Blog 15 of June 18

Blog 15 June 18 2020 is a continuation of blog 14 and an attempted commentary on Genesis, Deuteronomy and the miracles of Jesus. So far in Genesis we have discussed the presence of God the Father in the throne room of God and logically at least in the centre of our universe. One God, one being. The omnipresence of God radiates from this focal point in all directions and this omnipresence we call Jesus Christ. One God, two entities or beings or parts. There can be no such thing as nothing because by definition the omnipresence of Jesus Christ covers all situations. The secular lot, all those clever academics who warn us that nothing is about to explode again in the Big Bang and can show you very precisely when the last one occurred either do or don’t know that there is no such thing as nothing but then again neither truth nor reality has any meaning to them and the world of insanity allows for all possibilities. But if the biblical scenario is true that we are trying to study now and God did want to create the world then He would have to firstly create a place for it to exist, and thus the heavens. These heavens in turn would have to be filled with something that would be capable of supporting this earth and all those stars and heavenly bodies. There had to be a matrix to fill the heavens with. This combined unit we call the universe and it is a defined portion of the omnipresence of Jesus Christ. This filling of the universe on which the earth and other objects will sit on is not simply space but as this space is filled with time it should be strictly called space-time. We can see and relate to the earth and the space where heavenly objects appear but what is this thing called time? In the Bible time is a very specifically defined object, its purpose, duration and extent are strictly defined. And they are defined from day one of creation and the daily sacrifice of a 9 AM sin offering and a 3 PM burnt offering both of one year old male lambs which are without defect. This precise symbolism points to Jesus Christ on the cross of Good Friday on Mount Calvary between the six hours of 9 AM to 3 PM. This is not the Day of Atonement that is being referred to as the Day of Atonement has no one year old male lambs to sacrifice. Time is the guarantee for the existence of every conceived human being and is expressed as 24-hour lots of Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays and each 24 hour timeslot is defined by a six-hour period within it. Our relation to this 24-hour allocation of time can be split into three categories; (1) we can reject it and once we reject it we concede our right to life and to take advantage of this time allocation. It is called free will and most will choose to call reject! (2) we can call, ‘accept!’ And by accepting exercise the option that is within time and that is life eternal! Or (3) if it is not offered either accept or reject it are not possibilities and therefore the eternities to come as in the status quo. So the first criteria that is that if it is offered and rejected it doesn’t matter when by this creation would cease to exist and for those who chose to accept there will have to be another creation and another, in the beginning. This really is what we should be focusing on as most of God’s creation called reject when they were shown on the daily sacrifice on Good Friday of Mount Calvary. But it is Scripture itself that wants us to look at the other option that the sacrifice was not offered, was not accepted or rejected and therefore would have continued on for the eternities to come as of the creation that is described in Genesis chapter 1. It is our earthly step. It is not that Scripture does not know about the turning point that occurred on Good Friday of Mount Calvary but Scripture wants us to know that the daily sacrifice was offered on that day and is now the default value and it wants us to at least start to appreciate the difference that the cross of Good Friday made. Jesus did not have to go to the cross of Good Friday and time could have easily have begun its eternal mode 2000 years ago with humanity living on this earth as it was created in the stages that we are now looking at. But it also wants us to know that there only had to be one rejection of the conditions of the existence of this universe as expressed in the daily sacrifice, and only one would be required and this universe would lose its privilege of the right of its existence. So Scripture is carefully split in among these two alternatives; Jesus did go to the cross of Good Friday and Jesus did not go to the cross of Good Friday. But how is this time expressed in reality? If we want to use what already exists in the omnipresence of Jesus Christ then the two things that are available to us are

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light and life but if we are going to use these in what proportion do we use them? There seems to be a choice of about anywhere between 1% and 100% of the available light and life. These show up only in the presence of time and time is the full extent of the love of Jesus Christ and is expressed as the six hours between 9 AM and 3 PM of the daily sacrifice. So theoretically we exist because of the love of Jesus Christ and that is expressed as Monday the follow Sunday and Tuesday follows Monday and Wednesday the follows Tuesday etc. but is this full extent of life and light? There would be little point in showing us the full light and life as a universal glow with a brilliant light which we could not handle. That would be water off a duck’s back but this will not always be the case and after much preparation for those who called, “accept!” will be required. We will live within the throne room of God and in His presence from where this light and life emanates. But what about on this earth where in the original creation where there would be no offer physically made of the daily sacrifice and therefore could not be rejected or accepted, how is time expressed in this universe? As this question relates to, In the beginning you would think that I will at least have some basic concept of what is going on. For what it is worth I do have a universe which is defined by time and in the middle of this universe is the throne room of God. From this throne room emanates a beam of time as a tunnel that  penetrates the omnipresence of Jesus Christ lights up and allows us to use the light and life which is piercing but is encapsulated in the full extent of the love of Jesus Christ and set in modules of this love. As I do not know the dimensions of this universe and the biblical picture is totally opposed to what all those academics are trying to tell us I am going to make up a number and say that every time the earth does a roll covers 25,000 km and that it is going to take 1 trillion roles to roll from one edge to the other edge of the universe and this would make this universe 25,000 trillion kilometres wide or say 10,000 light years wide. But in reality every 365 rolls brings us back to the same place so if I was expressing this as a secular scientist I would say , “I do not fully understand as yet what is going on!” Tech talk for I haven’t got the slightest idea! This would only fill in a very tiny portion of the existing universe and so this timeline has to keep reflecting back off the boundaries as it travels between them and finally arrived back at the place where it came from, the throne room of God. Today the throne room of God has its curtains drawn and is filled with smoke and it will be until the wrath of God is completed but in the new universe where this is not the case there is no reason why this light would pass through the throne room and catch up to me so I could see where I would be in other trillion trillion years time and around again and so on. But initially we have to concentrate on what is up there today and the details are given to us in Genesis chapter 1. We are told that there was a beginning and in this beginning time began to run. Where, why wherefore and how are details that still need to be worked out. This beginning began with 12 hours of darkness at the end of which there was an empty and formless earth. The creation of gravity will sort out our problem of emptiness and formless and this did not happen until the 12 hours of darkness at finished or 6 AM on Sunday morning.

At this point a third entity is introduced and this is the Spirit of God and initially at least I have no problem in calling this the Holy Spirit. It was not the Holy Spirit that created the heavens and the earth in the beginning it was God. So what was the role of the Holy Spirit in this creation? Can we compare this role with the role of the Holy Spirit in the ”creation”of Jesus Christ? I had to concede that the Catholics had a scriptural ground to stand on in their doctrine of transubstantiation and of eating the flesh of Jesus and drinking His blood but now that I have looked into it I know this doctrine to be false. It is okay to call it, “rubbish!” But another thing to justify it from Scripture and so right now I have to concede that Scripture seems to point to Jesus Christ as a created being and therefore not the Son of God, but only the Son of Man. Jesus has a literal genealogy within the human race and was conceived and was born and grew up and died as the Son of Man. Not 100%

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human because it was a Holy Spirit or divinity that was involved with the conception. Then the order was from God to the Holy Spirit to conceive a child within the womb of the Virgin Mary and the child Jesus was conceived. Right now in Genesis God has given an order to the Holy Spirit to, “let there be light!” The Holy Spirit responds by producing light but what does this light go on to, “conceive”. Is there an earthly step and also a heavenly step involved with this conception? (+1880 + about 500 and not a very good start blog as it has already experienced one crash)


The issue that has arisen, that of the Spirit of God is and always has been of critical importance to the Christian church and controversy rages over it today. You would expect Satan to confuse the issues in such a way so that he could substitute himself for the Holy Spirit and not be noticed. After all he has substituted nothing for Jesus Christ and has been brilliantly successful in doing so. Most today believe in nothing and that is a literal object which unfortunately does not exist. I have just followed or at least tried to follow the course of the existence of the Holy Spirit where it will finish up as a separate being and figuratively finish up as the fine linen that every saint will wear and pointing to the glory of and the achievements of what Jesus has done for us in the robe of righteousness that we are given on entry into heaven. This of itself is problematical because when we are taken to heaven at the second coming the cross of the Day of Atonement will not have yet occurred and all the acts of righteousness that Jesus has performed for us must have resulted from the cross of Good Friday unless of course you counter that by saying that the cross of the Day of Atonement only carries the sins that Jesus has pleaded guilty to and has gone through seven days of the defilement as a result of. They were not our sins and such were not the issue for the Son of Man but had to be resolved between God the Father and God the Son. This is an issue they will have to be addressed in Deuteronomy chapter 7. But now we follow this Spirit of God back to the beginning where it was present from day one of creation. It seems as if it achieves two results, one being the earthly step and the other being the heavenly step which is above it. The earthly step that the Spirit of God is that it sorts out to problems that this earth had when it emerged from 12 hours of darkness. It was formless and it was empty and by creating a field of gravity would sort out both these problems. If this is the case then the role of the Spirit of God would be to focus divine light onto existing time and therefore gravity is a mixture of light and time this mixture exerts a force of attraction of matter within matter and as it was formed on day one has the privileges of being firstborn and therefore applicable to all time and all matter. On an earthly step this force of attraction is none other than the daily sacrifice and there could be no stronger force than this force of attraction. It was present during the night but was only activated by the command of God, “Let there be light!” So what was conceived by the Holy Spirit at this command was not only the earthly step of gravity but the heavenly step of the formation of The Christ. The Christ is thus a spiritual entity created at the command of God and conceived by the Holy Spirit. One has always existed and the other came into existence on day one of creation and its role was to focus light onto the attracting power of the daily sacrifice and of Jesus Christ hanging on the cross of Good Friday on Mount Calvary. But isn’t this the role of the Holy Spirit to focus light onto the attracting power of the daily sacrifice and of the burnt offering of 3 PM on Good Friday on Mount Calvary? So what are the similarities what are the differences between these two? Any commentary/discussion on or within the Bible cannot be any more relevant than for it to be focused on the cross of Good Friday or the cross of the Day of Atonement. The being that hung on the cross of Good Friday had been conceived by the Holy Spirit and became a reality with the birth of the child Jesus. Initially this child Jesus was 50% (?) Human and 50% divine because of the component of the Holy Spirit. But when the Holy

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Spirit departed not from just Jesus Himself but from this world generally on the day that John the Baptist was beheaded Jesus was 100% human. Surely being 100% human would allow me to label Jesus as the Son of Man and by default The Christ would then become the Son of God. This gives rise to the difficulty that if God has any work to do for the Son of God that requires a human or physical import the Son of God will not be able to do this as He is a spiritual being and this role will have to be handed on to the Son of Man. This gives the extra difficulty of determining when the Son of Man is doing the work of the Son of Man or whether He is doing the work of the Son of God. So it may be that because it is Jesus that He is doing the work of the Son of Man but in fact is doing the work of the Son of God. And it is this distinction that will be required to make as Jesus on the cross of Good Friday and Jesus on the cross of the Day of Atonement. At this stage I am unaware of any time of when the priest was allowed to enter the Most Holy Place, it always had to be the high priest. Just because I have followed this order all the way along does not mean that this is the case and if it changes so will all results change that came from it. So initially then it was the Christ Who as the the High Priest offered the sin offering at 9 AM on Good Friday. As High Priest He appeared in the Most Holy Place with His blood and presented the sin offering, “Father forgive them for they know not what they do!” It was a plea of forgiveness and a plea of mercy to be granted on the ground of what Jesus was about to do. Last there was this dual role for the Son of Man and for the Son of God and these roles have already been at least in part explained by the red heifer and the exchange that took place between Aaron and Eleazar and an explanation to this we still seek. I think it is time to go into our [  ] mode and formalise some of the apparent inconsistencies that have arisen and once formalised we may be able to recognise the answer when it is presented.

[The blood of the bull and the goat was taken by the high priest into the Most Holy Place once the animal had been killed. Wasn’t this a case of the sin offering being offered after the event and therefore pleading for the sacrifice that has occurred to be accepted as such. So Jesus should have taken His blood into the Most Holy Place at 3 PM on Good Friday. This still would have been okay even if Jesus had made the sin offering at 9 AM and pleaded for mercy and forgiveness and no doubt the answer had been given to Him by God the Father as in the affirmative and on this ground Jesus then proceeded with a dual role of the sacrifice. It would not be surprising if Jesus again appeared at 3 PM in the Most Holy Place just to check that He had met or Divine requirements. It has to be remembered that the covenant of the blood made in Egypt on 01 – 01 – 01 did not concern sin but answered the question; if the blood of the Passover lamb is present on the door frame of any home with the angel of death Passover that home and not kill the firstborn males and this includes the doorway and the door frame into heaven itself. Another issue revolves around who was Moses and who was Aaron? As Aaron and the high priest is a representative of God’s people before God is Aaron therefore the Son of Man or because he is appearing before God therefore he is the Son of God? You don’t have to think too long about that one before it spins off the screen and I may be able to add to it after my lunchtime break. So does Genesis chapter 1 help us sort out the problem that occurred on the day that John the Baptist was beheaded? Let us just say that this happened on day 900 into the Ministry of Jesus Christ and therefore we need to know the difference between day 899 and a 901. Day 899 was Jesus and the Christ and the Holy Spirit is one unity but on day 901 it was Jesus and the Christ, that spiritual entity that was created in Genesis chapter 1 between the union of divine light and time as expressed in the daily sacrifice but the difference being that the Holy Spirit had returned to heaven would not come back until the Day of Pentecost. But when the Holy Spirit did come down to glorify the sacrifice of Good Friday was it aided by the Christ or had Jesus ascended back to heaven as Jesus Christ? So the original question was a valid question and still stands as what is the differences in the similarities between the Holy Spirit and the Christ? It should

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also be kept in mind that the light in which the Holy Spirit conceived The Christ was divine light which was soon to be turned off and replaced by artificial light of the sun and stars in the light under which the conception the conception of Jesus Christ occurred. There are going to be many pearls underneath the rock that has the label of; the differences between divine light and artificial light or the differences between sunlight and Sonlight]

Our next topic after Genesis is the Book of Deuteronomy chapter 7 and the heading which NIV Bible study attributes to it is driving out the nations. Whereas the Book of Numbers was the history of God’s people which should have terminated 2000 years ago and after the Day of Atonement the eternities begun with heaven on this earth, the Book of Deuteronomy tells us about the intermission that has taken place and that intermission was Jesus Christ on the cross of Good Friday. The Day of Atonement is still to occur and in fact remains the Premier Sacrifice but it is only so because of what Jesus did on Good Friday. The Book of Deuteronomy is therefore about this extension of time and the journey of God’s people from the Passover until they arrived on the banks of the Jordan River. Of course once we get to heaven there will be no stealing or killing or lying or any of the 10 Commandments being broken and it is an absurdity to suggest this to be the case but this is not the case when it applies to the journey itself. Those Commandments are the nature of Jesus Christ and they are the fabric as to why we exist on this earth and in the heavens above. I am still stunned by the amazing privilege that was given to Nicodemus recorded in John and related to the feast of Tabernacles. Those lying murdering Jews who had sent out soldiers to arrest Jesus and to bring him back so they could kill him and dispose of Him immediately but it was Nicodemus who stood up and he knew that there would be a murder but this murder would be allowed for a special purpose to be accomplished, this murder would have to have a focus on the Law of God. And it was chapter 6 that intertwined the relationship between the Law, obedience and love and how they were all related. Today Satan will tell you that the law is no longer in it and in fact you are committing a sin if you try to weave it back into the picture as chapter 6 so aptly does. Then again you are called and regarded in most derogatory terms if you dare question that the existence of God provides a better explanation of what is around us other than nothing can or could do. But what about chapter 7 and the driving out of the nations?

The church of the Israelites became the church of the Christians as of the moment that the Israelites murdered their saviour. But both the histories of the Israelites and the Christians began at Passover, theirs was in Egypt and ours was on Mount Calvary. The end of those journeys was/is to be the end of time shortly after all sin and evil are removed on the Day of Atonement. Christians do not have the option of finishing up on Mount Calvary because that is where we started from. Jericho for them was an option but for Christians it is a certainty. But then theirs journey was the earthly step and ours is the heavenly step. This does not mean that we will have to drive out seven nations in our journey which are much more powerful than we are. They will go for the jugular and they will go for the throat but if we are in Jesus it is we who will triumph. —

As I contemplate on Deuteronomy chapter 7 there appears to be about six options that are possible. The actual situation is that Moses/Jesus and the Israelites/Christians have arrived on the banks of the Jordan River and are about to make a crossing. It is under these conditions that Moses/Jesus is delivering the contents of this book. While my focus remains that the crossing is the Day of Atonement and my application therefore would be to the one that is going to occur in some 1800 years time and not the one that could have occurred 2000 years ago. In both cases the situation would be dramatically different on either side of the river Jordan. One of the six possibilities that I have to rule out is that Jesus is delivering these instructions to the 144,000 foolish virgins. It cannot

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being on the following grounds; the final instructions and alternatives were presented to the foolish virgins by the Holy Spirit and it was the Holy Spirit that gave these foolish virgins the choice of keeping the seals that God had given them some 1800 years ago and being killed by the beast, or removing these seals and replacing them with a mark of the beast and then fighting with the beast against the rider of the Whitehorse and his armies and being killed by them. So the choice they have is either being killed by the beast or by being killed by Jesus. The beast was not going to allow these people with the seal of God on their foreheads to fight in his army against the rider of the Whitehorse. The beast had been in this situation some 4000 years before on the cross of Good Friday and then the problem was allegiance. As Jesus called, “mine!” To all those who were shown the cross and accepted it the beast had called, “Over my dead body!” And that is exactly what happened on Good Friday on Mount Calvary. The beast was not going to allow this situation to develop again in his battle against the rider of the Whitehorse. He would first kill anybody who’s allegiance was suspect and there were none more suspects than the ones that have the seal of God on their foreheads. Most of this allegiance testing was done by the Satan and the beast before the second coming but these foolish virgins were an exception. The seal of God or the Holy Spirit had not been given to anyone who was not going to heaven but these foolish virgins were the exception and the focal point of the Book of Revelation as it was not just they that were involved but Jesus had to show why all those people who had died rather than accept the mark of the beast were now going to hell. The Holy Spirit is not given to anyone going to hell and the only one Who knows this is the Holy Spirit! It is certainly not anyone from within the Jimmy Swaggart ministries or anywhere else but the Holy Spirit alone. They are in no position to hand out positions in the heavens of eternity and they are badly deluded to think they can. The error is a simple as the difference between nothing and something! All you have to do is to ask them that spirit they are going to give you will it tell you that you must obey the law of God all you now be able to ignore it?The final offer the Holy Spirit gave them was that if they died with the seal on their foreheads that had been given to them by God at the second coming that they would not go to hell and that Jesus will take their place in hell for them. The option of going to heaven was not on the table as the door of mercy had closed some 500 years previously. Having made this offer the Holy Spirit returned to heaven where the saints were anxiously awaiting Him and almost immediately after the Holy Spirit arrived it began to explain the beauty of righteousness that we had been given, we demanded the marriage take place and thus we were now ready to ride out of heaven but this time with the fine linen  and the robe of Christ’s righteousness. So the history that Moses/Jesus is now being delivered to a captive audience of the bride above plus fine linen plus Christ robe of righteousness but that does not mean that we are not upset by the separation mode Jesus has explained to us that He must be alone as He will be doing His Father’s business so we know the separation is only temporary. When this history is being delivered and it has a base of the cross of Good Friday as it comes from the book of Deuteronomy that it is simultaneously being delivered to those a long way above Jesus but at the same time to those who are below him on earth and who soon will be thrown into hell and be destroyed. The ones below therefore would include the 144,000 foolish virgins who rejected the final offer an exchange their seals for marks of the beast as well as what could be 700 million who had died for their Lord rather than accept the mark of the beast. The book of Numbers is indeed a very large book and those who will be passing through out of it and through the door with the blood of the Passover lamb on it will be very few indeed. These indeed should at least be paying some attention to the 1250 days of tutorial that is been now delivered as the reasons for their exclusion are being given. Even the 14 billion odd who would have nothing to do with Jesus should at least be paying some attention to what is being said as it was because of these options that they ignored they are

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now going to be destroyed in hell. Without going into my [  ] I am going to venture out and say that it was Jesus Who was this rider of the Whitehorse and not Jesus Christ as the Christ remained with the armies back in Eden2 as the fine robe of righteousness is. It was ready and it was in position and in combination with the fine linen and the Holy Spirit would now do what they were both designed to do and that is to throw light on the soon coming of the Day of Atonement. This was the reason why God took us back in the first place and the true meaning of the full extent of the love of Jesus Christ. It was a part of the outreach that occurred on day one of creation in that God via the omnipresence of Jesus Christ reached out to all from His throne room and now the end result of that is the mechanism of outreach is now going to be converted into in reach and we will return to the throne room of God! So too are the nations that we must drive out in Deuteronomy chapter 7 must be Satan and all evil and the battle against the beast. If anyone of these got through and onto the other side of the river Jordan it would not be a matter of if but a matter of when another rebellion would begin! The rearrangement of heavenly furniture would begin and so would all the associated conflicts! A third of those seven battles would have to be the battle against the beast as at the great tribulation where the beast goes so very close to destroying all of the saints of God. There are only 144,000 left alive when that flash in the sky occurs at the second coming of Jesus Christ. We are specifically shown the result of what happens to those who went so close to destroying us but actually assured our place in heaven for the eternities to come! Another major battle of life and death was that of the Reformation went to Luther was revealed the door of righteousness by faith. Much time has already been spent on the opening of the door and the very clever way in which Satan will close at in such a way that most will not realise that it has been closed! Another battle that Christians lost and lost badly was fought in the Council of Laodicea which abolished the Sabbath as the holy day of worship and replace it with the Sunday and from that battle the church has never recovered. It may be a strange thing to say but I’m not sure whether the Nicene Creed was a victory or a loss as many of the tenets of faith are so ambiguously put they can be interpreted in any way. Certainly the intentions of the people who met to formulate this creed were noble. But there may be many creeds and many tenets of faith within the Bible that it is only really over one thing; who is Jesus Christ? I don’t have to have written a blog of a million or more words to be able to answer the question and the answer to this question will answer many other questions including Who is God Himself? He is the almost naked body that had been brutalised for six hours on the cross of Good Friday and now hung in semidarkness on the same cross between 3 PM and 4 PM as the burnt offering, all finished and all done! And it is from these dizzy heights where Deuteronomy chapter 7 has taken us where we will lay in front of the cross of Atonement on the day of 10 – 07 – 486. We could not have been better prepared for this day as we have both the righteousness of Jesus Christ and the presence of the Holy Spirit. It has not been a walk in the park and there were moments when our faith was tested and the many a time that we fell. All that was taken into account of our journey and all that mattered in the end though was that we had our eyes on Jesus! But if all that was required then why are there so many who are not going to get across and worst of all when Jesus looks at them He does not say, ‘I do not know you!’ But what he says is, ‘I never knew you!’ How can so many people get it so wrong?


  1. Yesterday chapter 7 of Deuteronomy provided an interesting journey through time as presented by Moses/Jesus from the time that they left Egypt/Passover and arrived on the banks of the Jordan River. Neither leader is going to cross the Jordan and Moses will die and be replaced by Joshua even before they enter the Jordan and Jesus who became one with us at 3 PM on the cross of

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Good Friday will also die now at 3 PM but this time on the cross of the Day of Atonement will be replaced by the High Priest of eternity Melchizedek on Resurrection Sunday morning. The Israelites drove our many nations far more powerful than themselves to arrive at this point and they in fact can now finish up possessing and occupying the whole world which I call the heaven of the Day of Atonement of 10 – 07 – 3889 or one that would have occurred 2000 years ago. But the intention of this blog remains to join the Old Testament and the New Testament via the animal sacrifice system and they could not start any earlier than the first day of creation which was the daily sacrifice itself. Not everything in the Old Testament will transpose into the New Testament as it is but an earthly step from which we can look up to the heavenly things. So if the Jews drove out all those nations that were far more powerful than themselves to finish up with heaven on earth do Christians also drive out far more powerful nations to finish up with heaven on earth? There were certainly many powerful nations for the Christians at the time of Jesus, more powerful than the Christians but they drove them out over a period of time but the final battle is still a long way away in fact someone thousand 800 years time against Satan. The result of this battle is already known and Satan will be the last enemy to be destroyed. He was the 1st to come into existence when that first evil thought came into his mind about being equal with Jesus and he will be the very last one to be destroyed. Satanic era will span the totality of time. As chapter 9 of Deuteronomy is about to cover the sacrifice of the red heifer we must try to glean as many details of events on either side of it even though these have already been covered previously and on a number of occasions. This time round however the, “New kid on the block”, should allow us to analyse a situation at a much deeper level is that the saints as they lay around the cross of the Day of Atonement not only have the fine linen or the Holy Spirit which they received back in the heaven from which they have come but they also have Christ Robe of righteousness which I now take as being Christ Himself and the spiritual entity that appeared on Day one of creation and was a combination of divine light and time which was the daily sacrifice. This was not a birth but a conversion of something which has always existed and presented in a form that humanity can appreciate. So the JW’s call this the birth of Christ then they are wrong to do so. So what we see as we look on on the Day of Atonement from 9 AM we received from a level of the Holy Spirit and the spiritual being of Christ. That height is only possible because we began our journey on Mount Calvary and could not have been seen by the Israelites whose journey began out of Egypt. Thus we have the dual birthday of Egypt and 01 – 01 – 01 which coincides with the birthday and the appearance of the Christ which happened to be 01 – 01 – 01 and the first day of creation. They could spend the rest of eternity on this earth because the option of acceptance or rejection of the sacrifice on Mount Calvary had not been given them but in our case as the offer was made and only needed one rejection and so this earth lost its rights as firstborn and was from that moment onwards going to be destroyed and be replaced by new earth but the same time the same throne room albeit renovated as neither time nor the throne room could be destroyed. These are solemn moments indeed when this extra tutorial is given to the Israelites/Christians and we must be getting closer and closer to answering that question of eternity and the question that the Roman soldier first asked who had come to arrest Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane on that Thursday night, “Who is this Jesus?” And even within that holy environment where we ask this Jesus this question we are in the presence of the Holy Spirit as the fine linen and we are in the presence of this spiritual being called Christ and even now Jesus cannot answer the question as, “I AM HE!” And we have a long way to go spiritually before Jesus can answer this question and we do not drop dead in response as happened in Gethsemane and would have happened where we lost sight of Jesus for seven days in those days of defilement before He went to the cross of the Day of Atonement. Israelite/Christian history is not written from the viewpoint of the seven larger and stronger nations

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it is written from the viewpoint of God’s people. It is the Lord your God who brings you into the land you are entering to possess and it is He who will drive out these stronger nations. It is the Lord your God who has allowed deliverance and allows you to defeat them and destroy them totally. There can be no treaty made with them and no mercy shown. There can be no intermarriage with them and any attempts to do so what and did result in the Lord’s anger to burn against them and God’s people would have been destroyed. They were to break down their altars, smash their sacred stones and cut down their Asherah poles. This world had to be rid of sin and evil and it was the role of God’s people to do this. The privilege that God’s people are going to have in these events was not because they were the largest and most powerful nation in fact they were the fewest of all peoples. God’s choice for us was because he loved us and because of the oath that he swore to our forefathers and even though I could find this so when we were redeemed from Pharaoh king of Egypt from the land of slavery I now must find this oath as it specifically applies to Christians and I know that he keeps the covenant of His love for a thousand generations. It has to therefore be the covenant made on the night of the Passover in Egypt on 01 – 01 – 01 and from that covenant of that night and ever since I got to this final waiting place that I have seen a doorway which what looks like sparkling stars on it but I know to be the drops of blood of the Passover lamb or more specifically the drops of blood that Eleazar the priest sprinkled in this direction at the sacrifice of the red heifer. With monotonous regularity instructions of verse 11 are repeated, “Therefore, take care to follow the commands, decrees and laws I give you today.” And the consequences of obeying and disobeying are therefore also repeated with monotonous regularity and the difference between obeying and disobeying is that of heaven to hell. I could not be blamed for bringing coronavirus into this situation and if so then much worse is still to come. The ideas of the battles and the struggles that we have been through is that they are faith building exercises. And just like our faith building is a step-by-step exercise so the driving relations has been a step-by-step exercise but ultimately at least we have arrived on the banks of the Jordan River. Chapter 8 is our next chapter and the last one before that of the Golden calf.

The next part of our study in the cycle of Genesis, Deuteronomy are the miracles of Jesus and the next two miracles number 27 and 28 in the list of miracles that is on page 1596 of the NIV Bible study is the feeding of the 4000 which is only recorded in Matthew and Mark and the coin in the fish’s mouth which is only recorded in Matthew. The study of these miracles has not been a total wipeout and there have been times when we have understood certain aspects of the Bible but overall it has been getting more and more confusing and finally by the time I got to the feeding of the 5000 I have lost the plot to the extent of just not going any more with the remaining miracles but to go back to the start and restart with new parameters. Had I not attempted a commentary on the feeding of the 5000 I would have missed out on the key that opens the Gospel of John. It was an incredibly rewarding experience and so much so that I feel like I could go back and begin a commentary proper on this gospel. I know this to be a little bit too ambitious as I must tie in beginning of the gospel of John with the beginning of the book of Genesis and what happens in Genesis unfortunately is still very much a mystery. But that is not going to stop me from looking at individual chapters of John to build a picture and may in fact help me with the problems that I have at the start of Genesis. The last chapter I looked at was chapter 6,7. The answer that we seek from the study of all these miracles is to be told the moment at which Jesus changes his mind and instead of returning to heaven in a rapture from Gethsemane Jesus decides to stay on for Good Friday. We are further told that the crux in this problem is the five loaves of bread that were divided in amongst 5000 crowd but that went on to become seven loaves of bread divided in amongst a crowd of 4000. The problem is further specified was that the disciples did not understand what this bread was. The

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background for this understanding was Jesus walking on the water and because in Mark the disciples did not understand what was going on Jesus almost walked past them without being invited into or getting into their boat. But by the time that we got to the Gospel of John the disciples did understand what this bread was about and they invited Jesus into their boat and their boat instantaneously arrived at its destination. This is what happens to our problems when we invite Jesus into our boats. It is the gospel of John in the first added, “Jesus the Bread of Life” that then goes on to explain our problem and even though the explanation at first seemed repulsive and that we would never eat the flesh of Jesus net alone drink his blood and on which the Catholic Church has based its transubstantiation miracle on, John goes on to give us the answer that we had discovered in Genesis on day one and that was the spiritual nature of the Christ. Many disciples did indeed leave Jesus at this time but then again what a fortuitous situation we are in if we have nowhere else to go but Jesus. Chapter 7 was definitely getting close to the crux of the matter in that first Jesus refused to go to the Feast of Tabernacles but then going there and preaching at the same time. This is the feast that is associated with Good Friday on Mount Calvary because it is at this point that not just a doorway with the blood on it appear at the edge of the universe it is the doorway through which we will pass between the two universes and for a while when we get over the other side we just lose it and we cannot control ourselves! We were most hesitant about leaving the heaven that we had just spent 1800 years and after the second coming of Jesus Christ and we thought surely they cannot be anything better than where we are but our allegiance to Jesus as just been formalised through the marriage feast and we follow Him wherever He goes. After walking through the doorway and onto the new earth or the new tent of meeting its beauty far surpasses the beauty of the tent of meeting we have just left and the amazing thing is that, this is it, this is eternity so imagine a further shock that we are still in for when we go through the pearly gates and into the throne room of God and for the first time Jesus is allowed to say, “I AM HE !” And we see His beauty and we do not drop dead! I am not going to pretend that the first titled “Is Jesus the Christ?” And it is this answer that we must use in Genesis. A systematic approach to the Gospel of John has thus yielded much treasure and it is this vein that we continue on in John chapter 8; ‘ Then each went to his own home. But Jesus went on to Mount of olives. At dawn he appeared again in the temple courts, were all the people gathered around him, and he sat down to teach them. The teachers of the law and the Pharisees brought in a woman caught in adultery. They made her stand before the group and said to Jesus, “Teacher, this woman was caught in the act of adultery. In the Law of Moses commanded us to stones such a woman. Then what do you say?” They were using this question is a trap, in order to have a basis for accusing him. s Jesus bent down and started to write on the ground with his finger. When they kept questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, “if any of you is without sin, let him be the 1st to throw a stone at her.” Again he stooped down and wrote on the ground. At this, those who had heard began to go away one time, the old ones first, until only Jesus was left, with the woman standing there. Jesus straightened up and asked her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?” “No one, Sir?” She said. “Then neither do I condemn you,” Jesus declared. “Go now and leave your life of sin.”

Next section titled as, “the Validity of Jesus Testimony.; ‘When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” The Pharisees challenged him, “here you are, appearing as your own witness; your testimony is not valid.” Jesus answered, “Even if I testify on my own behalf, my testimony is valid, for I know where I came from and I know where I am going. But you have no idea where I come from or where I am going. You judged by human standards; I pass judgement on no one. But if I do judge, my decisions are right, because I am not alone. I stand with the Father, who sent me. In your own Law it

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is written that the statement of two men is valid. I am one who testifies for myself; my other witness is the Father, who sent me.” Then they asked him, “Where is your father?” “You do not know me or my Father,” Jesus replied. “If you knew me, you would know my father also.” He spoke these words while teaching in the Temple area near the place where the offering were put. Yet no one seized him, because his time had not yet come. Once more Jesus said to them, “I am going away, and you will look for me, and you will die in your sin. Where I go, you cannot come.” This make the Jews asked, “Will he kill himself? Is that why he says, “Where I go, you cannot come?” But he continued, “you are from below; and I am from above. You are of this world; I am not of this world. I told you that you would die in your sin; if you do not believe that I am the one I claim to be, you will indeed die in your sins.” “Who are you?” They asked. “Just what I have been claiming all along,” Jesus replied. “I have much to say in judgement of you. But he who sent me is reliable, and what I have heard from him I tell the world.” They didn’t understand what he was telling them about his Father. So Jesus said, “when you have lifted up the Son of Man, then you will know that I am the one I claim to be, and that I do nothing on my own but speak just what the Father has taught me. The one who sent me is with me; he has not left me alone, for I always do what pleases him.” Even as he spoke, many put their faith in him..  [The Children of Abraham]. To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” They answered him, We are Abraham’s descendants and have never been slaves of anyone. How can you say that we shall be set free?” Jesus replied, “I tell you the truth, everyone who sends is a slave to sin. Now slave has no permanent place in the family, but a son belongs to it forever. So if the Sun set you free you will be free indeed. I know you are Abraham’s descendants. Yet you are ready to kill me, because you have no room for my word. I am telling you what I have seen in my Father’s presence, and you do what you have heard from your father.” Abraham is our Father, they answered. “If you are Abraham’s children,” said Jesus, “then you would do the things Abraham did. As it is, you are determined to kill me, a man who has told you the truth that I heard from God. Abraham did not do such things. You are doing the things that your father does.” “We are not illegitimate children,” they protested. “The only Father we have is God himself”.(Verse 42 onwards tomorrow) +9124 +500


  1. John 8:42- (subtitled The Children of the devil); Jesus said to them, “if God were your Father, you would love me, for I came from God and now am here. I have not come on my own; but he sent me. Why is my language not clear to you? Because you are unable to hear what I say. You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desire. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies. Yet because I tell you the truth, you do not believe me! Can any of you prove me guilty of sin? If I am telling the truth, why won’t you believe me? He who belongs to God hears what God says. The reason you do not hear is that you do not belong to God.” The Jews answered him, “aren’t we right in saying that you are a Samaritan and evil possessed?” “I am not possessed by a demon,” said Jesus, “but I honour my Father and you dishonour me. I am not seeking glory for myself; but there is one who seeks it, and he is the judge. I tell you the truth, if anyone keeps my word, he will never see death.” At this the Jews exclaimed, “now we know that you are demon possessed! Abraham died and so did the prophets, yet you say that if anyone keeps your word, he will never taste death. Are you greater than our father Abraham? He died, and so did the prophets. Who Do You Think You Are? “ Jesus replied, “if I glorify myself, my glory means nothing. My Father, whom you claim as your God, is the one who glorifies me. Though

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you do not know him, I know him. If I said I did not, I would be a liar like you, but I do know him and keep his word. Your father Abraham rejoiced at the thought of seeing my day; he saw it and was glad.” “You are not yet 50 years old,” the Jews said to him, “and you have seen Abraham!” “I tell you the truth,” Jesus answered, “before Abraham was born, I am!” At this, they picked up stones to stone him, but Jesus hid himself, slipping away from the temple grounds.

John never ceases to disappoint and the issues raised are very profound. The question is asked as to whether Jesus is the Christ and answered. Jesus also establishes a firm linkage between Himself and His father. It is a question of interest whether the linkage that Jesus seeks is pre-beginning times of Genesis or post beginning times. In pre-beginning times there was God the Father Whose presence radiated from His throne room in all directions and in all dimensions and this radiance was the omnipresence of Jesus Christ. It was both light and life and Jesus therefore had continual contact with God the Father. In post Genesis times where time began the contact would have been through both the created light and life that were produced when the Holy Spirit responded to the command of God of, “Let there be light!” Jesus does seem to be referring to this link, the creation of or the appearance of the Christ. If this were the case then this link could only be established in the presence of divine light, of Sonlight and not sunlight that came from the sun or stars. That was synthetic light that was made by nuclear reactions and because nuclear reactions have an attractive force over a short distance which then becomes repulsive, there could be never any sense of repulsion within the Godhead. This would also apply to the earthly step that was formed at this time, gravity and gravity can never apply a repulsive force. These and other topics are our next port of call after a visit to the miracles of Jesus and specifically miracles 27 and 28 that are on page 1596 of the NIV Bible study. The miracle of the feeding of the 4000 Matthew 15: 32 – 38; ‘Jesus left there and went along the sea of Galilee. Then he came up on a mountain and sat down. Great crowds came up to him, bringing the lame, the blind, the crippled, the mute and many others and laid them at his feet; and he healed them. The people were amazed when they saw the mute speaking, the crippled made well, the lame walking and the blind seeing. And they praised the God of Israel. Jesus called his disciples to him and said, “I have compassion for these people; they have already been with me three days and have nothing to eat. I do not want to send them away hungry, or they may collapse on the way.” His disciples answered, “where could we get enough bread in this remote place to feed such a crowd?” “How many loaves do you have?” Jesus asked. “Seven,” they replied, “and a few small fish.” He told the crowd to sit down on the ground. Then he took the seven loaves and the fish, and when he had given thanks, he broke them and gave them to the disciples, and they in turn to the people. They all ate and were satisfied. Afterward the disciples picked up seven basket fulls of broken pieces that were left over. The number of those who ate was 4000, besides women and children. After Jesus had sent the Crowd away, he got into the boat and went to the vicinity of Magadan. Events after; the demand for a sign the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees, Peter’s confession of Jesus, Jesus predicts his death and the transfiguration. Events before; John the Baptist beheaded, Jesus feeds the 5000, Jesus walks on the water, clean and unclean, the faith of the Canaanite woman.

Mark 8:1-21; ‘

During those days another large crowd gathered. Since they had nothing to eat, Jesus called his disciples to him and said, “I have compassion for these people, they have already been with me three days and have nothing to eat. If I send them home hungry they will collapse on the way, because some of them have come a long distance.” His disciples answered, “but where in this remote place can anyone get enough bread to feed them?” “How many loaves do you have?” Jesus

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asked. “Seven,” they replied. He told the crowd to sit down on the ground. When he had taken the seven loaves and given thanks, he broke them and gave them to his disciples to set before the people, as they did so. They had a few small fish as well; he gave thanks for them also and told the disciples to distribute them. The people ate and were satisfied. Afterward the disciples picked up seven basket fulls of broken pieces that were left over. About 4000 men were present. And having sent them away, he got into the boat with his disciples and went to the region of Dalmantha. The Pharisees came and began to question Jesus. To test him, they asked him for a sign from heaven. He sighed deeply and said, “why does this generation asks for a miraculous sign? I tell you the truth, no sign will be given to it.” He then left them, got back into the boat and crossed to the other side. The disciples had forgotten to bring bread, except for one loaf they had with them in the boat. “Be careful,”. Jesus warned them. “Watch out for the yeast of the Pharisees and that of Herod.” They discuss this with each other and said, “it is because we have no bread.” Aware of their discussion, Jesus asked them; “why are you talking about having no bread? Do you still not see or understand? Are your hearts hardened? Do you have eyes but fail to see, and is but fail to hear? And don’t you remember? When I broke the five loaves for the 5000, how many basketballs of pieces did you pick up?” “12,” they replied. “And when I broke the seven loaves for the 4000, how many basketballs are pieces did you pick up?” They answered, “seven”. He said to them, “do you still not understand?” Events after the healing of the blind man at Bethsaida, Peter’s confession of Christ, Jesus predicts his death, and the transfiguration. Events before; Jesus sends out the 12, John the Baptist beheaded, Jesus feeds the 5000, Jesus walks on the water, clean and unclean, the faith of the woman, and the healing of a deaf and mute man.

I would be the last one to cast a stone at the disciples because they do not understand. The equation was; five loaves of bread fed to 5000 people to produce 12 basketballs of scraps and seven loaves of bread fed to 4000 people to produce seven basket full scraps! Hints or clues that may be of help are there is no mention of the two fish in the first miracle but a few small fish in the second miracle. Add to this that the crowd of 4000 had been following Jesus now for three days and had not had a meal. (Jesus was in the grave have a three-day period of Good Friday and Mount Calvary but two day period in the coming Day of Atonement. (+10725 +500)


  1. The answer that I seek to the above puzzle is not the one that Scripture gives. It tells me that if I know that the answer is the bread that Jesus divides in amongst the 5000 then I will see Jesus even in the distance and the dark as he is walking towards me on the water and I will invite him into my boat and we will immediately arrive at our destination but I am looking at it from a synoptic versus the Gospel of John and angle and I specifically want to know at what point Jesus changes his mind and His ministry from one of repentance and water baptism into a ministry of the upcoming Passover or cross of Good Friday. In other words I want to know the difference between instructions that were given to people who are going to spend heaven on this earth and instructions given to those who are going to spend eternity in the new universe and in the throne room of God? Immediately after Jesus spent 40 days in the desert with the Holy Spirit He began a ministry of repentance there was a parallel with John the Baptist and they continued their ministry together until John the Baptist was beheaded. As the role of the Holy Spirit is to glorify Jesus on the cross of Good Friday and this has been its role since the first day of creation which of itself was a daily sacrifice and would become the role of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost and from there onwards. Did the ministry of Jesus therefore change at the beheading of the first witness and the return of the Holy Spirit as a separate entity back to heaven? I realise that my behaviour will not be

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any different if I were to spend heaven on this earth for the eternities to come or if I am going to spend heaven in the throne room of God for the eternities to come and that in both places the standard of my behaviour will be set by the law of God or God’s way but what will be different will be my attitude and the understanding of my Lord and Saviour. But if this is the bread that I seek then why is there only five loaves in the feeding of the 5000 and specifically in the Gospel of John which will follow Christ through the cross but there are seven loaves of bread involved in the feeding of those who were to remain on earth and in the heaven of eternity which would follow the Day of Atonement? The numbers and events have just not been adding up. So I am going to use Scripture to follow those two alternatives for Jesus of the Ministry of repentance continuing after the beheading of John the Baptist and this ministry changing to 1 of going to the cross of Good Friday. The case for leaving earth on Thursday night would go something like; the first witness, John the Baptist has been beheaded and the Holy Spirit which had infilled a number of people on this earth including John and Jesus not only returns to heaven but does so as a separate entity. Whereas Jesus went through the 40 days in the desert accompanied by the Holy Spirit and this Holy Spirit had now returned to heaven Jesus would now have to go to the cross of Good Friday without the presence of the Holy Spirit. At first I called this alone but as I am trying to establish a relationship between Jesus, Christ and the Father in heaven I realise that this may not be so. It is still going to be much harder for Jesus on the cross of Good Friday with than without the Holy Spirit and Scripture seems to indicate that the ministry of Jesus now became one of repentance and water baptism. He was leaving for heaven from Gethsemane on Thursday night, He was not staying on for Good Friday. Scriptural text that seems to indicate that Jesus was now going to leave earth and not stay on for the cross was Jesus is soon to be shown at the Transfiguration. The Transfiguration is not just an elevated form of Jesus Christ as in more divine it is also an elevation of the saints as they are now about to enter heaven because all sin and evil have been removed. It may also be that we will be helped in this topic in the upcoming miracles involving the three fish. If Scripture is written in seven different levels at least then one of those levels must be that of the two witnesses. These witnesses come down in order to close the door of mercy and once the door of mercy is closed the Day of Atonement can proceed and evil abolished. One of those witnesses is down at the beheading of John the Baptist so now the second witness must complete his work and He to will be killed so the initial joint ministry of repentance and water baptism must continue until the time. When this actually does happen in the Book of Revelation and some one thousand 300 years time both witnesses will be resurrected and return to heaven with Jesus and the hundred 44,000 wise virgins who will be carrying the heavenly scrolls, all return to heaven. The Day of Atonement however as described in Daniel chapter 9 will not take place for another 500 years. The fit this sequence into the time of John the Baptist and Jesus is something I have not been able to particularly the gap between the witnesses returning to heaven and the door mercy closing and then the timespan until the Day of Atonement. To do this would require screen of time to be rewritten but it is still a possibility. It will can require a far more rigourous analysis on our second time through those miracles. We are going to have to look at text on either side of the miracle and begin with Mark chapter 8 where this miracle occurred and which finishes up with the lock in event of the Transfiguration. In chapter 8 so far the first 13 verses covered the feeding of the 4000 and verses 14 to 21 are headed as, ‘the yeast of the Pharisees and Herod’ so they clearly address our problem of not understanding the five loaves of bread that Jesus broke and fed to the crowd of 5000. Verse 22 covers the healing of the blind man and Bethsaida, Peter’s confession and Jesus predicts His death. If I think in future that any event specifically points to either Good Friday on Mount Calvary or the Day of Atonement I will noted in brackets like these 4000 had not eaten for three days. (Good Friday Mount Calvary)  verse22;  ‘They came to Bethsaida,

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and some people brought blind man and beg Jesus to touch him. He took the blind man by the hand and led him outside the village. When he had spit on the man’s eyes and put his hands on him, Jesus asked, “do you see anything?” He looked up and said, “I see people; they look like trees walking around.” Once more Jesus put his hands on the man’s eyes. Then his eyes were open, his sight was restored, and he saw everything clearly. Jesus sent him home, saying, “don’t go into the village.” Jesus and his disciples went on to the village around Caesarea Philippi. On the way he asked them, “who do people say I am?” They replied, “some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, one of the prophets. “But what about you?” He asked. “Who do you say I am?” Peter answered, “you are the Christ.” Jesus warned them not to tell anyone about him. (The Christ is the topic of the Gospel of John in the cross of Good Friday). He then began to teach them that the Son of Man (also refers to the cross of Good Friday and particularly the role of Eleazar) must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders, chief priests and the teachers of the law, and that he must be killed and after three days rise again. (Good Friday Mount Calvary) he spoke plainly about this, and Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him. But when Jesus turned and looked at his disciples, he rebuked Peter. “Get behind me, Satan!” He said. “You do not have in mind the things of God, but the things of men.” Then he called the crowd to him along with his disciples and said: “if anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me and for the gospel will save it. What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul? Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul? If anyone is ashamed of me and my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of Man will be ashamed of him when he comes in his Father’s glory with the holy angels.” And he said to them, “I tell you the truth, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the kingdom of God come with power.”

The problem that the disciples had and we have was that of saying/understanding those five loaves of bread that were fed to the crowd. The solution is given is the yeast of the Pharisees and Herod and the healing of the blind man at Bethsaida. Despite watching out for the yeast of the Pharisees and that of Herod the 5+5+12 and 7+4+7 mysteries continue to evade. I still stand by my original commentary on the blind man of Bethsaida in that this was either the last or nearly the last of the power and authority that Adam handed to Satan in Eden and there is no way  Satan is letting go of it. Either Satan realises that the last of his power has been stripped just before he is destroyed before the Day of Atonement of if he realises that he has been given another 4000 years of reprieve then he doesn’t want to exist without this power and he is going to fight for it. Peter’s confession that Jesus is the Christ narrows the discussion down to Good Friday Mount Calvary and the death of Jesus and the three days before his resurrection clearly narrows the discussion down to Good Friday Mount Calvary as does his title of the Son of Man. This the Transfiguration brings into focus that I have Atonement sharply but it is chapter 9 verse one which could settle the discussion; ‘and Jesus said to them, “I tell you the truth, some of you who are standing here will not taste death before they see the kingdom of God come with power’. (+12585 +500)


  1. There are three possible explanations for verse one in chapter 9 of some who are standing here and will not taste death before they see the kingdom of God with power. One is that Jesus proceeds with the Day of Atonement and those standing there would in fact be saints going to heaven albeit on this earth but the surprise is that there would only be some and not many. A second alternative is that those standing there would see Jesus after His resurrection and of those there would be very few. I use this is one of my seven texts to “prove” that the apostle John did not

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die, was taken up to heaven and then came back as one of the two witnesses. So the time Jesus is now referring to is some 3300 years in the future when Jesus comes down to close the door mercy and everyone at the time sees the kingdom of God come with power. The work of the scroll with the seven seals is complete and final tally sheets are returned to heaven. Those remaining on earth, the unrighteous living and unrighteous dead know what times they are living through and they are aware of the consequences of their final rejection of the Ministry of Jesus and His two witnesses; repentance and water baptism. It may not have been more palatable but at least they understand why the first of the bowls of the fury of God are poured out. I have called out pretty well from the word go that the feeding of the 4000 and 5000 is a deep mystery and do not expect to be able to solve it for a long time if ever. But at this first round through the miracles the evidence that I produce for the feeding of 4000 as being either the cross of Good Friday or the cross of the Day of Atonement is; the events involve the yeast of the Pharisees and Herod. This is a conspiracy between Herod and the Pharisees and that the Pharisees would allow Herod to kill John the Baptist and in return Herod will allow the Pharisees to kill the second witness, Jesus Christ. It does at least in part address the basketfulls of the scraps involved after the feeding of the 4000 and 5000. By feeding a crowd that has been following Jesus and is hungry after three days addresses the issue of Passover in the cross of Good Friday. Those who are standing and have not experienced death would be the ones who had seen Jesus after the resurrection where Jesus indeed had shown them the kingdom of God and its power. The power of Satan to cause blindness has been removed and should now be possible to see those numbers in our riddle of 5+5 and 12 and 4+7 and seven. The answer is given by Peter and it is a divine revelation that, “You are the Christ”. You are the Jesus that walked on the water that followed the crowd of 5000 being fed and the three possible responses to that miracle but now you are the Christ is what comes into focus. What is about to happen to the Christ is a conspiracy which has been stitched up between Herod and the Pharisees to murder Jesus Christ and is the antonym of the Day of Atonement. Why Satan would cause Peter to oppose the cross of Good Friday I do not know and I thought Satan would actually encourage as this would mean that the Day of Atonement and the destruction of Satan would be delayed by some 3800 years. This is the event of the cross of Good Friday and not only will Jesus carry His cross at this time the followers of Jesus are also expected to carry their cross. By the time of the Day of Atonement it will be too late to be ashamed of the Son of Man and to die for this purpose. The cross of Good Friday is the antonym of the cross of the Day of Atonement and there is no doubt in my mind now by assigning the feeding of the 4000 to the cross of the Day of Atonement was wrong but there are still a few aspects on which I made this decision on to be looked at. The first is the transfiguration is now to follow which I take a final event of the Day of Atonement representing. But those people who are fortunate enough to see Jesus resurrection Sunday morning they too would have seen a transfigured form of Jesus Christ and their reaction to seeing him shows this to be the case. Thus this section on transfiguration must be studied. Another reason and probably the main reason why I have the feeding of the 4000 connected to the Day of Atonement was that it was written up only in the synoptic gospels but not in Luke and certainly not in the Gospel of John which is the gospel of the cross of Good Friday. This one demarcation has not failed me before and this is the first time it has done so. If it was now Friday afternoon and coming on into a sabbath day I would leave this topic and ask for specific Sabbath blessings before I return to it. Sabbath blessings are not specific to the one day but apply for the whole week ahead and so at least I am going to try to put something down on paper albeit in [   ].

[First of all the problems defined. The reasons why the feeding of the 4000 are associated with the cross of Good Friday have been listed and when Peter revealed Who Jesus really was, that He was

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the Christ they were all told not to tell anyone about it because at this stage at least it was not necessarily going to happen. The Day of Atonement was always going to happen but not so the cross of Good Friday. Against this miracle and the reasons why I thought it belonged to the Day of Atonement were because they were recorded in the synoptic gospels and not in the Gospel of John especially if all three synoptic recorded it but Luke does not. The transformation was problematical and it is the gospel of John that defines itself according to the Christ. But now we seem to have a distinction between what Jesus did and what the Christ did. It was Jesus who calmed the storm and who walked on the water and that fed the crowd of 5000 and from five loaves and 5000 people He collected 12 basketfuls of scraps. But the unknown at this stage is the dividing of the two fish which are not present in the miracle of the Christ and the feeding of the 4000 with seven basketfuls of scraps left over so who was it then that performed the miracles of the catching of the fish and Who actually ate them? There are still three miracles involved with fish and there might even be a solution to our problem within these miracles. The first is the coin in the fish’s mouth in Matthew chapter 17]

Matthew 17:24- ; ‘After Jesus and his disciples arrived at Capernaum, the collectors of the two-drachma came to Peter and asked, “Doesn’t your teacher pay the temple tax?” “Yes, he does,” he replied. When Peter came into the house, Jesus was the 1st to speak. “What do you think Simon?” He asked. “From whom do the kings of the earth collect duty and taxes – from their own sons or from others?” “From others,” Peter answered. “Then the sons are exempt,” Jesus said to him”. “But so that we may not offend them, go to the lake and throw out your line. Take the first fish you catch; open its mouth and you will find a four drachma coin. Take it and give it to them for my tax and yours.”

Events before are becoming familiar to us by now; the transfiguration, Peter’s confession, the demand for a sign and the feeding of the 4000. Events after our parables and teachings of Jesus finishing up with the triumphal entry into Jerusalem.. Transfiguration that the disciples are shown could not be that of the Day of Atonement as Jesus goes to the cross of Good Friday from here. Jesus paying the temple tax for Himself and for others cannot be for Good Friday because on Good Friday Jesus paid the price for our sins and it is only the Day of Atonement which Jesus pleads guilty to all those remaining sins after the fires of hell have been extinguished Jesus would be paying temple tax for Himself. The further I go with this analysis the more wonky it becomes and clearly shows that our foundations of in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth have not yet been properly established. So it is back to Genesis 1 where we now return.

We can only really begin a commentary from the moment that time began and even though God and His omnipresence existed before this they cannot really be included. That time that began at T equals zero is clearly defined as the daily sacrifice which is not the Day of Atonement but the cross of Good Friday which would actually take place on 14 – 01 – 3889. This time is the right to exist within it on the condition that they did not reject it. There were many rejections unfortunately and now the right to exist for this world and this universe only has a matter of 2000 years to run when it will be destroyed. Without this rejection time would have continued for the eternity future and could be measured with a trillion with a trillion zeros after it. All of this time would be subdivided into units of 24 hours and would exist within the full extent of the love of Jesus Christ. As such it cannot and will not be destroyed in some 1800 years time but will pass through into the new universe where it will exist as such for the eternities to come. Even though these slots of 24 hours have greater attracting power and even though they were present for 12 hours during the period of darkness at 6 AM on the first day when God commanded the Holy Spirit to, “Let there be light!” The earth was still

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formless and empty. Time may be a component of gravity but it is not full gravity. Before time became gravity it required light to shine upon it and this becomes the issue and is probably wrong to compare the earthly step with the heavens above it. At the time when the light was turned on the Holy Spirit was hovering over the waters and so time and light created the field of gravity within and below these waters. But if that was a flash of light then it would have radiated in all directions in time and therefore created a gravity in all directions. If we try to apply this to a divine level thesn time or the divine love of Jesus Christ combined with the divine light to generate an entity that was confined within the waters that surrounded this world. But if this flash of light occurred in all directions then this entity would also have been created in all directions and not just in case within the waters and below them. The next time that God would give an instruction to the Holy Spirit would be in the birth of the child Jesus and the command would be, “let there be life!” But this life would be confined to within the womb of the Virgin Mary so why isn’t the creation that occurs on the command of, ‘Let there be light!’ Also be confined to within the womb of planet Earth if there is such a thing.  (+14580 +500)


  1. I have always regarded the being of Jesus Christ to be one person but on reading odd verses in the Gospel of John they seem to be being treated as two different entities. With further readings of other chapters I realise just how weak my understanding of chapter 1 of Genesis is and therefore I intend coming back here for the foreseeable future after I have covered the relevant section of Deuteronomy and the miracles of Jesus Christ. I cannot come back any further in Genesis and the first 12 hours of darkness which are followed by 12 hours of light and to follow them according to the pattern the Jesus gave to Nicodemus; to firstly look at the earthly step and one standing on edge to stretch my neck upwards and look for the corresponding heavenly step. On the earthly step at 6 AM when God gave the command, ‘Let there be light!’ To the spirit of God that was hovering over the waters that flash of divine light combined with time which had already existed for 12 hours and was and will always be the full extent of the love of Jesus Christ and the result was the field of gravity which first and foremost corrected the two anomalies present within the earth in that it was empty and formless but it also flashed out through the rest of time and therefore gravity is a universal force and was not confined to just under the waters of the deep. From there I looked up into heaven to see that this light was divine light and had always existed. I saw it combine with time which is really the daily sacrifice or the full extent of the love of Jesus Christ and time and light or heavenly love and light combined and cause the appearance of a divine being that I call The Christ. The Christ did appear but He was made of components that have always existed and so technically at least He was not a creation but an appearance. I then tried to confine Him to a below the waters of the deep or maybe even a flash of light that went in all directions and this would make the Christ and omnipresent being. The issue however should have been that was there a confinement at all and yes there was and it is determined by a being not yet born but will be born in some 4000 years time. Jesus. The Christ is thus a being formed by the combination of divine love and divine light which will ultimately become a part of Jesus but in the meantime will prepare the way for the coming of Jesus. The Christ will thus ultimately become what is symbolised by Scripture as Christ’s robe of righteousness which I will wear for the eternities to come and forevermore. It will be a separate being to the Holy Spirit or the Spirit of God which I will also have for the eternities come to explain this wonderful robe and I am wearing and that I received on entry into heaven at the second coming of Jesus Christ. If this is the case then the work of The Christ must begin immediately in the creation of events. The Christ must first and foremost prepare for us a dwelling place that we can

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spend these eternities in. Recently I may have become supersensitive to all the stars above me because the television has decided to emphasise this topic. I have always been starstruck by the beauty of what is above me especially at night time in a distant desert but now the focus has been turned on. If every star could be represented by a drop of water then combined they will produce an ocean much deeper than the one we have today but out of all those drops of water Scripture focuses on but one droplet. That is the relative size of the courtyard of God is when compared to what is around it in other words it is a very sharp focus indeed. It is the focus of the second day of creation and the formation of the expanse between the waters above and the waters below and prayerfully here we should at least be able to sort out some of our major problems and inconsistencies. The concept involved here is that a firstborn and ultimately the firstborn that we seek are going to be the firstborn sons of Israel over whom the angel of death will pass providing they are in the house with the blood of the Passover lamb on it. It would be a real bonus if this would help us why sons of Israel include daughters as well which is obviously the case. From day one of creation physical items that are paired include the earth itself, the deep water around it and gravity and as firstborn they carry the rights of the firstborn. (Rather obvious you might say!) But what are these rights? If in fact I am a firstborn son of Israel then what that means is that when the angel of death looks at the door frame through which I entered the second universe and into the new heaven and earth that he will not be able to kill me. It will just Passover me. I will live for the eternities to come. That is not saying that this angel of death will be capable of killing the earth or the water or gravity but that they do have the right of existence and never to be destroyed. I have been given a free will to make a choice as to whether I want to be firstborn son of Israel or not, the choice is entirely mine but the earth or water or gravity can make no such choices, they just exist. Unfortunately their existence is also dependent upon the full extent of the love of Jesus Christ upon which all creation depends and it will only take rejection by one tiny part of the creation for the rest of it to cease to exist, to be destroyed. This rejection could only take place if an offer was made to those capable of responding of whether they accepted or they reject it and if that had not been made it would not be an issue and the earth and water and gravity would have continued for the eternities to come. That offer was made on Good Friday on Mount Calvary and this is what made the force change in the history of this universe. So on day two of creation we follow firstborn water being raised some incredible distance and finally finishing up as firstborn posts of the courtyard and surrounding the sanctuary. The throne room of God was not firstborn but it has always existed it was the fence posts around it that were firstborn and therefore had to be destroyed because of man’s rejection of the cross of Good Friday. The Christ thus had to firstly supervise the placement of the posts around this courtyard and they themselves were made out of water which had first born rights and they also had firstborn rights and could not be destroyed. The placement of the courtyard and the sanctuary is defined to the precision that one drop of water defines its position in an ocean. (At this stage I cannot see how this helps us with our problem because I cannot see the problem! ) If this earth is a part of the tent of meeting then clearly it has to be within this courtyard. Both the temporary sanctuary in the Sinai desert and its permanent counterpart within the city of Jerusalem which are supposed to be shadows of what is above have one building which has two rooms; one room is the Most Holy Place and entry into which is only allowed through a curtain from the Holy Place and only the high priest can go into the first room but priests may enter and serve within the Holy Place. This may be the case in the new universe where the Most Holy Place is sitting on a foundation that is 1600 miles high above the Holy Place or the tent of meeting or the earth and there is access between the two of them by via 12 pearly gates. Because we are allowed into the Most Holy Place at any time and in fact we live in there does this give us the title of not just priest

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but high priest as well? Does our possession of the robe of righteousness of Jesus Christ and the presence of the Christ in both light and love dismantle all those barriers when our unity with Jesus Christ is complete and it is still difficult concept, almost repulsive just like Abraham killing Isaac that we eat the flesh of Jesus and drink his blood is symbolised within that robe of righteousness. Our journey to heaven began with the first day of creation and these are now events that we should have got used to and not find repulsive but then again we still have that problem, one which I can see and that is Jesus eating fish and breaking those to fish to feed the crowd of 5000. So if this earth is the tent of meeting from which I am supposed to look up and has been joined to the Most Holy Place I cannot see this connection so that Shadow that is being shown us is one of the sanctuary in the new heavens and the one on this world is different. The difference between the two of them is that Jesus Christ died on the cross of Good Friday. The difference between two of them is sin and evil are a possibility on this earth now being created and are an impossibility on the one above. The difference between two of them is one where humanity lives and one where the saints will live. The difference between two of them is one where suffering and death are prevalent but in the one above are an impossibility. The difference between two of them is one is finite and will soon and that the other is infinite and never end. The difference between two of them is that the cross of Good Friday on Mount Calvary has occurred. The Christ in His supervision of the creation of this world must factor in the possibility of this world surviving forever or being destroyed and being recreated as another world. So by the end of the second day we ask is this world going to last forever and it is because it is firstborn, the water that is on it, check, and the fence posts that have been set to mark the existence of the sanctuary, check! What about the tent of meeting where the saints still have to spend 1800 years inside of until Jesus sorts out the remaining problems of this earth? Where is this tent of meeting where both Enoch and Elijah first went and that where the saints who are resurrected with Noah at the time that the graves broke open at 3 PM on Good Friday on Mount Calvary? (+16485 +500)


  1. If Genesis is indeed written in a 3 to 3 to 1 split there we are coming to the end of the first three which has occurred in the presence of divine light. At the end of this time Jesus and the saints should be able to come onto an earth which has land exposed and has plenty of vegetation for food to eat. It is marked out with a boundary fence posts which are not all are flashy but they are firstborn and therefore have the right to exist. They are coming onto an earth which itself is firstborn and therefore should be able to last for the eternities to come. It is occupied by The Christ and it has the feild of gravity within and without of its boundaries. They could only survive on this world in the presence of divine light if there were no sin or evil or the possibilities of such. Unfortunately at this stage however there is such a possibility because neither Adam nor Eve will know what sin or evil are until they fall over them and by this stage it will be too late. Being in the presence of divine light would destroy them and to stop this from happening the divine light must be turned off and replaced by the artificial light of the sun and stars. We can only revert back to the original presence of divine light which we will be able to do in the Most Holy Place in the new universe where there will be no sin or evil or possibilities thereof. Another reason for the switch from divine to sunlight or artificial light is that once that sin occurs our relationship with God has been broken and we can no longer see the Christ in His real beauty and to compensate for this break in relationship we are going to be shown a different aspect or linkage to God that is going to be via is creation and the initial lot of bells and whistles that we are shown which will declare the glory of God is going to be the creation of the sun and the stars and the angels. These are the first wonders or glory of God but

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there will be much more and all as compensation so that ultimately will want to restore that original relationship that occurred in divine light. In returning briefly to the Book of Numbers and chapter 6 on the Nazirite is handy there to establish our bearings in relationship to this switch of creation between days three and four. The Nazirite vowel applies to both male and female who want to make a vow separation to the Lord and these vows point to the Nazirite vowel that Jesus would make with His Father for a period of separation in which it was agreed that Jesus would perform certain functions. The conditions that were agreed to were that the Nazirite was to stay away from wine, any fermented drink or any grape related product including the vinegar that Jesus drank on the cross of Good Friday. And 9 AM when Jesus sampled this vinegar to show that He knew what He was in for and then asked for and drank this vinegar at the end of His suffering at 3 PM, Jesus broke His Nazirite vow. The call that Jesus makes at this time is simply amazing; ‘Father why have you forsaken Me?’ As it was Jesus who asked for and drank the vinegar. Jesus at least thinks that the “unbreakable bond Between Father and Son” could not be broken.

