong to Satan were dead in this time. We know that once this 4 billion were resurrected that everyone on earth had died once and were ready to die in hell. All 14 billion original souls in the cookie jar minus hundred 44 million who are we going to heaven. Most importantly we know that before this battle took place the beast went around individually to each of the foolish virgins and told them they must remove the Holy Spirit that had been given them a long time before and they must replace it with the mark of the beast and that they must fight against the rider of the white horse. There would not be two churches on earth and heaven like there is today. The one on earth had lost its privilege of existence. There is an incredible amount of detail what happened in the last 490 years and provides us with a solid backbone of reviewing this chapter. I have not been forced into getting a date for this battle and that it occurs before the last battle against Satan. In Scripture this is given as the grapes becoming ripe. We now have had the battle against the remaining living since the second coming and now we have one more battle the one against all humanity and hell. This is a story in chapter 20 and the story of Satan which begins with the second coming. Chapter 20 verse one; ‘ and I saw an angel coming down out of heaven, having the key to the abyss and holding in his hand a great chain. He seized the dragon, the ancient serpent, who is the devil, or Satan, and bound him for a thousand years. He threw him into the abyss and locked and sealed it over him, to keep him from deceiving the nations anymore until the thousand years were ended. After that, he must be set free for a short time. [Approximately 800 years] I saw thrones on which were seated those who had been given authority to judge. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony for Jesus and because of the word of God. They had not worshipped the beast or his image and had not received his mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand years. [The rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were ended.] This is the first resurrection. Lesson and holy are those who have part in the first resurrection. The second death has no power over them, but they will be priests of God and of Christ and will reign with him for 1000 years. Satan’s doom; verse seven; ‘when the thousand years are over, Satan will be released from his prison and will go out and deceive the nations in the four corners of the earth – Gog and Magog – to gather them for battle. In number they are like the sand on the seashore. They marched across the breadth of the earth and surrounded the camp of God’s people, the city he loves. But fire came down from heaven and devoured them. And the devil, who deceived them, was thrown into the
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  • lake of burning sulphur, where the beast and the false prophet had been thrown. They will be tormented day and night for ever and ever. Verse 11;
  • Satan has been allowed to inflict last suffering on God’s people. It is the start of the millennium and Satan is taken out of the picture. He is bound and thrown into the abyss. There was one last death he was allowed to take and he has taken it. The surprise is how few Christians were left: there were 144,000 wise virgins and there were 144,000 foolish virgins left behind. There was an incredible and systematic slaughter of Christianity before this which in the present circumstances is difficult to understand. Christianity may become a hated word and in many parts of the world it already is but this is not a systematic slaughter. It is these Christians who have been beheaded that now sit on judgement. They have just been through the fifth seal and have been taken to heaven with Jesus so who do they sit on judgement with. They certainly interact with each other all 144 million (?) In the future inhabitants of the throne room of God. Even though 1 billion Christians (? ) Have just died for their Lord they are of no concern to heaven or earth. There is a representative sample of them, the foolish virgins that becomes the subject of the remaining 1800 years and even though they are given a chance to establish a church on earth they fail to do so. They remove the seal of God, the Holy Spirit, from their foreheads and replace it with the mark of the beast and fight against the rider and his army of the Whitehorse. We have just followed their history in the 19 chapters of Revelation and they stand for all that 1 billion people who thought they had died for Jesus whatever their interpretation of this Jesus was. If the second coming of Jesus is on 07 – 07 – 22 then the millennium will finish on 07 – 07 – 3022 and this is the last interaction between heaven and earth. The introduction of the beast at this late stage leaves us with some difficult explanation, it should be all about Satan’s followers. When Satan is released from prison he gathers them from all corners of the earth but in this blog this occurs after about 800 years.
  • It can be said the present vaccine and jab do introduce incredible stupidity and there may be one coming or already here which introduces incredible hate. There must be something like this the Satan has in mind in these last days or it may be something altogether different. We also have another example of being tormented for ever and ever. Verse 11;- “then I saw a great white throne and him who was seated on it. Earth and sky had fled from his presence, and there was no place for them. And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Another book was opened, which is the book of life. The dead were judged according to what they had done as recorded in the books. The sea gave up the dead that were in it, and death and Hades gave up the dead that were in them, and each person was judged according to what he had done. Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. The lake of fire is the second death. If anyone’s name was not found in the book of life he was thrown into the lake of fire.”
  • It is always best to begin with what happened to our Saviour. At 9 AM on Good Friday there was a literal death and that was a relationship BETWEEN THE SON OF GOD and Jesus The Son of Man. The Son of Man went on between 9 AM and 3 PM to take the literal sins of the 144 million saints of eternity. These were their intentional and confessed sins. He took them into hell where these sins were burned and destroyed. The result of taking these sins on himself led to separation from God and death which is what happened to Jesus at 3 PM. The death was a real death as in his head was crushed and not just his heel bruised. Jesus was dead when placed inside the grave. And Jesus tells us the reason for the Sabbath Day is the time to ask whether life is to be given or death. Jesus asked this question when presenting each of the hundred 44 million riders that were with him and the question was answered in the affirmative because in the background the blood of Jesus was dripping Onto the Ark of the Covenant. In Jesus they had met all divine requirements. The only answer that could be given they were attached to Jesus, or the rock. The last presentation was the Rock itself
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  • which was presented at first light on the Sabbath morning. It was on this Rock that the church is built and the gates of hell cannot prevail against it. The rest of the Sabbath day was spent in worship by the hundred 44 million of their Saviour. He had been dead since 3 PM the previous day but now had been resurrected to his previous self. It Is As the Son of Man that Jesus returns to close the door of mercy. The two entities of Son of God and Son of Man that have now been rejoined in life for the eternities to come.
    • The above rejoining is the same as when we left them in Matthew chapter 16. Now we return to chapter 20 in Revelation and supposedly Satan. But Satan has just done his worst and destroyed every Christian that he was going to be allowed to destroyed and thus the second coming and the return of the hundred 44 million, the saints of eternity back to heaven. Satan is out of the picture for the first 1000 years and even though he returns at the end of this time it is in a very limited way. The 260 years for the closing of the door of mercy and then 490 years after which all leads to the battle of the beast. Satan is only really alone for that time between the battle of the beast and the battle of Satan and this could be only seven years. Much has been written about this time of about 1700 years and finishes with Satan’s destruction. Right at the end he gathers his troops and they are like members of sand on the seashore. All 14 billion created souls are there except hundred 44 million are in heaven. The 4 billion that had died in the battle of the beast were there, “but fire came down from heaven and devoured them. And the devil, who deceived them, was thrown into the lake of burning sulphur, where the beast and the false prophet had been thrown. They will be tormented day and night for ever and ever”.
    • Hell consists of two stages of death for committing intentional sins and the judgement period after. Jesus died on the cross of Good Friday and the judgement occurred in the grave afterwards when the hundred 44 million were presented before God and asked if they were given life or death and because of the presence of Jesus they were given life. That was the result of the judgement of Good Friday. Now there will be no option for these 14 billion evil. Earth and sky had fled from his presence and this was the place where they were supposed to survive in and live forever and ever. When Jesus went to hell on Good Friday and out of the process dead but his body seemed intact, judgement had not occurred. And so it was from these last two battles. Something remains that is taken out and placed in the wine press of the wrath of God which when squeezed releases a river of blood which may be 200 miles long and those other dimensions. It is only when this river catches a light and burns itself out that evil is finished and this has been described in Peter’s conflagration of the existence of the last seconds of this universe. Revelation gives us two options as there are two judgements first being from the battle of the beast and the second being from the battle against Satan. One lot are given a book which is opened which is the book of life and the dead are judged according to what they had done. Then the sea gave up instead and they were judged each according to what they had done. So is it a lot that belongs to the beast that are given life and Satan lot that are judged according to what the sea gave up? One lot has been alive a maximum of 1700 years but Satan’s lot would go right back to creation. The result is the same and both are thrown into the lake of fire or Peter’s conflagration which burns out the universe. They are destroyed by fire. It seems as if the book of life is recorded for those who have lived in the last 1700 years
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    Yet another attempt at Revelation chapter 20. Providing try different angle that’s okay to. The new angle is whether some are given an extra book on judgement and whether some only have one. At the time of the flash in the sky at the second coming of Jesus I claim 7 billion and 7 billion alive. Out of the 7 billion alive I claim 144,000 foolish virgins and to these will be given a special book of life. They are live during the millennium and all the attempts of heaven are used to bring them in. At the end of the millennium they will be given a seal of God which will protect them from God sent calamities right until the time when they replace this seal with the mark beast. They are given the privilege of starting off the church on earth. They are unaffected by the seals and trumpets. They are the representative lot of those 1 billion+ who did die for their Lord Jesus Christ. They were not evil because they had taught Scripture, fed the poor, looked after the sick and many Christian deeds which Christians are expected to perform. They did mistakenly die a violent death for the Lord Jesus Christ they will be given the chance to start the church on earth but in the long run they work out to be evil. They will abandon the seals on their foreheads and fight in the battle of the beast against the rider of the white horse which will be fought on the dry bed of the Euphrates River. They are resurrected at the end of the millennium along with all the wicked others resurrected dead. Most people will not accept that they could be condemned to hell,” go away from me I never knew you!” There are only 144,000 foolish virgins who are candidates to receive a second book of life as much has been done for them in heaven to make sure they get across. Much happens to these 7 billion people who are alive at the time of Jesus and by the time we get to the battle of the beast or the battle against the rider of the white horse there are only 4 billion left. 3 billion have been killed. So by the time the rider of the white horse squeezed his sickle from the clouds all those on earth will be wicked. On that day 4 billion will die as 3 billion of their members have already fallen side. Thus from this one battle we have 4 billion+3 billion that are dead. The 7 billion that were brought to life at the end of the millennium did not enter the base of the Euphrates but stood way back on shore and were not involved. Thus we really have to explain 4+3+7 billion which are the subject of chapter 20. “When the thousand years are over Satan will be released from his prison and go out to deceive the nations and Magog and Gog – to gather them for battle. In number they are like the sand on the seashore. They marched across the breath of the earth and surrounded the camp of God’s people the city he loves. But fire and down from heaven and the now then. And the devil, who deceived them was thrown into the lake of burning sulphur with a beast and the false prophet had been thrown. So how many troops are there in Gog and Magog that go out to surround God city? Is it 7 billion for the original number way back from millennium? Or have they been joined by the 4 billion that resulted dead in the war against the rider of the white horse? And where have the remaining 3 billion got to

  • XXXXXXXXXXXX 02 – 04 – 22 XXXXXXXXXXXXX.Page 18Some lot has been there already, “where the beast and the false prophet had been thrown”. This was probably seven years since the battle against the rider of the white horse. It does not mean they have all been there for that seven years just that they had been thrown there and probably for a maximum of two days. Everybody has to go through a period of sin cleansing – hell but then pulled out for judgement. You know I am getting desperate when I challenge the great apostle Paul and tell him he is wrong although I am very disappointed in the fact that the mother of Jesus did not know what was happening on Resurrection Sunday. If Paul taught Christ and Christ crucified that would be wrong. It was not Christ that was crucified it was Jesus who was on the cross from 9 AM to 3 PM. When Jesus died, “it is finished!” At 3 PM it was only then that Christ, The Son of the Living God appeared In the Most Holy Place before God and wanted to take the scroll with the seven seals. He then immediately proceeded to open its seals and the seventh seal was not open until we entered heaven proper. Paul taught Christ crucified and it is the resurrection that is the basic tenet of our faith. Many were resurrected, hundred 44 million souls, and went on to gain eternal life. That option was not available in the last part of chapter 20 and both earth and sky had vanished and there was no room for them. The only option available here was an annihilation. And this is where I have an issue with the teaching of the apostles, all apparent teaching. Paul taught the resurrection is the basic tenet of our faith. Paul realised that God could not die that the Christ was the Son of the Living God. There was another component within Christ Jesus and that was He was Son of Man and that was this component that was, “this rock I will build my church and the gates of hell will not prevail against!” It was dead by 3 PM and there was a reason for this in fact many reasons. As it was to be brought back to life it also brought 144 million souls back to life and that option was only available on could Friday. It was a combination of Son of Man and Christ Son of the living God that was Jesus Christ. I along with Peter who asked Jesus to wash his head and body as well would have made the same request at the foot washing ceremony. We didn’t realise what has happened and what was about to happen where we only needed our feet washed. What was about to happen was that would be a break, a death within the holy Trinity separate Son of Man and the Sun of the Living God. What it is truly upsetting is the fact that I know so little about the judgement. This final judgement in Revelation there is no doubt that people go to hell and by a painful process have their sins removed. But it is not over yet and the wrath of God is to be satisfied. The people are dead and do not feel any pain in this process but what happens is that, God’s actions are revealed in His effort to save all those souls which he created in the beginning and in love. Only now a new creation can begin and that is the one that began while Jesus was in the grave on that Sabbath Day. Yet most people believe or do not believe in the Sabbath Day.
  • XXXXXXXXXXXXXX 04 – 04 – 22 XXXXXXXXXX.Who are the observers of these judgements the one 2000 years ago and the one in 1800 years time? The saints in heaven have a real dilemma in that when they get to heaven for the first thousand years their concern are the people left on earth particularly the foolish virgins. Every effort is made to bring them to heaven but then when the thousand users over the efforts cease and the concern becomes that these people should not enter into heaven. They are evil and within no time there would be another rebellion in heaven. They are given the chore of excluding these people by constructing a new song which they cannot learn. There are about four or five attempts or checks made that these evil people do not give into heaven and one of these checks is that the judgement. The judgement occurs when sin has been wiped out and they have been put into hell so it is not the evil people who are going to suffer or feel anything. Jesus went to hell to get rid of our sins but what appears to have suffered or died is his spiritual nature and his body came out intact. Likewise the evil when they have been to hell their body comes out intact their 3D body but not the 4D spirit it willPage 19go on to another phase. The saints in heaven will experience this phase and what we are particularly interested in is the extra book of life. It is the extra effort that heaven has gone through to try to bring the foolish virgins into heaven. No stone was left unturned and we remember the efforts clearly. There is also a book of life for every other soul that was created. They were created in the image of God and God has made sure that every effort has been made to bring them into life eternal. All the efforts have been spurned and the records are now shown to be the case. By spurning all of God’s efforts they have incurred His wrath and it is this entity that is now being satisfied. The wrath of God has stopped time and by being satisfied we can now move into the throne room of God. And the saints in heaven have been carefully following what has happened during these judgements. Where the Bible begins is where revelation finishes and that is, “heaven and earth had passed away and there was no need for them”. Most people would not exist anywhere and the remaining 3D bodies are burnt up in Peter’s conflagration. When placed into the wine press of God’s wrath they are squeezed and the blood that is in them which is the source of life forms that 200 mile River and when that disappears all evil is gone and the saints can begin in eternity in a sinless condition and existence.What happened to the judgement on Good Friday? The One Who took our sins on Himself took them to hell and had them destroyed/burnt up and the consequence of sin is death. He took our death for us. He was dead and as dead as a rock, “you are Peter and upon this rock I will build my church.” The judgement that began on Good Friday was different and that there was options available. “Is it right to give life or to give death on this most blessed of days”. That decision was made on the day and the could be made on that day and because, “it is finished.”
  • XXXXXXXXXXXX 06 – 04 – 22.XXXXXXXXXXX.I feel quite satisfied with the progress I am making between the self-imposed stages of blogging from apprentice to “master”. I am very satisfied with the stage of progress in the book of Revelation where we are at final judgement. I would not be at this stage of explaining to Paul as he needed 14 years of full-time tuition in the desert. I feel I can explain this to Peter because at the foot washing ceremony he was only a week out from understanding it. I would explain it to him roughly along the lines: “being a devout Jew you are fully aware of the story of Aaron and the golden calf. There Moses was up on the mountain receiving instructions which the Jews would have to obey if they were to remain God’s people. When Moses arrived carrying those instructions he that under the leadership of Aaron the Jews instead of worshipping the Devil. Moses smashed those tablets up and broke that old covenant and went back to see what God would do now. Many changes would result and finally Aaron The High Priest would be replaced by Melchizedek The High Priest and the golden calf would be replaced by the red heifer as the entry point into the throne room of God. Moses was told to make up a new lot of tablets on which God would write same instructions as before these tablets were carried in a box call the Ark of the Covenant and the big difference was that it was a prophet by God, Jesus Christ who was going to make sure that these instructions were fully obeyed. Pattern where this was obeyed Was the Daily Sacrifice. I think that Peter was reasonably comfortable with the plot so far. What Peter did not realise that it was not just 9 AM to 3 PM there was involved but there was a divine section involved after 3 PM. Peter did not realise that we had a Son of Man involved,or the rock, it was as lifeless as that, on which God would build his church. He did not realise that the divinity of Jesus Christ would come into play, “you are the Christ Son of the living God” would appear In the Most Holy Place by the saints of eternity be voted as worthy of receiving the scroll with seven seals. This was coming up and this would make all the difference. Here there would be a judgement, a meticulous one which would result in the saints in heaven looking on and observing a judgement that was occurring. If we acceptPage 20there will be many uncomfortable topics Christ as our Saviour we were a part of the judgement and both heaven and earth exists for us and that is for eternity to come even though it may be a different universe. These are heaviest topics in theology and much more time will have to be spent on them but here in lies my problem in that I am capable of spending more time on them but that time is still limited and I will still have to change topics quite regularly.This will certainly be the case in my next topic and a look at Genesis. Even though I run out of traction it will still be a start. The goal of this topic is to try to work the existence of quantum mechanics into the blog. There will be many uncomfortable topics to be covered but the first one is whether all those scholars before the time of Darwin and others could get it so desperately wrong and be kept in the dark ages. They needed Darwin to show them the enlightenment and this came in the form of evolution. Before that the poor things were just poking around in the dark when the shining light appeared on the scene. Many wonders were explained to us with evolution and long ages of the earth, millions or billions of years old, and the spiritual dimension despaired of the scene. The changes in cosmology were just as great and an earth centred solar system became a Sun centred one. I have to tread very carefully here as I do not want to bring discredit to the Bible. I have no problem in labelling evolution not just an absurdity but insanity. At present my knowledge is related to biblical time and it points to a recent creation, probably about 6000 years. It actually points to a specific start and that is day one. But if we both look a rock and you call 2 billion years and I called 6000 years I would still have difficulty in disproving the number that you chose unless of course I saw it crystallise from lava. Your call of nonexistence of a spiritual world is an absurdity and one which much time will have to be spent. The one has been troubling me for a long time is the position of the sun and the moon and it may be absurdity question their present positions. It may even require me to enter has “teacher” stage to do so properly. My main assumption is that all those Christians could not have been wrong and had to wait for Darwin/devil to point out the correct positions. It seems that you have to remain with the Bible to hold these dark ages explanations. You do not need creation out of nothing to get a logical explanation like evolution and Big Bang and you need to have a screw missing believe them in the first place. Insanity should not be given a stage to establish itself on, it is insane.
  • XXXXXXXXXX 09 – 04 – 22 XXXXXXXXXXX.Since the end of my court case, 16 – 03 – 22, and the revelation I received concerning time, the daily sacrifice I have had a lot taken off my mind and a lot has been added. I have been merrily wandering into the world of quantum mechanics, all for the fourth dimension or the spiritual dimension. What has set me off is the position of planet Earth with relation to the sun. We have been led that we were in the dark ages when being led by people who believed in Scripture and we were set free when Darwin and others came along. It was a time when we were led into the field of insanity. Believing that something could come from nothing, and without knowing anything about time at all it could have existed for ever. The two basic beliefs that originated at this time were evolution and Big Bang and both belong in the world of insanity. Before that time we and mostly others believed and survived on the existence of a spiritual world, that also disappeared into the current knowledge of absurdity. The one that I began to think about was our solar system and I could not wander how wrong our spiritual fathers were in positioning sun and the earth. They got the earth as a centre and the sun circulating around it. Surely it does not get more absurd than that! The evidence of that time and of the day-to-day, the Michaelson Morley experiment, showed that this to be the case. With all its refinements the earth was stationary! But where from Scripture did they conclude that the earth was the centre of the solar system? It came from the Bible Genesis 1:1, “in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth”. I class myself as a well-intentioned scholar and quickly brings this statement into present-day knowledge. ThePage 21earth exists in the third orbital around the sun as well as many other planets in other orbitals, but the sun is a centre. How can a tiny piece of earth, planet Earth hold and attract a massive sun? It is like an elephant being attracted to a mouse and circling around, impossible. The sun could attract many other planets around it but not the other way around and I corrected for it with my interpretation. This was not Scripture and Scripture had the earth as a centre and stationary. How many more absurdities and insanities does the present so-called enlightenment have to produce to be shot down before people return to the Bible, and not just anything that takes them away from the Bible? There are many blogs which claimed to defend the Bible and Scripture but with friends like this do you really need enemies? One such blog that I have been following for many years is “creation ministries” and they claim to defend biblical truth. First of all they establish evolution as an entity and the strawman and proceed to destroy. What they do not realise is they have established something which is absurd and as such not exist at all. Unwillingly this establishes the old age saga or the Big Bang which is an equal absurdity. They support the father and the mother of all lies or most of them in at least, NASA and the moon landings which had best are childish or insane in reality. They are based in America/Australia which in themselves are the source of lies which have destroyed the world and Christianity in particular. Their support of lies and clangers is hard to believe and how they destroy biblical concepts. There is none greater than Mount Calvary and their lack of support for the Arc of the Covenant. The sacrifice of all time! It didn’t happen and God didn’t make it happen when the answer is staring them in the face. Add to this is Noah’s Ark. For a person who has had limited experiences with tiny boats if you ask me for the best possible structure and the worst possible structure for the ship I would say the arc that exists on Mount Ararat today. The worst possible structure you can get would be a box sort of affair, with a flat bottom and flat front and back it would not take much of a wave to pick it up and throw it on its back. They have rubbished the existence of the structure on the mountain today and come up with a box affair. Their theological clangers are far worse. It doesn’t get much worse than the eternal fires of hell which destroy the nature of God himself. They make into a non-nonissue the Sabbath day which God has commanded that we keep holy if we want the blessings that are associated with it. And from here spread the other clangers. With their scientific background is they who should be defending the position of the earth and central instead of supporting the lies of landing on the moon. With friends like this does God of the Bible need any enemies?In my wanderings into quantum mechanics I am brought to the statement in Revelation when final judgement is occurring that neither earth or sky are there, there is no need for them! But what is there is time. It was not destroyed or could be destroyed and as we lay on our backs looking at that door between the two universes that has just been blown out we see a massive pink blob slip through into the new universe, that was time and something which we have to look at in more detail.Time itself was made of two entities and both dependent on the daily sacrifice. In one of those Jesus was prepared to go to the cross and in the other one he actually did go to the cross. First one only lasted while Jesus was prepared to go to the cross and we take a figure of 7777 years and when he did go to the cross the became infiniteitem. This transition occurred on Mount Calvary and the complexity of what did occur is mind-boggling.When Jesus died on the cross of Mount Calvary every human being was there and asked the question whether they accepted or rejected the sacrifice that was occurring. This is a property of quantum mechanics and allowed 14 billion souls present as these 14 billion were created on day six of creation. It was also a problem discussed by Jesus and the Father on Resurrection Thursday am morning. Jesus wanted to end time as he said were present on the day and waiting for another 4000 years would make no difference. Extending time byPage 22another 4000 years would only create difficulties for the people going to heaven and would make no difference to the actual number of 144 million souls. That hardship could actually lead to members who had accepted the cross to reject it and thus going to hell. He could see one particular member, JK, doing this and do not want to put him through it. It is a sentiment JK agrees with. I would have liked to have been in heaven now for nearly 2000 years but the problem is I would not have seen the extent of the grace and the mercy of Jesus Christ and so the case for the rest of creation. The decision was taken to stay on earth for another 4000 years. It will go on to show all those horrible abortions taking place is just murder of innocent babies by selfish people in some of those babies had accepted the cross. World has gone mad and screams for the second coming of Jesus. That jar full of 14 billion created sold is art not only the only object that is capable of moving within time. Quantum mechanics allows for this movement and that includes objects created within this time. But quantum mechanics also has rules as to what can move and where and when, it is not just open slather. We are preparing for an assault on planet Earth and it is a big jump from explaining the difference between animals and humans. We cannot become extinct but animals can and often do. And it is where this vaccine so-called is going to draw that line between animal and human away from us. Final assault on Genesis.
  • XXXXXXXXXXXXX 12 – 04 – 22 XXXXXXXXXXXdespite the efforts of God’s soldiers throughout the ages it appears as if Satan has won. At this stage it is five rounds out of five. If we begin at the beginning,[actually there is no such thing as day one of creation or day two or any other day and with time you can pick what you want including millions and billions of years and on them you can assign anything you wanted, such is the meaning of in the beginning. Satan has totally trashed the concept of time. You have to be feebleminded to believe this early stuff and most people today do not believe it.] GOD CREATED, [again this is a figment of imagination as everybody knows it was an evolution that actually did this and there was no God and there was no need for him. Evolution could do anything you want to and it needed nothing to do so. You just have to look at those wonderful trees of life to realise what evolution can do – anything you want! And take a more careful look at the page that these trees are printed on and you will see they actually have the date on which it happened – exact numbers! It is very hard to argue against logic and facts like is displayed with the sheets of garbage! Having established the first two phrases in Genesis are but rubbish is easy to go on with the other three phrases]. THE HEAVENS, [secular science does not deny the existence of quantum mechanics and in fact it is an undisputed science. What it does denying that it concerns spiritual dimension and its connection to humanity. Science is only concern three dimensions we have and has nothing to do with the spiritual dimension and quantum mechanics has been defined out of the picture it is the duty of Christian scholars regardless of what level they come at it from to defend our spirituality. It is because we have not done so that we cannot apply quantum mechanics, or that God created these heavens that Satan is able to get away with third phrase of the creation account.] AND THE EARTH, [this would be a hard one the Satan to resist as the earth is there in all he can do he can change his position from being at the centre to any place other than the centre. And again we have always wonderful pages of the solar system with the earth being present anywhere where it should be, at the centre. Four out of four and they were all wrong. In the Beginning GOD CREATED THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH.] As I said in my wonderful garden and look at the sun I too feel for these lies and never even thought about it. I had no problem first two statements about the beginning and God created they were an outright absurdity and being absurdities they cannot be challenged. With the creation of the heavens I have actually spent some time and know there is a serious problem and have made an attempt to address it. Unfortunately it relied on a piece of paper with the solar system with the sun in the middle and planet Earth in thePage 23third orbit. So it was but based on garbage and it was garbage! I have often seen Sunrise with a son coming out of them sea and sunset in Perth with the sun going into the sea but it never dawned on me it was the sun that was moving. It is only but a tiny hoax when compared to the sheet with the tree of life and dates written on it. It is but one droplet in the ocean! This earth is the apple of God’s eye in that everything that does happen does happen on this earth. When it was first created on day one it was the only object that was created and therefore the centre. On it was created the first second of time and it was provisional time. It could have and should have lasted for an eternity in that God was willing to die twice every day on the cross of Mount Calvary in order to create time for our existence. It was on this planet that provisional time became permanent time and eternity. It is a history of this planet that is a subject of Scripture, the Bible. It could not be denied that details are not provided, in fact many details have been provided including the last 600 years of the church and what went wrong for it to require its demolition. After all it was first born and requires an act of rejection to lose the status of firstborn. When I decided to branch out into writing a science book using Bible as its base I am so glad I made a commitment that I would keep it simple and this I have faithfully done. But this does not mean that I write nothing even if it is totally wrong. I can only write the concepts that are on my mind and then develop or reject them which is what I intend to do. But first I must look at the fifth round that God has lost in the Bible.God has created this planet for the sake of mankind and this is where God has lost or about to lose this round. Mankind is about to stop existing and the reason is that satanic vaccines, are about to take human aspect, death, out of the equation. They were created by those in the USA under the disguise of Christianity over a period of over 50 years and now the topic became so dirty I had to move it to China where the work will be finished off. Virus has been spread and vaccines developed and now they have to be spread by force, mandatory vaccination and the ultimate sign will be confiscation of property and anything else if we don’t agree. On this day we begin to count to the Lord’s second coming as foretold by Daniel. Satan will have one all five rounds and a signal for the end of the world. All seven heads of the beast will make it compulsory; USA – yes; China – yes; Russia – yes; UK – yes; and France – yes; as well as WHO – yes from where it will spread and Israel which is head number six and now actively beginning its work while it still has some credibility.I am not as guilty as some for abandoning the Bible in, “in the beginning God created”. I have been guilty of abandoning in the Bible in, “the heavens and the earth”. It has been written at all times and remains, “it is written” but most people believe as clever scientists and it is this that brought my attention – those theologians over such a long time were so stupid they believed that the earth was the centre of the solar system and not the sun. How could they get it so wrong? How would we settle if the moon went around the earth all the earth went around the moon? We will just assume that one is many times more heavy than the other, say factor of 300. It is a no-brainer that the light one circles around heavy one and this is what we must explain using a bit of science hopefully why it was the other way around.
  • XXXXXXXXXX 15 – 04 – 22 XXXXXXXXXX.I have last day events split into five tenets of faith. They begin with field of biology and its theory of evolution. The tenet of faith here is that providing you have nothing you can produce anything you want to and being in the realm of insanity cannot be argued against. It was led by the likes of Darwin and Lyle. It directly opposes Scripture, “God created….” If you ask proponents of this theory how long to take, and they not having any concept of time or anything about it will answer, “as long as it takes and that could be at present millions or billions of years”. With these two assumptions we then go on to trash the field of logic as expressed in quantum mechanics but never applying it to the original creation. They then goPage 24on to trash as best as they can the field of astronomy which at least has some logic because stars do exist. To do this they have to change the position of the earth and the sun in the other direction. The earth becomes where it is today and it circles the sun whereas Scripture teaches that the earth is the centre of the universe and the sun circles around it and a concept with which I have struggled. Putting numbers around it we get this person who is attracted by the field of gravity to the earth he is standing on. Say it is 100 kg of force downwards. But this person is also subject to a force of attraction towards the sun which in real terms is repulsion from the earth an attraction to sun say 110 kg. Take this person and throw him into water where he will float just above the surface because of the force of attraction. The secular lot explain this by Archimedes principle which says he is attracted by the water he has displaced which could be in the creek by now and off to the sea and have nothing to do with the scene. It was attractive force of the sun which is doing the support. When the sun is travelling at thousands of mph around the earth or the earth is travelling around the sun is a far deeper issue. With my golfing friend Ken we would discuss this under the heading of Heisenberg uncertainty principle where he would support the current position the momentum was the issue. Without knowing why I supported Hawking’s position which was that energy was issue. It was a conservation of energy problem and something I wish to take up at a later time. The other problem we have to return to many times is that of quantum mechanics but today is Good Friday on Mount Calvary and the issue is one of sin. It appeared very early in the Bible and was first addressed in the garden of Eden by God to Adam and Eve and Satan in the snake form.There God gave the solution that it was Satan who would die by having his head crushed by Eve seed who would have his heel bruised. This was the initial Day of Atonement and if it happened on that day Eve would be the only one going to heaven. Jesus did not have his heel bruised on 15 – 01 – 3889 he was killed, he died. Something else happened in the meantime that still did not account for Mount Calvary. Jesus in the form of Melchizedek appeared on earth and changed the Day of Atonement not just to include unintentional sin, Eve sin but to also include Abraham who brought with him confessed sins, Adam’s sins. These were included by the addition of the scapegoat where people would confess their sins onto the high priest and he in turn would transfer them onto the head of the scapegoat which was let outside of the city and destroyed. There was a death involved and not just the bruising of the heel. There was thus a death involved in the Day of Atonement with which eternity of the future would begin here on this earth. The death of this scapegoat would only take seconds if it was thrown from the tallest cliff. Again this was not Mount Calvary but only a small part of it where the death of Jesus took place over six hours and not over a matter of seconds although it didn’t involve the scapegoat ceremony being included in Mount Calvary. So what did the remaining 360 minutes involved on this mountain? It remains a major ministry and one with which we must struggle as it not only involves Friday but also Saturday and Sunday as well.We are told that 9 AM Friday, – 15 – 01 – 3889 and the representative form of the daily sacrifice, the death of the Passover lamb occurred, one death one Passover lamb and a separate event to what happened at 3 PM. THE SON OF MAN became separated from, in the real sense of the word THE SON OF GOD . This separation which began at 9 AM on the Friday will now continue until Resurrection Sunday morning (?????) but that does not help us sort out the problem of 360 minutes between 9 AM and 3 PM. It is the major aim of this blog to do so and will take many attempts. First break in the first split in time is 12 PM where 9 to 12 are hours of light in 12 PM until 3 PM are hours of darkness. From Genesis we have there are two types of light, light created after day four and divine light which was used in the first three days of creation. It seems that the human eye can only see light that has particles in it, wave particle nature of light and it cannot see heavenly light or divine light. When divine page 25light was left behind and our present light was dimmed all that was left was darkness in this darkness persistent worldwide. It does not mean that divine light was absent.Out of the 360 minutes of Good Friday we have 180 minutes of light and 180 minutes of darkness. We also have the start defined as 9 AM in the death of the relationship between SON OF MAN and THE SON OF GOD. We also have a point at which THE SON OF MAN has died and that which SON OF GOD appears IN THE MOST HOLY PLACE to take from the right hand of God scroll which has seven seals. Time has been changed from a professional entity to a permanent one. It has been changed from heaven on earth to heaven IN THE MOST HOLY PLACE and the saints living in the presence of God directly. But surely somewhere in there we are allowed to add the scapegoat had to remove it from the Day of Atonement changing its nature back to the original. Originally it was meant to remove unintentional sin which led to the bruising of the feet of Jesus and not his death has occurred at 3 PM on Good Friday. Good Friday was about the removal of all confessed intentional sins included in the scapegoat. It included all the intentional sins committed by the hundred 44 million going to heaven but there were many others as well who did confess and then went on later to change their minds. There were those who played it safe and confessed all sins whether intentional or not. I think once that sin has an owner than that sin would have been transferred to Jesus and taken to the cross of Good Friday. Unintentional sin does not have an owner and Jesus takes on the responsibility as the creator of this person and deals with that sin separately. The Day of Atonement is still coming in Daniel’s time 10 – seven – 486. The issue of sin was easily settled as everyone of those 14 billion souls that has ever been created were present at the cross on this day. They had attended a tutorial of 1260 days beforehand presented by the master himself and to which they could intelligently give a reply of, “reject!” or, “I accept!” When shown the sacrifice of Mount Calvary. To have this taking place the souls of human beings had to possess certain properties to make this possible. One property they had to have was a brain, a 4D brain which could follow reason. I had great difficulty in accepting the idea that my brain had called, “accept!” And its place in heaven was reassured because of the persistent  behaviour. Since my recent journey into the house of belzeebub I now know that my call to abandon Jesus was not accepted and I am still on the way to heaven providing I keep my eye on the cross and not on self. That being the case I saw a lot more of what Jesus had done for me including 1260 day tutorial. At 3 PM on Good Friday I was in the throne room of God to see Jesus AS THE SON OF GOD pick up the scroll with seven seals and I voted that Jesus was worthy to open its seals which He began to do so. I became immediately one of the riders behind the rider of the Whitehorse and witnessed the daily sacrifice which converted the provisional nature of time to a full-time version. I don’t think I was one of the members that ascended to heaven on RESURRECTION SUNDAY when Jesus ascended to heaven. And that is my dealing with time until 1944. And if my dealing with time on Good Friday with my intentional confessed sins occupied a part of 9 AM to noon then what about those three hours of darkness? They involved divine matters as was the case from the grave onwards. It was a matter of changing time from provisional to permanent. Time from the very start, day one, second one was provisional and involved when Jesus was prepared to do on the day to give us space to exist in. The daily sacrifice was 9 AM to 3 PM and it was that of a lamb.XXXXXXXXXXXXX 16 –04-22 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXJesus was prepared to die on the cross for our sins and that was once. He genuinely took our confessed intentional sins on Himself and the consequence of sin is suffering and death. It is a separation from God. But if that was the transfer of sin from the scapegoat then it wouldn’t take six hours to do this. Scapegoat would have only taken a very short time if it was pushed over the cliff to die, I do not know how long the part of the ceremony of the DayPage 26of Atonement scapegoat occupied but being a lot of the time of three hours seems very generous. But Jesus took six hours to die, and the reason he died was because it was his people who sentenced him to death according to the law that Jesus himself had written. He was sentenced to death because he blasphemed and associated self with God in any number of ways during his ministry, including calling himself the temple which he was going to destroy and rebuild in three days. It was for the sin of blasphemy that the Jews nail Jesus to the cross. It was a sin that he did not commit and the law could not apply to him because it was perfect. The base of the law was love and that was love for neighbour and love for God. And the existence of time is because Jesus was prepared to go to the cross for six hours a day for that day to exist. What Calvary did was to switch time from a casual basis, a daily basis, to a permanent one. It was to move humanity from an existence on earth to an existence within the throne room of God, or to be one with God. It was about divine matters and so it was with the timeslot noon to 3 PM, it was about divine matters. It involved the removal of ordinary light with the wave particle duality which left with divine light which was not visible to our eyes and therefore darkness. The issue at hand was the beast and the beast is the evil within us. It would have been destroyed to a certain degree in the Day of Atonement but it was completely destroyed on Mount Calvary and allowed entry Into the Most Holy Place and entry into that place required more than just conditional time, it needed real-time. The only way to destroy the last traces of the evil within us was by shining real light, divine light on it. But the question that remains a valid question is that if all evil was destroyed within me on Mount Calvary and the standard to which it was destroyed is the divine standard then why am I so people today? I certainly have no chance of getting my 4D brain to take me back to that time, a time of intentional confessed sins been destroyed. I can offer some reasons for my evil today but they are only guesses. The evil due to unintentional sin is still there. Moving in a sinful world is still there. There must be some difference to being involved in Mount Calvary and calling, accept! And those intentional sins have been catered for simply by calling, “forgive me!” I have not been written off from that final destination, THE MOST HOLY PLACE even though there may be some way away from getting there and it has nothing to do with my actions but what Jesus did for me. This problem has been part of this blog for a long time now, what Jesus did on Mount Calvary and I am no closer to the solution. It is one of these three studies that I have taken a more intense interest: Revelation, Genesis and the cross of Christ or Mount Calvary.It was darkness on Mount Calvary from noon to 3 PM but what about further on? Was there darkness at three levels in the grave where Jesus was placed at the start of the Sabbath? Darkness because ordinary light was excluded by the grave. Darkness because it was nighttime. Darkness because divine light was operating, same darkness as on Mount Calvary between noon to 3 PM. And now we try to see the events going on inside that term when the stone was rolled in place. It was the Sabbath day.
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  • XXXXXXXXXXXXX 17 – 04 – 22  XXXXXXXXXXX.As I sit here and try to type on Resurrection Sunday I should be overflowing with joy and delight as this was a day when I was handed my passport for existence not just in heaven But in the Throne Room of God and that passport will last for eternity a concept which evades me completely. Instead I made the horrible mistake of watching the TV on SBS and the history of the Roman Catholic Church and evangelism by those American evangelists in the 60s 70s 80s and beyond. This could have been the start of the Christian church but instead it was the death of the church. Those in the centre stage were demons or Demon like characters and I recognise some of them to be Jews. If this was the case they had two motives: to make money out of it and to destroy Christianity both of which they did, and very thoroughly at that. It is because of what happened there that the Christian church is dead and on many fronts. America was the gifted country and they certainly had talent todefend the Bible. They could have defended Genesis and the creation of the earth as a centre stage with the sun circling around. They had experts in quantum mechanics who in turn could have defended the spiritual or fourth dimension. This has been left to the also-rans but the advantage of this is that none of you can complain the matter has been covered at two higher level. It has not nor will be. Instead of defending the Bible they side the secular world and defend childish attempts to discredit the Bible, like the moon landings. It is not as if the astronomers among them cannot read or see. Whenever a meteorite or comet comes in our facility and nearly destroys the planet, they see it on TV and come rushing out with all the statements about millions of years ago and what could have happened. They then explain why they didn’t foresee… Event and the reason was the object came from the direction of the sun. It is laughable and it is absurd but they still use up billions of dollars of public funding to tell us this joke! This could easily be corrected by using the same explanation as Bible by scholars for thousands of years have done…. It is the earth that is a centre of the solar system not the sun. By not admitting to this they have no idea what magnetism is, nor what electricity is. Whether this privilege will be given to me only time can tell. As is the case of explaining the field of quantum mechanics within our everyday lives. I would not think so, that this was possible from my present knowledge but if this works out to be the case these many so-called creation scientists will have a lot to answer for when they come before the Lord. It shows that it is America that is a total fraud and that fraud flows over to head number six of the seven headed beast: Israel. Yet Christians are supposed to ride out the storm and then welcome Israel when it returns to the fold! Jesus has many miracles left to perform! I am not saying that Jesus cannot do it but they are going to be mighty miracles indeed! To keep on typing is no being achievement because my salvation has nothing to do with it. Jesus has already done it and is complete! Satan has certainly been given every chance to try to derail this process and I think he thinks so too. Last night I was just flicking through the menu for turning off the TV when I noticed this program. I got to it late and therefore did not absorb much of it. There was something there about Southern Baptists and what role they played at these times. There was also something there about the coronavirus and people getting themselves prepared for these vaccinations as they regard this being the Apocalypse. None of them seem to realise the role of Joe Biden was going to play. He is not senile and he’s not stupid.