The Nazirite was not supposed to cut his hair over the period of the separation and Jesus did not cut his hair before the cross of Good Friday but He did so before the cross of the Day of Atonement. The sins that Jesus bore on the cross of Good Friday were not His sins but our sins and specifically our confessed sins. On the cross of the Day of Atonement Jesus firstly cut off all His hair on the day before because this here had defiled Him as it was stained by the sins that Jesus pleaded guilty to after the fires of hell had been extinguished. It was the hair that Jesus grew over the next 1260 days that was the issue and that was placed on the cross that Jesus had just been on and it was this hair that qualified the cross to be taken from this universe to the next universe and be set up in front of the throne of God as the tree of life. The Nazirite was not supposed to go near any dead even if they were his own father or mother or brother or sister. Jesus went much further than this on the cross of Good Friday, He became one of the dead. He joined us as the dead and would remain so right until the Day of Atonement in some 1800 years and on 10 – 07 – 486 when all those miraculous changes are going to occur. So technically at least I think that the vow of this Nazirite covers the first three days of creation but it should also be noted that an exception will now be allowed. Eve did not know what evil was she only realised it once she tripped over it. And this exception is covered in verses 9 to 12 by that if someone who dies suddenly in the presence of the Nazirite and the switch from day three today four of creation. It has already been noted that with this sudden death Nazirite must shave his head on the seventh day and on the eighth day he will then go on with the Day of Atonement and the presentation of the two bird sacrifice; either pigeons or turtledoves. But if the fall of Eve was expected then why should Scriptures say she fell dead suddenly? Whether you take Adam as being the smartest person to ever live and Eve to be the second smartest or the other way around Eve should have known what she was doing. The offer that Satan was making her that of being like God and having eternal life was not his to make and she already had it anyway. I cannot see any other way of describing her action as total stupidity but there was a repair mechanism to restore humanity with divinity and this was announced by God in the garden of Eden to Eve on the day that she sinned. As it was not the intention of Jesus to finish time then but sometime later there was a patch placed over this relationship and the heavenly sign was that Enoch was accepted into heaven. There are a number of events that occurred over this time which have already been discussed but what is of interest next is in verse 13 when the law for the Nazirite when the period of his separation is over which is 1260 days after the cross of Atonement that the decommissioning of the Nazirite does not involve the twin bird sacrifice which was the solution to the Day of Atonement but it does involve a sin offering over one year old ewe lamb and a burnt offering of a one year old male lamb but without defect. What is being offered is the daily sacrifice and little wonder we have

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such difficulty in the commentary on this chapter. While we have arrived at the start of day four of creation where provisions will now be made by The Christ to take sin into account. If Jesus had gone to the cross of the Day of Atonement some 2000 years ago on 14 – 01 – 3889 and all our sins were forgiven and evil destroyed  then  could we live under the presence of divine light and we would not need the stars or the sun for their light? Would we be able to live in this divine light and in the throne room of God? The answer to this question is has the cross of Good Friday occurred or not? For the time being now we leave the role of The Christ as passing from day three to day four of creation and return to the Book of Deuteronomy and chapter 8. For all those faiths and religions that tell us to stay away from the old Testament because the laws  there do not apply to us I have not been able to find one yet which is either a direct statement of the 10 Commandments or another way of putting them. So verse one tells us; ‘Be careful to follow every command I am giving you today, so that you may live and increase and may enter and possess the land that the Lord promised  to your father’s. A part of our obedience is gained by studying our history and it appears as if The Christ Who is now preparing my robe of Christ’s righteousness is going to start with day one of creation and work His way through history. That robe will therefore be a complete history book and no doubt it will emphasise what happened during the years of 1944-2025 (?) So the history books of the saints may have a lot in common but they are not identical. A part of this history we are now being told was what happened and why it happened he was here to teach us that man does not live on bread alone on every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord. It certainly was a major miracle that their clothes did not wear out and that their feet did not swell during those 40 years in the desert. The disciplining that did occur was as a father disciplines his their child and for our good alone. Again in verse eight we are told to observe the commands of the Lord your God and to walk in his ways and have reverence for him. The history of the Israelites is a very simple history in there when they obeyed God things went very well when they didn’t instead of heaven they got hell. When they got proud and arrogant and started to a tribute their success to themselves was a sure sign that their total destruction was at hand. So up there in heaven if we do but we will not do start to a tribute the reason for our wonderful existence to ourselves it will indeed be a sign of imminent destruction but as we attributed all to Jesus it just gives us assurance that these eternities must continue forever. And so it is on this earth as well. But now we come to that critical part of the jigsaw puzzle that I do not expect to be able to work out for at least another two years and this is only our second journey to the golden calf in the Book of Deuteronomy. It was also present in the Book of Numbers but that was from the angle of the Day of Atonement but in Deuteronomy is from the angle of the cross of Good Friday and it is rather obvious there would be of benefit to compare the two accounts against each other. My initial interest in the golden calf was that both Moses and Aaron looked at the sacrifice before passing it onto Eleazar and therefore they knew what it was about and because they knew what it was about the punishment that they received for striking the rock of Meribah, they both had to die was a just punishment. (+18440 +500)


  1. In my journey through the Old Testament it was some time ago that the topic of the daily sacrifice appeared. Clearly this topic was an important one as it was daily and it was the sacrifice of Good Friday. I think something appeared on my radar that asked the question, ‘do you really want to know what this daily sacrifice means and do you realise that this journey will take you right through and into the throne room of God inside of the New Jerusalem? It is a long and difficult journey so are you really prepared to put the effort into making it?’ I must have known who was addressing me at this time because I clearly remember making the answer, ‘Yes Lord I am’. It cannot be the complete

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answer as I am at Deuteronomy chapter 9 but it must be the start of the journey proper. So far the outline that I have been shown at least in part began right back in Genesis but right now in the golden calf I have arrived at the other end. I am surprised at just how long we have been waiting at the base of the foundation which is some one thousand 600 miles high and which has the New Jerusalem, with the throne room of God inside it and it itself is a cube of 1600 miles but we seem to have come to a full stop and we cannot go any further. We have now been some 1260 days on the new earth inside of the new universe and this stalemate seems to have occurred. When we are finally given the okay to going through the pearly gates I don’t think that it will be a matter of 12 tribes standing in front of 12 pearly gates and the gates opening and we go into our own suburbs and homes. There has only been one entry up to now; there was one entry into the courtyard of God, there was one entry into the tent of meeting and there will only be one entry into the throne room of God. The doorway through which we came from the old universe and into the new universe had doorframes with the literal blood of the Passover lamb and our guarantee that we are immune from the angel of death. The heavenly version of the blood of the Passover lamb is the blood of the ox but it is still about blood and it is the wall which has the fourth creature of Jesus Christ, the one that looks like an ox is the one through which we will file into the throne room. It does have three pearly gates and the nuances between these gates we still need to study. So the problem remains what is the hold up and how are we going to overcome it? The New Testament tells us that Jesus will not be able to eat this meal again with us until He is in His Father’s Kingdom. While we are and we have been having meals with Jesus now for over three years but we have only got so far. Mind you the distance that we have come in those three years well exceeds all the time that we spent with Jesus on the old earth and old universe. The robe of righteousness that we are given on entry into the heaven at the second coming of Jesus will contain that whole history but as far as I am concerned that journey to heaven began the moment I came out of the baptismal font and full immersion baptism. The death that I was supposed to undergo in the fires of hell was taken by Jesus and He went to hell for me. Jesus joined me in the baptismal font by not only allowing me to pass my death onto him, He became a part of me but you wouldn’t know this by looking at me. Yes there were trials and tribulations at yes there were many failures but the beauty of this system is that they don’t matter! All that mattered was I was in Jesus and was therefore covered by they call on Good Friday of Mount Calvary at 3 PM, ‘It is finished!’ It was easier said than done on many occasions by providing the trial finished up by me looking up and seeing the burnt offering of 3 PM on Mount Calvary I knew I was looking at God and I knew that I was looking at life eternal and that life would be on a new universe and inside of the throne room of God itself. And the reassuring part of this is when I study Christ robe of righteousness that I was given on entry into heaven I will not be ashamed and embarrassed by what I see as there will be no, ‘Julius did’ it will only be what, ‘Jesus did’so there cannot be any shame written into that robe. The Bible tells us some of what happens to us in heaven and to those who are left behind after the second coming over the next 1800 odd years but the only critical part was that during the tribulation I looked up and I saw Jesus in the heaven to which He was taking me. There was no pain and no sorrow and no bitterness it was just a transaction between down there and up here. One second I am looking up and screaming for help from Christ Almighty at the next second I am there alongside Him! I immediately show the depth of my Christianity by praying that Jesus checks you over first and this will give me an extra fraction of a second of existence in this amazing place because when he checked me out I know that He’s going to throw me out. At least, I have half of Christianity right the bit where you have to look after yourself! Then that Elder asks, ‘Who are all these people and where they come from?’ All heaven then experiences the greatest sigh of relief and all our problems are solved when we hear the

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answer, ‘They are here because of the blood of the lamb!’ Any challenges now from anyone will now be confidently met by, ‘I am here because of the blood of the lamb!’ The angel of death has no jurisdiction over me and I am here for good now. Writing only from a background of Deuteronomy chapter 9 there must be many inconsistencies and errors which should be corrected over the remaining study of the Bible. But how in all its glory in the presence of Jesus Christ can I see or feel anything else? How can I see every prayer that has been prayed and its interaction with the saints and the saints with each other? Do we have auras around us and these auras cross over? Shouldn’t I be grateful that if it was your prayers that push me over the line and why I am in heaven now? Shouldn’t I specifically respond and thank you for these prayers? Isn’t all that stuff happened on earth over and done away with now? What is going to happen over the next 1260 years when Jesus will leave us with His two witnesses and the wise virgins to go back to earth and close the door of mercy? Where will we be in all this? We have already spent some time at looking at these times and other times and particularly at the time when Jesus was to return to heaven after the closing the door of mercy with His two witnesses in the wise virgins. This is the only time where we were allowed into the throne room of God to await the return of Jesus and His entourage. The problem that occurred at this time however all was that the foolish virgins join the end of the line of the wise virgins and demanded that they too be admitted into heaven. The ground on which they made their claim was that they had been given the seal of God and it was God Himself who placed this seal on their foreheads and anyone who has a seal of God can I go to hell and in fact must go to heaven. So why did God place this seal on their foreheads if they ultimately will be going to hell and why has God given us the task of making sure that none of these foolish virgins come back into heaven? Why was this privilege bestowed on these foolish virgins when it was not bestowed on the 700 or 800 million (?) Christians who would prefer to die for their lord rather than accept the mark of the beast? Why were they not marked with this seal on their foreheads? What song do we as the saints compose that the foolish virgins cannot sing and are therefore excluded from heaven? This has been a fascinating topic on which we have spent much time and the basic answer is given in Scripture as, ‘for anyone who calls out in the name of the Lord will be saved!’ It does not say, ‘for anyone who calls out in the name of their lord will be saved!’ There is only one Lord in the Bible and He is the one that is being addressed and not some being that you have conjured up in your own mind and who ticks the right boxes. It is of primary concern to the saints that whoever is up here will not begin rearranging the furniture according to their sinful ways. The next 500 years after the door of mercy had been closed was not really all that much concern to us as we were up here and the baddies were down there and they have been given every chance to repent but they chose not to do so. Their problem and the next big event though was when the Holy Spirit returned to heaven from earth where it had been since the day of Pentecost. (3,300 years).  We had been given Christ’s robe of righteousness on entry into heaven some 1800 years ago but it was so stunningly beautiful that we could not appreciate it. We needed the Holy Spirit to begin to explain what this robe actually meant. The giving of the Holy Spirit in heaven is described as being given a fine linen and it was this fine linen that allowed us to wear the robe of righteousness more comfortably and to understand it. Within a very short period of time the beauty of what we are shown is so great that we demand permanent union with Jesus and the wedding feast takes place. After this it is not surprising that we will follow Jesus wherever He goes but surprised they were now leaving the heaven of this universe behind and going off to some new universe and throne room of God has to be a bit of a surprise. We are lined up in armies behind the rider of the white horse and probably in an order that we will enter onto the new earth and finally into New Jerusalem in. Scripture has told us that there will be two battles that we have to fight of those who are going to try to stop us from leaving this universe.

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There was always going to be one battle, the battle of Armageddon but it works out that this was split into two and the first of them is our battle against the wicked living and these are the ones who nearly exterminated us at the second coming of Jesus. There is no joy or delight or seeking revenge in this battle just a relief that all the wicked are now dead and when they are resurrected they will be thrown into hell along with Satan and all the wicked dead, their second death and second death for all human beings is in hell. Over the next 1250 days we are very alert as Jesus delivers this tutorial which is primarily aimed at those down there on earth and who are about to be thrown into hell. But it is the saints in Eden2 who hang of every word and there are many words to hang off. We must be prepared for the Day of Atonement which is now coming up and which all sin and evil will be destroyed but this will just be the preparation stage for our entry into the New Jerusalem which we can see but all the pearly gates are closed. It is not just the volume of Scripture that Jesus presents but He presents as at such a level that heavenly beings are capable of understanding. I find it still amazing the number of events that occur between 01 – 07 – 486 and 10 – 07 – 486 and from there for the history of this earth and universe. It starts of benignantly enough just a trumpet sound at daybreak on 1 July of year 486 of Daniel’s reckoning. Then in the next 48 hours Jesus Himself fights the battle of the beast and all the wicked including Satan and the evil angels are thrown into hell where they are consumed by the fires. But the Book of Revelation tells us that those fires of hell were not hot enough to destroy the evil itself or the beast. These bodies were put into the wine press of the wrath of God and the blood from all these bodies form the river which is 200 miles long. They’re this river of blood of life and evil will remain right through to the end of the existence of this universe and once it is destroyed then a new universe will come into existence. But even after the death of Satan and all the wicked evil in hell there are still sins left behind and these sins establish the nature of the justice of God. No one is going to be suffering in hell for sins they did not know that they were committing and this disproves probably Satan’s most powerful weapon in destroying the nature of God to such an extent that it becomes repulsive and that is the eternal fires of hell. There are very few churches and ministries who do not teach this abomination! The next thing that happens is very relevant to the saints in heaven. Of those sins that are remaining which I take to be 70 trillion some belong to the saints and the rest belong to the wicked dead who have now been destroyed. It is Jesus as High Priest Who now pleads guilty to all these sins. It is not a game of charades but because Jesus is now guilty of sin he becomes defiled by that sin and therefore separated from God the Father. This period of defilement is such that Jesus is no longer visible to us, He was there one minute and the next minute there is darkness where Jesus stood. These may be trying times for Jesus but it is also trying times for the saints who have just lost the bridegroom and only after such a short period of marriage. Yes it is of some help that Jesus has just explained to us what to expect and what is going to happen but to lose sight of Jesus is another thing altogether. Yes the fine linen, the Holy Spirit does remain back with us in Eden2 as does the robe of righteousness of Jesus Christ. Does this mean that the Day of Atonement which is coming up on 10 – 07 – 486 is not imprinted on this robe or is it being printed on as we look on? Those seven days that Jesus remains in darkness seem like an eternity and every saint is dying to cry out, “Who is this Jesus?” Like the Roman soldier who came down to arrest Jesus in Gethsemane on that Thursday night we know where Jesus is but we long to know who Jesus is? If it is the same soldier who now asks the question no one is going to begrudge him the privilege of asking this question. The surprising answer is not that the words are different but the level or the meaning that Jesus gives is different. In Gethsemane when Jesus answered, “ I AM HE!” Creation all fell dead at the feet of Jesus but now this same answer gives a different result. It is still, “I AM HE!” But Jesus is in a different position to what he was nearly 4000 years before. On that night in Gethsemane Jesus stood in the shoes of the Passover

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lamb but now he stands in the shoes of the twin bird sacrifice. This sacrifice is only available to the poorest of the poor and those who have nothing and with all the transactions that take place at this particular time and within the next 24 hours you would think that the saints are indeed ready to be taken into the throne room of God. This would not be the case and the time of preparation for this elevation is now about to start. The problem specifically defined is that everything that can possibly be done has been done and we are still not ready to be admitted into the throne room of God and the presence of divine light. There are at least five steps involved from the time when this problem appeared first on earth until now where we are looking upwards towards the Holy City and are waiting for the pearly gates to spring open. Coincidentally the problems began at the point where I am now in the book of Genesis and on day four of creation. Here The Christ began turning off the divine lights as part of the preparation for the appearance of sin. If sin appeared in the light that was present over the first three days of creation that person would be immediately destroyed but here The Christ is going around and turning sunlight on but Sonlight off in preparation for the appearance of sin. But as The Christ prepares for the appearance of sin He also prepares the way of getting rid of it. It would not matter whether it was day one or day four or any other day all days are the presentation of the daily sacrifice and of the end of sin. The moment that we thus seek it is the end of that sin and turning on of the divine light that is present within the throne room of God. But why is it so difficult to turn on these divine lights again? There is much history between the turning off and turning back on again that light of the Sonlight. I am going to call an event five and the final event in the process. One of those five steps was the cross of Good Friday on Mount Calvary and even though I am supposed to have been the and made a call of acceptance I cannot remember it and therefore need a reminder of it. One of them I was there and vividly remember what happened before the cross of the Day of Atonement, on the day that it happened and the 1260 days after it when the Bible says that my temple had been finished being built. This was a clear-cut event because of my desire not to ever forget the cross especially if it was the same cross that was used for both the Day of Atonement in the cross of Good Friday some 3800 years previously. My fears were allayed in two ways that this cross would never be forgotten. Jesus placed His sinless hair at the foot of it and with this DNA this cross would now pass the boundary not just onto the new earth but into the throne room of God where it would stand in front of the throne as the tree of life. This cross would also be placed into my heart and the holy place and no longer be outside somewhere in the courtyard. It was coming across on two grounds and after the decommissioning of the Nazirite I was sent away to allow these things to sink into my heart and to prepare for the final crossing into the new universe. The lengthy time for this contemplation which could be as long as two lots of jubilee years or 100 years must have had a purpose. Chapter 15 in the Book of Numbers seems to be preparing us for a significant length of time by saying, ‘When you get to heaven do….’ The idea seems to be the difference between how far we get in 100 years on this earth and then compare it to 100 days on the new earth when we are in the presence of Jesus and He in turn is present in His Father’s Home. Jesus specifically warned us whilst He was here on earth to anticipate such a great change when we were in heaven with Him. As well as the cross of Good Friday which I need to be shown before I can work it in with the other five acts of salvation the other two acts are; the Day of Atonement that was shown to Satan and to Eve and was the twin bird sacrifice that is written up in the Book of Numbers in chapter 6. The last one at this stage anyway is how this twin bird sacrifice managed to change into one bull, two goats and two rams by the time thats Jesus came down to fulfil them. This was by the introduction of the scapegoat and therefore a variable which we can move between these sacrifices. The Very First Day of Atonement and that of the garden of Eden where Eve had just committed an unintentional sin is now being carried out in front of and alongside

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us as the twin bird sacrifice and will ultimately be carried out on day 1260 and the sacrifice of eternity. From here we will be admitted into the throne room of God and divine light but this will only be possible because we have been shown the golden calf beforehand. So our studies will circle around the Day of Atonement and the cross of Good Friday. This twin bird sacrifice that we are first going to look at actually did occur or 10 – 07 – 486 but because it was not in the presence of the cross of Good Friday or the red heifer it was still not enough to turn divine lights back on again. So the armies of Jesus that He left behind to come to earth for a short time but then returned back again on the evening of the Day of Atonement and went to the cross of Atonement as Daniel had predicted all those years before. This actually one and only day of Atonement that occurred was when Jesus was within the deepest crevice. In front of Him were 70 trillion sins and God the Father was not visible. Behind him was His family which He had left to do His Father’s business and He would never see them the same again. There was going to be a partial enactment of the transformation and in this transformation Jesus would go in as the Son of Man and come out as the Son of God. What this would mean to us is that Jesus would go in as a part of us but we would come out as a part of Him. Is this the time at which we have our sexual organs changed and acquire a body that Jesus had after His resurrection is an issue but not for now. We/saints see Jesus returning from above planet Earth after having destroyed Satan and it is God the Father Who places his only begotten Son onto the altar/cross and binds Him onto it and sets the fires of hell alight in order to destroy those 70 trillion sins. The beast within me or the evil within me was actually totally destroyed on the cross of Good Friday but it was revived by Jesus so it is in a much weakened form already and will no longer retire require flames of the same intensity that were present on Good Friday. But by looking at what is going on at the cross now does destroy this beast and it destroys it completely. I cannot say that they were my unintentional sins that Jesus suffered for because if I did it would be making Jesus into a liar. He has already pleaded guilty to each and every one of them. I do know that if this cross that I am looking at now does not occur I will have to spend the rest of eternity in this universe and on this earth because the new universe can only be created in the absence of sin and evil and only then can the divine light be turned on again. That does not mean when the batch number of the scenes that I committed come up that I do not recognise them because I do. What is the worst part of the scenario is that I did not know at the time that they were even sin! Not that that would help much but at least I would have confessed to them before now. They may have been unintentional but they still hurt and the worst part of it is that I do not realise that I was hurting my Saviour and for that I am deeply sorry. We have recently come from this Day of Atonement as described in the Book of Numbers of chapter 6 but what was not stressed was the 1260 days in the temple building that went on in my body after seeing this Day of Atonement. We do know that is finished with the decommissioning of the Nazirite and the presentation of the male lamb and the ewe lamb burnt and sin offerings and it is this final joint offering that we now seek.  (+22825 +500)


  1. Sometimes things do not turn out as expected and yesterday was such a day. The problem was I confused the golden calf with the red heifer. When I am going to finish off some section I look at the next section to give me time to think about what comments I’m going to make and such was the result of reading Deuteronomy chapter 8. I glanced across to chapter 9 and I thought I saw a very well rehearsed topic which was the golden calf but I mistook it for the red heifer. I was quite relieved and therefore for a change I was going to be commenting on something I was familiar with and the red heifer is one of the very few subjects that I could say that about. So I glanced through the chapter

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expecting to see Aaron and Moses looking at a red heifer and deciding this was not for them and then pass it onto the priest, Eleazar. Eleazar was supposed to take some blood from this red heifer and sprinkle it towards the doorway of the tent of meeting which did not yet exist as it was in the other universe but the doorway did exist. He was then supposed to invite me to push the red heifer into the incinerator which I did with great reservation and as I watch the red heifer burn and the additives of the cross of Good Friday added to the flames it started to dawn on me the love of Jesus Christ and what He was prepared to go through in order to get me into heaven with Him. Then that section on the water which came out of the ashes from that fire and on which I am going to judge both Moses and Aaron because they knew what was happening and it was blasphemy for them to strike the rock of Meribah twice. It was finally going to be this water they cleanse me to such an extent that I would be able to enter through the pearly gates and not drop dead in the presence of God on His throne and to finally begin my eternal life in this new heaven. Yes I know that story very well but as I read chapter 9 of Deuteronomy none of that came through and I became quite distressed. Could I have this heifer that wrong? How much difference can there be when the same animal is being presented in the Book of Numbers and as a part of the Day of Atonement and then been presented again in the Book of Deuteronomy or the cross of Good Friday? How much of my previous work was I now going to have to rewrite and delete? The fact that I lost readers, if any would be beneficial because if they want something that is inspired and has no mistakes in it and they should be read in the Bible not this blog. I never did claim that I had all the answers and one of those that has to be settled is as we wait for the pearly gates to open is the chronology that is followed in the new heaven and a six-month difference between the feasts or the chronology of the twin bird sacrifice of numbers chapter 6. The six month cycle involved that first of all we see the heavenly version of what happened on Good Friday and the red heifer, we get the wash of water and ash from Good Friday and after six months we go through the Day of Atonement celebration at the foot of the massive foundation after which the High Priest Jesus Christ ascends by Himself into the New Jerusalem and then a short time after the pearly gates swing open and we are allowed into our heaven of eternity. And this is the order that I would expect for the attorneys to come and therefore the heavenly year would begin with January and not July and the Day of Atonement. In the version that we have just been to in numbers chapter 6 we spend 1259 days laying at the foot of the cross we are on day one Jesus hung for all those 70 trillion unconfessed unintentional sins and had them obliterated. The only reason that our worship for Jesus and on the cross that He had just been on is broken because we are told that Jesus is coming into the new Jerusalem and that His cross is going to be moved into the sanctuary within our hearts forever more. It is only when that happens that the Nazirite is decommissioned and hands in the male lamb one year old and the ewe lamb as the burnt and the sin offerings. So what happened here on earth to the Israelites? Did they start the year at the Day of Atonement in July and then proceed from there and in six months time the Passover because at Passover there were no sins forgiven and the angel of death passed over them because their sins have been forgiven six months before. No, there were many issues still to be sorted out in one of those I expected to be was the order in which these occurred and our final entry into the throne room of God. Perhaps the red heifer of Numbers was so very different to that of Deuteronomy because this was the issue that was being addressed? Before I was going to  delete and rewrite anything I was going to state my case first. So it may not have been a waste of time when the topic of the red heifer comes up again I will have also already stated my case. So now I switch my focus from the very end and the heavenly version of what is recorded about the cross of Good Friday to the very start of it where it began in Egypt. There are quite a number of problems that originate from this beginning and the only reason I want to point my finger at Moses and at Aaron and tell them they were guilty and they should be put to death and that they should not enter Canaan

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because they knew exactly what they were doing and I know what the same accusation to be pointed at me, ‘You knew or you should have known what you are doing and therefore you are guilty and you will be put to death and you will not see Canaan!’ Surely I have not travelled the path that Aaron trod in being the originator of all this mess and then finishing up as the High Priest and representing all the people before God! It doesn’t matter how much Aaron complains blames the people for what happened on the day as their leader it is Aaron that gets the blame! It was not Moses who was quite shocked at what he saw but it was Aaron who was guilty and should have been the first one killed. If this is supposed to be an example of the mercy of God then you couldn’t get a better example than Aaron plus repentance equals Aaron as high priest. I don’t think even the example of the apostle Paul experiencing such a meteoric rise as Aaron did! In this commentary on the Bible never aims to give a better understanding of Scripture just a different understanding and right now as I look at these texts I am struggling to do so so I am here to use them as core texts and add a commentary where I can. The topic is of such critical importance as it is on this place that the cross of Good Friday stands. Chapter 9 verse one-; ‘Hear, O Israel. You are about to cross the Jordan to go in and dispossess nations greater and stronger than you, with large cities that have walls up to the sky. (Up there both of our battles against the beast and Satan will have been fought and won  before we attempt to cross the Jordan and through the door with the blood on it and into Canaan. There will only be one city there with massive walls and it is going to be a real spiritual is struggle before we are allowed to enter this city which has walls up to the sky). The people are strong and tall – Anakites! You know about them and you have heard it said: “who can stand up against the Anakites?” But be assured today that the Lord your God is the one who goes ahead of you like a devouring fire. He will destroy them; he will subdue them before you. And you will drive them out and annihilate them quickly, as the Lord has promised you.  ( There are very many marked differences between what happened here on earth on the earthly step and what is going to happen in some 1800 years time on the heavenly step. We will not be involved at all as this will be Jesus doing the work as the Son of God) after the Lord your God has driven them out before you, do not say to yourself, “the Lord has brought me here to take possession of this land because of my righteousness”. No, it is on the account of the wickedness of these nations that the Lord is going to drive them out before you. It is not because of your righteousness or your integrity that you are going to take possession of their land; but on account of the wickedness of these nations, the Lord your God will drive them out before you, to accomplish what he swore to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Understand, then, that it is not because of your righteousness that the Lord your God is giving you is good land to possess, for you are a stiffnecked people. Remember this and never forget how you provoked the Lord your God to anger in the desert. From the day that you left Egypt until you arrived here, you have been rebellious against the Lord. As Horeb you aroused the Lord’s wrath so that he was angry enough to destroy you. When I went up on the mountain to receive the tablets of stone, but tablets of the covenant that the Lord had made with you, I stayed on the mountain 40 days and 40 nights; I ate no bread and drink no water. The Lord gave me two stone tablets inscribed by the finger of God. On them were all the commandments the Lord proclaims you on the mountain out of the fire, on the day of the assembly. At the end of the 40 days and 40 nights, the Lord gave me the two stone tablets, the tablets of the covenant. Then the Lord told me, “go down from here at once, because your people whom you brought out of Egypt have become corrupt. They have turned away quickly from what I commanded them and have made a cast idle for themselves.” And the Lord said to me, “I have seen this  people, they are a stiffnecked people indeed! Let me alone, so that I may destroy them and block them out their name from under the heaven. And I will make you into a nation stronger and more numerous than they.” (Christians?) So I turned and went down from the mountain while it was ablaze with fire.

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And the two tablets of the covenant were in my hands. When I look, I saw that you had seemed against the Lord your God; you had made for yourselves and idle cast in the shape of a calf. You had turned aside quickly from the way that the Lord had commanded you. So I took the two tablets and threw them out of my hands, breaking them to pieces before your eyes. Then once again fell prostrate before the Lord for 40 days and 40 nights; I ate no bread and drink no water, because of all the sin you had committed, doing what was evil in the Lord site and so provoking him to anger. I fear the anger and wrath of the Lord, for he was angry enough with you to destroy you. But then again the Lord listen to me. And the Lord was angry enough with our own to destroy him, but at that time I prayed for Aaron too. Also I took all that sinful thing of yours, the calf you had made, and burned it in the fire. Then I crushed it and grounded to powder is finest asked through the dust into a stream that flowed down the mountain. You also made the Lord angry at Taberah at Massah and at Kibroth Hattaavah. And when the Lord sent you from Kadesh Barnea, he said, “go up and take possession of the land I have given you.” But you rebelled against the command of the Lord your God. You did not trust him or obey him. You have been rebellious against the Lord ever since I have known you. I lay prostrate before the Lord those 40 days and 40 nights because the Lord had said he would destroy you. I pray to the Lord and said, “a sovereign Lord, do not destroy your people, your own inheritance that you redeemed with great power and brought out of Egypt with a mighty hand. Remember your servants Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Overlook the stubbornness of this people, their wickedness and their sin. Otherwise, the country from which you brought us will say, “because the Lord was not able to take them into the land he had promised them, and because he hated them, he brought them out and put them to death in the desert.” But they are your people, your inheritance that you brought out by your great power and your outstretched arm.”

The two tablets that Moses broke were replaced by two tablets which were chiselled out of stone by Moses and placed in a wooden chest made out of acacia wood. The proclamation was made out of fire and association with the sun is not unreasonable. God did not destroy the Israelites as He wanted to and it was only the intervention of Moses that saveds them and Aaron. It is on the intervention of Jesus Christ that God does not destroy us and the intervention that is involved is that Jesus will fulfil the requirements of those stone tablets to the degree that God requires them to be filled and then will hand us the completed results. To dissociate what was written on those two stone tablets, the 10 Commandments from the cross of Good Friday is like trying to study chemistry without acknowledging the existence of the atom. Yet most people today who call themselves Christians and carry the emblem of the cross around their necks will not associate the cross of Good Friday with the 10 Commandments. It must be one of Satan’s greatest achievements to have people study theology and all those wonderful ideas without a base to start from and that base is the 10 Commandments. They are not the same Commandments that Moses brought down the mountain the first time they were written on stone supplied by God and will ultimately be the standard in the Day of Atonement, no these 10 Commandments were different. { System crashed today and at first it appeared irretrievably and it looked as if I would be having a forced holiday and probably lost about 400 words. +25444 +900)


  1. Yesterday was a strange day indeed in that when I arrived I expected to make the final assault on Mount Calvary. Not just all the equipment was there so was the rope and the rope was measured out and it did reach from the peak of Mount Calvary and the red heifer and reached right down to the bottom of the golden calf. Every was set in place and it was a matter of beginning the climb. Then during the day after I got over the shock of being told that I would not be doing the climb up the mountain but firstly had to check the footholds of the golden calf when the system

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crashed. I spent quite a while following the prompts and finally got to a cut and paste prompt but was not told what to cut-and-paste so the run prompts didn’t know what to run. I feel quite relieved as this was a forced holiday and would allow me to sort out the issues particularly those in Genesis to a higher level. Then all of a sudden it fired up but the problem was I was typing mostly onto a black screen which does not match the level of difficulty of reading and correcting off a black screen and I think I might have to write up some corny saying like, ‘life is not meant to be easy!’ If this darkness problem transfers onto the Internet then you wouldn’t be able to read it either and both our problems are solved except that I would not know if an Internet crash had occurred because I wouldn’t see it! But the issues that needed to be addressed are far deeper than that. The first one is why does almost every Christian denomination today ignore the 10 Commandments? Leaving the SDA’s behind who try to remember to keep the Sabbath day holy but then ignore the commandment on stealing because it is just so works out that their prophetess if not the greatest kleptomaniac around then she is way up in the top five at least. This selective picking and choosing of the 10 Commandments and only makes them into a mockery. I do not know of any churches that encourage you to go around killing people although Jimmy Swaggart cannot contain his excitement at the thought of Christians being killed by atheists and he leaps for joy at this thought and encourages you to come and join him and if you do so he will baptise you with one of his demonic angels and call you a, “born again christian!” But for the most part most of Christianity today gives tacit approval to the 10 Commandments without ever emphasising them. This approach gives a fair way of leeway and if there are any problems with any of the Commandments allows you to disobey them and universally they will disobey the one that begins with, “Remember to keep holy the Sabbath day”. It was yesterday therefore that I had to stop and revise the significance of the 10 Commandments as these were the base of what happened on Good Friday or Mount Calvary. You can build as many hospitals and schools and orphanages and feed as many hungry people as there are but there are also many other organisations doing this that are not Christian organisations. Christianity stands on one question alone and that is on what that Roman soldier asked when he came to arrest Jesus on the Thursday night; “who is this Jesus?” This Jesus is the one Who hung on the cross between 3 PM and 4 PM as the burnt offering of the Friday on Mount Calvary! And when He called out, “It is finished!” What was finished was that the 10 Commandments had been obeyed and fulfilled to the degree that was required by Divinity. To ignore this then becomes sin but to those who deliberately disobey and teach others to disobey their fate is foretold in the book of Hebrews where a new concept is introduced and that the fires of hell have a high and low setting and for these people the setting will be at “high!” It also tells us the sin which these people are committing is that of nailing Jesus back onto the cross! I have known for some time now that the base of the cross on Mount Calvary began on Mount Sinai when Aaron and the congregation made and worshipped a golden calf and it was to this point that I expected to be brought back to and to start the journey onto Mount Calvary from here. But first I had to establish what this golden calf actually was. Was it male or was it female or was it both or was it neither seems to take in most the possibilities. Was it because the genitalia of a calf is undefined and therefore Aaron had difficulty in reproducing it or was it supposed to be both? If it was a female than this gave us a female calf which somehow became joined to a female lamb which the Nazirite handed in as a sin offering at his decommissioning and then finally went on to become the red heifer? Or was it a male calf which went on to become join to the male lamb or the burnt offering at the decommissioning of the Nazirite and then finally went on to become Aaron the high priest as he looked over the red heifer and decided that this was not his sacrifice and handed it onto Eleazar the priest to conduct? This certainly was one thread that I was seeking and it had to be present on at least one occasion that

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Aaron looked at the red heifer and passed it onto Eleazar. Aaron knew what he was doing and was justly condemned to death at the rock of Meribah. Then overarching this whole scenario was Moses who pleaded on behalf of his people for God not to destroy them which God was going to do but then “changed His mind” and did not destroy them but instead responded in love and the ultimate act of love that God could respond with was the full extent of the love of Jesus Christ! There are still too many bits and pieces floating around in order to make this a coherent story and the reason why it is not coherent is because it starts at Sinai or Horeb but Scripture tells us to start at Passover and gives us the specific date of 01 – 01 – 01. The answer to our problem is in Genesis chapter 1, “In the beginning!” And this has been our weak link from the beginning. At times it is very discouraging to have been blogging for so many years now but still have not got the beginning right. At least I do not have to ask the same questions over and over again and the greatest question of them all is, “What difference did Good Friday on Mount Calvary make?”—-

Not everybody refuses to speak to me and I do speak to myself quite often. If you see me doing this you might wonder why every so often I put my hand up and this is to tell myself not to say this thing because I have already heard it before. It usually happens as a last form of communication when everything else has been tried and everything has failed. At times like this I must address myself sternly and to take the gloves off. First question; is there only one date the issue or have there been other dates given as well? Answer; two dates have been given us by now, one of them 01 – 01 – 01 was the first day of creation and the beginning of this universe and the second data has been given us is 01 – 01 – 01 which was given in Egypt and recorded in Scripture as the Passover. (Yes, got that and at times you have to be flippant if situations such simplicity are being confused!) At this stage as I do not know I am going to guess that 01 – 01 – 01 in Egypt occurred 2500 years after the first day of creation and therefore some 1500 years before the cross on Good Friday. This would mean then the Passover event in Egypt on 01 – 01 – 01 has been preceded by some 2500 years of history which could be blending in with the events of Egypt or Egypt as a standalone event. But surely 2500 years of history cannot just be forgotten! The least that could have happened is that the events of Egypt were based on what happened in creation week but they did take a different turn. The turning point was not in the Sinai when Aaron and the congregation worship the golden calf but the turning point was on that Friday night of 01 – 01 – 01 in Egypt maybe this was where creation event of the supposed come to a s climax and then it was just a matter of time until the end of days. (+26980 +900)


  1. There must be any number of questions and jigsaw puzzles and riddles in this world today but none can surpass the jigsaw of this universe from its very beginning and right through to the eternities to come. It is written by the One Who did it and it is written for our posterity and even though the greatest brains would help they are not essential and all that is required is a little faith which will not only move mountains into the sea but mountains from this universe to another one. It is certainly not an easy riddle but it is still quite amazing that many have not solved it from many different angles and come up with the same answer. If I am still typing in 10 or 20 years time I would think that I would have a better idea of what I am talking about and I do have a better idea today than what I did five years ago. But there are so many pieces in this puzzle which an old mind has difficulty in assembling. But I do stay with it because with time I seem to be heading closer and closer to the answer. I don’t have to look for any other bits and pieces as they are all here and none have been lost it is just a matter of assembling them. There are only two sacrifices that are possible and there are only two universes that are possible and one of those does not exist today except in

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the world of absurdity and in the world of insanity of nothing. By providing something is achieved and each run-off gets us a little bit further towards the end then it has been worthwhile but I would imagine if you read this blog in 10 years time it would be significantly different to what it is today. The way Scripture is written it will not be possible to have these two great sacrifices in one year, within six months of each other and so each year depicts eternity. Jesus could not go to the cross of Good Friday and six months later then go to the cross of the Day of Atonement. The cross of Good Friday assumes that the people in the houses, particularly the firstborn sons of Israel are sinless and all that is required now is to sprinkle the blood of the Passover lamb on to the doorway to ensure that the angel of death passed over these firstborn sons of Israel. They would not be sin free until the Day of Atonement when confessed sins were removed by the scapegoat and unconfessed unintentional sins were taken by the high priest. The other way would not work either. If we had the Day of Atonement first then we would be AT-ONE-isMENT and if we were already at one with God then there would be no reason for applying blood on any doorway. There must therefore be parts of the service moved around and this would only leave to alternatives; firstly there would be the Day of Atonement only and this would be followed by heaven on this earth. Lucky for Enoch and Elijah as they would be in the heaven above. This leaves the second alternative as firstly shuffle all confessed sins onto Good Friday and therefore our sins are gone and then as sinless beings we go on to the Day of Atonement and we are one with God and this is the only alternative that is now in play. The Good Friday option has been exercised, the Day of Atonement is still to come and this is the format that is followed within Scripture. The way Scripture is written is not to give us just the final answer but to apply the logic we have been given and to derive this answer for ourselves; all logical and all easy. It is okay to set up a model and then you use Scripture to either prove it or disprove it. The model that I set up is that 01 – 01 – 01 or the first day of creation in Genesis (it only tells us that this is the first day by being the first day it must also be in the first month in the first year) I use as the “birthday” of The Christ and I use the second 01 – 01 – 01 in Egypt as the “birthday” of Jesus. I doubt very much that the JW’s have used a similar line of reasoning to arrive at the conclusion that Jesus is not God and certainly different to God the Father but again true knowledge I cannot leave any options off the table. I do not know of any theology today, certainly not a Christian one that takes into account the Day of Atonement and with such a yawning gap you must expect yawning gaps. I do not concede that the Christ is a born or created entity. Strictly The Christ is a combination of divine light which has always existed and this is combined with time which is the full extent of the love of Jesus Christ which also has always existed but at a much deeper level than before time came into being. The Christ may have made an appearance on this earth for the first time at 6 AM on the first day when God gave the order, “Let there be light!” The Christ has existed since this time but The Christ is fully divine at this stage I cannot see any human input there whatsoever.

It is the combination of Jesus and the Christ is what we seek and the depth of the question that the Roman soldier came to arrest Jesus asked, “Who is this Jesus?” And how much more different will the situation be when he asks the same question some 3800 years later?

I am privileged in my family to have people of different skills and daughter number two is married to an experienced mountaineer and canyoner and I have taken the advantage of being in such a privileged position. On the morning when we are packing excitement runs high but the problem is that the excitement that we do experience is many times higher and I would not have gone if I had told me. Our last Canyon, Empress in the Blue Mountains was one such example. That was the one to start it there was a tunnel in the rock where my son-in-law hung onto my feet and my daughter jumped on my head and every time she jumped I moved down a fraction. From memory it was a

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right-hand thread as we all kept twisting around the right and if I had known that this was the entrance I would have passed. This was but the beginning and the next section was a fairly’s steep rock slide that if you came down to fast it was on the edge of the cliff and you would fall onto rocks 35 m below you. If you break late or too heavily there was a cave under there in which many people have drowned. You would think that entrance plus slide would constitute excitement but there was nothing with what was still to come. To abseil you have to walk over the cliff backwards and just keep feeding the rope into a braking mechanism and  get to the bottom but here there was no cliff face to walk on just a ledge that poked out for miles into the wilderness. The professionals just jump out and fall far enough so they can swing back onto the cliff face but none of them weigh more than 70 kg and with my 100 kg this was not a possibility. If I tried this I would technically be using, “the express lane” at least it does quicken the process for other people. Being professionals they took pictures along the way I still shudder at the thought of seeing them! Such was the excitement a few days ago when I was roped up and ready to make an assault on Mount Calvary and the red heifer and join it to the golden calf in Sinai. I found two problems in this rope before I started, it wasn’t long enough just to get to the golden calf but it had to get back to Egypt itself and Passover. The second problem with this rope, the 10 Commandments was that almost everybody either doesn’t believe in them at all or that they have been done away with. This was the latter between these two events and I had to sort this problem out first. It didn’t really worry me what other people said I wanted to know was what Scripture said and Scripture is indeed the ladder or the rope that joins the red heifer in the golden calf together but there is also a little bit before the golden calf begins and as I do not know at this stage I will take it as three months between the Passover in Egypt on 01 – 01 – 01 and the time that Aaron and the congregation were caught worshipping the golden calf. I know that the Israelites left Egypt on 01 – 01 – 01 so the date of the day before they left I take as 00 – 01 – 01 even though there is no such date but it could well be 2500 years since the day of creation. So our climb at Mount Calvary must technically start at 00 – 01 – 01 and that is the day before they set out on the Passover of Good Friday and then three months until Aaron and the congregation worshipped the golden calf and then another 1260- 1500 years until the cross of Good Friday. I have also been confusing myself in using the Passover in Egypt and the cross of Good Friday synonymously which they are not. The Passover in Egypt did not have anything to do with the forgiveness of sin and therefore did not require a scene offering and the blood of the Passover lamb was supposed to be sprinkled into a doorway which contained the firstborn sons of Israel. This blood was no longer an issue as it had been accepted that the angel of death would Passover the firstborn sons of Israel and the blood was shed by literally thousands of one year old lambs on the night of the Passover. The question of acceptance of the blood of the Passover lamb was no longer an issue, the question was not asked and the only thing that required an answer was whether Jesus had met the high standards required by God the Father which Jesus did check on Resurrection Sunday morning. Finally then who was it that was lined up and who was left Egypt actually on 02 – 01 – 01.?  (28790 +900)


  1. As on the day before 01 – 01 – 01, the day before the Passover who was it who was ready to leave sinful Egypt? Anyone and everyone who wanted to. God had long experimented with humanity and given them the reins to rule over this earth but the overall result was a disaster and instead of coming closer and closer to Him they were further and further. God’s solution to this problem on this day was to call for volunteers who wanted to leave the sinful world and to come to join Him. All may not have been literally present in Egypt on this day but there were attempts going to be made to bring them in from every corner of the world. There were no exclusions or filters then

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and there are no exclusions or filters today. There is a very severe filtration process at the end and in this case only one made it out of 600,000. But if this large throng was ready to march out there what was it what that they were missing? All provisions had already been made. There was a correction factor for the unintentional unconfessed sins of Eve which was forecast on the same day that Eve sinned or the original Day of Atonement and this had been corrected and added to by none other than the High Priest Melchizedek to include both confessed and unconfessed sins. What else did these people or anyone else require other than having all their sins forgiven them? Were they not now at one with God, Atonement had been made or would have been made once Jesus Had Gone through the Day of Atonement some one thousand 500 years later on 10 – 07 – 3889. So what were they missing that Passover would provide and was Passover essential or just an extra bonus that the people would receive if they left Egypt on that day? Where would they have finished up had there been no Passover?

Passover involved (1) the angel of death which would (2) Passover or not kill (3) the firstborn sons of Israel who (4) inside of their homes which had the blood of the Passover lamb on its doorframes. Rephrasing this sentence would give; the angel of death will kill any firstborn son of Israel in this throng who on the night in question does not have the blood of the Passover lamb on the home in which he is staying. But how can these people be killed if they have just been through the Day of Atonement Leviticus 16 and the scapegoat? They have no sin! What that means is that they have no sin and therefore cannot be thrown into the fires of hell but it does not mean that they have been readmitted into the fold. This requires a response from God Himself in order for these to be readmitted. The life for readmission into the presence of God is contained within the blood of Jesus Christ, of the Passover lamb. It does not have to be directly applied to the person themselves but providing they are within the precinct that is covered by this blood they will still be okay. In Egypt on 01 – 01-01 this was not literal blood, it was symbolic blood. There was symbolism involved and Jesus was not required to literally go to the cross of Passover. It did not matter how many literal lambs were killed on that night or on any other Passover they could not begin to match one droplet of the blood of Jesus Christ. They could not forgive one sin. But even though what happened on that night was symbolic its effects were literal and the angel of death did Passover any firstborn sons in the homes that had the blood on it. So what is the history of that initial lot of symbolic blood of thousands of lambs that were killed on that night and many nights after that as well over the years until the cross of Good Friday? Why did symbolic blood become literal blood and what difference does it make, what difference did Jesus make to the cross of Good Friday literally make? If Jesus had not gone to the cross of Good Friday and there would be no doorway with a literal blood of the lamb on it into the new universe then where would have all this happened on this earth? Without Good Friday there would be no literal blood but symbolic blood as it was on the first day in Egypt. This was not a game of charades but that symbolic blood carried enough power in it to force the angel of death to Passover those homes that had the blood of the literal lambs on it. Even if that symbolic blood was present on the doorway in the heaven above us and the Enoch and Elijah would have taken advantage of it as they were the only two up there by the time of the cross of Good Friday. The rest of the throng that left Egypt on the next day could not have gone to the heaven above them. That option was only available for unconfessed unintentional sins, Eve sins but by including the confessed sins of Abraham and these are used as a pivot us back to Adam and forward from me the option of a heaven above was no longer available and therefore the heaven had to be on this earth as is described by Daniel in chapter 9:24-27. Where would the blood of the Passover lamb [symbolic] have been placed in this case and to last over the eternities to come? Surely even in a heaven on this earth there would be no death including that of one year old lambs. But there would

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not have to be because of what happened in Egypt on that night and the symbolism would have lasted forever.

So finally at last we are ready to march. The day before the Passover they were already to march under the banner of the Day of Atonement that is described in Leviticus 16 and covers the sins of Adam and all confessed sins from there onwards but where were they marching to? Where is this Canaan and what is going to happen to them there? Are they now going to wander around as sinless souls forevermore? No they were not going to do that because of the implied and symbolic blood of the Lord your Jesus Christ. And it must be stressed that this blood had the power preservation even in symbolic form. It was what made the difference and it was under this manner that they marched. As this is only really my first attempt to climb up the rope from Egypt and onto Mount Calvary where heavenly records summarise events up here under the heading of the red heifer. Mount Sinai is certainly going to be a critical point of call but there will be others as well. But do we really need the blood of the Passover lamb even it were literal and not symbolic like all those thousands of lambs were killed in Egypt on that night? And why wasn’t this blood brought up until right at the end when we were about to leave Egypt and it seems in fact that it is on this ground that we left Egypt and made our way into the Sinai and onto Canaan. The Day of Atonement was available to all those who had unconfessed unintentional sins since the day that Eve sinned and all confessed sins since the Day of Atonement of Leviticus 16. All anybody had to do was to go to the temple providing they had been baptised and confess their sins on the Day of Atonement. The blood is only available to those who have confessed their sins and now want to join God’s people in their journey to Canaan. The most priceless commodity in existence today is the blood of Jesus Christ and this was not going to be placed in front of swine but only for those who accepted the offer of God and wanted to go to Canaan.  But wasn’t that the idea of the first day of creation and every day since that we exist and live on the condition that we do not reject the daily sacrifice? Rejection is what happened on Good Friday on Mount Calvary and the course of history will now run to fulfil those rejections. But as they left Egypt the Israelites had not yet rejected the cross of Good Friday but they had not accepted it either. This is one of the options that we must follow in our journey; neither rejection nor acceptance because it had not been offered! This was the first heaven of this earth and of eternity and of the synoptic gospels. The options that are playing out before us are that there was only going to be one cross and that was the cross of the Day of Atonement. Even though the blood of the Passover lamb was symbolic it prevented the death of the firstborn sons of Israel who were in a building with this blood on it and the angel of death did literally Passover them. For the time being this brings us to the end of chapter 9 and in chapter 10 we will see the replacement for those tablets that Moses broke. Our pitstop on Mount Sinai. We now return to the miracles of Jesus on page 1596 of the NIV Bible study and the next two miracles numbers 29 and 30 are the fig tree withered and the catch of fish. The withered figtree is found in Matthew and twice in the Gospel of Mark and the catch of fish is recorded in Luke.

The withered figtree Matthew 21:18 – 22; ‘Early in the morning, as he was on his way back to the city, he was hungry. Seeing a figtree by the road, he went up to it but found nothing on it except leaves. Then he said to it, “May you never bear fruit again! “  Immediately the tree weathered. When the disciples saw this, they were amazed. “How did the figtree wither so quickly?” They asked. Jesus replied, “I tell you the truth, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to this figtree, but also you can say to this mountain, “Go, throw yourself into the sea,” and it will be done. If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer. Events afterwards; the authority of Jesus questioned, the parable of the two sons, the parable of the tenants and wedding

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banquet, paying taxes to Caesar, marriage at the resurrection, the greatest commandment, whose son is the Christ, the seven woes and the signs of the end of the age. Events before; Jesus at the temple, the triumphal entry, two blind men receive site, a mother’s request, Jesus again predicts his death, the parable of the workers in the vineyard back to the Transfiguration.

Mark 11:12 – 14, and 20 to 25; the next day as they were leaving Bethany, Jesus was hungry. Seeing in the distance a figtree in leaf, he went to find out if it had any fruit. When he reached it, he found nothing but leaves, because it was not the season for figs. Then he said to the tree, “May no one ever eat fruit from you again.” And his disciples heard him say it. In the morning, as they went along they saw the figtree withered from the roots. Peter remembered and said to Jesus, “Rabbi, look! Figtree you cursed has withered!” “Have faith in God,! Jesus answered. “I tell you the truth, if anyone says to this mountain, “go throw yourself into the sea,” and does not doubt in his heart but believes that what he says will happen, it will be done for him. Therefore I tell you, whether you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. When you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive them, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins.” (+30845 +900)


  1. Events after; the authority of Jesus is questioned, the parable of the tenants, paying taxes to Caesar, the greatest commandment, whose son is the Christ, the widow’s offering and signs of the end of the age. Events before; Jesus clears the temple, the triumphal entry blind man receives his sight, request of James and John, Jesus again predicts his death and various teachings back to the Transfiguration. The remaining sections of chapter 11 are, verse one; ‘As they approached Jerusalem and came to Bethphage and Bethany at the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent two of his disciples, saying to them, “go to the village ahead of you, and just as you enter it, you will find a colt tied there, which no one has ever ridden. Untie it and bring it here. If anyone asked you, “why are you doing this?” Tell him, “The Lord needs it and will send it back here shortly.” They went and found a colt outside in the street, tied to a doorway. As they untied it, some people standing there asks, “what are you doing, untying that colt?” They answered as Jesus had told them to, and the people let them go. Then they brought the colt to Jesus and threw their cloaks over it, he sat on it. Many people spread their cloaks on the road, while others spread branches they had cut in the fields. Those who went ahead and those who followed shouted, “Hosanna!” “Listen is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” “Bless it is the coming kingdom of our Father David!” “Hosanna in the highest!” Jesus entered Jerusalem and went to the temple. He looked around at everything, but since it was very late, he went out to Bethany with the 12. The next day they were leaving Bethany, Jesus was hungry. Seeing in the distance a figtree in leaf, he went to find out if it had any fruit. When he reached, if you nothing but leaves, because it was not the season for figs. Then he said to the tree, “May no one ever eat fruit from you again.” And his disciples heard him say it. On reaching Jerusalem, Jesus entered the temple area and began driving out those who are buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the moneychangers and the benches of those selling doves, and would not allow anyone to carry merchandise through the temple courts. And as he taught them, he said, “is it not written: “My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations?” But you have made it into a den of robbers.” The chief priests and the teachers of the law heard this and began looking for a way to kill him, but they left him, because the whole crowd was amazed at his teaching. When evening came, they went out over the city.——- verse 27; they arrived again in Jerusalem, and while Jesus was talking in the temple courts, the chief priests, the teachers of the law and the elders came to him. “By what authority are you doing these things?” They asked. “And who gave you authority to do this?” Jesus

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replied, “I will ask you one question. Answer me, and I will tell you by what authority I am doing these things. John’s baptism – was it from heaven, or from men? Tell me!” They discussed it in among themselves and said, “If we say, “From heaven,” he will ask, “then why didn’t you believe him?” But if we say, “from men – – –“ [They see the people, for everyone held that John really was a prophet.] So they answered Jesus, “we don’t know.” Jesus said, “Neither will I tell you by what authority I am doing these things.”

To a Christian there are many sources of despair. But none can approach the source of not just being abandoned by God but being cursed by God! So much had happened now to the nation of Israel, God’s chosen people. There were very few times in Israel’s history where they flourished and produced fruit that was required of them but for the most time it looked good but it was only leaves. Such was the condition that Jesus found it in. Jesus cursed it and it died at the roots and would now remain dead for almost 2000 years and where when it finally does come to life again it will bear leaves and shoots but no fruit. They will join the Christian church in this great tribulation but will not bear fruit but become a part of that fruit. This pronouncement was made by Jesus on Israel as He entered Jerusalem in the triumphal entry and this will no longer bear fruit ever again. The withered figtree is written up into the synoptic gospels so it concerns Jesus leaving for heaven on the Thursday night from Gethsemane but it is not written in all three of them and therefore a possibility exists that it may also apply to Jesus staying back and go to the cross of Good Friday. In either case Israel has lost its favourite position as the people of God, they were no longer God’s people and they were replaced by Christianity. If Jesus had returned to heaven on the Thursday night he first would have closed the door of mercy and so there will be no more room for evangelism. That door of mercy was closed by the declaration of Jesus that, “I AM HE!” Which would have killed every human being on the face of the earth regardless of where they were. Only the righteous dead would have been resurrected and taken up there but the wicked dead left behind and been destroyed seven days before the actual sacrifice of the Day of Atonement. If Jesus had stayed on for Good Friday then the people would have sealed their own fates by rejecting Jesus. The figtree had withered. Jesus gives us the specific ground for this rejection and that is faith. Without it there is nothing that we can do but with it there is nothing that we cannot do! It is not as if a blind faith is what is required of us. When we walk on the beach with my beloved and see those drops of water or look up into the starry sky and see all those stars there are only two places this marvellous creation could have come from; from nothing or from God! If you think those drops of water came from nothing then it could I suggest when you walk on the beach that you walk in by a bit as that nothing might well produce another ocean or two on top of it! Come to think of it the only safe place really would be on the moon so just book yourself a seat on the next flight! But then how do you know that nothing might produce another batch of stars like the one we have already got and these will just cook you! There can be no reasoning with absurdity or with the insane!

Believing that the wonders of nature, like the birds and the bees and the trees come from nothing is one thing. You chose to believe in nothing because the other option that God did it is not acceptable and therefore in hell you will not be able to blame God for your predicament. Your free will and your choice! But to believe that Jesus loves you so much that He was prepared to die that horrific death on the cross of Mount Calvary on Good Friday is a different matter. It is just too good to believe this lack of faith and unbelief will follow us right through until the springy pearly gates open into the throne room of God. But if you do believe in this and there is no such place as  this then you will neither have lost nor gained anything by accepting Jesus as your saviour. In fact you might be pleasantly surprised how much easier life is to bear with the assistance of Jesus Christ and there will

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certainly be a big difference in the end if there is a real heaven and a real hell. But then again it might be all about nothing: it came from nothing, it is nothing and finish up as nothing! There is a gigantic leap of faith between believing that God created this wonderful universe and believing that God sent His only begotten Son to die that death on the cross of Good Friday so that we could spend eternity is with Him. It will be a gigantic leap of faith to accept that it was God who created this universe in all its beauty once you accept that surely other questions must follow; who is this God, why did He do it, to look into the history of this God past present and future and I found it very helpful to go through the Bible and look for mistakes and contradictions and absurdities and the belly laughs this provided although they rang out loudly at the start decreased over time. I think there are over 4000 such contradictions in the Bible when the criticism Bible began and today is down to the order of 15 or so and it was not the Bible has not changed one bit in this time it was our understanding of it that changed. You will not really see the light until you realise who it is pushing this wheelbarrow of Bible contradictions. When you look over the fence and see what is in their backyard, relationship or see nothing and that’s what their mirages are built around, nothing. It is a mistake to think that just because you are reading the Bible that you will have all these revelations appearing before you. No, all that is required is that you read the Bible! By reading the Bible you are in contact with Divinity, in contact with the One Who created this world. When I was doing this I would much prefer not to have any interaction with the Holy Spirit who wrote this book as it was slowing things up too much and I could not read the required number of pages or the quota for the day. In other words JK was a different person when he was holding and reading the Bible to the one who had not yet picked it up! So what stage did Jesus abandon the Jews? If they were on the earthly step of faith and could relate to God’s creation then why was there a hold-up in understanding God’s plan of salvation?  (+32642 +900)


  1. Why did Jesus have to curse the fig tree so that it died at the roots? Why did Jesus have to end the reign of the Jews or the Israelites? How long is a piece of string? The Jewish faith was based on the Old Testament and so it had a basis of Genesis and God as creator. In fact much of the Bible is about the worship and the adoration of God the Creator there certainly were no deficiencies in this department. They even had a step above them, the intermediate step that of the animal sacrifice system. And even this animal sacrifice system went higher than this on at least two occasions. One year old lambs that were killed on the night of 01 – 01 – 01 in Egypt and their blood sprinkled over the doorways was sufficient to prevent the Angel of death from killing the firstborn sons of Israel. The symbolic form was all that was required and Jesus did not have to literally go to the cross of Good Friday. In fact the symbolic form was what was required right from day one of creation in the form of the daily sacrifice of the 9 AM sin offering and the 3 PM burnt offering. The symbolic form was all that was required and time would have continued quite happily in the form of heaven on this earth and the subject of which we are now studying in all three of our topics; Genesis, Deuteronomy and the miracles of Jesus. Jesus did not have to go to the cross of Good Friday. The Jews were steeped in this animal sacrifice system and in the creation of Genesis yet they do not apply to that very last step when Jesus came to earth to fulfil Scripture. This applied to most of them but none more so than the apostle Paul and at least apply to the first Christian and one of very few Christians that stood at the cross of Good Friday on Mount Calvary; Nicodemus and probably even Joseph the two who buried the body of Jesus Christ on this day. Many Christians today are concerned about the events around them and see them from different angles and yesterday the penny dropped for me as I listened to a former labour senator on the Sky News

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channel. The conversation concerned vaccination and as far as Graham Richardson is concerned there is only one solution; grab and jab! But on want ground as you make such a profound statement on Sen Richardson? Answer; on medical grounds based on information comes from the very top of the medical tree, the WHO and filters all the way to the very bottom. Was this the same lot who told us the way that we were gonna control this coronavirus from spreading was to isolate people in their homes and keep mum and the children from going down the beach and the oldies sitting in the park in the sun and fresh air? Answer; yes! Are you aware that isolating people, especially old people is going to destroy their mental health and therefore their immune system? Are you aware that the only antidotes to viruses are oxygen and ultraviolet light? If you are the owner of a swimming pool then your two deadly constant enemies are bacteria and viruses. If you chlorinate your pool at two PPM your pool will be a hotbed for Golden staff, staphylococcus aureus. If you go the other way and use quarternary ammonium salts you will get rid of the golden staph but allow the psuedomonus to run riot. If you think the answer is to mix the quaternary ammonium salts with the chlorine you will get rid of both of them and you do not know your chemistry because by mixing both of these is equivalent to mixing an acid and a base together and you will  have neither but salt and water. Viruses are far more difficult to control. It is not possible to have a swimming pool full of alcohol but you would have some control over viruses if that alcohol was methanol. It would be far more effective it was propanol and even ordinary alcohol, ethanol has some antiviral properties and most people survive today being constantly intoxicated with ethanol so it can’t be that effective. Other than the immune system the only way to get rid of viruses including coronavirus is fresh air and ultraviolet light yet you have banned all three of these in your so-called fight against this world pandemic! I refuse to accept that anyone could be so stupid and once I accept this conclusion I must look around for an ulterior motive. When I look at the person propagating this lie I see a spineless, gutless liar! They are spineless and gutless because they condemn and abandon Julian Assange. He is a journalist who has the spine to stand up and point to the wrongs that are occurring around him and this is something what these other journalists like and feel envious about. They are liars because they know that Julian did not release the information but had it in password protected files in and it is the people who released the passwords and publishing information that should be being prosecuted  and not Julian Assange. Truth is no concern to these people providing they are receiving their pay packet and disseminating lies while lying on their backs and passing hot wind. It’s these journalists who are about to come online now and they already have the solution to grab and jab! The world will soon be on its knees to the extent that they will call for these jab at any cost and it will not be of any concern whether there are no recorded reactions or deaths from it. But the storm that is brewing now could only be in end day events if it’s specifically applied to Christians. If it meant a cashless society and the only way  in which you would get your piece of plastic would be to sign a form that you believe in evolution would make it specifically orientated towards the Bible and the book of Genesis and Christianity the book on which our beliefs stand. The fact that evolution is a lie will be of no concerned to grab and jab as isolation is a lie and keeping people out of fresh air and sunlight is also a lie. It is all about lies! It will be of interest on want ground Christians will make their stand? Evolution is downright anti-biblical but will these Christians also connect to Genesis and conclude that being injected with a horse or a peak or a cow or a chicken or a bat or a cat or a rat is wrong because the Bible tells us we were all created as different species and it is a true saying that what God has joined let no man put asunder but it is equally correct to say it is wrong to mix what God has not mixed. Only humans are created in the image of God and have the breath of God inside us! These events could easily precipitate as last day events and it may also bring anti-vaccinates to the Christian fold. But it is not being anti-vaccine as of

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the terminating factor but being anti-evolution which must be the issue so in the long run they will have to give the anti-vacciners their plastic money leaving evolution as the only issue. In the meantime we have been given time to prepare ourselves for the type of people that we are going to be dealing with. How many regards Will they have for your personal freedom and your person in general if the solution is to grab and jab! What regard will they have with regard to evidence to the harm they could potentially cause you? If this new vaccine is like many around today have markers in the genetic code that will tell these people that there is going to be a reaction with this vaccine, how many will allow for tests for this marker and even if it is there will make any difference? It is a simple matter of grab and jab! How many people like Graham Richardson will have regard for the truth and even to use it to influence their decisions? This is a tsunami on the way, this could well be the great tribulation! The world economy was almost knocked over with the first blow but it will take another two or three rounds of virus before it goes over and there are many people around the world today who have intricate knowledge concerning the events of the last day. Like how were our friends who work for Qantas called in on the first day of this virus and told they will not be working for at least three years if ever? This is a reasonably precise date and it would be an irony if this stage turned out to be 1260 days. The topic that we are dealing with now and the miracles of Jesus concerns the withered fig tree and the issue here is going to be faith and faith will get a very severe testing.

[The question involving the faith of the apostle Paul should only be addressed if we are likely to come across the same problem and I am going to go as far as calling it Paul’s disease. But how can the Old Testament become so detrimental as to be labelled as a disease? Isn’t it all part of the same book that is inspired by the Holy Spirit and every section of it is there to teach us either what will get us closer to God or what will get us further from Him? At the time of Paul most of the religious leaders and scribes and Pharisees have lost the plot and that is assuming that they ever did have it. There were exceptions like Nicodemus and Joseph and maybe even a few others but for the most part they were horrible, evil vindictive people who would hold onto power at all costs. Lying, murder and blasphemy would not prevent the in achieving their aims of collecting a few bob off people and their ability to control the minds of their flocks/sheep. What was not on their minds was the eternal destiny of the sheep. This pretty well describes most of the leaders that are around today and you will see their true colours the moment of the great tribulation appears on the scene. The rats will jump off what appears to be a sinking ship. Paul was not in this category and in fact the antonym to each of these evils. He knew the old Testament frontwards and backwards and his character was beyond reproach or that is at least the first assumptions that we make about him. To be fair with Paul we must realise that he only had the Old Testament to deal with and once he was cured of his disease he then wrote the basics of the new Testament. And this is the dangerous area in which we are studying today. We are in the Old Testament in Genesis and Deuteronomy whilst desperately seeking a change between the two Testaments in the miracles of Jesus that is the time that Jesus made the commitment to go to the cross of Good Friday. Paul knew the Old Testament like the back of his hand including Genesis and Deuteronomy but in it was in this switch to the new Testament that he failed. The majority of Scripture (80%) or so is dedicated To the Day of Atonement and this emphasis begins right from, “In the beginning God…………” But very soon adjustments are made to the creation of this universe that will be able it to cope with the appearance of sin in both forms as unintentional and unconfessed down to intentional and confessed sins. But what Paul seemed to be missing was there was an extra category and if this category occurred this whole universe would cease to exist and this was factored in right from day one as the daily sacrifice. This daily sacrifice firstly had to be offered and if rejected would mean the end of this universe and the transfer of the

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throne room of God into another universe. This alternative does not seem to have appeared in Paul thinking. An expert on the Day of Atonement but the cross of Good Friday was not on his radar screen. When it did appear it must have resulted in profound changes to his way of thinking and it is these changes that we are trying to glean as we study the Ministry of Jesus Christ. And Paul was almost right in his thinking that this world should have lasted less than 4000 years and finished 2000 years ago because that is the way that it was going. At 8 PM on that Thursday night during the Last Supper of Luke Jesus was still going back to heaven on this night. About an hour later as Jesus lay in the garden of Gethsemane and was shown exactly what was going to happen to him the next day, the cup of iniquity that the father would hand Him to drink from during those six hours on the cross it was only then that Jesus called, “Father take this cup away from me but it is not my will but Thy will be done!” This call was ratified some one hour later after Jesus had revealed His divinity and every living human being lay dead before Him and He quite easily could have closed the door of mercy and returned to heaven but He had already committed himself to do the will of His Father. The change of mind came out late, within an hour of the revelation of His Divinity. Little wonder that Paul missed this last hour or two as was foretold and did happen in Gethsemane.

It would be flippant to say that the possibility of the cross of Good Friday loomed large as there was not only one Passover lamb with blood there was also the twin lamp sacrifice as from day one of creation. If the issues were that simple then it would not have taken the greatest teacher of all time teaching the greatest mind of all time 14 or 15 years of full-time tuition. In both examples above would not force Jesus to go to the cross of Good Friday as the blood from those lambs that were slain in Egypt on 01 – 01 – 01 was sufficient to prevent the Angel of death from killing the firstborn sons of Israel. And the twin lamb sacrifice from day one of creation did not have to be offered and therefore would not have been rejected. It’s symbolic presence was all that was necessary for the time to exist in. We have already stepped off our right foot in our journey which began in Egypt and which will finish on the banks of the Jordan River (Eastern or Western banks?) And our journey has gingerly begun with many deep mysteries and nuances in front of us.

Back here on earth if this coronavirus is on the edge of the great tribulation then changes will occur thick and fast. The edge of it could well be the call of evil to, “grab and jab!” They are not going to do this with your health in mind and track your health could not be further from their minds that tell you to self isolate and keep out of the sun and fresh air. They all have the opposite effect. One of the next steps therefore has to be a cashless society and therefore will require us to sign up for our piece of plastic. You can be quite sure that most of the religious leaders today will be signing up for that piece of plastic and not suffering the consequences of not doing so such as loss of all property except the clothing that you have on you. This will be a severe sieving process and will sort out all those hypocrites and scribes and Pharisees that were present at the time of Jesus. What is far worse however is that the general chorus of, “Grab and jab!” Will now be added the chorus of “ Nab and stab!” And there will be much nabbing and stabbing going on. It is a bit early to say where these calls are coming from but needless to say second coming of Jesus Christ will be in very similar circumstances to His first coming and His time on the cross. This time round however it is going to be our turn as the followers of Jesus Christ to go through this great tribulation. It is going to be a time of faith and faith is something that you can build a reserve of and the more team members of the building the greater that reserve will be there and not one prayer will be wasted, they will be revealed to us when we finally get to heaven albeit the heaven above us will only last for some 1800 years. Miracle 30 in the list on page 1596 of the Bible study is the catch of fish and is only recorded in Luke 5:4-11 but using the rest of the chapter as well which is a new technique which we are going

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to try on our second round through the miracles of Jesus; ‘one day as Jesus was standing by the lake of Gennesaret, with the people crowding around him and listening to the word of God, he saw at the waters edge to boats, left there by the fishermen, who are washing their nets. He got into one of the boats, the one belonging to Simon, and asked him to put out a little from the short period then he sat down and taught the people from the boat. When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, “Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.” Simon answered, “Master, we have worked hard all night and not having caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets.” When they had done so, they caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break. So they signaled their partners in the other boat to come and help them, and they came and fill both boats so for that they began to sink. When Simon Peter saw this, he fell Jesus knees and said, “Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man!” For he and all his companions were astonished at the catch of fish that they had taken, and so were James and John, the sons of Zebedee, Simon’s partners. Then Jesus said to Simon, “Don’t be afraid; from now on you will catch men.” So they pull their boats up on the shore, they left everything and follow him. (The man with leprosy, verse 12) while Jesus was in one of the towns, a man came along it was covered with leprosy. When he saw Jesus, he fell with his face to the ground and begged him, “Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean.” Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. “I am willing,” he said. “Be clean!” And immediately the leprosy left him. Then Jesus ordered him, “Don’t tell anyone, but go, show yourself to the priest and offer the sacrifices that Moses commanded for your cleansing, as a testimony to them.” Yet the use about him spread all the more, so that crowds of people came to hear him and be healed of their sicknesses. But Jesus s withdrew to lonely places and prayed.. (Jesus heals a paralytic verse 17)  (+35984 +900)


  1. Verse 17 (Jesus heals a paralytic) ; ‘one day as he was teaching, Pharisees and teachers of the law, who had come from the village of Galilee and from Judeo and Jerusalem, were sitting there. And the power of the Lord was present for him to heal the sick. Some men came carrying a paralytic on a mat and tried to take him into the house to lay him beside Jesus. When they could not find a way to do this because of the crowd, they went up on the roof and lowered him on his mat through the tiles into the middle of the crowd, right in front of Jesus. When Jesus saw their faith, he said, “Friend, your sins are forgiven.” The Pharisees and the teachers of the law began thinking to themselves, “Who is this fellow who speaks blasphemy? Who can forgive sins but God alone?” Jesus knew what they were thinking and asked, “Why are you asking these things in your hearts? Which is easier: to say, “Your sins are forgiven,” or to say, “Get up and walk? But that you may know that the Sign of Man as authority on earth to forgive sins …..” He said to the paralysed man, “I tell you, get up, and take your mat and go home.” Immediately he stood up in front of them, took what he had been lying on and went home praising God. Everyone was amazed and gave praise to God. They were filled with awe and said, “We have seen remarkable things today.” (The calling of Levi verse 27) After this, Jesus went out and saw a tax collector by the name of Levi sitting at his tax booth. “Follow me,” Jesus said to him, and Levi got up, left everything and followed him. Then Levi held a great banquet for Jesus at his house, and a large crowd of tax collectors and others were eating with them. But the Pharisees and the teachers of law who belong to their sect complained to his disciples, “why do you eat and drink with tax collectors and “sinners”?” Jesus answered them, “it is not the healthy and need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but the sinners to repentance.” (Jesus questioned about fasting verse 33); ‘A said to him, “John’s disciples often fast and pray, and serve so do the disciples of the Pharisees, but yours go on eating and drinking.” Jesus

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answered, “Can you make the guests of the bridegroom fast while he is with them? By the time will come when the bridegroom will be taken from them, in those days they will fast.” He then told them this parable: “no one says a patch from a new garment and sews it onto an old one. If he does, he will have torn the new garment, and the patch from that you will not match the old. And no one pours you wine into old wineskins. If he does, you wine will burst the skins, the wine will run out in the wineskins will be ruined. No, new wine must be poured into new wineskins. And no one after drinking wine was the new, for he says, “the Old is better.”’.