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  • XXXXXXXXXXXXX 23 – 04 – 22 XXXXXXXXXXXXX.But this pack of cards based on lies and fraud may not stand as long as it appears. The generation that Jesus spoke of in Matthew could be as long as 70 years but any number as high as 120 or even 170 years. It is a definitive period of time until something happens and the events that are involved are in the Apocalypse. The chief liar and fraud is NASA and their biggest lie the moon landings are already shaky grounds and no supported by these fraudulent ministers. The ground of long ages and evolution has already been undermined and all that remains is for the rug pulled out from under it. If it can now be shown that the earth and not the sun are the centre of this solar system people would hesitate about the other three statutes: compulsory vaccination to get rid of humans and make them some humanoid, the role of the soul in the body becoming of primary paramount importance whereas today it has no role and of course the centre of the universe, or at least near the centre. Genesis has been totally destroyed without a fibre of truth and the destruction which came in five stages were all be supported to the last breath by these fraudulent Christian Jewish ministries. The cards could topple overnight and in the Bible this is the abomination that causes desolation about to begin his destruction and the day from which we count 45 days as the appearance of Jesus. This destruction is centred on Jerusalem but itis a worldwide event and the earthquakes that occur with their accompanying tsunamis are worldwide events. So they do affect everybody particularly close to the sea. Americans involved do expect another Waco event and it is going to be particularly bloody. There is little time left not enough to study the whole Bible but only sections of it. We can never go wrong in just studying Mount Calvary and maybe even the book of Revelation. We would have to get a better understanding of these if we study Genesis where those five tenants of faith that have just been destroyed are established. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The vaccination is there to destroy the people for whom this was done. I am about to enter the serious phase of my blogging, approximately 100 days when I hope I will be able to address in a different light, I want to start addressing an issue like Genesis and find it collapses in a heap. This is happening now and I will leave the subject if no traction is gained soon. I begin with trying to understand more about light.What actually happened on Good Friday on 14 – 01 – 3889 between the hours of noon and 3 PM? I have treated light into forms, light from the first three days of creation and light from day four onwards. From the first three days we have defined light that was turned on at 6 AM of the first day and when it combined with time that was already present it gave gravity from the secular point of view. From a Christian point of view it gave Jesus Christ. Jesus was already present in the form of time and Christ was his second nature: light. He was not a created being but became manifest when the order was given: “let there be light”. The light from day four onwards of creation I will call present light and it was the stuff that was contaminated by particles to give it its wave particle nature. The divine light of the first three days was present on day four and was the vehicle transferring information from the day. Any events that occurred after that day would give light that takes all the time travel so we could not see any event that occurred more than 6000 years ago, the white has not got here yet. So what is a picture at noon on Good Friday when the sun becomes dark/black? The two possibilities are like that we see is turned off from the sun and two the dark component becomes dominant. It depends on what God wants us to see. The events involve now are those of eternity and particularly our entrance into the THRONE ROOM OF GOD. That is the mystery that all the apostles missed including Peter who was given the secret, “you are the Christ, the son of the living God.” Not one of them understood and that was as late as Resurrection Sunday morning. I consider it a great privilege to be shown the secret even though it took a long time. These were heavenly matters and needed divine light. I think that they were connected to the Day of Atonement but the separation occurred at this point. Up to now it was about the scapegoat which all the sins, intentional and confessed had been placed and it is about the few seconds it took to scapegoat to be thrown off a cliff and dashed to pieces. It was about the last church 490 years of Daniel and eternity spent on earth. It now is after 12 noon. The bright light that predominated over the dark light up to now goes into remission and the dark light now predominates, such is the importance of the moment. Very few of those 14 billion souls are actually present, and it could be as little as 1% of them. Due to recent occurrences I now know that one of those souls was JK who tried to leave the pack but was refused and is still there. The grace of God was in operation on the ground in which it operated was that I did not realise we come back with 800 years of pre-hell before the actual thing. If I had realised that I would not have tried to commit suicide. I have been readmitted to the fold and had the greatest privilege bestowed on me; TIME AND THE CROSS.The next stage of the investigation is twofold: 9 to 12 and and noon to 3 PM. It is a period of light and dark. It is a period when most Christians have no idea what’s going on. The totality of what is involved is that intentional confessed sins are being forgiven. In the darkness only the sins of those who had called, “accept!” Were now involved. These were the ones that Jesus replied to, “mine!” And for this is to occur the cleansing that would occur would have to be met by Christ on the dark cross. Cleansing had to be of the highest order and it had tobe so high and pure that it passed the test that the ARK OF THE COVENANT was going to set. It went on what seemed to be like forever. There were only 144 million (?) Going through to the throne of God yet the questioning asked would be 12 hours in total. Three hours to meet the conditions on the cross and 12 hours to convince God the answer that He should give, “give life,” to this person being examined.
  • XXXXXXXXXXXXX 24 – 04 – 22 XXXXXXXXXXXXX.We do not know how many people are going to heaven and who are not, who are going to be a part of last church time on earth. I take the number as hundred 44 million going to heaven, inside of the throne room of God and say 1 billion being part of this last church. They were the ones who repented and for were whatever reason changed their mind and threw in the towel. There were also those to whom Jesus said, “go away from me youPage 26wicked because I never knew you.” They followed a different Jesus than the one on the cross. It was for those who apostatised, and there were many for whom we have the hours of light on Mount Calvary, the first 9 AM to noon of cross. The hours of darkness, noon to 3 PM were those hundred and 44 million who are going to heaven itself, inside of the throne room of God. The degree of cleansing was far greater than for the others and it needed pure light, divine light to burn away all of the evil. These hundred and 44 million, the riders behind the Whitehorse were about to ride into the tomb with Jesus where the second act of salvation would begin. Firstly though the last part of the sacrifice on earth had to be played out. This was the act of worship from 3 PM to 4 PM, where the burnt offering would be worshipped. It was up to the Roman soldier to present the offering of this day by opening the side of Jesus and the blood and water that came from his side. It was this blood and water that would trickle down through a crack in the ground/rock and would fall drop wise onto the waiting ARK OF THE COVENANT for the final part of the ceremony. The ceremony would begin WITH THE SABBATH DAY and would last for 24 hours.I can tell you a bit about one of the people involved, the soul with the initial of JK but I do not know at what stage he was presented to God and it doesn’t really matter. Finally the soul of JK is presented, and the presentation is one at a time and the issues involved are those as for each of the other 144 million. Why do we need THE ARK OF THE COVENANT and the blood of our Saviour dripping on it at all? The purity/cleanliness of JK is not an issue he has been cleaned with a heavenly blowtorch and to a degree that is required  by the Ark of the Covenant. Every last trace of sin has been removed but surprisingly this does not include unintentional sin. They are not mine and Jesus will take those on Himself much later on IN THE DAY OF ATONEMENT. But just because I am sin free all that means that I could not go to hell. It does not mean I have a passport to lift me 1600 miles into the presence of THE THRONE OF GOD. For this to happen I firstly need the attribute of time to exist in. And then the actual lift from the tent of meeting AND ENTER THE MOST HOLY PLACE. Mount Calvary was about the time that would be given for this action and so was the permission. The offering that is being presented, JK is pleading for the mercy of God to be granted these two attributes. It was the body of the one who is making the presentation that is asking the question, “should life be granted at this time, or should death be granted at this time.” This request is made entirely on what Jesus Christ had done and it had to be made on the ground of perfection. By the grace of God the answer came back that life should be granted and my life in heaven had already begun on the condition that I remain in the shadows of ONE whose actions got me that favourable result. I had been accepted IN THE THRONE OF GOD and that was for eternity. I was still to live a 3D life in some 2000 years time where I would fail miserably how many occasions but this had all been factored in in that presentation and in the answer given. It did not depend on how many Scripture classes I taught, the times I went to church or anything else I consider to be, “a good scriptural act”. So why do I have to struggle with this blog when it makes no difference?” I have already given an answer to this question many times before and they are all relevant. I certainly am looking forward to any person who read the blog and came closer to Jesus as a result of it and I know how I am going to recognise you, but I will, and to share the joy and happiness of us both being in heaven! In the meantime there is work to be done on earth and there could be some rough patches with which we will have to help each other. But that is the idea prayer!In the meantime I think that I and many others have been given the privilege of explaining certain Scripture. I think that have been shown the soon coming of our Lord and warn others about the end of time. There is too little time to study all Scripture what I want to study is the Book of Revelation and the cross of Christ. Both however are dependent on Genesis 1 and and if this is in error the rest of the Bible means very little. There are basically five tenets of faith and Satan has us to believe they are all faults and you have to be mentally retardedPage 27to believe in them. I must try to correct this misconception and point out instead that it is indeed Satan who is at work. If I do not succeed at least I have tried. The whole book is written, Bible is for the benefit of mankind. “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” These are the five beliefs Satan has chosen to destroy. With mandatory vaccination there is no such thing as a man but there are various humanoids depending on what is in the vaccine. “In the beginning”, and time which the secular lot have that no ideas about is indeed a deep truth and I should be held to explain a lot more about it beginning with day one. “God created,” has been replaced by evolution which is an absurdity of such an order against which there can be no argument. There is a ministry on earth, Creation Ministries which have taken on itself and made an issue out of it. It is not a biblical issue and by the time it becomes biblical issue, the last 490 years of the Christian church is too late anyway. I spoke some time ago to its founder, Carl  Wieland who told me that the issue was not the Sabbath but evolution and on this ground he has based his ministry. He has caused the irrepairable damage and what should have been a topic only discussed the madhouse has now become a viable alternative. “The heavens” and topic discussed in great detail in the subject of quantum mechanics has been shunted out and no association made between the spiritual dimension and quantum mechanics. “And the earth” has also been changed when the earth was the creation at the centre of the solar system has been swapped around for something else. The position of the sun and the earth has been swapped and this brings around the total trashing of the first verse of the Bible. Before at least trying to discuss the contents of the Bible I must defend these five tenets of faith.For a long time now I have been defending and pointing out the evils of vaccination. Many people in my country have been vaccinated twice and are not going back for the third or fourth time because they know there have been adverse reactions. Adverse reactions are something that our world of medicine are experts and covering up and if they became known which they will at the right time people will turn against it. We are in a state of total insanity when the five Chief medical officers are asked in parliament what is a female? And none of them can answer! Line has been crossed into madness! And it is still getting worse all the time and blog like this can do little to change it.
    • It has never been suggested or implied by me that either the throne room of God OR GOD HIMSELF were ever created, they have always existed. Time was created in which we can exist but never God. The story of the throne room of God has been previously told but as I cannot remember which way it finished it must not have been very convincing and a brief visit is in order. It was about an innocent man had a who had been murdered and his body lay dead between two cities and the elders of both cities refused to take responsibility for the murder. The issue would be settled by measuring the distance to both cities, the one behind and the one in front and whoever was the closest to the body would be responsible for burial rights of that body. The body is that of Jesus Christ the innocent person who had been murdered. The two cities that were involved, the one that he had come from and the one he was going to were the two Jerusalem’s, one in this universe AND THE OTHER IN THE UNIVERSE COME. We well knew about the city we had come from as we had spent some 1800 years there. We had spent our time waiting for the return of the Holy Spirit from planet Earth where the spirit had been since Pentecost. Major incidents had occurred including the second coming of Jesus Christ and the closing of the door of mercy 1260 years later but the Holy Spirit did not return to heaven at this time. The Holy Spirit did return to heaven once He had given the final warning to the foolish virgins: keep the seal you have been given, Holy Spirit, and die at the hands of the beast or replace the seal with the mark of the beast and be killed by the rider of the Whitehorse and his army. All of them chose to
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    • replace the seal with the mark of the beast and fight against the rider the Whitehorse. The beast was not going to go to battle with the potential of these 144,000 with Holy Spirit on their foreheads and then turn against him in a battle which he knew was difficult to win. This had happened once before, on Mount Calvary and it was not going to happen to him again. We had been waiting for a long time for the return of the Holy Spirit and when it happened it didn’t take long for the Holy Spirit, the fine linen to show us some of the beauty of the robe we were wearing to convince us that we should marry Jesus Christ. When this grand ceremony had taken place we rode out of the city as the rider of the Whitehorse and his following army. When the elders were measuring the distance back to the city they had no idea that the city still existed. It was the earthly version; tying in comparison to heavenly version which is 1600 miles cube. It did not have our apartments in there. He did not have the biggest change which we next will discuss and that is a cross of Good Friday. It was filled with smoke from the wrath of God which existed until the seventh bowl still poured out.
    • These were but small problems when compared to the problems in measuring the distance TO THE NEW JERUSALEM which was to exist in an entirely new universe. The door between the two universes and not yet been blown open so we couldn’t see whether the new one existed. The very last thing to be destroyed in this old universe was planet Earth and the first thing to be created in the new universe was planet Earth. The problem with the new Jerusalem, THE THRONE ROOM OF GOD, was that there was nothing negative that existed. There was no death and there certainly was no murder but love was a ruling Paradyne. How could the elders of this sinless setting have anything to do with this dead man even if that was Jesus Christ? There was a provision however for this sinless murdered man to be visited. When heaven has done everything can be done to get us Into the Throne of God and has failed then we are all marched out in single file back into the museum that is attached onto this new universe. Here we are shown and experience the ceremony of the red heifer. It is in the same garden of Eden that we spend the last few years of our existence and the place to which we may be required to return, if absolutely necessary and here we will complete the burial rights of this dead man who had been murdered. We have been back here once but much more requires to be written about this particular event. We now return to the topic of the earth and not the sun being the centre of our solar system. It is one of five lies that Satan tells us in order to destroy the credibility of the Bible, and particularly the book of Genesis.
    • The final stage of this five pack of lies is the destruction of humanity by compulsory vaccination to make them into a cross between human and something else probably some demonic figure. it was in Noah’s day. If vaccination is sinful, and I believe it so, then I have been vaccinated many times with many vaccines and therefore guilty of sin. My one hope that this was an unintentional sin and therefore will be Corrected by Jesus Himself. Many people today are in the same position and are refusing to receive further vaccination including on the ground of reaction to the previous vaccines and religious ground. It is for God to judge what is going on and I will leave this matter between God and Satan. It is the compulsory version that I take to be the start of Daniel’s Countdown for the end of time and specifically 45 days before the return of Jesus Christ.
    • With my probationary period coming to an end I have changed tact to defending the Bible, the biblical Bible of my forefathers and the five satanic principles that are destroying it. There is no problem with four of those and the only one that remains is that the earth circulates around the sun and not the other way around. The sun circulates around the earth. Even if I am not successful in proving this is a absurdity, 4/5
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    • absurdities is still a high number but if Satan is responsible who would be five out of five. It is still a reasonable doubt on the Bible to have this order. How dull must those biblical scholars be to get it so wrong and therefore by implication the Bible as well. To be fair I had not been a part of modern enlightenment. They did not realise that nothing could just produce something it could in fact produce anything and everything their crazy minds required. If they had seen David Attenborough swinging from branch to branch on the tree of life with delight they have thought differently. So convincing! Their ideas about the solar system would have been different if they knew what we know about astronomy. Today we could see photons, the smallest pieces that light can travel in, leaving those black holes, from which nothing can escape and at the edge of the universe, 14 billion years ago and arriving at earth they would be impressed. The only problem is that at the same time there could be a meteorite on its way and powerful enough to destroy the earth which these clever astronomers cannot see! They might call this madness and probably say that we have the sun in the wrong position and that is why we can’t see this meteorite. But my main gripe is that the gravity of the Sun is missing from any calculation. For this to happen the mass of the sun is too small to be included or it’s distance too large and both astronomical problems! Assuming the distance is about right we have this 100 kg JK swimming in the pool and a little bit of his body is not submerged because the uplift on his body is 110 kg. In our gravitational equation we only have one unknown and that is the mass of the sun. It wasn’t that long ago that a famous chemist, Helmholtz predicted that the sun was a piece of charcoal burning in the sky! We don’t think that today but there is much more to be learned. We would have many problems if the sun did not have the massive gravitational field around it, including reaching that of planet Earth. The interactions are quite complex if we are to judge the effect of the moon on the tides of the earth. I found only one theory that accounted for a high tide facing the moon which also resulted in a high tide on the opposite side of the earth and the effect of tides on the great Lakes, there is only little movement in these lakes. For the moon to affect both sides of the earth, one opposite and one on the same side there is more going on than meets the eye and the suns is probably even more complex but at least I acknowledge it and will try to work it out. This will give a clean sweep to 5 of those demonic principles, where four have been shown to be absurdities! In receiving so many vaccines so far I am not blaming the bird component in the vaccine, the chicken, for the presence of my bird brain which I think I had before the vaccine but it probably did not help. Today it is going to be mandatory to vaccinate with someone they do not tell you about but coming straight from Satan’s shelf we have a fair idea of it to its nature.
    • The second string in our bow concerns that of the fourth dimension, our spiritual nature as part of our existence. This has been the case for every civilisation and continues to be today except when we can produce anything we want to out of nothing. 4D spirit is connected to 3D via water. Life is carried in water. So it is the properties of water that are the issue. Water, H-O-H, seems like a remarkably simple compound made up only of hydrogen and oxygen. The O – H bond is vibrating all the time and any electrician can tell you the speed of vibration. Which I cannot I will guess that 2.2 GHz. There is little point looking for any other compound with this vibration as water will use up this frequency. But it not just uses this frequency it uses many more as is again I don’t know I will guess 10 other frequencies, or absorption bands. So half of the usual IR spectrum is taken up by water unless special precautions are taken to eliminate it. This means that that oxygen atom is not just vibrating with its attached hydrogen but with 10 other hydrogens in the vicinity. Water is thus a cluster of water molecules each attached to the other and gives a continuous absorption in the region. If we compare that to a
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    • simple molecule like benzene, C6,H6 which theoretically at least should have a few absorption bands but in reality has many more. [50 ?] So what is going on in these simple cases? Benzene can also float object but it cannot support life. Most of the bands of absorption of benzene have not been accounted for and it will take a great mind to sort out the absorption bands of water. There must be at least one unknown force which is operating and the privilege of sorting it out is still to be given to humanity. But if information is to pass from creationists to the second a lot then we would tell them that the spiritual dimension is not bonded time but can move within that time. Time is because the spiritual dimension can exist. If we were to use Jesus as an example and we can never go wrong doing this, at 3 PM on Friday, 14 – 01 – 3889 Jesus died. This is an essential tenet of faith and this we base both Scripture and science. The Scripture tells us that the result of sin is a separation from God and that is death and that is exactly what happened at 3 PM on the day. But that dead soul was to be brought back to life at 6 AM the following Sabbath day. All souls that die I’m going to be brought back to life, “good ones” at the start of the millennium when Jesus returns to and the baddies at the end of the millennium. They must be stored in different sections in the spiritual world. With these two areas there is no quantum tunnelling allowed, but it is allowed, movement through time in other areas. There is much information has to be combined to join the 3D and the 4D worlds. We don’t need to be told that the spiritual dimension is an essential part of our existence even though in Satan’s tenets of faith this is the case! All this is so wishy-washy it may not justify spending any time here. Regardless of what we are told faith will always be essential. But it is a very strange feeling to be sitting outside and watching the sun and thinking is that really moving or is the earthmoving around it! The bird brain may not be capable of working out which is which but if my vote is for Bible or Satan I can make a very comfortable choice! There must be creation at writing somewhere that works at the centre of the earth starting point. In the meantime we have a commentator, Andrew Bolt who gets violently upset to the point of shaking if anyone says anything bad about the vaccine. He is so confident they are only good he will pay monetary compensation to anyone who has had an adverse reaction! Payment is due within seven days of your complaint! If we are to draw a bigger picture, we find that Andrew Is a Reporter on Sky Television. Sky television is a station that belongs to Rupert Murdoch who happens to be a Jew. Jews were involved in the manufacture of the vaccines in the USA and then in China and it is easy to make a connection back to the sixth of seven headed beast. And this thing is connected back to the murder of Jesus Christ and his first coming. It is rather obvious why he wants us and demands that mandatory tech tactics be used in handing out these vaccines. The hide of people questioning such authority!
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    • Less than 100 days in moving towards the time when I declare myself and an authority on Bible commentary. My qualifications will not be backed by any university as most universities are based on the Paradyne that there is no God and no need for him either. It will be a blog written by someone who believes the Bible is true, and qualified as Bibleasitwritten. It will have ideas from the ‘dark ages” and contrary to the present five ideas of the Enlightenment. For example if we were to take gravity as a source of the tides today, they should only be a few centimetres high and to be metres high we need the idea of centrifugal force. The tides of the large lakes today are only centimetres in height. They do not experience this centrifugal force. If we were to take an orange today and squeeze it between two fingers it would bulge out into 2 places at 90° to us pinching it. This pinching or squeezing effect as the centrifugal action of the earth and is felt on opposite sides of the earth. This not only generates a tide that can be metres high but is
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    • one that is felt on both sides of the earth. If this is the mechanism of the tide of the sun and we have a mechanism for Archimedes principle and why things float. My definition of an irony would be if the beast out of this earth when it was making final preparations to destroy the final temple, the abomination that causes desolation which is about to destroy Jerusalem. It cannot be one of the beasts as Israel would not destroy itself so I take it as papal Rome and in soon to be times these two will turn on each other and each and burn the others flesh in what will be the battle of the beast, or the battle against the riders of the white horse which we have recently looked into. What this thing is doing, papal Rome is taking advantage of how it has conned the world in the believing that the sun is the centre of the solar system and not the earth. It has conned astronomers and not being able to see approaching meteorites and such is the case now. Nobody can see this giant meteorite approaching earth. When it has struck the earth astronomers who can read papers and watch TV will quickly describe this event. On the day that it happens beast out of the earth will be strictly blocking its path as usual and when it is too close to do anything about he steps out of the way. 20 minutes before it strikes the earth! Terror and panic abound! Not just from the ones who will be hit on the head but also those who are going to drown! Those who see the event directly and those who see it on video ask themselves, “how could we be so badly deceived? How could all those institutions who claim to see what is going on in the universe miss this one? What other lies have they been telling us?” Lies have been packaged and sold to the world are, “the great Enlightenment.” The great Enlightenment is made up of five packets and this one which has the sun at the centre and the earth around it is the least of them. How important is the field of gravity? If this is the only force in existence then very important. The secular lot don’t deny its existence is just they don’t have any idea where it comes from, all gravity both earth’s and the sun. Without this gravity nothing would exist! Without this gravity explanations will exist but they would be farcical as would their proponents! This blog is not about gravity and how it exists but it assumes that it does exist and the Bible has the explanation. To destroy this explanation Satan has introduced five tenets of faith and the position of the earth and the sun is but one of them. When the population finds another tenet, Satan’s faith is the dimension of the soul it might start to wake up to the Bible. The rich wealth of knowledge that is held by quantum mechanics becomes applicable to the human body and it is something we seek to do in this blog. It is not going to be easily yielded. The master of it all, Jesus Christ knows exactly what is going to happen and predicts that only his second coming, and only 45 days after this meteorite if that is a triggering device when He returns His church will be made up of five wise virgins and five foolish virgins. There is going to be a major revival as well as major persecution. Much of this topic has already been covered in this blog including the great frauds of evolution and millions and billions of years of time. We have included the great vaccination fraud as well which make sure the Bible is not the story of humanity but the story of some human clones or whatever they’re supposed to be once we get injected by vaccines which no one knows what components are present. It will be a move away from humanity! This has been a preamble on what may be discussed in the first verse of Genesis.
    • What we need now is what will be discussed on the second day of creation. The board does seem very blank especially when compared today one of creation.
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    • XXXXXXXXX 06 – 04 – 22 XXXXXXXXXXX.
    • How many books do you know begin with the phrase which contains the prologue, the epilogue and the climax? The Bible is one such book with an opening of, “In the
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    • beginning God”. This is the prologue in that it begins with the first second of time and every other second witches to follow. It is a provisional or a conditional opening of time in that it depends on not being rejected. The inhabitants of this time did not have to accept it but they could not reject it either. Initially acceptance was not part of the equation but rejection was. If you rejected this time you would not exist within it. God/Jesus was prepared to die on the cross twice in that one day over a period of six hours in order for the 24 hours to exist. Whether God created 2000 years, or 4000 years, or 8000 years or 2 million years or 2 trillions years it mattered not as this time could not be destroyed. If we go to the epilogue some 8000 years later we see that time has arrived at the fork in the road. You are either on one side of the door slam close or you were on this side. Some attempts was made by those on the side to crossover but they could not learn the new song and remained on the side there is becomes the history of the church of the last 500 years. The fork in the road appeared as late as God appearing to Peter and telling him that Jesus is the Christ and the Son of the Living God and establishing a new church on this premise. The actual date that occurred on was Good Friday, 14 – 01 – 3889. Being a Friday today I spent time on this wonderful mystery. The sacrifice has occurred and I know this because Jesus has called, “it is finished”. This is the time when the offering begins. Who was it who was responsible for the death of the sacrifice and who accepted it? Jesus gave his own life and God the Father accepted it. Jesus had accepted all the confessed intentional sins Of the Saints Who Are Going to Spend Eternity with Him. He had washed them clean but sin unfortunately leads to a separation from God and a separation from God leads to death. God the Father accepted this death of the Son of Man who had previously been separated from the Son of God and now requires the resurrection of this being for join to Divinity to occur. Jesus has specifically said that, “purpose of the Sabbath is to issue the ultimatum of giving life or giving death,” and Jesus would be the prime taker of this option. But Jesus had brought with him hundred 44 million Sts He would spend the eternities with. Their lives too were of concern this time. Yes JK was there with all his blemishes and outright sinful character.
    • If any of you has a particular interest in some field, say astronomy and you want to give glory to God and the Bible as expressed in Genesis and you want to show that it was the early astronomers using the Bible as their base came up with a model that it was the earth that the centre of the universe and the sun revolved around the outside of it and that this is totally contradicted by today’s so-called observations. There would be no point in seeking the writings of present-day astronomers and cosmologists as they are the problem not the solution. The fraud involved in such a manipulation as changing the position of the earth and the sun must be massive. You would not think that anyone could get away with it! It is but a drop in the ocean compared to the fraud of evolution. God must be grateful for those he has left behind to correct for “errors” that He made in creation. For the Sabbath day God chose to make the whole day as an issue where clearly He should have chosen the creation aspect and made it an issue. Clever creation ministries people have done this and have made the issue of evolution and creation and the rest of the Sabbath day slips into the background. When I choose the prayers I will pray on the Sabbath Day because it has blessings associated with it I firstly choose David Attenborough swinging through the trees with a host of other animals following him and see which one is position on which branch and in what order. I do not care about the health and the wealth of my family. I do not care about the relationships that are not going on all my safety and well-being for all for the week to come. I just concentrate on evolution as the only issue. These creationists have made evolution as the issue and established it as something worthy of thought and time whereas it is an idea from the world of of the insane and if left alone would just disappear! It cannot because of their
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    • fight to establish it in the world in reality. People such as this will be of no value if you are trying to establish the credibility of the Bible. This today is my problem in trying to relate the sacrificial system of the old Testament to Mount Calvary.
    • It is with great reticence that I abandon my long cherished beliefs such as I held About Creation Ministries International. They held similarities with other fake ministries such as Jimmy Swaggart and most other American evangelistic programs. They abandon the teaching of the Sabbath day which is their main hope of preventing such frauds. They all teach most destructive doctrine that exists to the nature of God and that is eternal punishment. Swaggart goes around implanting Satan himself in disguise of the Holy Spirit. Creation Ministries is a lot more subtle but still very effective. Their teaching is tied up with the fraudulent moon landings and initially the quotes given from the Bible on this occasion were quite convincing but as a fraud was exposed more and more not only it fell away but unfortunately also, “the giant step for mankind,” also fell away and unfortunately it was in the backward direction. The credibility of the Bible fell with it and was replaced by the Paradyne of evolution. By itself this Paradyne is so ridiculous and unbelievable it had no chance by itself but being propped up by NASA and all the American frauds, evangelistic campaigns went with it and are here today stronger than ever. Creation Ministries did not begin these campaigns but they continued on with them today and being a case of total insanity they cannot be destroyed. God made the Sabbath day the issue but they have taken the issue of creation from it and made it to the central issue. They are making a correction which God didn’t realise was going to be made! In fact when the text is considered the Sabbath becomes the issue and nothing to do with creation! Sabbath this issue because Jesus said it was going to be a case on which the issue to give life or to give birth would be made. It is a combination of both the daily sacrifice and that one day of 15 – 01 – 3889, a holy Sabbath day! On Good Friday before Jesus had died twice on that one day and that was the death of Jesus at 9 AM and then again at 3 PM which every daily sacrifice pointed. If there was two deaths on the Friday they also had to be two resurrections of the Sabbath the next day. The death at 9 AM was the death that occurred Within the Godhead where there was a separation, a death between Jesus As the Son of Man and the Christ the Son of the Living God. This had to be done for our salvation to occur. This Jesus, Son of Man as he took on himself all confessed intentional sins had to pay the price for these sins and the price of sin is death. The Son as the Son of God could not die because God cannot die only The Son of Man can die and He did at 3 PM on that Good Friday. The change between the son of God And the Son of Man occurred at 3 PM. It is with this mystery that we struggle and we do need a resurrection. The death at 3 PM also requires the resurrection of Jesus Christ. So which one occurred first on the resurrection Sabbath? We have to look at the people involved.
    • The going is slow and for a number of reasons. This is not a commentary but a preamble to 1 when they get started. I am looking for the strongest point from where I can start. It however is not a waste of time. I am moving from day one today two of creation and cannot believe how many more issues arise. Day two is not just simply a matter of water that is being lifted from the earth’s surface, it is only “excess water” that is being lifted. Why would we need one full day of creation to lift what appears to be a very large amount of water and where is it lifted to? It has just formed a major part of day one when the force of gravity was invented and immediately began to work on a formless world and water. The crashing and smashing sounds have finished and the earth is a round sphere surrounded by water. The only thing we can say about the depth of this
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    • water is that it is not so deep that it creates nuclear reactions in the earth call, plenty of heat but no nuclear reaction. There are many out there who could work out a maximum depth of water and I guess that amount to be 1000 km deep. If that amount is to finish up as an average of 5 km deep much water is to be taken into the atmosphere. But where does it finish up and what purpose that does it have?
    • The only reasonable answer I have managed to come up with is that they go out to mark the boundary of the courtyard and the temple is on planet Earth. I can only pick up the history of this temple some 1400 years before the coming of Christ. It is only a temporary structure in the desert for some 400 years and is continually being moved around and it becomes a permanent structure as Solomon’s Temple where it still has a chequered history and is destroyed by the Babylonians and rebuild at various stages to be present as the temple when Jesus came. Jesus did pray in this temple but he specifically told us of the time when he walked out of the temple and it was left empty. The temple was the body of Jesus and it was moved on 14 – 01 – 3889 to Mount Calvary. Sacrifices involving sin could not be performed in this temple and Mount Calvary was about intentional confessed sin and so the altar, or the cross had to be moved outside of the city and this became the new location of the temple. This location has remained ever since here and is about to be resurrected at the second coming and to remain till the end of time. As we have seen the sacrifices of this time make sure that it is packed up and taken into the new universe and to be set up inside the throne of God where it will remain for an eternity. This would justify its significance to be given one day in seven in the creation account. Where was this altar or cross for the first 2500 years before it appeared in the desert?
    • It was there pretty well from the time the angels rebelled and Adam and Eve sinned. It had a function of the Day of Atonement and the cross of Good Friday was a sudden addition. In my search for something concrete begin the blog with I ran into the problem of where to place the earth in relation to the sun. The problem was was gravity the only force of attraction or were centrifugal forces created at the same time? I use Scripture to decide the answer. The answer is the nature of God and in nature GOD IS A TRIUNE GOD; Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This nature is constantly reassured in the Scripture itself. The Holy Spirit permanently separates from the Trinity and becomes a separate entity at the murder of John the Baptist and the story finishes where the throne of God is occupied by Father and Son. The bond between this Trinity is that of love, of gravity and builds up to almost infinite strength within the Trinity is self. It is not infinite as the three being remain as separate beings and the strength of that attraction is described in secular terms and zero point energy. One droplet of this energy is enough to boil I all the oceans of the earth but if the attraction was infinite three beings will diffuse into one and there would be one God and one entity. To prevent this from happening when the three are as close as it gets a slight force of repulsion cuts in; centrifugal force is that slight movement which stops fusion of the three beings. I can therefore use both gravity and centrifugal force as part of my creation account. They can both be used in the production of tides but the condition would be that the tide facing the moon would be about 6 inches higher than the high tide on the opposite side of the earth. In other words there is a contributing factor of the combination of centrifugal and gravity forces it is this combination of forces that I hope to be able to use to explain uplift on the earth but is still very much a work in progress.
    • Another surprise that I received was to be able to tie the last church of history, which lasts 490 years and is written up in Daniel and in the last chapters of Revelation as the church of the seven bowls and also the church of Mount Calvary. If so this would indeed be a brilliant correlation.
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    • We have spent some time on what happened on Good Friday. We have also spent some time what happened in the hours of The Sabbath where Jesus was placed in his tomb and therefore we are allowed to branch out what happened on Sunday in an after the tomb. It is the story of Jonah/Jesus such are the similarities. The first mention of these two in Scripture is the story of the Nazirite in numbers five Of the Book of Numbers an earlier version would probably be in the garden of Eden when Adam and Eve sinned. Both Numbers and Eden the solution is the same: the Day of Atonement. The late appearance of Mount Calvary was something that fooled them all including Peter as late as Resurrection Sunday. It also fools practically everybody today. Late addition of Mount Calvary FOR THE DAY OF ATONEMENT which is still to come. Mount Calvary is in addition and is not a substitution for the Day of Atonement. The history of the temple therefore goes back right to the start even though it was formalised as late as 1400 years before Christ and that such a temple would require a courtyard but how far out from planet Earth would this courtyard be constructed? Is it on the edge of our solar system or is it way past that? If it marks our solar system then it is probably just a lot of rock like comets and if it is further out than this these rocks would be marked by stars rotating around them to mark it out. This certainly poses a quandary to me and many others. To begin a blog here might leave many unsolved answers and I would be going where it is not intended for me to go.