Events after; the Lord of the Sabbath, the 12 apostles blessings and woes and various teachings. Events before, Jesus hails many, Jesus dries out an evil spirit, Jesus is rejected at Nazareth, and the temptation of Jesus. We are getting towards the end of the list of miracles on page 1596 of the NIV Bible study and there are only five more miracles to go. Clearly these miracles are not in chronological order and here we return back to the start of the ministry of Jesus and the calling of the first four disciples; James and John, the sons of Zebedee, Simon’s partners, Simon Peter and Andrew. It would be foolhardy to attempt to write a commentary or a sermon on the section that I could not even begin to match what has already been written about.

If we were now finishing our second or third journey through the list of miracles of Jesus and it would indeed be a little disappointing not to have gained more traction. Having got to the end and then being sent back to the start and the calling of the first disciples only to find a blank sheet here. But there’s at least has led us to a resolution to establish a chronology in the ministry of Jesus even if that means we replicate the existing one in the NIV Bible study on page 1480 – 1482. From the onset and looks like a task of monumental difficulty. Initially this chronology will be supported by the miracles of Jesus but we should get a more solid standing if we can relate some teaching on either side of each miracle. I will try to use chapter 5 of Luke as an example of this endeavour. The calling of four disciples should immediately raise questions like; which one and why did he miss out on seeing the Transfiguration? Four is the number of gospels, as a number of creatures around the throne, is the number of walls around the New Jerusalem, is the number of natures of Jesus Christ and the four types of garments of the high priest. How long did the ministry of Jesus Christ last before he took on his first disciples and is the NIV Bible study places marker correctly between the year of inauguration and the year of popularity of the ministry of Jesus Christ? This ministry involves the miracle of the large number of fish and the ministry will end that with Jesus eating fish. The fish are involved in the feeding of the 5000 and in a minor way the feeding of the 4000 as well so the topic of fish has been introduced and was the base of the calling first disciples. Jesus seals this inauguration of the disciples with two major miracles and which will form two categories we will have to study. One will involve a miracle that Jesus does not want anyone to know anything about and presumably will be kept for the 500 evangelists who will take the ministry of the cross into history and the second miracle which involves a tenet of faith in the forgiveness of sin also involves a major earthly transformation and brings into focus the divinity of Jesus but as the Son of Man and not as Son of God. If it is sin that is being compared to the paralytic state than what is being compared to leprosy. Levi is the fifth cab off the rank and so different to the other for but then again the fifth altar is very different to the other four as well. Then there is the question about fasting where both the Ministry of Jesus and of John the Baptist are ministries of repentance and water but baptism yet even at this stage the ministry of Jesus is different and is explained in terms of placing old and new wines into old and new skins. It cannot be done and it is pointing out the sharp deviation that the ministry of Jesus will have when compared to the Ministry of John Baptist. It may

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in fact work out that by the time I have finished my 91 month apprenticeship that the best that I will be able to say is that, “I tried!” Returning back to chapter 1 of Genesis.

Here we have been following the creation story with the first week being split into a 3:3:1 day split. The first three days of creation were under the influence of divine light after which allowances were made for the possibility of sin. Thus the first entity made was time itself and it instantly filled an area which we call the universe. Thus there is no such thing really as space because it is filled with time and therefore should be called space-time. Time itself is a defined unit and is defined as the daily sacrifice and therefore has a handle at 9 AM of the sin offering and 3 PM as the burnt offering both of one year old male lamb. If this is the case it would not be unreasonable to have the throne room of God as the middle of this universe and from it emanating the omnipresence of Jesus Christ as light and life in all directions and forevermore. Only a small amount of this omnipresence is defined, and confined and available for humanity to use and take advantage of. It is defined by the presence of time and it is only within this time that we can see an existing although the omnipresence continues in all directions. Even where time does exist does not necessarily mean that all the omnipresence of Jesus Christ has been revealed and there may be dark matter and dark energy which is there but we cannot see or even relate to in any way. When God created this earth during those first 12 hours of darkness it was formless and it was empty and the spirit of God hovered over the waters of the deep but an amazing transformation took place when God gave the command, “Let there be light!” On a physical scale this light was divine light and when combined with the time which had already filled the universe to produce an energy field of attraction, gravity and this gravity dispensed with the emptiness and formlessness of the earth. But they did more than this in their gravity like time now permeates the universe and exists wherever time exists. It is not as if we could take light that is around today and shine it onto time to finish up with gravity because this light is different to the light that was present in the first three days of creation but will continue on in the new universe for the eternities to come. It is the similarities and dissimilarities between these two types of light that we seek. The divine light could not stand the presence of sin but would destroy it whereas the light that we have now from nuclear reactions can withstand the presence of sin. There are rare occasions where divine light can withstand the presence of sin in one of these occasions was 3 PM on Good Friday in the throne room of God when all those human beings were present and awaiting the arrival of Jesus so they could vote for the approval of Jesus taking the scroll with the seven seals out of the right hand of God Who was sitting on the throne. By opening the seven seals allowed humanity to officially enter into the presence of God but as at that time, at 3 PM they could have and should have been struck down. There have been recorded instances of the presence of divine light on earth. The transfiguration of Jesus and when Stephen was being stoned he looked up and saw divine light and died in the presence of divine light. Those around him could see his face glowing but they could not see the divine light itself. Such was the case in the appearance of Jesus to the apostle Paul on the road to Damascus. Paul saw this brilliant light and was blinded but those around him did not see it by were overcome by fear. That should be the prayer of Christians for each other that as we are being martyred the Lord opens this heavenly light to us and causes our faces to glow also which in turn should cause at least some of those watching our death to know what we have in order to have such peace. Too many however it will make no difference and the sensitivity and humanity these people so called have will cause them to cry out, “to grab and jab!” Injected with deadly substances so that we in turn will behave as animals as they do. And then kid yourself not this world already exists today! If we all, plus Stephen ascended up that tunnel of divine light and into heaven there would be no need for Jesus to come back to get us at the second coming but he does come back because we will still be on earth. An interesting property within this divine light that allows it to combine with time to create gravity but which precludes the light that we see today from

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doing this is that it comes from a source where there are no repulsions, only attractions. The atoms which produce light for us today experience forces of attraction and repulsion and could not be used because gravity is never a repulsion is always an attraction. Thus all the gravity that exists must have been made within the first three days and in the presence of divine light. The formation of gravity was the formation of the earthly step but it also had a corresponding formation of a heavenly step. When in the presence of the spirit of God, “Let there be light!” Combined with existing time and time is the full extent of the love of Jesus Christ when these two combined they produced an entity which at this stage I call The Christ. The Jesus part of this entity would not appear until some 3800 years later and it was the Christ component that made the preparations for the appearance of Jesus. What if we extrapolate the two creations separated by some 3800 years? God the Father gives the command, “Let there be life!” To the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit conceives the child Jesus within the womb of the Virgin Mary. The entity that is born as a human being that is filled and connected to the Holy Spirit. Let us try to apply this back to Genesis. God the Father gives the command, “Let there be light!” To the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit conceives The Christ but where is the womb where this conception occurs? The only thing that exists at this time is an earth that is surrounded by a very deep sea. The conception is thus gravity operating within the only thing that exists at this time and that is the earth and the water. If this is the case this earth and all the water and the gravity are profoundly holy objects and certainly qualified to exist for ever in the presence of divine light. It is certainly holy enough to be attached to the throne room of God itself  and ought to be the tent of meeting. The water from the system is also qualified to be lifted up into the skies to mark a courtyard out which specifies the region for the existence of the throne room of God and the tent of meeting. And here we have the first two days of creation. Day three of creation seems to involve two stages; one the flotation of the land or even tectonic plates on the magma underneath them. It should have floated and been on top of the magma by the end of day two as the water was holding down was lifted up into the sky but this would not have given us seven stages of creation and presumably by being given these stages Scriptures wants us to use them as separate units and specifically the creation of the forces of nature. At this stage I want to look at the very last part of that day where the ground that had risen above the water was instantaneously covered by vegetation. This first vegetation was created in the presence of divine light whereas the vegetation created on day six was created in the presence of sunlight and starlight. Surely this must tell us something about the vegetation and both types of light. Because vegetation was created in the presence of divine light does that qualify this particular vegetation to exist in heaven and not be affected by the presence of sin? The particular piece of vegetation that we are obviously interested in is the cross of Jesus Christ which at this stage I take to be the same cross on Good Friday as it is going to be in some 1800 years time in the cross of the Day of Atonement. If we can link it forward by some 4000 years why can’t we link it back by the same amount of time and back to Genesis chapter 1? Are any of these questions relevant if we keep in mind that initially it was the drops of fluid from the body of Jesus Christ which preserved it and stopped its destruction and when both the water and the blood that flow from Jesus on Good Friday on Mount Calvary at 4 PM was collected in a golden censer that had been hurled back to earth at the end of the millennium at 4 PM on the Day of Atonement and return to the body of Jesus Christ in its entirety when Jesus was taken from the cross the next morning on Resurrection Sunday? It was divine providence that protected the tree of life from the garden of Eden over the first 4000 years, it was the water and the blood that has soaked into it on the cross of Good Friday that protected it over the next 4000 years and it was a sinless hair of the Nazirite which had grown for 1260 days from the cross of the Day of Atonement

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until it was shaved and placed in the presence of fire at the foot of the cross that will now protect it for evermore!

When this earth was covered with seed bearing plants on day three of creation there was probably a tiny area that was left unplanted. This will be the case in the new creation and the area that is left unplanted is the one where the new Jerusalem will come down out of the sky and be seated on. The unplanted area on this earth was planted out on day six and where God placed Adam and Eve to live in. In this case the tree of life would have been planted on day six and therefore not received the privileges that the plants that were planted on day three did receive. It therefore would have required divine protection like that work that was given by the sinless hair of Jesus Christ and the presence of the holy fire to allow it to pass through the doorway and into the new heavens. It was going to spend the rest of its existence in the Premier piece of real estate, in front of the throne of God! Now for the umpteenth time we try to tackle day four of creation of the sun and the stars. (+39158 +900)


  1. Initially there are four aspects that need to be addressed as we move from day three today four, as we replace divine light with synthetic light or sunlight with Sonlight. At this stage there is a distinct possibility of sin and sin cannot coexist in the presence of divine light. The few examples that you can think of will not need much delving into before it is realised that it is the cross of Good Friday that is responsible for the divine light you are looking at. The divine being that is now responsible for making these changes is a combination of divine light and divine love as happened at 6 AM on the first day of creation and is called The Christ. The Christ will now make all adjustments necessary for the arrival of Jesus on the scene and that won’t be for some 3800 years. The sin for which these preparations are now being made would not even be regarded as sin by either you or me. Eve’s sin was unintentional, she wouldn’t know what evil was if she tripped over it although it does seem a bit strange as she couldn’t tell that the devil was lying when he told her he could give her eternal life something he could not do and something she already had. Intelligent people can believe in such absurdities as evolution! That is the first level of sin that was factored in to the switch between Sonlight and sunlight and even this level of sin could not coexist in the presence of divine light. I think it even goes as far as just the possibility of sin would require the change in the light source. A second problem that is going to arise is that sin, any sin is going to break the relationship between humanity and divinity so now it is going to be an awkward time when seeking God in the presence of synthetic light but very easy in divine light. We are now going to require an intermediate step and that is to have Jesus Christ as creator. By looking at the marvels of His creation should draw us towards the Creator Himself and for this purpose Scripture gives us the book of Genesis and the book of Christ The Creator. There is no one who knows better than Satan the critical importance that Genesis has in our plan of salvation and to stop this from happening Satan has developed a dual point plan. The first point is evolution by feeding the public this theory of evolution as a well-established fact does away with and annuls the book of Genesis. There is just no need for it. If you can get here and get anything from nothing then why seek any further? This cannot be a error as unfortunately nothing can only produce nothing and even no errors, the error was to choose nothing over God. The second string that Satan has in his bow is to break the line of communication between God and humans at that line of communication is specifically established in the fourth commandment; remember to keep holy…. We are now in the early stages of the study of the Bible and specifically seeking the change that occurred between the synoptic gospels in the Gospel of John and that was the cross of Good Friday. It was the act of perfection and it was the rejection of this act of perfection that is now going to cause the throne room of God to be moved from this universe to

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another universe. At this act of perfection which occurred on the cross of Good Friday we are about to study in the next chapter of Deuteronomy and it is about the Law of God. And Satan has had success way beyond his wildest dreams in getting humanity to forget about these 10 Commandments and coupled with the lies he tells about evolution gives him a success rate of close to 100%. But the way that we are being hammered by evolution it appears that it rather than the Sabbath will be the issue of end days. The fact that it is a hoax or an outright absurdity does not stop people from flocking to the theory of evolution and abandoning the theory of Jesus Christ. It is a bit discouraging when you have a list of four aspects to write up and you sit down and forget them but soldier on you must. They are not just little forgets but the whole screen is blank. Another aspect of the apparition of all these stars is distances that are involved. The closest that the throne room of God and the tent of meeting can ever get is what happens in the new universe and even their there is some 1600 miles between them. And they are not just ordinary 1600 miles but they are made from gold and that gold is what resulted from me handing all my rubbish in my red rubbish bin over to Jesus Christ and He in turn took this rubbish and refined it in the fires of hell and this is the result they came from that fire. To be 1600 miles high and that wide and four times longer there must be a lot of trash that I handed over to my Saviour. The ladle fulls of gold that i supplied towards building of that wall may not have been mixed in to the entire wall but it will be present within the section where the suburb in which I will be living in. It will be my wall and it will be my suburb. If that is as close as the Holy Place and Most Holy Place can get then how close are they in this universe? How did The Christ factor this in when He was creating our world? It would be most unusual for Him to move our world outside of the courtyard as after all this courtyard was made from materials that came from this earth. So we must have this earth and the throne room of God within this courtyard. Together this courtyard is actually quite well represented by one drop of water that is placed into the ocean or the universe. It may be small but its significance is felt in every part of the ocean. Together they declare the glory of God and together they focus on the Christ as the Creator. Whatever size the throne room of God is it must only be a tiny speck in comparison to what is around it. With all these changes are about to occur it would not be unreasonable to see changes within the courtyard.—

To replace one divine light bulb will require many synthetic lightbulbs. One plant being created in the presence of divine light will require only very few light-sensitive centres, stomates but the same planet being created in the presence of synthetic light will require many more to do the same job  (that one I just remembered) even though the first three days of creation were so simple and so little happened we still having a problem with placing the tent of meeting relative to the Most Holy Place a problem which is not present in the new universe where there is no evil and there is no sin. By setting to tell them apart at first will require no further physical separation later on in the proceedings. That still leaves the problem with the presence of the tent of meeting a place where the angels will live and even human beings will be admitted into after the time of the cross of Good Friday and after that many holy men will be taken to heaven with Jesus at His ascension. From past experience I think that the answer is on the tip of my tongue and compare this to the problem of the arrangement of all those stars which cannot even get onto my radar screen. But the first three days are so “simple”. One throne room of God +1 earth encapsulated in the sphere of water droplets! The only thing that I can compare that to today is planet Earth orbiting around the sun which initially was the throne room of God! And nothing else. That was 6 PM on Tuesday night when 12 hours of light had just finished and the 12 hours of darkness with which the Wednesday would begin with had started. To keep the seven stages as separate the divine light bulb either had to be covered, or turned off or removed and the darkness would be instantaneous and no twilight. It’s from that

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moment The Christ could begin creating artificial light or the stars. It would not be unreasonable to expect first lot of stars to be different as these would light up the fence posts around the sanctuary. This sanctuary had to be many things and it had to be distinctive so the stars that surrounded the sphere of water, each droplet would themselves be distinctive and the total darkness that had resulted from the turning off of the divine light would be broken and then progressively for the rest of the 12 hours more and more stars would be created around the universe and their light would reach planet Earth instantaneously or at least the information that their light carried. More and more lights would be created decreasing the darkness but nothing when compared to the sunlight when it was turned on. Was this the last light be created? Probably not! They just kept on being created. Where were all those stars placed? They were placed on a timespace.diaphragm that was created within the first fraction of a second of, “In the beginning God…” From where did this diaphragm originate and how is it spread out? It could originate from the throne room of God itself and this would allow certain individuals to be able to travel to and from the heaven above us. The specific correlation that we seek is that between the garden of Eden down here on planet Earth where our first parents spent what I have “worked out to be” some 38 years before they sinned and were thrown out and the garden of Eden2 up there on the edge of the universe today and around the doorway where the blood of the red heifer has been sprinkled and through which we will pass from this universe to the next one. Initially I put this wait time is eight years but I’m trying to work out a chronology it appears it may be anything up to 100 years longer. It would help us greatly to locate the tent of meeting if we knew at what point all the angelic hosts were created. If they were created before the earth this would mean that the tent of meeting was already a part of the Most Holy Place and they were placed into this tent of meeting. This would have given them an incredible privilege of seeing the earth and everything else being created but it does seem a little bit silly to have the angels created before the appearance of The Christ. We in heaven will see the new universe being created from the ground up, every brick and every piece of mortar. But how will we see this if there are 12 hour slots of darkness and 12 hour slots of light? Whichever way it goes the angelic hosts saw what was created in the daylight hours of Thursday and Friday and worshipped with the first Church of Christ and they all brought in the first Sabbath which began with 12 hours of darkness. They saw this stunning creation in all of its glory and worshipped its creator and they even had the advantage of divine light! What I have written today is not in the same order that I thought it out last night but at least I have jumped the hurdle of the fourth day of creation for the first time and am now lining up for the fifth day. Eden1 and Eden2 will remain as centres of thought because even Eden2 is going to be required regardless of whether whether heaven is going to be on this earth or in the new universe. If Jesus left the garden of Gethsemane on Thursday night along with His 99 sheep He still have to go somewhere and await for the preparation of the temple to which He would return and conduct the Day of Atonement ceremonially/sacrifice to begin the eternities to come. Eden2 had to be around there somewhere. We return now to Deuteronomy and a very specific part of the journey of God’s people between the time they left Egypt to the time that they arrived at Mount Sinai. This was a very specific journey that they were going on as they left Egypt on that Saturday morning. There were not to destinations, the cross of Good Friday or the cross of the Day of Atonement, there was only one destination and that was the cross of the Day of Atonement that was described in Leviticus 16. The extra piece of information that had not been given to the world beforehand but was only given to those who accepted that the call to make the journey was that of the Passover. It was a specific event and it would not have to be repeated again and even though in symbolic form the blood of that Passover lamb or the thousands of Passover lamb is they were killed on that night would be the ground on which the people would spend the eternities in.

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They can and you live because Jesus was prepared to die for them if required. The journey was thus a combined form of the Day of Atonement in Leviticus 16 and the Passover event that occurred on the Friday night of 01 – 01 – 01 in Egypt. As this was what the journey was about, the journey to the Day of Atonement and then beyond we must place more emphasis on the events of Leviticus 16 and particularly the exchanges that took place between cross of Good Friday and the cross of holy Saturday. We have come to Deuteronomy chapter 10 where God order to formalise the relationship between Himself and the Israelites and to commit His Son into a covenant relationship with God personally wrote out on stone tablets are known as the 10 Commandments. The people rejected this covenant in a vulgar manner worthy of heathen. When Moses bought the 10 Commandments down the mountain to present them to the people, Aaron and the congregation were worshipping Satan in the form of a golden calf. Aaron should have been preparing this congregation for the arrival of the covenant between God and His people but instead they were worshipping Satan! Their intentions could not be misconstrued; they had not just rejected God but they had accepted Satan instead and this was to be the forerunner of the cross of Good Friday. And it is at this point that the journey of the Israelites should have ended.  (+41700 +900)


  1. [It is going to be another tongue-in-cheek correction for what Jesus should have told Nicodemus to correct what probably were facetious comments about salvation. I have no doubt that in the end what Jesus told Nicodemus was right and by me understanding this to be the case I will also be greatly enriched in my understanding of salvation. The tutorial that I would give to someone who was so hopelessly off the right track but yet was an expert in the Old Testament just like Paul was. I would say to Nicodemus, “Nicodemus, how can an expert in law get the message of salvation so badly wrong? You have to go back to your basics and go back to Moses and go back to Mount Sinai, not Egypt but Mount Sinai. It was here where that drastic change in events occurred. The Israelites had left Egypt on the day after the Passover of 01 – 01 – 01 but that Passover was actually a consummation of the Day of Atonement that is described in Leviticus 16. It took much history, in fact about 2 ½ thousand years of it to get God’s people to this point. But now they were ready to march and at the end of this march they would gather on the banks of the Jordan then cross the Jordan into Canaan or the promised land. There should be no mention of Jericho at this stage as it was not an option. “All” that was achieved by the Day of Atonement of Leviticus 16 was that their sins both unintentional and intentional had been forgiven them but just because they were sin free did not mean that they were going to go to hell. Much more is needed for them to exist continuously in the presence of God. What was required and the fact that it was only implied was still enough was the presence of the fluid of life; the blood of Jesus Christ or the Passover lamb and the Israelites knew very existence was conditional and provisional on the existence of this blood even though it had not been physically shed. This universe would have survived for the eternities to come under the banner of the daily sacrifice even though it did not take place. Jesus had not gone to the cross of Good Friday nor did He have to. So when they set out from Egypt they knew what their salvation was to be made of; the miracle of the sacrifice of the Day of Atonement plus their existence because of the presence of the blood of Jesus Christ. They firstly went through a water baptism which of itself was an act of faith and their active faith was confirmed by the destruction of their mortal enemies: the Egyptians from whom they had just escaped. Their relationship to God was therefore not just blind faith but was accompanied by miraculous acts and when God wanted to cement a covenant, an active agreement with His people it was based on a sure foundation. And that is not even counting the 10 miracles that Jesus had to perform before they left Egypt. The agreement was quite simple

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and was written now by the finger of God on stone tablets and known to us as the 10 Commandments. These 10 Commandments were clearly written out so they could be no confusion and they were the requirements of God Himself. If the Israelites broke anyone of these commandments they were to confess them in the presence of the high priest on the Day of Atonement and the confessed sins were placed on the scapegoat which was taken out of the side of the city and destroyed (the humanity of Jesus died but His divinity and the man who had led the scapegoat out of the city with then returned back to the temple to conduct the burnt offering and to show that not just everything had been done but what was done was accepted by God as perfection). This is the basic principle that is involved in the transfiguration of Jesus and what will actually happen when the Day of Atonement of the twin bird sacrifice will take place in some 1800 years time, on 10 – 07 – 486. Both the Day of Atonement and the Passover would have been commemorated each year for the eternities to come to remind the Israelites and give them reassurance of their continual existence. All this would be old hat to Nicodemus and he would know it like the back of his hand but he like Paul seemed to have missed what happened next and that was that Moses smashed these stone tablets and that should have been the end of the relationship between humanity and divinity. All that Jesus had to do now was to resurrect the righteous dead, go through the Day of Atonement which will only actually happen once and then take the righteous living on to heaven which is this earth for Daniel’s people and their holy city. Moses as the earthly step pleaded with God not to destroy the people, particularly Aaron but for the sake of Moses to give them another chance. There was only one option left now and that option was specified on the very first day of creation as the daily sacrifice. Moses was sure a good fellow but only an earthly step and the heavenly step which both Paul and Nicodemus and all the rest of them seemed will be missed was that it was Jesus as the Son of Man Who pleaded with God the Father to give humanity another chance but that this difference this time round was that there could be no failure. There could be no failure because it was Jesus Himself Who would fulfil the requirements of these 10 Commandments and they were again specified and rewritten onto stone tablets supplied by man himself. Everything was defined out of a T. Humanity handed God the Father the stone tablets onto which God the Father wrote out these 10 Commandments and which Jesus then took to the cross of Good Friday. Jesus now offers this finished work of Good Friday to anyone and everyone who wants it and the only  thing they have to do is to ask for this completed work and it will be given free of charge. Trying to add to or subtract from the completed work of Good Friday is a sin of henious proportions. So I would have pointed this out to Nicodemus and told him that this was the work that Jesus had come to do. It was the only option that was left now to restore the relationship between divinity and human humanity but it would entail a different journey to what had been envisaged for God’s people when they left Egypt on the day after Passover. Surprisingly Jesus did not give this tutorial to Nicodemus but instead Jesus told him to go back to the Sinai to the time when Moses made a bronze snake and held it up for everyone to see. Anyone who looked at that snake in faith would not die from the snakebites that they had been given. The act of faith that was required by Nicodemus was as he saw Jesus being lifted up on the cross he was supposed to flashback in his mind and see Moses lifting up the bronze snake and relate the two together. Both were acts of faith and both resulted in life being created from a certain death situation. I like Nicodemus can make neither the connection between the bronze snake being lifted and Jesus being lifted on the cross nor can I make the connection between these two stone tablets that Moses cut out of rock, which were placed in a wooden chest and were accompanied by the direct presence of God Himself and were still present in the Most Holy Place on Good Friday whilst Jesus hung on the cross on Mount Calvary some miles away. It may still be some time before making this connection and as right now what is

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written in in Deuteronomy chapter 10 is quite sufficient and is all that I need. The act of transcribing finish work of Jesus Christ from the humanities stone tablets and onto their hearts is not just the Pearl of the Old Testament but also of the New Testament. It is not a one-liner and it was introduced over a period of time of well over 1000 years. When he first came online when Moses arrived at the foot of Mount Sinai carrying the new lot of stone tablets which were in a wooden box Israelites could not see the same urgency as what occurred later on in the desert with Moses and the bronze snake. But what were the problems that Nicodemus failed to see despite his in-depth knowledge of the old Testament. How was Moses holding up that bronze snake supposed to sort out the weirdo ideas that Nicodemus had about being born again? Nicodemus obviously had no idea whatsoever about the concept of being born again and the concept of dying to sin and then being born again. (+43251 +900+)


  1. Yesterday with tongue in cheek I tried to point Nicodemus to the source of salvation. When the master teacher, Jesus Christ He pointed Nicodemus to Moses in the Sinai where many of the congregation were going to die because they had been bitten by a snake of evil and Jesus told Nicodemus to watch as Moses lifted up the bronze like that he had made to at the same time look at Jesus as the Son of Man being lifted up on His cross at 9 AM on Good Friday on Mount Calvary. As the aim of this blog continues to be to blend the Old Testament with the New Testament via the animal sacrificial system there could be no nobler attempt than what is happening here. Like Jesus I too sent Nicodemus to Moses as the earthly step where Jesus told us to go and to be standing on before we arched our necks upwards to look to heavenly things. Moses was indeed a most privileged human being as judged by his communion with none other than God Himself. He was not only privileged enough to seek mercy for his people when God was going to destroy them after they worshipped the golden calf, he was privileged enough to be able to intervene and be heard and obeyed. He had spent 40 days and 40 nights in the desert without any food or water in the presence of God on two occasions; one was before he presented the covenant between God and His people which would be carried out on the Day of Atonement on 10 – 07 – 3889 or about 2000 years ago. On the second occasion was soon after when the people rejected this first covenant Moses again spent 40 days and 40 nights in the presence of God at the end of which there was a second agreement given to Moses to take to the people but these tablets are Moses had cut out himself were not presented to the people but kept inside the Ark of the covenant which was made out of acacia wood. This agreement between God and His people would not be presented to the people until Jesus had fulfilled it and it was the finished product that will be presented. Jesus also spent 40 days and 40 nights in the desert without food or drink before He undertook the role of fulfilling this covenant. (My problems would be solved if I knew which covenant this one was) Jesus also pleaded for God not to destroy His people, “Father forgive them for they know not what they do!” And again God listened to this call for mercy. The earthly step, Moses could not fulfil the requirements of these two stone tablets only the heavenly Moses or Jesus Christ could do this. There are many religions out there and faiths and altruistic societies but there is only one being in existence/creation Who was capable of fulfilling what was required on these man-made stone tablets and that is the reason why Jesus sent Nicodemus to Moses because Moses was the earthly step of the heavenly Jesus Christ. This act of redemption was instigated by Moses at the command of God and it was instigated on the day that Moses brought the Ark of the

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covenant down to the people. It was in the daily sacrifice present from day one of creation and the condition on which creation itself existed? What happened at the foot of Mount Sinai on that day is not even dated, what was dated was God’s people leaving Egypt on 01 – 01 – 01. Given that actually make the cross of Good Friday a necessity and this option that we are now studying where Jesus changes his mind and instead of leaving for heaven on that Thursday night He decides to stay on Good Friday? It was not really an option, it was always going to happen? But this is not the case at all as the people of God when they left the sins of slavery and Egypt on 01 – 01 – 01 the end of the journey was not going to be the cross of Good Friday but the banner under which they marched was the cross of the Day of Atonement some six months later. The cross of Good Friday was only added when the Ark of the Covenant arrived at the base of Mount Sinai with Moses. It was only then that the cross of Good Friday appeared on the horizon.

When Adam and Eve sinned in Eden God could have destroyed them on that same day. This certainly would be no problem with Adam being destroyed as he knew exactly what he was doing but if God destroyed Eve at the same time He would have to also destroy the congregation of angels that had rumbled and rebelled and this would leave God, Michael, Gabriel and very few other angels who had not rebelled to be in heaven with God over the eternities to come. God did not destroy Adam and Eve but placed a plan of salvation to be able to cope with this sin; unintentional and unconfessed. Even with this sin a yawning gap had developed between God and humanity and with time it just got wider and wider until God had no choice but to destroy this world. There was still however a link between the two and that was displayed by taking Enoch up to heaven as the first witness. The plan for this restoration of the relationship between God and humanity was announced by God Himself in the garden of Eden and it was announced to both Eve and Satan and that was the plan that Eve’s seed would firstly crush the head of Satan but eight days later Satan would bruise the heel of Eve’s seed. And that is the Day of Atonement that will take place on 10 – 07 – 486 in some 1800 years time. In the meantime the scope of this first Day of Atonement was going to be significantly increased to include confessed sins as well and this was the covenant between Melchizedek and Abraham. Time was now ready to march to its final conclusion and God’s people were called out of Egypt included anyone who wanted to go. But what was shown to these people who wanted to go was the final touches of the eternity that they would spend their existence in. After the Day of Atonement they would be sin less but the presence of eternity could only exist within the presence of the blood of the Passover lamb and that did not have to be literal, symbolic sufficed. The journey that began in Egypt on 01 – 01 – 01 actually had some 2500 years of preparation, it had had the hop (to Noah’s flood), the step (to Egypt) and now finally the jump and the Day of Atonement Leviticus 16 on 10 – 07 – 3889 some one thousand 400 years of time. But there was a serious breakdown in relationships between God and His people when they rejected the covenant that God had offered them through Moses the first time Moses came down the mountain. This did not mean that God had to vaporise them all immediately He could have left them to continue their journey but ultimately they would be destroyed on 10 – 07 – 3889 or at least those who did not repent because repentance has now been added to the formula of the Day of Atonement. But with the second lot of tablets that were hewn out by Moses Jesus ask for an extension of time from God the Father and with this extension there could be no failures because it was Jesus Himself Who would fulfil these commandments and to a level required by God Himself and that was achieved with the cry of, “It is finished!” So all that

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was required now was this act of perfection that Jesus had performed on the cross of Good Friday to be offered to anyone who wanted to take advantage of it. No one was forced to do so and free will the greatest gift that God could give us was now in operation. The Day of Atonement was not cancelled but it was postponed by some 3800 years time. This second journey still did not force Jesus to the cross of Good Friday and time could have quite easily finished 2000 years ago. When Jesus was shown the cup of iniquity that he would have to drink from on the next day from God the Father He could quite easily have said, “They are not worth it” and returned to heaven.  I am going to assume that Moses arrived at the base of Mount Sinai carrying the second lot of stone tablets which were inside of the Ark of the Covenant at 4 PM on the 200th day after the Israelites had left Egypt. So why isn’t this day stamped on the history of the Israelites and humanity? If it is not that it is probably because it was stamped on the history of humanity within the very first second of its existence and the very first day of creation; 01 – 01 – 01. This is where I would be sending Nicodemus back to but he knew these times very well and there was nothing new in it for him. What Nicodemus needed we also need is the bronze snake in the desert and the conditions under which Moses/Jesus was lifted up. Nicodemus saw this parallel action and he had no problem in being associated with that murdered criminal called Jesus Christ even though that meant the end of all of his earthly privileges as a member of the Sanhedrin. Jesus no doubt would have honoured both Joseph and Nicodemus who carried the body of Jesus from the cross to the grave with extensive appearances to both of them. But like Nicodemus we still need to add Moses and the bronze snake to their journey which resulted from the delivery of the second lot of the commandments of God. First of all these commandments were the same as the first lot with the exception of the background which they were written. For those who look at the cross of Good Friday and do not see the commandments they are blinded and they see nothing. To say that you have accepted the cross of Good Friday and that you are now living within the precincts of perfection and that this now entitles you to murder and steal and commit adultery and lie and blaspheme and break any of the other 10 commandments at will is an absurdity and the property of an absurdity is that it breaks all logic and cannot be argued against. The fact the most Christianity does today, they either ignore or break whichever commandment does not suit them does not make it right. The book of Hebrews is very specific about what people who are doing this are actually doing; they are placing Jesus Christ back on the cross again and to destroy that level of evil will require the fires of hell to be turned up to maximum levels. But the Book of Deuteronomy is now going to take time to explain to us what this Law of God is about and our expected behaviour. It is not, “just Passover” that was involved on Good Friday on Mount Calvary but it certainly was a part of it! (+45495 +900)


  1. Well at least we have started pointing Nicodemus to the right track. We have him looking back to Moses and the Sinai. We now need to lead him along until he comes to the part where Moses casts a bronze snake and lifts it up. The journey will continue on in chapter 11 of Deuteronomy but before that begins we are warned that we must have fear and respect for God. If we find that difficult to do then try counting the drops of water in the ocean or the grains of sand on the beach or desert or the leaves in the trees or the stars in the sky anything but looking at the complexity of the body that you have which is made in the image of God and which has the breath of God inside it. The beauty and complexity of what you see around you will leave you speechless and if

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that doesn’t bring on fear and respect for the one Who made it then nothing will! This is the reaction of most today and they would much prefer to introduce nothing into their lives and to live their lives according to nothing about is where they finish up as, nothing! Our next topic in the cycle of our studies is to return to the miracles of Jesus that are listed on page 1596 of the NIV Bible study where we come to miracles 31 and 32; Water turned into wine and Another catch of fish both only recorded in the Gospel of John. There are now only three miracles left to complete the list and before we go through the list again we are going to have to bite the bullet and if we don’t do it now or never will. Jesus changes water to wine. Gospel of John chapter 2 verse one; ‘on the third day a wedding took place at Cana in Galilee. Jesus’ mother was there, and Jesus and his disciples had already been invited to the wedding. When the wine was gone, Jesus’s mother said to him, “They have no more time.” “Dear woman, why did you involve me?” Jesus replied. “My time has not yet come.” His mother said to the servants, “do whatever he tells you.” Nearby stood six stone water jars, the kind used by the Jews for ceremonial washing, each holding from 20 to 30 gallons. Jesus said to the servants, “fill the jars with water”; so they filled them to the brim. Then he told them, “Now draw some out and take it to the master of the banquet.” They did so, and the master of the banquet tasted the water that had been turned into wine. He did not realise where it had come from, though the servants who had drawn the water knew. Then he called the bridegroom aside and said, “everyone brings out the choice wine first and then the cheaper wine after the guests have had too much to drink; but you have saved the best till now.” This, the first of his miraculous signs, Jesus performed at Cana in Galilee. He thus revealed his glory, and his disciples put their faith in him. (Jesus clears the temple) verse 12; ‘after this he went down to Capernaum with his mother and brothers and his disciples. There they stayed for a few days. When it was almost time for the Jewish Passover, Jesus went up to Jerusalem. In the temple courts he found men selling cattle, sheep and valves, another sitting at tables exchanging money. So he made a whip out of cords, and drove them all from the temple area, both sheep and cattle; he scatter the coins of the moneychangers and overturn their tables. To those who sold doves he said, “Get out of here! How dare you turn my Father’s house into a market!” His disciples remembered that it is written: “Zeal for your house will consume me.” Then the Jews demanded of him, “What miraculous sign can you show us to prove your authority to do all this?” Jesus answered them, “Destroy this temple, and I will rise again in three days.” The Jews replied, “It has taken 46 years to build this temple, and you are going to raise it in three days?” But the temple that he had spoken of was his body. After he was raised from the dead, his disciples recalled what he had said. Then they believe the Scripture and the words that Jesus had spoken. Now while he was in Jerusalem at the Passover feast, many people saw the miraculous signs he was doing and believed in his name. But Jesus would not entrust himself to them, for he knew all men. He did not need advanced testimony about man for he knew what was in a man’. Events after; Nicodemus, John the Baptist testimony about Jesus and Jesus and the Samaritan woman. Events before; the word becomes flesh, Jesus the Lamb of God the first disciples and Jesus calls Philip and Nathanael.

In our almost completed journey through the miracles of Jesus for the first time much has been gleaned but the wheels seemed to have fallen off at the very end. So the next time through these miracles we again have to come through at a much greater depth and this can be gained by an appreciation of chronology and the associated teaching at that time. I have already made a number of attempts to do so but with little success and I realise there still may be any number of attempts before I see the light, if ever. I have no problems in writing notes on the pages of Scripture but I do not believe in crossing these notes out which would make the Bible into a field excursion book. These corrections should also be avoided even on the notes that are supplied within the Bible so

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before I go and start correcting the chronology of the life of Jesus on page 1480 of the NIV Bible study I will have my own chronology which will be almost photostat of the one in the Bible. If that looks as if it is going to work out and I will transfer my bits and pieces onto the one that is present on these pages. Some initial changes will be rather than to have each year split up into the four seasons of winter, spring summer and autumn I will actually number these days allocating 30 days to each month so the total ministry of Jesus will begin at day one finish up on day 1260. It is only when Day 1260 fits into the picture and our problems have been solved and I can transfer the events into this Bible study. In the meantime I’ll write things out on your whiteboard and this will give you plenty of chance to make corrections. So the NIV has three years of inauguration from the summer of A.D. 27 (day one), the year of popularity from summer 27 to summer 28 A.D. ( days 360 – 720) and a third year of opposition until summer 29 A.D. (here I am confused with their seasons but by counting days gives us a 721 of the ministry of Jesus Christ or day 1080 and then the last six months in the next year to give a total of 1260 days. By definition the inauguration occurs on day one and is the baptism of Jesus by John but where it has always fallen over is whether day 1260 is the cross of Good Friday or is it as Daniel seems to be telling us the cross of the Day of Atonement and of the end of time. But on a first attempt it will only be a matter of time of how far the system gets before it falls over. The block has now come far enough to tackle the serious issues and where we have to make a choice between two events it should be more than just a 50-50 guess but we should be able to produce some argument for either side.

I now want to have a practice run on two topics; it is Jesus the Son of Man or is Jesus the Son of God? And the second topic is that Jesus cleanses the temple twice at the start and at the end of His ministry, then which cleansing is related to the Day of Atonement and which cleansing is related to the cross of Good Friday and the answer that I give to this topic is relative to the wedding feast of Cana. As the baptism of Jesus is recorded in all four gospels it must also be the start of both of the ministries of Jesus of the cross of Good Friday and of the cross of the Day of Atonement. But the ministry of the cross of Good Friday or Passover does not continue into the temptation of Jesus for 40 days and 40 nights in the desert. The ministry of the cross of Atonement does and when Jesus finishes these 40 days and 40 nights Jesus comes out of the desert and begins preaching the repentance ministry and of water baptism and this is the ministry of the Day of Atonement where those who confess their sins are baptised and taken back to heaven on that Thursday night from Gethsemane. Ministry of Jesus continues parallel to that of John the Baptist. The ministry of the Passover cross however does not begin until Jesus cleanses the temple for the first time and sandwiched between these two events is the wedding feast of Cana. “My time has not yet come!” Jesus told His mother. The wedding feast of Cana is a part of the Passover ministry and if there was a part of the Day of Atonement ministry Jesus would not have said this to His mother. So the ministry of the cross then begins with the cleansing of the temple but is preceded by an unwillingly accepted by the wedding feast of Cana. Before Jesus began his Passover ministry He had to set the record straight as His ministry depended on it. In the first marriage of humanity had Adam done the wrong thing by sticking by Eve come hell or high water? Isn’t that what we are supposed to do on this earth? If our marriage here on earth is an earthly step then how was Adam to know that there was a heavenly step in which the bridegroom would be Jesus Himself and the bride would be His church? Even if he did know which was he supposed to choose? Why was he wrong in the choice that he made? The Passover ministry of Jesus Christ was supposed to answer the question and He began by the cleansing of the temple. So was this first cleansing of the temple a Passover cleansing or was it the cross of Dave Atonement cleansing and by answering this question we were pretty well define what the cleaning of the last temple would be. At this stage at least both cleansing’s cannot be

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related to the same event. In the last cleansing Jesus would walk out of the temple, take his flock of sheep and return back to heaven with them. The temple that He left behind as well as the city would be pulverised by the evil ( ‘and the people of the prince who is to come will destroy the city and the sanctuary’ ) and in this six-month timeframe it will have to be rebuilt by Jesus himself before he returns with His flock, conduct the sacrifice of the Day of Atonement on 10 – 07 – 3889 and introduce eternity for Daniel’s people and their holy city. So was Jesus clearing the site for the place where the temple of it eternity was soon going to be built? This temple was not going to be involved in the cross of Good Friday but it was going firstly have to be moved to Mount Calvary. The indications are that the cleansing of the temple at the end of the ministry of Jesus Christ was one of preparing the site for the earthly temple of eternity and if this was the case then even at this late stage Jesus was not going to go to the cross of Good Friday. If this were the case then the default value for this first cleansing would be a cleansing for a ministry of the cross that would stand on Mount Calvary. This reasoning then would force the result of six months from the baptism of Jesus up to the cleansing of the temple at as that is the difference in time between the Day of Atonement in the cross of Good Friday. So on our whiteboard now we have Day one the baptism of Jesus, day 41 Jesus leaves the desert after 40 days of temptation by Satan and day 180 as Jesus clears the temple for the first time and somewhere in between that time (180 -40 and divide by two) and Day 110 as the first miracle of Jesus at the wedding feast of Cana. This particular temple was on notice. It was being moved to another location but it was being moved not as a place as a marketplace for thieves but as a place of holiness and purity to a place of holiness and purity. It was going to be moved to Mount Calvary and the issue that would be involved in the movement was the concept of marriage in this marriage would be one of eternity. The Bible has much to say about that juice that is extracted from grapes in both its evil form, alcohol and the greatest curse known to humanity but it is also going to be in this unfermented form as a drink of eternity. Fermentation both of grapes and wheat, leavened bread, are a sign of sin. To suggest that the wine that Jesus made was alcoholic, and this extra wine then resulted in a punch up in an orgy and everyone went home demoralised would be Satan making up his worst lies. This non-alcoholic wine is still going to be the subject of much of the Bible to come and present as the drink offering. It is one of the deeper truths, the great treasure of what we are seeking. Before Jesus began his ministry of the cross of Good Friday and outside of that timeframe he stated the reasons why this particular ministry would follow. There was going to be a temple ministry and the issue that was going to be involved was marriage and the union and the depth of relationship that would occur between the bride and the bridegroom.  (+47650 +900)


  1. Having made a commitment to the two cleansings of the temple we are now making a commitment to the two roles of Jesus Christ, one as the Son of Man and the other as the Son of God. When God created this world and this universe God made a provision, he made an allowance for sin to occur by placing in a correction factor which was announced on the day that Adam and Eve sinned. If that correction factor, Jesus Christ was to be the Son of God then why was he introduced as Eves seed? Eves seed was the fruit of the womb of the Virgin Mary and this was the baby Jesus. The correction for Eves’s sin is described in some detail in the Book of Numbers in chapter 6 and this correction was to be done under a contract by the Nazirite and was called the Nazirite vow. This vow was to follow a path of its own through the course of Bible history. Jesus specifically called this vow, “I am going to do My Father’s work” as He leaves us behind in Eden2 after the battle of the beast and tells us why He has to go back to earth; we cannot follow Him as He is doing His Father’s business. This is a specific stream within the entity of Jesus Christ and it is Jesus within this stream

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that He will go to the cross of Atonement where the Transfiguration is a miniature explanation of what is going to happen there. The Transfiguration of what happens is that before Jesus was a part of us since 3 PM on Good Friday of Mount Calvary when He came to join a dead . At the Transfiguration though Jesus begins as part of us but it comes out that at the end we are part of Him. All this strongly suggests to me that it is divinity that is involved and it only happens because divinity and humanity are connected through the Son of God. Jesus tells us that He and the Father are one and that this human connection to divinity is made by The Christ. This connection only appeared on the first day of creation but it of itself is spiritual  as it is a combination of divine light and divine love as expressed within the unit of time and the daily sacrifice. As it is spiritual the Son of God cannot be placed on any cross but must be combined with the Son of Man or the fruit of the Virgin Mary’s womb. So Jesus may be doing the work of the Son of God within the body of the Son of Man. So the Son of God had a very specific role to play through the Day of Atonement which He still has to do and will happen in some 1800 used time. There were no options for Jesus in His role as the Son of God, where the options occurred were in His role as the Son of Man. There were options for Jesus when Moses arrived at the bottom of Mount Sinai carrying the 10 Commandments written on stone supplied by God only to find Aaron in the congregation worshipping a golden calf. He could have simply pulled the plug and finished time at His own reckoning. This is to where the synoptic gospels are pointing us. He did not have to ask Moses to cut out another lot of stone tablets and bring them back up on top of the mountain purify himself by isolation to receive the second lot of tablets carved by humanity but this time obeyed and fulfilled by Jesus to the extent that was required by God. This was the undertaking of Jesus as the Son of Man and it was as the Son of Man that Jesus hung on the cross of Good Friday. Thus there is a complex interaction between the Day of Atonement and the cross of Good Friday and an interchange of various segments but in such a way that the Day of Atonement that we will experience in/near heaven in some 1800 years time will be the same Day of Atonement cross they God announced to Eve and to Satan on the day that she sinned. Sin and evil will have completed their complete circle.

The miracle of another catch a fish from John chapter 21 verse one; ‘afterward Jesus appeared to his disciples, by the sea of Tiberias. It happened this way: Simon Peter, Thomas (called Didymus), Nathanel from Cana in Galilee, the sons of Zebedee, and two other disciples were together. “I’m going out to fish,” Simon Peter, and they said, “We’ll go with you”. So they went out and got into the boat, but that night they caught nothing. Early in the morning, Jesus stood on the shore, but the disciples did not realise that it was Jesus. He called out to them, “Friends, haven’t you any fish?” “No,” they answered. He said, “Throw your net on the right side of the boat and you will find some”. When they did, they were unable to haul the net in because of the large number of fish. Then the disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter, “It is the Lord!” As soon as Simon Peter heard him say, “It is the Lord,” he wrapped his outer garment around him (for he had taken it off) and jumped into the water. The other disciples followed in the boat, towing the net full of fish, for they were not far from the shore, about 100 yards. When they landed, they saw a fire burning coal is there with fish on it, and some bread. Jesus said to them, “Bring some of the fish you have just caught.” Simon Peter climbed aboard and drag the net ashore. It was full of large fish, 153, but even with so many the net was not torn. Jesus said to them, “Come and have breakfast.” None of the disciples dared asked him, “Who are you?” They knew it was the Lord. Jesus came, took the bread and gave it to them, and did the same with the fish. This was now the third time Jesus appeared to his disciples after he was raised from the dead. When they had finished eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon son of John, do you truly love the more than these?” “Yes, Lord,” he said, “you know that I love you.” Jesus said, “Feed my lambs.” Again Jesus said, “Simon son of John, do you truly love me?” He answered, “Yes,

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Lord, you know that I love you.” Jesus said, “Take care of my sheep.” The third time he said to him, “Simon son of John, do you love me?” Peter was hurt because Jesus asked him the third time, “Do you love me?” He said, “Lord, you know all things, you know that I love you.” Jesus said, “Feed my sheep. I tell you the truth, when you were younger you dressed yourself and went where you want it; but when you are old you will stretch out your hands, and someone else will dress you and lead you where you do not want to go.” Jesus said this to indicate the kind of death by which Peter would glorify God. Then he said to him, “Follow me!” Peter turned and saw that the disciple whom Jesus loved was following them. (This was the one who had leaned back against Jesus at the supper and has said, “Lord, who is going to betray you?”) When Peter saw him, he asked, “Lord, what about him?” Jesus answered, “If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that you? You must follow me.” Because of this, the rumours spread around the brothers that this disciple would not die. But Jesus did not say that he would not die; he only said, “if I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you?” This is the disciple who testifies to these things and who wrote them down. We know that his testimony is true. Jesus did many other things as well. Everyone of them was written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for books they would be written.’

I certainly use the last three verses as one of my seven scriptures that tells me that John did not die and that he is in heaven today and that he will return as one of the two witnesses at the third coming of Jesus Christ it does not say that John will not die because both of the witnesses are killed by the beast and both will be resurrected and taken back by Jesus to heaven. It would be wrong to suggest that Peter would be one of two witnesses because Peter has died and his second death as a witness would put him into hell and there is no way that Peter is going to hell. There is still much water to flow under the bridge before we make the call that the two witnesses of Book of Revelation are Enoch and the apostle John. As the time being referred to is the third coming of Jesus Christ and 1206 years after the second coming than this final catch of fish will be nothing, not one human being has been added that is extra. The Holy Spirit is still been on this earth during this time and during at least the first thousand years constant prayer for those left behind has been forthcoming but the result has been zero. The entire catch of fish is due to Jesus and what Jesus did on the cross of Good Friday. It is only those who called, accept that are caught within these nets.

[With such a broad topic should be left as its own discussion but as this topic involves fish and it is fish that have become a stumbling block in Genesis chapter 1 we have to look at fish from every possible angle to try to build up some picture. This final catch of fish of the third coming is made up of a contribution of zero between the second and third comings but the final haul of 153 fish which I take as the tally sheets containing the names of the hundred 44 million saints of eternity has limits for fish they were caught under the instructions of Jesus. Peter did not recognise Jesus it was John who did so but once Peter did realise who it was credit must be given for the work he did in bringing in the haul. Doubting Thomas was there but then again we will all have doubts about what wonderful things are happening to us and whether this dream will soon and because it is just too good to be true. This does not stop us from being there at the final haul and those doubts will only be removed as late as the red heifer. —

The advantage of doing nothing is that we cannot go backwards but neither can we go frontwards. So the danger of doing something is that we may in fact go backwards but at least we can discard that and try again. Some time ago I got a feeling that my reward for my apprenticeship blogging was going to be shown Jesus feeding the 5000. Out of seven years, seven months and seven days I still have two years to go and with 700 odd blogging days there is still much water to pass under the bridge. At this stage I think it is about the cycle of the door of mercy which opened up in the Gospel

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of John way back at the beginning when God created to its halfway point where Jesus fed the crowd of 5000 with five loaves of bread and two fish but it will go on to the end of that cycle for which we are now being shown unearthly step of Jesus feeding loaves of bread and fish to the crowd by the sea of Tiberius. This is indicated as the third coming when the apostle John will be a key player. If this is the case then there is an incredible amount of detail about the feeding of the fish and the loaves to the crowd of 5000 given here. First of all there is going to be a change of pattern from the apostle John to the apostle Peter and they will occur under the instructions of, “It is the Lord”! Peter takes over the earthly ministry and the heavenly Ministry will be finished by John and with all the riches that Peter was shown by God there is no reason for God to withhold this one from him. It could have happened either way John may have shown Peter in his role in the message of salvation as Peter was about to be crucified upside down on the cross. It wasn’t just his death of Peter but also that of Stephen and all those countless other martyrs whose blood would water harvest of the early church Peter certainly was one of the mainstays. Once John told him Peter really got stuck into it and made every second count. The work of the missionary Peter would now be completed by the missionary John and the closing of the door of mercy would result. It has completed its full circle. But who caught which fish and which fish were already on the shore and who ate what still remain a mystery. There is way more given to us about the period of time between the second and the third coming that we realise! Peter draws them in from his upsidedown crucifixion because it is the love that streams from his cross and many can tell that this is the case. In the meantime the feeding of the 5000 is recorded only in all five of the Gospels so we have been given another tie between them. There is no way that the details of chapter 21 can be read into the two witnesses of the third coming at this stage but the Gospel of John starts with the door of mercy being opened and he finishes with the door mercy being closed and it is from there that Daniel’s 7×70 years and the end of time begin. John did not return with Jesus at the time of His ascension along with Noah and all those other holy men but stuck around maybe even for a significant time after the death of Peter to establish the earthly step from which the door of mercy would close finally. So each pass through chapter 21 of the Gospel of John I will try to concentrate on one aspect and this time it’s going to be on a spiritual level at least went it Peter decide that he was going fishing and all those others joined him? We certainly have plenty of fish material to play around with in Genesis and this ranges from the no fish that Peter caught right up to Jesus feeding the disciples with bread and fish from the fire! (+50200 +900)


  1. Our next topic in the cycle study is Genesis chapter 1, the fish and the birds. But firstly going back today four and the creation of the stars. If Jesus was to ever asked me, and He never will if I would like to conduct an experiment on divine nature and something I need to know more about as divine light especially when compared to the ordinary life that I see. Experiment that I would like to conduct would be to have 3 thermometers, one in the air reading say 20°C, one in ice reading 0°C and one in boiling water reading 100°C. I would like to pull these out of the air water and solid that they are in and put them into divine light and I am very sure that the thermometer that was reading 20°C will continue reading 20°C and the one that was reading 0°C would continue to read 0°C and the one that was reading 100°C will continue to read 100°C. Temperature is therefore not an attribute of divine light nor of the first 3 days of creation. In the beginning God did not create the heavens and the earth and temperature, He created the heavens and the earth. To me the conclusion is that since temperature is the quantity factor of disorder and there is no temperature then there can be no disorder either and surprisingly no toilets in heaven. If there is no disorder and

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all energy changes are free energy changes and where this is present clocks cannot run down. It cannot mean however that all stars radiate free energy because if this were the case then their light, divine light would be so bright that the universe would just be a massive ball of brilliant light. There is only one source and one ball of brilliant light and that is from the throne room of God itself. It radiates a pencil beam of light, of free energy across the universe. The stars would still continue to bring glory to Jesus Christ their creator but only in the same light that is present today. This would leave the topic of the courtyard of the sanctury above open to speculation as to what the changes from the inside to the outside would be. There though the clocks would run down and would have to be recharged by the pencil beam of light. But our topic today is day five of the fish and birds. The Christ is now building a universe capable lasting forever but also one that must be able to cope with the appearance of sin even if that be for a very short time. He has already changed the nature of the light that can cope with the presence of sin. This light could not be combined with time to create gravity as there are no circumstances under which gravity exerts a repulsive force and likewise there is never any repulsion Within the Godhead. So the second factor brought in to be able to deal with sin was the animal sacrificial system. It seems to run at least five different levels. The first level is at an implied level and of which we have two examples; day one of creation as at 01 – 01 – 01 of Genesis and 01 – 01 – 01 of Egypt. In Genesis it is called the daily sacrifice where two one year old lambs are presented as the 9 AM sin offering and the 3 PM burnt offering. This does not force the result of Jesus Christ having to go to the cross of Good Friday, it is an implied presence. The only reason that the universe was formed and exists is because of the divine love of Jesus Christ and to its full extent. Unless that Paradigm  is challenged and rejected the universe of the first day of creation could have lasted for the eternities to come. It already had correction factors built into it just in case sin did occur and in fact there were two such factors. The first factor, the correction they would have applied as announced by God to Eve and Satan, the Day of Atonement which would involve the destruction of Satan seven days before the cross of the Day of Atonement would have left created beings in the heaven to which we are to go to and spend the first 1800 years of our existence, this is the place where Enoch is today and all those grumbling angels that rebelled way back at creation because their sin was judged to be unintentional. There was still another correction factor to be applied when confessed sins were added to the Day of Atonement via the scapegoat. This is the Day of Atonement of Leviticus 16 and it too was accepted as a divine correction and confirmed by accepting Elijah into heaven. Thus time could now run through Leviticus 16 and onto eternity but the heaven of eternity would now be on earth. Now where there was a challenge to the reason for our existence and we are studying the history of this challenge in Deuteronomy. It was only now that the existence of this universe, the full extent of the love of Jesus Christ was being challenged and that challenge was offered to everyone who has ever conceived and only needed one rejection and this would have resulted in the destruction of this universe. There was not but one rejection but most rejected the cross of Good Friday when they were shown this sacrifice. Before this challenge there was no rejection of the daily sacrifice and time could have continued with all its patches for the eternity to come. The animal sacrifice was an implied sacrifice but to do this it would have to meet certain standards and those standards were set by Divinity. They were no sheep created on the first day of creation in the presence of divine light, these animals all animals were created on day six.  (implied}. The second time where implied blood would carry the day would be on 01 – 01 – 01 in Egypt where real animals represented or pointed to the blood of Jesus Christ. The blood from these animals did not wash away any sins but just its presence would point to and remind the people of heaven the reason they would be there for the eternities to come. In the animal kingdom a male lamb that is 365 days old holds a special position in the heavens above especially if it is without

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defect. As high as that position is it cannot match the position that humans hold because it is not made in the image of God nor does it have the breath of God within it. But what about a bull, a red heifer or a goat or a ewe lamb which also stood in for and pointed us to what Jesus Christ would do for us?

[If square brackets are required for speculation then double square brackets should be being used now. Various members of the animal kingdom are used to represent different aspects of the nature of God. Even though human beings are made in the image of God and His breath in us we are represented by fish. The joint between fish and animal is the bird and it was the twin birth sacrifice that was going to occur in Eden but has now been postponed until 10 – 07 – 486 in Eden2. It is on this day as the Day of Atonement that we become one with God. AT-ONE-isMENT. Sacrifices that were to be eaten by humanity were; the lamb of the Passover from Egypt onwards. It had been to hell as symbolised by its being burned in a fire. It did have unleavened bread associated with it and these spices that were to be offered on the cross of Good Friday. It was symbolic of Jesus becoming one with us and are part of our body. There was no Passover meal at the time of the cross there was just a fusion between Jesus and humanity at 3 PM on Good Friday when Jesus came to join the dead and break his Nazarite vow and Jesus would now remain as a part of our body until the day of Atonement in some one thousand 800 years time. It was Jesus Who was going to show the full extent of His love. We should not expect any transformations until that time although we will receive Christ robe of righteousness and the fine linen before this time. The meal that Jesus held with His disciples on that Thursday night in those upper rooms was the Last Supper. It was the Last Supper because Jesus was leaving earth with his disciples and was not going ahead with the cross of Good Friday. It was not a Passover meal. Here are no animals were killed or eaten, only non-alcoholic wine and unleavened bread were to be used and which of themselves will consume much time in future discussions. Jesus fed a crowd of 5000, 5 loaves of bread and two fishes just after the murder of his best friend John the Baptist. And it is this miracle which has become a major stumbling block especially if correlation is tried with the feeding of the 4000. The feeding of the 5000 is recorded in all four gospels and therefore must be a part of both the cross of Good Friday and the Day of Atonement. For this to be so the option of Jesus going to heaven on Thursday night was now a reality because the Holy Spirit would not accompany Him to the cross. It is here now that that dichotomy of Jesus being the Son of Man and also the Son of God is now starting to materialise. But the feeding of the 5000 is also recorded in the Gospel of John and therefore it became a real possibility that Jesus would now go to the cross of Good Friday. This feeding then becomes our linchpin but can only make any sense if it is blended in with the feeding of the 4000. Five loaves of bread and two fish must stand out. The next feeding that we have is the one in the last chapter of the Gospel of John and therefore the gospel of the resurrection after the cross of Good Friday. Here there are a total of three options but only two of them are realistic. The option that Peter and the disciples got into the boat and fished all night and caught nothing cannot exist as there were no fish to be fed to anyone. The next two are realistic but under the control of Jesus Christ. The 153 fish that were hauled in could have been fed to the disciples but there was another option when the disciples arrived on the shore Jesus had already started a fire and had cooked fish ready to be served. The fire that Jesus had lighten could well have been the fires of hell from which He had recently emerged and the fish also came out of the same fires. Whichever fish Jesus served the disciples and it certainly looks like the fish that He had cooked himself were accompanied by bread and no we are not told whether there was five loaves and two fishes but there these events are either side of the cross of Good Friday. If tying in these events is not difficult enough then think about the time when Peter went fishing and caught nothing but broke the drought when the disciple

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John told him about the presence of Jesus Christ. Peter did jump into the water and begin a heavy work of hauling in the 153 fish. All being in the Gospel of John we must be doing circles around the cross of Good Friday by doing need to start another circle around the cross of the Day of Atonement or is this just part of the same circle? Fish, animals and birds are on our radar screen but is a matter of allowing Scripture to tie them all together. Just as I think that I am gaining traction it all seems to slip away again although to be honest fish where never a part of the attraction. It certainly is looking more promising for a successful journey and our second one through the miracles of Jesus. It is Scripture that gives us the categories of fish, birds, animals, human beings of both universes.  (+52306 +900)


  1. Animals of all type played a crucial part in the physical and spiritual lives of God’s people. This dependence was supposed to be critical at both the spiritual and physical levels. At the physical level they were there source of food, clothing and shelter. But they were also there spiritual food, clothing and shelter. They came from God and therefore it was the establishment of the relationship with Him through those animals. They were only a gift and as any other gift required gratitude. This gratitude was there to develop a loving spirit within them and was not to be begrudgingly returned. The amount was specified as 10%. The most comprehensive and yet probably the shortest science book that has ever been written is in the Bible that is chapter 1 of Genesis. During this time everything that is in existence was created and little wonder we have much more time to spend in Genesis chapter 1. It would be quite amazing if this science book covers not just the history of this universe from its beginning to its very end but also covered the history of the next universe from its beginning and until it has no end. For comprehensiveness that will be difficult to beat! When God created animals and plants He did not create them necessarily to be eaten. He created an ecosystem which was self-sustaining for the ages to come. God knew that sin was on its way and therefore He made provisions for its occurrence and it is those provisions that we are now trying to study. Sin introduced disorder and chaos and the occurrence of this disorder was factored in during creation week. We are still in the process of studying plants that were created on day three and therefore in divine light and those created on day six and therefore in the presence of sunlight and starlight. Not all animals were created to be eaten and if there is anyone who is capable of distinguishing between these animals then surely it must be their creator. Creating a self-sustaining ecosystem would require the recycling of byproducts that result in a metabolism of higher animals/humans. These recycling plants and animals were therefore not to be eaten but just to clean up the environment. The Bible gives a list of animals they cannot be eaten but it does not give specific reasons why they are to be excluded off our menu, it is just a matter of trusting the creator and that He knew what He was doing. There is going to be a comprehensive list of clean and unclean foods later on in the Bible. But now the focus is on animals that can be and are used for sacrifices which are a representative of none other than the Lord God Jesus Christ. Very few animals are given this privilege and the category that we should be studying. There were other animals that were clean and they could be eaten and of value to the Jews and out of gratitude sacrificed to God by were not used as part of the animal sacrificial system. Until we understand the nature of Jesus Christ it would be wrong to rate these animals in an order of priority. The order of appearance may be of some value at best. As our appreciation of what they represent changes so will their order and ultimately it is going to be judged according to the number of bulls, lambs and rams. We begin with day one and the sacrifice of a 365 day old male lamb as a sin offering and a 365 day old male lamb as a burnt offering and neither has any defect. When Jesus was put onto trial even the epitome of evil, Herod could say, “I

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find no fault with this man!” A burnt offering of 3 PM remainder such but when Jesus was been decommissioned from his Nazirite vow HE -handed in a ewe lamb as a sin offering and not the one-year-old male lamb which has been present since day one and with which the sacrifice of Good Friday began. There were many changes that occurred and you would expect them to occur when Jesus decided to go to the cross of Good Friday and to postpone the cross of the Day of Atonement for nearly 3800 years. These changes are of critical significance and have to be studied. They involve movement of certain aspects from the Day of Atonement to the cross of Good Friday. Initially I see this as a four-way movement and the exchange that occurred between the scapegoat of Leviticus 16, the male lamb and female lamb of the cross of Good Friday and ultimately all these and others combined to give the red heifer and what heaven records in its archives for the eternities to come. But separate to that stream was the twin bird sacrifice of a sin offering of a pigeon or a turtledove and a burnt offering of each of those as well. I have already tried to follow the introduction of the scapegoat by the High Priest Melchizedek and how He expanded the covenant that God made with humanity way back in heaven on the day that Adam and Eve sinned. I am trying to wrestle with the change of the male lamb sin offering of everyday changed to a ewe lamb at the decommissioning of the Nazirite. They are certainly not synonymous and there must be a reason why that female aspect not only carries on to the lamb but also the heifer as well. The Day of Atonement of Leviticus 16 was just that. It was the day that there  Israelites were given a chance to be at one with God and sin was not there to prevent this from happening. AT-ONE-isMENT. So if the Day of Atonement got rid of people sins and left them in a similar state to be presented before God what was the idea of the cross of Good Friday? Where does the reciprocal action occur the God accepts these people back into the fold?  But there was nothing there stopping them apostatizing, they still had a free will and if they wanted to they could leave God’s people and go their own way and go to hell if they so choose to do so. Those who chose to accept God and to join His people and walk their heavenly journey with them and when they got to the end of this road that the presence of the blood of the Passover lamb would ensure that they could live for ever in heaven. All the confessed sins ever prayed before and after the cross would pass on to Jesus in those first three hours of light on the cross of Good Friday. They were all forgiven at this time. Not everybody was going to go to heaven however and it’s only those who continue the struggle to the end they were going to make it. These people are continued on and did get there are called the church or the bride or the ewe lamb sin offering. At the time when the Nazirite is being decommissioned, 1260 days after the cross of Atonement it is only these people who are going to be offered eternity, it is only the ewe lamb sin offering they will be offered and not the male lamb.—-

Another transaction that is going to occur is that confessed sins or the scapegoat will pass on to the cross of Good Friday which is entirely about confessed sins. So why is there a change of animal sacrifice from scapegoat into a one year old male lamb without defect? Especially if it is exactly the same sin that is involved. Most of the sins that I commit would have finished up that scapegoat and very few required the treatment that they received on the cross of Good Friday on Mount Calvary. The scapegoat with my confessed sins (Jesus Christ) would have only suffered for a matter of seconds as it was pushed over the cliff and on its fall into the ravine hit two or three ledgers which would have knocked it out. It did not have to hang on a cross seminaked, brutalised, excruciating pain, the object of scorn and ridicule for a period of six hours. Yes, there was much difference between these confessed sins as they were passed from the Day of Atonement and onto the cross of Good Friday. There is a very big difference between the scapegoat and the one year old male lamb. But does combining a scapegoat with a one year old lamb equal to 1 red heifer ?The sin that could not be there even though confessed was the rejection of the daily sacrifice on which the existence of

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time and therefore the people relied on. This is our present point in the study of Deuteronomy when this moment arose in the daily sacrifice became an issue. But did the change from the scapegoat and onto the male lamb on the cross of Mount Calvary warrant and extra species such as the red heifer? Again female and again only concerns those members of the church or the bride and this change again brings up an array of nuances. It was not the sheep/lamb that had the greatest value to the Israelites but it was the bovine species, cow/bull that held this position and even if this was the case the species that is involved in the one and only Day of Atonement in some 1800 years time is going to be the bird and the bird sacrifice was only allowed to those who have nothing. Such was the case for Jesus in Daniel 9:26; ‘then after 62 weeks the Messiah will be cut off and have nothing’. And here again sin is involved and a topic on which we have spent much time already. How can you get a change from the most valuable, bull to the least valuable or a twin bird sacrifice? That is the difference between the Day of Atonement of Leviticus 16 which would have been held here on earth some 2000 years ago on 10 – 07 – 3889 and the one that is going to be held in/near heaven in some 1800 years time on 10 – 07 – 486. The issue between those sacrifices is that of sin and of the four categories that exist of unintentional and intentional there are (1) unintentional and unconfessed, (2) unintentional and confessed, (3) intentional and confessed, (4) intentional and unconfessed and by definition category four are going to hell. They knew what they were doing and they refused to confess their sins and they will bear the punishment for them in hell. They knew that they were breaking God’s commandment, only one of them will do but they refuse to repent so they go with the sins to hell. Category three, intentional and confessed was specifically dealt with on Good Friday on Mount Calvary. Once confessed all gone regardless of which animal was being represented. Category two of unintentional and confessed is a wonderful category for all people  who are losing their memories. I don’t know what I’ve done minutes ago let alone hours or days and the power of a blanket confession is very reassuring indeed. Even when the lightbulbs are lighting up upstairs when in the presence of the Lord I cannot upkeep the standards that He requires but because I have transcribed the 10 Commandments of the cross of Good Friday from stone to heart erases any problems that may occur. Jesus has already lived my life and corrected for all sins regardless of what category, except obviously category one, and I am therefore sinless. This sin blanket is a very reassuring piece of attire to carry around because before we approach the Lord in prayer we do not want any barriers between us and by throwing out this blanket 1st to not just include intentional sins but even unintentional sins even though theoretically they are not mine. But once I confess them they do become mine and therefore are paid for on Good Friday and taken from the list of the 70 trillion that remained after the fires of hell had  been extinguished. There is nothing now to prevent us from entering into the presence of the Lord God Jesus Christ! It is category one that has the animal of greatest value attached to it and that is the bull. And again on this we have already spent much time but every time they come up in Scripture we will go over them again. This time we are in Genesis and the creation of animals specifically that are going to be used for and to take into account sin. It is the Christ Who is now making these preparations which is unintentional will soon be required to use whether that be in the Garden of Eden itself or during the remaining 8000 years of existence of this universe.

Category one is unintentional and unconfessed sins. Sin is not just a dark cloud pervaded by Satan and his lot which can be banished into non existence by the wave of some holy rod. It is something which is present and causes harm and damage and the greatest one of which is to keep us away from God our creator and redeemer. And being away from Jesus Who is life and light we cannot live and must cease to exist. So what difference would it have made when the fires of hell had gone out and there were still 70 trillion unconfessed unintentional sins behind? Answer; we could not have

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left this universe as a new universe can only come into existence when there is no sin, any sin or evil left behind. The eternity is to come would have been spent within this universe. The sins were unconfessed and therefore could not be attached to any being but to be destroyed they must be attached to somebody and Jesus took it on himself to be that person as they were the sins of His creation. But there are a great number of differences between the cross of Good Friday and the cross of the Day of Atonement in fact they are as different as chalk and cheese. If they sins really do belong to Jesus then how can can Jesus offer the sin offering that He did for us, “Father forgive them for they know not what they do!” Jesus knew exactly what he was doing. (+54740 +900)


  1. One would expect the further you get into the blog the greater the detail and depth and beauty but unfortunately in reality this is not the case. The reality is that you get bogged down in what appears to be great details but the reality is there is little substance there but many questions. First impression is to have a holiday and rethink and reanalyse issues. This is the easy option and an option that looms large almost everyday. Salvation is the real issue therefore easy options must be taken from the table and the advice of Jesus that He gave to Nicodemus is to go back into the desert of Sinai and the character of Moses and Jesus could only tell Nicodemus this instruction because Nicodemus already understood what Moses was doing in the Sinai, Nicodemus already understood that bit between 01 – 01 – 01 in Genesis and 01 – 01 – 01 in Egypt and he could progress from there whereas we cannot, we must return to Genesis. Yes the issues here have a difficulty that is off scale and that Paul the greatest of the new Testament writers did not begin to understand until 14 years full-time tuition with the master teacher, Jesus Christ. Compare that to 1 called JK cannot ever remember whether Paul spent 14 or even 15 years in the desert with Jesus Christ, whatever it was was an extremely long time because they were very huge hurdles and many of them. But if I struggle on between Genesis and Egypt the carrot is there that there will be enough traction like for Nicodemus to become a Good Friday Christian. The resurrection will still remain a central tenet of my faith but I will understand the base on which it stands. Not every time that I go back and have another run-off at a topic will result in more distance being gained but that does not mean that another attempt cannot be made. In the beginning God decided to make an environment in which humanity could live and coexist in friendship and fellowship with God Himself. God created time in the form of the full extent of God’s love, as could/would be displayed in the daily sacrifice. A concept of perfection we are even the symbolic forms of the animal sacrifice cannot begin to do it any justice. But that was the problem to coexist with God in His throne room both evil and injustice had to be obliterated and to the extent that they were no longer a possibility. Evil, the beast within, the possibility of not obeying and even rejecting this proposition existed from day four of creation with the creation of the angelic hosts and even beyond and back towards Day one. Evil will continue until that is very last-second existence of this universe and the saints who are about to go to heaven will experience its destruction when that conflagration, Peters fires began to destroy the river of blood of the wicked that was some 200 miles long, that conflagration hits Eden2 anticipates. Only then will evil have been destroyed and immediately afterwards the new creation will begin of the new universe where there will be no sin and no evil nor will there be a possibility for them existing. Such is the actual history of evil. Evil first displayed itself in heaven itself on the day where Satan entertained the idea that he should have equal rights with Jesus Christ and that he should be able to offer fire pans through the fire and into the presence of God. We are not told how far into creation it was before Satan came up with these evil ideas but it was not immediately and certainly after the appearance of evil. At the other end of the timescale the source of external sin would be destroyed

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before evil would be destroyed itself. In fact Satan will be destroyed eight days before the day of atonement and those unintentional unconfessed sins that he caused which I have a 70 trillion of them will be destroyed on the Day of Atonement itself but evil will continue on and be present until it is destroyed by that conflagration. As we are going through all those purification processes from the Day of Atonement and onwards that river of blood will be in the background to remind us of what is happening now, the systematic destruction of evil. An interesting angle might be that it took the same amount of time from evil to be displayed as sin that it took from the disappearance of sin until the disappearance of evil. Such a parallel should not be unexpected. But in our ideal and perfect situation of the creation of time of day one there was an option certainly of evil but not necessarily sin and the creation was in such a way that humanity headed by Adam and Eve could through easily have survived without sinning. But even though sin was an option and evil a certainty through the created entity called The Christ immediately began to make alterations to the system so that it could cope with evil that existed and sin that may become a reality. Once these two problems had been sorted out  creation could then continue for the eternities to come. With only the correction factor for Eve’s unintentional sin that eternity would be in the heaven above and the one where we will spend the first 1800 years of our existence. Things changed quite dramatically when confessed sins were added to the list when the heaven of eternity is described in Daniel chapter 9:24-27. Nowhere on that list was the option of the rejection of the daily sacrifice. It was not going to be offered and therefore it was not possible for it to be rejected and the deepest mystery of them all is why Jesus Christ made that an option and went to the cross of Good Friday. He did not have to! So this topic should fall under the heading off, “the Christ made these provisions/alterations within the creation account to be able to sustain and then recover from the possibility of sin at the two levels that were presented to it and described as the two days of Atonement. Thus the reality is that only the Day of Atonement of Leviticus 16 was what was going to happen 2000 years ago or 10 – 07 – 3889. I am going to put a tick into the box where the question is asked why was divine light replaced with Starlight? Because divine light would not be able to allow sin to exist but Starlight does allow for the existence of sin. I do not have to explain the first three days themselves because they were the creation of the universe of eternity but only the changes that were factored in on days for five and six. But even on day six Adam was made not just in the presence of God but by God Himself and in the image of God and with the breath of God and the stumbling block in which I have arrived. But if the correction factors apply from day four onwards then what about day one, why wasn’t the tent of meeting or this earth actually attached to the throne room of God as it is going to be in the creation above? Or were they attached during the first three days and then only became detached on day four? The combination of throne room of God or the Most Holy Place and the tent of meeting or Holy Place were always going to be contained within the courtyard and this courtyard was prepared on day two of creation. The geology of this earth and the one to be created must be very similar with tectonic plates floating on liquid magma and it is only when the water on top of them is lifted into the sky that the earth responds by floating on the magma. We will soon have to start writing a summary of the science of the work of creation and the order and time of which forces appeared. They were created usually on a 24-hour cycle but sometimes 12 hours as well to indicate they were not always present. What did the Christ have to do when He came to days five and six at the creation of fish, birds and animals? These would certainly be required in the presence of sin and be an intermediate and point to the final solution; the Day of Atonement of Leviticus 16. This event would produce a robe of righteousness which Jesus made for the saints on this day and that they would wear for the eternities to come. Accompanying this robe would be fine linen  or the Holy Spirit. As the Israelites would not be able to appreciate this act of salvation even in the eternities to

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come they would need some intermediate pointers and this would be the animal sacrifice system. But in the heaven to come we will not require an animal sacrifice system as we will have the real thing; Christ robe of righteousness and the fine linen underneath it so why do we need fish or birds or animals up there? The answer I gave before was that once we are in the throne room of God why would we ever want to leave it even if we did have our own blocks of land or we could travel to parts of the courtyard? The best experience we can experience will be but a small fraction of what we would experience by staying within the throne of God. It is Jesus Himself who leads us out through the pearly gates and down stairs to our plots of land where we can begin our study of the attributes of Jesus Christ the creator. It is by studying the wonders of creation that gives us a strong desire to want worship the Creator within His environment in the throne room of God. Thus the animals that were created on days five and six might have finished up serving this purpose as well as the purpose of being a part of the sacrificial system. But none of this explains why Jesus put the second option, the cross of Good Friday on Mount Calvary on the table on that day. The people had clearly rejected God despite of all miracles that God had performed for them. It was as simple as that; Israelites no longer wanted God and in the short journey between Egypt and Sinai they had decided that they want out. This rejection was no minor affair and involved Aaron in the whole congregation. The Israelites intentions could not be more’s clearly stated; they want out! Today just because you want out or you do not want in in the first place does not mean that Jesus will abandon you or me He will try to cover the greatest of evils with the greatest of loves and Jesus can do no better than to bring before you for extent of His love as was displayed by His presence on the cross of Good Friday and this was no hollow gesture as it was accepted by God the Father and displayed as the burnt offering between 3 PM and 4 PM on 14 – 01 – 3889!

This then brings us to the difficult question of what happened on day six of creation when Adam was created. Was this a creation by The Christ or God or someone else and was this the Adam created for Leviticus 16 or was this Adam capable of going onto the new universe and the throne room of God. “Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” I am not a linguist or Bible scholar and do not claim to be but from the simple reading of the text indicates there was a couple of beings involved in this creation event which I take to be God and The Christ. The time poses some difficulties for us and that this did not happen in the presence of divine light but it did happen in the presence of divinity and if this involved The Christ then The Christ is divine light also. Every green plant that is in the heaven above will be for food as it started off down here but clearly The Christ made adjustments to this as early as the first day that Adam and Eve sinned. The Dominion  that Adam and Eve were given was over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground a Dominion that they were to pass onto Satan very shortly. It may be flippant to say that Adam and Eve could not have another better start and certainly could have lasted not only just the history of this world but also in the one above. As I think today of what I would want taken into the new universe I cannot think of a thing. Physical body with all its aches and pains and infirmities; no way no part! The mental ability; no way! Two days ago I went for my yearly medical checkup and because I drive I have a big bunch of keys with me. I also have only one key lets me in and out of the car. A bunch of keys was lost and despite searching through the surgery and outside of it and everywhere else they could not be found. That is because there was a single key hanging around my neck! I come up with cappers like that all the time! Physical and mental bodies no way thank you and the spiritual bodies are far worse than that!  Okay it does live in evil and it does live in sin and these have a highly detrimental effect on it at this would not have been the case that Jesus gone through the cross of

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the Day of Atonement Leviticus 16 on 10 – 07 – 3889 and much less so with the Day of Atonement to come in some one thousand 800 years time. So I’m going to have to leave the work of The Christ in abeyance for Genesis for the time being and look at that amazing decision that Jesus made on Mount Sinai to replace as 10 Commandments that Moses broke and not just rewrite but rewrite and fulfil the same Commandments on tablets that Moses prepared. True this time there would be no failure ass Jesus would do the work for us and all we have to do is to accept! But why do this at all? It certainly was not in the original script that we are studying Genesis. Jesus did not have to do this! (+57272 +900)


12072020 . This idea of a 3;3;1 creation of Genesis is proving quite useful. Three days under divine light, three days an ordinary light plus one day of Sabbath. The idea that the combination of divine light in the presence of the Holy Spirit and being combined with time which of itself is the full extent of the love of Jesus Christ and to these three i refer to as The Christ. It was the role of The Christ then to prepare this creation for the possibility and the actuality of sin occurring and in such a way that sin would be done away with and then this creation could continue on for the eternities to come. The pinnacle of this creation was mankind and it was here that the Christ concentrated most of His effort. In fact there was so much happened on this day it was best to single out and to write it out as its own chapter and it doesn’t take too much imagination to realise that a book is required on this subject and the book that follows is the Bible. The seven days of creation even though they are seven distinct stages they are still related and that includes day six and seven. Day seven was a correction factor and an immunity against the occurrence of sin but because it is also present in the new universe where there is no sin it must be more than that. A comparison therefore between Sabbath on earth and Sabbath in the new universe would therefore be in order. Thus we still have much material to cover in subsequent visits to the creation account of Genesis chapter 1. The continuation of Genesis chapter 1 is called the Bible and the second section of our studies that we are at now is Deuteronomy chapter 11. The way we are trying to study this book now is to follow Nicodemus when Jesus sent him back to the desert of Sinai and Moses casting a bronze snake and when he held it up any person that had been bitten by the viper of sin would live and would not die. We are supposed to see the parallel of the Son of Man also being lifted up and for anyone looking to him as their source of salvation would also not die. It was not only Nicodemus that was hopelessly confused it was also Paul and every single one of the disciples. Not one of them knew was going on because it was not in the Bible, certainly not in Genesis! (Obviously you have the daily sacrifice which was present from day one but no one understood). Moses should have understood it because it was in his presence that these extra changes were added. The role of The Christ back in Genesis did not include a challenge to the existence of time and the universe itself. It did include the occurrence of sin initially at the level of Eve and then much later the level of Adam was added to it. These were the correction factors that were going to be required which will ultimately get rid of sin and evil and allow this universe to continue to exist for the eternities to come. This is the first thing which we must point out that Nicodemus that there was a marked deviation to the original plan and that now the daily sacrifice was on the line. The addition of the daily sacrifice and of Jesus on the cross of Good Friday changed the situation from one of chalk into one of cheese. This change occurred under the supervision of Moses. This was the case in the earthly step in the desert of Sinai but the heavenly step was that it was Jesus who intervened on our part and pleaded with God His Father not to destroy us because we had rejected Him but to give us another chance and this was under conditions where we could not fail because it was going to be Jesus who would fulfil all the

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requirements and then hand us His finished works. His works would be free of charge and this stunning act of love could only be summarised as the full extent of the love of Jesus Christ! What Nicodemus or what Paul could not see and in fact most will not see until just before we are admitted through the pearly gates! And to help humanity in general equation becomes; Jesus Christ the Creator (and we cannot get out of the fact that this creation is just so stunningly beautiful and complex and the fact that we do not understand it does not change the fact that it just is) is the lens/telescope   through which when we look we should at least glimpse of the awful power of Jesus Christ which is displayed in the burnt offering of Jesus on the cross between 3 PM and 4 PM on Good Friday! Initially at least we should just absorb this scene before trying to move before 3 PM or after 4 PM. But at least we have introduced Nicodemus to their fundamental change that occurred when Moses arrived at the foot of Mount Sinai with the 10 Commandments written by God Himself on tablets supplied by Moses and being enshrouded in THE ARK OF THE COVENANT. Once Nicodemus has accepted this monumental change that we now have to lead him along until we come to the bronze snake in the desert. There still may be some way to go but at least we have stepped off the correct earthly foundation and what we need to see now how Jesus did fulfil this promise and we are in Scripture does it tell us that this finished work is handed over to anyone who wants to take advantage of it and under what conditions? Is this just a matter of lipservice for us to accept then life continues on in its normal evil ways? After all the rules are very slack and no one who applies is rejected. Is it okay now to fleece the sheep and maybe even get a Lamborghini or a Porsche out of them? Is Billy Graham one of the greatest evangelists of them all allowed to talk them into accepting the Bible and a rifle and then blessing them so they can go and slaughter 5 million innocent people and destroy their country for hundreds of years to come? And this was in the name of Christianity and this was in the name of Jesus Christ! The rules may be very slack for acceptance but this is not the case for the rules of admittance. The very first lot set out and only one made it out of 600,000! The acceptance of that magnimonios act of what Jesus did for us on Good Friday would by definition cause spontaneous changes in our behaviour for the better although never enough to be granted entrance into the throne room of God! This is in entirely the work of what Jesus did on the cross for us! As we now lead Nicodemus to Moses lifting up the bronze snake in the desert on a path that Scripture as prescribed from Deuteronomy chapter 10 we tell him that he must have fear and reverence for God and the more fear and reverence that he has the closer Jesus will allow him into His presence. We tell him that the cross that Jesus hung on on Good Friday on Mount Calvary about 2000 years ago was about love and it was about obedience and Jesus expects us to at least to reflect a part of the character and nature of Jesus Christ. It is not a matter of making up some of your own rules and then trying to obey them but the rules that we are expected to try to obey have already been written out by none other than God Himself as the 10 Commandments. Jesus kept these rules and not the rules you make up for yourself. Every time we look at these commandments and try to understand what is required, every time we will see just how hopelessly short we are of even trying to obey them but with confidence we pass them to Jesus on the cross Good Friday and line up in the queue for heaven. We can never go wrong by relying on Jesus. The rules for obeying are clearly spelt out but so also the consequences of disobeying and the difference between these two is stressed often in Scripture and it is the difference between heaven on earth and hells on earth. And this has been a history of the people of God all the way through and including today; it is a matter of living in hell or a matter of living in heaven and the choice is clear-cut. Whatever I write now could not begin to match the depth of what you would read if you went to the Bible and read Deuteronomy chapter 11. Yes there are going to be other rules and we will try but they never be able to obey but it’s rules like this that make us into a special people and therefore be able to march under conditions which

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keeps us from our sinful ways! Our next topic in the miracles of Jesus concern bringing the dead back to life and there are only three left now on page 1596 of the NIV Bible study. (+59365 +900)


  1. The last three miracles on page 1596 of the NIV Bible study, first one was Jarius’s daughter and recorded in three of the Gospels, Matthew chapter 9:1- ; ‘Jesus stepped into a boat, crossed over and came to his own town. Some men brought to him a paralytic, lying on the mat. When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic, “take heart, son; your sins are for given.” At this, some of the teachers of the law said to themselves, “this fellow is blaspheming!” Knowing their thoughts, Jesus said, “Why do you entertain evil thoughts in your hearts? Which is easier: to say, “Your sins are forgiven,” or to say, “Get up and walk?” But so that you may know that the Son of Man as authority on earth to forgive sins.” Then he said to the paralytic, “get up, take your mat and go home.” And the man got up and went home.” When the crowd saw this, they were filled with law; and they praise God, who had given such authority to men. [The calling of Matthew] 9;- ‘as Jesus went on from there, he saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax collector’s booth. “Follow me,” he told him, and Matthew got up and followed him. Whilst Jesus was having dinner at Matthew’s house, many tax collectors and “sinners” came and ate with him and his disciples. When the Pharisees saw this, they asked his disciples, “Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and “sinners”?” On hearing this, Jesus said, “it is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I go and learn what this means: “I desire mercy, not sacrifice.” For I have not come to call the righteous: but the sinners.” [Jesus questioned about fasting] verse 14; ‘then John’s disciples came and asked him, “how is it that we and the Pharisees fast, but your disciples do not fast?” Jesus answered, “how can the guests of the bridegroom mourn while he is with them? The time will come when the bridegroom will be taken from them; then they will fast. No one sews a patch of unshrunk cloth on an old garment, for the patch will pull away from the garment, making the tear worse. Neither do men pour new wine into old wineskins. If they do, the skins will burst, the wind will run out in the wineskins will be ruined. No, they for new wine into new wineskins and both are preserved.”[A dead girl and a sick woman] verse 18; ‘while he was saying this, a ruler came and knelt before him and said, “My daughter has just died. I come and put your hand on her, and she will live.” Jesus got up and went with him, and so did his disciples. Just then a woman who had been subject to bleeding for 12 years came up behind him and touched the edge of his cloak. She said to herself, “If only I touch his cloak, I will be healed.” Jesus turned and saw her. “Take heart, daughter,” Jesus said, “Go your way. The girl is not dead but asleep.” But they laughed at him. After the Crowd had been put outside, he went in and took the girl by the hand, and she got up. News of this spread through all that region. [Jesus heals the blind and the mute] previously covered. Events after; Jesus sends out the 12, and Jesus and John the Baptist. Events before; healing of two demon possessed man, Jesus calms the storm and curing the man with leprosy and the Centurion.

Mark chapter 5; ‘they came across the lake to the region of the Gerasenes. When Jesus got out of the boat, a man with an evil spirit came from the tombs to meet him. This man lived in the tombs, and no one could bind him any more, not even with a chain. For he had often been chained and on foot, but he tore the chains apart and broke the irons on his feet. No one was strong enough to subdue him. Night and day among the tombs and in the hills he would cry out and cut himself with stones. When he saw Jesus from a distance, he ran and fell on his knees in front of him, and shouted at the top of his voice, “What you want with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? Swear to God that you won’t torture me!” For Jesus had said to him, “come out of this man, you evil spirit!” Then Jesus asked him, “What is your name?” “My name is Legion,” he replied, “For we are many.” And he

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begged Jesus again and again not to send them out of the area. A large herd of pigs was feeding on the nearby hillside. The demons begged Jesus, “Send us among the pigs; allow us to go into them.” He gave them permission, and the evil spirits came out and went into the pigs. The herd, about 2000 in number, rushed down the steep bank into the lake and were drowned. Those tending the pigs ran off and reported this in the town and countryside, and the people went out to see what had happened. When they came to Jesus, they saw the man who had been possessed by the Legion of demons, sitting there, dressed and in his right mind; and they were afraid. Those who had seen each told the people what had happened to the demon possessed man – and told about the pigs as well. Then the people began to plead with Jesus to leave their region. As Jesus was getting into the boat the man who had been demon possessed begged to go with Jesus. Jesus did not let him, but said, “go to your own family and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you.” So the man went away and began to tell in that the Decapolis how much Jesus had done for him. And all the people were amazed.[A dead girl and a sick woman] verse 21;-‘ When Jesus had again crossed over by boat to the other side of the lake, a large crowd gathered around him while he was by the lake. Then one of the synagogue rulers, named Jairus, came there. Seeing Jesus, he fell at his feet and pleaded earnestly with him, “My little daughter is dying. Please come and put your hands on her so that she will be healed and live.” So Jesus went with him. A large crowd followed and pressed around him. And a woman was being who had been subject to bleeding for 12 years. She had suffered a great deal under the care of many doctors and and had spent all she had, yet instead of getting better she grew worse. When she heard about Jesus, she came up behind him in the crowd and touched his cloak, because she thought, “if I just touch his clothes, I will be healed.” Immediately her bleeding stopped and she felt in her body that she was freed from her suffering. At once Jesus realised that power had gone out of him. He turned around in the crowd and asked, “who touched my clothes?” “You see people crowding against you,” his disciples answered, “and yet you can ask, “Who touched me?” But Jesus kept looking around to see who had done it. Then the woman, knowing what had happened to her, came and fell at his feet and, trembling with fear, told him the whole truth. He said to her, “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering.” While Jesus was still speaking, some men came up from the house of Jairus, the synagogue ruler. “Your daughter is dead,” they said. “Why bother the teacher anymore?” Ignoring what they said, Jesus told the synagogue ruler, “don’t be afraid; just believe.” He did not let anyone follow him except Peter, James and John the brother of James. When they came to the home of the synagogue ruler, Jesus saw a commotion, with people crying and wailing loudly. He went in and said to them, “Why all this commotion and wailing? The child is not dead but asleep.” But they laughed at him. After he put them all out, he took the child’s father and mother and the disciples who were with him, and where anywhere the child was. He took her by the hand and said to her, “ Talitha koum!” (Which means, “Little girl, I say to you, get up!”) Immediately the girl stood up and walked around (she was 12 years old). At this they were completely astonished. He gave strict orders not to let anyone know about this, and told them to give her something to eat.’(60440 +900)

Luke chapter 8 (the parable of the sower) verse 1; ‘


Luke chapter 8 (the parable of the sower) verse 1; ‘After this, Jesus travelled about one in village to another, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom of God. The 12 were with him, and also some women, who had been cured of evil spirits and diseases: Mary (called Magdalen) from whom seven demons had come out; Joanna the wife of Cuza, the manager of Herod’s household; Susanna; and

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many others. These women were helping to support them out of their own means. While a large crowd was gathering and the people were coming to Jesus from town after town, he told this parable: “a farmer went out to so his seed. As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path; it was trampled on, and the birds of the air ate it up. Some fell on rock, and when it came up, the plants withered because they had no moisture. Other seed fell among the thorns, which grew up with it and choked the plants. Still other seed fell on good soil. It came up and yielded a crop, 100 times more than was sown.” When he said this, he called out, “he who has ears to hear, let him hear.” His disciples asked him what this parable meant. He said, “The knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of God has been given to you, but to others I speak in parables, so that, “no seeing, they may not see; no hearing, they may not understand.” This is the meaning of the parable: the seed is the word of God. Those along the path are the ones who hear, and then the devil comes and takes away the word from their hearts, so that they may not believe and be saved. Those on the rock are the ones who receive the word with joy when they hear it, but they have no root. They believe for a while but in the time of testing they fall away. The seed that fell among thorns stands for those who hear, but as they go on their way they are choked by life’s worries, riches and pleasures, and they do not mature. But the seed on the good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, to hear the work, retain, and by persevering produce a crop. (A lamp on a stand) “no one lights a lamp and hides it in a jar or puts it under the bed. Instead, it would sit understand, so that those who come in can see the light. For there is nothing hidden there will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed they will not be shown or brought out into the open. Therefore consider carefully how you listen. Whoever has will be given more; whoever does not have, even what he thinks he has will be taken away from him.” (Jesus’s mother and brothers) now Jesus’s mother and brothers came to see him, but they were not able to get near him because of the crowd. Someone told him, “your mother and brothers are standing outside, waiting to see you.” He replied, “My mother and brothers are those who hear God’s word and put it into practice.” (Jesus calms the storm); One day Jesus said to his disciples, “Let’s go over to the other side of the lake.” So they got into a boat and set out. As a sale, he fell asleep. A squall came down on the lake, so that the boat was being swamped, and they were in great danger. The disciples went and woke him, saying, “Master, Master, we going to drown!” He got up and rebuked the wind and the raging waters; the storm subsided, and all was calm. “Where is your faith?” He asked his disciples. In fear and amazement they asked one another, “Who is this? He commands even the winds and the water and they obey him.” (The healing of a demon possessed man) They sailed to the region of the Gerasanes, which is across the lake from Galilee. When Jesus stepped ashore, he was met by a demon possessed man from the town. For a long time this man and not warm clothes or lived in a house, but had lived in the tombs. When he saw Jesus, he cried out and fell at his feet, shouting at the top of his voice, “What you want with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? I beg you, don’t torture me!” For Jesus had commanded the evil spirit to come out of the man. Many times it had seized him, and though he was chained hand and foot and kept under guard, he had broken his chains and had been driven by the demon into solitary places. Jesus asked him, “What is your name?” “Legion,” he replied, because many demons had gone into him. And they begged him repeatedly not to order them into the abyss. A large herd of pigs was feeding there on the hillside. The demons beegged Jesus to let them go into them, and he gave them permission. When the demons came out of the man, they went into the pigs, and the herd rushed down the steep bank into the lake and was drowned. When those tending the pigs saw what happened, they ran off and reported this in the town and countryside, and the people went out to see what it happened. When they came to Jesus, they found the man from whom the demons had gone out, sitting at Jesus feet, dressed and in his right mind; and they were afraid. Those who

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had seen it told the people how the demon possessed man and being cured. And all the people of the region of the Gerasanes asked Jesus to leave them, because they were overcome with a fear so he got into the boat and left. The man from whom the demons had gone out begged to go with him, but Jesus sent him away, saying, “return home and tell how much God has done for you.” So the man went away and told all over town how much Jesus had done for him.

(A dead girl and a sick woman) verse 40; ‘now when Jesus returned, the crowd welcomed him, for they were all expecting him. Then a man named Jairus, a ruler of the synagogue, came and fell and Jesus feet, pleading with him to come to his house because his only daughter, a girl of about 12, was dying. As Jesus was on his way, the crowd is almost crushed him. And the woman was there who had been subject to bleeding for 12 years, but now I could heal her. She came up behind him and touched the edge of his cloak, and immediately the bleeding stopped. “Who touched me?” Jesus asked. When they all denied it, Peter said, “Master, the people are crushing and pressing against you.” But Jesus said, “someone touched me; I know that power has gone out from me.” Then the woman, seeing that she could not go unnoticed, came trembling and fell at his feet. In the presence of all the people, she told why she had touched him and how she had been instantly healed. Then he said to her, “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace.” While Jesus was still speaking, someone came from the house at Jairus, the synagogue ruler. “Your daughter is dead,” he said. “Then bother the teacher anymore.” Hearing this, Jesus said that Jairus, “don’t be afraid; just believe, and she will be healed.” When he arrived at the house of Jairus, he did not let anyone go in with him except Peter, John and James and the child’s father and mother. Meanwhile, all the people were wailing and mourning for her. “Stop wailing,” Jesus said “She’s not dead but asleep.” They laughed at him, knowing that she was dead. But he took her by the hand and said, “My child, get up!” Her spirit returned, and at once she stood up. Then Jesus told them to give her something to eat. Her parents were astonished, but he ordered them not to tell anyone what had happened.”

Reading through these pages as we prepare ourselves for a second journey through the miracles of Jesus and makes one realise just how much more work there is to be done but even the greatest of journeys have had a beginning which we have almost finished. Initially the first goal of this journey was to set the parameters for subsequent visits but now if we can just set some of the parameters that of itself would be an achievement. This miracle is placed before Jesus sending out the 12, Peter’s confession of the Christ and the Transfiguration. Before Jesus gathered his 12 disciples and various teachings including the relationship of Jesus and John the Baptist. The setting is thus within the synoptic gospels and that Thursday night return to heaven from Gethsemane and is only written up in the synoptic gospels. The issues of death, faith and Satan are issues of both the synoptic gospels and the Gospel of John but now we concentrate on the Day of Atonement and Jesus not staying on for the cross of Good Friday. Death is an issue of life and both Synoptics and John’s gospel and it was differently dealt with in both circumstances. In the Synoptics everybody dies but in the Gospel of John there are 144,000 wise virgins who do not die and are resurrected into heaven. They are very small fraction of the total number that was ever conceived but still form a background for a central tenet of faith in that God only gives His Holy Spirit to those who are going to heaven and does not waste it on those going to hell. But you may say how do the Jimmy Swaggart ministries and all those Pentecostals who so freely give the spirit to anyone and everyone, how do they know that these people are going to heaven? Answer; they don’t know and only God alone knows who is going to heaven and to each of these He will give the Holy Spirit as a guide on their heavenly journey. The spirit that these Pentecostals and others give you is easily judged by the fruit that it bears. If it tells you to ignore the commandments of God or to wilfully disobey them that could only be an evil spirit

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that is talking. This evil spirit is given a chance it will then go on to explain to you how to be AT_ONE-isMENT with God, how Atonement can be achieved and it knows damned well that it is lying. But if you want to hear an intellectual discussion about how to be with one with Jesus just listen how the professionals take the word of God and make it meaningless. Justification, sanctification, glorification and Atonement and it sounds so impressive but it is just a pack of lies.  There is only one way that it is possible to be at one with Jesus and that is through the new covenant, pure and simple-,the new covenant. And it is so simple to tell the difference between the old covenant and the new covenant. Let me take you back today one of creation and to explain these nuances which have existed since, “In the beginning God.” This is where it all started from and from here it will continue through eternities to come. ————-

The time that God created, “In the beginning”, was the right for this universe to exist in all its amazing complexity and it was a membrane on which the earth and other solar objects could rest on. It was an entity and it did not mean that Jesus Christ had to go to the cross of Good Friday where the daily sacrifice could have happened. But this entity did exist and it gave the right for everything else to exist in/on. We have seen that when the Christ looked ahead He had to make certain adjustments for this time to continue. As The Christ looked along this timeline the problem that He saw was that of sin and evil but once He applied the correction factors this time would have continued forevermore. These are more than hypothetical questions as they apply to us; created beings plus correction factors are where we are going is going to be created beings without correction factors. The Christ prepared two correction factors for when the presence of sin broke the relationship between humanity and divinity. These are described with their details as the Day of Atonement in Eden or from Eve’s unintentional sin and the Day of Atonement of Leviticus 16 which corrects for humanities confessed sins. After these two correction factors had been applied time could have continued as envisaged by God in the first week of creation. The Christ did not, nor was He required to do factor in a challenge to the existence of this universe, a challenge to the existence of the daily sacrifice. But that challenge did occur and we now live in a period after that challenge has occurred and that challenge was either to accept or reject the sacrifice that was being offered on Good Friday Mount Calvary. Rejections there were and there were many rejections and the result will be the same event had there been only one rejection; the offer for continual existence within the presence of the daily sacrifice was withdrawn and this would result in the destruction of this universe. It would be reconstructed in another time and another place and only those who accepted it will be taken across. It is this offer that was made way back on Mount Calvary on 14 – 01 – 3889 and it is this offer that stands today and will stand forevermore! It is not an offer to which adjustments can be made and is open to likes and dislikes. It has been fully expounded as the daily sacrifice that runs between 9 AM and the sin offering at 3 PM and the burnt offering that occurred on the Good Friday some 2000 years ago. What happened on that day was that Jesus fully met the requirements they were written out by God Himself on two stone tablets that were supplied by Moses. There were the 10 Commandments! There was not nine or 9 ½ or 7 ¼ or 12 ¾, there were 10! Being under the guidance of other church leadership that parallels that of the Pharisees of Jesus time most do not realise this to be the case in Scripture is most definite about people who commit sin and do not know what they are doing. But the leaders know what they are doing and they know that man would require to withhold one commandment from you and give a series of blasphemous answers to justify this they are withholding you from the new covenant. You either write across the total work of what Jesus did on the cross on that day 2000 years ago or you write nothing across and you are still under the old covenant. The people who mislead you like this know what they are doing and the Book of Hebrews tells us that they are putting Jesus back on the cross again for them the fires of hell will be set to a maximum setting. Many people have many problems with the 10

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Commandments and adjust them in such a way that they are not relevant but for me it would be an ultimate privilege to be called, “Sabbath basher!” By breaking our relationship with God Satan has achieved what he wants and his evil desires are many!————–

It was the person of the Holy Spirit who honoured the conception of the being Jesus and it was Holy Spirit Who honoured the conception of the Christ and now we are being told that the Holy Spirit is telling people to ignore and disregard the finished work of Jesus Christ! I am sorry Pentecostals but this just cannot be! You must have had tuition from the Roman Catholic Church who are experts at twisting Scripture to tell them what they want to believe in. There way of Atonement is meaningless and can only apply to those who have actually accepted Jesus Christ and His finished works of the cross of Good Friday. So how did the death of people who died in the presence of Good Friday differ to those who died before the Day of Atonement? To say there was no difference is to say the Good Friday made no difference and that of itself is blasphemy. (+63163  +900)


  1. The difficulty of the topics must sooner or later plateau with time but we are still a long way short of this moment. If in the meantime anywhere I even suggest that the cross of Good Friday made little or no difference to the events of time and clearly this is wrong and what I need is an extended holiday. On paper at least the problems could not be any simpler. Two dates; 01 – 01 – 01 and the only first day of creation which did not involve the creation of the universe which happened on day four of the simple creation of this earth came first and by four days. The second 01 – 01 – 01 that is given in Scripture as the events of Passover when the Israelites left that slavery of Egypt. If in fact this journey from Egypt began some 2500 years after creation then it was another 1390 years until the cross of Good Friday. The date that I hang my chronology on is that this earth will last for 7×7 periods of time with the pivotal point of halfway between the cross of Good Friday. (Half of 7,777 years and 7 months and 7 days and 7 hours or about 3889 years). How difficult could it be matching 01 – 01 – 01 in the Genesis creation and 01 – 01 – 01 of Passover in Egypt with the two crosses of Jesus Christ; the cross of Good Friday on Mount Calvary and the cross of the Day of Atonement? Both of these crosses appeared very early on the calendar of the history of time. We know the first one, the cross of Good Friday appeared within the first fraction of a second of the creation of this world which began with time and the daily sacrifice was time. We are not told the exact time that the cross of the Day of Atonement appeared but it was announced on the day that Adam and Eve sinned. At this stage I work this number out to be 38 years and compare it to the second Adam. It took the first Adam 38 years before he sinned and after 38 years he converted eternal life into eternal death. The second Adam, Jesus Christ spent 38 hours in the grave and after 38 hours Jesus converted eternal death into eternal life. Exact numbers really matter not because we do not know the exact time when the Jews left Egypt but I am very sure of the exact time that Jesus hung on the cross of Good Friday. Thus it took God 2500 years of patient preparation before He finally organised His people to begin their March to the end of time and the cross of the Day of Atonement of Leviticus 16. But like the ministries of Jesus Christ in both the Synoptic Gospels and John’s gospel, the Day of Atonement and the cross of Good Friday did not begin on the same time there was some six months difference (?) Between these ministries and at the wedding feast of Cana Jesus reminded His mother that His time had not yet come so now there was going to be a difference between the start of the journey of the Day of Atonement and sometime later on Mount Sinai start the journey for the cross of Good Friday. And this is the point at which we are in in our study of the Book of Deuteronomy. Two distinct starts in two distinct ministries. There is a commonality between these two ministries that has evaded us so far. The only clue, if it is a clue at

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all, is that all four gospels involve the feeding of the crowd of 5000 with the specific numbers of five loaves of bread and two fish. But here now we have a more definite commonality and that commonality what joins these two crosses together is what happened on 01 – 01 – 01 in Egypt. The Passover. It is the blood of Jesus Christ that is the commonality between these two ministries. It was a well-kept secret for the first 2500 years of time and it was only revealed to those who accepted God’s offer to undertake the final journey and when time would finish on the Day of Atonement. There was little point in placing pearls before swine and God did not do this and the Pearl was shown to God’s people. Yes, the Day of Atonement would remove all sins both intentional and unintentional and they, the people would be now in a condition to be presented to God the Father in a sinless condition. It would be a separate process for God to readmit them but at least half of the process carried out by Jesus on the cross of Leviticus 16 by what was missing after this the greatest of all days was that the bondage to sin had to be broken. They had to leave Egypt’s slavery of sin. But leaving Egypt’s slavery of sin added more to the human ledger but not to the divine ledger. This had to come from God Himself and He came in the form of Jesus Christ as the Passover lamb. It was the presence of the blood of Jesus Christ, albeit in symbolic form that would prevent the Angel of death from killing the firstborn sons of Israel who today are called Christians. It still remains the aim of this blog to show you how and where that conversion occurred and it can’t be as simple as The Christ made provision for this when He was making adjustments to the creation event . The Israelites may have finished up a sinless and even their tendency to sin being left behind in Egypt they still needed the presence of the fluid of life to impart eternal life to them. the events of the Day of Atonement and of the Passover go like hand in glove. But why is the Passover the pivotal point within the cross of Good Friday? Specifically when the Israelites rejected the blood of the Passover lamb why did this not usher in a new universe and spell the deathknell for the existing one?

This question assumes that the Passover and the cross of Good Friday was synonymous which I have assumed all the way along but this is wrong . Firstly the Passover was very specific in that it was offered to the firstborn sons of Israel and not to every conceived human being. It wasn’t all that was required was but one rejection to destroy the privilege of existing within the full extent of the love of Jesus Christ? Or firstly we are dealing with the blood of Jesus Christ and this comes from one body and therefore one blood. This is one of the issues that we are struggling with at present in the feeding of the 5000 with five loaves of bread and two fish which because they are covered in all four gospels must apply to both the crosses and therefore the issue becomes Jesus as the Son of Man and Jesus as the Son of God and this mystery is still a long way from being solved . We may indeed now beholding one of those case and now struggle with trying to open it . Firstly Passover was offered only to the firstborn sons of Israel and it was not offered to every conceived soul as the cross of Good Friday was offered. It doesn’t really help much because all that was required was going to be one rejection and the full extent of the love of Jesus Christ and therefore our right to existence in this universe was also going to be withdrawn. One soul. For the record those who rejected sprinkling the blood of the Passover lamb on their doorways would have died but shouldn’t even one rejection have closed time? Well time was going to close on or very soon after 10 – 07 – 3889 and for those who continued on into the eternities to come and he did so because they had accepted and sprinkled the blood of the Passover lamb on the doorways to their houses. There was only one firstborn son per family so what about the rest of them especially the parents and the very large families that they had at the time? And it wasn’t the sacrifice itself that was being offered of what Jesus was going to do on Good Friday is a 9 AM sin offering and a 3 PM burnt offering and so what was involved was a totally different issue with the commonality of the blood of the Passover lamb. –

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The daily sacrifice had two offerings, one at 9 AM all the sin offering and six hours later at 3 PM burnt offering. Passover had no offerings at all 9 AM and the one at 3 PM could not really be a burnt offering even though this lamb was again to be burned and eaten as a burnt offering symbolised a finished work that had been accepted by God in heaven. So there is one comparison breaks down between the daily offering and Passover. It is the six hours between 9 AM and 3 PM they constitute a burnt offering and the sin offering. It must be the issue of the blood that has to be involved. Even if we transfer the scapegoat along with its corresponding sin offering from Leviticus 16 and onto the Passover lamb and make sure we do it at 9 AM on the Friday then this does not fully solve our problems. The sins were presented onto the head of the scapegoat were confessed sins that were allowed to be present when the holy day of the Day of Atonement was taking place. The sins they were presented as confessed sins to Jesus on the cross of Good Friday included the sins but also included sins that would not have been allowed to have been presented on this day but had to be presented on Friday instead. This question may help; King David was a sinner’s his whole life just like the rest of us but early in his life when he sinned he went to the temple of God and asked for forgiveness and was forgiven his sins. But later on in life this did not happen. He murdered Uriah and committed adultery with his wife. He ordered his faithful soldier to be put in such a place that he would be killed and while that idiot Uriah was losing his life David was in bed with his wife claiming the rewards points! David did not confess of this adultery and murder certainly not spontaneously and not for a long time after until a prophet of God came out and pointed out these henious crimes to David. To his credit David did confess at this late stage. Question; would David’s sin have been admitted as a confessed sin on the Day of Atonement or would have to wait and passed onto Jesus on the cross of Good Friday? Later on when God spoke to David son, Solomon God had total amnesia about David’s sin, as far as God was concerned David had never sinned. Yes David’s sin was forgiven so that raises the question as to how bad the sin had to be before it could not be admitted on the day of Atonement but had to wait until the cross of Good Friday?  (+65100 +900)


  1. With these last few miracles of Jesus events are now moving to a climax we are about to be released on our last journey which has a destination of the new universe and the throne room of God. Final instructions of this journey are given in the last pages of the Bible called the New Testament. It is actually quite amazing how quickly events are moving within these last few miracles. The journey is not just a parallel but an extension of the journey that the Israelites took from the time that they left Egypt. They left Egypt on 01 – 01 – 01 and the end of this journey was going to be the Day of Atonement of Leviticus 16 which should have occurred some 2000 years ago on 10 – 07 – 3889 but somewhere along this journey it was Jesus who introduced an option. This option was the cross of Good Friday on Mount Calvary and if the timetable that is given in the New Testament is followed then that should have been six months or hundred and 80 days later. The distance between Egypt and Mount Sinai when the 10 Commandments were given should be 180 days. I have already started a chronology for the new Testament but have misplaced it already but there day one is the baptism of Jesus Christ at the hands of John the Baptist. From here Jesus goes into the desert for 40 days but this is a Day of Atonement event. The Ministry of Jesus Christ of the cross of Good Friday does not to begin for another 180 days. This is the difference between the Day of Atonement and Good Friday. When Jesus comes out of the desert immediately joins John the Baptist and in a joint ministry they preach repentance and water baptism and the base of the Day of Atonement. After preparing for 70 days Jesus announces the Ministry that he will begin in another 70 days and the issues involved in this ministry are going to be marriage and Jesus announced in the wedding feast of

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Cana. So the first 180 days of the Ministry of Jesus Christ are going to be 40 days (preparation in the desert) + 70 days in preparation for the announcement at the wedding feast of Canaan + 70 days for the Ministry of the cross begin as indicated by the cleansing of the temple. So the day of Atonement Ministry has been running for 180 days when it is joined to the Ministry of the cross of Good Friday and they both run together as a parallel ministry with John the Baptist until John the Baptist is beheaded. And thus it was in Sinai as well where there was a joint ministry and a dual journey and a dual destination. The destination of the Day of Atonement was always a certainty but the cross of Good Friday was an option which appeared on the scene with the cleansing of the temple but did not become a certainty until as late as 10 PM on that Thursday night in Gethsemane. It was at this moment when Jesus decided to stay on for Good Friday that the Day of Atonement was moved back some 3800 years and is still to take place in some one thousand 900 years time when evil and sin will finally be destroyed. So it was the wedding feast of Canaan that started the ball rolling and brought into play across the Good Friday which would be a temple and marriage ministry. Before that there was only one cab on the rank and that was the Day of Atonement and now it has been postponed for another 3800 years. The teachings of the synoptic gospels were the final preparation for God’s people and that soon coming end of time and define the behaviour of people who would spend heaven on earth in the eternities to come. But how can all these lessons apply to saints who have spent 1800 years in heaven with the presence of Jesus Christ? There is no chance of us ever breaking these rules and regulations and in fact it would be abhorrent for us to think of doing so but what we do realise is that all these admonitions are the basic fabric of time and those who chose to ignore them and make up their own lot under no condition can be admitted into heaven. It was for this purpose that the 144,000 foolish virgins were given the seal of God and allow to live for another 1800 years even though they should not have been given this seal, the Holy Spirit and it justifies the decision of God not to give this seal to a wicked in this life. If you really want a seal and you are not prepared to do what is the basic fabric of life and accept Jesus Christ as He is presented as the burnt offering of Good Friday but want room to make your own adjustments and you are going to have to go to ministries like that of Jimmy Swaggart and the many Pentecostal ministries that are around today. They have boxes of seals and hand them out to everyone. Having defined the Ministry of Jesus Christ of the cross of Good Friday I would expect that only the miracles that were relevant to this ministry would now be mentioned and they are but so are some of the miracles of the synoptic gospels indicating the presence of a dual ministry they will now be marked out as the distance between the cross of Good Friday and the end of time as the cross of the Day of Atonement. Both ministries are on the table but as yet we have not been able to correlate them either through the feeding of the crowd of 5000 or the walking on the water. The death of Jairus’ daughter is a solely synoptic affair. The issues of faith and death, the bleeding of the woman and the role of Satan are all on the line. And so they should have been 2000 years ago and so they will be in some 1800 years time and all the way through the journey between these times. But an overview of this journey was given to us in the wedding feast of Cana and we need the conclusion that is given as fully synoptic of Jairus’ daughter occurs as then the second last step is given in the intermediate gospel between the Synoptics and John and that is the Gospel of Luke and then the final release into the New Testament through Lazarus in the Gospel of John. The widow’s son at Nain in Luke chapter 7; ‘ when Jesus had finished saying all this in the hearing of the people, he entered Capernaum. There was a centurion’s servant, whom his master valued highly, was sick and about to die. The centurion heard of Jesus and sent some elders to that used to him, asking him to come and heal his servant. When they came to Jesus, they pleaded earnestly with him, “This man deserves to have you do this, because he loves our nation and has built our synagogue.” So Jesus went with them. He was not far from the house

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when the centurion sent friends to say to him: “Lord, don’t trouble yourself, or I do not deserve to have you come under my roof. That is why I did not even consider myself worthy to come to you. But say the word, and my servant will be healed. For I myself am a man under authority, with soldiers under me. I tell this one, “go”, and he goes; and that one, “come,” and he comes. I say to my servant, “do this,” and he does it.” When Jesus heard this, he was amazed at him, and turning to the crowd following him, he said, “I tell you, I have not found such great faith even in Israel.” Then the men who had been sent return to the house and found that servant well. (Jesus raises a widow’s son) Soon afterwards, Jesus went to a town called Nain, and his disciples in a large crowd went along with him. As he approached the town gate, a dead person was being carried out – the only son of his mother, and she was a widow. And a large crowd from the town was with her. When the Lord saw her, his heart went out to her and he said, “Don’t cry.” Then he went up and touched the coffin, and those carrying it stood still. He said, “Young man, I say to you, get up!” The dead man sat up and began to talk and Jesus gave him back to his mother. They were all filled with all the praise God. “Great profit has appeared among us,” they said. God has come to help his people.” The news about Jesus throughout the land and the surrounding countryside.

(Jesus and John the Baptist) John’s disciples told him about all these things. Calling two of them, he sent them out to the Lord to ask, “are you the one who was to come, or should we expect someone else?” When the men came to Jesus, they said, “John the Baptist has sent us to you to ask question “are you the one who was to come, or should we expect someone else?” At the very time Jesus secured many who had diseases, sicknesses and evil spirits, and gave side to many who are blind. So he replied to the messages, “Go back and report to John what you have seen and heard: the blind receive sights, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cured, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is preached to the poor. Blessed is the man who does not fall away on account of me.” After John’s messages left, Jesus began to speak to the Crown about him: “what did you go out into the desert to see? A read swayed by the wind? If not, what did you go out to see? A man dressed in fine clothes? No, those who wear expensive clothes and indulge in luxury are in palaces. What did you go out to see? A prophet? Yes, I tell you, and more than a prophet. This is the one about whom it is written: “I will send my messenger ahead of you, who will prepare your way before you.” I tell you, among those born of women there is no one greater than John; yet the one who is least in the kingdom of God is greater than he.” (All the people, even the tax collectors, when they had heard Jesus words, acknowledged that God’s way was right, because they had been baptised by John. But the Pharisees and experts in the law rejected God’s purpose for themselves, because they had not been baptised by John) “To what, then, can I compare the people of this generation? What are they like? They are like children sitting in the marketplace and calling out to each other: “we played the flute for you, and you did not dance; we sang a dirge, and you did not cry.” John the Baptist came neither eating bread nor drinking wine, and you say, “he has a demon.” The Son of Man came eating and drinking, you say, “here is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and “sinners”. But wisdom is proved right by all her children.”  (+67300 +900)

(Jesus is anointed by a sinful woman)

(Jesus is anointed by a sinful woman)


  1. Verse 36; ‘Now one of the Pharisees invited Jesus to have dinner with him, so he went to the Pharisees house and reclined at the table. When a woman who had lived a sinful life in that town learn that Jesus was eating at the Pharisees table, she brought an alabaster jar of perfume, and she stood behind him at his feet weeping, she began to wash his feet with her tears. Then she wiped

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them with her hair, kissed them and poured perfume on them. When the Pharisee who had invited him saw this, he said to himself, “if this man were a prophet, he would know who is touching him and what kind of woman she is – that she is a sinner.” Jesus answered him, “Simon, I have something to tell you.” “Tell me, teacher,” he said. “Two men owed money to a certain moneylender. One owed him 500 denarii, and the other 50. Neither of them had the money to pay him back, so he cancelled the debts of both. Now which of them will love him more?” Simon replied, “I suppose the one who had the bigger debt cancelled.” “You have judged correctly,” Jesus said. Then he turned toward the woman and said to Simon, “do you see this woman? I came into your house. You did not give me any water for my feet, but she wet my feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair. You did not get me a kiss, but this woman, from the time I entered, has not stopped kissing my feet. You did not pour oil on my head, but she has poured perfume on my feet. Therefore, I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven – for she has loved much. But he who has been forgiven little loves little.” Then Jesus said to her, your sins are forgiven.” The other guests began to say among themselves, “who is this who even forgives sins?” Jesus said to the woman, “your faith has saved you; go in peace.” The role of faith is being emphasised and reemphasised an outlet to anointing’s that Jesus received, one for His head and one for His feet symbolised two roles of Jesus Christ as the Son of Man and as the Son of God, one as the Day of Atonement and the other as the cross of Good Friday. Jesus willingly walked towards the cross of Good Friday and now he is accepting the anointing of sinful humanity and in this case in particular that of His bride of eternity. The sins will indeed come from the forgiveness of 50 and 500. 50 will be passed on to the 500 and that is one of the exchanges that occurs between the Day of Atonement in the cross of Good Friday. The mechanism through which occurs is that through faith but if anything faith of the Day of Atonement had to be greater than faith of the cross of Good Friday. Before the cross humanity had to look forward to their sins being forgiven on the Day of Atonement which was to occur on 10 – 07 – 3889 but since that time we do not look forward to a future event but to a past event that occurred on 14 – 01 – 3889 so much of the uncertainty should be taken out of our faith. On the other hand more faith is required because our destination of the heavens eternal has been moved from this earth and into an unimaginable realm. It would certainly answer many of our questions if we could answer the question what was the anointing of the head of Jesus for? Was it because he was now going to the cross of Atonement and he knew that he was doing His Father’s work or was because he knew that by accepting the anointing of his feet at this time He was going to the cross of Good Friday? The last miracle on page 1596 of the NIV Bible study is miracle 34 and the raising of Lazarus. John Chapter 11;  ‘Now a man named Lazarus was sick. He was from Bethany, the village of Mary and her sister Martha. This Mary, whose brother Lazarus now lay sick, was the same one who poured perfume on the Lord and wiped his feet with her hair. So the sisters sent word to Jesus, “Lord, the one you love is sick.” When he heard this, Jesus said, “This sickness will not end in death. No, it is for God’s glory so that God’s Son May Be Glorified through It.” Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus. Yet when he heard that Lazarus was sick, he stayed where he was two more days. Then he said to his disciples, “let us go back to Judaea”. “But Rabbi,” they said, “a short while ago the Jews tried to stone you, and yet you are going back there?” Jesus answered, “are there not 12 hours of daylight? A man who walks by the day will not stumble, for he sees by the world’s light. It is when he walks by night that he stumbles, for he has no light.” After he had said this, he went on to tell them, “Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep; but I am going there to wake him up.” His disciples replied, “Lord, if he sleeps, he will get better.” Jesus had been speaking of his death, but his disciples thought that he meant natural sleep. So then he told them plainly, “Lazarus is dead, and for your sake I am glad I was not there, so that you may believe. But let us go to him.” Then Thomas called Didymus said to the

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rest of the disciples, “let us also go, that we may die with him.” (Jesus comforts the sisters) On his arrival, Jesus found that Lazarus had already been in the tomb for four days. Bethany was less than 2 miles from Jerusalem, and many Jews had come to Martha and Mary to comfort them in the loss of their brother. When Martha heard that Jesus was coming, she went out to meet him, but Mary stayed at home. “Lord,” Martha said to Jesus, “if you had been here, my brother would not have died. But I know that even now God will give you whatever you ask.” Jesus said to her, “Your brother will rise again.” Martha answered, I know he will rise again in the resurrection at the last day.” Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, and even though he dies; and whoever will lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?” “Yes, Lord,” she told him, “I believe that you are the Christ, the Son of God, who was to come into the world.” And after she had said this, she went back and called her sister aside. The Teacher is here,” she said, “and is asking for you.” When Mary heard this, she got up quickly and went to him. Now Jesus had not yet entered the village, but was still at the place where Mary had met him. When the Jews who had been with Mary in the house, comforting her, noticed how quickly she got up and went out, they followed her, supposing that she was going to the tomb to mourn there. When Mary reached the place where Jesus was and saw him, she fell at his feet and said, “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died.” When Jesus saw her weeping, and the Jews who had come along with her also weeping, he was deeply moved in spirit and troubled. “Where have you layed him?” He asked. “Come and see, Lord,” they replied. Jesus wept. Then the Jews said, “See how he loved him! “ But some of them said, “could not he who open the eyes of the blind man have kept this man from dying?” (Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead) verse 38; ‘Jesus, once more deeply moved, came to the tomb. It was a cave with a stone laid across the entrance. “Take away the stone,” he said. “But Lord,” said Martha, the sister of the dead man, by this time there is a bad odour, for he has been there four days.” Then Jesus said, “Did I not tell you that if you believe, you would see the glory of God?” So they took away the stone. Then Jesus looked up and said, Father, I thank you that you have heard me. I knew that you always hear me, but I said this for the benefit of the people standing here, that they may believe that you have sent me.” When he had said this, Jesus called in a loud voice, “Lazarus, come out!” Then Lazarus came out, his hands and feet wrapped with strips of lemon, and the cloth around his face. Jesus said to them, “Takeoff the grave clothes and let him go.” (The plot to kill Jesus) verse 45;  ‘therefore many of the Jews who had come to visit Mary, and had seen what Jesus did, put their faith in him. But some of them went to the Pharisees and told them what Jesus had done. Then the chief priests and the Pharisees called a meeting of the Sanhedrin. “What are we accomplishing?” They asked. “Here is this man performing many miraculous signs. If we let him go on like this, everyone will believe in him, and the Romans will come and take away both our place and our nation.” Then one of them, named Caiaphas, who was the high priest that year, spoke up, “you know nothing at all! You do not realise that it is better for you than one man die for the people then the whole nation perish.” He did not say this on his own, but as a high priest that year he prophesied that Jesus would die for the Jewish nation, and not only for that nation but also for the scattered children of God, to bring them together and make them one. So from that day on they plotted to take his life. Therefore Jesus no longer moved about publicly among the Jews. Instead he withdrew to a region near the desert, to a village called Ephraim, where he stayed with his disciples. When it was almost time for the Jewish Passover, many went up from the country to Jerusalem for the ceremonial cleansing before the Passover. They kept looking for Jesus, and as they stood in the temple area they asked one another, “What do you think? Isn’t he coming to the feast at all?” But the chief priests and Pharisees had given orders if anyone found out where Jesus was, he should report it so that they might arrest him.”

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The theology involved in this chapter of John is gobsmackedly profound and probably at best be left alone at this early stage. It would be a wonderful feeling to know that I had 1% of the understanding of theology that Martha had but as good as she was she did not pick what was going to happen on resurrection Sunday morning. [In a forced result though the theologian of the time and the most privileged person around, Martha, was the representative of humanity as a confessed sinner which is what Good Friday was about it was She who anointed the feet of Jesus to go to the cross of Good Friday. She did not quite understand the two resurrections involved and did not realise that it was her actions they would be responsible for the resurrection of the rest of her family as symbolised by her brother Lazarus. The resurrection that she had in mind was that of the last day when Jesus was about to be raptured from the garden of Gethsemane and he would have to resurrect all the saints with him. Good Friday and all those confessed scenes would result in a resurrection at the second coming of Jesus Christ. “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will leave even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?” Martha could see what we have been trying so desperately to see. “Yes, Lord,” she told him, “I believe that you are the Christ, the Son of God, who was to come into the world.” She has split the interface between God and humanity into two. She is looking at Jesus or the exterior side of that interface, or the Son of Man, or the one whose feet she had just washed and anointed as humanities representative but she is also looking at the interior side of that interface or the Son of God or the Christ or the one who has come down from heaven to go to the cross of the Day of Atonement and to finish time! As we have seen from Genesis that The Christ is the entity that came into existence on the 12 hour of the first day on the command of God the Father to the Holy Spirit to, “let there be light!” Which in combination with time or the full extent of the love of Jesus Christ produce this in an inner shell of the interface between humanity and divinity. The outer shell, Jesus, would not appear for some 3800 years later. The Christ being a spiritual entity could not be hung on any cross but had to materialise first as the Son of Man. Even in our very early study of the book of Genesis there is much material that can actually join two chapters together but clearly in this chapter we have the fundamentals of the cross on Mount Calvary and its connection to the cross of the Day of Atonement. On our second round through these miracles of Jesus when we arrive at Lazarus we can only pray that we arrive on a higher plateau than we are at now. I think we are doing a bit better than looking at pearly gates 1600 miles above us but not that much better. A more systematic approach to these miracles must now be taken. The more subheadings that we can come under the better off we need to be in one of these was our constant enemy 2000 years ago and continues to be today and that is Satan. The study of Satan is not just a study of ancient history which is not relevant to us today in fact it is most relevant and is Satan’s biggest deceit and that is that he doesn’t exist! He tells us he was in the fires of hell and had his head crushed and in the meantime he managed to bruise the heel of Jesus Christ. If you can’t see through this lie then you are gullible indeed. It was Jesus who was crushed in the fires of hell of Good Friday and Satan was not even in the fire, he was sitting on the sideline and gloating and thrilled with the success that he was having in getting people to jeer and sneer and reject Jesus on the cross. It was because of his gloating and Jesus on the cross that the door of mercy closed on him as it will do when people gloat at the death of the two witnesses and as it did close way back in the Noah’s time when everyone gloated at those eight people in the ark in dark and smelly conditions when they could be outside enjoying the lovely sunshine! Revelation 12:12; “Therefore rejoice, you heavens and you who dwell in them! But woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has gone down to you! He is filled with fury, because she knows that his time is short.” If his time was short some 2000 years ago and it is much shorter today

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and the only reason Satan was confined back to earth at that time was because he closed the door of mercy on himself by gloating it Jesus’suffering on the cross. Satan will still go to hell in some 1900 years time but Good Friday was not about Satan and was about the evil within us. What we do need to know about Satan who is alive today and the Satan who was alive at the time when Jesus was here 2000 years ago. Satan should not be here nor should we as time should have finished 2000 years ago on the day of atonement of 10 – 07 – 3889 Satan had to be destroyed eight days before that. Jesus could have destroyed Satan back then and even today in the blink of an eye but it seems that Jesus would first remove the power Satan and then destroy him after to give a clean slate. So Jesus should have been destroying the powers of Satan right up time when Jesus decided that He was not going through the day of atonement but would postpone that time for some 3800 years. Any power Satan had at that time he retained and continues to retain today I so which ones did he keep and which ones did he lose? Even though we have been through these miracles the first time it seems that Satan was convinced that there would be no Good Friday on Mount Calvary and that Jesus would leave for Eden on the Thursday night only to go through the Day of Atonement which meant that eight days before Satan would be destroyed. Satan was convinced that he would be destroyed at the first coming of Jesus Christ some 2000 years ago. That is very good evidence that Scripture points to this as a reality and why not one of the disciples picked what would happen on Resurrection Sunday morning. And it is thus the actions and reactions of Satan which are of paramount importance to our following these miracles. You would expect Satan with this dual destiny to fight back against the loss of any fundamental loss of his power on two grounds; on the off chance that Jesus did not go to the cross of Atonement and time lasted for another 4000 years he would not have this vital power. Even if time was to finish within a matter of days now where this power would be of no value to him just the loss of the power would open the door up to his destruction. He would fight tooth and nail not to lose it!

[Our recently finished Sabbath walk was not a walk of mirth but a walk of gratitude. During the week my beloved did something to upset her back and couldn’t move and 48 hours later when nothing had improved I decided to go onto the medical treadmill. It would have meant me carrying her to the car, driving her to the doctor and getting her in and out of the car while she got her x-ray/ultrasound script and driving her around to the x-ray centre and again in and out of the car and then bringing her home and waiting for the results and again in and out of the car. The probability of two crook backs looked real so I decided to call the ambulance and they took her into the hospital. It worked out that her back and had given her so much grief over the years had been fractured and now the inflammation had flared up so it was yours truly would have to do the housework beginning with the vacuuming. I got a vacuum cleaner from Aldi when assembling it it had two ports but it did not show which was vacuum and which was pressure. I hooked it up to the pressure side and started vacuuming and noticed all the dust and cat hair was being blown in front of the nozzle. I thought this must be the new German/European way of vacuuming and as I was near the door I opened it and blew all the junk outside. Then I thought this was a brilliant way of vacuuming as you would never have to clean out the vacuum! I think I have started a new trend and when you drive around and see windows and doors opened and puffs of dust coming through them you know they are following Julius’ method of pressurised vacuuming! You must be asking yourself, ‘will this boy ever run out of brilliant ideas!’ But seriously we did do a little walk today but at least it was a start again to walking and for that we express our gratitude on the Lord’s day.  (+70525 +900)


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  1. God has already created one universe which will soon be destroyed and replaced by a second universe. The difference between them being in the second universe there will be no evil and there will be no sin and there will not be a chance of them occurring but in the first universe evil or the choice of doing something wrong and breaking the commandments of God exists and is a certainty and not necessarily but in all probability sin will also occur. Neither universe is made up of robots and puppets the difference being that in the universe to come the thought of disobeying God and sinning and doing evil will be an abomination and abhorrence to the saints. And it is the saints that will do such a thorough vetting and make sure that no possibility of evil or sin can come across into the new universe. The actual sieving process takes place in a number of points of history but the first and main one is when the final roles are being taken from earth to heaven. It is the job of the saints in heaven who are now waiting on the throne room of God for the arrival of those roles from earth to make sure that there is not one person who can get through because they are likely to bring sin and evil with them and would introduce the cycle of sin and evil again in heaven. It is a very heavy responsibility that is laid on the saints in heaven at this time and the way they do the sieving is that they make up a new song that only saints can sing but the evil cannot. At the time that this occurs is 1260 years after the second coming and is called the third coming which is the closing of the door of mercy and therefore no one can be left out there should not be there. Those involved at this time with this privilege are the 144,000 wise virgins who have followed Jesus down-to-earth with this mission. The final tally sheets of heaven have been made up and the result of the work of Jesus taking the scroll with a seven sales from the right hand of God at 3 PM on Good Friday on 14 – 01 – 3889 are now completed and ready to be returned to heaven. The problem is once the wise virgins line up and are ready to return the foolish virgins try to tack onto the end of the line and they to try to go back to heaven at this time. The reason for joining this line is quite valid actually and that is because they have the seal of God on their foreheads which they received at the second coming and therefore they cannot go to hell with the seal of God. And the nuances that apply at around this time for their exclusion appear and present themselves during their lives down here on earth. You see they have a better way of salvation than what Jesus did on the cross of Good Friday. They think that they can add to or subtract from how Jesus fulfilled the Law of God or the 10 Commandments. They are specifically given 1260 days to present their case and their better version of salvation to the two witnesses who have come down with Jesus. They do not even present these cases to the two witnesses let alone to Jesus who is in the rebuilt temple. And if this lot ever got to heaven, heaven forbid, it would not be very long until they would be changing the law of God and introducing sin again into the system and this is only because they carry evil within them. No there is no evil and there is no sin in the universe to come. Just because our universe contained evil or the ability to disobey God does not necessarily follow that sin had to appear and in fact much trouble was taken to prevent this from happening. Satan should not have sinned and challenged for the position that Jesus held as he was already at the top of the tree and could go no further. He could fall to the bottom of the tree but could not go further up. It is the case of Eve which at first is more difficult to understand and to look around what is happening today. By accepting Jesus we would gain heaven and lose hell but by rejecting Jesus they gain hell and lose heaven, either way they lose so what do you think the decision of the majority of people would be? They choose hell but lose heaven and under these conditions Eve’s decision is not that unreasonable. Here we have the smartest woman who has ever lived falling for Satan’s lies. When Satan offered her eternal life all she had to say was, “that is not for you to forgive and I already have it anyway!” Sadly she fell for Satan’s lie. She had nothing to gain but everything to lose but she still fell! Satan had not fallen and taken Eve with him the world would have continued on in a sinless condition but in the presence of evil sin, the possibility for disobeying God always existed. When Adam and Eve had filled this world with their progeny (144,000 of them?) This world could not have continued with a constant threat and

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presence of evil, evil had to be destroyed. If it had not produced any sin in that time and it only had very shallow roots and could have been easily destroyed. Scripture does not consider this as a possibility but it does consider the fall of Eve is a possibility and takes into account. Even though the universe to come is just so very different to our present one we can still extrapolate certain bits and pieces back onto this universe. When this universe was created there was no evil on it but there was a propensity for evil to exist. This propensity to exist is not a weakness but is the extent of the fall of of Jesus Christ. We were not created as robots with endless tapes of praise but we were created as beings with a free will and their free will included the ability to disobey God. We will try to look at the picture that The Christ saw at 6:01 AM and the first light.

The Christ is not the same entity as The Word that is present in the Gospel of John where in the beginning was The Word and The Word was with God and The Word was God. This separates The Word from The Christ on at least two grounds; The Word was present at the beginning but The Christ did not appear on the scene until 12 hours after and in the presence of light. Secondly The Word made everything that was ever created but The Christ appeared on a created world. It may have been formless and it may have been empty but it was still there. So we now survey the scene from the viewpoint of The Christ.