    • When Jesus/Nazarite/Jonah arrived on the’s surface they were not under any hallucination as to whether they were going to the cross of Mount Calvary or to the Day of Atonement. Jonah certainly arrived and caught a ship in the opposite direction. He was not going to be brutalised and abused by humanity in its darkest form. He wanted out from the start and the only reason he joined up was because of it was his father’s will. When this ship which was carrying the wrong direction ran into trouble Jonah would knew that the only solution was for all those on board be saved was that he be thrown into the water. This was Mount Calvary and it was hundred 44 million they were going to the throne of God. This actually did happen and Jesus/Nazarite/Jonah was thrown into the water and all those on board was saved. What Jonah strenuously objected to was the Ninevites that would be saved. He did not want to have a bar of this action. It would have to wait until the whale spat him out onto the beach when he would go and perform this function. It was after Jesus was resurrected ON RESURRECTION SUNDAY MORNING. So what do we have in the meantime? Jesus did not want anything to do with the Ninevites even with high conversion rate. This was the church of the last 500 years of Daniel’s time and the end result is that each one of them will remove seal of God and replace it with the mark of the beast and fight against the riders behind the white horse. The grace that would be given would be abused and each of the foolish virgins, all hundred and 44,000 of them would reject that seal. Jesus knew it would be a waste of time giving them that seal in the first place!
    • One fascinating question that has occupied my mind is that if I choose to break away from is God by sinning and then repent and have my slate wiped clean and go to God with my hand out what compulsion is there on God to accept my outstretched hand? Answer; none! What are the chances of Him accepting my arm? What happened to the Ninevites? They like every created being were individually present at the cross and each of them called, “reject!” When shown the figure of Jesus Christ on the cross . So what is this late evangelistic campaign about and why is this so so is successful? Jesus/Jonah did not want to have a bar of it. Yet it was so successful! It was based on the grace of God which accepts outstretched hands for or whatever direction may come from. So these Ninevites are going to heaven even though they called reject! Well actually is a bit more complicated than that. That acceptance has to
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    • come from person who is alive and you can pray and the whole church and pray for a dead person but there will be no acceptance. It must come from a living person! The Ninevites were all live but that doesn’t change the fact they called reject to the body of Christ on the cross. I could think of many people today, probably 1 billion who called reject to that brutalised body on the cross. But they going to heaven after a late evangelistic program? These people cannot be called evil as they consists of Scripture teaches, people who feed the elderly, the preachers of today, those who heal the sick, those who conduct evangelistic campaigns and many other people who are doing the work that Jesus did and in his name. Why are they going to hear those dreaded words from Jesus, “go away from me I never you!” There is no doubt about those who called, “and accept!” As being hundred 44 million who go inside the doorway of mercy when it slams shut! They will finish up in the throne room of God and eternity but the other ones are left behind form the church of the seven bowls, 490 years of the church of Daniel and also the Ninevites church of today. The problem with this last search is it does not survive and every member abandons their faith and throws the grace that we shall them back into the face of God. As we have seen in the study of Revelation this decision was forced on them. I have not yet decided whether these Ninevites are the foolish virgins to whom was given the Holy Spirit or whether it includes other Christian “do-gooders”. Certainly the foolish virgins who have been given the seal of God are involved the battle is against the living and the risen dead are not involved at all. The beast knows he has only one chance in the battle and that is if the rider on the white horse comes to earth and when he sees that rider sitting on the clouds he knows his battle is over. Just like on Good Friday many of the combatants turn on the beast and on each other and he blames his defeat at that time on the allegiance of the combatants and he does not want to happen this time. Personally he checks with every person that has the seal of the Holy Spirit and tells them to remove it and replace it with the mark of the beast. Which everyone does. Jesus could see that this would be the ultimate result and not to bother going out evangelising to them. The net result was going to be not one extra person would be saved information mark but heaven goes to extra effort to bring in that one last soul, Ninevites church, the church of the seven bowls and Daniel’s church of the last 490 years are the collective name for the amount of time and effort that was spent on this last church! I will indeed be able to do some justice in my blog proper on this topic as well in review of that particular gospel.
    • As well as the topic of Nineveh another irritating subject that comes up continually is creationists attempts to point to the second coming, it’s time and place. Our biggest critics with the loudest laughs are the astronomers of today as we try to place incorrect positions the earth and the sun. They laugh at us and call us mental retards! When you think about it whose role is it to place the earth and the sun in their correct positions? I have the time and they have all the equipment ready to do so despite everything in their favour they cannot do so. Meteorite after meteorite arrives at earth and they cannot see where and when it has arrived. They only find out from reading the paper or watching the TV yet they laugh at creationists without these facilities having failed to do so! It is a who are the laughingstock and not the creationists. We read from Scripture that certain events are going to occur and have occurred. The chronology on the Bible has up to now be pathetic and we don’t even know the chronology of Jesus on earth. But it is not just the chronology in the Bible that is pathetic so is much of the Bible itself. With the virgins of the last day all 10 are asleep and it will take some world shattering event wake them up. One such suggestion that I have and a suggestion is all that is and that is to equate the abomination that causes desolation to a meteorite. If that is the case astronomers will not see it even after it has struck planet loud too busy laughing and creationists for mixing up the positions of the earth and the sun but they themselves do not have any idea despite all the facilities at hand. If this is the case and
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    • Jesus is soon to return then it must be well on its way and creationists will only become aware when it has 20 minutes to strike the earth. That other lot should be able to catch up to date the next day what happened. We know that the strike will be close to Israel as it will set off a tsunami and an earthquake which will pulverise the temple remains. We know it will be about the time when the fig tree [Israel] is covered with leaves and that happened some 73 years ago. The time is defined as a generation we know whether that is 70 years or any time longer but we still have an idea of the time and where these events will occur. That is much better than those astronomers who are jackasses have as they sit around and laugh! From the house of insanity, evolution they cannot tell the difference between a very heavy object, the sun is rotating around a very light object, the earth or the other way around! There must be encyclopedias for the information from which they can tell!
    • One fascinating question that has occupied my mind is that if I choose to break away from is God by sinning and then repent and have my slate wiped clean and go to God with my hand out what compulsion is there on God to accept my outstretched hand? Answer; none! What are the chances of Him accepting my arm? What happened to the Ninevites? They like every created being were individually present at the cross and each of them called, “reject!” When shown the figure of Jesus Christ on the cross . So what is this late evangelistic campaign about and why is this so so is successful? Jesus/Jonah did not want to have a bar of it. Yet it was so successful! It was based on the grace of God which accepts outstretched hands for or whatever direction may come from. So these Ninevites are going to heaven even though they called reject! Well actually is a bit more complicated than that. That acceptance has to
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    • come from person who is alive and you can pray and the whole church and pray for a dead person but there will be no acceptance. It must come from a living person! The Ninevites were all live but that doesn’t change the fact they called reject to the body of Christ on the cross. I could think of many people today, probably 1 billion who called reject to that brutalised body on the cross. But they going to heaven after a late evangelistic program? These people cannot be called evil as they consists of Scripture teaches, people who feed the elderly, the preachers of today, those who heal the sick, those who conduct evangelistic campaigns and many other people who are doing the work that Jesus did and in his name. Why are they going to hear those dreaded words from Jesus, “go away from me I never you!” There is no doubt about those who called, “and accept!” As being hundred 44 million who go inside the doorway of mercy when it slams shut! They will finish up in the throne room of God and eternity but the other ones are left behind form the church of the seven bowls, 490 years of the church of Daniel and also the Ninevites church of today. The problem with this last search is it does not survive and every member abandons their faith and throws the grace that we shall them back into the face of God. As we have seen in the study of Revelation this decision was forced on them. I have not yet decided whether these Ninevites are the foolish virgins to whom was given the Holy Spirit or whether it includes other Christian “do-gooders”. Certainly the foolish virgins who have been given the seal of God are involved the battle is against the living and the risen dead are not involved at all. The beast knows he has only one chance in the battle and that is if the rider on the white horse comes to earth and when he sees that rider sitting on the clouds he knows his battle is over. Just like on Good Friday many of the combatants turn on the beast and on each other and he blames his defeat at that time on the allegiance of the combatants and he does not want to happen this time. Personally he checks with every person that has the seal of the Holy Spirit and tells them to remove it and replace it with the mark of the beast. Which everyone does. Jesus could see that this would be the ultimate result and not to bother going out evangelising to them. The net result was going to be not one extra person would be saved information mark but heaven goes to extra effort to bring in that one last soul, Ninevites church, the church of the seven bowls and Daniel’s church of the last 490 years are the collective name for the amount of time and effort that was spent on this last church! I will indeed be able to do some justice in my blog proper on this topic as well in review of that particular gospel.
    • As well as the topic of Nineveh another irritating subject that comes up continually is creationists attempts to point to the second coming, it’s time and place. Our biggest critics with the loudest laughs are the astronomers of today as we try to place incorrect positions the earth and the sun. They laugh at us and call us mental retards! When you think about it whose role is it to place the earth and the sun in their correct positions? I have the time and they have all the equipment ready to do so despite everything in their favour they cannot do so. Meteorite after meteorite arrives at earth and they cannot see where and when it has arrived. They only find out from reading the paper or watching the TV yet they laugh at creationists without these facilities having failed to do so! It is a who are the laughingstock and not the creationists. We read from Scripture that certain events are going to occur and have occurred. The chronology on the Bible has up to now be pathetic and we don’t even know the chronology of Jesus on earth. But it is not just the chronology in the Bible that is pathetic so is much of the Bible itself. With the virgins of the last day all 10 are asleep and it will take some world shattering event wake them up. One such suggestion that I have and a suggestion is all that is and that is to equate the abomination that causes desolation to a meteorite. If that is the case astronomers will not see it even after it has struck planet loud too busy laughing and creationists for mixing up the positions of the earth and the sun but they themselves do not have any idea despite all the facilities at hand. If this is the case and
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    • Jesus is soon to return then it must be well on its way and creationists will only become aware when it has 20 minutes to strike the earth. That other lot should be able to catch up to date the next day what happened. We know that the strike will be close to Israel as it will set off a tsunami and an earthquake which will pulverise the temple remains. We know it will be about the time when the fig tree [Israel] is covered with leaves and that happened some 73 years ago. The time is defined as a generation we know whether that is 70 years or any time longer but we still have an idea of the time and where these events will occur. That is much better than those astronomers who are jackasses have as they sit around and laugh! From the house of insanity, evolution they cannot tell the difference between a very heavy object, the sun is rotating around a very light object, the earth or the other way around! There must be encyclopedias for the information from which they can tell!
    • One fascinating question that has occupied my mind is that if I choose to break away from is God by sinning and then repent and have my slate wiped clean and go to God with my hand out what compulsion is there on God to accept my outstretched hand? Answer; none! What are the chances of Him accepting my arm? What happened to the Ninevites? They like every created being were individually present at the cross and each of them called, “reject!” When shown the figure of Jesus Christ on the cross . So what is this late evangelistic campaign about and why is this so so is successful? Jesus/Jonah did not want to have a bar of it. Yet it was so successful! It was based on the grace of God which accepts outstretched hands for or whatever direction may come from. So these Ninevites are going to heaven even though they called reject! Well actually is a bit more complicated than that. That acceptance has to
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    • come from person who is alive and you can pray and the whole church and pray for a dead person but there will be no acceptance. It must come from a living person! The Ninevites were all live but that doesn’t change the fact they called reject to the body of Christ on the cross. I could think of many people today, probably 1 billion who called reject to that brutalised body on the cross. But they going to heaven after a late evangelistic program? These people cannot be called evil as they consists of Scripture teaches, people who feed the elderly, the preachers of today, those who heal the sick, those who conduct evangelistic campaigns and many other people who are doing the work that Jesus did and in his name. Why are they going to hear those dreaded words from Jesus, “go away from me I never you!” There is no doubt about those who called, “and accept!” As being hundred 44 million who go inside the doorway of mercy when it slams shut! They will finish up in the throne room of God and eternity but the other ones are left behind form the church of the seven bowls, 490 years of the church of Daniel and also the Ninevites church of today. The problem with this last search is it does not survive and every member abandons their faith and throws the grace that we shall them back into the face of God. As we have seen in the study of Revelation this decision was forced on them. I have not yet decided whether these Ninevites are the foolish virgins to whom was given the Holy Spirit or whether it includes other Christian “do-gooders”. Certainly the foolish virgins who have been given the seal of God are involved the battle is against the living and the risen dead are not involved at all. The beast knows he has only one chance in the battle and that is if the rider on the white horse comes to earth and when he sees that rider sitting on the clouds he knows his battle is over. Just like on Good Friday many of the combatants turn on the beast and on each other and he blames his defeat at that time on the allegiance of the combatants and he does not want to happen this time. Personally he checks with every person that has the seal of the Holy Spirit and tells them to remove it and replace it with the mark of the beast. Which everyone does. Jesus could see that this would be the ultimate result and not to bother going out evangelising to them. The net result was going to be not one extra person would be saved information mark but heaven goes to extra effort to bring in that one last soul, Ninevites church, the church of the seven bowls and Daniel’s church of the last 490 years are the collective name for the amount of time and effort that was spent on this last church! I will indeed be able to do some justice in my blog proper on this topic as well in review of that particular gospel.
    • As well as the topic of Nineveh another irritating subject that comes up continually is creationists attempts to point to the second coming, it’s time and place. Our biggest critics with the loudest laughs are the astronomers of today as we try to place incorrect positions the earth and the sun. They laugh at us and call us mental retards! When you think about it whose role is it to place the earth and the sun in their correct positions? I have the time and they have all the equipment ready to do so despite everything in their favour they cannot do so. Meteorite after meteorite arrives at earth and they cannot see where and when it has arrived. They only find out from reading the paper or watching the TV yet they laugh at creationists without these facilities having failed to do so! It is a who are the laughingstock and not the creationists. We read from Scripture that certain events are going to occur and have occurred. The chronology on the Bible has up to now be pathetic and we don’t even know the chronology of Jesus on earth. But it is not just the chronology in the Bible that is pathetic so is much of the Bible itself. With the virgins of the last day all 10 are asleep and it will take some world shattering event wake them up. One such suggestion that I have and a suggestion is all that is and that is to equate the abomination that causes desolation to a meteorite. If that is the case astronomers will not see it even after it has struck planet loud too busy laughing and creationists for mixing up the positions of the earth and the sun but they themselves do not have any idea despite all the facilities at hand. If this is the case and
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    • Jesus is soon to return then it must be well on its way and creationists will only become aware when it has 20 minutes to strike the earth. That other lot should be able to catch up to date the next day what happened. We know that the strike will be close to Israel as it will set off a tsunami and an earthquake which will pulverise the temple remains. We know it will be about the time when the fig tree [Israel] is covered with leaves and that happened some 73 years ago. The time is defined as a generation we know whether that is 70 years or any time longer but we still have an idea of the time and where these events will occur. That is much better than those astronomers who are jackasses have as they sit around and laugh! From the house of insanity, evolution they cannot tell the difference between a very heavy object, the sun is rotating around a very light object, the earth or the other way around! There must be encyclopedias for the information from which they can tell!
    • The Bible is a book inspired by the creator who made everything around us and has written it up. The topics covered can be of intense complexity and the creation issue is one such topic. It is so complex that a number of models can be formulated and the one which covers the issues the best is usually the most preferable and use until a better model comes along. I am in such a quandary now and the two models before me are that sun is a centre of our solar system and the other is that the earth is the centre. I began with the sun as the centre as this is the accepted model today by most. Here God created The Universe around Him and that is as God’s dwelling is the throne room of God and therefore the centre. It was from here that God firstly created a ball like structure of time which actually gave permission for His creation to exist in. This permission is conditional on the fact that it is not rejected by His creation a condition which will not exist in the second universe. Within this ball of time God created a structure where things could exist in which He called the sky. In today’s terms we are going to try to describe this as quantum mechanics. The first object of our three dimensions to be created within this quantum mechanical foam was the earth and placed in the third orbit from the throne room itself. Many things which are described in Genesis occurred within this system in the first three days. But Genesis being a 3+3 creation also means there were major changes in the last three days as well. On day four of creation unfortunately resulted in the possibility of sin and there were provisions set in place for this to occur. Day four of creation would result in a problem with the creation of angelic hosts where there was not only a possibility of sin but real sin did occur. There were a number of changes to take this into account. One was that pure divine light of the first three days would have particles added to it which could absorb the disorder that would be created from this period light acquired a wave – particle nature and is what we call lights today. The other type of light is still manifested today and was so on 14 – 01 – 3889 between the hours of noon and 3 PM on Mount Calvary. Needless to say these were special hours for humanity. The other major change that occurred was to the throne room of God which was in the middle of the creation. It could not exist in the presence of sin let alone sin that was so close to it. God/Throne room can only be approached through fire and so this room was enveloped by fire and it became the sun. And so today I had the sun as the centre of the solar system. Many problems remain within the first three days of creation some of which are sorted out on day four such as the day night issue became a problem of rotation of the earth around the sun and the appearance and disappearance of day and night. There was really no night as the stars gave of light continually. Many more problems arose with this model as the creation account developed.
    • These were not the reason I sought an extra model. This was the model of the earth being the centre with the sun rotating around it this was a model that biblical astronomers used before this time. This model is as different as chalk and cheese when compared to the sun being the centre. We regard these times as the dark ages and to believe what they believed
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    • your IQ \  to be less than 20. They did not believe in evolution what all our universities teach today as fact. It is not but is an absolute falsity, and impossibility, and absurdity and insanity to the greatest order! There is no condition under which nothing can become something. Has never occurred, and will never occur except in the case of a miracle which God can perform and He never existed! In the world of insanity you can make as many statements as you want and you can never be proven to be wrong – there is no logic which can be challenged!
    • Of the five tenets of faith that this enlightenment made up that were two of them: evolution in place of God creation, and replacing the earth as the centre of the solar system with the sun. Number three was a creation of time which again happen from nothing and there was an almighty explosion a big bang! Again and absurdity with no counterarguments to be produced – he just happened out of nothing! We should be grateful there was not anything to explode as you can imagine the size of the explosion then!
    • What else this enlightenment brought us was a disappearance of the soul and only considered the three dimensions that we see. This is like taking 99% of what is out there and ignoring it. Before we understood a lot about the soul and it is the most studied editing insights today, it is studied in quantum mechanics! My three-dimensional body will be lucky if it sees 80 years of time but my four dimensional body so far has seen 6000 years of time and is most likely to see an infinity of years as well! The 3D body is but a small subset of the 4D version.
    • Today many people read the Bible because of its apocalyptic value. It is in Satan’s interest to destroy any credibility in the Bible and he does it so efficiently using mostly “Christian” people . The events that I take to be of value are the destruction of the temple, and of Jerusalem, the fig tree, Israel, gaining its leaves, 1949, Daniel chapter 12 which is very precise about the dates except that it relies on Chapter 11 and I do not have the slightest idea who the Kings and Queens of the North and South are let alone their children and what they are doing. But I also use the vaccination program that is worldwide today and which I’d think destroys the value of human life which God will not allow. This would give Satan total control and mandatory vaccination would be the final straw and would force Jesus to call “it is finished!” Daniel chapter 12 tells us when this happens it is a warning that Jesus is coming in 45 days time. There will be gross panic and a worldwide awakening when people realise they have been lied to and conned. The incident involved could well be a meteorite coming into earth to start off end day events and the destruction of Jerusalem. By their own admission the present-day astronomers admit they cannot see meteorites coming even after they have been because they come from the direction of the sun. It was my intention to look at the position of the sun with respect to the earth but even if I saw the answer it would not change people’s minds that it was the earth that was to the centre and not the sun for what it would do would be to turn people’s minds to the Bible. It is thus the duty of Christians everywhere to restore the credibility of the Bible where they can and allow people to turn and the conversion rate is going to be 100% of virgins who are sleeping today will be 50% awake and 50% will remain asleep. Our efforts will be worthwhile! I will not be able to prove that evolution comes from the world of the insane or the concept of deep time period I may be able to show some of the importance of the soul as was present in ancient times and is present within the field of quantum mechanics. I pray that I will be shown something about the position of these meteorites and the position of the earth respect to the sky. People worldwide will be shown on the dangers of vaccination when the numbers that are truly dying are revealed. We wake up to see the extent to which we have the conned!
    • The problem is the pathetic state of the church today. With all their higher institutions of learning they know very little about what you could teach an eight-year-old. Not only is their level of knowledge almost 0 they attach themselves to demonic institutions and to outright
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    • Thus the Jimmy Swaggart so-called church will quickly fill you with outright demons and the CMi attach themselves to the Bible and the fraud of the moon landings and the more fraudulent they are known to be the more they defend them moving people further from the Bible truth. This is America and one of the many frauds they perpetrate on people. All this will come to the fore and all will be revealed allowing for a massive return to the Bible providing we can restore at least some credibility to it. I have a little role to play by a revelation that was given to me from the Holy Spirit and that is to relate the role of time in the daily sacrifice with that time that Jesus spent on the cross. I have been trying to do this in bits and spurts for a time now but my wake-up call is on the way. I will tell you the difficulties that I’m facing.
    • for a while now I have been following Moses in the book of Deuteronomy and trying to understand why he has been so docile in throwing in the towel. It is as if he went quietly he would be brought back again for a final role. Moses is very diligent in packing his bags and he wants to leave a clean screen behind. One thing he tells about is that the people are going to call for a prophet to look after their affairs. It is too dramatic to have God intervene in their problems and what they want is an intermediary person who will deal with God up to the standards that He requires and just come and tell them the answer and they will obey. They might have in mind the time when God gave them the 10 Commandments. The times were frightening indeed and Mount Sinai shook with God’s presence and the people could not stand it. They wanted an intermediate. In a way this did happen when Jesus took that scroll on himself and rewrote the 10 Commandments and undertook to obey them Himself. But it was not the time they were thinking of because all but two of them perished in the desert it could not have been as late as the closing of the door of mercy when results had already been determined. It was some time between these two dates. I am going to suggest that it was at the Transfiguration when Moses and Elijah were called in as the two human representatives albeit in divine form to call on our behalf for this prophet and they make the call on our behalf. It is made just before the cross of Good Friday. More about these two witnesses at the relevant time.
    • I do find it hypocritical to be treated with contempt when having difficulties with a message of salvation. All of the apostles and disciples did so at the time and they based their knowledge on Scripture which I too am trying to do. It is like being criticised by an astronomy student for trying to place the sun and the earth in the reverse order– it could not be much worse than what they have now and fact may be a major improvement. The trouble with these conspirators with a fertile mind is that they could suggest a meteorite could come hurtling into earth and cause major geological changes like earthquakes and tsunamis and not be seen just like the one in Russia recently did!
    • The time that I think I am at is in the grave with Jesus after the cross of Good Friday. It is dark and from a crack in the rocks above me blood is dropping down onto the Arc of the Covenant, a small wooden box which contains the 10 Commandments and a few other sundry items. This incident is described in Scripture as what happened to a man who claimed equality with God and the law required that he be crucified for this blasphemy, which he was. No wonder I find it difficult to relate the two incidents together. In fact there should be nothing happening at this time and that is what Scripture says. “In the beginning” only allows for The Daily Sacrifice which is the death of a Passover lamb once at 9 AM and a second death at 3 PM every day of our existence. That’s six hours on the cross would be translated into 24 hours of our existence with nothing before 9 AM and nothing after 3 PM where we are now. So we need to find Scripture which converts that six hours of Jesus on the cross into eternity.
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    • I already know why there are 144 million other souls in the grave with me. These are the riders of the white horse and we are told these formed when Jesus open the first seal of scroll that it took from God the Father at 3 PM on Good Friday. The reason we were in the throne room of God at this time was to vote Jesus as worthy of accepting the scroll because of what he had done in the six hours previously. From the throne room of God immediately after 3 PM we came back to earth and we worshipped the burnt offering of Jesus hanging on the cross between 3 PM and 4 PM. Here the second seal was broken where the blood of Jesus was spilled by that Roman spear and form the stream that was to drop through the cracks in the ground And onto the Ark of the Covenant. We actually did not arrive in the grave with Jesus until Sabbath day when this activity began. The problem was that Roman spear did not release a stream of blood only but there was also a stream of water and this is what is causing the problem. The blood of Jesus had one role to play but so did the water and it is the water that was a problem with Moses. The first seal was associated with the armies of the rider and all those people who are going to not just heaven but within the throne room of God itself. The second seal was associated with the blood of Jesus and blood is shed to give life eternal. The third seal where we are at is associated with justice at all levels but we need to connect it to water, water that came from the side of Jesus. We have a rough connection between the gospel of Matthew and the riders of the white horse. There is a more tenuous connection between the gospel of Mark, the ox and the second seal which is the seal of blood. We have made no attempt to connect the Gospel of Luke with the third seal the seal of heavenly justice and it is this lack of knowledge that is stopping us at this stage of the grave. It is a problem that will have to be righted before we attempt to go on. We must look at the Gospel of Luke. When I saw the blood of Jesus trickling down from the rocks above And onto the Ark of the Covenant the only thing I could associated with the blood of the Day of Atonement which was carried into the MOST HOLY PLACE and sprinkled on to the Ark of the Covenant to plead for mercy for the forgiveness of sin. On Mount Calvary there was no need to ask the forgiveness of sin as it had been forgiven between 9 AM and 3 PM. It would have been just as wrong to connect the two witnesses of Moses and Elijah with the next pair of witnesses of John the Baptist and Jesus Christ: different roles and different courses.
    • This was not about the Day of Atonement or was it the month of July. On the first and second of July was the battle against Satan and his destruction in hell. This did not occur. In the next seven days Jesus took on himself any sins that were left behind after hell, unintentional sins and was defiled by them for a period of seven days when the Day of Atonement occurred.AT-ONE-wasMENT and achieved as in the relationship between God and humanity and they could only be done by the removal of all sin. The graveyard after the cross was not meant to achieve this. The Son of Man would have his heel bruised by Satan but this was not the death that He would suffer on the cross of Good Friday. There are differences between what happened on these two holy days and there are also some similarities as we have noted. As we work our way through Luke will also try to rekindle some of the fire which applied to Matthew and to Mark. On working our way through this gospel I will not go through the kerfuffle that I have already been through at the start of my stroke some 245 days ago. The only part of this blog that is absolute truth is where the Bible is quoted directly and the rest of it may or may not be relative truth. The absolute truth is the part that was quoted in the tutorial that was being given to all humanity before they made their decision of whether they should accept or reject figure on the cross of Good Friday. It is fourth dimension truth, it is spiritual truth and it is an attempt to bring this truth and to the three dimensions that we are in.
    • Introduction verse one; “many have undertaken to draw up an account of the things that have been fulfilled amongst those, just as they were handed down to us by those who from page 42
    • the first were eyewitnesses and servants of the word. Therefore, since I myself have carefully investigated everything from the beginning, it seemed good also to me to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, so you may know certainly of things you have been taught.”
    • For a writer of two major works of the Bible, gospel and the book of Acts, Luke is not making any outrageous claims to a connection with Divinity but here’s claiming the truth. His gospel is that of humanity and not just the Jewish people.
    • if one way to judge the level of Christianity a person has attained is to see their reaction to the punishment of Moses for striking the rock of Meribah twice when so much depended on the rock producing water, was too harsh and he did not deserve to die for it, then I would be in that group. The punishment was too harsh! That level of judgement is now coming through and I find myself unable to cope with Luke and the judgement that produces inside the tomb where Jesus spent the first night. It just does not make any sense. The blood that is dropping onto the Ark of the Covenant was made of two streams when the Roman soldier pierced the side of Jesus. Water and blood came out as two separate streams but they mixed shortly after falling on the ground. I can attach some relevance to the blood and its importance in that it is the blood that gives life and this whole exercise is about life eternal. But then what about the water? It was water only that was involved in Meribah and there was nothing about the blood. When the seals are broken on that scroll one seal is about the blood of Jesus but the other seal, the third seal is about water. The first seal is a subject of the Gospel of Matthew, the second seal is a subject of the Gospel of Mark and the third seal is a subject of the Gospel of Luke. Both Matthew and Mark address the people going to heaven in that Matthew covers the riders of the white horse and Mark covers why they alone have the eternal life while Luke covers the question of justice to all people and is thus of great value to us. He should cover the question of water he is not a Jew he is a Gentile although he claims to have knowledge of the Jewish faith and the events that took place beforehand. This would make his gospel in valuable as far as the understanding of water is concerned the only problem being is addressed to the Greeks and they are known for their heavy thinking so it may be over my head as well.
    • The closest any human being has got to God/Jesus was Moses. He was not only shown the setup of the sacrificial system he was shown its culmination and that includes Meribah. Moses knew what he was doing and he graciously accepted the consequences – his death and the end of the journey. It would have been Moses and Elijah as the final two witnesses but Moses lost the privilege of closing the door of mercy and that fell on the apostle John. I think he was shown that he would have the privilege of the Transfiguration and his role in appointing Jesus as our Saviour along with Elijah. So that brings us to our current position and problems. What happened on the cross?
    • What I go along with now is written up in Scripture but explained to me in more detail. There were two deaths on Good Friday 14 – 01 – 3889 and they were of two separate distinct one year old male lambs – one was the death that occurred within the godhead and a separation of GOD THE SON, away from THE SON OF MAN. It was thus The Son of Man who went to the cross at and 9 AM and died at 3 PM and the exact moment at which Son of God APPEARED IN THE MOST HOLY PLACE in front of God the Father Who was holding the sacred scrolls with the seven seals. We all voted Jesus as were the of taking the scroll from the hand of God and opening it seven seals which began soon after 3 PM on that pleasant day and the release of the riders behind the white horse, all 144 million of them. We then worshipped the burnt sacrifice of Jesus on the cross between 3 PM and 4 PM. It is at 4 PM
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    • when the Roman soldier opened up the side of Jesus that our problems begin. There were two distinct streams that flowed from the side of Jesus, one was water and the other was blood. They had been two separate streams inside of the body of Jesus but once they fell on the ground they mixed and by the time they arrived through the crack in the ground they fell on me Ark of the Covenant already mixed. They are recorded as two separate seals and one of them is of blood and the other is of justice. This is only a rough coverage and I should be able to add more when the Gospel of Luke tells me what happens. It is a skeleton however of what I think happened and therefore and most probably likely to change. When the stone was rolled against tomb it was first The Son of Man who was first resurrected and with him were presented all hundred and 44 million of the saints of eternity and those who are going to be on the inside of the door of mercy when it closes. When JK was presented it wasn’t him with a myriad of confessed intentional sins as they had all been taken onto the body of Jesus[power outage and begin the new day 02 – 06 – 22]
    • I have lost the train of thought since yesterday and begin a new. I am still in the grave with Jesus on the Sabbath Day where two of the seals have been opened and they appear to have been combined but that is not the case when the Roman soldier opened up side of Jesus. There are two separate streams that came from Jesus side, one was water and one was blood but they did combine on reaching the ground and when I saw them in the grave they were already combined. I think that Luke will help me unravel the streams and they began to unravel once Jesus died on the cross at 3 PM. The water was separate from the blood when the Israelites crossed the red Sea. The water was separate from the blood when Moses showed the disrespect he did to the water of Meribah. It was for this disrespect the commission of the greatest prophet of them all was removed. But the role of Moses was partly restored at the Transfiguration and was this the role of water or blood? Part of that answer is given in the chapter on the red heifer and it may be the best place to go back to. In the meantime I will try to separate the Day of Atonement from Mount Calvary. They are so different it may be childish to attempt to do so but there are still similarities. On the Day of Atonement blood was taken Into the Most Holy Place and sprinkled By the High Priest ON THE ARK OF THE COVENANT asking for forgiveness and mercy of God to accept the sacrifice that was to be offered as a burnt offering and that included a bull in the case of the High Priest and a goat for the congregation. In the dark tomb on that Sabbath day blood was also brought in and sprinkled On the Ark of the Covenant. Was that the blood of the high priest or of the priest? At 9 AM on the previous day there was a separation WITHIN THE GODHEAD and THE SON OF MAN separated from THE SON OF GOD and went to hang on cross where he subsequently died at 3 PM, went on to hang on the cross from 3 PM to 4 PM as the burnt offering where he died to have his side open. The blood that came through that crack in the rock was blood From the Son of Man and not from The Son of God whose active role only came into play at 3 PM at the death Of the Son of Man. I am not aware of what happened TO THE SON OF GOD between the hours of 9 AM and 3 PM.
    • There was only one supposed to be and will only be one Day of Atonement. It was supposed to occur on 10 – 07 – 486 of Daniel’s time and it will occur on that date in some 2000 years time. The difference between the one that was to occur some 2000 years ago, and is written and described in the Bible was that confessed intentional sin was to occur on that time as that was to be the end of time. It did not occur but the confessed intentional sin was transferred to Mount Calvary and the time we are studying now. There will be no confessed intentional sin when it does occur in 2000 years time as all has been dealt with at the cross. At the cross there were two groups of confessed intentional sins one that belonged to the hundred 44 million who are going TO THE THRONE OF GOD and are on the inside of the draw of mercy closing and there is another lot that were on the outside of the door and are given two names: in the old Testament they are called the Ninevites who accepted Grace