The first possibility of sin appearing is on day four when the heavenly bodies are going to be created, they will not be robots, they will have a free will and therefore they will be able to disobey God if they want to. What provisions is The Christ supposed to place in anticipation of a revolt? The only thing that can be done is to take away any reasons for a revolt, if they have nothing to gain an everything to lose they may not revolt but we can leave that in abeyance until Scripture tells us more about as it does about the next revolt of beings that were created on day six of creation. First of all if the plan to stop angels from rebelling had worked Satan would not have appeared in the garden of Eden and tempted Eve in the first place. Eve became the mother of her progeny that filled the earth all 144 million of them (??) She instructed her progeny not just in the differences between the DNA within their thumbnails and their toenails but pointed them to the source of this creation and they too did not sin. Time ran out and on 10 – 07 – 3889 was it going to be a cross of the Day of Atonement or even the daily sacrifice might come up as an issue. What standard of judgement was going to be used? Was it the 10 Commandments written on tablets supplied by God as on the Day of Atonement or was going to be the 10 Commandments that were supplied by Moses and the standard that was used on the cross of Good Friday? The daily sacrifice. On both occasions sin would not be an issue as it had not occurred and therefore the only issue now is the beast within or evil. And this again becomes the eternal question as to whether the cross of Good Friday would have been any different to the cross of the Day of Atonement. What needed to be destroyed on both these occasions was evil so as each soul was shown the sacrifice each would have called, “accept!” But the beast within would have tried to overrule this call by, “Over my dead body!” And the evil would have been destroyed but the depth of destruction would have been different depending from which situation the calls made. We would have finished up in heaven on this earth but the reason time would have continued was because of what Jesus was prepared to do on the cross of Good Friday! He was prepared to meet God’s standard by Himself. These are but hypothetical situations and any point out to us the difference they Good Friday on Mount Calvary, the daily sacrifice is going to make to our existence. On a more concrete scale is what did happen and the question which would summarise our situation fairly well would be, “where were the angels placed?”

Usually on Sunday night when I have finished my blogging I watch Morgan Freeman on SBS on a show called Wormholes. Usually by that stage I am mentally exhausted and just passively watch to

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see in how many ways nothing can be manipulated into something. But every now and then he comes up with an idea that has substance in it and I may have already commented on the show that I think is the last one that I watched. It involved the spectrum of hydrogen. It was not at the level of spectroscopy 1.001 and he did not talk about the Lyman, Balmer, Bracket, Paschen or Pfund lines so it may not even have been about the spectrum of hydrogen but it was a spectrum of something and that in the scientific world today is an absurdity of itself. It seems that the spectrum changes whether it is viewed in the northern or southern hemispheres and about something I thought I had written about. What completely amazed me was that in the northern hemisphere the redline was red shifted but the blue line was blue shifted yet these changed to the other way around in the southern hemisphere. They should have all been shifted in the same direction. I gave a sort of explanation for this by either walking ahead of myself in time and getting so far ahead that I finished catching up to myself from behind or if I went the other way around I went back in time I would come around so far as to see myself approaching. Both ideas involve movement either away from or towards a light source and therefore the red and blue shifts but to have the move in different directions is a different matter altogether. This is yet another factor we have to describe in terms of the nature of light. Our comparison between divine light and natural light is thus the issue. Both light sources can support plant life but there are plants that can only live in the presence of sunlight. Both were streaming down from the heavens above at the time that Stephen was being stoned but Stephen only saw the divine light and at the end of it he saw heaven. The others could only see Stephen’s face with a strange glow on it. When the light source appeared to Paul on the road to Damascus it frightened the daylights out of everyone except Paul who was blinded by it. Jesus often looked up and through this divine light beam communicated with God His Father. Today the deepest oceans are saying 6 to 7 miles deep but have no sunlight down there but on day one of creation when the ocean was many hundreds of miles deep it was penetrated by both time and light, divine light and therefore the possibility of life also. It was a combination of divine light and time that generated a gravity and therefore instantaneously filled the universe to the extent where time existed. It is thus a background matrix where the secular lot have gravity travelling at the speed of light from where the object was created. As the object could not have been created from nothing and gravity had to have been there all away along. It may become more concentrated and if this is the case and concentrated gravity must travel a different speed to diluted  gravity! In the world of the absurd all possibilities are on the table and they all come from an unlimited quantity which is nothing and there is no time which can exist without nothing! It is boundless and infinite and there is no situation that it cannot cover! Makes life easy if you are cooking a brew and these are the ingredients! But this does not help us with the ingredients that God gives us in Scripture and I am going to try to look at the universe to come at a project it down to where The Christ is now looking and making provisions for the appearance of sin that will have to be corrected in such a way that the creation of this earth can continue on to the eternities to come. Will it be this Christ is first adjustment will be the Day of Atonement in Eden as announced by God and will then be corrected and added to by Melchizedek of Leviticus 16 and then by the Jesus Christ of the cross of Good Friday. In other words The Christ will also be making provisions for a change between between the two universes and at what stage does have his Dominion finish and is taken over by The Word?

As the saints in heaven complete their final countdown of the last 10 seconds of the existence of this universe and they see Peter’s conflagration which began when the river of a full blood that was 200 miles long caught alight and burned with such ferocious fire it destroyed everything. When it hits our home in which we have been staying now for some time it dissipates but it also blows out the door between the two universes and as we lay on our backs we see time slip through this doorway from

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the old universe and into the new universe. An interesting question would be does it  sbring the 8000 odd years and have been used up on this earth with it and its associated history? We know that some of it comes because that is the history of the red heifer but at least it will settle the fascination of what time is and how it will be laid out in the universe to come. Is this gravity that has just slipped through the door or is it only time? We will know the answer to that question very soon after and if the earth that is formed is formless and empty then we will know that it was only time that went through and to expect big changes 12 hours later when God orders the appearance of light. But this new planet when it is formed is not attached to the throne room of God. It is the new earth, and the tent of meeting and there are provisions on it such as a plateau that is 1600 miles high in 1600 mi² for the arrival of the throne room of God but this will not happen for a considerable time after and which at this stage I have 1260 days after we have been on what is our home for the eternities to come. Even though we will have been through many purifications beforehand we will not be allowed to enter the throne room of God as such because the brilliance of what we see will simply stun us and we will not be able to move. It is the throne room of God which will carry divine light another torch and the universe with to restore its energy values. So if throne room of God is out of sight during this time where is the source of divine light coming from when God orders the Holy Spirit, “Let there be light!” When that happened down here in Genesis some 6000 years ago at this time there was one planet in existence and that was planet Earth and it existed within universe that was marked out by time. Presumably this universe had as its centre the throne room of God which could easily have been the source of light but was earth attached to this throne room as it is going to be in the new universe of the eternities to come? (73653 +900)


  1. There is no doubt that if we remained on earth as this heaven for the eternities to come that we would have been vegetarians and this is probably the case on the earth in the new universe. The food that we eat must therefore be pure food and holy food and food that has to be created in the presence of divine light such as happened in Genesis on day three. This does Not contain flesh food like fish, birds and animals which on this earth The Christ would have set aside as the animal sacrificial system. The plants that were created in sunlight on day six both down here and up would probably not be eaten. The heavens in both this universe and the one above would be there to declare the glory of God and when you compare the throne room of God and the rest of the stars it is but one drop in the ocean. This drop is to be defined and confined along with the tent of meeting and the Holy Place within a boundary marked by fence posts and altogether would be called the Sanctuary. In both universes the sanctuary is defined as by day two of creation when the water from this earth was raised up to leave and expanse between the earth and the boundary fence and this leads to some interesting physical forces in operation. Day one was the creation of gravity and day two the creation of repulsive forces or anti-gravity if that is what we can call it. Day three of creation was also the establishment of interesting forces and geology and what may have to be left until we study Noah’s flood. On day two a lot of water left this earth but in Noah’s flood a lot of water returned to cover the continents. Today the highest mountain range that we have on earth is Mount Everest and if we take its base as the trench of Japan than this total structure would be about 20 miles high. If you try to add another structure 20 miles on top of it you would probably find that it was too heavy and the whole thing we just sink into the magma below it. In the new Jerusalem this structure will be 1600 miles high and have a wall that is 1600 miles high on top of it so you can imagine the pressures that are operating on this combined structure and pressures that will remain for the eternities to come and the New Jerusalem will not subside into the underlying magma. For

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this to happen it had to be built under divine supervision as the floatation of the continents occurred on day three. Now I do not think that there was a mountain range or plateau built on this earth that was 1600 miles high and was capable of carrying a wall that was 1600 miles high also but there was something built which was capable of carrying the garden of Eden. This of itself was a special structure and where God would meet our first parents and communicate with them. The depth of the destruction of this earth and particularly the garden of Eden must be envisaged to be appreciated. The water that covered this earth did not come back from expanse above us or if it did it had a long way to come. Noah’s flood has been the subject of study of many of creationist geologists but is not an issue now and the issue now is where was the garden of Eden especially if it finishes up as Eden2 and the archive of this old universe. It certainly is also an issue as to what topography would hold a structure that is 1600 miles high and on a foundation that is 1600 miles high and for the eternities to come. Water should not be an issue up there as there is not going to be any Noah’s flood and the water will not be just a symbolic pointing to the water that came from the side of Jesus Christ but atually be the water that came from Jesus Christ and therefore the source of life eternal. Next time through the miracles of Jesus we may gain some more traction about the three types of animals of creation of fish, birds and animals. And this leaves three weakest links as day one, day four and day six of creation. Day four is still way out of sight as two planets/sources of light were replaced by what could be Avogadro’s number of stars all 602,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 of them. They could not be divine light as the universe will be just a brilliant ball of light. My previous ideas as most ideas that begin in their simplest forms was there was minimal influence but the addition of all those extra stars clearly this is wrong but I still cannot change a model of which I have little idea of what happened on day one of creation. I have given up count of the number of times that I have returned to day one of creation because if I did keep count I will be disappointed with how little progress I was making. So instead I moved to day 6 and 7 where it is day seven that there may be a key to unlocking day one. The Christ There was supposed to be supervising this creation so that it could come through the train wreck called sin and evil and recover sufficiently to go online and exist for the eternities to come. There are many problems with the creation of Adam and Eve that The Christ decided to go and start another chapter; chapter 2 in the book of Genesis. The two beings that were created on this day were to be the focal point and the climax of creation. And there can be no greater privilege than to be made in the image of God and to have the breath of God within us. If that is not the start of the journey to the eternities to come then what is? They were blessed by God and told to multiply to fill the earth and given Dominion over animals that have the breath of life and given every green plant for food that bore fruit from seed. So The Christ prepared the stage for the appearance of Adam and Eve and You get this over six days but the best was still to come and that was the seventh day of creation or the Sabbath. With more than 99% of the Christian world not only ignoring the Sabbath but scorning and ridiculing those that stand up for the Sabbath you would not think that this day carried much significance at all. Out of those who ignore it are some who genuinely don’t know because the ones who genuinely do know have gone to the trouble of covering and surrounding it and keeping it from you and those who do this could only be Satan’s agents. By looking at the wonders of God’s creation when resting from our work should bring us closer to our Creator and if anyone knows this then it is Satan and that is why he makes such a vigourous attempt from stopping us from doing this. Adam and Eve knew the wonders of the Sabbath day because they worshipped with the Creator alongside of them and under these conditions you would think it would be impossible for them to fall. The Christ had done well in preparing our first parents on their journey to the eternity.  As far as God was concerned when He looked down on this creation He judged it as being very good at that is still one grade short of

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perfect. Perfection meant that it could not fall. So where was that gap between very good and perfect, a crack through which creation fell apart? This gap will not be present in the new creation above because things will be perfect and not just very good. The crack in the creation story is God giving Adam and Eve a free will and therefore the ability to reject Him and sin. This gap will not be present in the creation above and the rest of the Bible will now tell us as to how this gap was filled and it will not be possible for us to sin. If we claim to love our children  and want to do the best for them and we do this by locking them up in a humidity crib and doing all nice things for them to keep them safe from getting into trouble we would be rightfully charged with cruelty and kidnapping. Yes we can bring them up in our values and do the best we can but ultimately we must them set free to live their own lives and this is what happened to Adam and Eve. They had a perfect upbringing and a perfect start but ultimately God had to let them go by themselves and this is the point in Scripture where we are at now and return to chapter 2 of Genesis on our next visit. The next subject in our cycle study is the book of Deuteronomy chapter 12. The scenario we are following is that of Jesus sending Nicodemus back into the desert and the part where Moses lifts up the bronze like which symbolic of Jesus Christ being lifted up on the cross of Good Friday. Jesus did not send Nicodemus back to Egypt or Edsen or anywhere in that area but the bronze snake. (+75130 +900)


  1. The scenario that I have taken with Nicodemus being sent back into the Sinai is becoming more problematical all the time. I do realise that Nicodemus was being facetious when he wanted to get back into his mother’s womb at a be born again. He was hopelessly misinformed but not that badly misinformed. He in fact was an expert in the law and he knew about it at least as much as Martha did but maybe not as much as Paul did. In fact what Paul knew was a detriment to him And Whether It Took the Master Teacher 14 or 15 years to correct his misconceptions, it did take a long time. If you consider the amount of information that Jesus gave the two disciples in the few hour walk on the way to Emmaus then consider what amount of information Jesus gave Paul in 14 years? And you don’t even have to go to the extent of putting Paul in the trance Moses was in for 40 days and 40 nights as he lay before God on Mount Sinai when he received both lots of commandments. It has to be with tongue-in-cheek and I try to instruct Nicodemus about what the law was about keeping in mind that it is the novice who is trying to instruct the expert. But I must have an idea of the root of the problem that caused the Jewish nation’s fall and continues to do so today. We have to add to this fact that not one of the disciples or apostles on Resurrection Sunday morning knew what was going on. As far as they were concerned Jesus had left planet Earth and He had gone without them because they had abandoned Him on the Friday night. For what it is worth the best I can do is to look through Martha’s eyes at the time of the death of her brother Lazarus. She was speaking to and looking at Jesus who was the son of Mary and who was the seed of Eve. As the seed of Eve He would crush the head of Satan and then go on to the cross of the Day of Atonement where He would have His heal bruised. This was the work of the Son of God and this was the work of The Christ. [Full marks to Martha so far]. This Jesus Who was the saviour and continues to be would come down/had come down to earth to take His people back to heaven with Him. The ones who are alive at the time could probably go up to heaven but the ones who were dead, including Lazarus would have to be resurrected before they were taken back to heaven. The disciples appear to have related Jesus as the Saviour but why couldn’t the rest of the Jews do this including Martha? How dare they even think about killing Jesus let alone going through with this murderous act? Confusion reigned supreme and here I am trying to take Nicodemus back to the desert to sort out this problem. Even if I did know the answer and I don’t how would I explain it to Nicodemus let alone to Paul?

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Whenever I have been all at sea previously on most occasions it has helped by going back to Scripture itself. So I am going back and with tongue-in-cheek going to try to explain the situation to Nicodemus. I don’t have to remind him that there were two lots of commandments issued on Mount Sinai and I don’t have to tell him the story of the golden calf and Aaron and the congregation. Nicodemus knew about the first lot of 10 Commandments as these were the subject and the object of the Day of Atonement. Nicodemus and the Jews knew something was amiss and were uneasy about the presence of Jesus. They have the modus operandi of Jesus wrong and that they thought of a physical salvation from the Romans and that they would work out to be the top dog and they did not realise that it was going to be a spiritual salvation from sin resulting only in the saints of heaven ruling on earth. If this was the case how did the 10 commandments relate to them and Jesus going to the cross of Atonement? All they have to do was to confess their sins and then it would be up to God to get rid of these sins to a standard that God required so that was no longer their problem.  So did they understand the significance of the second lot of commandments which were the same as the first except for the fact that they were written on stone supplied by Moses and not stone supplied by God? Did they understand that they had broken the first covenant and it was smashed and it no longer applied? But isn’t it these commandments, the original ones Moses smashed that are going to be the issue on the Day of Atonement when they will actually occur in some 1900 years time on 10 – 07 – 486? Isn’t that going to be a rerun of what God told Eve and Satan what was going to happen on the day that Adam and Eve sinned? Yes, the final day of Atonement will be a rerun of what Eve was told in Eden and is more fully explained in the Book of Numbers in chapter 6. At best it could be said that they had a very rough idea of the plan of salvation that originated in Genesis on day one and under the supervision of The Christ had stumbled its way through the occurrence and the correction of sin would now be able to continue for the eternities to come on this earth. Thus we have the history of Jesus Christ as the Son of God but did they realise that in these commandments were rewritten onto stone supplied by mankind that it was a history of the Son of Man that was now coming onto line? Did they realise that the Son of God was now going to be given a physical body so that the spiritual Christ could now go to the cross of Good Friday as a priest and not a high priest? As I struggle with all this rapidly changing scenery I would be the last person to be able to explain it to Nicodemus as to what is going on. So first and foremost I have to explain this scenery to myself and it must be in terms of Scripture and the fact that there are just so many pages there to which I cannot relate I must slow down and start looking under each of the rocks for what treasures they hide. Good Friday on Mount Calvary was about the love and obedience of Jesus Christ and so I have to start with Chapter 11. So far I know there has been a radical change in the journey of the Israelites who left Egypt on 01 – 01 – 01 the conditions under which they left which had taken God some 2500 years to established and under which they marched for the first 1260 days (?) Of their journey have now been smashed and if and where they are ever to be reestablished is yet to be decided. They continue to march under the banner of the Day of Atonement and the Ministry of Jesus Christ on this earth continued under this banner as well so it must come good somewhere but the addition to the journey that has occurred and has added some 3800 years to the existence of the time of this universe which has now been added to the picture with Moses coming down the mountain with the second lot of commandments which were encased in the Ark of the Covenant. I know where the walk from this point is leading me and it is leading me to where Moses will hold up the bronze snake in the desert. It is here where I should pick up a parallel to Jesus being lifted up on the cross of Good Friday. Reading through Chapter 11 I should be able to explain to you that because the cross of Good Friday was about love and obedience we should reciprocate these actions back to God and tell you the admonitions of what will happen if you don’t, that your life instead of being one of heaven on

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earth will become one of hell on earth but it doesn’t matter in which why I think I could not match net alone beat the way that it is written in Scripture as this has been written/inspired by the Holy Spirit. My intention of providing a commentary on chapter 12 falls far short of this also. So I am going back again to try to lift the individual stones and look under them. Chapter 11; ‘

Love the Lord your God and keep his requirements, his decrees, his laws and his commands always. [Most would regard this as old Testament stuff from which we should move on. We are back here the old Testament because Jesus has sent us back here to form an earthly step or foundation. If we disregard this earthly step which began in Egypt/Sinai then it is a logical extension to disregard what stood on this earthly step and that was the cross of Good Friday. Society today is crumbling as we disregard the Christian step or which it stands and that is the cross of Good Friday. The new Testament stands on and continually refers back to the Old Testament and without this background is almost meaningless. There is a major change here in that The Christ of the first day of creation now has a different destiny to prepare humanity for. It’s destiny is not going to be heaven on this earth but heaven in a universe which is still to be created. We must understand the first destiny before we can begin to understand our new destiny and that is how drastic the second lot of commandments turns out to be. It turns out to be the destiny of the cross of Good Friday and from here there can be no alterations or omissions. There will be no mention of animal sacrifices or foods that we eat and drink or social behaviours that are to be cancelled. It all applies and summarised article requirements of love and obedience.] Remember today that your children were not the ones who saw and experienced the discipline of the Lord your God: his Majesty, his mighty hand, his outstretched arm, the signs performed and the things he did in the heart of Egypt, both to Pharaoh king of Egypt and the whole country; what he did to the Egyptian army, to its horses and chariots, how he overwhelmed them with the waters of the Red Sea as they were pursuing you, and how the Lord brought lasting ruin on them. There is much history in the Bible which concerns the people of God, Israelites/questions. We are the nation of eternity and we now have a history way back to the first second in which creation took place.

How much of that history, nearly 8000 years of it will be retained in archives for the eternities to come and how often we visit these archives is an issue which I think will be resolved in the chapter of the red heifer but as yet has not occurred. Each person in heaven will have a genealogy back as far as Adam but if we have Adam as our ancestor then why are we called the firstborn sons of Israel? Let us follow Adam at least for a while. Adam was the firstborn and as a male that makes him a firstborn son and he may have been firstborn son of God but he chose to relinquish this privilege and not only rejected God but replaced Him with Satan by giving the Dominion that Adam had over to Satan. The Jews as the firstborn race of God also went on to reject God and to replace Him with Caesar. Surely there can be no recovery from such a drastic decision? You would have to drop right back to the premise that God can do anything including restoring the situation. It may take somebody as high as the High Priest of eternity to come down from heaven and to try to restore the situation. It took the High Priest Melchizedek to come down to do this but he could not restore to that sinless relationship that he had with God before he had fully rejected Him. So what is Adam’s new title to be? The restored son of God as the scapegoat of the Day of Atonement of Leviticus 16? Adam was not the only one restored by the introduction of the scapegoat and in fact those who were restored who confessed their sins and place them on the head of the scapegoat went on to become God’s people or the Israelites. So Adam remains as our point of origin and as firstborn who after much manoeuvring became the forerunner of the Israelite nation.  (Or should this title go to Abraham?) That was the journey through the Day of Atonement but there was a major extension added to this

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by the cross Good Friday. Israelites were rejected and replaced by Christians. But the Day of Atonement is still coming where the name of the Israelite will still be added before entry into the new heaven. Thus today Scripture calls us, any person going to heaven as, “firstborn sons of Israel!” Firstborn son takes us back to Adam and Israel is the recovery of Adam from a henious fall. (+77443 +900)s


  1. In our attempt to glean more treasures out of such an important section of the Bible as the Book of Deuteronomy and therefore the book of the cross of Good Friday we are going to try to look at it more on a verse by verse basis rather than chapter by chapter. In chapter 11 we are taken back to Egypt, Pharaoh king and the Red Sea places referred to on many occasions in Bible study. It is not really the place where we want to go back to because Egypt was defined as 01 – 01 – 01 and this was not the beginning of the journey to Mount Calvary but was the beginning of the journey to the Day of Atonement. The offshoot to Mount Calvary was added some six months later (?) On Mount Sinai and the occasion was Moses response to seeing Aaron and the congregation worshipping the golden calf from which resulted the 10 commandments being rewritten on stone tablets supplied by man. Our eternity is in heaven will be based on us living in 12 tribes in 12 suburbs with 12 pearly gates as entry points. Our history and genealogy will thus be an issue the problem being we have nothing to skite about except despite all the falls and setbacks we still got up here and the foundation on which we exist is the love and grace of Jesus Christ. But if genealogy is now the issue then we must fail to understand our lineage back to Adam and Eve and particularly why out of a house full of people the angel of death was only interested in the firstborn sons of Israel and why the blood of the Passover lamb on the door frame prevented that firstborn son from dying. Adam was the firstborn son of God who lost the privilege because he sided with his sinful wife and did not realise that the marriage on earth is the earthly step and pointed to the heavenly marriage between bride and bridegroom, Christ and His church for the eternities to come. This error had to be corrected for and was the aim of the Ministry of Jesus Christ on earth and announced as such even before their ministry began in Cana. Adam was no longer the firstborn son of God but after repentance and divine intervention he was restored back to the fold as a scapegoat of the Day of Atonement. Christians are already on the radar screen as part of the repair mechanism and the concept of marriage in the Ministry of Jesus Christ but after the addition of the scapegoat we should be called firstborn sons of Adam as restored to the fold by Melchizedek and the symbolism of scapegoat. But Adam was not in the picture and had not been for some 2000 years and the introduction of the scapegoat was through Abraham and all the seed that he would bring. This would make us firstborn sons of Adam who had been restored to the fold by extending the covenant God made with Abraham and therefore we should be called firstborn sons of Abraham. As Abraham-ites we could have continued on this earth for the eternities to come and that is how this world was created in the book of Genesis. However there was a problem within this Abraham covenant and that related to marriage and this problem was to be addressed by the Ministry of Jesus Christ. It was addressed by moving the scapegoat from the day of atonement and adding it to other confessed sins which then went to the cross of Good Friday. A part of the Day of Atonement, the scapegoat was moved to the cross of Good Friday on Mount Calvary. Abraham was at least symbolically involved in this movement and therefore to complete a list of the firstborn sons we are the children of Adam who have been added to Isaac and it was at Isaac where the fundamental split between Adam and Eve occurred. Isaac begat not just Jacob or Israel but Judah as well. The Day of Atonement sacrifice, Isaac had been split into confessed sins passing on to Jacob/Israel onto which was to be added Judah

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and many other names. In summary then the saints in heaven will have form and done time on earth. They all have a genealogy which runs them back to Adam and are therefore firstborn sons of Adam who was the son of God. Unfortunately, and for any number of reasons Adam mistook his mission and rejected God. They only had one destination now and that was the grave. But by the divine intervention of the High Priest Melchizedek grace was extended to anyone who chose to repent of their sins and the grace as shown to Abraham on the ground of his faith was extended forward and backward through history to Adam. And that would have led to the start of this world and this universe for the eternities to come when Jesus went/should have gone to the cross of the Day of Atonement 2000 years ago. The intervention that occurred baffled them all including Paul, Nicodemus and all of the disciples and apostles of Jesus Himself. We are at the base of that split where Isaac begat Jacob/Israel and Judah. So the cross of Good Friday spawned firstborn sons of Israel initially and correctly called Christians. Not firstborn sons of Adam, he blew it and not firstborn sons of Abraham he passed the pattern onto Isaac and not firstborn sons of Isaac because he transferred his problems onto Jacob/Israel and it stops here even though Judah was to make changes. If we are called firstborn sons of Israel why can’t we be called the firstborn daughters of Eve after all we are the bride or the church and even though Eve did the wrong thing she did not reject God point-blank. Eve technically at least was not firstborn as she was a part of another being that was firstborn and that was Adam. Eves genealogy remained untainted. Jesus was the seed of Eve and as Eves seed He would go on to crush the head of Satan and then go on to have His heel bruised and this was announced as early as the day on which Eve sinned. It was the solution to unintentional sin and it was the first and the last Day of Atonement.

[One ability I think I have is to be able to look through the eyes of the absurd situation that often happens in fact so often it has become a regularity. You couldn’t get a better example that mankind looking at the amazing creation around him and being given a choice of this creation either coming from God or from nothing most will choose nothing! Yesterday such a situation arose and I meant it to be a case of humour as it was an absurdity but it didn’t work out that way. Each year I have to have a medical to continue my drivers license and a part of our medical investigator is pathology and have a urine sample taken. The nurse gave me my specimen bottle and the bag to put it into and showed me the box that this was to be placed into. I looked at them both and told her that in my present state I would find it difficult in filling the bag and I certainly couldn’t see how to fit the bag into the specimen bottle! She was shocked and tried earnestly to correct the order of events and didn’t think was much of a joke when I told her that was what was intended. Another absurd situation is JK following the apostle Paul around and trying to find out how and at what point Paul lost it, that he just could not understand. It is a case of JK who understands nothing or so close to nothing that it is nothing following Paul who knows everything except one critical piece of information. Finally I came to the conclusion that what we do not understand is how the same commandments, written by God Himself onto stone tablets could be so different because of the background that they were written onto. Jesus would fulfil both lots of tablets and He would fulfil them to a standard that is required by God. All of my confessed scenes would have been forgiven, absolved and forgotten regardless of whether they were presented on the cross of Atonement which should have occurred 2000 years ago or whether they were presented on the cross of Good Friday 2000 years ago. If anything the Day of Atonement would have been more complete because it would have also had unintentional unconfessed sins on it as well which of the cross of Good Friday did not have. On this ground alone it was the day of Atonement that achieved more than the cross of Good Friday and for the life of me I cannot see how this justified destroying this universe and moving the

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throne room of God into another universe? Such were the changes that occurred or soon to occur because of the events of 14 – 01 – 3889. ]

It is in the light of these events that we have to follow Eves seed which remained as such and will still act out the original part that was mapped out for a by God in the garden of Eden. Adam was ignored by God by his own choice and continues to be mostly through the rest of Scripture and his right as firstborn son would now trickle down and finish up with Jacob/Israel. This is the cross of Good Friday and even though it does not necessarily have to occur it has been marked on the map. For this mark to be placed on the map some catastrophic event must have occurred. That catastrophic event was the rejection by God’s people of God at that point when God placed His agreement, His covenant in writing in front of them, it was more than a rejection it was a replacement with by Satan. It was a complete rejection and the rejection that occurred on Good Friday on Mount Calvary. When God was rejected by Adam and Eve He first judged the situation and then produced an appropriate response. God also judged the situation when Aaron and the congregation worshipped the golden calf and produced an appropriate response. In the Book of Genesis that what response that was worked out by The Christ was just too finish time and to take back to heaven those who wanted to go and destroy the rest of them. It is a dangerous thing to put numbers into the mouth of God except to say that this would happen at the appropriate time, when God saw fit. Thus the creation became online in the Book of Genesis and now had run its course, corrected the mistakes made by sin and evil and continued on for the eternities to come. God did not have to instruct Moses/Jesus to make up another set of stone tablets and this time they will be man-made. This time there was no room for error because it was Jesus Himself Who would fulfil what was written on these tablets that had been supplied by mankind and that He would hand the finished product to anyone who wanted it and give it to them free of charge. All they had to do was to accept that and the act of acceptance is to rewrite these commandments from the stone that they were on onto our hearts and then take an almighty breath and relax knowing that our position in heaven was secure as what was required by the commandments on those tablets had been fully carried out. This is called the new covenant and without this covenant it is not possible to go to heaven and what those satanic ministries will stop you from doing. It is they who are putting a stop across the door of righteousness to which was given the privilege of Luther to open but free will allows Satan to close it back on you if you so wish. When this world was created in the Book of Genesis there was only one lot of stone tablets and these were the ones that were written on by God Himself and these are the ones that were to be fulfilled on the Day of Atonement some 2000 years ago. But Paul would not deny that there were two lots of stone tablets on Mount Sinai on the day but he did deny that the second lot were fulfilled and came into play on Good Friday on Mount Calvary. They were not a part of the creation of this world and they only appeared and that in turn was only as an option on a date that I set as the distance in time between leaving Egypt and the fork that occurred in that journey some six months later. Day of Atonement Journey begins on 01 – 01 – 01 but has an option of the cross of Good Friday added on Sinai (on 10 – 07 – 03?) And the miracles of Jesus study at what point Jesus decides to take up that option and to postpone the Day of Atonement for another 3800 years. Basically the story of Adam and Eve or at least the source of these events. This is a history to which we will have to make many returns to in order to begin to understand it but at least I did manage to get Egypt into the story. Unfortunately it cannot be much of a story or a history if it does not include the blood of the Passover lamb which was what Egypt was about and my attempt to explain whos the firstborn sons of Israel were and why the angel of death did not kill them if they had the blood of this Passover lamb on the door frames of their houses. They could live in them forevermore. (+79800,900)

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  1. Deuteronomy 11:5-; ‘it was not your children who saw what he did for you in the desert until you arrived at that this place, and what he did to Dathan and Abiram, sons of Eliab the Reubenite, when the earth opened its mouth in the middle of all Israel and swallowed them up with their households, their children and every living thing that belonged to them. But it was your own eyes that saw all these great things the Lord has done.’ If all of Scripture is inspired by the Holy Spirit and is meant to teach us and instruct us through our lives then there can be no such thing as pure history, that history must apply to us in one way or another and we must heed it. It was Jesus Who sent Nicodemus back into the desert and Moses bronze snake and therefore all this history has to be applicable to us in some way or another. This is an issue with which I have struggled with with the Book of Deuteronomy and come up with different solutions that is okay as well as the Bible is written at many levels. Strictly timespan covered in the Book of Deuteronomy is from leaving Egypt on 01 – 01 – 01 of God’s people until their arrival on the banks of the Jordan when there will be a switch of leadership from Moses to Joshua. If this was the earthly step that Jesus sent Nicodemus back to than the heavenly step must be that Christians and not Israelites leave the slavery of sin behind on 01 – 01 – 01 on Mount Calvary where they leave all their confessed sins behind and journey under the leadership of Jesus Christ until they arrive on the banks of the Jordan where there will be a change of leadership. In the old Testament this involved a journey of some 1400 years until they got to the Jordan when Moses was replaced by Joshua and then by the mechanism of the Day of Atonement they cross the Jordan and into Canaan. Strictly biblically they should not have seen Jericho but even here the apostle John got a bit confused. When he looked up and saw the New Jerusalem coming down out of the sky he should have realised that this whole city was a temple instead he scanned the horizon looking for its outline and this would only happen had Jesus gone to the cross of Atonement two thousand years ago. Because the people of the prince had destroyed the city and the sanctuary there was no place to conduct the day of atonement and so it had to be rebuilt for this purpose and for the eternities to come. John probably thought that it was this city that he was looking at and not the Jericho or the throne room of God into which we will enter in the new universe. We have already looked at the change of leadership that will occur in some 1800 years time and the earthly step to look from is the transfiguration of Jesus. Before the start of the cross of Atonement Jesus is a part of us and has been by the presence of His Holy Spirit since those two calls at 3 PM on Good Friday on Mount Calvary. “It is finished!” And, “Father, why have you abandoned me!” When Jesus came to join us, to join the dead. This situation will be reversed on the cross of the Day of Atonement where we will become a part of Him. This process in the book of numbers is called the building of the temple and Moses will not actually finish building our temples until day 1259 after the cross but the point being that they now has been a change of leadership and it is by us becoming a part of Jesus that the peace offerings offered and we are almost ready to begin our journey across the Jordan and through the doorway with the blood of the Passover lamb on each and onto the new earth or Canaan or the tent of meeting all the Holy Place and it is from here that we will begin the final part of our journey onto Jericho or the Most Holy Place or the throne room of God or the New Jerusalem. So the Israelites or the earthly step had to fit their journey between Egypt and 01 – 01 – 01 and the Day of Atonement and Christians have to fit their journey between Good Friday on Mount Calvary when they leave the slavery of sin and arrive on the banks of the Jordan and ready to attend the Day of Atonement sacrifice. That does not necessarily mean that there is not a bit of history before or after this event but this history is directly related to this event.

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Back then the Israelites fought many battles against heathen kings and even among themselves. It was not a matter of out of Egypt and into heaven but out of Egypt and the start of a long and difficult journey which would ultimately finish up in Canaan. So it is with Christians it is not a matter of out of the baptismal font or the Red Sea and into heaven but into the start of a long and dangerous journey where many battles will be fought and lost but the overall results that matters is that the war will be won. It is at this level that I approach the book of Deuteronomy but have difficulty in associating the battles that they fought to the battles that we are going to fight. The final two are reasonably clear and these are the battles against the living wicked and the wicked dead and both these groups oppose us and stop us from entering into Canaan and therefore they must be destroyed. But the battles along the way are many and it appears as if the Book of Deuteronomy even goes back as far as the very first battle in the history of humanity and the rebellion that took place in heaven with the evil angels although there was a replay of this battle in the Sinai and was led by the sons of Eliab the Reubenite. Yes our opponent Satan did appear very early on in the picture and was a constant foe right through to the bitter end. He did get quite badly knocked around during the ministry of Jesus Christ and lost much of his power and this one angle through which we are studying the miracles of Jesus. If Satan lost his power to give people leprosy and if I catch leprosy today then that could not have come from Satan because he lost his power to do that 2000 years ago. Satan may have been defeated in heaven at the creation event itself but will not finally lose his power until the end of the creation event and specifically seven days before the cross of Atonement. I could try to fit the names of battles that Christians fought since the day that they left Mount Calvary but many others have done this for me already. The battles recorded in the Bible would have to be Christian specific and therefore would not include the destruction of Jerusalem by Titus or the final attempts by Hadrian to destroy the Jews. They were not God’s people and ceased to be by rejecting Jesus Christ and the only reason Jerusalem was God city was because of the presence of God within the temple. Jesus withdrew the presence of God from the temple when He walked out of it for the last time and without the presence of God it was just another building in another city. The various Roman emperors targeted Christianity and the most successful was Emperor Constantine and he was only so successful because he did not try to beat them from without by joined them and destroyed them from within. I would also expect that it is recorded in Scripture such as the church of Philadelphia that privilege was given to Luther to open the door of righteousness by faith. There has to be much made of our last battle of the great tribulation and the second coming of Jesus but after that when we are in heaven the battles will not be of real significance to us. It’ll just be a matter of looking down and seeing evil disappear and knowing that when the final evil disappears and the river of the blood of evil has been consumed with our full-time presence in  Jesus will finally begin.

Deuteronomy 11:8- ; “Observe therefore all the commands I am giving you today, so that you may have the strength to go in and take over the land you are crossing the Jordan to possess, and so that you may live long in the land the Lord swore to your forefathers to give them and their descendants, a land flowing with milk and honey. Land you are entering to take over is not like the land of Egypt, from which you have come, where you planted your seed and irrigated by foot is in a vegetable garden. But the land you are crossing the Jordan to take possession of is a land of mountains and abounds in valleys that drinks rain from heaven. It is the land your God cares for; the eyes of the Lord your God are continually on it from the beginning of the year to its end. ‘ To say there is a difference between down here and up there is stating the obvious and the differences are such that they are more antonyms than synonyms and the conditions under which this happens should be more clearly defined, we are, “To observe therefore all the commands!” It is only when we allow the enormity of the statement to sink into our brains that invokes that automatic response, “No

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chance!” of that and therefore that means hell! It is then that we seek the assistance of one Who loves us so much and has done it all for us so that we can spend eternity to come with Him in heaven and that response can be as short as one word, “Accept!” It is a simple of that! And that is the reason why Christianity for the most part is such an unfriendly and let’s face it for the most part repulsive group of people. No one was rejected at their call and most of those calls were fraudulent anyway. There is a sieving process coming not one of us on earth has been given access to it it can only be used by the one Who died on the cross and that is Jesus Christ! (81610 +900)


  1. We are now in Chapter 11 in the Book of Deuteronomy and therefore by now should be gaining traction. I would regard gaining traction as the ability to move between the old Testament and the new Testament with ease. This would mean comparing the journey of the Israelites from Egypt to the banks of the Jordan River and then onto Canaan to the journey of Christians from the Passover to the banks of the Jordan River and onto Canaan and finally Jericho. To do this I would have to switch with ease between Israelites/Christian, them/us, up to/after Good Friday, 70 trillion/7 trillion unintentional unconfessed sins left over once the fires of hell at been extinguished, heaven on this earth/heaven in the earth above, Moses/Jesus, 2000/1800 years past and future for the day of atonement among some of the changes I want to move between. This I realise that some of the comparisons between earth and heaven are going to be easy but some implications will be quite difficult. It is easy enough to compare Jesus being lifted up on the cross to Moses lifting up the bronze snake but the spiritual nuances are not that easy. So we both set off on a journey, and both Christians and Israelites expect the journey to terminate on the banks of the Jordan River or the Day of Atonement. From the Day of Atonement it is much a shorter journey for the eternities to begin as both the problems of sin and evil have been sorted out and they could have happened 2000 years ago but will happen in 1800 years time is what Scripture teaches and I’m fairly sure that satan believed this to be the case. I am now studying this scenario from Scripture and there are very strong indications that this should have happened 2000 years ago. With them and with us the Day of Atonement would have/will be preceded seven days before by the destruction of Satan which will leave behind 7 trillion/70 trillion unconfessed unintentional sins to which Jesus will plead guilty to and which therefore brings online reasons why the Nazirite should not cut his hair. That final destruction of Satan in hell for them would have involved one battle and that was Armageddon but for us Armageddon will be split into two battles. For them at 10 PM on the Thursday night in Gethsemane all humanity was dead. There were those who were already in their graves but for those that were alive at the time dropdead with the revelation of the divinity of Jesus Christ, “I AM HE!” Either way everyone was dead, they had suffered their first death and when resurrected they could be thrown into hell which is the second death. For us up there though at the time half the population will not have died and had been kept miraculously alive for about 1900 years and these cannot be killed and thrown into hell as it would be their first death. Thus we have the battle of the beast first where those living are killed and sometime later resurrected to join the evil dead and both lots are thrown into hell, their second death and exterminated. There would be no River of evil blood back then because there was no River of pure blood that flowed from the side of Jesus Christ and there was no cross on Mount Calvary. The blood was not an issue but the hair is an issue because Jesus has pleaded guilty to the sins committed by His creation which are left over after the fires of hell gone out. Whether that be 7 trillion or 70 trillion makes no difference at all and by pleading guilty to the sins Jesus has defiled his hair. This hair must be shaved if the AT_ONE_isMENT sacrifice is to continue as it is the hair from this sacrifice is to be laid at the base of the cross of

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Atonement ensuring its perpetuity. Both Israelites and Christians are sinfree and evil free by the end of the day of Atonement and both will then go on to have their temples built and completed by Moses/Jesus. Yes there are many similarities between both these Days of Atonement but there are also dissimilarities as one is represented by the twin bird sacrifice of Eden and the other is the multi-animal sacrifice of Leviticus 16. To look at these differences we have to go back to the start of the journey which for them was Passover in Egypt but for us was across the Good Friday. It was by trying to draw too many similarities between Passover and the cross of Good Friday that led me into many mistakes some of which I’m still trying to correct now. The blood of the Passover lamb is the common denominator for both the cross of Good Friday and the cross of the Day of Atonement. Neither could exist without it whether that existence was here on earth and the result of the Day of Atonement or whether that existence was in the new universe but has a different level just like heaven on earth would have been a different level to heaven in a new universe. The difference is that blood implied as against the blood applied. There was little point in God revealing the mystery of the Passover lamb to anyone who did not want to join His people and the call to join and segregate and become Israelite was not made until 01 – 01 – 01 in Egypt. Yes Leviticus 16 would have covered all bases. The scapegoat, Jesus Christ would have accepted all confessed sins on His head and would have been destroyed for them. The High Priest would have taken any remaining unconfessed sins to the cross of Atonement and had then destroyed. We have to make a distinction and it is here that I may keep changing my mind. By this late stage in the history of the earth move down here up there are really two types of unconfessed sins; one would belong to the saints who are about to enter heaven and the other would belong to those who have been destroyed and were not required to suffer for or pay for their unconfessed unintentional sins. Matters are complicated because the High Priest, Jesus Christ pleads guilty to both lots be that 7 trillion years ago or 70 trillion in some 1800 years time. So now we are required to split The High Priest and His family which we are soon to become literally members of and the wicked who no longer exist. But does the introduction of a scapegoat help or hinder us? We must understand the cross of Good Friday at a different level. For them back there they came out at the end of the Day of Atonement sin less and evil less and were ready to begin the eternities to come down here on this earth. But for us Christians we had a transfer of the scapegoat and its associated sin offering onto Good Friday and therefore already paid for. There will be no need to cope with confessed sins as this is what Good Friday was about and therefore only the unintentional unconfessed sins are left behind and work these were the subject of both the Day of Atonement in Eden which God announced to Eve and Satan and this will also only be the issue when the Day of Atonement comes up on 10 – 07 – 486. It will be a twin bird sacrifice. The Passover blood back there 2000 years ago and this sounds like sacrilege and blasphemy combined was the blood of thousands of one year old male lambs that died on that Friday night in Egypt. It was not the blood of Jesus Christ, it was animal blood and even though it was animal blood firstborn sons of Israel with an animal blood on their door frames of the houses still did not die. It was symbolic blood and it could have stayed as such and the symbolism that it was pointing to was that even though the Israelites were sin

free and evil free after the cross of Atonement it now required a corresponding reaction from God Himself and that reaction was that the Israelites could live forever and the condition of that existence was because of the fluid of life; the blood of Jesus Christ! Back they are there existence depended upon symbolism. In any required the one sacrifice and that was The Day of Atonement and its complement was the single sacrifice, the Passover of Good Friday. This is the message of the synoptic gospels and it is the message almost everyone believed back then and I would think will continue to believe in today. But that is not the place where we are going, we are supposed to be

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establishing an alternative path that the Christians walked on and the different start that they had. The journey may have had a precursor from Egypt to Mount Calvary but our journey proper starts at/on Mount Calvary. It did take the Israelites some 1400 years to get from Egypt to Calvary but instead of finishing the journey  as Scripture seems to say should have happened Jesus places an intermission on the journey to the Day of Atonement which lasts for 3900 years. (+83164 +900


  1. It may not be progress but it is certainly the beginning of progress when I can define what Paul’s problem was. His problem was that he was on a Israelite journey which began back in Egypt but now had finished when Israelite became Christian. Paul refused to acknowledge that the Christian leg of this journey had begun and if/when he was in the throne room of God at 3 PM on Good Friday when Jesus arrived having finished His work of the cross to take the scroll out of the right hand of God and to come back to begin the Christian leg of that journey. This beginning was further reinforced by none other than Noah and other great prophets of the Old Testament whose graves were broken open and they too were taken into the throne room of God to welcome Jesus within a very short period of time. I am fairly sure that Noah would have taken the gloves off and not spared any punches with Paul along the lines, “don’t you realise Paul that what you are doing and about to do to Christians makes you the greatest sinner of them all! You were present in the throne room of God at the time when Jesus arrived after the cross of Good Friday and you above all people was in that inner circle of thrones around the throne of God itself, you were within the Rainbow area whereas the rest of us were further back. You saw and experienced more than we did, you voted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour a representative to get you into that final throne room above. Now have you have come back to earth you are persecuting and murdering the followers of Jesus. You are indeed the greatest of all sinners.” Paul however stuck by his guns, “myself and my people have been on a journey which was anointed and appointed by none other than God Himself and this began in Egypt on 01 – 01 – 01 and every time we have stood or broken from this path we have been severely punished by God and our life changed from one in heaven to one in hell. There have been many false prophets along the way and have led my people into great misery and all I am doing now is refusing to allow that to happen again and standing by the original commitment we made when we left Egypt at Passover. It is for this loyalty that I was given the privilege not just to be in the throne of God but also within the inner circle and the rainbow that you lot could see from further back. Our journey began on 01 – 01 – 01 and will end on 10 – 07 – 3889 or the Day of Atonement. I can follow and give you the details. My people started in Egypt and have now finished on the banks of the Jordan and we are about to start our final crossing into Canaan and even Jericho is a reality now. The rest of you may regard this as a sinking ship but I confidently remain in the Word of God”. This is the point of history that we are at when the Passover becomes a part of the cross of Good Friday or the daily sacrifice of the twin lambs. This topic does not come up for another five chapters and it may be well left until the time but I am still of the philosophy that it is better to write something even if it is wrong and therefore can be corrected than to write nothing which results in nothing. Square bracket mode is thus required.

[The level of difficulty with this topic is such that it took the greatest Bible writer 14 years of full-time tuition from the Master Teacher in order to understand it and the only reason I am about to try to understand some of this great mystery is to show that the power of the Holy Spirit is the determining factor and not the knowledge of the person writing it, that is in fact the will of the Holy Spirit. The will of the Holy Spirit may have already shown these answers to other people or is going to show it to others but to me as a part of my journey through the Book of Deuteronomy. It is about

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the changeover era where the journey of the Israelites became the journey of Christianity. I expect to return to this focal point on many occasions with many corrections but it is of such importance because it is the beginning of my journey which will ultimately finish up in the throne room of God in the new universe. It can only have any real meaning if I follow the advice of Jesus that He gave to Nicodemus and to go back to Moses in the Sinai lifting up the bronze snake. The common denominator between the Day of Atonement and the cross of Good Friday is the Passover. Assuming then that the Passover is complimentary to the Day of Atonement but supplementary to the cross of Good Friday should define the calendar year. To the Israelite that year should begin with the Day of Atonement because that was the start of their journey from Egypt which would ultimately finish up in Canaan. The Passover assured the success of their journey. It “only” required the death of one lamb and that didn’t even have to be literal and symbolic death did suffice, the angel of death it Passed over any homeless that had the blood on their door frames and did not kill the firstborn sons of Israel. The cross of Good Friday involved two lambs being killed and the similarities and dissimilarities between Passover and what happened on the cross of Good Friday at 3 PM are; both lambs died on the same day and at the same time. Both lambs stood for Jesus Christ. Even though the blood of both lambs was shed we must be very careful as it is around this blood that what was complimentary in the Old Testament become supplementary in the New Testament. The blood that Jesus shed on the cross of Good Friday up to and including 4 PM when that Roman spear opened up His side for whatever time it remained in on earth would prevent this earth from being destroyed and the firstborn sons of Israel from dying. It would be ignored by the angel of death right until the time that it would be collected back into the golden sensor that was thrown down from heaven to and the millennium to gather this precious blood as that 10 – 07 – 486 at 4 PM and be returned to the body of Jesus Christ in its entirety on Resurrection Sunday, the next day. But there is a change in the role for this blood probably 4 PM and that Roman spear. Scripture speaks of two covenants of blood and where complement became supplement. The body of the killed Passover lamb was literally eaten by the Israelites to symbolise what was going to happen and that was that Jesus would become a part of them. After the event itself symbolism would move to unleavened bread and at this stage at least I have not been able to involve the two fish that Jesus Christ fed the crowd of 5000.  There are certainly certain aspects of the Passover that tie in with with 3 PM of the cross of Good Friday on Mount Calvary but the problem with that was it was a burnt offering, it was complete and in had been accepted by God. But what about the lamb that died at 9 AM then? Most of the above I was ready to publish last night but lost it at the addition of this extra lamb or the 9 AM sin offering. Contemplating the issues last night may have converted hopeless confusion into ordinary confusion but nonetheless confusion. One part of it was the change of the calendar year was that their journey began as at the Day of Atonement and a day that it had taken God some 2500 years to prepare the parameters for but at least it had arrived and the reason for it being a success was because there was going to be a Passover and that of itself was an implied event. The changes that occurred on Mount Sinai when Moses broke the initial set of 10 Commandments God had to rewrite them onto tablets supplied by Moses were way more than Passover they were not complimentary the Day of Atonement they were supplementary even though only one lamb was added to the sacrifice and that was the 9 AM sin offering. The journey of the Christian church may have its roots of the Passover in Egypt but it officially began as the Christian church of the cross of Good Friday which I have mistakenly called the Passover. It was the Passover but it was much more. We had to begin in a similar state even though our journey is to the Day of Atonement of 10 – 07 – 486 but to get there we have to spend considerable time in heaven, and even in the throne room of God itself before we get there. We must be sinless at the start of our journey and sinless

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forevermore and this can only be achieved by allowing Jesus Christ to do it all for us. By looking at you and looking at me you would hardly think that this was the case but this is the power of repentance and faith and every fall that we go through that is followed by repentance and faith and corrected for by Jesus on the cross some 2000 years ago. So whereas the Israelite calendar should have started with the Day of Atonement and then backed up by the Passover the Christian calendar should begin with the cross of Good Friday and head towards the cross of the Day of Atonement and it is this that is the calendar that is followed for eternities to come. So now we must add the 9 AM death of the lamb and the sin offering to complete the twin lamb sacrifice. There may still be a long way to go but at least we are on the starting blocks of the Christian journey which will go on to the Day of Atonement and finally eternity.]

Deuteronomy 11:13- ; ‘So if you faithfully obey the commands I am giving you today, – love the Lord your God and to serve him with all your heart and with all your soul – then I will send rain on your land in its season, both autumn and spring rains, so that you may gather your grain, new wine and oil. I will provide grass in the fields for your cattle, and you will eat and be satisfied. Be careful, or you will be enticed to turn away and worship other gods and bow down to them. Then the Lord’s anger will burn against you, and he will shut the heavens so that it will not rain and the ground will yield no produce, and you will soon perish from the good land the Lord is giving you. Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; as symbols on your hands and bind them on your forehead.———

Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Write them on the doorframes of your homes and on your gates, so that your days in the days of your children may be many in the land that the Lord swore to give your forefathers, as many as the days that heavens are above the earth. If you carefully observe all these commands I am giving you to follow – love the Lord your God, to walk in his ways and to hold fast to him – then the Lord will drive out those nations before you, and you will dispossess nations larger and stronger than you. Everyplace where you set your foot will be yours: Your territory will extend from the desert 11 on, and from the Euphrates River to the western sea. No man will be able to stand against you. The Lord your God, as he promised you, will put the terror and fear of you on the whole land, wherever you go. See, I am sending before you today a blessing and a curse – the blessing if you obey the commands of the Lord your God that I am giving you today; the curse if you disobey the commands of the Lord your God and turn away from the way that I command you today by following other gods, which you have not known. When Lord your God has brought you into the land you are entering to possess, you are to proclaim on Mount Gerizim are blessings, and on Mount Ebal the curses. As you know, these mountains are across the Jordan, west of the road, towards the setting sun, near the great trees of Moreh, in the territory of this Canaanites living in the Arabah are in the vicinity of Gilgal. You are about to cross the Jordan and to enter and take possession of the land the Lord your God is giving you. When you have taken it over and are living there, be sure that your obey all the decrees and laws I am setting before you today.’

It wasn’t just Satan, Adam and Eve who had everything to lose but nothing to gain by being disobedient to God. This is true for every human being but first and foremost to people who claim to be followers of God first, Israelites and later followers of Jesus Christ, Christians. The gory details are spelt out and it would be hard to say that I do not understand or I was not forewarned. But wasn’t this Paul’s exact problem? He has been given this Scripture which he knows very well and it specifically warns him about seeking and following other gods and where can you fail when you stand on such a sure footing? Paul has all the answers and they didn’t just come from God but they were hammered into him by God and there is no solution that cannot be obtained from the sacrifice

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of the Day of Atonement and the Passover. They have all the answers between them and eternity can stand on them. And this is the problem which we are addressing now when the old covenant became the new covenant. When the 10 Commandments that were written on stone tablets supplied by God changed into the 10 Commandments there were written on my God but on stone supplied by man. Deuteronomy 1st has to establish us on the earthly step before transferring us upwards and onto the heavenly step and the difference between these two is the difference between this universe and the one to come. The blood down here on the Passover lamb’s blood implied and did not have to happen but even this blood when rejected resulted in death at the hand of the angel of death. The blood from the cross of Jesus Christ was divine blood and it was far more than implied. It was real and divine blood and it wasn’t just a general offer but was an offer that was made on an individual basis, it was rejected by most and it was spilled on the ground. This was not blood from the Passover lamb it was way more than this the rejection of this blood in Scripture is defined as real evil or the beast within and it is the destruction of every last trace of this evil that will allow the creation of an evil less universe. You would think that if someone who has had no training in the Bible could see this then someone of the likes of Paul would clearly be able to see this and it was Paul who was in that inner circle of thrones around the throne of God at 3 PM on Good Friday when Jesus arrived after having finished it all on the cross of Good Friday. The blood that Jesus took  back with him into the throne room of God at this time and what did Paul and the others make of the fact that Jesus took the scroll with seven seals from the hand of God? Whether Paul and the others saw literal blood at this time matters not as the Book of Revelation tells us in 5:9 ; ‘And they sang a new song: “You are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals, because you were slain, and with your blood you purchased man for God from every tribe and language and people and nation. You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to serve our God, and they will reign on the earth.’’’ But this is only backing Paul up as the eternity will be on earth and not in the tent of meeting or the new earth in the new universe. So there is still some time before we can stretch our necks and look up to the heavenly courts at the switch of these ministries of the two lots of stone tablets. But if you are a Christian today I cannot see from what level you are coming out if you deny the basic tenet of faith that has come from Deuteronomy so far and that is that is about love and obedience. But then again the Book of Deuteronomy is about the cross of Good Friday and Good Friday itself is split into three hours of light and three hours of darkness, into obedience and love and into 2,1 year old male lambs both of which are without defect. It would be a very serious charge to lay against anyone that they are under the old covenant and refusing to change over to the new covenant. Does this stack up with this present Scripture of obedience and love to God which is exactly what the cross of Good Friday was about and therefore was a movement from the old to the new covenant. So in a way at least there was some element of the old covenant in it. There must be many answers to this dilemma in Scripture and the best would have to come from Paul himself who is the one who made this transition and wrote out the answers in the new Testament. It is though that should be our guide now to sorting out those problems. This has been a fascinating intellectual journey with answers through Scripture including in the next section that we are going to be looking at and that will be in the miracles of Jesus. (+86366 +900)


  1. We are making preparations for our second visit and the miracles of Jesus as listed on page 1596 of the NIV Bible study. We have already seen the role that we expect Satan to play. He was the first evil that appeared in this universe and he will be the last evil to disappear on this universe and in fact that will be seven days before the Day of Atonement whether that occurred

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2000 years ago or in some 1800 years time. It did not happen 2000 years ago although many of his ministries would like to convince you that this happened and that he is no longer around but he did not disappear 2000 years ago nor was he involved in the cross of Good Friday. He only would have had a role had Jesus gone to the cross of the Day of Atonement where he would have been destroyed seven days before in the fires of hell. Before he was destroyed it appears that Jesus is first going to strip him of the Dominion that he was given by Adam and Eve and only after this he will be destroyed. Yes the ministry of Jesus Christ did strip Satan of much of his power but far from all of it. He would only have a small amount left had Jesus changed his mind about going to the cross of Good Friday at the very last moment but the longer the time between changing his mind the more power Jesus would have left with Satan. And Satan therefore becomes a part of that juggling act. He was only given one crack of the whip and that was the 40 days and 40 nights that Jesus spent in the desert. During this time he was supposed to make Jesus sin and in a roundabout sort of way he tried on first caper that he tried at the beginning of creation but failed. There was no point trying exact same thing because that had already failed but a modified version might have some chance. Back then and even today the only way anybody could make any offering or approach God was through fire, a purifying fire that was to burn on both Good Friday on Mount Calvary and on the cross of the Day of Atonement. Jesus Christ was the only one Who was worthy to make these approaches and make these offerings. Satan wanted to do this, he wanted to offer the fire pans on the altar and anyone who tried to do this was destroyed except Satan. There was a special-purpose for Satan in this creation and this purpose will not finish until seven days before the Day of Atonement. Satan therefore went for one level below what he had tried back at creation event. He did not want to create anything that was created during the six days of creation where nothing was converted by God into something that was incredibly complex and unbelievably large numbers. Satan wanted to have enough authority over Jesus to make him convert lifeless stones into life-giving bread the conversion of dead to life, he failed and the prerogative of giving life belongs to God alone regardless of how much those clever scientists will go to producing a living cell. It will always be lifeless and at best made up of chemicals that are worth one dollar and that will be after hundreds of years of effort and many trillions of dollars in cost. Satan failed in his knockout blow and from now on he can just go for the ride but he still kept trying and he must stop the Day of Atonement from proceeding because that would be his deathknell and try he does! Satan is thus one of the indicators that we are looking at and when Jesus decides to go to the cross of Good Friday giving Satan another 4000 odd years of existence that Satan must breathe a big sigh of relief.

Another aspect that we are looking at is the twin cleansing of the temple at the start and at the end of the ministry of Jesus Christ. Let us look at both of the options here. The option that we chose was the first cleansing of the temple was one of the ministries that would lead to the cross of Good Friday and the second cleansing would lead to the cross of the Day of Atonement. The first cleansing therefore of the cross of Good Friday makes the ministry of Jesus Christ one of Good Friday where the temple is going to be thoroughly cleansed and good enough begin this ministry. In this time the centrepiece of the sanctuary which was the altar of burnt offering which stood for the cross of Jesus Christ was going to be moved from where it was and onto Mount Calvary. Thus it required a thorough cleansing before it was moved. Under this scenario the second cleansing was for the Day of Atonement. It couldn’t really be the temple itself that is the issue because Jesus was going back to heaven on that Thursday night and both city and sanctuary would be destroyed by the people of the prince (Daniel 9:26) but would have to be rebuilt because it was here where the one and only day of Atonement was going to occur. This rebuilding was envisaged by both Daniel and John and they expected the holy city and the sanctuary to be rebuilt in time for the Day of Atonement. The site for

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this rebuilding of the century therefore had to be cleansed and this cleansing was the last cleansing in the ministry of Jesus Christ. But let us take that the other way around and say that the first cleansing was in readiness for the Day of Atonement but the second cleansing was just before the altar of burnt offering or the cross were picked up and taken to Mount Calvary.  That would be okay to say that the altar of burnt offering was cleaned before it was moved, in fact why did it have to be cleaned so early because there was every chance that it would be defiled in the intervening 1260 days. Scripture certainly supports the Day of Atonement as being the dominant ministry of the first coming of Jesus Christ. Three synoptic gospels are devoted to this ministry but only one, that of John is devoted to the Ministry of the cross of Good Friday.————-

the reasoning used at the time was that if the first cleansing related to the Day of Atonement it should have started with the Ministry of Atonement of Jesus Christ and that ministry began immediately after Jesus had spent 40 days and 40 nights in the desert. He immediately joined John the Baptist in a joint ministry of repentance and water baptism which were specific to the Day of Atonement. The cleansing of the temple for the first time did not occur until six months later and therefore related to the cross of Good Friday. That last cleansing of the temple was therefore the cleansing of the foundations of the temple that would last for the eternities to come as was foreseen by both John and Daniel. Furthermore it was foretold at the wedding feast of Cana at the Ministry of Jesus Christ of the cross of Good Friday would be about marriage. Just because God first establishes an earthly step and then places a heavenly step onto it does not mean that the first step was wrong, it may have been incomplete and was supposed to point to a divine issue does not make it wrong. It is amazing the number of issues that have arisen since I have returned back to the book of Genesis and one of those was the creation on day six of Adam and Eve and the first marriage. I have already made an attempt to look at the reason why Christians are called the firstborn sons of Israel but failed in my attempt to look at Eve and the seed of Eve. As I do not know the numbers I take a guess at hundred 44 million saints in heaven and 144 million progeny that Adam and Eve would have produced to fill this earth and I take each family is 14 members with two parents and 12 children. With families of this size why was the angel of death only concerned about the firstborn son of Israel? There were 13 other members of the family but they are not included. Were these to live on regardless of whether they were covered by the blood of the Passover lamb? It was only the firstborn son of Israel who died if the blood of the Passover lamb was not on the door frame of his home. Before we can look up to the heavenly family we must be able to understand this earthly family and what went wrong in the garden of Eden on the day when our first parents sinned? The wedding feast of Cana tells us the solution and in the conversion from the earthly step to the heavenly step and that is drinking water that is supplied by Jesus in the form of wine but there is much still there we must understand about the Ministry of Jesus Christ and in moving the temple from inside the city to outside the city and whereby changing earthly marriage into heavenly marriage. The drink offering in the Old Testament is an essential part of our salvation and will continue on in the heavens above. But where, why and wherefore? Understanding why it was only the firstborn sons of Israel who were required to be inside a building with the blood of the Passover lamb on it is going to go a long way to understanding this puzzle. Why is each family split into 13+1? The cross of Good Friday made many differences, in fact so many differences that the throne room of God was to be moved to another universe and this no doubt is but one of them. Can we say that Adam got it wrong because he sided with Eve and isn’t that what marriage is about? Another story that is being told within those miracles is that of the two witnesses, John the Baptist and Jesus Christ and their relation to the Holy Spirit. Being a part of Jesus Christ the Holy Spirit arrived on earth at the conception of Jesus and was therefore available to all and sunder. Did that union exist before the

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Holy Spirit was joined to Eve seed and the command came through from God, “Let there be life!” And there was life and the answer to the first part of the question is that it is still a question that we are struggling with in the book of Genesis. We know about the command, “Let there be light!” Which combined with the presence of  time and the full extent of the love of Jesus Christ materialised an entity called “The Christ” Who went on then to supervise the remainder of creation so that it can continue forever despite taking two mortal blows.(Unconfessed and confess sins) The Jesus part has only been partially addressed in the corresponding part two the Holy Spirit of God surrounds the presence of the waters of the deep and in the presence of divine light produce a holy and distinct entity of The Christ. Now we have Eve seed in the presence of the Holy Spirit and the command of, “Let there be life!” Produce a single entity which is Jesus but which is also Holy Ghost. This Holy Ghost is available and also becomes a part of the first witness John the Baptist but John was not conceived by the Holy Spirit. At this stage we will worry about the parents of both John and Jesus having the presence of the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost was present with Jesus at His conception and at His baptism and accompanied Jesus into the 40 days and 40 nights of testing and was a part of John and Jesus in their early ministries of repentance. Then a drastic change occurred which has to be highlighted in our chronology and that was the beheading of John the Baptist. Clearly the Holy Spirit left the body of John as Jesus is not a God of the dead but a God of the living. But the Holy Spirit did not just leave the body of John the Baptist it also left Jesus Christ and returned to heaven and from now onwards would be a separate entity! This was the pivotal point in the Ministry of Jesus Christ and to see what reactions they brought we first look at it through the eyes of Satan. Satan has been going downhill ever since the testing of Jesus in the desert and now this. There is no doubt that Jesus was shocked by the death of His partner but did that now mean that Jesus would change his ministry to 1 of the cross of Good Friday or would that mean that Jesus would say, “Now that the Holy Spirit has returned to heaven that I will have to go to the cross of Good Friday by myself and there is no way that I am going to do that for this lot because they are just not worth it, I am going to finish time now and therefore my ministry will be fully concentrated on the Day of Atonement and I am going to take the 99 sheep back to heaven with me from the garden of Gethsemane on that Thursday night!” Or does Jesus say the opposite of that? “With John we have spent our ministries on repentance and water baptism so now in the remaining days I will change my ministry and prepare my disciples for the cross of Good Friday and the 4000 years to follow? Satan knew that this was the dilemma that would arise at the murder of John the Baptist that Jesus would now turn his attention either to the cross of Atonement or to the cross of Good Friday so what was his reaction? If Satan thought that Jesus would just pack up and go home through the Day of Atonement than that would mean the end of Satan as at seven days before the cross of Atonement. There is no way that he could let this happen and he would instruct to that effect.