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    • after the resurrection and in the new Testament they are called the hundred 44,000 foolish virgins. These are the names given to the church it remains on earth after the door of mercy has closed and are subject to the same conditions although their numbers and I don’t know why are slightly different. This was foretold way back in Genesis, “in the beginning God…” Time was created only on a conditional manner in that Jesus was prepared to allow 24-hour still exist and then return he was prepared to die on the cross at 9 AM and 3 PM. And it was conditional on the fact that humanity would accept that death for the condition of survival. That actually changed on 14 January 3889 and we are in the grave after this change has occurred. It also remained conditional for the churches remained to exist, they are the churches of the Ninevites and the foolish virgins. It brings us back to the next topical water and that involves John the Baptist.
    • Verse five; “in the time of Herod King of Judaea there was a priest named Zechariah, who belong to the priestly division of Abijah, his wife Elizabeth was also a descendant of Aaron. Both of them were upright in the side of God, observing all the Lord’s commandments and regulations blamelessly. But they had no children, because Elizabeth was barren: and they were both well along in years. Once when Zacharias division was on the day and he was serving as priest before the God he was chosen by lot, according to the custom of the priesthood, to go into the temple of the Lord and burn incense. And when the time came for being of incense came, all the assembled worshippers were praying outside. Then an angel of the Lord. To him, standing at the right side of the altar of incense. When Zachariah saw him, he was startled and was gripped with fear. But the angel said to him, “do not be afraid, Zechariah; your prayer has been heard. Your wife Elizabeth will bear a son, and you are to give him the name John. He will be a joy and delight to you, and many will rejoice because of his birth, or he will be great at the side of the Lord. He is never to take wine or other fermented drink, and he will be filled with the Holy Spirit even from birth many of the people of Israel will he bring back to the Lord their God and he will go before the Lord, in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children and the disobedient to the wisdom of the righteousness – to make ready a people ready for the Lord.” Zachariah asking angel, “how can this be? I am an old man and my wife is well along in years.” The angel answered, “I am Gabriel. I stand in the presence of God, and I have been sent to speak to you to tell you good news. And now you will be silent not be able to speak until the day this happens, because she did not believe my words, which will come true at the proper time.” Meanwhile, the people were waiting for Zachariah and wondering why he had stayed so long in the temple. When he did come , could not speak to them. They realised he had seen a vision in the temple, for he kept making signs to them but remained unable to speak. When his time of service was completed, he returned home. After this his wife Elizabeth became pregnant and for five months remain in seclusion. “Lord had done this for me,” she said, “in these days he has shown the disfavour and taken away my disgrace among people.”
    • The birth of Jesus foretold.
    • “In the six-month, God sent the angel Gabriel, to Nazareth a town in Galilee, to a virgin pledged to be married to a man named Joseph, a descendant of David. The virgin’s name was Mary. The angel went to her and said, “greetings, you who are highly for favoured! Lord is with you.” Mary was greatly troubled at his words and wondered what kind of greeting this might be. But the angel sent to her, “do not be afraid, Mary, you have found favour with the God. You will be with child and give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus. He will be great and will called THE SON OF THE MOST HIGH. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over the house of Jacob, his kingdom will never end.” “How will this be,” Mary asked the angel, “since I am a virgin?” The angel
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    • answered, “the Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power OF THE MOST HIGH will overshadow you. So the holy one born will be called SON OF GOD. Even Elizabeth your relative is going to have a child in her old age, and she who was said to be marrow in her six-month period for nothing is impossible for God”. “I am the Lord’s servant” Mary answered. “May it be to me as you have said”. Then the angel left.
    • Mary visits Elizabeth;
    • Mary visits Elizabeth;
    • Verse 39; at the time Mary got ready and hurried to a town in the hill country of Judeo, where she entered Zacharias home and greeted Elizabeth. When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the baby in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with Holy Spirit. In a loud voice she explained: “pearlescent are you among women, and blizzard is the child you will bear! But why am I so favoured, that the mother of my Lord should come in me? As soon as the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby in my womb leap for joy. Pearlescent is she who has believed that what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished!”
    • Mary’s song
    • ‘and Mary said: “my soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour, for he has been mindful of the humble state of his servant. From now on all generations will call me blessed, for the Mighty One has done great things for me – holy is his name. His mercy extends to those who fear him, from generation to generation. He has performed mighty deeds with his arm; he has scattered those who are proud in their innermost thoughts. He has brought down rulers from their thrones but has lifted up the humble. He has filled the hungry with good things but has sent the rich away empty. He has helped his servant Israel, remembering to be merciful to Abraham and his descendants forever, even as he said to our father’s.” Mary stayed with Elizabeth for about three months and then returned home.
    • The birth of John the Baptist;
    • when it was time for Elizabeth to have her baby, she gave birth to a son. Her neighbours and relatives heard that the Lord had shown her great mercy, and they shared her joy. On the eighth day they came to circumcise a child, and they were going to name him after his father Zachariah, but his mother spoke up and said, “no! He is to be called John.” They said to her, “there is no one among your relatives who has that name.” Then they made signs to his father, to find out what he would like to name child. He asked them for a writing tablet, and to everyone’s astonishment he wrote, “His name is John.” Immediately his mouth is open and his tongue was loosed. And he began to speak, praising God. The neighbours were all filled with awe, and throughout the hill country of Judaea people were talking about these things. Everyone who heard this wondered about it, asking, “what then is this child going to be?” Lord’s hand was with him.
    • Zacharias song;
    • “his father Zachariah was filled with the Holy Spirit and prophesied; “praise be to the Lord, the God of Israel, because he has come and has redeemed his people. He has raised up a horn of salvation for us in the house of his servant David (as he said through his holy prophets long ago), salvation from our enemies and from the hand of all those who hate us – to show mercy to our father’s and to remember his holy covenant, the oath is swore to our father Abraham: to rescue us from the hand of our enemies, and to enable us to serve him without fear in in holiness and righteousness before him in all our days. And you, my child, will be called a prophet of the Most High; for you will go on before the Lord and to prepare the way for him, to give his people the knowledge of salvation through the forgiveness of their sins, because of the tender mercy of our God, to which the rising sun will come to us from heaven to shine on those in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into them the path of peace.” And the child grew and became strong in spirit; and he lived in the desert until he appeared publicly to Israel.”
    • If a Bible could be summarised by one word and that word would have to be, love. It is the story of God’s love from beginning to end. It begins with, “in the beginning God” where what happened was that God was prepared to allow humans to exist albeit in a temporary nature for periods of 24 hours which would result from Jesus spending six hours on the cross from 9 AM to 3 PM. The end of the Bible and the start of eternity and onwards is about love. Jesus says to us, “the only way that you can be lifted 1260 miles up and through the pearly gate and into the throne room of God is for you to push me into the fires of hell. That is how much I love you and how much I want you to spend eternity with me Within the Godhead”. The love of Jesus for us was so great that he was prepared to go through this so we can be with him. As brutal as my actions were in pushing Jesus into the flames His love dwarfed all to almost total insignificance. The requirement for this to happen is a divine one and of which I have no understanding. But it was the love of God that was there, “in the beginning” and it will be there AT the start of eternity and onwards. And the switch in the mechanism where conditional becomes permanent is now being described in the first chapter of Luke . It is one of the greatest mysteries if not the greatest of the Bible. The key player is John the Baptist. Either this mystery has been mention in Scripture in the old Testament so far or it has not and its first mention may be what was revealed to the apostle Peter, “you are the Christ, the son of the Living God.” Either Peter was particularly stupid as to him the details of what was going to happen was revealed on a day by day basis by the master teacher himself. Even the Thursday night in Gethsemane and the day before the cross Peter committed the most heinous of crimes when he denied Jesus, “I don’t know the man!” But then again everybody else got it wrong, every single one of them including
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    • the best of the apostles and his mother, Mary. So it must have been a very deep mystery indeed. So it would be wrong to go back to Genesis and say that the Christ appeared as early as 6 AM on the first day when light combined with time to generate gravity and in biblical terms this was the Christ. Am I right to make this connection in verse 32, “he will be great and will be called Son Of the Most High,” or what about in verse 35, “THE SON OF GOD”. The concept of switching time to the existence within the throne room of God was certainly alien to the apostles and probably to Scripture after Jesus had been with them for some 1260 days. It also changes the concept of love itself.
      • Question time; when the storm erupted and the boat that Jonah was on was going to sink, there was one way which could be used to stop this from happening. What was that way? Answer; Jonah told the crew they had to push him into raging water and sure enough that storm abated and they were saved. Jesus placed the same condition on us being saved in the red heifer. Unless we push Jesus personally into the fires of hell cannot be saved. Every one of those 144 million people in heaven will not have gone through fires of hell or their second death. Jesus has done it for them. In fact condition of entry into the throne room of God OR THE MOST HOLY PLACE is that we be shown that condition of us pushing Jesus into the fire or the ceremonial of the red heifer.
      • We are beginning to understand what happened on Mount Calvary. Not only was Jesus pushed into the fires of hell it was compulsory to do so for us. How can committing the most atrocious sin, the murder of Jesus Christ which is unthinkable and unspeakable be a condition for our existence IN THE MOST HOLY PLACE? It is the height and depth of darkness and of evil? This it may be and will not be shown to us in heaven but it is archived and is the only way we will be able to live and accept heaven. The light is far brighter than the darkness and it is their contrast that is the issue. There is much to be shown us in the ceremony of the red heifer which is only a greater detail in his rerun to come. Right now I am this stage of understanding why there are four gospels and the significance of each one. I am in the gravestone with Jesus on the Sabbath Day as one of the riders behind Whitehorse. All our actions are of divinity and they began when Jesus took scroll and opened its first seal. This is the gospel of Matthew and being concerned with the hundred 44 million riders you would think it was the only gospel. What could possibly Jesus omit that was not relevant to Matthew? Why have Mark, blood and then Luke, water and then John, Eagle? And then have three more seals until the door of mercy closes and then have time into eternity begins? The time ahead of us exciting indeed. But it is split into seven stages or seals. The answer has been given us that in is not just as it was in the beginning when Jesus would be conditionally obliged to make time exist in six hours stages come 24-hours. Good Friday on Mount Calvary has occurred and I am to take advantage of this miracle and is the reason why I have arrived in the grave with Jesus as a rider of the Whitehorse. It’s all about divinity, every one of the seven Seals. And it is the word love we should blossom with each text.
      • I am about to begin my blog proper in less than 60 days and really floundering when it to begin. With my interactions with Jesus which may or may not be real I am fairly sure that I am on the inside of the gate that closes to heaven. It is not the same level of surety that Paul pre-that because he knew his actions were way short of what was expected. But he did not go to the Greeks and tell them that, “Jesus loves you, has died on the cross for you and if you believe and behave you too will go to heaven.” He told them that all day every day and these educated people came back at night to listen to the same thing again. It may have been the heart of this message but there was certainly a lot more to it which the theologians of today sadly missing. Many things to explain in my blog and one of those is the role that my soul plays in this creation story. It is within the boundaries of quantum mechanics where it is possible to move within the
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      • boundaries of time and the initial boundaries of time was about 8000 years. All 14 billion of the souls created on day six of creation could make these movements under certain circumstances. They could all be present and make a response to being shown Jesus on the cross on the day. This response determined their destiny all were treated fairly and on the same ground. This is true justice.
      • The idea of the blog is to restore some credibility to the Bible which has been systematically trashed for a long time. Take the last 400 years it began with a Christian nation so-called and is Parliament introduced first of the international drug laws. The British East India company did in fact make a very good “brew” and it was on sale in a compulsory way worldwide sold by so-called Bible based Christians. At home the father of this Christianity was none other than the murderer and adulterer Henry VIII. Later he went on to murder his wife, Anne Bolin for the crime of bringing a daughter. The rest of the church was responsible for making criminals out of people try to feed their family and shipping them off to 1 of many colonies where they had tried to murder all the inhabitants first. This brand of Christianity passed off onto other nations including America where it still stays today. My blog will try to counter what they teach today and more importantly what they do not teach and especially the teachings of NASA. Evolution and long ages are very effective destroying teachings of the Bible. In fact five basic teachings that are taught in Genesis 1 are destroyed. We are told that the Bible stands on five out of five basic falsehoods. It is a tall task but at least it must be addressed.
      • I have been following a certain pattern in my blog so far but the topic that evades me the most so far has been the Gospel of Luke which I have not been able to make any inroads. I must at least have some impression of this gospel as I think it covers the topic of the third seal, the role of water which began at creation with so much of it right up to the water present and flowing in the throne of God and this was via the rock of Meribah and the cross Good Friday. Much theology indeed has been covered by this topic. The topic of water if it is indeed covered by Luke must come up under the heading of the two witnesses but this heading is much more detail than we realise. The steed fast witness seems to be Elijah. He was there at the start when the covenant between God and humanity was extended from that of the garden of Eden and only Eve’s unintentional sin to Adams intentional sin or the Day of Atonement brought in by Abraham. Elijah was not there at the rock of Meribah but he has received a mention in the gospel of Luke. Initially he was at the start of the covenant of the Day of Atonement but now he is there when the day of the Atonement is going to be converted to Good Friday on Mount Calvary. Along with Moses Elijah will also have a tent. Here certainly there at the closing of the door of mercy when he comes with apostle John. At that time John is the second witness but he was not there at the start and we have to guess his replacements in the meantime particularly was John the Baptist one of them? I have little doubt
      • that the first one of those witnesses would have been Moses had he not committed such a serious discretion. After initial protestations Moses seemed to accept the seriousness of his miss demeanour. He was brought back for a while and was given a tent in the Transfiguration. The Ministry which he had so much to do with gave him the privilege of passing it on to what it was – the Ministry of John the Baptist who unfortunately was beheaded before he could do so. So what was the Ministry of John the Baptist?
      • John the Baptist was always going to be the forerunner to Jesus Christ. He was always going to introduce the Holy Spirit along with his family to the world. But we must stop and answer the question why John baptised Jesus and it was not Jesus who baptised John? Was that the role of John the Baptist that he be the vehicle for the separation from the Holy Spirit to leave earth and go back to heaven? Would that have happened had time be allowed to proceed via the provisional stage? Was the Holy Spirit only a separate entity because of what happened on Good Friday or would that have happened even without Good Friday? The departure of the Holy Spirit
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      • from earth was the climax of the Gospels. Jesus spent Good Friday on the cross without the presence of the Holy Spirit and Saturday and Sunday. From the mass of information in front of me the answer could be yes or no but I will leave it till I get to that section of the gospel. The Holy Spirit will be a separate entity in the throne room of God and he may or may not have been a separate of the church that was left behind after the door of mercy closed. Before forgetting the significance of who baptised who
      • The order in which the baptism occurred was the correct order. It was John who should have baptised Jesus. It was not the other way around. It was the beginning of the Christian church. This was confirmed by the presence of the holy Trinity; the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit were all present. It was the union between Judaism and Christianity and it would have remained unless broken under catastrophic circumstances. It was broken by the murder of John the Baptist. Holy Spirit departed and separated and return to heaven only to return to the new church under specific circumstances; when it was asked to do so. The specific circumstances was defined by baptism and this baptism was not that of John the Baptist. Luke then is the gospel that introduces water. Luke then is the gospel that introduce humanity – all humanity and is the gospel of the creature that looks like a human being. It is the first link in the chain, Judaism and it is the second link chain, Christianity and the relationship between both of them.. Having established the first link in chapter 1, Judaism we now go ahead with the second link, Christianity in chapter 2 “ in those days Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be taken of the entire Roman world. (This was the first census that took place while Quirinius was governor of Syria.} And everyone went to their own town to register. So Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judeo, to Bethlehem the town of David, because he be long to the house and the line of David. He was there to register with Mary, who was pledged to be married to him and was expecting a child. While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there will was no room for them in the inn.
      • The shepherds and the angels ; “and there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. An angel of the Lord appeared to them, the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. But the angel said to them, “do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Saviour has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord. This will be assigned to you: you’ll find a baby wrapped in cloth’s and lying in a manger.” Suddenly a great company of heavenly hosts appeared with the angel praising the Lord and saying, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom his favour rests.” When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another. “Let’s go to Bethlehem and see this thing is that this happened, which the Lord has told us about.” So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was laying in the manger. When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, and all who heard it were amazed in what the shepherds said to them. But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart. The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God all the things they had heard and seen, which were just as they had been told.
      • Jesus presented in the Temple, verse 21; “on the eighth day, when it was time to circumcise him, he was named Jesus, the name the angel had given him before he had been conceived. When the time of the purification according to the law of Moses had been completed, Joseph and Mary took him to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord (as it is written in the Law of the Lord, “every firstborn male is to be consecrated to the Lord ), and to offer a sacrifice in keeping with what is said in the Floor of the Lord: “a pair of doves or two young pigeons.” Now there was a man in Jerusalem called Simeon, who was a righteous and devout. He was waiting for the consolation of Israel, and and the Holy Spirit was upon him. It had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he would not die before he had seen the Lord’s Christ. Moved by the Spirit, he page 49
      • went to the temple courts. When the parents brought in the child Jesus to do for him what the custom of the law required, Simeon, Simeon took him in his arms and praise God, saying: “Sovereign Lord, as you have promised, you now dismiss your servant into peace. For my eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the sight of all people, a light for revelation to the Gentiles and for glory of your people Israel”. The child’s father and mother marvelled at what was said to him. Then Simeon blessed them and said to Mary, his mother: “this child is destined because of falling and raising of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be spoken against, so that the thoughts of many hearts revealed. And a sword will pierce your own soul too.” There was a prophetess, Anna the daughter of Phanuel, the tribe of Asher. She was very old; she had lived with her husband seven years after her marriage, and then was a widow until she was 84. She never left the temple but worship night and day, fasting and praying. Coming up to her at that very moment she gave thanks to God and spoke about the child to all those who are looking forward to the redemption of Jerusalem. When Joseph and Mary had done every required by the Law of the Lord, they return to Galilee to their own town of Nazareth. And the child drew and became strong; he was filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was upon him.
      • The boy Jesus at the temple, verse 41; “
      • in the 15th year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar – when Pontius Pilate was the governor of Judaea, Herod tetrarch of Galilee, his brother Philip tetrarch of Iturea and Traconitis, and Lysanias tetrarch of Abilene – during the high priest Annas and Caphaias, word of God came to John son of Zechariah in the desert. He went into all the country around the Jordan, preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sin. As it is written in the book of the words of Isaiah the prophet: “the voice of one calling in the desert, prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for him. Every valley shall be filled in, every mountain and hill made low. The crooked roads shall become straight, the rough ways smooth. And all mankind seen God’s salvation””.
      • John said to the crowds coming out to be baptised by him, “you brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee from the coming wrath? Produce fruit in keeping with repentance. And do not begin to say to yourselves, “we have Abraham is our father. For I tell you that out of these stones God can raise up children for Abraham. The axe is ready to fall at the root of the trees, and every tree that does not produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire.” “What should we do then?” The crowd asked. John and said, “the man with two tunics should share with him who has none, and the one who has food should do the same.” Tax collectors also came to be baptised. “Teacher,” they asked, “what shall we do?” “Don’t collect any more than you are required to,” he told them. Then some soldiers asked him, “and what should we do?” He replied, “don’t extort money and don’t accuse people falsely – be content with your pay.” The people were waiting expectantly and were all wondering in their hearts and John might have possibly been the Christ. John answered them all, “I baptise you with water. But one more powerful than I will come, the thongs of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie. He will baptise you with the Holy Spirit and with fire. His winnowing fork is in his hand to clear the threshing floor and to gather the wheat into the barn, but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire.” And with many other words John exhorted the people and preach the good news to them. But when John rebuked Herod that tetrarch because of Herodias, his brother’s wife, and all the other evil things he had done, Herod added this to them all: the lock John up in the prison.
      • The baptism and genealogy of Jesus.
      • When all the people were being baptised, Jesus was baptised too. And as he was praying, haven’t opened on him in bodily form like a dove. Voice came from heaven: “you are my Son, whom I love; and with you I am well pleased.” Now Jesus himself was about 30 years old when he began his ministry. He was the son, so it was thought, of Joseph,
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      • You know that you are close to the edge when something tells you, “you are trying to sleep knowing that the majority of Christianity has little or no idea of the genealogy of Jesus. You are the four most member of that group. Most would love to have that certainty of the knowledge of the genealogy of Jesus and put their trust in him and to watch life’s problems disappear. How can you sleep with such disc concern for fellow travellers of the Christian religion?” I must have some concern as I was greatly upset by this thought. I protested, “but Lord I have made any number of attempts to solve the problem of the genealogy of Matthew and of Luke but with no success. I got to this point in the Luke but here I had to give up and have only arrived here by the divine instructions issued by Jesus in the tomb of Joseph on the Sabbath night.
      • Beginning with basics for me anyway at the genealogy of Jesus I would actually expect two genealogies. I would expect the genealogy of Jesus Son Of Man and I would expect another genealogy for Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God. Both would have to have a divine input but still contact enough to be one with me. As an ultimate result if required I would expect to pass on all my sins onto Jesus and he not only accepts them but bears the consequences of them being committed in the first place. Jesus does this for both intentional and unintentional sins. The ultimate consequence of intentional sins is death and separation from God which is what happened to Jesus on Good Friday. He suffered for and died for all my intentional sins and I am now in the grave with him as a result of this action. But I expect more, I not only expect the removal of sin but I also expect to be given credit for his perfect life, death and resurrection. Jesus, the Son of Man has done this for me, and I must understand some of the genealogy involved. This is the light in which the Bible is written as from Genesis 11. But in Genesis the time is conditional and is dependent on Jesus saying, “I am prepared to die for you on the cross between 9 and 3 PM to allow that 24-hour timeslot to exist for you to live in.” This provisional time would cease to exist WHEN THE REAL DAY OF ATONEMENT was actually carried out. In Daniel’s time it was 10 – 07 – 486 when the Day of Atonement would occur. This one has only day to which the sacrificial system pointed to would begin with two goats being brought into the temple where our intentional and confessed, for all humanity including the priest would be placed on the scapegoat. It was only the unintentional sins that would pass on to the temple and the service. There were two aspects of the scapegoat, scapegoat itself and the person that led the scapegoat to its death. The dual nature of Jesus Christ His humanity and divinity were on display. The Divinity of Jesus did not die but went on to become a part of the worship of the burnt offering it is here that some of the nuances of between the real thing and ceremony begin the mix in and I don’t intend to spend time on sorting them out. The burnt offering was the body of Jesus Christ hanging on the cross between 3 PM and 4 PM and it was this burnt offering as Jesus has just been to hell and the consequences of this are death. But where does the daily sacrifice and the deaths one year old male lamb at 9 AM and another one at 3 PM tie-in with Good Friday? The answer is it does not explain they are two different events. For one event the genealogy is required for the Son of Man and the other Son Living God required and trying to compare these is like comparing chalk and cheese! The apostles and disciples of Jesus were on this path, the path of the Messiah and they did not realise despite the large amount of attention given to that are on the path of the Christ. They were on the path of the Christ, the Son of the living God and it is Him that I have joined in the tomb of Joseph’s on that Sabbath night. We are there on divine orders as at 3 PM on Friday Jesus has appeared in the throne of God and was voted by the saints as being worthy of accepting scroll with the seven seals and he alone knows when they will all be opened. He is the Son of the Living God. But when did this switch from SON OF MAN who went to the cross of Good Friday turn into the Son of God? When do the genealogies of these two beings converge? You would not expect an answer from somebody who has studied 5% of the Bible and even that was at a superficial level. We should get some answer even though Scripture tells us it is the wrong answer from the comparison of Matthew
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      • and Luke genealogy. I will continue in [ ] although a lot of the last work has been in this mode. It appears that we have been dealing with two genealogies, one of the Son of Man and the other Son of the Living God. It appears to me that this is the genealogy of the hundred 44 million saints that are going to heaven. I hope that it will be the appearance of Elijah that will show this. This may not be as far down the track as you think. I have been sent here by the opening of the seal of justice which has been linked to the seal of the blood of God. The justice is associated with water, water of Meribah has a very short contact and separation of the blood when that Roman spear opens up the side of Jesus but there was definitely a time when they were separate.
      • XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 20-06-22 XXXXXXXXXXX.It has been a desire of mine that after blogging for seven years, seven months seven days I would have had some revelation as to what topic the Lord wanted me to cover. That revelation came to me some three days ago when I was still short by 50 days of the required time. So I am still allowed to flounder before beginning my blog and I may even include the work in the blog itself. The revelation is that there are four gospels in the Bible. They are of all separate entities but there is an overlap between them. There are also seven seals in the scroll that Jesus took from the hand of God at 3 PM on Good Friday and there may also be a correlation between four gospels and seven seals. It is far too early to tell. On that day 17 – 06 – 22 I was ‘fishing around” as I have been pretty well from the start and the topic of interest was water. It has been of interest since the first day of creation, was of interest in crossing the red Sea, but became a focal point at Meribah and has remained so ever since. I know that whilst the body of Jesus Christ contain both water and blood and there was some separation that occurred between 3 PM and 4 PM at his death but only a matter of seconds did they remain separate when the Roman spear opened up the side of Jesus. They mixed in together and became one by the time the blood arrived in the tomb of Jesus and they were already one where they could not be studied separately. This could only be done by studying the seven seals and specifically four gospels.That is exactly what I was doing, studying the Gospel of Luke when I pulled out the safety pin holding the grenade of knowledge together. Dust and bits and pieces went everywhere! This was my first attempt at a serious look at the Gospel of Luke. I will now attempt to reconstruct this explosion but do not need to do so in an orderly manner as the orderly manner is given within the four gospels. I can just do so in any manner and hopefully be able to join together within the gospel. Topic begin with is the baptism and genealogy of Jesus. From Matthew 1;1 learn that, “a record of the genealogy of Jesus Christ the son of David, the son of Abraham.” But from Luke we learn that, “the son Kenan, the son of Enosh, the son of Seth, the son of Adam son of God” why this difference? In our journey through the gospel is now we are in for many surprises and many deep mysteries will be solved. One deep mystery that I require to be solved is why Jesus gave and got rid of 1 million of my sins, intentional and confessed and the degree of forgiveness was that Jesus died for them and I am now in the graveyard with Jesus as a result of his actions. This 1 million sins [?] Cause him to die at 3 PM on Good Friday 14 – 01 – 3889 then why did he not die on the Day of Atonement on 10 – 07 – 486? On the Day of Atonement when the fires of hell had been extinguished there were still 70 trillion unconfessed and unintentional sins which Jesus would have to suffer for on the cross. Yet Jesus did not die on this day but had his heel bruised as was announced by God the Father in the Garden of Eden? This is indeed a deep mystery that is solved on Good Friday.Good Friday had three hours of darkness from 12 to 3 PM whereas the Day of Atonement does not. But does this help us sort out the divinity and humanity of Jesus Christ?XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 24 – 06 – 22 XXXXXXXXXXX.Page 52as my apprenticeship runs out I have decided on the topic and that is the four gospels as separate entities. If I had to give a precise and concise description of the Bible I would rate it as the section before full stop of Revelation chapter 4 and the section after that, chapter 5 of Revelation. What happened at that moment was the Jesus appeared In the Most Holy Place to a waiting throng of the redeemed of all time and took the scroll out of the right hand of God. He became worthy to do so only at this moment, Good Friday on Mount Calvary on 14 – 01 – 3889 at 3:01 PM. He was judged by all creation to be worthy to take the scroll and to open its seven seals. Four of those seals were probably open by Resurrection Sunday and the remaining three last one being opened when the door of mercy closed with the redeemed on the inside of that door. The problem is that the riders of the white horse are not specifically mentioned at this moment but at a later moment. The riders behind this white horse are the hundred 44 million saints that are going to heaven to be inside THE THRONE ROOM OF GOD OR THE MOST HOLY PLACE for the eternities to come. And so we appear only seconds after 3 PM and become a part of the worship of the burnt offering. It has been burnt because Jesus has been to the fires of hell where He died to remove our sins. Is this burnt offering that now becomes the second creature, the red creature of blood and the only reason why those riders behind the white horse can enter into heaven. It is at this stage we can look at some of the complications that begin to occur. I may even include these in the blog proper. Each seal will have to be introduced with the corresponding gospel and the gospel we are now studying Luke or the third seal. “When He broke the third seal, I heard the third living creature saying, “come!” I looked, and behold, a black horse; and he who sat with on and a pair of scales in his hand, and I heard something like a voice in the centre of the four living creatures saying “quart of wheat denarius, 3 quarts of barley denarius; do not damage the oil and the wine.”XXXXXXXXXXX 25 – 06 – 22 XXXXXXXXXXXtrying to start at Luke is like starting at midstream and a bit late. Perhaps if we start at 3 PM when Jesus has died, The Son of Man is dead And the Son of God takes over the proceedings would be more appropriate. He is given the scroll by God and begins opening it seals but there seems to be a lot of things going wrong. The first release is a rider on a white horse and he seems intent on battle, “conquering and to conquer”. Many riders join in behind, in fact 144 million of them. The genealogy with which Matthew chapter 1 begins should involve these riders of which three of them are, Adam, Eve and Abel and the rest then span time pretty well until the end of the second coming. So the genealogy cannot belong to them. It must be a purpose of the genealogy which is involved and that is what the Son of Man had accomplished by 3 PM, had taken the death that was due to these 144 million onto Himself and that is a situation has had 3 PM on Good Friday. The depth of evil and sin that Jesus sank to on on that day was that He became the son of David person who was well-versed in confessed intentional sins but what hurt Jesus more was that David was the king of his people and he was chosen by Jesus. But David appeared in time after about 3000 years and with 1000 years to go to the coming of Jesus. The genealogy back to David carried more riches and that as it carries genealogy back to the Day of Atonement and Abraham with which David was well acquainted. The Day of Atonement also carried intentional confessed sins and these were transferred to Good Friday on Mount Calvary. It was a relatively insignificant event but still there, six seconds of a goat tumbling over the hillside when compared to 6 hours on the cross of Good Friday and event which we have tried to compare unsuccessfully. There is much to do in understanding these first seal.Major problem appears to occur with the red horse who was given a great sword so that men would slay one another and take peace from the earth. Either this rider did not look after the great sword or worse still let it get in the hands of bad people. Almost immediately, at 4 PM on that day it was used to open the side of Jesus. A little later it was used in the first Church of blood, Smyrna and then went on to be used in the last church of the great tribulation we are only hundred 44,000 wisePage 53virgins were left behind. It gets worse when the black horse is released, the period covered by Luke’s and the period of divine justice. Not only is every intentional confessed sin to be covered so also is every unintentional sin and that is a requirement of divine justice. The result of these first three seals forces and overall of life or death as is experience by the fourth seal and the Gospel of John. We then have about 2000 years for the fifth seal to be filled out and the complete number of martyrs to be revealed. This is the fifth seal and ends with second coming of Jesus and taking his saints back to heaven. The six seal is the millennium and for those who think this is a period of peace they have to rethink the process again. It is truly a time of terror even though the devil is tied up, thrown into the abyss and out of the picture. We have all written much about this time. But right now we are preparing for a commentary along those lines. It should begin with the end of my apprenticeship after some seven years, seven months and seven days in about 43 days time.In the meantime situation I am in is that I was one of the riders behind the white horse and we spent between 3 and 4 PM worshipping the burnt offering. Jesus had been to and through the fires of hell and cleaned our sins to an extent we found difficult to understand. At 4 PM some Roman soldier got a hold of some sword and opened up the side of Jesus when water and blood flowed from his side. It is this separation and following combination with which we now struggle. We then wait for a while as Joseph gets permission to remove that body and bury it and we follow Joseph and Nicodemus as they remove the body of Jesus from the cross and carry it to a nearby tomb this is accomplished by the time that Sabbath begins and the rock is rolled across the tombstone entrance the whole army of 144 million is in the tomb with the dead body of the Son of Man.On that day of Good Friday there were two deaths which occurred at 9 AM and 3 PM. With the daily sacrifice at 9 AM the death that occurred is the death within the Trinity: there is a permanent separation between the Son of Man and the Son of God. It is the Son of Man who goes on to hang on the cross and suffer for our sins and who dies at 3 PM when the Son of God appears in the Most Holy Place to receive the scroll and begin opening it seals. Since there were two deaths as separate entities there will also has to be two resurrections: the relationship or life restored between Son of Man and the Son of God, first one broken and then also Son of Man who died at 3 PM must also be resurrected. Even though I can make a case out for either one the case I choose is that it is the life of the Son of Man that is returned first and finally the two are recombined. As far as the Son of Man is concerned and Jesus told us that this will occur on the Sabbath day the question will first be asked is it right to give life or to take life on this day? As far as Jesus is concerned this is a no-brainer but the problem is that the question is asked 144 million times and each member of the Army has their name attached to the question. The question of, “is Jesus Christ to be raised from the dead now?” Is totally different question to,” is Jesus Christ with this attachment which is rather unsavoury, JK are they both to be raised from the dead and into life eternal?” It depends very much on who is going to answer the question and under what circumstances.