“Under no condition are you allowed to kill John the Baptist because they will be the end of me also!’ And it appears that this was the attitude of Herod, it was with great reluctance that Herod ordered the murder of John the Baptist. And it is events of around this time that these synoptic gospels in the Gospel of John converge. The only place where all four gospels record the feeding of the 5000 with five loaves of bread and two fish and incident which evaded the understanding of the disciples and continues to evade us today. I know that there are more holes in these accounts then in Swiss cheese but I want to strengthen just one of them and that is in the Gospel of John when Jesus washes his disciples feet. John 13:1-; ‘It was just before the Passover feast. Jesus knew that the time had come for him to leave this world and to go to the Father. Having loved his own who were in the world, he now showed them the full extent of his love the evening meal was being served, and


the devil had already prompted Judas Iscariot, son of Simon, to betray Jesus. Jesus knew that the Father had put all things under his power, and that he had come from God and was returning to God; so he got up from the meal, took off his outer clothing, and wrapped a towel around his waist. After that, he poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around him. He came to Simon Peter, who said to him, “Lord, are you going to wash my feet?” Jesus replied, “you do not realise now what I am doing, but later you will understand.” “No,” said Peter, “you shall never wash my feet.” Jesus answered, “unless I wash you, you have no part with me.” “Then, Lord,” Simon Peter replied, “not just my feet but my hands and my head as well!” Jesus answered, “A person who has had a bath needs only to wash his feet; his whole body is clean. And you are clean, though not everyone of you.” For he knew who was going to betray him, and that is why he said not everyone of you was clean. When he had finished washing their feet, he put on his clothes and returned to his place. “Do you understand what I have done for you?” He asked them. “You call me Teacher and Lord and rightly so, for that is what I am. Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. I have sent you an example that you should do as I have done for you. I tell you the truth, no servant is greater than his master, nor as a messenger greater than the one who sent him. Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.” First of all the washing of the feet was associated with an evening meal but that meal was just outside of the period of the Passover feast. The Thursday before the Good Friday was also a meal but this was within the period of the Passover feast but it was not a Passover meal because that had to happen on Friday night when they burned and ate the Passover lamb and at this time Jesus was in the grave. (+89400 +900)


  1. We have started looking at John chapter 13 and the washing by Jesus of his disciples feet. Peter could not understand why Jesus only wanted to wash his feet and not the rest of him because the rest of him was already clean. From where did Peter pick this cleanliness up from? Did this cleanliness mean that Peter could not fall over again? What does this extra bit of cleanliness actually mean? The easy answer first and though it did not mean that Peter could not fall over again in fact Peter was about to go through one of the greatest of all falls. The cleanliness that Peter already had comes from the first verse, “It was just before the Passover Feast.” The yearly Jewish calendar alternated between the two main feasts of Passover and the Day of Atonement so Peter has obtained his cleanliness from the just passed Day of Atonement. He had placed his sins on the head of the scapegoat and once the scapegoat was let out of the temple Peters sins were dissipated and Peter did not have to worry about how this happened. But the next part of the yearly cycle was the Passover where the Passover was supposed to act as a compliment to what had happened at the Day of Atonement and this stage was soon to happen but as at the beginning of chapter 13 it had not happened and an extra stage was being added which would now become a supplement to the Day of Atonement. This was vastly different to what had happened before and was the introduction of a different dimension. Jesus knew that the time had come for him to leave this world and to go to the Father. This was not the usual link between the Day of Atonement and Passover where the difference between the two events was six months, no this was Jesus at 3 PM on Good Friday going back to the throne room of God in order to pick up the scroll with the seven seals. Having loved his own who were in the world, he now showed them before extent of his love. This was now going to be the twin lamb sacrifice or the cross Good Friday. It seems wrong to rate sacrifices at all but if forced to do so I would have thought that it was Good Friday on Mount Calvary which washed the body in the head and the Day of Atonement wash the feet but Scripture has them the other way

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around. The emphasis on the love angle is the acceptance by God of his fold and the preparation for this acceptance or the cleansing that takes place on the cross Good Friday is the washing of the feet. It is at this point Satan makes his move and prompts Judas to betray Jesus and I can remember making a lengthy argument as to why Satan had to do this at this stage and not earlier or later and yes I can’t remember it. The washing of the feet was only done as the most remedial work and by the lowest of all slaves and thus we have a whole cycle of salvation. If Satan had not made a move at this stage it will be too late, just before the Passover Feast would have turned into the Passover Feast and the Passover which began in Egypt on 01 – 01 – 01 would have come into play and Satan would have been destroyed seven days before the Day of Atonement so he had only done it in just-in-time. But why leave at this late and risk the danger of events proceeding through the Day of Atonement? Why not have acted earlier? By prompting Judas to betray Jesus Satan has instigated the completion of the circle salvation something I am sure that he wanted desperately to avoid. Peter has already been cleansed in both head and body by going to the temple on the Day of Atonement and placing all his sins both intentional and unintentional on the scapegoat which was let outside of the city and destroyed. This symbolised an act of salvation which was completed when the man who led the scapegoat out and destroyed it, the humanity of Jesus and in priestly role now returned back to the temple as High Priest, changed his robes and supervised the burnt offering. This was a sacrifice of Leviticus 16 and the role of Jesus Christ as Lord and Master in forgiving our sins and in this case Peters sins and cleanliness is the issue. But now this Jesus Christ as Lord and Master now switches roles to become a servant who does the foot washing and it is this servant once he has accomplished the role as Saviour will then go around and offer this product to anyone who wants it and will offer it free of charge. Satan has therefore introduced the final dimension to salvation. The bath that existed as at Leviticus 16 now as the finishing touches added to it and that is the washing of the feet. One way of judging the level of a Christian church is how they conduct the foot washing ceremony and with what reverence and what blessings they receive. Unfortunately most do not conduct this service and it is the reason why Christianity is at the level of significance to society today – insignificant! We are accepted as a fringe group providing we hand out food to the poor and the needy – is the reason we are tolerated at all! For Christians to venture into the field of science is of itself a ground of ridicule and rejection. How misinformed can people get? It is Christianity that is the base of science today and it is Christianity that is the base of our society today and the more we fail in this role the more we will be displaced by the loony left and the more insignificant we will become. Firstly taking the field of science in which I have made bold claims that I not only have a science book but that this book was written by God, and the one who made and did it all. The forefathers of most of the Christian disciplines were Bible based Christians who try to glorify the name of God through his creation. To their credit Christians have written books about these forefathers and the only ones that come to mind are; Newton, Maxwell, Kelvin, Joule, Pascal, Boyle, Charles, Lay, Faraday, Pasteur, Lavoisier, Sedgwick and many others. It is Christianity that is the base of science today and it has been invaded by two movements who have been so successful that they have taken over and swept the original Christianity aside. These two movements came under two waves the first being the branch of science of absurdity which was led by Darwin and then the branch of science called insanity and there are so many proponents in this branch I cannot think of the instigator. Darwin introduced the branch absurdity, evolution by introducing the concept of there is no God and everything that we see comes from nothing. The branch of insanity takes this one step further and states that not only is there no God but there is no need for God as their definition of nothing can explain everything and this comes under the name of the Big Bang. Christianity has been replaced by evolution and Big Bang! You do not hear of any opponents to

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either evolution or Big Bang from the circles of academia, these opponents are nothing and they do not exist is quite handy way of getting out of the picture. The reason I have had so much problem in writing about my science book and its author was because I thought I was plagiarising work from the worlds of absurdity and insanity but this is not the case at all. The work that I am perfectly entitled to plagiarise and used to further glorify the name of God comes from the work of Christians and not present-day academics. Stay away from their two theories of evolution and Big Bang like I stay away from the plague but that does not stop me from using some of their results. The massively expensive equipment that they have has been part funded by Christians as they take a picture through this equipment of the universe I am perfectly entitled to use this picture to glorify the name of God with. If an evolutionist was to come to me and say, “evolution is based on so many facts and the only thing that we don’t know is how many facts comprise this fact but let me see you try to shoot down this fact and that is that the English language itself evolved! Even a fundamentalist and a Bible basher will not be able to do this. Here goes– the bat evolved into a cat and the cat evolved into a gnat and a gnat evolved into a hat and the hat had evolved into a mat on the mat in evolved into a rat and the rat will soon evolve into a Zat. How is the that for one branch in the tree of life?” Well I have to admit that I can see rhyme and logic in this argument. Much rhyme and little logic but then again that is what evolution is about making rhymes with no logic which is the normal rule by which an absurdity operates. I have no problem if you believe that this is a fact supporting evolution but I do have a problem that if I do not believe this to be so that you have the right to ostracise me initially and then jail me and finally kill me because of it. This is already happening today at varying stages around the world and if the Bible is right will happen to Christians on a worldwide scale.  (+91060 +900)


  1. Christians have nothing to be ashamed of in our endeavours in the field of science and just how successful that has been and could become can be judged by the barrage of ridicule that is placed against us. The only defence that can be offered from the rooms of absurdity and insanity is that of ridicule and name-calling and the cruel way in which they run such a tight ship. It may even be right that the bat evolved into a cat and to a gnat than to a hat then to a mat into a rat and finally a zat but to me that remains a lot of rhyme and very little logic. The only reason creationists must make a stand against both evolution and the Big Bang is because they are successfully drawing people away from the Bible so we must bring the Bible back to the forefront and this can only really happen in the name of Jesus Christ. There is no greater drawing power than that name and that is because it is a name for the full expression of the love of God and if that doesn’t draw then nothing else will. That drawing power would be such but is brought to almost nought because it is abused. Christians today can or may be allowed to exist providing they serve food to the poor or clothe the naked. That brings us to the basic question as to why Jesus allows his name to be so abused by Satan and to an extent that there is evil associated with it? Why doesn’t Jesus intervene and stop this abuse? Why didn’t He stop Billy Graham and all those evangelistic campaigns before Billy blessed the troops to go to an evil war and kill millions of innocent people? I cannot remember whether Billy blessed the troops to go to Iraq and all the evil result of from this conflict but if he did then why didn’t Jesus stop him? You could ask why didn’t Jesus stop almost every so-called Christian nation when they went to different countries from committing genocide? The questions may vary but the answers are always the same. We have all been given a free will and that includes the choice of doing good and evil and most of the time that choice is to do evil. Running alongside the free will is also the cup of iniquity and when each individual or nation fills that cup then Jesus steps in and

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destroys that nation or individual. But you also have to ask yourself the question that Christianity despite all of its faults produces an end product and when you compare that  product against any other civilisation which one comes off best? The American Indian and the Australian aboriginal and many other countries would say that their culture was a better culture than the one that they live in now and no doubt they are right. But it is the Christian culture in the long run that leads to the new universe and the eternities to come. Could they have behaved better or could I have behaved better then the answer is certainly yes. But that is the weakest strength Christianity but also its greatest strength in that no one is excluded, all are included and there is going to be a day of reckoning for which every evil will be paid for in full. A lot of those evils are being paid for today in that the troops that went to fight these evil wars are coming home and bringing drugs and prostitution back with them and being appointed in the police and brutalising their own people. Christianity so-called marched out under the banner, “weapons of mass destruction!” Which was just a euphemism for Stealing the oil from the Muslims. They had no choice but have come with a peaceful invasion and are now taking over our country which is something that will never happen under any condition that we will be allowed into their own countries. They will still retain their country and they will have ours as a result of greed and lies that are coming back to bite us. Worst part of it is we have no one to blame but ourselves for believing those liars that sent us there in the first place.

[As I have no intention of using either of the current branches of science of absurdity and insanity I now approach the subject and try to deal and to add on to what other Christians have started. If you asked me a week ago where and why did Peter have his head and body washed but now at the foot washing only required his feet to be washed I would say, “I don’t know!” But today I will try to formulate some sort of answer. If you ask me how Jesus feeding a crowd of 5000 with five loaves of bread and two fish was the common denominator between the cross of Good Friday and the cross of the Day of Atonement and therefore written up in all four gospels I would say, “I don’t know and I may never know!” But that again this does not stop me from further studying Scripture in order to come up with this answer and so it is going to be with my approach to writing a commentary on, “an introduction to Biblical science”. The first issue that we have to struggle with is that of light and particularly the difference between the light that we see and Divine light that Stephen saw when he was being stoned, the light that blinded Paul that none of the others could see, the light of Jesus at the Transfiguration, and the light that the 120 and 500 saw after the resurrection of Jesus. When Jesus arose on Resurrection Sunday was it necessary for an angel to remove the stone or could Jesus just passed through the stone just like he did in His appearance to His disciples when He passed through the closed door? I have no doubt that both Nicodemus and Joseph who took Jesus down from the cross and then carried Him to the grave would vouch for the fact that Jesus was made out of matter and real atoms and had real mass/weight. For Jesus to pass through the door Had to be made up out of some sort of energy/waves be that x-rays or radio waves or some other wave. When Jesus invited Thomas to put his hand into the hole that the Romans had made Jesus was in the form of matter/atoms. So if we want to see the difference between divine light and ordinary light it means that we have to know something about at least one of them. An example of the situation however that we are in was given when I tried to tell you about the difficulty not just of writing to but reading from and making corrections to a screen that is black! The problem with most today would be they consider this to be too difficult situation and give up but this is not the case with Julius! You can only make so many falls before falls become a part of your walking and so I fall on. All of this should be qualified by, “as far as I know or to the best of my knowledge!” But today light has a dual nature; it behaves as waves but it also behaves as particles and Jesus certainly did appear to fit both of these qualities. So the two entities in existence today are matter and energy/light or

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matter and matter and energy so if we want to make divine light we would take the matter component out of the existing wave particle duality. This would make Jesus in His divine form as energy or waves and therefore He could pass through doors and as He has no mass associated with Him, He can travel at the speed of light and appear and disappear at differing places with the speed. So how do the detectors of this range sort of light react, one which has no matter component? Under ordinary conditions they cannot see it, we need the matter component to be able to see light but there also has to be an inbuilt mechanism within the eye which when switched on and see divine light even though there is no matter component within it. It is a matter component within the light then that is the interchange between matter itself and energy. It was matter then that was created on day one of creation and subsequently on days three, four, five and six but the energy component has always existed and it has existed as the omnipresence of Jesus Christ as Jesus is, was, and always will be light and life. It would be very easy to wander into the world of absurdity in trying to set attributes on God but it is Scripture itself that sets the attributes of life and light on Jesus but my eyes, my optical detectors can only react to particles or the matter what nature of light but they cannot detect divine light even though it might be there. In my teaching career I taught you 12 physics and a lot of the stuff I taught just did not add up by when in trouble I went to the answers book and taught whatever was in the answers book. Light was certainly a problem as were most of the other topics particularly cosmology and electricity. But I do believe in Young’s interference fringes and I am now going to do this experiment 1 million times in intervals of 1 nm and then 2 nm and then 3 nm right up to the visible range of 400 nm to 650 nm and then onto 1 million nm. In each case I have a piece of cardboard with two pinholes in it say 1 inch apart and then I shine my pure light onto it. Another screen behind these two holes records that is the light passes through these two holes it forms to circles of fringes which alternate between right and black areas and it happens in all million times that I do it. To get a bright and dark fringe is proof positive to me that the light is behaving in waves. You can never add matter on the matter and get nothing or a dark area you can only get two lots of matter. One snooker ball plus another snooker ball must always equal two snooker balls that is not the case for waves which I have also often observed on the sea. When a high wave combines with a trough you get nothing or flatwater! You can never get one snooker ball plus another snooker ball to give you nothing and if it that is the case that these fringes occur everywhere than light must have this wave property or energy property or dare I say divine property. As the source of light shines whatever monochromatic light it is supposed to shine through the cardboard the light bends or diffracts acts as it goes through the hole and this is fair enough proof to me that the particles are exerting some force of gravity towards each other causing the beam to bend or diffracts. Divine light therefore would not be diffract at passing through as a pencil beam through the hole and if that did not happen say at 7777 nm would prove that this was divine light? It had no matter qualities.  (+93092 +900)







  1. Christians have nothing to be ashamed of in our endeavours in the field of science and just how successful that has been and could become can be judged by the barrage of ridicule that is placed against us. The only defence that can be offered from the rooms of absurdity and insanity is that of ridicule and name-calling and the cruel way in which they run such a tight ship. It may even be right that the bat evolved into a cat and to a gnat than to a hat then to a mat into a rat and finally a zat but to me that remains a lot of rhyme and very little logic. The only reason creationists must make a stand against both evolution and the Big Bang is because they are successfully drawing people away from the Bible so we must bring the Bible back to the forefront and this can only really happen in the name of Jesus Christ. There is no greater drawing power than that name and that is because it is a name for the full expression of the love of God and if that doesn’t draw then nothing else will. That drawing power would be such but is brought to almost nought because it is abused. Christians today can or may be allowed to exist providing they serve food to the poor or clothe the naked. That brings us to the basic question as to why Jesus allows his name to be so abused by Satan and to an extent that there is evil associated with it? Why doesn’t Jesus intervene and stop this abuse? Why didn’t He stop Billy Graham and all those evangelistic campaigns before Billy blessed the troops to go to an evil war and kill millions of innocent people? I cannot remember whether Billy blessed the troops to go to Iraq and all the evil result of from this conflict but if he did then why didn’t Jesus stop him? You could ask why didn’t Jesus stop almost every so-called Christian nation when they went to different countries from committing genocide? The questions may vary but the answers are always the same. We have all been given a free will and that includes the choice of doing good and evil and most of the time that choice is to do evil. Running alongside the free will is also the cup of iniquity and when each individual or nation fills that cup then Jesus steps in and

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destroys that nation or individual. But you also have to ask yourself the question that Christianity despite all of its faults produces an end product and when you compare that  product against any other civilisation which one comes off best? The American Indian and the Australian aboriginal and many other countries would say that their culture was a better culture than the one that they live in now and no doubt they are right. But it is the Christian culture in the long run that leads to the new universe and the eternities to come. Could they have behaved better or could I have behaved better then the answer is certainly yes. But that is the weakest strength Christianity but also its greatest strength in that no one is excluded, all are included and there is going to be a day of reckoning for which every evil will be paid for in full. A lot of those evils are being paid for today in that the troops that went to fight these evil wars are coming home and bringing drugs and prostitution back with them and being appointed in the police and brutalising their own people. Christianity so-called marched out under the banner, “weapons of mass destruction!” Which was just a euphemism for Stealing the oil from the Muslims. They had no choice but have come with a peaceful invasion and are now taking over our country which is something that will never happen under any condition that we will be allowed into their own countries. They will still retain their country and they will have ours as a result of greed and lies that are coming back to bite us. Worst part of it is we have no one to blame but ourselves for believing those liars that sent us there in the first place.

[As I have no intention of using either of the current branches of science of absurdity and insanity I now approach the subject and try to deal and to add on to what other Christians have started. If you asked me a week ago where and why did Peter have his head and body washed but now at the foot washing only required his feet to be washed I would say, “I don’t know!” But today I will try to formulate some sort of answer. If you ask me how Jesus feeding a crowd of 5000 with five loaves of bread and two fish was the common denominator between the cross of Good Friday and the cross of the Day of Atonement and therefore written up in all four gospels I would say, “I don’t know and I may never know!” But that again this does not stop me from further studying Scripture in order to come up with this answer and so it is going to be with my approach to writing a commentary on, “an introduction to Biblical science”. The first issue that we have to struggle with is that of light and particularly the difference between the light that we see and Divine light that Stephen saw when he was being stoned, the light that blinded Paul that none of the others could see, the light of Jesus at the Transfiguration, and the light that the 120 and 500 saw after the resurrection of Jesus. When Jesus arose on Resurrection Sunday was it necessary for an angel to remove the stone or could Jesus just passed through the stone just like he did in His appearance to His disciples when He passed through the closed door? I have no doubt that both Nicodemus and Joseph who took Jesus down from the cross and then carried Him to the grave would vouch for the fact that Jesus was made out of matter and real atoms and had real mass/weight. For Jesus to pass through the door Had to be made up out of some sort of energy/waves be that x-rays or radio waves or some other wave. When Jesus invited Thomas to put his hand into the hole that the Romans had made Jesus was in the form of matter/atoms. So if we want to see the difference between divine light and ordinary light it means that we have to know something about at least one of them. An example of the situation however that we are in was given when I tried to tell you about the difficulty not just of writing to but reading from and making corrections to a screen that is black! The problem with most today would be they consider this to be too difficult situation and give up but this is not the case with Julius! You can only make so many falls before falls become a part of your walking and so I fall on. All of this should be qualified by, “as far as I know or to the best of my knowledge!” But today light has a dual nature; it behaves as waves but it also behaves as particles and Jesus certainly did appear to fit both of these qualities. So the two entities in existence today are matter and energy/light or

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matter and matter and energy so if we want to make divine light we would take the matter component out of the existing wave particle duality. This would make Jesus in His divine form as energy or waves and therefore He could pass through doors and as He has no mass associated with Him, He can travel at the speed of light and appear and disappear at differing places with the speed. So how do the detectors of this range sort of light react, one which has no matter component? Under ordinary conditions they cannot see it, we need the matter component to be able to see light but there also has to be an inbuilt mechanism within the eye which when switched on and see divine light even though there is no matter component within it. It is a matter component within the light then that is the interchange between matter itself and energy. It was matter then that was created on day one of creation and subsequently on days three, four, five and six but the energy component has always existed and it has existed as the omnipresence of Jesus Christ as Jesus is, was, and always will be light and life. It would be very easy to wander into the world of absurdity in trying to set attributes on God but it is Scripture itself that sets the attributes of life and light on Jesus but my eyes, my optical detectors can only react to particles or the matter what nature of light but they cannot detect divine light even though it might be there. In my teaching career I taught you 12 physics and a lot of the stuff I taught just did not add up by when in trouble I went to the answers book and taught whatever was in the answers book. Light was certainly a problem as were most of the other topics particularly cosmology and electricity. But I do believe in Young’s interference fringes and I am now going to do this experiment 1 million times in intervals of 1 nm and then 2 nm and then 3 nm right up to the visible range of 400 nm to 650 nm and then onto 1 million nm. In each case I have a piece of cardboard with two pinholes in it say 1 inch apart and then I shine my pure light onto it. Another screen behind these two holes records that is the light passes through these two holes it forms to circles of fringes which alternate between right and black areas and it happens in all million times that I do it. To get a bright and dark fringe is proof positive to me that the light is behaving in waves. You can never add matter on the matter and get nothing or a dark area you can only get two lots of matter. One snooker ball plus another snooker ball must always equal two snooker balls that is not the case for waves which I have also often observed on the sea. When a high wave combines with a trough you get nothing or flatwater! You can never get one snooker ball plus another snooker ball to give you nothing and if it that is the case that these fringes occur everywhere than light must have this wave property or energy property or dare I say divine property. As the source of light shines whatever monochromatic light it is supposed to shine through the cardboard the light bends or diffracts acts as it goes through the hole and this is fair enough proof to me that the particles are exerting some force of gravity towards each other causing the beam to bend or diffracts. Divine light therefore would not be diffract at passing through as a pencil beam through the hole and if that did not happen say at 7777 nm would prove that this was divine light? It had no matter qualities.  (+93092 +900)


  1. Before finally leaving the issue of Peter having his head and body washed addresses many of our issues in Genesis, Deuteronomy and the miracles of Jesus. It emphasises the role of the importance of Satan and prompting Judas and a parallel can be drawn to the role of both Satan and the beast in issuing the decree to rebuild the temple for the last time after its destruction at the third coming of Jesus Christ. Satan and the beast know once they sign this decree they have signed their own death warrants and time only has 490 years to run now when they will be destroyed. Little wonder they hang on until the very end and it is only when their headquarters are surrounded by the wicked living and are threatening to burn the buildings down when they actually do sign this

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decree. And so is the case now at best two weeks before the cross of Good Friday, “It was just before the Passover Feast.” Most probably if Satan had let it go for another day it would have been too late to tempt Judas. Peter was already clean as each year he confessed all his sins on the Day of Atonement, they had been forgiven and Peter was clean. (80% of total ??) But if his head and body were clean then why were not his feet clean? And what would have happened had Satan not acted on Judas at exactly this time and left it for one day longer? Time would have moved from just before the Passover into the Passover and therefore a reenactment of what happened in Egypt on 01 – 01 – 01. This would have been a confirmation as it had been all the way along that the Day of Atonement cleansing stood and it stood for the eternities to come. It was a part of the same dimension and it was the compliment to the Day of Atonement and what was required now was to involve a different dimension because if the Day of Atonement stood in then Satan had to be destroyed seven days before the actual day of Atonement cross. Satan had to prolong this event and he did so by some 4000 years by the introduction of the cross of Good Friday and therefore the postponement of the Day of Atonement. He could not bring himself around to doing it earlier because now with the cross of Good Friday the act of salvation was completed and Peter would now have not just his head and body washed he would also have his feet washed. But why were not Peter’s feet washed in the Day of Atonement and it required the cross of Good Friday and the foot washing with it to achieve this extra result? The answers to these questions lie in the fact that they were two lots of commandments? Both had exactly the same writing on them, both were written on by God Himself but the difference being the material on which they were written. The Day of Atonement involved the commandments that were written on stone supplied by God, their requirements were met or are still going to be met by God The Son and therefore the eternities to come could begin and at the level that was set out way back in Genesis. The “problem” was however that there was no challenge to the existence of time itself. The twin lamb sacrifice was not on the line. It was Satan who made this an issue by sending Jesus to the cross of Good Friday and thus the twin lamb sacrifice became the issue. It was a forced result and it was offered to every conceived human being. Satan could have added this extra dimension to the cross of the Day of Atonement many times before but refused to do so  as he did not want to be responsible for the total circle of salvation. Ultimately however it is always Jesus Christ who is in control of all situations and this included the washing of His disciples feet. And thus we have the role of the commandments that were written on tablets supplied by God and those on tablets supplied by Moses which were then fulfilled to the standard required by God and the complete washing of Peter.

The intellect of a TV background last night watched two shows although not in their entirety. There was Morgan Freeman’s wormholes and Einstein and Hawking. Intellect must be a very complex attribute and judged by any number of parameters but let me give you Hawking’s definition, ‘the ability to change or adapt to changing circumstances (I think)’ and my definition would be to be able to distinguish between sanity and insanity and the real and the virtual. I have for a long time held Einstein as the pinnacle of intellect but I am not sure whether I would have done so had he believed that there was no God. To see what he saw and manipulate what he manipulated and think that all this could have come from nothing would have been a definition of absurdity and on this ground Hawking’s fails the test badly. Judging Hawking’s one book only and that is God created the numbers he then goes on to delete any reason for the existence of God. Such a contradiction is insanity on its own without even adding it to other ideas that he came up with and I want to look at. But firstly looking at Milton Friedman and his wormholes. Let me first define not just absurdity but insanity as well and that would be that, ‘nothing produced God’. This makes nothing such a powerful entity that there is nothing that cannot do including producing God Himself. One step above this and the topic

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of his show this week was it is man who produces God. Here at least God is produced by something, namely us but we in turn are produced from nothing. Either ground it makes intellect meaningless and whatever mumbo-jumbo you come up with is valid! I didn’t bother to listen to the evidence that he produced from those wonderful psychology experiments as secular psychology is based on evolution and therefore does far more harm than good but they are experts at manipulating and moving around in the world of the absurd and the world of insanity. But Friedman only has one more step to go to get to the bottom of the ladder of insanity. Another fascinating aspect came I think from the show on Einstein and Hawking’s and that is that information cannot be lost. What the presenter did was to throw a number of newspapers into an incinerator and watch them burn into charcoal and I think it was quantum mechanics plus maybe something else  said that the information on that newspaper could not be lost. If he gathered the charcoal and the burning gases and the heat he could put back together the newspaper and that newspaper would have writing on it that is identical to what was there before it was burned. This allocates all the properties that exist to the quantity called nothing – it can do anything what it wants. Because information that was on that newspaper came from nothing and therefore cannot be destroyed and must always be there. In a way therefore the perpetuity of nothing has been assured! The information that is in the genetic code of all living things must have also have come from nothing where we came from and it also cannot be destroyed which seems like a waste because most will not take advantage of it. They too will revert to nothing after the fires of hell have gone out so we will have at least two lots of nothing combining problem with many other nothings as well to yield what Hawking seems to think to nothing and that is that the time of existence of nothing must stand! Is that stunning intelligence or is it just outright crazy? And always keep in mind that according to Hawking’s it was God who created the numbers and the information is within them and therefore makes quantum mechanics meaningless because God did exist even if that was for a short time. There were other aspects of the shows which I have forgotten about by now except the question of the expanding universe. Is this universe expanding or contracting or staying the same? I am not really sure what the secular lot think that time is. The Bible base for time is the daily sacrifice which is specified as the 9 AM sin offering going onto the 3 PM burnt offering but it is also specified that each day is 24 hours long and initially that was made out of 12 hours of darkness and 12 hours of light but due to the catastrophic changes that occured during Noah’s flood these were pushed out of whack by some time leaving however the total day is 24 hours. If this earth and this universe were still here in a trillionite number of years (a trillion with a trillion zeros) and the original time that God created for this universe had run out then if He had to add more time to it and it was added to the end of the existing time then the universe would become bigger but if it was joined on to the end to the beginning of time to go through the cycle again there would it would remain the same size. Either way the unit of time is defined as 24 hours and tomorrow I will move into the timeslot of Wednesday and this earth by moving 365 timeslots of rotation will come back to its original position but the solar system will move into a timeslot of Wednesday. All the stars that were created on day four of creation will also age and moved by a timeslot of 24 hours to where they are today. But right now today we are only some 6000 years from the beginning and there will be no need to for a long time to come yet. What is a fascination however is that Scripture certainly predicts the existence of a space – time diaphragm and this is what Einstein also predicted but it would be a very long shot that his prediction would be based on the Bible. I intend returning to Genesis continually try to expand my commentary on Bible science. It would certainly be a major achievement to be able to move on from day one of creation and what I saw last night was of little or no value.  I am going to try to consider and compare the creation of three universes; number three is the one to come where there will be

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no sin or evil nor will there be an ability to do so. Thus there will be no correction factors required for any type of sin or evil or a holy perfect world all of which is in contact with the throne room of God itself. This is the one that should appear in less than 2000 his time but the one that is here now is universe number two. It was created as a holy universe but there were allowances made for the appearance of confessed and unconfessed sins but the major defect if that is what it can be called was that the inhabitants have a tendency to do evil or the beast existed within them. Because they have the ability to sin there had to be factors installed in this universe to cope with sin and even if sin did not eventuate, Eve or Satan, and still had to be a mechanism for getting rid of the evil within its inhabitants and this is the one we live in today and which has already gone through 6000 years of history and has 2000 years to go. Universe one which did not eventuate should be very similar to universe three in that it is a holy universe where sin and evil do not exist but unlike universe number three which had the ability to sin but rejected it universe number one never had a problem of either sin or evil. It was perfect all the way along and it was inhabited by mindless robots playing endless tapes of praise to God and Jesus.  (+95758 +900)


  1. There are not that many basic concepts that are introduced in the book of Genesis such as time: distance, mass, light and various forces of nature. We must however begin with the throne room of God itself wherever that may be as it is from this throne room that emanates the omnipresence of God as light and life and this presence is infinite. Jesus Christ is light and life and therefore His presence is also infinite. If we try to follow back to this source back to light and life we would arrive back in the throne room of God and a place in which we are going to spend eternity to come in the new universe. If we assume that the throne room of God is in the middle of His creation and that the tent of meeting is either close by or directly attached to it as it was in that shadow on earth does not pose as many problems for us here on earth in this universe as it does in the one above. In the one above when the door is blown out between the two universes and we see the creation of the second universe and the tent of meeting is in the middle of that universe and that is a long way away. We are going to have to traverse all that distance to get there and then when we are required to come back to the archives of heaven which is Eden2 and is attached to the edge of the new universe such as described in the chapter of the red heifer we are going to have to come back and then all the way forward again back to the tent of meeting. But then again we are in a sinless and evil less universe and different mechanisms will be operating. It may be that light is divine light and therefore has no particle nature and it which should give the property of inertia to the light and therefore limits its speed. But the problems we have a far more pressing than that for the time being on the first of those is time itself. Even though our first concept of universe one, of robots playing endless types of praise is an absurdity because the matrix of heaven is love and these things could not exhibit love. God could have however made them and scattered them all through His omnipresence and they would not have fallen over or seized up but just kept praising God. Human beings in this universe and even in the sinless universe above us could not do this and therefore both by the light and life of the omnipresence of Jesus Christ has to be limited, it has to be encapsulated to such a degree that we can exist in order that we can handle. That confining or encapsulating agent is called time and what it actually is, is the daily sacrifice which is the full extent of the love of Jesus Christ! It is displayed as the murdered and brutalised body of Jesus Christ as He hung on the cross between 3 PM and 4 PM on Good Friday on Mount Calvary as the burnt sacrifice. What you see when you look at that body is determined by the person who is looking at it and in Scripture this comparison is made as the number of bulls and the maximum number of bulls that it is possible for

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any human being to see say is 100 and there may be people like the mother of Jesus and Paul and Peter and others who were close enough to Jesus to see 50 or even 60 bulls but no one will ever reach the outer limit even the likes of Michael and Gabriel the archangels. How much we see is determined by how much we want to see what time we are prepared to spend in looking for it and this factor is determined by our lives on earth. Most will look at the figure on the cross with ridicule and scorn but this will not be the case in the second universe. So the bit that we are shown in this universe may have a maximum value of 100 and a value that we will never get to even the holiest amongst us by what fraction is that hundred of the total exists? The total exists is that of divinity, is that of God and is therefore infinite and which therefore had to be quantised and the quantised package is called this universe and its matrix is love which in turn is present as time. The package itself is easily enough envisaged as the bit that we can see but cannot see beyond it even though the omnipresence of Jesus Christ still prevails. Time itself is also easy enough to see in that I am here today, was here yesterday and maybe there tomorrow. However finite that may be that is my existence but what is this time that pervades this universe? If I am sitting here at the same time tomorrow time will have moved on by one day but so will have this earth, and the solar system and this galaxy have moved forward in space as well so this diaphragm or whatever I am sitting on now is actually a combination of space and time and it is a very strange movement because despite all moving forward in both time and space I am still sitting here in the same position. And every 365 days the earth returns to the same position. Comparing the solar system to being the atom of the universe may be one path to follow a more pressing problem is how can time support any weight up to and including the weight of planets and suns? What attribute does it have to be able to do this? Time is exposure of existing omnipresence of Jesus Christ is both light and life. But how can it support life if life has nothing to exist on and certainly at this stage at least requires nutrition. The planets that can do this are very limited in number and planet Earth is certainly one of those. But what about all those other stars and planets which cannot/do not support life? They do show the glory of God but there must be many other reasons for their existence and some of those must be to fine tune the conditions here on life. But time remains our wonder and our mystery and this should not really be the case as the full extent of the love of Jesus Christ has been fully exposed on the cross of Good Friday on Mount Calvary between the hours of 3 PM and 4 PM. It was the burnt sacrifice which in turn showed it had been accepted by heaven and God the Father and it is now on offer for anyone who wishes to accept it also. This is the constant theme of the Bible and if it is not the central theme of any commentary the n that commentary is not worth the paper it is written on. Our next topic in Genesis should be the appearance of divine light on day one and later on day four the appearance of starlight. Returning to Deuteronomy chapter 12 and prayerfully by the act of rewriting this sacred text will allow some light to shine from it. Deuteronomy 12:1 –;

‘These are the decrees and laws you must be careful to follow in the land that the Lord, the God of your fathers, is giving you to possess – as long as you live in the land. Destroy completely all the places on high mountains and on the hills and under every spreading tree where the nations you are dispossessing worship their gods. Break down their altars, smashed their sacred stones and burn their Asherah poles in the fire; cut down the idols of their gods and wipe out their names from those places. You must not worship the Lord your God in their way. But you are to seek the place of the Lord your God will choose from among all your tribes to put his Name there for his dwelling. To that place you must go; there bring your burnt offerings and sacrifices, your tithes and special gifts, what you have vowed to give  free will offerings, and the firstborn of your herds and flocks.(+96520 +900s

  1. Deuteronomy 12:7- ; ‘there, in the presence of the Lord your God, you and your families shall eat and shall rejoice in everything you have put your hand to, because the Lord your God has blessed you. You are not to do as we do here today, everyone as he sees fit, since you have not yet reached the restingplace and the inheritance Lord your God is giving you. You will cross the Jordan and settle in the land the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance, and he will give you rest from all your enemies around you so that you will live in safety. Then place the Lord your God will choose as a dwelling for his Name – there you are to bring everything I command you: your burnt offerings and sacrifices, your tithes and special gifts, and all the choice portions you have vowed to the Lord. And there rejoice before the Lord your God, you, your sons and daughters, your menservants and your maidservants, and the Levites from your towns, who have no allotment or inheritance of their own. Be careful not to sacrifice your burnt offerings anywhere you please. Offer them only at the place the Lord your God will choose any one of your tribes, and there observe everything I command you. [I would not accept that the restingplace we are going to be finally given is a place where we are free to break any or all of God’s commandments] . Nevertheless, you may slaughter your animals in any of your towns and eat as much of the meat as you want, as if it were a gazelle or dear, according to the blessing the Lord your God gives you. Both the ceremonially unclean and the clean you may eat it. But you must not eat the blood; pour it out on the ground like water. You must not eat in your own towns the thithe of your grain and new wine and oil, or the firstborn of your herds and flocks, or whatever you have vowed to give, or your free will offerings and special gifts. Instead, you are to eat them in the presence of the Lord your God at that place the Lord your God will choose – you, your sons and daughters, your menservants and maidservants, and the Levites from your towns – and you are to rejoice before the Lord your God in everything you put your hand to. Be careful not to neglect the Levites as long as you live in your land. When the Lord your God has enlarged your territory as he promised you, and you crave meat and say, “I would like some meat,” you may eat as much of it as you want. If the place where the Lord your God chooses to put his Name is too far away from you, you may slaughter animals from the herds and flocks Lord has given you, as I have commanded you, and in your towns you may eat as much of them as you want. As you would gazelle or deer. Both are ceremonially unclean and clean you may eat. But be sure you do not eat the blood, because the blood is the life, and you may not eat the life with the meat. You may not eat the blood; pouring out on the ground like water. Do not eat it, so that it may go well with you and your children after you, because you will be doing what is right in the eyes of the Lord. But take your consecrated things whatever you have about you, and go to the place Lord your God will choose. Present your burnt offerings on the altar of the Lord your God, both the meat and the blood. The blood of your sacrifices must be poured beside the altar of the Lord your God, you may eat the meat. Be careful to obey all these regulations I am giving you, so that it may always go well with you and your children after you, because you will be doing what is good and right in the eyes of the Lord your God. The Lord your God will cut off before you nations you are about to invade and dispossess. But when you have driven them out and settled in their land, and they had been destroyed before you, be careful not to be ensnared by enquiring about their gods, saying, “how do these nations serve their gods? We will do the same.” You must not worship the Lord your God in their way, because in worshipping other gods, they do all kinds of detestable things the Lord hates.

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Even burn their sons and daughters in the fire sacrifices to the gods. So that you do all I command you; do not add to it or take away from it.”

In the NIV Bible study Chapter 11 was headed as, “Love and Obey the Lord” and that was a fair heading and on which I tried to base my commentary on. Chapter 12 is headed as, “A One Place of Worship” which again is a fair summary which encompasses much detail. The length of the journey of this chapter which begins in the Sinai desert and finishes up in the New Jerusalem or the throne room of God or the Most Holy Place is necessarily very long but also extremely steep. It is not just a long way for me to get to the New Jerusalem but the angle of ascent is so steep that even with the help of Jesus it seems insurmountable. For me to be in the presence of God and in His throne room even seems impossible because I can never be one with Him in the very best that can happen is that He is the one with me. It is Jesus who is glad to receive an indelible mark and will be stained with humanity for the rest of eternity and if He was not prepared to be marred and I would not be up there in the first place anyway. Since pleading guilty to taking all my confessed sins on the cross of Good Friday and having them obliterated is one thing that Jesus pleading guilty to have his own sins as he does on the Day of Atonement is a separate entity altogether and the saints of all beings will understand and appreciate where that marks come from and if there was no mark then we wouldn’t be there either. Such is the significance of the Day of Atonement. It is still an event which is some one thousand 800 years in the future we are still on page 260 of the NIV Bible study and the question of the temple or the one place of worship that has been set up by God Himself. Following the journey of this temple can itself be confusing and appears to have confused even the greats of Scripture like Daniel chapter 9 and the apostle John when he looked up and saw the holy city coming out of the sky he scanned its horizon for the outline of the temple because he did realise this city was the temple. Most of my ascent to the dizzy heights of the throne room of God will occur on the part of the journey that begins with the second coming of Jesus Christ that the only place where that journey can begin is down here and the acceptance of Jesus Christ as that burnt offering of Good Friday. It is at this point that my upward journey begins but it is based on an earthly step in much earthly history. I am going to try to follow this temple through some of its history and in the process try to understand the relationship between the temple that is supposed to be my body and the temple up there. The dates that I use should be in chronological order but the numbers are just plucked out of the air. 2500 years before Christ the Israelites journey out of Egypt begins and therefore 01 – 01 – 01. Passover and the journey to the Day of Atonement and the end of time and the beginning of heaven on earth for the eternities to come. Six months on on Mount Sinai first lot of 10 Commandments are broken and the second lot of 10 Commandments are written down by God and it still seems strange that the only difference between these was that the first lot were written on tablets supplied by God and the second lot were written on tablets suppliers by man. The difference here is one of complimentary and supplementary and why Peter had already had his head and body washed but now required Jesus to wash his feet. There is still much to be written about this transaction and especially the precipitating agent was Satan’s by his action of getting Judas to betray Jesus. The bottom line is however that Jesus has decided that the Passover is no longer just complimentary to the Day of Atonement and Passover but supplementary to and Jesus is going to do the work. Passover has acquired an extra dimension whilst at the same time keeping the one that it had and that was that the Day of Atonement would remain as the twin bird sacrifice. Next we had the giving of instructions for the building of the temporary temple or the Sinai desert version of it. The temporary version lasts for some 300 years and then is replaced with the permanent version or Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem which itself lasts for in different versions until the coming of Jesus Christ where Jesus declares the temple to be a place of worship and prayer to God. Jesus declares

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His ministry to be one of a temple ministry and cleanses it before He begins this ministry but this ministry finishes probably about 07 – 01 – 3889 when Jesus walks out of the temple for the last time taking His Shekinah glory with  Him. This temple then goes on to be destroyed some 40 years later by Titus, more completely by Hadrian but not utterly until some 2000 years later when it is destroyed by the abomination that causes desolation and what desolation it is as there are not even to stones left on each other even though they may weigh 40 or more tons. So what transactions occur in these intervening 2000 years and what changes especially after the end of these 2000 years? Solomon’s Temple in one form or another was that original temple that was given by God to the Israelites well over a thousand years earlier and only stopped being so because Jesus had withdrawn His Shekinah glory from it. This allowed the altar of burnt offering or the cross of Good Friday now to be moved from its courtyard and taken outside of the city and set up on Mount Calvary. When it will be rebuilt in some 2000 years time after the cross of Good Friday it will be rebuilt around this altar, this cross, the altar of burnt offering. When this altar or cross were taken out of the existing temple they were clean because that was what the ministry of Jesus Christ began with is no utensil could be used in the sacrifice which had not been cleansed. The issue has to be why my body became the temple at this moment as it does for all the saints who lived between the first and the second comings. When that choice becoming the temple of God is rejected by humanity as at the second coming and the altar will be rebuilt again but this time on Mount Calvary. It may seem a bit premature as the door of mercy will not close for another 1260 years and therefore they will be two temples or more and this is specifically the one thing that Deuteronomy 12 is telling us cannot happen. The Book of Revelation tells us that there will not be one further conversion after the second coming because this would be an admission by Jesus that He has forgotten to take somebody home with Him. A simple impossibility! The role of changing temples from a physical temple in Jerusalem to my body becoming one is far more complex than first appears. We now have the Passover at two levels to deal with: it’s complimentary stage and it supplementary stage. At the complimentary stage when Leviticus 16 was going to happen the scapegoat was taken outside of the city with all of confessed sins on it including all of Peter’s and be pushed over the edge of a cliff and destroyed along with the sins on it. The temple did not have to move and would remain in its present position for the eternities to come even though it was a refurbished building. This is not the case of the Judas betrayed Jesus scenario. It was not the case of Peter going to the temple placing his confessed sins on the scapegoat there was a case of the Lord and the master becoming the slave and the servant and washing his disciples feet. It is still a concept that I have difficulty with gaining traction. Jesus is putting everything on the line and everything that is on that line is what Jesus did on the cross of Good Friday. At this stage when I can to try to understand why but he just did and how this changed these temples? Before this time the Israelites would kill the Passover lamb and eat it and it became a part of them, a part of the flesh of their bodies and therefore part of the temple as the temple itself was the body of Jesus Christ. But on Good Friday this yawning separation occurs. First of all the altar of burnt offering or the cross is removed from the temple and taken to Mount Calvary so we are not even a part of our building symbolically. Christianity has made a break from Judaism. In Christianity it is Jesus Christ who becomes one with us as indicated by His call, “It is finished!” So today if we have accepted Jesus Christ and here is one with us or if you want that put more symbolically, we are the temple with Him. And as temple with Him we are taken into heaven at the second coming where the major modifications will occur until we finish up as one with Him! The temple that is rebuilt after the second coming still plays a significant role in last day events. It will continue to do so but only on an earthly level until the third coming and the closing of the door of mercy after which I cannot see much of a role for it to play and that is because I cannot understand

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the last four versus of the Book of Daniel and chapter 9. What I do try to follow is my temple through the first 1800 years of existence in the heaven above as far as the wedding feast ands our relationship is formalised before God and then we ride out as bride and bridegroom and onto final Canaan and Jericho. I have already tried to study various aspects of this latter journey but it is still a long way away from those pearly gates which are 1600 miles above us from springing open and allowing us into the throne room of God or the new Jerusalem or the Most Holy Place and no doubt the destination to which Deuteronomy chapter 12 is pointing us to be starting off from rock bottom. If there are bits of the old Testament that had been done away with because the Jews were under a theocracy not a democracy what am I allowed to skittle and therefore I don’t have to obey, “all the commands and decrees that I have given you”.

Length of time the Christian journey tracing back to genealogy of Adam to the time we arrive at the one place for worship of the church to come, of the New Jerusalem is some 8000 years. That is how long it has taken for us to establish a relationship with God and the Lamb on the throne inside of the Most Holy Place. The first 2500 years was just preparation for the journey and this preparation entails mostly being able to go back to God, repent of our sins and ask for forgiveness and we would be forgiven. That is how long it took us for the Day of Atonement to come online and to actually begin our journey. It was specifically stamped and dated the day that we actually began and that was 01 – 01 – 01 and the actual spot was in Egypt. (This is purely coincidental and no way emanates evolutionary out of Africa theory). It began with God showing the people who wanted to join Him complimentary part of the Day of Atonement ceremony. It was the Passover and it was because of the Passover because of the presence of the blood of the Passover lamb that the salvation that we had obtained through the Day of Atonement would be everlasting; it would be heaven on earth. It wasn’t very long into the journey that the wheels fell off and we rejected the agreement that God had made up with us and replaced it with the worship of Satan. This moment is described in graphic detail and it was none other than the leader of the people at the time, Aaron who made up the golden calf and danced with the congregation in worship of it. Tearing up this agreement that God had proposed, smashing the 10 Commandments they were written on tablets supplied by God should have been the end of time and the end of humanity and it was now only a matter of time until the Saviour Jesus Christ came to earth and went through the Day of Atonement to finish sin and evil. But there was an amazing intervention on Mount Sinai on that day when Jesus asked Moses to carve out a new set of stone tablets and present them to Him and that He would fulfil them. So it was wrong of me to say that what happened on Thursday night in Gethsemane had not been scripted. It was scripted on this day that Satan entered Judas whos would go to the elders and sell Jesus out to them for 30 pieces of silver and that they would send Roman soldiers to come around and arrest Jesus and that Jesus would go with them and allow Himself to be brutally murdered. The script for this murder was written out on this night and the Passover acquired an extra dimension and it was no longer just complimentary to the Day of Atonement but it was now supplementary to it. Yes after that moment God’s people would eat the meat/flash of the Passover lamb providing it had been roasted under certain conditions and it would become a part of them. This did not happen in the temple but it occurred in their homes. This did not happen to Jesus Christ but it did happen to many symbolic one year old lambs and it was a reenactment of the Day of Atonement/Passover sacrifices that would have resulted for the eternities to come. The temple stood where it was and would have continued to stand even after Daniel had decreed the future existence of Jerusalem. The basic setup would still have remained as temple/worshipper. If Satan is half as clever as I think he is he would have known the result of enticing Judas to go and betray Jesus and how this would change the relationship between the worshipper and the temple and little wonder that he hung on probably

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until the last minute before going ahead with his nefarious scheme.  He did not want to be responsible for the final act and the completion of the act of salvation which is exactly what he instigated by getting Judas to do what he did. It was only with tongue in cheek that I said that what happened on foot washing night was not scripted and I have realised for a while now that it was scripted and the exact time when it happened.—-

My temple to temple relationship with Jesus Christ began at 3 PM on Good Friday on Mount Calvary when Jesus Christ, the temple came to join the dead and to become one of them. I am therefore the temple of Jesus Christ but there is going to be a very sharp change in our relationship on the Day of Atonement. Jesus will remain as a part of me until that day in some one thousand 800 years time when He will go to the Day of Atonement across all 10 – 07 – 486 as a part of me but through a Transfiguration process I will come out as a part of Him. If before this cross there was a temple to temple relationship between us then there will also be a temple to temple relationship between us after the order has been reversed. The 1259 days that I lay in front of the cross after the Day of Atonement has occurred will be the cross of the Day of Atonement and what has just happened on it and it will be the sinless hair of Jesus Christ that is placed at the base of this cross and what has just happened on it. This cross already has a history but that history will not be added to it until the very last day when the combination of ewe lambs sin offering is combined with the male lamb burnt offering and presented as a peace offering so that providing we are bride and bridegroom relationship we will be allowed into the new universe and ultimately the throne room of God. The final relationship of the temple and the joining between the Holy Place and the Most Holy Place is a relationship in which we still have much work to do on. But then again we are at the level of The One Place of worship in Deuteronomy chapter 12 and on a second visit. Being in Deuteronomy and the Sinai desert and being led by Moses we realise that when Moses finally does left his bronze snake up that there will be many similarities between that and Jesus being lifted up on His cross but there will also be dissimilarities so the issue that we must address then must be that of verse 32; ‘See that you do all I command you; do not add to it or take away from it.”

If as from 3 PM on Good Friday on Mount Calvary I became the temple and that temple that was in the city for over a thousand years ceased to exist then as the temple of God certain behaviour is expected of me. This would be demanded by the presence of Jesus Christ through the presence of the Holy Spirit. It would be a rhetorical question to ask if with the presence of the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ would I now have a licence to murder, steal, commit adultery, blaspheme, tell lies or wilfully break any of the 10 Commandments that Jesus has just fulfilled and cleaned any scars that they had left on me. Most Christians would reply note to this question with one exception and yes you guessed it is the one that says to remember to keep holy but even that is okay if you interpret the word remember to forget and ignore at all costs! It is like arguing with that secular lot who insist that nothing is really everything that you can imagine and want! It is nonsense but the ultimate charge of who does what and believes in what will be Jesus Christ and if he judges my sins to be unintentional then it is He Who will plead guilty to them and will be his scarred because of them for the eternities to come. But what about the blood and the burnt offerings? (+100950 +900)s


  1. We begin with Deuteronomy 12:32; ‘See that you do all I command you; do not add to it or take away from it.’ For me today to offer burnt offerings and animal sacrifices would be sinful and indeed a henious sin. Firstly this command is annulled because there is no temple to hold the sacrifice in. As we have seen my body today is the temple and that is because of the presence of

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Jesus Christ through His Holy Spirit. A second reason why it would be sinful would be because the animal sacrifice pointed to such a major event that we could not comprehend on its own and therefore needed some sort of introduction to which we could relate to and that turned out to be the animal sacrificial system. To continue to conduct any part of the animal sacrificial system would be denying that the real event has occurred and to deny that Jesus has already died on the cross of Good Friday and then go on to reject it happening is a sin of such proportions that will require the throne room of God to be moved from our universe into a new universe and our universe to be destroyed. They don’t come much bigger than that! But you may say that the Day of Atonement has not yet occurred and therefore the animal sacrificial system will continue to apply until that occurs. This would not be right as the cross of Good Friday is but one step short of what is going to occur on the Day of Atonement and therefore it requires no intermediates between the two. The animal sacrificial system finished on the cross of Good Friday and even the burnt offering and the one year old male lamb that was supposed to be killed by the priests at 3 PM on Good Friday escaped and to the shock and horror of all those in the courtyard saw this happening! It was at this point also that the building called the temple was moved into my heart as a dwelling place for Jesus and the Holy Spirit. I do not know any people or ministries who tell me that I do not have to obey the edict of Chapter 11 and that is to love and obey the Lord. The obedience that Jesus displayed on the cross of Good Friday to do the will of God the Father and the reason for this obedience despite the horror of its results was because of the love of Jesus Christ for us and therefore it would not be unreasonable for us to reciprocate both the love and the obedience to Jesus. And certainly one way not to do this would be to deny the existence and fulfilment of what happened on Good Friday on Mount Calvary by offering sacrifices. Even by trying to do this in preparation for the one that is to come, the Day of Atonement we would be detracting from what has already occurred. This universe and this world were only supposed to require 4000 years for them to begin their eternity proper and the animal sacrificial system was supposed to help us to get us ready for this time of infinity. There could be no better preparation for the extension of 4000 years, from 4000 to 8000 years than for Jesus to make our bodies into His temple and the situation in which will finally finish up as before our eternity begins. If our journey begins here on earth is 0% and when we arrived inside the throne room of God is 100% then accepting the cross of Christ is way in excess of 99% but there is still a short journey to come. No, sacrifices were done away with as on 14 – 01 – 3889 at 3 PM what about eating the blood or draining it onto the ground like water, does it still apply? Let me rephrase that in another way. Somewhere in the Bible we are told that if someone has an infectious disease they are to self isolate. With the coronavirus around this is indeed a relevant question. Is it sinful for a Christian not to self isolate or to drink blood or alcohol or smoke tobacco and ingest drugs? As these are not a part of the 10 Commandments they were on the cross on Good Friday and say they be sinful and can we make up whatever rules and regulations we want and classify them as sinful? These and the many other rules we are about to strike are not rules just for the sake of having rules and practising how to obey them. They are rules to protect us and protect the community in which we live and in most cases the dangers of not following those rules are not given to us but if we have trust in Jesus who made those rules we would also have trust in Him for making those rules and He does not give us the reasons why because we simply we will not understand them anyway. There is certainly a trust aspect and that trust or faith aspect is fundamental to our relationship with Jesus. Self isolate does not mean that I am not allowed to go to the beach with my grandchildren and play in the sun and the fresh air in the water. It does not mean that I have to stay cooped up in a small room out of sunlight and fresh air where self isolate becomes incubate. The problem with this virus can be summarised by three letters, WHO and depending on your level of naïveté will give you a different level of your

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understanding of what is happening. It is ironic however our something that is so small they cannot even be called alive, a virus is bringing down/has brought down such a large financial system. It is not as if it was hard to bring it down as any economy that is spending its way out of debt is vulnerable to say the least. As we should self isolate in such circumstances we should also not eat the blood of animals. Blood of itself is the best-known incubation agent whether that be for our own germs and worms or for the ones that it already contains when we eat it. There is only one pure blood that has no defects and no sicknesses and therefore the blood of eternity and that is the blood of the Lord God Jesus Christ something if we ever rely on it we can never be let down by it. The tentacles of the 10 Commandments are far-reaching and it may not be sinful for me to walk around with coronavirus but if I know I have coronavirus and I willingly walk around and contaminate other people then that is sinful as it is hurting people who Jesus loves. Our next chapter in Deuteronomy chapter 13, “Worshipping Other Gods”. We now move on to our next topic of study and that is the miracles of Jesus Christ where we are still trying to determine parameters in which to study these miracles within so that we may gain a greater understanding of them. We have added the role of Satan to them and the role of the Ministry of Jesus Christ but whatever we add still must be within the subsections of the synoptic gospels or the gospel of the Day of Atonement and the gospel of John or the gospel of the cross of Good Friday must remain as our main subsections. Having said that watch this categorisation disappear as we add the roles of the two witnesses to them. I find it most encouraging that I’m not paid by results as even now at this stage of the blog I have very little idea of what is happening at the start of the Christian journey and the end of the Christian journey as defined by the door of mercy closing at the third coming of Jesus Christ. I am certainly looking forward to the tutorial that the bridegroom will give when He returns to earth just before He goes to the cross of the Day of Atonement but in the meantime I can say that I find this study particularly mentally invigorating even though the goals of, “In the beginning God,” and the two witnesses are still in the distant future. The three pairs of two witnesses are, Enoch and Elijah from the old Testament, the two witnesses from the Book of Revelation and the new Testament and the centre pair to which they both must point to therefore are John the Baptist and Jesus Christ. All are heavenly messengers and all concerned with the closing of the door of mercy so that the eternities can begin. This can only happen after The Day of Atonement and this can only happen eight days after the fires of hell have gone out and Satan has been destroyed. With Satan destroyed and no further input of external sin the Day of Atonement must involve the removal of any remaining sins and the destruction of evil itself leaving the door open to heaven. If this world and this universe are to be destroyed they must have any remaining seals of God removed first. Therefore this world must first have removed from it any traces of either the water or the blood that was spilled on Good Friday removed first as the presence of these would not allow for its destruction. But there are also two further heavenly problems and these are Enoch and Elijah. When Eve first sinned that was the break between humanity and divinity and any sin regardless of its colour will result in death. Thus both Adam and Eve should have been destroyed and eternity continued on with as few angels who do not rebel and therefore continue to live with God forever more. But even at this early stage God had anticipated that this will happen and prepared a repair mechanism for this situation which He announced to Eve and Satan on the day they sinned. This repair mechanism was that the seed of Eve would crush Satan’s head and in return Satan would bruise the heel of Eve’s seed. That this was a genuine repair mechanism and would allow time continue on for the eternities to come God placed His seal on it and in the form of taking Enoch to heaven. This seal will have to be removed before the earth can be destroyed. This seal will have to be brought back to earth and killed by its inhabitants thus breaking that bond to heaven. There was much that happened on earth then which we will

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soon be studying and this involved a new covenant with Abraham and his seed. The end shot of all this activity was that the scapegoat was added to the original Day of Atonement from Eden and it now became the Day of Atonement of Leviticus 16. Again this covenant, expressed as Elijah, will have to be brought back to earth and killed or destroyed before God is able to destroy this earth. Under this scenario the two witnesses that come down from heaven with Jesus and are killed in the process of closing the door of mercy are Enoch and Elijah and therefore both are related to the Day of Atonement. Even though this may be the main game in town it is not all areas and as you would expect that Good Friday is going to also play a role. It was a Good Friday that produce the gushing blood and water from the side of Jesus Christ which now must be gathered. It was the death of John the Baptist which became the fulcrum as to whether Jesus died back on earth and go on to Good Friday or Jesus left Gethsemane along with His flock and temporarily at least return to heaven or somewhere near there. The Passover in its present form was always a reality but what also became at least an option was Passover as a supplement rather than a compliment. Even the great apostle Peter did not understand why Jesus was doing when He was washing Peter’s feet and this was probably at a maximum of 10 days before the cross of Good Friday. Satan knew in minute detail what was going on. There is an interlocking mechanism here which was triggered off by the death of John the Baptist and yes we still have much to understand about what happened here and we are told that we will understand when finally we understand that feeding of the 5000 with five loaves of bread and two fish and this has to be the goal of our work when going through the miracles of Jesus. In my previous journey through the miracles of Jesus I set seven parameters to follow and not surprisingly I have forgotten them. I know that because of the presence of Enoch and Elijah that this world cannot be destroyed, it may go up to and through the Day of Atonement and onto eternity but it cannot be destroyed. I know that because of the death of the witnesses in Revelation that this world and universe can be destroyed providing the blood and water that flow from that side of Jesus Christ is collected and returned heaven and for these to happen there has to be the cross of the Day of Atonement. I know that when the two witnesses, John the Baptist and Jesus Christ were here on this earth that it was the death of the first witness, John the Baptist was the inflection point in the ministry of Jesus Christ. The fact that this beheading of John the Baptist is only recorded in the synoptic gospels signifies that this event must be related to the Day of Atonement and therefore problems associated with both Enoch and Elijah and this shows the dual role of the Holy Spirit would play in both the heaven on earth and heaven in the universe above. In both cases at this beheading the Holy Spirit returned to heaven leaving Jesus on the ground and the two became separate entities. So in both the heaven above and on the heaven down here which would have started some 2000 years ago the saints would wear Christ’s robe of righteousness and under this robe will be the fine linen all the Holy Spirit as a separate entity. All this seems fairly clear-cut until you read the very next section and the state of shock that Jesus goes into at learning his best friend had been beheaded. At this stage we have the feeding of the 5000 and the miracle recorded in all four gospels and therefore are tying in between both the Day of Atonement and the cross of Good Friday. But why was Jesus so shocked by the death of His friend when He knew this was going to happen all the way along. John the Baptist may have had doubts but not Jesus Christ. Yes he had lost his best friend and yes he was upset at the brutality involved and yes it was wrong on the ground that the desires of an evil witch were satisfied. But there was way more going on in the background than this. The fork in the road had appeared and therefore that road now either led to the cross of Good Friday or a continuation of the journey of repentance and water baptism and the Day of Atonement. The brutality of Good Friday Jesus would now have to meet alone as the Holy Spirit had returned to heaven and would not accompany him to the cross as it had accompanied him to the 40 days and 40

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nights of testing in the desert. It would be nice to find a specific Scripture saying this but we already do know that the Holy Spirit was present with Jesus during those 40 days and 40 nights in the desert and we already know to that the Holy Spirit could not coexist with Jesus and that Jesus would first have to return to heaven before He could send the Holy Spirit back to earth. There was a period of 10 days of coexistence between the two in heaven and that Jesus went to heaven after 40 days but He did not send the Holy Spirit until 50 days but that is in heaven and that is not what Jesus was talking about would happen on earth. I could certainly relate to such a Scripture as Jesus saying, “I must now go to the cross of Good Friday alone and without the Holy Spirit!” But then again we have in the Gospel of John the role of The Christ and therefore the direct link between God the Father and God the Son and something we are now struggling with in the book of Genesis. But somewhere there in all the text there must be a link between the first and last witnesses and that link is going to be Jesus Christ. It is Jesus who will try and between what was going to happen and the heaven that would have started 2000 years ago and the one that will start in some 1800 years time. The answers, the pearls are already there and it is just a matter of looking for and finding them and such a major piece in our puzzle call salvation! One of the things that attracted me to the topic of the miracles of Jesus was what sort of behaviour was going to be expected of me if I spent the eternities to come on this earth to that if I am going to be in the heaven and the new universe. What extra level of behaviour will be required. In both cases surely the level is as at what is required by the 10 Commandments they must remain the fabric of our existence as they have from the beginning and the daily sacrifice. By what difference will it make that I have been shown the full extent of the love of Jesus Christ? I am looking for specific instructions of what I will have to do now to what I didn’t have to do before.

The biggest difference between the next commentary on the miracles of Jesus Christ of the one I have just finished will be an attempt at the chronology of events and even though I am plagiarising what is in the NIV Bible study I obviously must expect that to get more detail than what they have. I have tried to draw a timetable with 1260 boxes on a whiteboard but by the time I finished it I have rubbed out about half so clearly the whiteboard is not the answer. I will go ahead with a commentary on the miracles even though I do not yet have the framework drawn up.(+103800+900


  1. We return again to Genesis chapter 1 and the issue of time and particularly the ladder of time. To stop myself from being mentally overstressed I have stood a ladder in front of my window and to which I am going to compare time. Beginning time and as from the first of August 2020 all time before an all-time after is made up of 24-hour packets of day and night at least roughly. Each packet of itself has a 9 AM sin offering and then six hours until 3 PM burnt offering but this 3 PM burnt offering which must in some form connect to the next days 9 AM sin offering. As far as JK is concerned he has experienced about 75 lots of 365 days of the daily sacrifice and that brings me back to the day that I was born/conceived. At this point I was made up of two genetic lines and it is too early to call timelines from my mother and my father who in turn got theirs from their mother and their father. Going back to the day of Good Friday 14 – 01 – 3889 my genetic/timelines were present on the day that Jesus was on this cross. There were very few literal people present at the cross of Good Friday although there were a few and almost everyone called, “Reject!” But that was on the earthly scene but what was being played out on this day was being recorded in heaven and placed into archives of the eternities to come. (The red heifer) The genealogy of JK was being as was my timeline and my right to exist which for every human being began in Eden on the sixth day of creation and will either continue for the eternities to come or it will be snuffed out of existence

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when they conflagration that is the burning of evil blood that started off as 200 miles long slams into Eden2 and extinguishes. When every conceived human being was shown the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross I had to be in the prime of their mental and physical states. The rules regarding that call are emphasised and reemphasised many times in a book written under the supervision of God; the Bible. There is not one person ever born who will understand what those rules are even the greats of Peter and Paul and Mary but the errors and the deviations that we make will either be intentional or unintentional and it is Jesus Himself who will make the final decision and allocate punishment. I would give quids to know what form I was in when I was shown the sacrifice and made the call of, I pray, “Accept!” So I am just going to have to call myself JK 3889 and go backward in time and forward in time from this point by some 4000 years. The time is okay because if I am sitting here tomorrow in exactly the same place and have not moved time will have moved from Saturday to Sunday but it is not the same time as the earth as moved forward in space. Space time will have moved forward but now I want to try to trace space-time backwards and I arrive in the garden of Eden where both Adam and Eve have been placed. It is who Eve who is the character of interest as it is her genealogy becomes first in the Gospel of Matthew. It is from Eve that the person of Jesus Christ will come from and will go on to crush the head of Satan and to have his heel bruised and that event we have followed on umpteen number of times. But at this base and that Eve there are two possible scenarios for the beginning of the genealogy of JK 3889; there is Adam1 who was with Eve at this particular time and this is where Adam2 or Jesus Christ will trace His genealogy to as the Holy Spirit. Adam at no stage rejected Eve. I know which is which today and that is that my genealogy is traced back to Adam1 one who totally ignored and disobeyed God at this will be my genealogy also in 3889 years time. Scripture clearly traces my genealogy back to Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden. But the question must remain as to after the Day of Atonement what will my heavenly body look like? Yes Adam1 rebelled and was totally ignored  for much of history but he did repent and return on the scene as Adam/Abraham and the Day of Atonement of Leviticus 16. So was just a repentant Adam that returned or was there more than this? Scripture allocates one genealogy back to Eve but Scripture also allocates one genealogy back to the original Adam and both of these are going to play some role in the history of time. First of all we have two genealogies with Matthew and Eve and Luke and Adam and therefore this must introduce the genealogy that encompasses them both. That genealogy is the Gospel of John where, “In the beginning was The Word..” This genealogy at least surpasses the previous two by 6 days and because of its nature it is going to slip through the doorway with the blood of the Passover lamb over it once it has been blown open and will fill the new universe to come! It remains a fair question as to what part of these two genealogies will come across. There may be a part answer to this question with the genealogy or implied genealogy in the Gospel of Mark. Mark at this stage appears to be the gospel that joins both the genealogy of Matthew and the genealogy of Luke, of male and female genetic material and the production of offspring or in this Christians or the bride or the church. This would leave Mark in a very unique position and probably even more privileged than Luke which combines earthly genealogy with that of heaven via the cross of Good Friday. Thus if it is written up in Luke and there is a tentative link to Good Friday but it is excluded from Luke and there is not. I cannot think of any situation which should be specifically excluded from Mark but then again there is still much water to pass under the bridge in the study of the miracles that occur and do not occur in the Gospel of Mark. If it was Adam that was bracketed with Abraham in the form of the scapegoat of Leviticus 16 then Adam must make some contribution in either the cross of Good Friday or the cross of the Day of Atonement. But the cross of the Day of Atonement was specifically spelt out way back in the garden of Eden and the base of this cross was; the Holy Spirit conceived Jesus Who then went on to the cross of Atonement.