        Scripture is like a puzzle made up of many parts and each one has a critical place . two pieces that appear throughout Scripture are the nature of Jesus Christ. THE SON OF MAN and THE SON OF GOD and while they remain a mystery so does Scripture and this is with my current interpretation. I intend with tongue in cheek to fit Scripture with my understanding to Matthew 13 : 28 to try to find where the problem is . I have attempted this analysis a number of times so that you can follow it from the text .

        Paraphrasing , Jesus is saying That I Am the Son of Man but who you say I am? The only answer worth considering is Peter’s and he says, ‘You are the Christ, the Son of the living God”. First of all

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        Jesus acknowledges that this came from God the Father. Jesus at this very moment was two beings in one. Was this the remain the case or were the 2 to separate and to rejoin at a later date . when with this separation occur and how long will it last for? The disciples were ordered not to tell anyone so it must have been a major secret . the keys of the kingdom of eternity were to be based on the statement . it is of critical importance and only to be revealed after a certain day. The horror of the events to be described from verse 21 does not specify that it was the Son of Man or of God to undergo the suffering but it was Jesus . it would be both natures to undergo the suffrage until specifically told when they were separated and that would be at 9 AM on Good Friday morning .

        If what we were to go to Gospel of Luke we would find the genealogy of Jesus can be traced back to Joseph which is wrong. This sorts out one major problem for us and that is the conception of Jesus occurred by the Holy Spirit and his mother was Mary a descendant of Eve . Very simply we have derived the genealogy of Jesus THE SON OF MAN. We still have any problems AS FAR AS THE DAY OF ATONEMENT is concerned because it only involved the destruction of Satan by crushing his head and the bruising of the heel of Eve’s seed. Nothing thereabout presenting blood In the Most Holy Place By the High Priest or scapegoats . we have looked at these alterations and will do so again but the problems concerning Christ son of the living God are much greater. In his genealogy whose son is he? How is he related to God? Much time has been spent on those questions and the best I can do is to give a part answer now so when it falls apart there will not be much loss.

        The problem is Christ the son of the living God. All happens Jesus up to and including his death on the cross happens to the Son of Man and it is he who remains in focus until the last sentence, “before they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom”. But all this is supposed to be about is the Christ Son of God. There may be a solution to this in Genesis 1;1. There was a period of 12 hours of total darkness and the light did not appear until 6 AM the next day there was the addition of light changed the physics and the theologies on earth now at 12 noon there is a subtraction of light and this should also result in catastrophic changes in physics and theology. We are moving towards that. At the end of chapter 5 when Christ takes the scroll from the hand of God and begins to open its seven seals. They did not become night and 9 AM on Good Friday but it did become so at noon when a special time of existence was experience between Jesus and the hundred and 44 million that we going to heaven with him. At 9 AM there was a death that occurred between The Son of Man and Son of God and we know a bit of what happened to the Son of Man. Jesus took all confessed sins and took them and hell whether the people concerned were going to heaven or not. In fact most change their minds and are not going to even but nonetheless their sins have been forgiven all those that they confessed. But what about those who made no confession they still had to be shown the face of Jesus on the cross and pronounce the words, open “reject!”. This is a topic in Luke and it is where justice of Jesus is presented. Everyone in anytime, all 14 billion souls were required to make this call.


        When I make a call on certain subject I then have second thoughts and wish I had not made it. The complexities and fine detail appear. The previous call was a subject I had spent much time on and somebody had to do something. It was the darkness that appeared on Mount Calvary between noon and 3 PM. Jesus always possessed the property of light and he possessed both spiritual light and physical light. I know that spiritual light he possessed varied right up to the amount he will possess in heaven, 100%. I don’t know the amounts but I will sign 1% spiritual light to Jesus and this amount was present between nine and noon on Good Friday but at noon the 1% left him and there was total

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        darkness. The last time this occurred was between the hours zero and 12 on the first day of creation. It was a period of darkness. It was a time of darkness when time itself was generated but it was a conditional time and it only existed because of the daily sacrifice when Jesus was prepared to go across and I at 9 AM and 3 PM. It would only apply to those who accepted the sacrifice- and only they could exist within its timespan which expanded out to 24 hours. This was the first plan for the creation of God where 144 million people would fill the earth and live happily ever after.

        It was only Jesus who created this time in the beginning albeit a provisional time but the problem then was there were no souls in the cookie jar to accept or reject it. The situation is totally different at noon on the 14th of first, 3889. The time that is being generated is not provisional time but real-time, a time which will last for eternity. As it is being generated it is shown to those who may take advantage of it for an eternity. Each soul, all 14 billion of them are shown on an individual basis the reason they can exist for everyday and forevermore, and the only reason for this happening is what Jesus is doing on the cross now. Nothing else, no bills or whistles just what Jesus is doing now. Heaven may be millions of other components and happenings but the one reason we exist up there was shown every soul between noon and 3 PM and they are either accepted or rejected it. Our entire existence in heaven and in earth is what Jesus did on the cross. Light will return, Christ will return into the picture but that still will leave the backbone of what Jesus did on the cross. Light may return as late as Resurrection Sunday morning but it may return earlier depending on events. Peter and Paul had very firm arguments about our existence within the throne room of God but only here on earth. It seems outrageous that it minds like Peter and Paul had great difficulty in understanding very much simpler minds but even attempt to answer such questions. At least I will attempt to do so in a much simpler level and I have had the advantage of a revelation on this question. I have been shown the correlation between the daily sacrifice and Good Friday. That does not mean that I can either understand or reproduce it. I can part answer that question after being through the Gospels of Luke and John and then finally Matthew and Mark. I have decided to go ahead even though there will be many suppositions and errors to be made. I tried!

        I only proceed with the revelation of what I was shown is because it shows that I have been readmitted to the fold despite my efforts of abandoning it. Somebody who was not a part of the hundred 44 million would not have been shown it but the problem remains reproducing what I was shown but Scripture remains is the ultimate truth, so we do have a correction factor. Recently I took a heavy fall on my head and many would say, “you are lucky because the fall broke your fall and protected the important organs in your body!” The “divine” assurance I was given at the time was the inconvenience of what had happened would be far surpassed by revelation of the cross. I spent three nights outside in my beautiful garden and my neighbour came over on the fourth night and told me they would not leave me outside for the fourth night because of hypothermia. This ties in well with what happened. I have been trying to construct my brain in a 4D and 3D level. First two nights were 4D and the third night was 3D. In 4D level the brain operates in blocks of at least one hour and even three and four hours timeslots. On the third night I remember the time of 5 AM and then what a long period of time it was until 5:20 AM. Painfully long period. It was even worse until 5:25 AM and the last time I remember was 5:27 AM when the vision came upon me. I don’t know whether I glowed but I certainly did feel an inner warmth inside and when the vision began to depart I desperately sought some sort of summary in writing of it. It was in writing and it was the Bible and where I am trying to return to. There was no explicit explanation of quantum mechanics and our relation to it but there was a picture of the Jews going home after the Day of Atonement. They were so happy they were almost dancing and how could they be that confident that all their sins have

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        been forgiven? Had they been shown what happened on Good Friday. Were they going to the Most Holy Place or the ultimate destination or their eternity on this earth? Which Day of Atonement were shown? This unfortunately does not answer any questions but brings them all up again.

        Then there is the question of who was on the cross between 9 AM and noon and who was on the cross between noon and 3 PM? There is only one reason and the backbone of existence of people in heaven, all for 144 million of them know this because they accepted the time that was generated since noon and 3 PM on Good Friday. They could have committed hideous crimes and done much wrong in their lives on all this was factored in and taken into account on Good Friday and forgiven. The question why it was compulsory for me to push Jesus into the fire of hell is to be considered when I am at a much higher spiritual level. I find it difficult to accept what has happened up to now. Is this the genealogy that is in Matthew? The genealogy of the cross of Good Friday, all 144 million of them. Then to whom does the genealogy of Luke belong?[Computer and Internet starting to play up]


        Ground zero for the presence of Jesus is Matthew 13;-where Jesus, the Son of Man asks Peter, “who do you say that I am?” And Peter answers, “you are Christ, the Son of the living God”. Now we have the complete person of Jesus Christ. If we move forward in time until Good Friday, 14 – 01 – 3889 and 9 AM there is a death that occurs. It would be much simpler if that occurs at noon But the Daily Sacrifice indicates times involved are 9 AM and 3 PM. The death that occurs is a relationship between the Son of Man and Son of God. There is a permanent separation and the Son of Man is the one that stays and goes to the cross of Good Friday by Himself. At this stage Jesus has a dark component and a light component within Him which would not be necessary if the death occurred at noon. It has fulfilled its function and the dark component remains as it was in the first 12 hours creation. What was that function/functions? The dark component is pretty well self-explanatory. In it was generated the unconditional love and time in which we would exist in for the eternity to come. What was different also to creation week all beings, all 14 billion of them were brought forward and asked,” do you accept your existence forever on what has been shown you?” Only two answers were possible, “accept or reject” and this is what determined how fate. Not the number of times we went to church, or the poor we fed or healed or anything else. They were to become problems and our entry into heaven but we left those problems entirely up to Jesus. This separation of light and dark would not last forever and probably latest that most were recombined on Resurrection Sunday morning but it could be much earlier. We still have some 40 hours of Scripture to account for. But when they have recombined by Resurrection Sunday Jesus is both a spiritual being in that he walks through the door and a physical being in that he can eat fish and show his injury to Thomas. It is as Son of Man that Jesus comes to get his own and in this form he also comes to close the door of mercy with his two witnesses. The role of the Son of God really becomes more prevalent when Jesus is in His Father’s Kingdom. If we go back in time from Matthew chapter 16 we come to creation week and those first 12 hours of darkness. Only Jesus can create time be that of a conditional nature and that was not the case on Good Friday. But that was at a different time with different people with a creation that would spend its time on earth once the earth was populated the hundred 44 million people. These are the two basic themes of the Bible and we now live in the second stage where we will live in the throne room of God itself. We still have to guess/workout what the second component of Jesus was at 9 AM of Good Friday? The offer of eternity was given to all; hundred and 44 million who confess their sins and were going to heaven, the billion odd who confess their sins I go on to reject Jesus as their condition of salvation and the rest of the 14 billion who made no confession at all. One attribute of Jesus has displayed in the grey seal is that he stands for perfect

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        justice down to its finest detail .what an abomination it is to our Lord to accuse him of eternal fires of hell! There must be a lot of theology behind a statement that light component had to be present during this forgiven stage. And then there was 3 PM when a death occurred of the Son of man and the immediate presence of the Son of God Within the Most Holy Place because he was now worthy to take the scroll from the right hand of God and to begin opening its seven seals. This stage that I am at is the opening of the third seal, the seal of justice. The third gospel, Luke corresponds to the seal and I must go through this at least once before being able to understand anything at all.

        Luke begins with two distinct chapters, one concerning Jews and the other Gentiles and that that stage there were no Christians who would be called Christians after Pentecost. For the time being I will call them Gentile/Christian. John the Baptist is taken as an example of the Jews as the pick of the crop and the one where the split between Jews and Gentiles/Christian will occur. And the issue involved is going to be baptism. The third sale does not involve blood nor does baptism nor does the water of Meribah

      • XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 10 – 07 – 22     XXXXXXXXXXXX.Recently my wife came and put her arms around me and told me, “I am so glad you are alive and I love you so much!” Something she could not do too much of. This is a person who with this next batch of nappies will have changed 1300 of them probably the same number of towels. That is not counting the number of meals served and general care given. This cannot be compared to the love shown by Jesus on 14 – 01 – 3889 yet most went on to reject it. The matter of business began immediately. The time of eternity had been generated and now the matter of having it occupied also begins immediately. It is now 3.0 1 PM when eternity begins and Jesus takes the scroll and begins to open its seven seals and when the seventh seal is opened the scrolls of eternity will be called out. The scrolls have been just brought up from the earth by the hundred 44,000 wise virgins and the door of mercy is slam shut. We are not told how long this reading occurs for and we do not know for sure that there are hundred 44 million saved. It is a definite number and covers all time and for want of a better number I use 144 million or about 1% of the total number of of souls created (14 billion (?)). These were presented on an individual basis between the hour of noon and 3 PM on that Friday. Most will fall into the category of, “reject!” And will soon disappear. Scripture covers the history of those who called,” accept!” And the ground on which they will exist even in The Throne Room of God but there is 1/3 category which appears to cause even the holy Trinity a major problem. We have looked at this problem and need to do so in future and in symbolic terms is summarised as; Jonah is required to preach and convert hundred and 20,000 Ninevites which he finishes up doing. As far as Jesus is concerned he is ready to return to heaven and take hundred and 44 million with him. This becomes the history of the church on earth and its 600 odd last years. It could have existed if it wasn’t for Mount Calvary but then again Calvary change the history of the universe.
      • XXXXXXXXXXXX 15-07-22- XXXXXXXXXXXXXX.My outlook on Scripture has changed since my revelation on time. If I take Revelation 15:8, “and the temple was filled with smoke from the glory of God and from His power: no one was able to enter the temple until the seven plagues of the seven angels were finished.” This is a moment of fascination for every Christian when will be able to enter the temple, when the seventh plague has been finished. I actually took this as entry into the Most Holy Place and all evil has been done away with. I now divide this into six times zones. The first zone I take as the redeemed having taken all their intentional sins away by Jesus on the cross. All hundred 44 million of them. Because they hadPage 58no intentional confessed sins on them they were going to heaven. Jesus took these sins on Himself and therefore the death that resulted from them. But how could Jesus do this and then go and preach to the imprisoned souls and not have any signs of being burned in a fire? Why did he become the burnt offering? It was the blood from this burnt offering which became the base of the second seal of the scroll and of every other seal that was broken? This includes the Gospel of Luke which has as its base the third seal. This is the reason why I as a Christian have a smooth road ride home. In zone one there are many fine details that have to be filled out.In zone two are my unconfessed unintentional sins which also pass onto Jesus and become the subject of Day of Atonement which is still to come in some 2000 years time. Every human being will have sins to contribute towards this zone.Most sins will fall into zone four which is the wicked going to hell. [14 billion takeaway hundred 44 million] Their Situation is very similar to when Jesus went to the cross – every sin will have to be burned away and only the sins left for the Day of Atonement, 70 trillion of them will now be left behind. The wicked suffering for these sins will like Jesus come out of the fires of hell apparently unscathed in the third dimension. But they are dead. Their 3D body still has the fury of God on them even though they have no sin. That is different to me on Good Friday as my body did not have fury of God pouring on it. What happened was an act of love by Jesus and which cannot carry God’s fury and the major difference is I had accepted time that was being created and I could live forever! These people had rejected a generous offer and thus retained God’s fury. Their bodies will be gathered inside of the wine press of God, of his wrath and when the process turned on blood from these bodies runs out and forms a river which is nearly 200 miles long. It is only when this river catches a light and Peter’s conflagration is complete that God’s fury subsides. Much more detail will be given in Revelation but now a new angle that has emerged and that is zones five and six. They were there from the beginning in Genesis 1;1 but I did not understand their significance. Their understanding develops in the Gospel of Luke and I will let them develop as the gospel unravels. It is the history of the church that is left behind, particularly the last 600 years.All this is getting into “hard stuff”. To try to simplify it I am going to have to get into the field of quantum mechanics and the spiritual being from which after all how body arises and it is the spiritual being that controls our physical body and not the other way around. What we have learned about the spiritual being so far is that Satan and his spiritual existence is mostly spirit and very little three-dimensional stuff. This means that he cannot hurt us within that third dimension, he cannot push us the stairs, he cannot hurt us with fire or cause us to have some horrific accident. The part of the quantum mechanical world he occupies is called belzeebub and in there he is highly organised. I still have not worked it out why he thought the Day of Atonement was imminent and he was going to be destroyed and his solution to this problem was to allow Jesus to let him drown inside those pigs. I think this happened twice and that is why I believe not many demons have physical bodies. The evidence that Jesus was going to finish time as the Messiah must have been overwhelming
      • XXXXXXXXXXXX 22-07-22-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXmany things are possible and probable but it is not possible for Satan to have made a mistake about the Messiah coming to earth to finish time. Satan is on the shoulder of every Bible writer doing his best that they make some sort of mistake and the more serious it is the better. He either has access to all or can remember every scriptural text and their many variations. It is from Scripture that Satan knew that Jesus had returned to earth to finish time. It is the old Testament that tells us that thepage 59earth would last some 4000 years and the Messiah would come to finish time via the Day of Atonement and this is what Satan thought was happening now. It is what the Scripture says is going to happen. It is what the apostle Paul thought was going to happen and for this thought he was taken up to heaven. It was why Jesus needed 14 years in the desert with Paul to show him otherwise. They were not obvious texts and there is no need for us to look for them. It took God the Father to show Peter this great secret; ‘You are the Christ, the Son of the living God’and there was about Hundred days of tuition on the subject by the master preacher Himself, Jesus, for further instructions. Despite this Good Friday and Mount Calvary remained almost a deep mystery. The Thursday night in Gethsemane it was a total mystery to the apostle Peter and probably except John a mystery to each of the others. It was even a mystery on Resurrection Sunday and remained so until the resurrected Jesus showed Himself to them all. Only then did they begin to understand. And the week before the crucifixion when the foot washing was ceremony was held Peter wanted to be washed both head and body by Jesus. He had no idea of the significance of what was to come. The gospel therefore is about Jesus the Son of Man and the idea of Christ, the Son of God only comes into play when told or heavily implied so. In Matthew this is in chapter 16 and very late in the ministry of Jesus. In Mark the mystery was too much for me and I missed it.Before going on with Luke a quick comment on Jimmy Swaggart ministries program very recently. When Jimmy lines up 10 ministers [?] For his discussion panel you know that Satan is going to be called on. You have to know the Bible very well to realise when this is happening. They are very hard to fault. But it is lined up beforehand; Jimmy has had a good feed of bitter lemons so he can screw his face up rather well, his tear glands are filled fluid and he is ready to start crying and you know that the Demon is about to be called on. Jimmy addresses the demon has Jesus and he has support of the team to do so. He does not mention the roles of heaven have already been called on 15 – 01 – 3889 and they were called the day that followed Good Friday. IT WAS A SABBATH DAY. Jesus had already told us the purpose of this day, “to determine life or death” and it was those who accepted the cross of Jesus to whom was given life and therefore on the role of eternity. The demon does not determine or acknowledge this holy day but totally ignores it and sends his own demons down instead. One of those ministries is the Jimmy Swaggart ministry. With contortions of his face and tears rolling down his cheeks Jimmy pleads for you to accept one of those demons who are desperately keen to come into you. It is a scene of pathos and they are very good at playing out their roles! The only way to know you are not being conned is to read this book the Bible which I am doing now. You will realise that the Sabbath is God’s communication with us and one day you will be shown how many miracles were performed on this day including the greatest of miracles to be placed on scroll of heaven, to be present with God and Jesus in the Most Holy Place for the eternities to come. Satan will never allow you to take advantage of Sabbath day, any day but not the Sabbath!Satan has a higher ministry than the ones on this earth. It is his moon base ministry where he has demons jumping around on the moon and reading their Bibles. By associating the Bible with this great fraud he hopes to give it some credibility knowing full well it is the credibility of the Bible that is destroyed in this association. The Ministry down here is headed by CM I, creation ministries International which will support Satan in his fraudulent moon landings to the last. In the meantime they bring the events of Mount Calvary to nought, destroy any credibility held in this mighty truth. Their credibility along with any satanic ministry will be destroyed at the right time and I still take that time as the destruction of Jerusalem by the earthquake described in Matthew chapter 24.

        In the meantime the task at hand is to read into the Gospels, “you are the Christ, the Son of the living God”. This indeed is a great mystery, what is described seems an impossibility and is too hard page 60

        to believe. The text where I deal with is the Gospel of Luke with so far two distinct entities have been established; the Jews or the origin of God’s people and represented by John the Baptist and the Gentiles/Christians as represented by Jesus . Both groups are filled with the Holy Spirit. Both are represented in the genealogy and it is from here where we start. The genealogy seems to point to Eves seed. Mary the mother of Jesus can we trace by her genealogy to Eve. The Jews thought that the father of Jesus was Joseph but we know that this is wrong that Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit. He thus has divine origin. The only place that I know so far in the Bible for Eve’s seed is in the original Day of Atonement when God was speaking to Eve and he told her that it was Eves seed who would crush Satan and have his heel bruised. Thus it is a different genealogy to that of Matthew which deals with the people of the cross and the eternities future. These people who make it to heaven I think the Bible called these riders behind the Rider of White horse and I take their number as being 144 million who will eventually finish up in heaven and inside throne of God. The third seal that we are breaking in the tomb of Jesus is the seal of justice and divine justice has to cope with a wide series of events. The people who wanted to be with Jesus forever must be taken up to be with him. On earth those who wanted to be destroyed must be destroyed but so must every sin that has never been committed and for this purpose we have the Day of Atonement. Every person who has ever lived has committed unintentional sin and these are the subject of the Day of Atonement. It is thus a different genealogy of Luke to that of Matthew. Which is far more selective. I do not think the demarcation between Son of God and the Son of Man is going to be has clearly defined has in Matthew chapter 16. It is going to require a much higher level clear thinking. In Matthew when this distinction was first made it was followed by the chapter on Transfiguration and therefore when this distinction was made in Luke it is also followed by the Transfiguration.. I have already been down that path where the Transfiguration is the same. But is it?