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The component that was due to Adam and the addition of the scapegoat was then transferred to the cross of Good Friday. And thus there will have to be some sort of linkup between Luke and John. Genealogy does play a vital role in understanding of the Bible. Richie Way you must now see the privileged position that Satan gave you in his ministry of destroying the credibility of the Bible. You had to and I have to admit you did it very well introduce the concept of deep time. But I am going to take the opposite approach and go back to a beginning which was only some 6000 years ago and try to work forward from there. As there are so many new concepts appearing all the time I do have to make arbitrary decisions but in most places I try to give a reason for them.————


The first issue that I have to decide is whether the throne room of God had a field of gravity around it so that when the earth was formed it was attracted to the throne room of God or whether it was just a natural consequence that the Most Holy Place and the Holy Place are by nature supposed to be together is why they finished up the way that they did on day one? If gravity is the product of divine light shining on time then because the Most Holy Place is filled with divine light it would have been filled with gravity the moment that time itself was created. But because the throne room of God is filled with gravity it means that we will eat plant food, play with the animals, enjoy each other’s company and worship Jesus Christ our Redeemer. So I am going to assume that the gravity was internal and will still have to be created on this earth when 12 hours of darkness becomes light. It is time that comes first however as it begins with, “In the beginning God….” A very large volume of the omnipresence of Jesus Christ and consisting of light and life has just become encapsulated by an entity we call time. This entity is also called the universe and within this entity many activities can now take place which will be visible to light detectors called eyes and that activity will include the existence of the pedicle of God’s creation and that is human beings. The only condition why any of that activity can take place is because of the existence of the full extent of the love of Jesus Christ and that in itself is defined as time or the daily sacrifice. We are told much about this daily sacrifice and therefore the onus is up to us to construct some sort of model. The model actually is a replay of what happens on Good Friday on Mount Calvary and some 3889 years time. Using the ladder in front of me which has a vertical section on its left-hand side and one on its right hand side with holes drilled in them and rungs joining together. (So far so good and running strongly but I have been known to fall off these things unexpectedly!) The holes in the left-hand vertical section are drilled at intervals of 24 hours; day one 9 AM, next one up is day two 9 AM, next hole up is day three 9 AM then up to date four at 9 AM and they come in packets of seven days and as many of them as you want. At the same time there are also holes drilled in the right-hand vertical section and may also are drilled at intervals of 24 hours; on day one at 3 PM, on day two at 3 PM up to day three at 3 PM then up to day four at 3 PM and so to complete a packet of seven and it is to maintain the structure and integrity of this packet seven as marked off by the sabbath day that Jesus will go to the cross and die for! The Sabbath day is stamped by a double stamp of the daily sacrifice! It is the rungs that run between these two drilled out holes that is the problem in that you cannot join 9 AM with a horizontal run across the 3 PM. There is a difference of six hours between these two times and it is between these two times that Jesus hung on the cross. (System crashed during the day and I lost about 1200 words giving me a total loss of some 2000 words in this particular blog, +105700 +2000)


02/08/2020. It would be more difficult to imagine a simpler statement than, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth”. So we already have an existing God whose presence emanates

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from a central position and fills all space and whatever else exists in all directions. This God then allows His presence to be manifested within a certain volume of Himself. This volume is the universe as defined and confined by time. In turn this time is defined as the full extent of the love of Jesus Christ and is allotted as periods of 24 hours which are roughly divided into periods of 12 hours of darkened 12 hours of flight. The existence for this block of 24 hours of time at least 12 hours of light is three hours of light between 6 AM and 9 AM when the sin offering is offered and Jesus goes to the cross of Good Friday, “Father forgive them for they know not what they do!” The next six hours is a complex affair indeed and so complex that even in the eternities to come we will never fully understand it. Yes we know that there are three hours of light from 9 AM till noon but there what is brilliant light in heaven is total darkness on this earth! This brings up 3 PM and the burnt offering and even though the lights are only very gradually turned on one bit at a time until full light at 4 PM mankind as a whole cannot understand what happened in those previous six hours even though we are given reassurance from heaven itself that what has happened has met God’s standards and has been accepted by heaven. This is a part of the last three hours of daylight from 3 PM to 6 PM when 12 hours of darkness begins and at this stage that is what it is; 12 hours of darkness. There must be some very intense preparation going on for the preparation of the daily sacrifice of the next day. The time that is created round the throne room of God which defines the universe creates an area which actually has very special properties and is a combination of time and space; of space-time. Initially this space-time only requires to support one piece of matter and that is the earth but in four days time much more matter will be added to this initial creation. So the original verse of Genesis chapter 1 is a very simple statement; “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth”. What exists then at the end of the first full stop is the sanctuary that is made up out of the Most Holy Place and the Holy Place or the tent of meeting. But there is much more room for further development. The development began with the command of God to the Holy Spirit that was surrounding the existing earth with all that water around it. That water was holy just like the earth was holy and all surrounded by the Holy Spirit. The command that God gave To the Spirit of God that was hovering over the waters was, “Let there be light” and there was light! Explanation of what happened next may be complex in the extreme but the observation is not. The world that was empty and formless lost both of its attributes and this I attributed to the earthly explanation of the formation of gravity which would get rid of any emptiness and formlessness. Gravity will thus us be the product of light and time. On a heavenly scale however this is more difficult to interpret as we have not yet started the Gospel of John particularly as it is the gospel of the daily sacrifice and the formation of which is now happening. From the brief study that I have made of the Gospel of John I interpret that the combination of these two divine entities, of time which is the full extent of the love of Jesus Christ and light which emanates from the throne room of God I take this as the first appearance of a divine being that I call The Christ and it will be the connection between Jesus and God, God the Father and God the Son even though both materials have existed for the eternities in the past; both love and light. Scripture seems to allocate creation into four categories; perfect which does not occur on this earth but will be the condition of creation of the next universe, very good and conditional in which both the universe and this earth finish up as after six days of creation, good which means okay so far but in the future may turn for the better or the worse in the fourth condition is no comment and therefore the best comment I can make about it is no comment. Day one of creation finishes up with a tag off, “Good”. And this is the “simple” part of creation that I am trying to comment on. The Holy Spirit and The Christ are already here as at 6 AM on this first day and ready to guide the rest of creation in such a way that it can overcome the problems which are bound to occur. But they guide from 6 AM onwards and creation began from 6 PM onwards and therefore the time that was made

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already existed just before the daylight appeared and it is with this ladder of time that will not only feel this existing universe for which it would only require about 8000 years of infrastructure but will slip through the doorway into the new universe when it is opened and fill eternity there as well. Time being 24 hour lots of the daily sacrifice cannot be destroyed and must therefore pass through this doorway and exist forever. As this time was created during the hours of darkness it must have been created by God Himself as The Christ was not yet bought into existence. Would it make any difference if The Christ had existed from 6 PM rather than 6 AM? Answer; No, it would not have made any difference even if the Christ was created before this time as you cannot make any improvements on perfection. The daily sacrifice, the full extent of the love of Jesus Christ, was just that, perfection and many today, if not most will try to make their own alterations as to what they think should have happened on the cross of Good Friday. The cross of Good Friday is the place where Jesus fulfilled the Law of God and He fulfilled it to perfection. You may try to jiggle it around, to add to or to subtract from, to change the meaning of “to remember” into “make sure you forget all ignore at all costs”, but you will not be able to change the level of the perfection that Jesus achieved in the daily sacrifice of 14 – 01 – 3889. This time, and this daily sacrifice is a matter of accept all or reject all and there is nothing between! It was the condition under which our present universe was created and it is the condition under which the universe to come will exist for the eternities to come. It was not even supposed to be an issue in this universe and it will not be an issue in the universe come. So where and when and why did it become an issue which resulted in all those cataclysmic changes that were associated with it.? It happened at an event which we have looked at numerous occasions and that was on Sinai when Moses arrived with the agreement between God and His people who had just left Egypt accompanied by many miraculous signs and the moment at which the people were to make this agreement with God they changed their mind, chose Satan and worshipped the golden calf! There were over a thousand years between that time and the enactment of the daily sacrifice which brought into play the daily sacrifice or the cross of Good Friday. The exact event we have also looked at was when Jesus was washing His disciples feet and Satan entered into Judas and Judas went off to betray Jesus to the priests and the elders. It all happened, it all played out over the next 18 hours and was finished with the call, “It is finished!” No, that beginning had a very special beginning at the beginning. Only God was involved and what happened there was nonnegotiable. Not that The Christ would want to change perfection but even if He did it was outside of His jurisdiction. You don’t have to think too long before you realise the seriousness of trying to change the daily sacrifice is no changes are allowed even to the supervising spirit, that Christ that would now go on to supervise the rest of creation.  But if this time is a unit of such critical importance then how is it organised as it was organised back in the beginning and will not allow any further changes to be made to it? It is made according to a very fundamental pattern which will remain even in the new universe. So what are the components of this pattern and how are they arranged and they were arranged within the first fraction of a second when the beginning began. It is very obvious to me now that yes they are six hours between 9 AM and 3 PM are of critical importance but so are the remaining 18 hours of that day. We must learn as much as we can and no doubt the information will be supplied us from Scripture itself. Until I come up with a better idea, tech talk to plagiarise somebody else’s work, I will stay with the idea of a ladder and that idea its self comes from the DNA molecule which is life itself. (+108218 +2000)s

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  2. 03082020. It has taken us a long time to get to the beginning but finally we are there and the first second of time is about to begin. Does this mean that we are now going to be able to answer the big questions of light of life of time of matter of space and ultimately of God Himself? The more about these questions that I can understand should increase my desire to get closer to God and the closer that I get the richer the experience but I will never get there and in Bible terms and the reason for the animal sacrificial system is that if I did get there it would be represented by an infinite number of bulls. The limit that is imposed on humanity at the appearance of time probably was 77 bulls and the greatest from among us like Peter, Paul and Mary may even get as high as 50 bulls. The background of the heaven above is seven and how much above that we get is determined by how much we spent searching. Every cup will be filled however and no one will desire more. This is a search and a desire to get closer to my creator and my saviour but even as I take my last breath for that final countdown, that last 10 seconds of the existence of this universe I will give the final last little shuffle just to make sure that I am firmly in the arms of Jesus my Saviour and then I will begin the final countdown! Humanity since its inception has struggled with the above questions and it would be of great interest just how much Adam and Eve and particularly Eve knew about these issues. The number of issues and the depth to which these issues can be understood are all answered by that one hour of human history; the burnt offering from 3 PM to 4 PM on Good Friday on Mount Calvary! Once that burnt offering is accepted our journey to eternity has begun and the more we study it and the more we follow the instructions that Jesus gave the greater will be the heights to which we will achieve when finally in the promised land of Canaan. Any Bible commentary or attempted Bible commentary which does not focus on the outstretched arms of that limp body hanging on the cross in these hours is meaningless. Any Bible commentary or attempted Bible commentary which does not focus on Jesus Christ and on his active redemption in the daily sacrifice of Good Friday is meaningless or even worse places obstacles in your way to stop you from not ever getting there. To begin his nefarious work with Satan begins with in the beginning and proceeds onto the absurd and finally insane and when you are in the world of the insane anything goes. The secular world of both evolution and the Big Bang begin with nothing and then proceed to change that nothing into there is nothing that nothing can do. This is an absurdity on two grounds, firstly because there is no such thing as nothing as the omnipresence of God is present as Jesus Christ and there is nowhere where this does not exist. The first thing therefore that absurdity has to do is to convert this omnipresence into nothing and secondly then it has to take this nothing and convert it into something which is made of nothing! Final step that is required then convert absurdity into insanity is to rule out the need for the existence of God! And in the field of insanity there are no limitations, language has no meaning in the field of logic does not exist. You cannot get any crazier than this! But the good news is that there are rays of light that even penetrate the world of the crazy and those rays of light emanate from that burnt offering that hung on the cross of Good Friday between the hours of 3 PM and 4 PM. And those rays of light also penetrated creation and that was from the beginning. But you may say that rays of light only appeared at 6 AM and not 6 PM when the beginning actually began. Those first rays of light had to shine on something and that something was what formed during the 12 hours of darkness and yes up to now those 12 hours of darkness have been a nonentity certainly in this blog anyway. They do begin with the beginning and the creation of time itself and what they will exist in forevermore; before extent of the love of Jesus Christ and that is on the condition that I wish this to be the case. I can be given a chance to pull out and most people will pull out. This option for my existence has begun from the very beginning and will never end whether that be in this universe or another universe still to be created. If that existence is to be in this universe as it could well have finished up, and should have finished up the Bible will give much detail about this option but being the complete book of history and archaeology and of science it will also give the details of the journey which initially started off as eternity on this earth but will finish up as the eternity on an earth in the universe still to be created. The fabric of existence therefore is time and the reason for is existence is the full extent of the love of Jesus Christ be that displayed in the universe on this earth or on the universe still to come. In our journey through Genesis chapter 1 the Bible has made it easy for us by keeping the first three days of creation as separate. But even within this first second when the beginning and this universe is about to be created there are already two options or even three. Will humanity sin and I suppose the same question would apply to the angelic host, and therefore sever their tie with God and necessarily die and do not exist and if there is someone who knew the answer to this question Then It Would Have Been God Himself what correction factors was going to be required to glue over this mistake in order to allow creation to continue for the eternities to come but there was a much deeper question than this and which was not going to be put on the table and therefore not become an issue. That question was, would this daily sacrifice and the reason for existence be ever rejected? In other words was creation going to exist because of the throne room of God or was it going to exist inside of the throne room of God? These parameters were changed by none other than Jesus Christ Himself and that was the addition of the extra dimension to the Passover where it was changed from being a compliment to the Day of Atonement to being a supplement to the Day of Atonement and that is the transition that we study and a difference between the synoptic gospels in the Gospel of John. That is the difference between this universe disappearing at the new universe appearing and this distinction or the mark between the old Testament and the new Testament. Are those first three days of creation are supposed to form the foundation of and the earthly step for this world and this universe continuing to excess forevermore. There are no correction factors for the rejection of the daily sacrifice. At the beginning when this time was created it was not dependent on light or else it stood as a separate entity and it filled this universe instantaneously. But the universe only exists in the matrix where time is present and that we can exist in as well and when the flash of light occurred at the command of God it and combined with time and therefore the matrix of the universe is a combination of light and time where they do not exist there is still the omnipresence of Jesus Christ to which we have no access. Unless of course they react or combine with the existing time and light such as having the property of being able to support a heavy object like the earth or a star. We may be able to guess at some of the properties of this omnipresence we will not be able to enter into its presence unless of course we are in the throne room of God itself.s
    1. The procrastination continues and I still do not believe that I will be given the privilege of throwing the switch on, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” I consider myself a fighter and will require some major heavenly sign tell me that this privilege has now been handed over to somebody else. If my computer crashed or stolen or the house burned down would certainly be an indication that even that would be in the form of a delay. Death, especially of self would be considered of a definitive nature but death of spouse, of my beautiful wife cannot even be considered. So I will continue to beat around the bush and when I have removed most of the cobwebs I will have no choice but to start. But even if I do not start I consider it to be a wonderful privilege to have been brought as far as throwing the switch of the beginning. The depth of philosophising must be limited by a number of factors and one of those would have to be vocabulary and this is a quirk of mine and does not run in the family. Parody, irony, metaphor may be tools of coping with this situation but the bottom line is that you use if you have it and don’t use it if you don’t have it! I want to cover a number of aspects relating to time before returning to the blog proper. The first one is why it is time the daily sacrifice or the cross of Good Friday but it is not the

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    cross of the Day of Atonement or even Passover? The twin lambs that were sacrificed on this day points to one event in the focus of these twin lambs were that they were one year old and without defect. The fact that they were 365 days old points to the one day of Jesus Christ when He went to the cross of Good Friday. They were without defect and the sins that Jesus took to the cross on this day were not His own sins, they belong to the saints and to whoever else had confesHe their sins but had fallen onto rocky ground afterwards. But why couldn’t time be a rerun of the Day of Atonement and been a twin birth sacrifice where it was in the garden of Eden on the day that our first parents sinned and it is represented as a twin birth sacrifice when it actually does happen in some 1800 years time on the 10 – 07 – 486? If you want to is extend the scope of the Day of Atonement and add confessed sins of Adam onto Abraham and onwards that you will have to add scapegoat of Leviticus 16 to the picture but it will cover all sins both confessed and unconfessed. You will have to use the animals as symbols that were present in Leviticus 16 but there will be no one-year old lambs without a defect and there will be no birds involved. Why I think that it should be the cross of the Day of Atonement that is the underlying structure of our existence is because it was essential in both this universe and for the universe above. The cross of Good Friday was only essential for the universe above and was not used in our present universe. The symbolism or at least part of it was present here but the actual event did not have to occur and the death of all those one-year old lambs back in Egypt on 01 – 01 – 01 was sufficient for the angel of death to Passover all the households that had the blood of the slam on their door frames and not kill the firstborn sons. But here we have the twin roles of Jesus Christ as the Son of God but also Son Of Man. One was the work of compulsion of doing His father’s work and the other was showing the full extent of His love as the Son of Man, and a basic attribute of love is that there is no compulsion; He did it because He loved us so much that He wanted us to be part with Him within the throne room of God itself. The twin sacrifice remains as the basic unit of time be that for this universe or the one to come!

    Another aspect I want to look at is the critical role that Satan plays in the history of this universe before he is destroyed and I can’t help but wonder what things would have been like without him. He was active/was a part of the complete circle of salvation. Without Satan entering Judas and telling him to betray Jesus to the Jews the Roman soldiers would not have arrived to arrest Jesus and from where he consequently went to the cross of Good Friday. This happened just before the Passover Feast had begun and without Satan this feast would have begun and the Passover fulfil the role that it had fulfilled since 01 – 01 – 01 in Egypt. It was complimentary to the Day of Atonement. But because of Satan’s actions before the feast had begun it now became a supplement to the Day of Atonement and the 3 PM sacrifice of the one-year old lamb had now changed into sacrifice of two one-year old lambs and the Passover had become the cross of Good Friday. This transaction/transition was actually introduced over a thousand years before on Mount Sinai when Aaron and the congregation worshipped the golden calf/Satan. Satan was present at the start and at the end of the circle of salvation. Satan will also play a major role in end days and the great tribulation and the great harvest. Satan today has many ministries using the drawing power of Jesus Christ but for their own purposes. Be they called the Billy Graham or the Jimmy Swaggart or other churches they draw members to themselves using the name of Jesus and will use them to go to war or to fleece them of their money or some other altruistic purposes, the bottom line is they are gathering people in the name of Jesus. All that Jesus will have to do is to wake these churches up, to wake up all 10 sleeping virgins. And this again Jesus will do not via Satan this time but by the beast comes out of the earth or the abomination that causes desolation. With the electronic media that is available today when this abomination calls, “Here comes the bridegroom come out and meet him!” The whole world will hear him and the 10 virgins will wake. The realisation of what Daniel tells us

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    will occur in 45 days time, the second coming of Jesus Christ hits them literally or at least ½ of them. Five will be wise five will be foolish when the wise lookahead and they see the Jesus that is coming with his arms outstretched to welcome and to take his own home with Him they realise that this is the same Jesus that hung as a burnt offering on Good Friday on Mount Calvary between the hours of 3 PM and 4 PM. Having made this correlation there is now no stopping them and whereas before they were timid and afraid to stand up and speak out because the name of Christianity was a liability and only lead to disaster. From that cry onwards though they cannot be stopped and the world is flooded with the real spirit of Christianity which can only come from that realisation and equating that the Jesus Christ on the cross of Mount Calvary was the same Jesus Christ who was now coming back to get them. Satan and the beast had done their role and they have gathered the harvest which was now going to be sifted and sorted.

    That is how Satan finishes are being useful and his evil intentions turn out for our benefit. But how does this play out when Satan told his first lies way back in the garden of Eden? These issues are of importance to us as they occur in the beginning as in Genesis. Back then there was no correction factor for Good Friday on Mount Calvary and it had to be added via the Gospel of John. Back then there was a triangle in the middle of the base of the triangle was Eve. She was literally and spiritually bonded to Adam in the first marriage of humanity and it is still hard to point the finger at Adam and say, “You do the wrong thing by staying by Eve’s side”. That is what marriage is supposed to be and it was actually Eve that started the rot as she broke the relationship/allegiance to God but then again it was God Himself Who counted this as an unintentional sin and instead of having the relationship between God and Eve it was replaced by the relationship of Eve with Holy Spirit And Therefore the First Day of Atonement. This was twin bird and this was the restoration of Eve along with anyone else with an unintentional unconfessed sins. The restoration of Adam with confessed intentional sins did not take place till much later and that was by the addition of the scapegoat and extending the Day of Atonement to that of Leviticus 16. And that is as far as we can take what happened in the garden of Eden on that day. To change the nature of what happened in Eden we need to add another dimension to the Day of Atonement of Leviticus 16. How we will not only change the nature of marriage as a spelled-out in the wedding feast of Cana but there are going to have to be major renovations to take place on this earth. This is going to be a temple ministry and we have already tried to follow the movement of the temple on earth where we today are the temple and the only reason we are that temple is because Jesus Christ dwells within us via the presence of the Holy Spirit. This now is about material that is not about this world or even this universe that it is about another world in another universe. So when The Christ was preparing this world or this tent of meeting for the eternities to come did he take into account the effects of the catastrophic lies that Satan came up with in Eden and for which Eve fell line, hook and sinker? We still have a long way to go before we can even begin to understand, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” An interesting off shute appears to be that Adam and Eve would have remained married for the eternities to come as what every other marriage of this era. My beloved at least was most impressed when I told her, “what a wonderful place that heaven would have been to know that I would have you forevermore!”  (+110720 +2000)s


    1. Chapter 13 Worshipping other Gods, verse one; ‘if a prophet, or one that foretells by dreams, appears among you and announce to you a miraculous sign or wonder, and if sign or wonder what he has spoken takes place, and he says, “Let us follow other gods” [god’s you have not known] “let us worship them”, you must not listen to the words of the prophet or dreamer. The Lord your God is testing you to find out whether you love him with all your heart and with all your soul. It

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    is the Lord your God you must follow, and him you must revere. Keep his commands and obey him; serve him and hold fast to him. That prophet or dreamer must be put to death, because he feeds rebellion among the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt and redeemed you from the land of slavery; he has tried to turn you from the way the Lord your God commanded you to follow. You must purge the evil from among you. If your very own brother, or your son or daughter, or the wife you love, or your closest friend secretly entices you, saying, “Let us go worship other gods” [gods that neither you nor your fathers have known, gods of the people around you, whether near or far, from one end of the land to the other], do not yield to him or listen to him. Show him no pity. Do not spare him or shield him. You must certainly put him to death. Your hand must be the first in putting him to death, and then the hands of all the people. Stone him to death, because you try to turn you away from the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. Then all Israel will hear and be afraid, and no one among you will do such an evil thing again. If you hear it said about one of the towns the Lord your God is giving you to live in that wicked men have arisen among you and have let the people of their town astray, saying, “let us go worship other gods [gods you have not known], then you must enquire, probe and investigate it thoroughly. And if it is true and it has been proved that this detestable thing has been done among you, you must certainly put to the sword all who live in that town. Destroy it completely, with both its people and its livestock. Gather all plunder of the town in the middle of the public square and completely burn the town and all its plunder as a whole burnt offering to the Lord your God. It is to remain in ruin forever, never to be rebuilt. None of those condemned things shall be found in your hands, so that the Lord will turn from his fierce anger; he will show you mercy and have compassion on you, and increase your numbers, as he promised on oath to your forefathers, because you are by the Lord your God, keeping all his commands I am giving you today and doing what is right in his eyes.”

    The Book of Deuteronomy as is the gospel of John are about to cross Good Friday. There is a relationship that has developed here in that relationship is even higher than husband-and-wife. The cross Good Friday directly addresses this relationship and it is in terms of the daily sacrifice or the full extent of the love of Jesus Christ. It was present as the first two commandments in the old Testament but in the new Testament it has been elevated to a much higher level. What Jesus has done for us on the cross Good Friday is at a much higher level and Jesus expects a much higher response. To enable this higher response the temple, the presence of God is not in some yonder place which it was compulsory visit on three or four (?) Occasions but we are now the temple and God via the Holy Spirit resides within us. That union resulted at 3 PM on Good Friday on Mount Calvary when Jesus came to join the dead and for the people living at that time there might have over the lean a very short reprieve from the beast or evil within us which had just been destroyed on the cross in response to the call of Jesus, “Mine!” To all those who called, “Accept!” When shown the sacrifice which would be the source of life eternal and it was at this time that the beast within called, “Over my dead body!” The voice within us died at this particular time but it was Jesus Who resurrected this beast again and lives in me today. Jesus knew at the time that He resurrected this beast the monotonous regularity and the success rate that the presence of this beast would have within me. But at the same time Jesus gave me an answer to all these failures which would more than would overcome these failures and show me the glory of God and the glory of God is none other than Jesus Christ. Jesus could do no more than to show us the full extent of His love and for this act He will be worshipped for the eternities to come as in the daily sacrifice and the basic unit of time. The cross of Good Friday or the full extent of the love of Jesus Christ was the reason why this universe came into existence, and it was present not just on the first day but within the first second of creation. It was the twin lamb sacrifice. It has two possibilities; it can be implied or can be applied.

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    It was only meant to be implied and applied was not on the radar. Adam would have remained happily married to Eve for the eternities to come and this would have applied to all marriages but once the full extent of the love of Jesus Christ was applied then we moved to another dimension. If Eve turned Adam against God or she tried to do so then she would be put to death. The difference between the blood of Jesus Christ as in implied when compared to applied is a difference that is a universe apart and little wonder we have such difficulty in moving between the two of them. The beast within me or the ability to disobey God will not exist in the universe above but it does in the universe below. But even down here it is at three levels; firstly it was destroyed on Good Friday on Mount Calvary secondly it was resurrected soon after 3 PM on that day and even today there is a marked difference in this beast before I go into the baptismal font and when I come out of it! I think a chapter 13 is telling me that there would be little point with Jesus leaving the beast within me as dead which will happen after that final Day of Atonement in some one thousand 800 years time. The reason that will happen up there is because there is no more sin or evil to contaminate it and that must have been the only way to do it because it did cost Jesus so much more suffering to get rid of those sins.  (+111950 +2000)


    1. Chapter 13 of Deuteronomy dealt with worshipping other gods. As Deuteronomy is the book of the cross of Good Friday this is not unexpected. Jesus is about to lay His life down and under the most horrific circumstances and the reason He’s going to do this for me is because He wants me to spend eternity is to come in heaven with Him. And this heaven is not just down here on earth and then the extension of Eden but this heaven is in another universe and inside they throne room of God. Therein lies a barrier and that is for a sining sinful person to be included inside the pearly gates. My relationship with Jesus therefore is going to have to be of a very high order. He’s not going to be number four or three or even two in my priorities, Jesus is going to have to be number one and that means not worshipping other gods be they in whatever form they come including money. Having gained access as a peace offering through the pearly gates this relationship will now last for a trillion with a trillion zeros after it and many more after that; forever. It is but a very short period of time on this earth that we have to prepare ourselves for eternity and part of the preparation is prioritising at what number for Jesus in our lives. Jesus can do most things for us but the one thing that he cannot do is to prioritise His relationship with us, we have to do that ourselves. And the ultimate priority will be that Jesus was prepared to die for us and He did die for us and are we prepared to die for Him? We’re getting behind in the Book of Deuteronomy so I will try to cover two chapters of the time which gives chapter 14 and heading off clean and unclean foods, verse one;

    ‘You are the children of the Lord your God. Do not cut yourselves or shave the the front of your heads for the dead, for you are people holy to the Lord your God. Out of all the peoples on the face of the earth, the Lord has chosen you to be his treasured possession. Do not eat any detestable thing. These are the animals you may eat; the ox, the sheep, the deer, a gazelle, roe deer, wild goat, the Ibex, the Antelope and the mountain sheep. You may eat any animal that has a split hoof completely divided into and that chews the cud. However, of those that chew the cud or have a split hoof completely divided you may not need the camel, the rabbit or the Coney. Although they chew the cud, and do not have a split hoof; they are ceremonially unclean for you. The pig is also ceremonially unclean; although it has a split hoof, it does not chew the cud. You are not to eat their meat or touch their carcasses. Of all the creatures living in the water, you may any if it has fins and scales. But anything that does not have fins and scales you may not eat; for you it is unclean. You may any clean bird. But these you may not eat: the Eagle, the vulture, the black vulture, the red kite,

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    the black kite, any kind of falcon, any kind of raven, a horned owl, screech owl, the gull, any kind of hawk, the little owl, the great owl, the white owl, the desert owl, the Osprey, the cormorants, the stork, any kind of heron, the hoopoe and the bat. All flying insects that swarm are unclean to you;. But any winged creature that is clean you may eat. Do not eat anything you find already dead. You may give it to an alien living in any of your towns, and he may eat it, or you may sell it to a foreigner. You are people holy to the Lord your God. Do not cook a young goat in its mother’s milk. Be sure to set aside 1/10 of all that your fields produce each year. Eat a tithe of your grain, new wine and oil, and the firstborn of your herds and flocks in the presence of the Lord your God at the place he will choose as a dwelling for his Name, so that you may learn to revere the Lord your God always. But if that place is too distant and you have been blessed by the Lord your God and cannot carry your time [because the place where the Lord your God will choose to put His Name is so far away], then exchange your tithe for silver, and take the silver with you and go to the place the Lord your God will choose. Use the silver to buy whatever you like: cattle, sheep, wine or other fermented drink, or anything you wish. Then you and your household shall eat there in the presence of the Lord your God and rejoice. And do not neglect the Levite’s living in your towns, for they have no allotment or inheritance of their own. Every three years, all ties of that year’s produce and store it in your towns, so that the Levite’s [who have no allotment or inheritance of their own] and the aliens, the fatherless and the widows live in your towns may come and eat and be satisfied, and so that the Lord your God bless you in all the works of your hands’.

    It would be a wonderful state of knowledge to be able to look at all the verses in the Bible and say this applies in this one does not because it was done away with on the cross of Good Friday. Like the 10 Commandments, do they or do they not apply to my life today? It is patently wrong to choose out of the 10 which do and which do not apply, but what about the whole packet as were written out on stone tablets supplied by Moses in which God Himself wrote on Mount Sinai all those years ago? It is patently wrong and to the point of absurdity to say that because Jesus died for those Commandments and fulfil them right down to the last detail that I can now go and murder and steal and lie and commit adultery and chapter 13 of Deuteronomy about idolatry is also gone! The Bible does cover this absurdity and at the same time gives us the details that hell has at least two settings and the settings are set for a maximum for those who deliberately go ahead with this absurdity. It even goes one step further than this and tells us that the people who deliberately break or ignore any of God’s commandments are hanging Jesus back onto the cross again and surely there could be no greater crime than this. Satan’s ultimate victory to see Jesus hanging on the cross! What about rules concerning clean and unclean food and those concerning tithes? Chapter 13 obviously comes under the 10 Commandments but what about chapter 14?

    At times like this it may be better to drop back to the foundation of the 10 Commandments and these commandments themselves are made up out of chew Commandments; love the Lord your God with all your strength and with all your might in the second commandment is to love your neighbour like you love yourself, could these be of any assistance whilst looking at what food we eat and whether we pay tithes? Would Jesus Who assembled our bodies from an atomic and molecular level know what foods were good for us and which ones were bad for us? If Jesus loves us so much then would happily stop us from eating foods that were good for us all he stop us from eating foods that were bad for us? I am no nutritionist from the group’s and classes of animals that are given here a pattern can be seen. Predators are off the list as by eating prey they accumulate already concentrated forms of toxins and they themselves do not have a mechanism for disposing of these

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    toxins by further increasing their concentration. These toxins also contain added bacteria and viruses from the host which may overwhelm our bodies. (+113380 +2000

    1. Whether the consequences of disobeying God are as serious as those of Adam and Eve who could see no wrong in disobeying God will one day be explained to us. Even if there were no consequences of eating pigs and other unclean animals and we obey God’s commands just because we wanted to please Him on the rare occasions we are capable of doing so certainly could not be detrimental to us. Many cultures have diets involving much unclean food and still seem to survive but that does not mean that they would have survived for longer had they stayed away from this unclean food. Animals that chew the cud form a topic of their own about nutrition and next time through Deuteronomy I may be able to put some ideas down about them. They either do not have the nasty bacteria and enzymes to break the food down the first time around or if they have there has not been enough time to break it down to the required level to make it fit for human consumption. A lot of them also do not have sweat glands so the toxin levels are dependent on panting and have not been excreted. One rare way in which I can show appreciation to my Lord and Saviour is to acknowledge that what I have comes from Him and return it back to Him for His use. The fermented drink I would have no problem with in writing quite a number of pages on but I first must check that this is not a mistranslation. A Bible that is capable of using the lowercase for the pronouns of God must also be capable of producing clangers like this. But then again for many years I could not be convinced that the Lord’s prayer was wrong by stating, ‘And lead us not into temptation’and there was no way which I could accept that Jesus would lead me into temptation even though I knew that the Holy Spirit led Jesus into the desert for 40 days and 40 nights to be tempted. But then again that was Jesus! Even with my limited knowledge of the quantum foam this now makes sense and now regardless of where I am I am not outside of the reach of Satan’s temptations. This is a part of the big picture and no doubt something with which I have already struggled with but leaving Deuteronomy chapter 15 I now return to the miracles of Jesus where the real struggle begins. I am already having a monumental struggle at, “In the beginning God” and at the other end of time with the closing of the door of mercy and two witnesses. It is time that is the issue and particularly a chronology of the ministry of Jesus Christ is required. The onus is not on me to prove or disprove anything or make anyone believe or not believe what I have tried to write. The onus that is on me is to spend time trying to glorify and magnify the word of God and in that there is more a challenge! In my usual bracket mode I try to formalise something I have spent much time on and that is even whilst plagiarising the chronology of the NIV Bible study on page 1480- 1482. I number and write out the alternatives.

    [ 1; my chronology hangs on 14 – 01 – 3889 and that was the cross of Good Friday and if Jesus had chosen to return to heaven from Gethsemane on the day before Jesus would have gone to the cross of the Day of Atonement six months later on the 10 – 07 – 3889 and I know this is not exactly 6

    months but I still take it as 180 days.

    2; The Ministry of Jesus Christ was 1260 days or 3 ½ years. It began with the cleansing of the temple but we should begin this ministry with the baptism of Jesus which was six months earlier. This first six months Jesus spent 40 days and 40 nights in the desert performed the miracle of the wedding feast at Cana and then prcepared his disciples for the cleansing of the temple. This first six months was a Ministry of repentance and water baptism and was a parallel ministry to that of John the Baptist. This parallel ministry increases the Ministry of Jesus by six months or an 1260+180 = 1440. At this ministry actually being what it started off as water baptism and repentance or a Day of

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    Atonement ministry than the total ministry would have been 1260+180+180= 1620 days and I do not know of any such number in the Bible at this stage.

    3; in the Book of Daniel in chapter 29 in the last four versus time is split into 7×70 or 490 years. The last year of that 70, number 69 is singled out and is split into two or two lots of 3 ½ or two lots of 1260 days. So what do those two lots of 1260 days apply to? Keeping in mind that Scripture applies at many levels and all these alternatives may be right but there still has to be one specific application even if that may have offshoots.

    A; why it can and why it can’t be Good Friday of 14 – 01 – 3889. Good Friday was not about the destruction of the city which did not occur until some 35 years later and complete pulverisation some 2000 years later. Good Friday was not concerned with the city or your holy city. Good Friday did not bring around the end of transgression, the end of sin, make atonement for an equity, bring in everlasting righteousness, it does not seal vision and prophecy and there was no anointing of the Most Holy Place. There was no rebuilding of the city and it did not involve a Plaza or a moat.

    B; if it is supposed to apply to the Day of Atonement that the synoptic gospels are pointing to and that had occurred on 10 – 07 – 3889 that would have been The Final Day of Atonement and eternity could have begun soon after. This was the scenario when Jesus returned to heaven with his 99 sheep on Thursday night of 13 – 01 – 3889 after closing the door of mercy and leaving all the wicked dead behind on earth. The divine revelation of Jesus on that night that, “ I AM HE!” had killed everyone and Jesus had left the wicked behind. Yes they were resurrected and yes they and the people of Prince had come and destroyed the city and the Temple. It had to be rebuilt because it was to be used in the final Day of Atonement on this earth before eternity began. It was rebuilt and this time it had a moat around it by Jesus and it was rebuilt to the shock and horror for all those who are just destroyed it. This time it was rebuilt for the eternities to come and this time it does apply to Daniel and his people and your holy city. This time transgression would be finished, there would be an end to sin, Atonement for iniquity would be made, everlasting righteousness brought in, vision and prophecy sealed up and the sinless hair they will be shaved from the head of Jesus Christ after the Day of Atonement would now be placed at the base of the cross and the most holy place would be anointed. The Messiah will be cut off and have nothing because Jesus has just pleaded to any sin that is remaining after the fires of hell had gone out and by pleading guilty He has cut Himself off from the Father. That last verse 27 still causes problems but this section does seem to have a reasonable fulfilment on this earth and before heaven on earth began. In other words it relates to the Day of Atonement on 10 – 07 – 3889 and not the cross of Good Friday on 14 – 01 – 3889. Using the above events and dating Daniel’s chapter 9 and that last seven years would shorten the Ministry of the cross of Good Friday by 1260 days at the end but will also shorten it from the start by 1260 days or would make the Ministry of the cross from the cleansing of the temple until Good Friday a total of 900 days before 14 – 01 – 3889.

    C; the Day of Atonement is still to occur in some 1900 years time on 10 – 07 – 486 so how much of Daniel chapter 9 does apply and how much does not apply? The people decreed our Daniel’s people and the holy city would be the New Jerusalem or the throne room of God which would sit on a foundation some 1600 miles high. (That certainly would be a moat to behold!) The city and the Temple which are destroyed are those that were rebuilt after the second coming of Jesus Christ and were used by Jesus and His two witnesses at his third coming. The third coming it is the earthquake that is set off by the slamming of the door of mercy that sets off the destruction of the city and the and the sanctuary and is the rebuilding of the city which now becomes the issue and it takes 49

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    years after the decree to rebuild it is signed by Satan and the beast. We know that they will only sign this degree because they are signing away their lives and will do it only as a very last resort just like Satan did when he entered Judas and made him go and betray Jesus to the Jews. Had he left this nefarious action with probably less than one day to spare and if he didn’t go at this stage then, “It was just before the Passover feast” would have become the Passover feast and just like it had been since the day the Israelites left Egypt on 01 – 01 – 01 and a compliment to the Day of Atonement. Satan would have been destroyed eight days before this sacrifice of the cross of Day of Atonement would have occurred. But sign the decree Satan and the beast do and after the temple stands for another 62×7, it took 7×7 to build and that leaves us with the last seven years which is split into two lots of 3 ½ . The first lot of 3 ½ is Jesus giving the tutorial which he gives when he leaves us behind in Eden2 and goes to earth, then the Day of Atonement on 10 – 07 – 486 and finally 3 ½ years for Jesus to rebuild our temples. Thus the last four verses of Daniel fit the Day of Atonement that is still to come very well right down to the details of the Plaza and the moat.

    D; one of the difficulties that arise is trying to fit this to the two witnesses that are still to come to earth with Jesus at the closing of the door of mercy. Their total Ministry is 1260 days and at the end of a period of 1260 years. But their Ministry ends at the end of this 1260 days at the Day of Atonement is still nearly 500 years away whereas when Jesus closes the door of mercy in the garden of Gethsemane on that Thursday night of 13- 01 – 3889 the Cross of Atonement is still six months away. Thus for the time being I am going to treat Daniel chapter 9 as the Day of Atonement occurring 2000 years ago at the first coming of Jesus Christ. The total Ministry of Jesus for the cross of Atonement is 1260 days as predicted by Daniel but that would decrease is Ministry for the cross of Good Friday back to 900 days. There was six months or 180 days from his baptism to the cleansing of the temple and there is also 180 days available after the door of mercy closes in Gethsemane until the cross of Atonement itself. In the NIV Bible study the cross of Good Friday appears just inside of the spring of the year A.D. 31. This is day number 900 in the Passover Ministry of Jesus Christ and in terms of our current chronology I am going to count this as 1 October A.D. 31. By counting back to creation this will give a date of 14 – 01 – 3889. I know that 1 October cannot be right as it would give it Day of Atonement in March which is neither here nor there. I know that I am using seasons based in Australia which would put them out about six months relative to over there and there are going to be many other corrections. But I do have a total length of ministry of 900 days and that is between the cleansing of the temple for the first time and the cross of Good Friday. Another wonderful correlation to pick up would be Daniel 9;27 where, ‘and on the wing of abominations will come one who makes desolate, even until a complete destruction, one that is decreed, is poured out on the one who makes desolate.’ I cannot see how this applied to all thats would have applied to the Day of Atonement had occurred 2000 years ago. That service would have occurred within the temple itself and it was for this specific purpose that the temple was rebuilt on this earth. The cross of Good Friday was not involved with this temple so the wing of abominations was not involved. This is different to the Day of Atonement that is still to come in Eden2. The cross up there, probably the same cross as Jesus used of Good Friday will be directly above where the cross of Good Friday stood down here 2000 years ago. It will be on the wing of abominations and it will be above the bronze snake that  Moses held up in the desert. There will be a complete salvation of the one who comes and makes desolate evidence your complete destruction, one that is correct, is poured out on the one who makes desolate. But it will leave an indelible scar on Jesus for accepting all those sins, or 70 trillion of them on himself.

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    I do not know who the Einstein of history is that it would not take him/her to realise that if you take one year out of the established 1260 days of the ministry of Jesus and reduce that 900 days that there are going to be serious anomalies with current chronologies and even though chronologies are very important I am not sure whether it is worthwhile making an issue out of. This chronology in the NIV Bible study has been derived from many biblical sources and even nonbiblical sources and therefore must be better than my speculation about events that are still some 1800 years away. So until I find a firm reason that there is a contradiction within these I will continue to use them but instead of using seasons I would prefer to number the dates as days and this will give me a numerical order of; Day one Jesus is baptised +140 days until the year 27 A.D. +360 days or a total of 500 until the year 28 A.D. +360 days or a total of 860 until 29 A.D. +360 until 30 A.D. or a total of 1220 and then 40 days from the year 31 A.D. to give a total of 1260 days and the cross of Jesus Christ +40 days or a total of 1300 days until the ascension of Jesus into heaven. Each year in turn is split into four seasons with each season being 30 days long. At this stage you don’t have to go any further than just remembering one, 140, 500, 860, 1220 and 1300. And within these dates I have to set waypoints and at this stage this would be as simple as; baptism of Jesus day one; Jesus cleans the temple for the first time and the start of His Good Friday ministry Day 140; the death of John the Baptist which I will continue to use 900 days for although 860 seems to be a better number; the feeding of the crowd of 5000 and the common denominator between all four gospels as they 930 and then 1260 as the cross of Good Friday. These are purely cross Good Friday events and do not allow for a possibility of the Day of Atonement. I’m not going to even tentatively commit that to some wall chart but begin with the first miracle on page 1596 and the curing of the man with leprosy which is purely a synoptic miracle and is recorded in Matthew, Mark and Luke. Usual number that I use is 10 and if after the first 10 miracles I have not gained any traction then I will revise my strategy.s  (+116280 +2000)










    1. Whether the consequences of disobeying God are as serious as those of Adam and Eve who could see no wrong in disobeying God will one day be explained to us. Even if there were no consequences of eating pigs and other unclean animals and we obey God’s commands just because we wanted to please Him on the rare occasions we are capable of doing so certainly could not be detrimental to us. Many cultures have diets involving much unclean food and still seem to survive but that does not mean that they would have survived for longer had they stayed away from this unclean food. Animals that chew the cud form a topic of their own about nutrition and next time through Deuteronomy I may be able to put some ideas down about them. They either do not have the nasty bacteria and enzymes to break the food down the first time around or if they have there has not been enough time to break it down to the required level to make it fit for human consumption. A lot of them also do not have sweat glands so the toxin levels are dependent on panting and have not been excreted. One rare way in which I can show appreciation to my Lord and Saviour is to acknowledge that what I have comes from Him and return it back to Him for His use. The fermented drink I would have no problem with in writing quite a number of pages on but I first must check that this is not a mistranslation. A Bible that is capable of using the lowercase for the pronouns of God must also be capable of producing clangers like this. But then again for many years I could not be convinced that the Lord’s prayer was wrong by stating, ‘And lead us not into temptation’and there was no way which I could accept that Jesus would lead me into temptation even though I knew that the Holy Spirit led Jesus into the desert for 40 days and 40 nights to be tempted. But then again that was Jesus! Even with my limited knowledge of the quantum foam this now makes sense and now regardless of where I am I am not outside of the reach of Satan’s temptations. This is a part of the big picture and no doubt something with which I have already struggled with but leaving Deuteronomy chapter 15 I now return to the miracles of Jesus where the real struggle begins. I am already having a monumental struggle at, “In the beginning God” and at the other end of time with the closing of the door of mercy and two witnesses. It is time that is the issue and particularly a chronology of the ministry of Jesus Christ is required. The onus is not on me to prove or disprove anything or make anyone believe or not believe what I have tried to write. The onus that is on me is to spend time trying to glorify and magnify the word of God and in that there is more a challenge! In my usual bracket mode I try to formalise something I have spent much time on and that is even whilst plagiarising the chronology of the NIV Bible study on page 1480- 1482. I number and write out the alternatives.

    [ 1; my chronology hangs on 14 – 01 – 3889 and that was the cross of Good Friday and if Jesus had chosen to return to heaven from Gethsemane on the day before Jesus would have gone to the cross of the Day of Atonement six months later on the 10 – 07 – 3889 and I know this is not exactly 6

    months but I still take it as 180 days.

    2; The Ministry of Jesus Christ was 1260 days or 3 ½ years. It began with the cleansing of the temple but we should begin this ministry with the baptism of Jesus which was six months earlier. This first six months Jesus spent 40 days and 40 nights in the desert performed the miracle of the wedding feast at Cana and then prcepared his disciples for the cleansing of the temple. This first six months was a Ministry of repentance and water baptism and was a parallel ministry to that of John the Baptist. This parallel ministry increases the Ministry of Jesus by six months or an 1260+180 = 1440. At this ministry actually being what it started off as water baptism and repentance or a Day of

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    Atonement ministry than the total ministry would have been 1260+180+180= 1620 days and I do not know of any such number in the Bible at this stage.

    3; in the Book of Daniel in chapter 29 in the last four versus time is split into 7×70 or 490 years. The last year of that 70, number 69 is singled out and is split into two or two lots of 3 ½ or two lots of 1260 days. So what do those two lots of 1260 days apply to? Keeping in mind that Scripture applies at many levels and all these alternatives may be right but there still has to be one specific application even if that may have offshoots.

    A; why it can and why it can’t be Good Friday of 14 – 01 – 3889. Good Friday was not about the destruction of the city which did not occur until some 35 years later and complete pulverisation some 2000 years later. Good Friday was not concerned with the city or your holy city. Good Friday did not bring around the end of transgression, the end of sin, make atonement for an equity, bring in everlasting righteousness, it does not seal vision and prophecy and there was no anointing of the Most Holy Place. There was no rebuilding of the city and it did not involve a Plaza or a moat.

    B; if it is supposed to apply to the Day of Atonement that the synoptic gospels are pointing to and that had occurred on 10 – 07 – 3889 that would have been The Final Day of Atonement and eternity could have begun soon after. This was the scenario when Jesus returned to heaven with his 99 sheep on Thursday night of 13 – 01 – 3889 after closing the door of mercy and leaving all the wicked dead behind on earth. The divine revelation of Jesus on that night that, “ I AM HE!” had killed everyone and Jesus had left the wicked behind. Yes they were resurrected and yes they and the people of Prince had come and destroyed the city and the Temple. It had to be rebuilt because it was to be used in the final Day of Atonement on this earth before eternity began. It was rebuilt and this time it had a moat around it by Jesus and it was rebuilt to the shock and horror for all those who are just destroyed it. This time it was rebuilt for the eternities to come and this time it does apply to Daniel and his people and your holy city. This time transgression would be finished, there would be an end to sin, Atonement for iniquity would be made, everlasting righteousness brought in, vision and prophecy sealed up and the sinless hair they will be shaved from the head of Jesus Christ after the Day of Atonement would now be placed at the base of the cross and the most holy place would be anointed. The Messiah will be cut off and have nothing because Jesus has just pleaded to any sin that is remaining after the fires of hell had gone out and by pleading guilty He has cut Himself off from the Father. That last verse 27 still causes problems but this section does seem to have a reasonable fulfilment on this earth and before heaven on earth began. In other words it relates to the Day of Atonement on 10 – 07 – 3889 and not the cross of Good Friday on 14 – 01 – 3889. Using the above events and dating Daniel’s chapter 9 and that last seven years would shorten the Ministry of the cross of Good Friday by 1260 days at the end but will also shorten it from the start by 1260 days or would make the Ministry of the cross from the cleansing of the temple until Good Friday a total of 900 days before 14 – 01 – 3889.

    C; the Day of Atonement is still to occur in some 1900 years time on 10 – 07 – 486 so how much of Daniel chapter 9 does apply and how much does not apply? The people decreed our Daniel’s people and the holy city would be the New Jerusalem or the throne room of God which would sit on a foundation some 1600 miles high. (That certainly would be a moat to behold!) The city and the Temple which are destroyed are those that were rebuilt after the second coming of Jesus Christ and were used by Jesus and His two witnesses at his third coming. The third coming it is the earthquake that is set off by the slamming of the door of mercy that sets off the destruction of the city and the and the sanctuary and is the rebuilding of the city which now becomes the issue and it takes 49

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    years after the decree to rebuild it is signed by Satan and the beast. We know that they will only sign this degree because they are signing away their lives and will do it only as a very last resort just like Satan did when he entered Judas and made him go and betray Jesus to the Jews. Had he left this nefarious action with probably less than one day to spare and if he didn’t go at this stage then, “It was just before the Passover feast” would have become the Passover feast and just like it had been since the day the Israelites left Egypt on 01 – 01 – 01 and a compliment to the Day of Atonement. Satan would have been destroyed eight days before this sacrifice of the cross of Day of Atonement would have occurred. But sign the decree Satan and the beast do and after the temple stands for another 62×7, it took 7×7 to build and that leaves us with the last seven years which is split into two lots of 3 ½ . The first lot of 3 ½ is Jesus giving the tutorial which he gives when he leaves us behind in Eden2 and goes to earth, then the Day of Atonement on 10 – 07 – 486 and finally 3 ½ years for Jesus to rebuild our temples. Thus the last four verses of Daniel fit the Day of Atonement that is still to come very well right down to the details of the Plaza and the moat.

    D; one of the difficulties that arise is trying to fit this to the two witnesses that are still to come to earth with Jesus at the closing of the door of mercy. Their total Ministry is 1260 days and at the end of a period of 1260 years. But their Ministry ends at the end of this 1260 days at the Day of Atonement is still nearly 500 years away whereas when Jesus closes the door of mercy in the garden of Gethsemane on that Thursday night of 13- 01 – 3889 the Cross of Atonement is still six months away. Thus for the time being I am going to treat Daniel chapter 9 as the Day of Atonement occurring 2000 years ago at the first coming of Jesus Christ. The total Ministry of Jesus for the cross of Atonement is 1260 days as predicted by Daniel but that would decrease is Ministry for the cross of Good Friday back to 900 days. There was six months or 180 days from his baptism to the cleansing of the temple and there is also 180 days available after the door of mercy closes in Gethsemane until the cross of Atonement itself. In the NIV Bible study the cross of Good Friday appears just inside of the spring of the year A.D. 31. This is day number 900 in the Passover Ministry of Jesus Christ and in terms of our current chronology I am going to count this as 1 October A.D. 31. By counting back to creation this will give a date of 14 – 01 – 3889. I know that 1 October cannot be right as it would give it Day of Atonement in March which is neither here nor there. I know that I am using seasons based in Australia which would put them out about six months relative to over there and there are going to be many other corrections. But I do have a total length of ministry of 900 days and that is between the cleansing of the temple for the first time and the cross of Good Friday. Another wonderful correlation to pick up would be Daniel 9;27 where, ‘and on the wing of abominations will come one who makes desolate, even until a complete destruction, one that is decreed, is poured out on the one who makes desolate.’ I cannot see how this applied to all thats would have applied to the Day of Atonement had occurred 2000 years ago. That service would have occurred within the temple itself and it was for this specific purpose that the temple was rebuilt on this earth. The cross of Good Friday was not involved with this temple so the wing of abominations was not involved. This is different to the Day of Atonement that is still to come in Eden2. The cross up there, probably the same cross as Jesus used of Good Friday will be directly above where the cross of Good Friday stood down here 2000 years ago. It will be on the wing of abominations and it will be above the bronze snake that  Moses held up in the desert. There will be a complete salvation of the one who comes and makes desolate evidence your complete destruction, one that is correct, is poured out on the one who makes desolate. But it will leave an indelible scar on Jesus for accepting all those sins, or 70 trillion of them on himself.

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    I do not know who the Einstein of history is that it would not take him/her to realise that if you take one year out of the established 1260 days of the ministry of Jesus and reduce that 900 days that there are going to be serious anomalies with current chronologies and even though chronologies are very important I am not sure whether it is worthwhile making an issue out of. This chronology in the NIV Bible study has been derived from many biblical sources and even nonbiblical sources and therefore must be better than my speculation about events that are still some 1800 years away. So until I find a firm reason that there is a contradiction within these I will continue to use them but instead of using seasons I would prefer to number the dates as days and this will give me a numerical order of; Day one Jesus is baptised +140 days until the year 27 A.D. +360 days or a total of 500 until the year 28 A.D. +360 days or a total of 860 until 29 A.D. +360 until 30 A.D. or a total of 1220 and then 40 days from the year 31 A.D. to give a total of 1260 days and the cross of Jesus Christ +40 days or a total of 1300 days until the ascension of Jesus into heaven. Each year in turn is split into four seasons with each season being 30 days long. At this stage you don’t have to go any further than just remembering one, 140, 500, 860, 1220 and 1300. And within these dates I have to set waypoints and at this stage this would be as simple as; baptism of Jesus day one; Jesus cleans the temple for the first time and the start of His Good Friday ministry Day 140; the death of John the Baptist which I will continue to use 900 days for although 860 seems to be a better number; the feeding of the crowd of 5000 and the common denominator between all four gospels as they 930 and then 1260 as the cross of Good Friday. These are purely cross Good Friday events and do not allow for a possibility of the Day of Atonement. I’m not going to even tentatively commit that to some wall chart but begin with the first miracle on page 1596 and the curing of the man with leprosy which is purely a synoptic miracle and is recorded in Matthew, Mark and Luke. Usual number that I use is 10 and if after the first 10 miracles I have not gained any traction then I will revise my strategy.s  (+116280 +2000)


    1. The blog is at this stage that I am about to turn the switch on at the beginning and about to turn the switch on in the miracles of Jesus. It is going to be way more than a commentary on the four Gospels, it is going to be a comparison between them and therefore an order higher in difficulty. Last night I thought through many issues but what they had in common was that they all fell off the screen in terms of difficulty. Issues that I have to sort out are the differences between the different Gospels and why do the Synoptics have so many miracles and the Gospel of John has so few. If there is a connection between the Synoptics and the Gospel of John then where and what is it? It may be as simple as Moses broke the first lot of stone tablets and then supplied another set that he had cut out himself to God to rewrite the 10 Commandments on. But you don’t have to think too far along that line before that falls off the screen as well. My problem still remains vocabulary and terminology and I must have confidence when I use certain phrases and words. Two such terms are Jesus as the Son of God and Jesus as the Son of Man. These are two terms that occur in two situations and therefore the possibility there are four ways in which they could be used. I have no problems with Jesus as the Son of Man on the cross of Good Friday and there are at least three grounds on which I make this association. Jesus the Nazirite was not supposed to touch any grape related product yet as he was dying he asked for vinegar which was not only a grape related product but it was fermented as well and at the last stage of fermentation. By drinking this product Jesus knew that He was breaking His Nazirite vow and now that He was going to join the dead and further thing He was not allowed to do. He did not cut his hair. By joining us all the dead Jesus transferred the presence of His temple into our bodies and we are now the temple of God. To reassure us of this transition Jesus sent the Holy Spirit. Of the four situations therefore I am reasonably sure that I can relate to Jesus as the Son of Man as on the cross of Good Friday. Another situation of which I am

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    reasonably sure is that Jesus Is the Son of God and this reassurance comes from way back on the day that our first parents sinned in the garden of Eden. There  the Son of God He was allotted to roles; one was to crush the head of Satan and the second was to have His heel bruised. When Jesus goes to fulfil this role He will specifically tell us as these are traumatic times indeed and quite frankly I find difficult to accept. Here we are when the Holy Spirit arrives back in heaven ready for the great feast and the great wedding. When the Holy Spirit arrived from earth and became a part of the fine linen between us and the robe of righteousness that we had been given by Jesus on entry into heaven some 1800 years ago and the Holy Spirit just begun to explain some of the beauty of what Jesus had done for us in weaving this robe when we pleaded for the wedding and the great feast to begin. We were married and as the wedding party left the heaven that had been our home for the last 1800 years we set off for Canaan and Jericho which unfortunately were on another planet and universe. Unfortunately/fortunately the enemy and the beast and Satan were there and they were not going to let us through, there were going to have to be two battles, one against the beast and one against Satan. Because we were going to be involved in one of these battles we were organised as an army behind the rider of the white horse. This battles against the beast and all those wicked living that had gone so close to destroying the living, woken virgins. When Jesus appeared in the flash in the sky at the second coming there were only hundred 44,000 wise virgins left alive but many probably in the hundreds of millions had been killed by this beast. We do not get any satisfaction or feelings of revenge in our battle against this beast just a sense of relief that evil has been done away with an even feeling of gratitude because of that death is why we are today in this army. We are also rather surprised as to how little resistance this beast actually puts up. On earth this beast seemed unstoppable but it seems as if he has totally miscalculated the strategy for the battle against the rider of the white horse and His armies. The weakness this time round was not as it was on Good Friday which was a question of allegiance. There whenever Jesus called, “Mine!” To all those who accepted the cross of Good Friday as the reason for their eternal existence, the beast replied, “Over my dead body!” And they went over in droves to the side of Jesus. This did not happen this time around as the beast had gone to great trouble in marking all his troops with a mark of the beast and it matters not what happened they did not desert the beast in battle. The fatal error that the beast made was to assume that this battle against the rider of the white horse would be fought under the same conditions where the beast had achieved such remarkable success as it soon about to happen and that is on earth. The battle up there will be over as soon as the beast and all the living wicked see the sword emerge out of the clouds! They know they have no chance and now the forces of evil of the false prophet and the beast out of the sea turn on each other and that is the only reason the battle lasts for one hour. But then Jesus explains to us why He has to leave us as this next battle would be against Satan and this was work that was given to Him way back in Eden to crush the head of Satan. Jesus make sure that we are comfortable and we know that what is going to happen and that there are going to be some rough times even though we are in Eden2. As sad as situation as it is Jesus now leaves us and the battle against Satan He fights As the Son of God. We now have Jesus in two roles As the Son of God and the Son of Man. But what about the remaining two roles?

    When Jesus is going to fight this role as the Son of God it is actually a part of the Day of Atonement and in that Day of Atonement the genealogy of Jesus can be traced back to Eve initially and then through nearly 4000 years and back to the Virgin Mary. Jesus was more than Eve’s seed Jesus was the product of the Holy Spirit as well. The problem with the original Day of Atonement that was announced in Eden on the day that our first parents sinned was that much was added to it in subsequent times. It was none other than Melchizedek Himself Who added confessed sins to the existing unconfessed and unintentional sins. Initially I have this as the addition of the scapegoat and

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    the scapegoat as the Son of Man. If that is all it was however then when this scapegoat and all confessed sins were transferred from Leviticus 16 and onto the cross of Good Friday at 9 AM then the Son of Man should have been transferred across as well. He was transferred but there is much more happened at this moment than this. If this is all that happened then Jesus should have suffered for a few seconds whilst scapegoat was being dashed to pieces as it fell down the cliff. This does happen but there was much more than this that happened. The Day of Atonement itself was corrected back to the original position it was in before the scapegoat was added. It returned back to the twin bird sacrifice and it is as the twin bird sacrifice that Jesus will go to the cross of Atonement finally on 10 – 07 – 486. But now we must try to look at more of the Passover as it changed into the cross of Good Friday.

    As we have seen from Genesis so far that Jesus was more than Jesus, He was Jesus Christ. At 6 AM on the first day and following 12 hours of darkness when God commanded the Holy Spirit to produce light, the Holy Spirit did produce light which combined with time which was the daily sacrifice and therefore the full extent of the love of Jesus Christ. This combination of divine light and divine love in the presence of the Holy Spirit conceived the being of The Christ. It is The Christ Who is the connection between Jesus and God. It is The Christ Who is The Son of God and it is Jesus Who is the Son of Man. Since the Son of God is spirit it cannot be hung on any cross but can only do so if it manifests itself as the Son of Man or Eve’s seed. So when we look at the cross of Jesus Christ we have to ask ourselves is that the Son of Man or is it The Son of God manifesting itself as the Son of Man? So what are we going to be looking at as we lay around the cross on that final day when the Day of Atonement actually occurs or 10 – 07 – 486? Yes we will see the Son of Man one which has manifested Himself since at least Good Friday on Mount Calvary. No doubt there will be much more to it than this as on a number of occasions now I thought I might have been given the privilege of looking into the genealogy of the Gospel of Luke and connecting it back to the beginning of Genesis where I am at now. But on the cross of Atonement we are going to be seen much more than Jesus as the Son of Man, we will also be looking at Jesus as the Son of God. In fact it will be mostly the Son of God I will be the focus of our worship. Yes the Son of Man will be there but this is where the Son of God will be taking over. In Old Testament language it is going to be Moses handing over to Joshua where the journey of eternity proper begins. So if we are looking at the cross of the Day of Atonement even though we see the Son of Man on it we realise that it is The Son of God that is the issue. The logical extension to this would be when we look at the Son of Man hanging on the cross of Good Friday and being displayed for all to see in the burnt offering between 3 PM and 4 PM what do we actually see? What we see is the complete picture and one that has been formulated by God Himself and what we see is Jesus Christ! What I see is God with His arms outstretched and begging me to join him after this brief moment of separation. The Son of God has momentarily gone to heaven leaving behind the Son of Man on this cross or the emblem of the Christian church! This is but a fleeting moment of time and the action will recommence on the morning of Resurrection Sunday. Should the above explanation have been of some assistance in answering the question why do the Synoptics get so many miracles but the Gospel of John gets so very few? In this answer I do not claim that this is what the Jews thought but I do try to stay with what the Scripture tells me. I know they got it all wrong and continue to do so today but I must point to Scripture to tell me where this mistake was. Were they any different to the Christian church today who are described as 10 sleeping virgins. They are the temple of God yet they continue to poison the temple not just with every known poison but poisons that have been pointed out to them in Scripture as being so. Little wonder they are ravaged by so many diseases today. They represent the greatest known treasure to humanity today, the blood of Jesus Christ, with the greatest curse known to humanity and that is

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    alcohol. They represent the sinless body of Jesus Christ with the emblem of sin and that is leavened bread. They authorise themselves to hand out salvation and they say in the form of the Holy Spirit but the reality is they are infecting each other with demons. They take what was fulfilled and made perfect by Jesus on the cross of Good Friday, the 10 Commandments and then slice and dice them and make them worthless, they put Jesus back onto the cross of Good Friday! They teach demonic lessons in such a way so as to destroy any credibility at the nature of God has. They teach antonyms but not synonymous and you could not get a better example than the eternal fires of hell or Satan’s delight. Nothing could destroy the concept of the love of God than this demonic teaching! Not that far behind would have to be the state of the dead and that on death you either go to heaven or hell. Once you do get into heaven please make sure that you get your name ticked off because Jesus is about to come back to earth to take the righteous dead to heaven with him! Once you think that Satan has all the clangers and cannot come up with any more you see Jim Swaggart and the crew chasing the lambs around the paddock so that they can kill them and run their fingers through the lambs body presumably before hanging on the cross!

    Jesus came down 2000 years ago in order to take His people back to heaven with Him or at least to place them in heaven on this earth. He could not go to the cross of Atonement either as the Son of God or the Son of Man it had to be both. Confessed intentional scenes had to be forgiven and only the Son of God can forgive sin. The relationship of humanity to divinity had to be restored and only the Son of God could do that. It was on the cross of Atonement that the link and the interchange between humanity and divinity would take place and it was as the Son of Man that Jesus was placed or would have been placed on the cross. Jesus had to perform as many as miracles that were possible in order to convince His people that He was the Son of God. This was what the old Testament, Jewish Scripture had foretold and what they were looking forward to. Nicodemus gave the game away early in the ministry of Jesus Christ when he admitted that the Jewish elders knew that Jesus had come from God and that was through the miracles that He performed. Before Jesus could take his people back to heaven or to introduce them to the heaven down here Jesus had to formally close off events on this earth and if He did not do this issues may arise somewhere down in time and there was plenty of time to come. It was not just a matter of crushing the head of Satan which Jesus could do in a fraction of a second, the Dominion of Satan which he had been given by Adam and Eve 4000 years previously first had to be removed and only then could Jesus crush the head of Satan. This had to be systematically done and this had to be thoroughly done for evil to raise its ugly head never again. Jesus was also undergoing a sieving process and could not leave one soul behind that wanted to be in heaven. This was totally different to the Gospel of John where the sieving process occurred against the backdrop of the daily sacrifice. This time round there would be no daily sacrifice and there would be no Good Friday on Mount Calvary. The miracle of miracles was on display and no other miracle could even approach being near the miracle that occurred on that day! And here what happened on and just after the miracles of the cross of Good Friday were almost equally astounding. The resurrection of Jesus Christ would also bring the resurrection of His followers and the sending of the Holy Spirit to fill the temples Jesus had left behind on this earth was equally astounding. But then again for these major miracles to occur had to be ground work done and that ground work was the miracles which were there to convince the Jews that Jesus has come down to get them. But the Gospel of John could not match the miracles of the synoptic gospels and all it could do was to point to them and particularly the miracle of death to life of which the seed was the resurrection of Jesus Christ. These are but some of the interactions and nuances that we are going to study as we go through the miracles of Jesus for the second time and those again should be very different if/when Jesus opens up at least some of the treasures that are behind the genealogy

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    in Luke. That genealogy should finish with Abraham as it was Abraham who introduced the scapegoat to the Day of Atonement. But it goes much deeper than that because it was Adam that was the firstborn son of God and whether he rejected this privileged position will not change the fact he was still firstborn Son of God. But we do have to answer what changes that incurred the fact that he rejected this position. Firstborn is a stunning privilege and whether that be the earth or the water around it or the water in the fence posts or the earth floating on the Magma or the plants that appeared on day three of creation but still in the presence of divine light are all priceless commodities and carry ultimate privilege. Adam was created in the presence of divinity and had divinity instilled within him that divinity was the breath of God. Adam did indeed carry privileges and Dominion but unfortunately passed these on to Satan and the here in began the major problems of this earth which will now need such a systematic approach in order to weed them out. And then there was the problems of Adam himself.  (+119450 +2000)s


    1. Jesus is nearly ready to perform His first miracle. He has come down from heaven to earth as the Lord and Saviour of His people and to take them to heaven, albeit at heaven on earth with Him. To do this He must be not just any prophet but even the likes of Moses, Elijah, Daniel, and all those other prophets who have frequented earth over the last 4000 years would not be enough. He had to be even above the first witness, John the Baptist. Any of these prophets would not be allowed to forgive sin neither would they be allowed to gain entry into heaven or the presence of God. This necessitated that Jesus be God in the form of The Son of God, He had to have direct link with God the Father. The problem with this divine form of Jesus Christ was that it had to manifest itself through some human dimension, Jesus also had to be the Son of Man even in His appearances on Resurrection Sunday and other times as well. These two entities Jesus had to establish if he had any chance of establishing His qualifications as the Saviour of Scripture. The roles of the miracles were just that. But this Messiah was not to operate in a vacuum, He was to be accompanied by a second witness and the second witness will be greater than all the prophets that had lived up to this time and this was because of the unique nature of the work of the second prophet. The Jews may not have picked John the Baptist as a greater profit than Moses or Elijah but they knew that the Baptist was there and that he was very successful in preaching and preparing the way for the Messiah. His ministry was one of repentance and water baptism and both these ministries were the essence of what happened in the temple on the Day of Atonement. Many prophets before had emphasised water baptism and repentance but their role was not stated as preparing the way for the Messiah. John the Baptist role was stated as such. So what was John the Baptist doing that was so different to many of those other prophets? None of those other prophets could proceed Jesus because the Ministry of Jesus, of the Messiah was such that it was an end of day ministry. Heaven and the eternities to come would begin at this time. The Day of Atonement would happen this time round. They certainly could have begun two thousand years ago and they will begin in 1800 years time but the preparation of John the Baptist was essential for heaven on earth or for heaven in the new universe. It is about the attire that the saints will wear in the new universe and would have worn in heaven down here on earth. The attire consists of two garments and the same two garments would have/will be worn in either of the two heavens. They are the robe of righteousness that Jesus has spun for each individual and that robe of righteousness must sit on fine linen. The robe of righteousness that Jesus will give us would have been totally different had there been no cross of Good Friday but it still would have consisted of what Jesus did for us to get us into heaven in the first place and that would have been the actions of Jesus on the cross of the Day of Atonement. Fine

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    linen is the same in both cases and it is the presence of the Holy Spirit. It is a separate entity, it is a separate gown. And it is here that we have the role of John the Baptist who was in full possession of the Holy Spirit as were many others at this time because the Holy Spirit had come down with Jesus at conception. And this is where the “problem” occurred. The Holy Spirit+ Jesus at conception but now two gowns  were going to be required. There had to be a separation, a permanent separation between Jesus and the Holy Spirit and to perform that permanent separation the honour and privilege was given to John the Baptist and that happened at the moment the John the Baptist was beheaded. The Holy Spirit returned to heaven and the two now became two separate entities and could fulfil the role of the fine linen and Christ robe of righteousness. Nobody, and that probably includes John the Baptist knew of the role that this witness was to play. And properly nobody knows the roles that these six witnesses of Scripture are going to play over the long run of time but it certainly is one of the unknowns that I have factored in to my studies.—-

    Another duty this Messiah had to perform was stated as early as The First Day of Atonement back in Eden on the day that Adam and Eve sinned and that was that He was to crush the head of Satan. There was little doubt even in Satan’s head, whatever that may look like. Satan knew that his days were numbered and that was only confirmed at the beheading of John the Baptist. What an eventful month that month of July in the year 3889 when the cross of Good Friday had not occurred. Trumpet sound on the first day and followed by the battle against Satan and Satan and the wicked evil are all thrown into hell. By 2 July the fires of hell have been extinguished and all the wicked no longer exist except for the blood that was squeezed out of their bodies to form the river of blood that is some two hundred miles long. 70 trillion unconfessed unintentional sins still remain and Jesus pleads guilty to these and enters a defilement period Of seven days. Comes out of defilement on 09 – 07 – 3889 and goes to the cross of Atonement on 10 – 07 – 3889 when Scripture describes what happened to Jesus on this day as, “Eve’s seed had His heel bruised!” Then that final 1260 days or the last 3 ½ years of Daniel’s 7×70 is completed. The role of Satan is running in the background all the way through and Satan has to at any cost convert his destruction before the Day of Atonement and the cross of Good Friday and his destruction will be postponed by nearly 4000 years. So there are not really two events running in the background, the certain destruction of Satan and the bruising of the heel of Jesus but also when the ministry of Jesus changes from that of the Day of Atonement to that of the cross Good Friday. Dates will be assigned if I can decide that the miracle was performed before or after the beheading of John the Baptist otherwise they will be noted as (xxx) and filled at some later time. If I have learned to bold the text I will bold any text that I am sure of if it applies to the cross of Good Friday like Jesus telling His disciples, ‘a new commandment that I now give unto you that you love one another as I have loved you!’ Jesus has now decided to go to the cross of Good Friday and to extend the scope of his love up to, “the full extent of the love of Jesus Christ!” A second example will be the washing of his disciples feet and the events that then followed in the garden of Gethsemane. We need much more than this however and surely Satan now that he has been given a reprove of some 4000 years will be one of the 1st to let us know that this had happened. Both the ministries of Jesus Christ of the Day of Atonement and the cross of Good Friday began with the baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist. Many were there at the baptism including spies sent by the Jewish leaders but the witness that had to be there was John the Baptist himself. I do not expect to be able to set all the parameters that were required of the Saviour and Messiah first time around nor do I expect to be able to pick the eyes out of the texts that surround these miracles nor in fact will it be a possibility until I get the genealogy in Luke on the page and that can only come from the beginning where Adam was on the centre stage. So beginning with the first miracle on page 1596 of the NIV Bible study and the man with leprosy, chapter 8 of Matthew.