      • XXXXXXXXXXXX 23-07 -22 XXXXXXXXXXXX.The book of Luke is supposed to be about two nations; the Jews and the Gentiles/Christians. Their common genealogy is given and the history of both leaders is given in chapter 1 and two of Luke- John the Baptist and Jesus. They share a common ministry at the beginning and it is John the Baptist who baptises Jesus. There is a commonality by which they admit people being members of their tribe; it is baptism of repentance and is shown by the immersion in water. Neither can show why this goes astray and in fact all four gospels record the imprisonment and murder of John the Baptist by Herod. The Jews allow Herod to murder John Baptist and exchange for Herod allowing them to murder Jesus. This results in the immediate return of the Holy Spirit which was with John Baptist to heaven. I did not follow this line if further because it seemed the same in both Jesus on the cross of Good Friday and the presence of the Holy Spirit on the Day of Atonement. This was not right however because in the case of Good Friday the Holy Spirit would return on Pentecost but there would be no Pentecost following the Day of Atonement.Ever since Matthew 16 I have been trying follow the split between the Son of God and the Son of Man a secret God the Father revealed to Peter. The problem is that up to that time Gospel of Matthew had been about Jesus Son of Man and it continued to be so until the book of Revelation where that full stop miraculously appeared at the end of chapter 4. Jesus became worthy to take the scroll from the right hand of God and to begin opening it seals; all seven of them. He was not worthy to do so before this time. When Peter received the secret from God the Father Jesus had already spent some 1160 days of his ministry on earth and He still had about 100 days to go. As Son of ManPage 61He still had Gethsemane go and as the Son of Man he still had the horrors of Good Friday to go. If this had anything to do with The Daily Sacrifice and the manufacture 24 hours of existence for mankind and change it from purely hypothetical, Jesus would prefer to do so if required to real existence it would have to occur over a six hour period – 9 AM and the first death to 3 PM and the second death. It was further divided into three hours of light 9 AM to noon and three hours of darkness from noon to 3 PM and the time split that occurred on the first day of creation. Much happened in that first three hours of light and more happened in the three hours of darkness. It was the death of Jesus that occurred at 3 PM that finally made him worthy of taking the scroll from the right hand of God and to a waiting audience begin opening its seals. That is the history of the transaction that occurred between the Son of Man and the Son of God and the Christ. It was as the Son of Man and in total darkness first 12 hours humanity and its existence is recorded. This however was provisional that Jesus would if required be prepared to spend six hours on the cross where two deaths will occur and it finally did happen on Good Friday on Mount Calvary. Time was converted from a conditional nature to real-time of existence in eternity and the difference being every soul ever created was forced to make a decision as to whether it would accept or reject the conditions of eternity. Part of the justice is exhibited in the third seal is just that; every soul ever created and in the same conditions accepted or rejected there as their fate. You can see why it is such an abomination to God to see Satan preaching eternal fires of hell! While the consequences of  every intentional sin- death be paid for and the consequences of every unintentional sin also be paid for. These details are revealed for us in the Gospels and the fact that they are being in the seals shows they have been through the cross of Good Friday. The Gospels themselves for the most are the time before the cross of Good Friday and therefore before. Of Revelation chapter 4. They are the story of the Son of Man. Back to the book of Luke and I do not claim that in my first journey I will have the answers or any answers but just have an overview of what is happening as the water that is released by the third seal only remains separated for a very short time, until blood and water reach the ground from the side of Jesus and certainly by the time we see them in the tomb of Jesus both have been remixed. Thus we must look at them in more detail when Luke and Mark are separated.

        Trying to separate the soul or the spirit or the fourth dimension from the body is like trying separate the engine from the aeroplane. It is absurd to try to do so as it is an integral part of the aeroplane as a soul is an integral part of the body. My body has not been alive for 6000 years but my soul has and the body only attached itself less than 80 years ago. Science and medicine have for the best part 50 years been measuring properties of my soul and the intricate details of the signals that are sent around the body. This is a study of quantum mechanics and this has been so from the very beginning. A soul only requires time to existing providing it is not attached to a 3D body.

      • XXXXXXXXXXXX 29 – 07 – 22 XXXXXXXXXXXXX.In our quest to understand Luke it may be helpful to compare the new Testaments together. Both the old Testament and the new Testament begin with a period of darkness- the old Testament begins with 12 hours of darkness, 6 PM to 6 AM and new Testament begins with three hours of darkness, noon to 3 PM on Good Friday, 14 – 01 – 3889. The reason for the darkness is the same, it is Jesus hanging on the cross. Both involve the creation of time in the NT it is real-time with Jesus actually hanging on the cross and in the OT it was because Jesus was prepared to go to the cross as in the Daily Sacrifice. One system was represented in the animal sacrifice system and in the NT it was the one and only true sacrifice to ever occur. In both these sacrifices there was produced a 3D and 4D objects. In the OT what was produced was heaven and earth and in the NT what was produced was a scroll with the names of all people who are going to heaven and which was handed to God thePage 62Father Who took it in his right hand and placed seven seals on it. This happened at the moment of Jesus declaration, “it is finished”. The hours of light to come, after 6 AM and after 3 PM on the Friday were broken by the appearance of light. The light was the Christ, the Son of the Living God. On both occasions the Christ had multiple chores to achieve. We have already spent time on days one and day two of creation. Day one was the production of symmetry via the direct intervention of gravity and day to was moving the water to where it belonged and the subject involved at Meribah and water is the subject of Luke as in baptism. It is also the subject of the third seal that is around the scroll that was handed in by Jesus. It is thus a vital interest to us. The appearance of light at 3 PM on 14 – 01 – 3889 is a complex matter and it will require multiple visits to begin to sort out but at least it is up for discussion. The problem is that if the Christ is to take the scroll and open his seven seals He must be worthy in order to take the scroll from the right hand of God. The ones to judge whether he is worthy or not is all of His creation and the standard by the judgement of, “stop weeping; behold, the Lion that is from the tribe of Judah, the Root of of David, has overcome so as to open the book and is seven seals” “and He came and took out of the right hand of Him Who sat on the throne.” It was as Son of Man that Jesus handed in the scroll but it was as Son of God that he took the scroll back out.

        I don’t know whether it would be helpful if I had written many pages on the use of quantum mechanics in the Bible. But then again we are dealing with the Book of Revelation which covers the whole timespan of this earth and this universe and therefore as a literary license of its own. It will probably even require to write the text out before commenting. Always seems like at this stage least is that the Son of Man has finished his work which results in Him handing in the scroll which God the Father accepts with His right hand. He will not release it even to Christ the Son of God because he is not worthy to receive it. This is very close to 3 PM Good Friday but by 4 PM when that Roman soldier opens up the side of Jesus Christ and the blood and water gushed from his side is the event that makes Son of God worthy to continue opening the seals. Clearly there is a time clash which quantum mechanics would easily solve. In time how long does it take to open all seven seals? The first seal is broken and all creation is present [question of quantum mechanics] and just after 3 PM on Good Friday. The seventh Seal is broken when we are all in heaven. We have given up praying for anyone on earth, they don’t exist for us anymore. A new timespan has begun and that is the period of the seven trumpets. They finish blowing just before the first of the seven bowls is poured out and the door of mercy has closed with the appearance of Jesus and His two witnesses. This would make the time of the seven seals about 3000 years. This is the picture I have for now but it is open to change. He may be in control of what order and what is going on but ultimately it is the Son of God Who is opening and reading the scroll that Jesus handed him. We will have gained a major understanding of what is going on once we know of the blood sacrifice that was offered. It should help us to understand the twin lamb sacrifice of the old Testament and how the two are related. In the meantime we know that the relationship of the third seal which is closely associated with the second seal is explained in the gospel of Luke. Much then depends on our understanding of Luke. It should explain to us the second day of creation and moving that water around the universe. It should explain to us the significance of Meribah. It should explain to us the significance of the water of baptism. It seems to be heading towards the reason why there is only one creation and one church and not another church left here on earth. What was the relationship between the Jews and Christians?

        I have become rather uneasy in these last few days as a controversy of homosexual footballers erupts. I would expect criticism from the secular world to erupt also if I oppose it but to get criticism

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        from the so-called Christian world is a different matter. It means that change is with us. Why should this usher in end day events? End day events were ushered in when the fig tree [Israel] came back to life. 1950 or near enough. The foliage fig tree brought was massive indeed and resulted in much Shadow. The lies that they tell are so brazen and they make no attempt to cover them up. The bombing of the twin towers and many other buildings in the area at the time only to save them feeling in a few insurance forms. Crash the stock market so that many millions became paupers overnight and they had a few more zeros to their account. The London train bombings were just an absurdity and the wars that they started, only a response to the call of Satan. The University  control are judged as a success if they destroy the credibility of the Bible. I certainly hope will be able to look at these absurdities and on which depend the survival of Israel. Poetic justice. It is these organisations that are beginning to stir against Christianity but they are going to have to do much better than critics like Murphy and Bolt. They cannot be considered a threat as they are known almost nothing about Christianity but there is an underlying current which is bound to increase with time. Our main problem today are other Christians and they separate us as fundamentalists or Bible bashers. They believe the Christian church to be a church of love and it cannot be loved if its founder has been cruelly nailed a cross and then brutalised. That is not love and that is not Christianity and they stay in miles away from it. They are in such significant numbers that I have given them stages five and six in the plan of salvation. Many are committed to the cause and are prepared to and will die for it. They occupied an inordinate amount of time of Jesus on the cross of Good Friday but in the long run they will hear Jesus say, “go away from me I never knew you!” I asked significant enough to offer and occupy a part of the third seal. They join the Jews as part of the seal. It can’t be the Jews that occupy the third seal as the Jews have specifically rejected any association with the Christian church. Every last trace of it.

      • XXXXXXXXXXXXXX 30 – 07 – 22 XXXXXXXXXX.For these Christians who have found love apart from the cross don’t seem to realise our existence in both NT and OT is due to the love of Jesus Christ. It is his hanging on the cross that generates the time in which we are able to exist. It may have been provisional in the OT but Jesus was still prepared to die on the cross, twice daily for us to exist and it was the real thing on 14 – 01 – 3889, Good Friday. They could not have thought for a very long not to realise that the love that was displayed here was the ocean in comparison to one drop of what they consider to be love. The section of the Bible that has been set aside to correct these errors is great indeed but there is no mistake as to their true intent. Ultimately they will be told to retain the seal of God and not to replace it with a mark of the beast wish they do because they are evil and for this they perish. It’s a Scripture a long time to tell the story and is a story of the church in its last 600 years and one we have been through it before and no doubt will again do so. But before I can start building a picture of the Bible I must have some building blocks to work with. A bare minimum has to be the four Gospels which at present I do not have. I intend challenging some of the headings used in the NASB Bible study which I consider to be wrong. Not the text but the headings which I consider to be wrong.One book that I have read and studied in the Bible is the book of Revelation but the rocky foundations it is placed on is my brain and my memory and this is compared to many Bible scholars working in the presence of the Holy Spirit to produce this wonderful Bible study, the NASB version. So I know which way the odds are stacked and I look forward to correctly my version. This correction will not have stigma associated with it, just satisfaction but got it right this time. This will not be the first or the last mistake that I made but only prove how fickle an ageing brain can be but at least I still have something up there. My story so far is;


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        Earth’s history is made up of two Epochs and are written up in the Bible as the old Testament and the new Testament. Both are made up of time and the time may be provisional as in the old Testament or real-time as in the new Testament but both are reliant on Jesus and his willingness to go to the cross generate this time. Six hours on the cross would generate 24 hours in real-time.

        The hours of darkness in the new Testament begin with noon to 3 PM on Good Friday. Three hours beforehand from nine until noon are a part of the subject of the last church of 600 years. During these hours of darkness not only was permanent time generated but the scroll of heaven was made up when each and every soul was asked whether they accept or reject the time generated. There are two scrolls; one the heavenly scroll and and the other the earthly scroll which will be taken to heaven at the right time. The end of the earthly scroll was accompanied by Jesus saying, “it is finished!” One of the scrolls was taken up to God the Father in heaven where He placed seven seals on it and held it with his right hand. If the role of the Son of Man was indeed finished then it must have been Christ the Son of God who had been separated at 9 AM began to play His role by appearing in The Most Holy Place where his audience of His creation was waiting. The point of contention I have with the NASB study is what happens now. I maintain that Scripture tells me that the Christ, the Son of God was not worthy to take the scroll and to begin opening it seals. What needed to happen first was that the blood offering needed to be made. This was when side of Jesus was opened by the Roman soldier and the blood and water needed to pour out . This gives a violent clash of timetable because this did not happen until 4 PM but Jesus or the Christ at this time arrived in heaven at 3 PM . And it is at this point that we leave this section and will return to it with chapter 5 of Revelation. In the meantime we continue our block building of Scripture with Luke.

        God the Father has told Peter that Christ, Son of of the Living God was about to enter centrestage in the plan of salvation. The story that we have been following so far have been that of the Son of Man right up to the Most Holy Place and even up here it is the scroll that the Son of Man sent up here that is being opened by Christ, Son of God and being read from that is a centre of attention. It is all about Son of Man. So where does Luke fit into all this picture? We have had chapters 1 and two which points to the tribes the Jews and Christians and the commonality between them where both leaders use the same standard of baptism by repentance and the immersion in water. We have a genealogy which points to Eve’s seed which we find is mentioned in the garden of Eden when our first parents sinned and God came down to correct them. Why is it that in both Gospels of Matthew and Luke first topic to be discussed after that salvation is the topic of the Transfiguration.? In Matthew it is understandable because Jesus is going to the cross of Good Friday on behalf of humanity and we want someone here to represent us on our behalf so we have Moses and Elijah present. They understand and they will report accurately what has happened on our behalf. But if this is the Day of Atonement then why do we need these two present? From the position of the gospel and being after the. This day is going to occur in nearly 4000 years time when Jesus and His armies are waiting for final entry into the new universe. Jesus does leave us alone to come to earth, or just above it to deliver his final 1260 day sermon. It is the same sermon that is being delivered now and the reason why all the inhabitants of earth are going to hell. They do not need a picture drawn for each of them. And hell does take place on 01 – 07 – 486 and 02 – 07 – 486 in Daniel’s reckoning. When the fires of hell have gone out there are still [?] 70 trillion unconfessed unintentional sins left behind. How is only about confessed and intentional sins and the other ones are to be borne by the creator when Jesus takes these sins on Himself the place is darkened and we all enter into a time of darkness; the third time recorded for in the Bible. It is during these seven

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        days of darkness that we desperately need divine guidance and this could well be done by both Moses and Elijah who are up there with us. We thus look at the Transfiguration of Luke.

        XXXXXXXXXXX 04 – 08 – 22 xxxxxxxxxxxxx

        Luke chapter 9 verse 28; ‘about eight days Jesus said this, he took Peter, John and James with him and went up onto a mountain to pray. As he was praying, the appearance of his face changed, and his clothes became as bright as a flash of lightning. Two men, Moses and Elijah, appeared in glorious splendour, talking with Jesus they spoke about his departure, which he was about to bring fulfilment and Jerusalem. Peter and his companions were very sleepy, but when they became fully awake, they saw his glory and the two men standing with him. As the men were leaving Jesus, Peter said to him, “Master, it is good for us to be here. Let us put up three shelters – one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah.”[He did not know what he was saying.] Whilst he was speaking, a cloud appeared and enveloped them and they were afraid as they entered the cloud. A voice came from the cloud saying, “This is my Son, whom I have chosen; listen to him.” When the voice had spoken, they found they were all alone. The disciples kept this to themselves, and told no one at the time what they had seen.

        Clearly I have mixed up my chapters and I am only up to chapter 4 the temptation of Jesus. “Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led by the spirit in the desert, where for 40 days he was tempted by the devil he ate nothing during these days, and at the end of them he was hungry. The devil said to him, “if you are Son of God tell this stone to become bread”. Jesus answered, “It is written: Man does not live on bread alone.” The devil lured him up to a high place and showed him in an instant all the kingdoms of the world. And he said to him, “I will give you all their authority and splendour, for has been given to me, and I can give it to anyone I want to. So if you worship me, it will all be yours.” Jesus answered, “It is written: “worship the Lord your God and serve him only.” The devil led him to Jerusalem and had him stand on the highest point in the temple. “If you are the Son of God”, he said, “throw yourself down from here. For it is written: “he will command his angels concerning you to guard you carefully; they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.” Jesus answered, “it says: “do not put the Lord your God to the test”. When the devil had finished all the this tempting, he left him until an opportune time. Jesus rejected at Nazareth.

        Before beginning this discussion is critical to establish two things; one is that Jesus is being addressed as the Son of God and the other is the power and privileges that were given to both Satan and Adam as a firstborn. Satan has used as witness Scripture the Son of God but he could well have used a fuller title for Jesus. He could have addressed him as Christ, the Son of the living God who is about to start a church on this rock and the gates of hell will not prevail against it. It will contain members who will include and exclude others on the basis of confession and they will be scrupulous before including anyone. This Christ will be brutalised over a period of three days but will become resurrected on Resurrection Sunday morning. Jesus was actually Son of Man and Son of God and this was a case early in his ministry when the temptation in the desert took place. It is his role as the Son of God which is been targeted throughout his ministry Jesus was Son of Man. Even when we were told in Matthew chapter 16 Jesus identified himself as Son of Man with a second role about to come into play. He remained as Son of Man hundred days before the cross right until 9 AM on Good Friday morning when the death of the relationship between Them occurred. It was Jesus as the Son of Man who went to the cross and finally to hell to take the punishment for our sins. Satan did not go to hell and was a good time for him to address the Son of God. It could also be done and time after 3 PM

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        Good Friday right up to just before the Day of Atonement or about 1800 years time. As with everything within the four Gospels is acted out once in the presence of Jesus when he was alive and again on another platform sometime later so it was with the temptation in the desert.

        The second question we consider is that of power and privilege they were given to Satan and to Adam. Jesus did not question the power given to Satan as He gave it to him. Power given to Adam is different because it was a mistake to give it to him in the first place who in turn passed it on to Satan. By emphasising this power Satan was able to rub blame in Jesus face and use it to gain advantage and privileges. By bringing them to the fore Satan force Jesus to deny that they happened and that Adam was not given so much power. The second and third temptation depend on the first one being successful; “the devil said to him, “if you are the Son of God, tell this stone to become bread.”

        I must have read the following into it by reading a few sections ahead. Satan is offering Jesus Christ a pathway where there would be no bruising of the heel of Jesus. What was expected of Jesus in return was that Satan had would not be crushed and there would therefore be no bruising of the heel. It is Christ, the Son of the living God that is being addressed and this is the issue. In other words no bruising and no crushing or saying there would be no Day of Atonement. Christ, the Son of the living God has come down and got what he wanted by going to the cross of Good Friday. He could now go back to heaven taking the hundred and 44 million with Him and live with them for eternity within the throne of God. He did not have to take your account all those left behind. That power had been given them by Adam. There would be 70 trillion unconfessed unintentional sins left on earth but they were no problem for Satan in fact would make him feel Quite comfortable. Then there is the question of hell and the crushing of Satan’s head.


        Problem with an amateur blogger is that by reading the text first and then constructing a story which can be different if the story was constructed whilst reading. There is no doubt that the devil is trying to make some sort of compromise with the Son of God and therefore ensure an eternal existence here on earth. He must first find a source of food for 14 billion souls minus the 144 million are they going to the throne of God because of the actions of Christ, the Son of God. Satan realises the anyone who can produces food is Jesus but he wants to ask Jesus when to do it. It would take some time for the Earth’s inhabitants to eat that food of rocks being converted to bread. This would give NASA enough time to work out how to get to the moon and bring rocks back here. The food supply has been secured for a very long time. Jesus corrects Satan’s misconception of time – it is a daily sacrifice and is only of value if the word is studied daily and accepted as such. There is incompatibility between the two proposals and the third seal about justice points this out. The second temptation is a display of Satan’s power both that which he was given when created and what was given to him by Adam. Adam sold out the human race and should never be mentioned again except for the evil that he did- despite his repentance. Despite the wonder of God’s creation, the worship of the Lord your God and to serve him only far exceeds creation itself. This is the point that most of humanity misses today with very sad consequences.

        It is the next test has been a total mystery to me and I can make not even the slightest attempt to solve. I first propose the answer may be in Daniel chapter 9 verse 26; “then after 62 weeks the Messiah will be cut off and have nothing, and the people of the prince who is to come will destroy the city and the sanctuary. And its end will come like a flood; even to the end there will be war;

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        desolations are determined. And he will make a firm covenant with many for one week, but in the middle of the week he will put a stop to sacrifice and grain offering; and on the wing of abominations will come one who makes dissolute, even until the complete destruction, one that is decreed, is poured out on the one who makes desolate.’

        I have no idea how high the temple was so I will take it as 50 m high and I have no idea when did it become visible to the Pilgrim’s coming to worship reaching each year so I will take 50 km. As they approach the city each year they could first see the temple when they were 50 km away from it. Notice that all these texts apply to the Day Atonement. But the Day of Atonement was held in the original temple, the one that Jesus worshipped in. It made provisions for confessed, intentional sins by the inclusion of the scapegoat. But this scapegoat was in no way a part of the service and was specifically led outside of the temple and outside of the city where it was destroyed. So we come back to the eternal question of the differences between the Day of Atonement and Mount Calvary. Mount Calvary will be the site of the new temple which will be rebuilt after the second coming of our Lord and event not as far away. It stands up to the third coming when again it is destroyed and this time rebuilt the last time. Is this the temple that Satan has in mind and also Daniel? These and many other issues are to be considered at this time but the answer is still the same; no! The final answer is given when the people whom Jesus came to save reject him. Jesus rejected at Nazareth verse 14;-

        “Jesus returned to Galilee and the power of the Spirit, and news about him spread throughout the whole countryside. He taught in their synagogues, and everyone praised him. He went to Nazareth, where he had been brought up, and on the Sabbath day he went into the synagogue, as was his custom. And he stood up to read. The scroll of the prophet Isaiah was handed to him. Unrolling it, he found the place where it is written: “the Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to preach the good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recover the site of the blind, to release the oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour”. Then he rolled up the scroll, gave it back to the attendant and sat down. The eyes of everyone in the synagogue fastened on him, and he began by saying to them, “today this Scripture is fulfilled in your hearing”, all spoke well of him and were amazed at the gracious words that came from his lips. “Isn’t this Joseph’s son?” They asked Jesus said to them, “surely you will quote this proverb to me: “physician, heal yourself! Do here in your hometown what we have heard you did in Capernaum”. “I tell you the truth,” he continued, “no prophet is accepted in his hometown. I assure you that there were many widows in Israel in Elijah’s time, when the sky washout for 3 ½ years

        and there was a severe famine throughout the land. Yet Elijah was not sent to any of them, but to a widow in Zarephath in the region of Sidon. And there were many in Israel with leprosy in the time of Elisha the prophet, yet not one of them was cleaned- only Naaman the Syrian.” All the people in the synagogue were furious when they heard this. I got up, drove him out of the town, and took him to the brow of a hill on which the town was built, in order to throw him down the cliff. But he walked right through the crowd and went on his way.