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    ‘ When he came down from the mountainside, large crowds followed him. A man with leprosy came and knelt before him and said, “Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean.” Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. “I am willing,” he said, “Be clean!” Immediately he was cured of his leprosy. Then Jesus said to him, “see that that you don’t tell anyone. But go, show yourself to the priest and offer the gift Moses commanded you, as a testimony to them.” [The faith of the Centurion] verse five; ‘when Jesus entered Capernaum, a centurion came to him, asking for help. “Lord,” he said, “my servant lies at home paralysed and in terrible suffering.” Jesus said to him, “I will go and heal him.” A centurion replied, “Lord, I do not deserve to have you come under my roof. I just say the word, and my servant will be healed. For I myself am a man under authority, with soldiers under me. I tell this one, “go,” and he goes; and I tell that one, “come,” and he comes. I say to my servant, “do this,” and he does it.” When Jesus heard this, he was astonished and he said to those following him, “I tell you the truth, I have not found anyone in Israel with such great faith. I say to you that many will come from the east and from the west, and will take their places at the feast  with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven. But the subjects of the kingdom will be thrown outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” Then Jesus said to the centurion, “Go! It will be done just as you believed it would.” And his servant was healed at that very hour. [Jesus heals many verse 14] when Jesus came into Peter’s house, he saw Peter’s mother-in-law lying in bed with a fever. He touched her hand and the fever left her, and she got up and began to wait on him. When evening came, many of who were demon possessed were brought to him, and he drove out the spirits with a word and healed all the sick. This was to fulfil what was spoken through the prophet Isaiah: “he took up our infirmities and carried our diseases.” [The cost of following Jesus verse 18]  (+121220 +2000)


    10082020.[The cost following Jesus] versus 1;-‘ when Jesus saw the crowd around him, he gave orders to cross to the other side of the lake. Then a teacher of the law came to him and said, “Teacher, I will follow you wherever you go.” Jesus replied, “foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head.” Another disciple said to him, “Lord, let me go and bury my father.” Jesus told him, “Follow me, let the dead bury their own dead.” [Jesus calms the storm] then he got into the boat and his disciples followed him. Without warning furious storm came up on the lake, so that the waves swept over the boat. Jesus was sleeping. The disciples went awoke him, saying, “Lord save us! We’re going to drown!” He replied, “you little faith, why are you so afraid?” Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm. The men were amazed and asked, what kind of man is that? Even the winds and the waves obey him!” [The healing of the two demon possessed man verse 28] when he arrived at the other side of the region of the Gadarenes, two demon possessed man came from the tombs met him. They were so violent that no one could pass that way. “What do you want with us, Son of God?” They shouted. “Have you come here to torture us before the appointed time?” Some distance from them a large herd of peace was feeding. The demons begged Jesus, “if you drive us out, send us into the herd of pigs.” He said to them, “Go!” So they came out and went into the pigs, and the whole herd rushed down the steep bank into the lake and died in the water. Those tending the pigs ran off, went into the town and reported all this, including what had happened to the demon possessed men. Then the whole town went out to meet Jesus. And when they saw him, they pleaded with him to leave that region.’

    Because this miracle is so early on in the Gospel of Matthew we don’t have much to go to get back to its very beginning and how far things progressed since then. The first issue that was addressed

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    was a genealogy of Jesus was to tracing back to Eve’s seed and as Eve’s seed back to the Garden of Eden and therefore the Day of Atonement as announced by God to Eve and Satan. We then follow the early history of this Jesus and particularly relating to scriptural texts about him. We then come across His running partner John the Baptist and the baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist. They do not begin their joint ministry immediately because the Holy Spirit leads Jesus into the desert for 40 days and 40 nights where Satan is given his major chance to destroy the ministry of Jesus Christ. “From that time on Jesus began to preach, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near”.” There are some 200 days between the baptism of Jesus and the miracle of the healing of the man with leprosy. The healing of the man with leprosy is not the first miracle Jesus performed and not counting the wedding feast of Cana there would have been hundreds of people cured from their sicknesses by Jesus during these 200 days as Jesus was establishing his credentials as The Son of God and the Demon world certainly believed this. Jesus could have burst on the scene by teaching preceding the miracles or the teaching following the miracles. Jesus chose the teachings to come first and after that the miracles and healing the man with leprosy was either the first or the second of them depending on what you are counting. It is the content of the miracle that is the issue and on what ground it was granted. The equivalent to leprosy and I take today is that of cancer and it is death by the destruction of the body itself. Satan was already the top cherubim and what powers he did not have he was given them by Adam and that was Dominion over this world. There wasn’t much that he could not do and I have no problem in assigning Satan with the power to produce leprosy and cancer. The problem with the cancer that I have had as with almost every other ailments is that they are self induced and the result of sinful wrongful actions and the only one in which I can invoke the glory of God is a bone disease/condition which I think is genetic; exostosis. As it is a genetic condition I am allowed to pray, “Lord, if you are willing you can make me clean” and this prayer I have prayed on many occasions. As the condition is still here I can conclude that the answer Jesus has given is, ‘I am not willing’ and therefore the condition is seen to glorify the name of God by the many mechanisms which are available. The mechanism by which it is operating is of no concern to me all what is of concern is that it is operating in the glory of God is being magnified and it would be a wonderful thing to say that some of these ailments at least are glorifying that name also. The mechanism involved for the man with leprosy and for the centurion was that of faith and it is also the weapon involved through all eternity; faith! It would indeed be a wonderful privilege to be able to sort out the difference between the four writers of the Gospels and Matthew certainly is stamping the ground from which he is coming from. He’s coming from a genealogy of Jesus Christ and his approaching the subject of the Day of Atonement as in Leviticus 16. His ministry of repentance and water baptism with another famous co-worker of John the Baptist is the Ministry of the Day of Atonement. When he sees famous people taking their position at  the feast he sees Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Abraham and Isaac are the ministries of the Day of Atonement but to include in the ministry of Good Friday Jacob would have to be paired up with Judah and they in turn would need to connect through David. So even though the names mentioned are Day of Atonement there is still Jacob leaving the option of joining with Judah and the lion. Healing these major ailments Jesus is establishing Himself As the Son of God and someone who has no place to lay His head. He then immediately connects that divinity to humanity and the calming of the storm and the conclusion the disciples draw is that, ‘What kind of man is this? Even the winds and the waves obey him!’ A very important issue is also addressed in chapter 8 and that is the question concerning demons. Before the day of Atonement can proceed Satan must be removed from the picture along with all the wicked dead. It is very easy when hypothesising to wander onto the ground of blasphemy in one example could be that I thought of but rejected was when John the Baptist

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    baptised Jesus was that baptism one of repentance and water baptism. Water baptism applied even though John did not think so what about the repentance? Jesus was going to add some time later pleaded guilty to 7 trillion unintentional unconfessed sins had He gone to the cross of the Day of Atonement 2000 years ago or 70 trillion sins in some 1800 years time. Doesn’t sin, all sin require repentance? Pleading guilty to all these sins was not just a token gesture or a game of charades it was the real thing or is going to be the real thing and therefore something which will stain Jesus for the eternities to come but will also be a part of the bond between humanity and divinity. If it wasn’t for that stain we wouldn’t be in heaven either.

    Chapter 8 of Matthew raises many fascinating questions and one of those would have to be healing of the two Demon possessed man at Gadarene. The time for the Demons had not yet come and would come on first and second of July in the year 3889. Much has already been said about the length of ministry of Jesus and whether that related to the cross of Atonement or the cross of Good Friday and numbers given were 900, 1260 and 1440 and at this stage the NIV Bible study seems to think it is 1260 days with which I will go along with until Scripture tells me otherwise, so these Demons still have three years ago until they suffer or about 1060 days. They know who they are addressing and even though it looks like the Son of Man it is really The Son of God and this was the form in which Jesus would appear on the Day of Atonement. The thing that seems to worry these demons is that the torture through which they will go and the solution to getting out of this torture. There were four classes of spirits that rebelled way back at the angelic rebellion in heaven. Class I in a class of its own was Satan. Class II were the ones who rebelled and actually offered fire pans to God and all these were killed instantaneously. Fire is the only medium that cleanses everything enough before it is offered to God and this fire was Jesus Christ. Class III were the ones who knew if they turned up to offer the fire would be killed so they stayed home and this is the lot where the earth opened up and swallowed them and they are in an abyss down there somewhere awaiting judgement. Class IV are the ones we are dealing with now and these came from the rebellion that occurred on the next day when in fact all the congregation of angels should have been thrown out of heaven but it was Jesus who stood in and drew the line in the sand of intentional and unintentional and the intentional of which I take to be 100 million were thrown down to earth and are now the issue. That hundred million is obviously +1 or Satan himself. These are now going to enter into 2000 pigs or about 50,000 demons per pig which makes you think how many demons can possess one person? The issue is one of torture and you would expect it to be a concern for Satan as well. His solution is far reaching. If he allows Jesus to enter into those pigs his problems will be over and he will not be tortured. Going to hell and not being tortured doesn’t seem right. Is it really only the body with its nervous system that can be tortured and not the spiritual side? If that is the case then Satan’s problems were over as far as the torture side is concerned. His spiritual entity would survive but is now about to be stripped of all the Dominion that Adam and Eve gave it an even much of what he received whilst he was still in heaven which might even have happened before he got thrown out. The obvious problem that this leads to is that when Satan is thrown into hell in some one thousand 900 years time after the battle against the beast that he will not be tortured and will not be destroyed! Again this can’t be right.

    I have been here before but with the issues being so complex I may have derived a different answer. Satan and the 100 million+ one evil angels live on now past incident where their bodies were drowned in those pigs. They are bodiless and they cannot materialise to push me in front of a train or pour hot water over me. The powers of these evil angels has been greatly reduced as we see Jesus working through and removing these powers through the four Gospels. At times Satan will put up

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    extreme resistance but that does him no good anyway. But he is still powerful enough to give me cancer if I am silly enough to wander onto its territory! There is a change in ministry of Jesus after the beheading of John the Baptist and there comes a point in that ministry where Jesus decides to go to the cross of Good Friday leaving Satan with another 4000 years of existence. The next major incident to occur is at the second coming of Jesus Christ when Satan himself is bound in a great chain and taken out of the picture 1000 years. How can Satan be bound in a great chain if he has no body? Without a body how can Satan be confined to an abyss? Clearly the chain must be spiritual nature and remains even though Satan is released from the abyss at the end of the millennium. At this time all the wicked dead are released either from the abyss they were in or from the state of the dead. They are not just spirits but have bodies as well and will require some form of accommodation over the remaining 800 years before they are thrown into hell and that includes Satan himself, he too will require a body at this time. So who/what goes to hell after the battle of the beast on 02 – 07 – 486 in some 1800 years time? Satan is only concerned as the suffering that he will go through during this time and not so much that he will become a nothing and never exist again. They will all be made of the same material and have the same spirit within them. So what actually happens on this day and what is left over to be placed into the wine press of the wrath of God and how that blood that forms a river that is 200 miles long pressed out of them? Where is my lovely mother-in-law today?.123684 +2000)s


    1. I am pleasantly surprised as to how my depth of understanding of the gospel of Matthew has increased by studying chapter 8. There is still a long way to go but at least a start has been made. Nuances such as Jesus healing the mother-in-law of Peter and, “she got up and began to wait on him” I can pleasantly apply to my life as at the time that Jesus cured me of my Meniere’s disease I started a serious study of the Bible and if that was the relationship then it is a durable privilege indeed to be cured and to begin and wait on Jesus. I can’t say that I’m looking forward to losing my earthly treasures and to have no place to place my head on but that is going to be one cost of following Jesus. Matthew does go back to the start and the base of the genealogy is the seed of Eve but when it comes to those sitting around the table in heaven only Abraham, Isaac and Jacob are there. The two items that stood out though were the role of Satan and that Jesus did not want the two men who were cured to tell anyone about it. They were not going to be required on this side of the cross but would become a part of the 500 they would be required on the other side of the cross. This cannot be the Cross of Atonement that is being referred to because on the other side of it there would be no evangelistic campaigns, all the evangelism had to take place before the Day of Atonement so Jesus had to be referring to the cross of Good Friday. Even though the chief evangelist on this side of the cross was Jesus himself surely He could have done with as many helpers as were available, so why did Jesus not use these two who obviously wanted to go and be a part of the team? Scripture has most meaning when applied to oneself which is the whole idea of it anyway. There was a stage when I wanted to become a part of the evangelistic team for Jesus and put up a big Bible sign facing the motorway to prove this. Actually it was in consultation with the rest of the family they agreed also. There are certain members of our local council that are hard-core demons they informed me that this sign would now attract a penalty of $2000 a day and 30 years ago it would not take long for that penalty to exceed the value of the house and therefore they would repossess it and sell it. We were quite prepared to do this for our Jesus. Some time ago I also applied to Jesus to be able to write a blog that would glorify His Holy Name. It seemed to me that the reply was, “Not now, you are not ready to do so! You have only just been realised and come out of deep

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    sin and it is going to be quite some time until you are ready to do so. You must change your diet from not just milk to breadcrumbs but solid food and pieces of bread. When you have made this change of diet you will then be of some use to me. On the few occasions that I have tried to open Scripture to you you couldn’t even stand in its presence let alone assimilate it let alone reproduce it. The great evil of sin and its amazing success is its ability to withhold the power of faith in the grace that comes with it. You will be given some readers/people so they too can go through the process of changing diet from milk to solid foods. It is necessarily a very slow process.” I often wonder if the time it is going to be required to make this change is seven years, seven months and seven days and if so this is still some two years away and at least it is a goal to aim at. With all this extra preparation when those 500 disciples hit the ground they hit it running. They knew what they were talking about which cannot be said about hundred and 20 that were in the upper room on Resurrection Sunday. Jesus does work in mysterious ways and they can only be channelled through faith and grace.

    In my study through the miracles of Jesus I expect to come through this chapter on many occasions but what I need to know and need to know now is the state of the dead and the role of Satan with them. Many are losing their loved ones and continuously but trying to communicate with one of these we enter onto Satan’s ground, we to are in mortal danger. The basic distinction that has stood since the time of Adam and Eve must still apply today. The distinction between intentional and unintentional and Jesus is hardly likely to allow Satan to take hold of us if we stray onto his ground unintentionally. And that would not be very hard to do at a time of grieving and distress. This has been the fundamental difference between the cross of Good Friday and the cross of the Day of Atonement and will continue to be for the eternities to come. So what does the healing of the two demon possessed man tell us about Satan? In those three paragraphs describing this incident there is only one word in red and that is, “Go!” And Jesus knew what He was doing. The role of Satan certainly comes into prominence at this stage and that is why I place such relevance on what Satan says and does. I should really leave this topic until another journey through chapter 8, what is important and relevance is as of today. Satan’s concern was Satan and he knew that the Day of Atonement was now in play and that eight days before the cross of Atonement that he would be destroyed. The time after its destruction was not the concern it was the time during his destruction that was of concern and that was going to be a period of torture. This encounter with those demon possessed men did not occur on either first or second of July, 3889 when this torture would occur, Satan was asking Jesus wasn’t He three years ahead of Himself? Satan did have a solution to the problem of torture and that was to rid himself of the physical body which even for Satan must have contained the nervous system and without such a body there would be no pain. There would not be many alive today who would argue against that hypothesis; no body no pain! Jesus granted Satan’s wish; “Go!” Jesus could have told Satan that the request that he was making would harm him as Jesus was going to the cross Good Friday and Satan would be reprieved for another 4000 years and he would be able to cause much more harm if he still retained his physical body. All the rest of this reasoning that follows would not be relevant if Satan was not a generic term and applied to all the other hundred million demons in existence today (??). If they have no body then what are they? It is at this point that it is very easy to enter into the world of the absurd and the insanity of the world where there is no God but a physical presence only. In that world all that is required is that, “We eat and be merry for tomorrow we die!” In the world of the insane is where everything those around them can be explained as coming from nothing and in such a world it is yours sanity that is at stake if you try to venture into it. It is a place where you cannot win!—–

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    [ the square bracket mode will be required on many occasions as we try to piece together hell, angels, demons and the metaphysical in general. Many would not argue a statement’ human beings are made up out of matter but have no spirit in them and angels and demons if they exist have spirit but no matter. Chapter 8 of Matthew changes that demons on this earth do not have matter but have a spiritual context but the angels in heaven still have both matter and spiritual context as they were not drowned in those pigs. It certainly establishes the existence of Satan and the incredible amount of knowledge that he had about the future but only up to a point because if he knew that Jesus would stay on the cross on Good Friday there would be no need for what was about to happen and for Satan to lose most of his power. He knew that Jesus was the Son of God and that this implied that Jesus was also the Son of Man. He knew that Jesus had come down from heaven to finish time via the Day of Atonement and to begin the eternities to come on this earth some 2000 years ago. He knew that before the Day of Atonement could take place that Satan would have to be destroyed eight days before this occurred. He knew that the date of his destruction was 02 – 07 – 3889 and right now it was still some three years before this date and he was questioning the right of Jesus to destroy him before the appointed day. He was not concerned about the time after its destruction where he just would not exist he was concerned about the pain and suffering that he would have to go through during this destruction. He was concerned about torture where every sin that he caused every human being to commit would be brought up on the screen before him and he knew that there were many sins to be brought up. He knew that this torture/suffering would take place via the established nervous system in his body and he reasoned that if he did not have a body then that would do away with that physical suffering. Thus his request to be drowned and that request Jesus granted as, “Go!” He must have known even though it was not on his radar that there was a very small chance that Jesus would go to the cross of Good Friday and this would postpone his destruction for another 4000 years, but the destruction would come and in the meantime he would have to live in a much weakened form. Surely he should have left the drowning proposition until right at the end unless of course he was convinced that this was the very end. At this stage only the Old Testament existed and this is exactly what it was predicting. The destruction of Satan to be followed by the bruising of the heel of Eve’s seed. But if 10 PM on the Thursday night of 13 – 01 – 3889 in Gethsemane was the closing of the door of mercy when every being conceived lay dead in front of Jesus and this had to include Satan and the evil angels by what process would Jesus gather his flock and to take them back out to heaven on that night? How does this process compare what is going to happen to us at the second coming? The righteous dead will be raised and taken back to heaven with Jesus along with the hundred 44,000 wise virgins who are still alive at this moment. It would be a fortuitous time to give the dead their body of eternity or what about the wise virgins whose bodies have not been to any grave or any crematorium? What else is Jesus going to have to give those righteous dead on their resurrection? Did they already have a spirit somewhere and it was to the spirit that we tried to talk to after their death and therefore could not have been a Satanic spirit? Scripture does teach that if we sin we will surely die and that is as dead – dead because we have separated ourselves from God and apart from God they can be no life. But we do not drop dead on that moment that we sin even though it eventually will happen except for those who accepted the sacrifice of Good Friday as the solution to all their sins. All our confessed sins were done away with and they are no longer there and we cannot die because of our sins.

    If Satan and all the unrighteous dead when they come to life at the end of the millennium receive a body then this body will probably contain a nervous system and so they will suffer in hell; be tortured. Jesus had a body when he went to hell and therefore he was tortured also. In the case of Jesus however His body was just the framework on which our confessed sins sat and once they were

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    destroyed, His body was left intact. In the case of the wicked where the sin permeates the whole structure, the whole structure will be destroyed and nothing should be left behind.] +125930 +2000





    1. I am pleasantly surprised as to how my depth of understanding of the gospel of Matthew has increased by studying chapter 8. There is still a long way to go but at least a start has been made. Nuances such as Jesus healing the mother-in-law of Peter and, “she got up and began to wait on him” I can pleasantly apply to my life as at the time that Jesus cured me of my Meniere’s disease I started a serious study of the Bible and if that was the relationship then it is a durable privilege indeed to be cured and to begin and wait on Jesus. I can’t say that I’m looking forward to losing my earthly treasures and to have no place to place my head on but that is going to be one cost of following Jesus. Matthew does go back to the start and the base of the genealogy is the seed of Eve but when it comes to those sitting around the table in heaven only Abraham, Isaac and Jacob are there. The two items that stood out though were the role of Satan and that Jesus did not want the two men who were cured to tell anyone about it. They were not going to be required on this side of the cross but would become a part of the 500 they would be required on the other side of the cross. This cannot be the Cross of Atonement that is being referred to because on the other side of it there would be no evangelistic campaigns, all the evangelism had to take place before the Day of Atonement so Jesus had to be referring to the cross of Good Friday. Even though the chief evangelist on this side of the cross was Jesus himself surely He could have done with as many helpers as were available, so why did Jesus not use these two who obviously wanted to go and be a part of the team? Scripture has most meaning when applied to oneself which is the whole idea of it anyway. There was a stage when I wanted to become a part of the evangelistic team for Jesus and put up a big Bible sign facing the motorway to prove this. Actually it was in consultation with the rest of the family they agreed also. There are certain members of our local council that are hard-core demons they informed me that this sign would now attract a penalty of $2000 a day and 30 years ago it would not take long for that penalty to exceed the value of the house and therefore they would repossess it and sell it. We were quite prepared to do this for our Jesus. Some time ago I also applied to Jesus to be able to write a blog that would glorify His Holy Name. It seemed to me that the reply was, “Not now, you are not ready to do so! You have only just been realised and come out of deep

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    sin and it is going to be quite some time until you are ready to do so. You must change your diet from not just milk to breadcrumbs but solid food and pieces of bread. When you have made this change of diet you will then be of some use to me. On the few occasions that I have tried to open Scripture to you you couldn’t even stand in its presence let alone assimilate it let alone reproduce it. The great evil of sin and its amazing success is its ability to withhold the power of faith in the grace that comes with it. You will be given some readers/people so they too can go through the process of changing diet from milk to solid foods. It is necessarily a very slow process.” I often wonder if the time it is going to be required to make this change is seven years, seven months and seven days and if so this is still some two years away and at least it is a goal to aim at. With all this extra preparation when those 500 disciples hit the ground they hit it running. They knew what they were talking about which cannot be said about hundred and 20 that were in the upper room on Resurrection Sunday. Jesus does work in mysterious ways and they can only be channelled through faith and grace.

    In my study through the miracles of Jesus I expect to come through this chapter on many occasions but what I need to know and need to know now is the state of the dead and the role of Satan with them. Many are losing their loved ones and continuously but trying to communicate with one of these we enter onto Satan’s ground, we to are in mortal danger. The basic distinction that has stood since the time of Adam and Eve must still apply today. The distinction between intentional and unintentional and Jesus is hardly likely to allow Satan to take hold of us if we stray onto his ground unintentionally. And that would not be very hard to do at a time of grieving and distress. This has been the fundamental difference between the cross of Good Friday and the cross of the Day of Atonement and will continue to be for the eternities to come. So what does the healing of the two demon possessed man tell us about Satan? In those three paragraphs describing this incident there is only one word in red and that is, “Go!” And Jesus knew what He was doing. The role of Satan certainly comes into prominence at this stage and that is why I place such relevance on what Satan says and does. I should really leave this topic until another journey through chapter 8, what is important and relevance is as of today. Satan’s concern was Satan and he knew that the Day of Atonement was now in play and that eight days before the cross of Atonement that he would be destroyed. The time after its destruction was not the concern it was the time during his destruction that was of concern and that was going to be a period of torture. This encounter with those demon possessed men did not occur on either first or second of July, 3889 when this torture would occur, Satan was asking Jesus wasn’t He three years ahead of Himself? Satan did have a solution to the problem of torture and that was to rid himself of the physical body which even for Satan must have contained the nervous system and without such a body there would be no pain. There would not be many alive today who would argue against that hypothesis; no body no pain! Jesus granted Satan’s wish; “Go!” Jesus could have told Satan that the request that he was making would harm him as Jesus was going to the cross Good Friday and Satan would be reprieved for another 4000 years and he would be able to cause much more harm if he still retained his physical body. All the rest of this reasoning that follows would not be relevant if Satan was not a generic term and applied to all the other hundred million demons in existence today (??). If they have no body then what are they? It is at this point that it is very easy to enter into the world of the absurd and the insanity of the world where there is no God but a physical presence only. In that world all that is required is that, “We eat and be merry for tomorrow we die!” In the world of the insane is where everything those around them can be explained as coming from nothing and in such a world it is yours sanity that is at stake if you try to venture into it. It is a place where you cannot win!—–

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    [ the square bracket mode will be required on many occasions as we try to piece together hell, angels, demons and the metaphysical in general. Many would not argue a statement’ human beings are made up out of matter but have no spirit in them and angels and demons if they exist have spirit but no matter. Chapter 8 of Matthew changes that demons on this earth do not have matter but have a spiritual context but the angels in heaven still have both matter and spiritual context as they were not drowned in those pigs. It certainly establishes the existence of Satan and the incredible amount of knowledge that he had about the future but only up to a point because if he knew that Jesus would stay on the cross on Good Friday there would be no need for what was about to happen and for Satan to lose most of his power. He knew that Jesus was the Son of God and that this implied that Jesus was also the Son of Man. He knew that Jesus had come down from heaven to finish time via the Day of Atonement and to begin the eternities to come on this earth some 2000 years ago. He knew that before the Day of Atonement could take place that Satan would have to be destroyed eight days before this occurred. He knew that the date of his destruction was 02 – 07 – 3889 and right now it was still some three years before this date and he was questioning the right of Jesus to destroy him before the appointed day. He was not concerned about the time after its destruction where he just would not exist he was concerned about the pain and suffering that he would have to go through during this destruction. He was concerned about torture where every sin that he caused every human being to commit would be brought up on the screen before him and he knew that there were many sins to be brought up. He knew that this torture/suffering would take place via the established nervous system in his body and he reasoned that if he did not have a body then that would do away with that physical suffering. Thus his request to be drowned and that request Jesus granted as, “Go!” He must have known even though it was not on his radar that there was a very small chance that Jesus would go to the cross of Good Friday and this would postpone his destruction for another 4000 years, but the destruction would come and in the meantime he would have to live in a much weakened form. Surely he should have left the drowning proposition until right at the end unless of course he was convinced that this was the very end. At this stage only the Old Testament existed and this is exactly what it was predicting. The destruction of Satan to be followed by the bruising of the heel of Eve’s seed. But if 10 PM on the Thursday night of 13 – 01 – 3889 in Gethsemane was the closing of the door of mercy when every being conceived lay dead in front of Jesus and this had to include Satan and the evil angels by what process would Jesus gather his flock and to take them back out to heaven on that night? How does this process compare what is going to happen to us at the second coming? The righteous dead will be raised and taken back to heaven with Jesus along with the hundred 44,000 wise virgins who are still alive at this moment. It would be a fortuitous time to give the dead their body of eternity or what about the wise virgins whose bodies have not been to any grave or any crematorium? What else is Jesus going to have to give those righteous dead on their resurrection? Did they already have a spirit somewhere and it was to the spirit that we tried to talk to after their death and therefore could not have been a Satanic spirit? Scripture does teach that if we sin we will surely die and that is as dead – dead because we have separated ourselves from God and apart from God they can be no life. But we do not drop dead on that moment that we sin even though it eventually will happen except for those who accepted the sacrifice of Good Friday as the solution to all their sins. All our confessed sins were done away with and they are no longer there and we cannot die because of our sins.

    If Satan and all the unrighteous dead when they come to life at the end of the millennium receive a body then this body will probably contain a nervous system and so they will suffer in hell; be tortured. Jesus had a body when he went to hell and therefore he was tortured also. In the case of Jesus however His body was just the framework on which our confessed sins sat and once they were

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    destroyed, His body was left intact. In the case of the wicked where the sin permeates the whole structure, the whole structure will be destroyed and nothing should be left behind.] +125930 +2000

    1. Actually I have been here in the state of the dead previously and to the level of the fourth dimension and will soon have to return here in Genesis. Before moving on to what Mark has to tell us about the healing of this man with leprosy still want to just make one more point about those two men who were healed of their Demon possession. There is an incredible amount of wealth in this story about demons but also about the Ministry of Jesus Christ and the still unbelievable and unacceptable concept that Jesus should have finished time 2000 years ago and that we should not even be here today. Revising the situation of these two demon possessed man we first need to establish the date that Jesus cleansed the temple for the first time and therefore began His Good Friday on Mount Calvary Ministry. We have taken the baptism of Jesus as day one of both of his ministries and that is because it was recorded in all four gospels. This had to be the start of His atonement ministry as well. Since the time between Atonement and Good Friday is six months I take it as six months until Jesus cleansed the temple for the first time and therefore day 180 of His ministry. This offers us two alternatives for the healing of the man with leprosy; either before this day Or say Day 160 or after this day say day 200. If this healing occurred on day 160 it would be a part of the atonement ministry so Jesus is not staying on for Good Friday and these two men who have just been cured must go around and tell everyone around what has happened to them because all evangelism will finish days before the Day of Atonement. THEY have been told not to tell anyone about it. The Day of Atonement will not go ahead but that it will be replaced by the cross of Good Friday and evangelism will certainly be required after the cross Good Friday they must stay quiet and come back fresh as part of the team of 500. If this curing occurred on 200 or 20 days after the Ministry of the cross of Good Friday had begun it would not be a Day of Atonement curing because the Day of Atonement was not going to happen and there ministry would be kept aside after the cross of Good Friday and again they had to prepare themselves for this scenario. The problem with the above scenario is that there was only one recorded miracle before Day 180 and that was at the wedding feast of Cana. If we move the dateline back in the next significant date that we have at this stage is the death of John the Baptist that occurs at day 900. So we have miracles that occur before Day 901s that occur after day 900 and these could be of significance if Jesus has decided on the cross of Good Friday or the cross of the Day of Atonement ministry. Is this the point at which Jesus is now tells those who He has cured are to be quiet until after the cross of Good Friday when they will be included as part of the 500 evangelists? This warning about who is to be quiet and who is not is a serious enough issue to change the genealogy and chronology that is listed in the NIV Bible study. Which evangelists would be required at the Day of Atonement occurred and which evangelists are being kept in ready for the period after resurrection Sunday? It is clearly a very distinct marker. Finally before returning to the Gospel of Mark some thoughts about my lovely mother-in-law who passed away 28 years ago. Her body like every other human body from conception onwards is made of clay, is made in the image of God and has the breath of God in it or did so just as she passed away. At the second coming Jesus will have no problem in collecting all the atoms and molecules that made up her body and then rearranging them in such an order they are in the image of God. It will be the perfect opportunity to recreate her body in its heavenly form in the form of eternity. The breath we all received from God and that left her at death, being divine cannot be destroyed and therefore returned back to God in the meantime to be returned her body at the time that the flash takes place. This time round however the return of that breath is conditional on whether she wants to be with Jesus for the rest of eternity. If she chose to reject the sacrifice of Good Friday as her means of salvation that breath will return to God and remain there forever after the fires of hell

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    have been extinguished but if she chose to accept the sacrifice of Good Friday then the breath will remain with her for the eternities to come. Much more remains however written on the subject and we now return to Mark to see what he has to tell us about the healing of the man with leprosy. Mark chapter 1;

    ‘The beginning of the gospel about Jesus Christ, Son of God. It is written in Isaiah the prophet: “I will send my messenger ahead of you, who will prepare your way” – “a voice of one calling in the desert, “prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for him.”” And so John came, baptising in the desert region and preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. The whole Judaean countryside and the people of Jerusalem went out to meet him. Confessing their sins, they were baptised by him in the river Jordan. John wore clothing made of camel’s hair, with a with a leather belt around his waist, and he ate locusts and wild honey. And this was his message: “after me will come one more powerful I, the thongs of whose sandals I am not worthy to stoop down and untie. I baptise you with water, but he will baptise you with the Holy Spirit.” [The baptism and temptation of Jesus verse nine] At that time Jesus came from Nazareth in Galilee and was baptised by John in the Jordan. As he was coming out of the water, he saw heaven being torn open and the spirit descending on him like a dove. A voice came from heaven: “You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.” At once the spirit sent him out into the desert, and he was in the desert 40 days, being tempted by Satan. He was with the wild animals, and angels attended him. [The calling of the first disciples verse 14] After John was put in prison, Jesus went into Galilee, proclaiming the good news of God, “The time has come,” he said, “the kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe in the good news!” As Jesus walked beside the sea Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen. “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will make you the fishers of men.” At once they left their nets and followed him. When he had gone a little further, he saw James the son of Zebedee and his brother John in a boat, preparing their nets. Without delay he called them, and they left their father Zebedee in the boat with the hired man and followed him.[Jesus drives out an evil spirit verse 21] they came to Capernaum and when the Sabbath came, Jesus went into the synagogue and began to teach. People were amazed at his teaching, because he taught them as one who had authority, not as the teachers of the law. Just then a man in their synagogue who was possessed by naval spirit cried out, “what you want with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are – The Holy One of God!” “Be quiet!” Said Jesus sternly. “Come out of him!” The evil spirit shook the man violently and came out of him with a shriek. The people were also amazed that they asked each other, “What is this? A new teaching – and with authority! He even gives orders to evil spirits and they obey him.” News about him spread quickly over the whole region of Galilee.[Jesus heals many verse 29] As soon as they left the synagogue, they went with James and John to the home of Simon and Andrew. Simon’s mother-in-law was in bed with a fever, and they told Jesus about her. So he went to her, took her hand and help her up. The fever left her and she began to wait on them. That evening after sunset the people brought to Jesus all sick and demon possessed. The whole town gathered at the door, and Jesus healeds many who had various diseases. He also drove our many demons, but he would not let the Demon speak because they knew who he was. [Jesus prays in a solitary place verse 35] Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed. Simon and his companions went to look for him, and when they found him, they explained: “Everyone is looking for you!” Jesus replied, “Let us go somewhere else – to the nearby villages – so that I can preach there also. That is why I have come.” So he travelled throughout Galilee, preaching in their synagogues and driving out demons. [A man with leprosy verse 40] A man with leprosy came to him and begged him on his knees, “If you are willing, you can make me clean.”

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    Filled with compassion, Jesus reached out his hand and touch the man. “I am willing,” he said, “Be clean!” Immediately the leprosy left him and he was cured. Jesus sent him away at once with a strong warning: “See that you don’t tell this to anyone. But go, show yourself to the priest and offer the sacrifice that Moses commanded for your cleaning, as a testimony to them.” Instead he went out and began to talk freely, spreading the news. As a result, Jesus could no longer enter a town openly but stayed out in the lonely places. Yet the people still came to him from everywhere.”

    I would expect that a ministry that is going to finish the history of this earth to have a witness ministry somewhere in the Ministry of Matthew is here again repeated to a large extent. There is no long genealogy given but the source of this ministry is the Son of God. The Son of God is the ministry of Jesus on the Day of Atonement and it is further clarified by what the prophet Isaiah had to say and most today would take these two verses of Isaiah to relate to the Ministry of the cross of Good Friday. “I will send my messenger ahead of you, who will prepare your way- a voice of one calling in the desert, prepare the way for the Lord make straight paths for him.” It was the Ministry of John the Baptist and it was a Ministry of water baptism and repentance and at this stage at least it had not blended in with 9 AM on Good Friday. It was full immersion baptism and it was performed by the first witness who clearly pointed to the second witness and officiated at the baptism of Jesus and in the presence of the Holy Spirit. He was aware that the baptism of water would be replaced by the baptism of the Holy Spirit. And it was in this change that John the Baptist played a major role. There was a ministry that was much greater than his that this would initiate and this was justified by the holy Trinity. Satan was going to be given one last chance to destroy this ministry and Satan put into it all that he could and for every second of those 40 days and 40 nights. In fact that brief moment of time Satan marshaled all his resources on Jesus all 100 million of them so that when it came to the incident of the pigs are all there and they all drowned. The co-ministry of Jesus and John the Baptist was very short indeed and it lasted about six months. If this is the time John the Baptist was thrown into jail then he would have spent some 700 days in jail which is an awfully long time until his beheading. His ministry would have continued on during this time by the presence of his disciples. Even though John’s ministry was short he was still a very privileged person. He prepared the way for Jesus, he baptised and introduced Jesus into His ministry and they then ministered together for about six months when Jesus replaced John with four disciples. That Ministry did continue, “The kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the good news!” Heaven was now only a matter of days away. Much must’ve been written about about the gathering of these four disciples so I will leave this to the next time or for others. The issue of driving out demons is of interest as Jesus drove our many demons in His ministry by very few are told not to tell others about it. The people who have had demons driven out of them then were told to be quiet must have an iron demons within them. This category I am unable to account for at this stage but they come out and they challenge Jesus. They acknowledge that Jesus is the Son of God or the Holy One of God and they know that Jesus has come to destroy them and soon. To be challenged on the Sabbath Day is certainly questioning the authority of Jesus. This challenge could have occurred after the destruction of the pigs of Gadarene and therefore the Demon did not have a body or it could have occurred before this destruction and did have a body. The issue here was the Sabbath day but its significance at this point evades me but it seems that if Jesus wants to go ahead with this destruction then these demons will attend every rally and disrupt it to the best of their ability thus hindering the work of Jesus and the soon coming of the kingdom of God. Jesus did have a very strict timetable to meet and if you couldn’t do this it might be forced to abandon this ministry. The significance of Satan in both these gospels is brought out as is the privilege of Jesus healing somebody so they could become a part of His ministry. The other common incident is the healing of a man with leprosy and occurs at about the same time in

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    both these gospels. If the textual quotes from Isaiah apply to the Day of Atonement then the Jews did indeed have a very strong case for time coming to an end 2000 years ago and it is up to Christianity now to show why this extension in time occurred. But so far the case that Paul and the Jews made is quite convincing, one where there was no cross of Good Friday. But it is such a strong case that little wonder that everyone missed it! After such a promising start to the gospel of Matthew, the gospel of Mark has been a letdown so far.(+129474 +2000)s

    1. It is customary for me when I get to the end of some section that I did not know what was going on for me to at least produce a forced summary in the square brackets to at least prove that I have been there. But in the case of the Gospel of Mark I am not going to do this at this stage as the story that it is telling is so different to the Gospel of Matthew that it is going to require a major rewrite of the life of Christ on page 1480 of the NIV Bible study. It would not be all that audacious when you consider that none of them can relate to the greatest feast of earth and eternity; the Day of Atonement. Even though Satan having his head crushed by Eves seed and in return Eves seed has his heel bruised occurs as early as Genesis in the Bible it is a total mystery to most religions and faiths today. This error is of such magnitude that it misses the possibilities of two universes and the possibility that time on earth should have already finished some 2000 years ago. With an error of those proportions you must expect many other errors as well. Scripture correctly summarises the situation as a sleeping church made up of 10 virgins but unfortunately each one is asleep. Fortunately we are told that it does wake up and this happens just in the nick of time. The wake-up call is given specifically, “Here comes the bridegroom come out and meet him!” And it is succinct and it is specific. It happens on day 1290 after the abomination that causes desolation has been given its power and Daniel is very specific in that it is now 45 days until the second coming of Jesus Christ. The church wakes up and rubs their eyes and looks ahead but to what? What they see is of such magnificence and significance they miss the point and quickly turn around to see where this has come from in history. What they see has already been accepted by God and what they see is coming from God. They see the 3 PM burnt offering on the cross of Good Friday on Mount Calvary. They see the arms of an outstretched man who has just been brutalised and murdered but before they rush towards those arms they want to know what has happened to have him and why He has done what He did. He did what he did was because He loves us so much that He wants us to spend eternity is to come with Him inside of the throne room of God and in another universe. That in itself is something which is very difficult to accept; perfect love. But if that is why he has done and what has he done? He has cleaned us up to the extent that we are clean enough to pass through the doorway into the new universe and ultimately onto the new earth and into the throne room of God itself. Just how much cleaning did that require? The amount that was required was so much that we do not know and we will never know all we know is that it was done. The requirements were specifically written out by God Himself but mankind gave him the material to write them out on and then we asked our intermediary, Moses, to give them to Jesus so that He could fulfil them to the standard that was required which is what happened on 14 – 01 – 3889. What do we need to connect the outstretched arms on the cross of that dark day to the outstretched arms on this bright day that is coming is to accept what Jesus did for us on Good Friday. This is the new covenant and if we are not under the new covenant there we must be under the old covenant of trying to work your way up to heaven which no one can do. By accepting the finished work of what Jesus did on the cross of Good Friday and writing the results from the stone tablets that He was given and onto the flash of our hearts is the new covenant but unfortunately there are very few ministries today they will allow you to transfer what happened on Good Friday onto your hearts. Most will tell you that only bits and pieces are required in the transfer but this is Satan’s greatest lie; it is all or it is none! And once the church wakes up and realises this and they ask for the finished product to be written onto their hearts it is only then that they realise they have to turn around, open their arms and rush forward and fall into the outstretched arms of Jesus Christ of the second coming. We must say Jesus that there are no prerequisites to accepting His finished work of Good Friday, all we have to be up to do is to accept it? The actual tool of acceptance or the channel through which it passes is that of faith and the greater the channel is in the greater is the product that produces; grace and that is to think they can never let us down faith in Jesus and receiving His grace. This faith is not the same faith that the secular lot have where they believe that nothing can give them anything that they want and I have never seen this as it has never happened! Our faith begins in the Creator and the One who made all the stunning beauty of everything around us and from this base we start asking questions of what and why and when and to our surprise He has also left us a book that contains stunning details of the questions that are being asked; the Bible. The Bible is like a big jigsaw puzzle which is never completed until you fit the last piece but the more pieces pieces fitted with it the more complete the picture is. There are very many pieces in the miracles of Jesus are right now we are going to look at Luke chapter 5 and the miracle of a man with leprosy and if after this I still think that it is saying what the other two synoptic gospels are saying then I will write up a forced result. Luke chapter 5; ‘

    [the calling of the first disciples verse one] one day as Jesus was standing by the lake of Gennesaret, with the people crowding around him and listening to the word of God, he saw at the water’s edge two boats, left there by the fishermen, who were washing their nets. He got into one of the boats, the one belonging to Simon, and asked him to put out a little from the shore, then he sat down and taught the people from the boat. When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, “Put out into the deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.” Simon answered, “Master, we worked hard all night and having caught anything. Because you say so, I will let down the nets.” When they had done so, they called such a large number of fish that their nets began to break. So they signalled their partners in the other boat to come and help them, and they came and filled both boats so for that they began to sink. When Simon Peter saw this, he fell and Jesus knees and said, “Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man!” For he and all his companions were astonished at the catch of fish they had taken, and so were James and John, the sons of Zebedee, Simon’s partners. Then Jesus said to Simon, “Don’t be afraid; from now on you will catch men.” So they pulled up their boats up on the shore, they left everything and followed him. [Man with leprosy] verse 12; ‘while Jesus was in one of the towns, a man came along who was cover with leprosy. When he saw Jesus, he fell with his face to the ground and begged him, “Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean.” Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. “I am willing,” he said. “Be clean!” And immediately the leprosy left him. Then Jesus ordered him, “Don’t tell anyone, but go, show yourself to the priest and offer the sacrifices that Moses commanded for your cleansing, as a testimony to them.” Yet the news about him spread all the more, so that the crowds of people came to hear him and to be healed of their sicknesses. But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed. [Jesus heals a paralytic] verse 17; one day as he was teaching, Pharisees and teachers of the law, who had come from every village of Galilee and from Judaea and Jerusalem, was sitting there. And the power of the Lord was present for him to heal the sick. Some men came carrying a paralytic on a mat and try to take him into the house to lay him before Jesus. When they could not find a way to do this because of the crowd, they went up on the roof and lowered him on his mat through the tiles into the middle of the Crowd, right in front of Jesus. When Jesus saw their faith, he said, “friend, your sins are forgiven.” The Pharisees and the teachers of the law began thinking to themselves, “Who is this fellow who speaks blasphemy? Who can forgive sins but God alone?” Jesus knew what they were thinking and asked, “why are you thinking these things in your hearts? Which is easier, to say, “Your sins are forgiven,” ors to say, “get up and walk”? But that you may know that they Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins.” He said to the paralysed man, “I tell you,” get up, take up your mat and go home.” Immediately stood in front of them, took what he had been lying on and went home praising God. I was amazed and, gave praise to God. They were filled with awe and said, “We have seen remarkable things today.” [The calling of Levi verse 27] After this, Jesus went out and saw a tax collector by the name of Levi sitting in his tax booth. “Follow me,” Jesus said to him, Levi got up, left everything and followed him. Then, Levi held a great banquet for Jesus at his home, and a large crowd of tax collectors and others were reading with them. But the Pharisees and the teachers of the law who belong to their sex complained to his disciples, “Why do you eat and drink with tax collectors and sinners?” Jesus answered them, “It is not the healthy doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.” [Jesus questioned about fasting verse 33] ‘they said to him, “John’s disciples often fast and pray, and so do the disciples of the Pharisees, but yours go on eating and drinking.” Jesus answered, “Can you make the guests of the bridegroom fast while he’s with them? But the time will come when the bridegroom will be taken from them, in those days they will fast.” He then told them of this parable: “No one tears patch from a new garment and sows it onto an old one.

    1. Luke 5:36-;, ‘if he does, he will have torn the new garment, and the patch from the new will not match the old. And no one pours new wine into old wineskins. If he does, the new wine will burst the skins, why will run out in the wineskins will be ruined. No, new wine must be poured into new wineskins. And no one after drinking old wine wants the new, for he says, “the old is better”’.

    [As late as the night of the foot washing the apostle Peter who not only had instructions from Jesus but direct revelations from God still did not have the slightest idea of what was going on. He did not realise that he was clean already. And sadly on resurrection Sunday morning this condition apply to all the apostles such was the degree of inflection that occurred on the night of foot washing and there were many other inflections along the way and the possibility of which began right back on the first day of creation which itself was a unit of 24-hour timeslot which contained the twin sacrifice. Satan who is a much bigger player than most acknowledge him to be had already experienced three Passovers with Jesus and his disciples and he knew that the Passover that would begin with and probably one day before was going to be of no value to him and his final countdown of existence would begin. He either entered into Judas on this night or he never would and this one feature of Satan comes up through his existence; leave it for the very last minute! I do not know how confusion is graded but the state of confusion at the end of Mark has not been aided by visiting Luke but then again this is not the first time or the last time that confusion will reign! It may be easy enough to say that the confusion would drop away once I accept that the fact that this world was created and needed to exist for some 3889 and then pass into a heavenly state some 2000 years ago. But against that background runs the fact that the daily sacrifice began on day one of creation. There was nothing new about it! It was brought into focus on Mount Sinai some 2500 years later when God rewrote the 10 Commandments onto stone tablets supplied by man and then some 1400 years later Jesus did fulfil both these events. It is very hard to ignore the burnt offering that hung on the cross on Good Friday on Mount Calvary between the hours of 3 PM and 4 PM and what happened on either side of them. The story that the three synoptic gospels are trying to tell is that this event did not occur and there was no need for it for humanity could live in heaven forevermore and they have

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    started off in Eden and they will finish up for the eternities to come on planet Earth and the tent of meeting. There would only be one sacrifice that would be required and that would be the Day of Atonement. And so Matthew who gives an overview of up to and including this day begins with, “Abraham was the father of Isaac”. Further down this statement is expanded out to Eve’s seed and the dual role that it had of crushing Satan’s head and having its heel bruised. Its role was further expanded when Melchizedek out of the scapegoat to the Day of Atonement. Matthew thus establishes the pillar of support on whom this Day of Atonement will rely. He then gives a small scriptural support of the birth and the early life of this character. All three gospels will rely on the baptism of Jesus and the existence of John the Baptist. These are essentials of heaven whether that heaven be down here on earth or up there somewhere in the new universe. John the Baptist becomes and remains the most privileged of prophets and the point at which the bond that formed when the Holy Spirit conceived the child Jesus in the womb of the Virgin Mary was broken and the two became separate entities. Say for arguments sake that John the Baptist was born six months before the child Jesus. Does this mean that that the Holy Spirit was present at the conception of John the Baptist and was with him during the first six months of his life as the Holy Spirit only formed that bond with the child Jesus at the conception of the child Jesus? In other words was the Holy Spirit able to come to earth at any time because it was not bonded to the child Jesus? Once child Jesus was conceived the Holy Spirit was on planet Earth also all the time when Jesus was growing up and with Jesus after the moment that John the Baptist was beheaded when the Holy Spirit returned to heaven as a separate entity? This would have achieved its dual role as the fine linen to be present under the robe of righteousness that Jesus would give us on entry into either the heaven down here or the heaven above. In other words who was this Melchizedek? So Matthew is the big picture and it certainly does start at the start where does it finish and how does this compare against the Gospel of Mark? Mark also begins with Jesus Christ As the Son of God without explaining how the seed of Eve can be the Son of God let alone how the Son of God is related to the Son of Man. Mark is going to only focus on what Isaiah predicted about John the Baptist and from there onwards but until how far? The role of Satan. In Matthew is at the end of Satan’s role but in Mark it is the start of that role. By the time of Matthew that role is over and Satan has fought the good fight from the very beginning. It took Satan so long back in heaven before he got thrown out and that was because it took him that long to organise the rebellion in the first place. To organise a rebellion in an almost perfect place is no mean feat but he managed to do that and that tells us just how good he is at doing his job. God could choose no greater adversary than Satan. He really came to the fore in the next 1500 years when evil spiralled out of control to such an extent that God had no choice but to destroy this earth which He did in Noah’s flood. After the flood God was not going to allow the earth to spiral out of control and each human being and each nation were given a cup of iniquity which when they filled would lead to their destruction. It was during this time that the Day of Atonement was extended to include not just Eve but also Abraham and Adam and anyone else who wanted to confess their sins and to return to God. Matthew was the end of Satan era but Mark was the beginning of the final session. Mark is much more focused on a tiny period of time, but Matthew tries to include the whole picture. The scriptural support that they give for their case therefore has to also be wildly different. What was important to Mark like the physical being of Jesus was glossed over by Matthew. By Matthew Satan knew that the end had come for him and instead of hiding way back inside those caves he came out and he met with Jesus and tried to make a compromise with Him. Just wondering Mark was the start of this period and if at all possible Satan was not going to allow it to happen at all. So what does Luke add to the above picture? At this early stage all I can do

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    is to pick individual versus. Leprosy does come up again at a critical time and therefore I expand it out to its spiritual equivalent of sin.—

    Luke is trying to tie together two systems or maybe even two lots of two systems. Are they the Old and New Testaments, the Day of Atonement and the cross of Good Friday or is he trying to put a stamp on the animal sacrifice system and confirming its authenticity? Peter was already clean when Jesus went to wash his feet he had already been through the animal sacrifice system and the Day of Atonement. Not one animal had died for nothing and that certainly would be the case if the animals that are to die were brought back to life in the heaven above and live forever more. Before we go back to verse 14 where Jesus tells this man to go and show himself to the priest and to offer the sacrifices that Moses commanded for your cleansing as a testimony to them. The cleansing was from leprosy and the cleansing was from sin which in the early stages of the Ministry of Jesus could only have come from the coming Day of Atonement. But how does this tie in with patching in old wineskins with new patches and which drink is supposed to go into which wine skin and why the conclusion, “the old is better!” It could not relate to the mixing of the old and new Testaments as it was Jesus who sent Nicodemus back into the Sinai and to look at Moses when he had lifted up the bronze snake. It could well refer to bringing forward the animal sacrificial system and try to put it into place after the cross of Good Friday or even where we are at now, the soon coming of the Day of Atonement. God was far more lenient and tolerant of the mistakes of His people before the cross then after it. He allowed multiple wives, Holy Spirit was not available to all and copies of the Scripture were very rare. The leaders of society were even more greedy and corrupt than they are today if that is a possibility. No doubt they consumed more than their fair share of fermented drinks of alcoholic wines. Slavery was widespread as it is today and God imposed boundaries on how slaves are to be treated. Under such conditions alcohol would reap same rewards as it does today and they were saying the old is better and will be much easy to live under the old system with its three or four compulsory trips to the temple and then how the rest is time off. Today our bodies are the temple and there is no time off and this certainly could be regarded as the old is better.

    It is not really relevant weather that the leprosy this man had was self-imposed or sent so that the name of God could be glorified. It was leprosy and it had been cured. Sin had been cleansed and this early in the ministry of Jesus Christ that cleansing had taken place via the scapegoat of the Day of Atonement and Peter was clean. But this man did not himself take the scapegoat to the temple for the Day of Atonement, it had to be the sacrifice that Moses commanded for the cleansing of sin that it with all the other sacrifices would culminate on the cross of the Day of Atonement. Many things which are still to happen in our lives and especially in heaven can be taken as having occurred already this can only happen by faith for which an example is set by those who lowered the paralytic through the roof and into the presence of Jesus. It is going to take faith to believe that the cross of Good Friday has already occurred and that the cross of the Day of Atonement will soon occur. But it is only the involvement of the Holy Spirit in Scripture that is capable enough to address the issues of versus 22 to 25. It is that only here that the issue of tying in the genealogy between the Virgin Mary and Eve’s seed are completed and that is the issue of forgiveness of sin. The Jews are perfectly right in saying that only God can forgive sin and that did happen on the cross of Good Friday which covered all confessed sins and the unconfessed unintentional sins, or 70 trillion of them are still the issue. Many theologies verge in these verses which by the time of Luke had been extended out to Leviticus 16 and the scapegoat. What an in-depth question that Roman soldier asked when he came down to arrest Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane on that Thursday night: “Who is this Jesus?” I do not think that the cross of Good Friday was an option at the time when Jesus made this statement. It is the calling of the first four disciples which contain the real treasure in that this is how the Ministry of Jesus Christ began by telling Peter to fish where he had caught nothing but finished up with two

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    boats of fish and this is how it will also end with Jesus telling Peter to fish where he had caught nothing but this time it will be the heavenly harvest of the eternities to come as recorded in the last chapter of the Gospel of John. Much water is to flow between these two points. Another incident that is recorded in all three Synoptics is the calling of Levi, Matthew the tax collector. It seems as if the love of money that Matthew had has to be dispensed of before any rewards can be gained from the cross of the Day of Atonement. As the healing of Peter’s mother-in-law is also included indicates that it is a privilege to wait on Jesus and the purpose of our lives. All this preparation that is going on now occurs after Jesus cleansing the temple for the first time but to allocate days to them would be purely Guessametric! (A powerful technique used by the scientific, engineering and medical worlds and helps to support the world of the rigorametric!) Issues after chapter 5 are the Lord of the Sabbath, the 12 apostles, blessings and woes, love for enemies, judging others, a tree and its fruit, and the wise and foolish builders. Events before; Jesus heals many, Jesus dries out an evil spirit, Jesus rejected at Nazareth, the temptation of Jesus and the baptism and genealogy of Jesus. There is still the issue of out of all those hundreds of demons that Jesus drove out of people and if you were told not to say only about. The start of the challenge to Satan and to put him on notice something that he knows already is soon to occur is written up the Gospel of Mark chapter 1 versus 21 to 27. We already know the response of Satan at the end of this ministry when he knew that it was all over red Rover and he was willing to exchange his physical body for a spiritual body only and by leaving his physical body would avoid the process of torture. It is significant that it happened on the Sabbath day but I’m will need to come back to this point when I have had a look at the Sabbath in Eden as 1/7 day of creation. It did have a double stamp of the daily sacrifice and it was the unit into which time is divided. It may even be that Jesus began this ministry on the sabbath day. His enemy knew what it was about and that the holy one of God had come down to destroy Satan by crushing his head and then going on some eight days later to finish time as at the Day of Atonement. It was the evil spirit within him that either made or acknowledged the challenge that Jesus was now making to Satan, He was the correct one to make it and He stated the result; the destruction of Satan. Jesus was actually making a break in the link between humanity and divinity which Adam had made almost 4000 years ago. This link was not going to be easily broken and this is indicated by, “The evil spirit shook the man violently and came out of him with a shriek”. Satan had offered the maximum resistance that it was possible for him to offer. If the idea here was for Jesus to establish his authority over the evil world and as the Holy One of God and Jesus had done this and was witnessed by many people.(+134235 +2000)








    1. Luke 5:36-;, ‘if he does, he will have torn the new garment, and the patch from the new will not match the old. And no one pours new wine into old wineskins. If he does, the new wine will burst the skins, why will run out in the wineskins will be ruined. No, new wine must be poured into new wineskins. And no one after drinking old wine wants the new, for he says, “the old is better”’.

    [As late as the night of the foot washing the apostle Peter who not only had instructions from Jesus but direct revelations from God still did not have the slightest idea of what was going on. He did not realise that he was clean already. And sadly on resurrection Sunday morning this condition apply to all the apostles such was the degree of inflection that occurred on the night of foot washing and there were many other inflections along the way and the possibility of which began right back on the first day of creation which itself was a unit of 24-hour timeslot which contained the twin sacrifice. Satan who is a much bigger player than most acknowledge him to be had already experienced three Passovers with Jesus and his disciples and he knew that the Passover that would begin with and probably one day before was going to be of no value to him and his final countdown of existence would begin. He either entered into Judas on this night or he never would and this one feature of Satan comes up through his existence; leave it for the very last minute! I do not know how confusion is graded but the state of confusion at the end of Mark has not been aided by visiting Luke but then again this is not the first time or the last time that confusion will reign! It may be easy enough to say that the confusion would drop away once I accept that the fact that this world was created and needed to exist for some 3889 and then pass into a heavenly state some 2000 years ago. But against that background runs the fact that the daily sacrifice began on day one of creation. There was nothing new about it! It was brought into focus on Mount Sinai some 2500 years later when God rewrote the 10 Commandments onto stone tablets supplied by man and then some 1400 years later Jesus did fulfil both these events. It is very hard to ignore the burnt offering that hung on the cross on Good Friday on Mount Calvary between the hours of 3 PM and 4 PM and what happened on either side of them. The story that the three synoptic gospels are trying to tell is that this event did not occur and there was no need for it for humanity could live in heaven forevermore and they have

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    started off in Eden and they will finish up for the eternities to come on planet Earth and the tent of meeting. There would only be one sacrifice that would be required and that would be the Day of Atonement. And so Matthew who gives an overview of up to and including this day begins with, “Abraham was the father of Isaac”. Further down this statement is expanded out to Eve’s seed and the dual role that it had of crushing Satan’s head and having its heel bruised. Its role was further expanded when Melchizedek out of the scapegoat to the Day of Atonement. Matthew thus establishes the pillar of support on whom this Day of Atonement will rely. He then gives a small scriptural support of the birth and the early life of this character. All three gospels will rely on the baptism of Jesus and the existence of John the Baptist. These are essentials of heaven whether that heaven be down here on earth or up there somewhere in the new universe. John the Baptist becomes and remains the most privileged of prophets and the point at which the bond that formed when the Holy Spirit conceived the child Jesus in the womb of the Virgin Mary was broken and the two became separate entities. Say for arguments sake that John the Baptist was born six months before the child Jesus. Does this mean that that the Holy Spirit was present at the conception of John the Baptist and was with him during the first six months of his life as the Holy Spirit only formed that bond with the child Jesus at the conception of the child Jesus? In other words was the Holy Spirit able to come to earth at any time because it was not bonded to the child Jesus? Once child Jesus was conceived the Holy Spirit was on planet Earth also all the time when Jesus was growing up and with Jesus after the moment that John the Baptist was beheaded when the Holy Spirit returned to heaven as a separate entity? This would have achieved its dual role as the fine linen to be present under the robe of righteousness that Jesus would give us on entry into either the heaven down here or the heaven above. In other words who was this Melchizedek? So Matthew is the big picture and it certainly does start at the start where does it finish and how does this compare against the Gospel of Mark? Mark also begins with Jesus Christ As the Son of God without explaining how the seed of Eve can be the Son of God let alone how the Son of God is related to the Son of Man. Mark is going to only focus on what Isaiah predicted about John the Baptist and from there onwards but until how far? The role of Satan. In Matthew is at the end of Satan’s role but in Mark it is the start of that role. By the time of Matthew that role is over and Satan has fought the good fight from the very beginning. It took Satan so long back in heaven before he got thrown out and that was because it took him that long to organise the rebellion in the first place. To organise a rebellion in an almost perfect place is no mean feat but he managed to do that and that tells us just how good he is at doing his job. God could choose no greater adversary than Satan. He really came to the fore in the next 1500 years when evil spiralled out of control to such an extent that God had no choice but to destroy this earth which He did in Noah’s flood. After the flood God was not going to allow the earth to spiral out of control and each human being and each nation were given a cup of iniquity which when they filled would lead to their destruction. It was during this time that the Day of Atonement was extended to include not just Eve but also Abraham and Adam and anyone else who wanted to confess their sins and to return to God. Matthew was the end of Satan era but Mark was the beginning of the final session. Mark is much more focused on a tiny period of time, but Matthew tries to include the whole picture. The scriptural support that they give for their case therefore has to also be wildly different. What was important to Mark like the physical being of Jesus was glossed over by Matthew. By Matthew Satan knew that the end had come for him and instead of hiding way back inside those caves he came out and he met with Jesus and tried to make a compromise with Him. Just wondering Mark was the start of this period and if at all possible Satan was not going to allow it to happen at all. So what does Luke add to the above picture? At this early stage all I can do

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    is to pick individual versus. Leprosy does come up again at a critical time and therefore I expand it out to its spiritual equivalent of sin.—

    Luke is trying to tie together two systems or maybe even two lots of two systems. Are they the Old and New Testaments, the Day of Atonement and the cross of Good Friday or is he trying to put a stamp on the animal sacrifice system and confirming its authenticity? Peter was already clean when Jesus went to wash his feet he had already been through the animal sacrifice system and the Day of Atonement. Not one animal had died for nothing and that certainly would be the case if the animals that are to die were brought back to life in the heaven above and live forever more. Before we go back to verse 14 where Jesus tells this man to go and show himself to the priest and to offer the sacrifices that Moses commanded for your cleansing as a testimony to them. The cleansing was from leprosy and the cleansing was from sin which in the early stages of the Ministry of Jesus could only have come from the coming Day of Atonement. But how does this tie in with patching in old wineskins with new patches and which drink is supposed to go into which wine skin and why the conclusion, “the old is better!” It could not relate to the mixing of the old and new Testaments as it was Jesus who sent Nicodemus back into the Sinai and to look at Moses when he had lifted up the bronze snake. It could well refer to bringing forward the animal sacrificial system and try to put it into place after the cross of Good Friday or even where we are at now, the soon coming of the Day of Atonement. God was far more lenient and tolerant of the mistakes of His people before the cross then after it. He allowed multiple wives, Holy Spirit was not available to all and copies of the Scripture were very rare. The leaders of society were even more greedy and corrupt than they are today if that is a possibility. No doubt they consumed more than their fair share of fermented drinks of alcoholic wines. Slavery was widespread as it is today and God imposed boundaries on how slaves are to be treated. Under such conditions alcohol would reap same rewards as it does today and they were saying the old is better and will be much easy to live under the old system with its three or four compulsory trips to the temple and then how the rest is time off. Today our bodies are the temple and there is no time off and this certainly could be regarded as the old is better.

    It is not really relevant weather that the leprosy this man had was self-imposed or sent so that the name of God could be glorified. It was leprosy and it had been cured. Sin had been cleansed and this early in the ministry of Jesus Christ that cleansing had taken place via the scapegoat of the Day of Atonement and Peter was clean. But this man did not himself take the scapegoat to the temple for the Day of Atonement, it had to be the sacrifice that Moses commanded for the cleansing of sin that it with all the other sacrifices would culminate on the cross of the Day of Atonement. Many things which are still to happen in our lives and especially in heaven can be taken as having occurred already this can only happen by faith for which an example is set by those who lowered the paralytic through the roof and into the presence of Jesus. It is going to take faith to believe that the cross of Good Friday has already occurred and that the cross of the Day of Atonement will soon occur. But it is only the involvement of the Holy Spirit in Scripture that is capable enough to address the issues of versus 22 to 25. It is that only here that the issue of tying in the genealogy between the Virgin Mary and Eve’s seed are completed and that is the issue of forgiveness of sin. The Jews are perfectly right in saying that only God can forgive sin and that did happen on the cross of Good Friday which covered all confessed sins and the unconfessed unintentional sins, or 70 trillion of them are still the issue. Many theologies verge in these verses which by the time of Luke had been extended out to Leviticus 16 and the scapegoat. What an in-depth question that Roman soldier asked when he came down to arrest Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane on that Thursday night: “Who is this Jesus?” I do not think that the cross of Good Friday was an option at the time when Jesus made this statement. It is the calling of the first four disciples which contain the real treasure in that this is how the Ministry of Jesus Christ began by telling Peter to fish where he had caught nothing but finished up with two

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    boats of fish and this is how it will also end with Jesus telling Peter to fish where he had caught nothing but this time it will be the heavenly harvest of the eternities to come as recorded in the last chapter of the Gospel of John. Much water is to flow between these two points. Another incident that is recorded in all three Synoptics is the calling of Levi, Matthew the tax collector. It seems as if the love of money that Matthew had has to be dispensed of before any rewards can be gained from the cross of the Day of Atonement. As the healing of Peter’s mother-in-law is also included indicates that it is a privilege to wait on Jesus and the purpose of our lives. All this preparation that is going on now occurs after Jesus cleansing the temple for the first time but to allocate days to them would be purely Guessametric! (A powerful technique used by the scientific, engineering and medical worlds and helps to support the world of the rigorametric!) Issues after chapter 5 are the Lord of the Sabbath, the 12 apostles, blessings and woes, love for enemies, judging others, a tree and its fruit, and the wise and foolish builders. Events before; Jesus heals many, Jesus dries out an evil spirit, Jesus rejected at Nazareth, the temptation of Jesus and the baptism and genealogy of Jesus. There is still the issue of out of all those hundreds of demons that Jesus drove out of people and if you were told not to say only about. The start of the challenge to Satan and to put him on notice something that he knows already is soon to occur is written up the Gospel of Mark chapter 1 versus 21 to 27. We already know the response of Satan at the end of this ministry when he knew that it was all over red Rover and he was willing to exchange his physical body for a spiritual body only and by leaving his physical body would avoid the process of torture. It is significant that it happened on the Sabbath day but I’m will need to come back to this point when I have had a look at the Sabbath in Eden as 1/7 day of creation. It did have a double stamp of the daily sacrifice and it was the unit into which time is divided. It may even be that Jesus began this ministry on the sabbath day. His enemy knew what it was about and that the holy one of God had come down to destroy Satan by crushing his head and then going on some eight days later to finish time as at the Day of Atonement. It was the evil spirit within him that either made or acknowledged the challenge that Jesus was now making to Satan, He was the correct one to make it and He stated the result; the destruction of Satan. Jesus was actually making a break in the link between humanity and divinity which Adam had made almost 4000 years ago. This link was not going to be easily broken and this is indicated by, “The evil spirit shook the man violently and came out of him with a shriek”. Satan had offered the maximum resistance that it was possible for him to offer. If the idea here was for Jesus to establish his authority over the evil world and as the Holy One of God and Jesus had done this and was witnessed by many people.(+134235 +2000)

    1. I cannot say that God turn the switch on and it was wrong because of the following reasons. God cannot and never has done anything wrong and so I say that JK turned the switch on of time and the following problem appeared immediately. The time that I switched on was on the omnipresence of Jesus Christ and therefore it was on light and life and if this was the case then creation should be started off with 12 hours of light followed by darkness but it started with 12 hours of darkness which was followed by 12 hours of light. But you may say that at noon on Good Friday on Mount Calvary the world appeared to go dark but the reality was that it was the most intense light that has ever or could ever appear. It was so intense and it was so bright that when the beast within me stood up and wanted to claim me, this beast was destroyed by the light at the time. It was so bright in fact that it does not appear that bright in the final hell that the wicked dead are going to and because light is not bright enough evil is not destroyed and finishes up in the 200 miles of the blood of the wicked and that can only be destroyed by Peter’s conflagration which also

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    destroys all matter including planets and stars and everything else that was created except for Eden2 and this refuge remains forever being attached to the new universe. Can any of the gospels be of any help to us here? Matthew begins with Jesus Christ the son of David and the son of Abraham as the core of the genealogy and then proceeds onto Isaac, Jacob, Judah and Pérez and the rest. This genealogy is marked by a high point, Abraham and a low point, the son of David and from here it goes through the two great sacrifices of history. The first one is the story of Abraham and Isaac and how Abraham put his only begotten son on the altar, tied him up and had the fire to light when God stops him. It is a repulsive story and it is repulsive because it follows the results of sin; sin is going to lead God the Father to take God the Son and Bind Him on a Cross and put him into hell where He will suffer for their 70 trillion sins to which He has pleaded guilty to. This is the Day of Atonement on 10 – 07 – 486 in some 1800 years time. Abraham did not strike Isaac down but an intermission occurred and this will still happen. But what was this intermission was it Jesus on the cross of Good Friday which certainly did postpone time or was this intermission the appearance of the scapegoat in the Day of Atonement ceremony which again would prolong Abraham striking Isaac down. The answer lies in a substitute that God provided for this prolonging of time, was it a one year old lamb without defect and which therefore told us that intermission was due to the appearance of the cross of Good Friday or was it a RAM which was the burnt offering for the Day of Atonement? The animal that was caught in those bushes was a RAM and therefore involved the Day of Atonement. No, the genealogy of Matthew is concerned within the two cycles present within salvation. What about the Gospel of Mark then? It to begins in the beginning but it’s anchor point is Jesus Christ The Son of God and then focuses this on a very narrow spectrum within the spectrum of salvation. The Gospel of Luke also has an anchor point as a genealogy but as yet we have not visited it yet. Going onto the Gospel of John would seem a logical extension as the Gospel of John is about the cross of Jesus Christ and this in fact is also the basic unit of time that is introduced in Genesis. ‘In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. ‘ The omnipresence of Jesus Christ as light and life was present as the Word in the beginning and this Word was with God as it streamed from the throne room of God in all directions and this  Word was God, He was with God in the beginning.’ You would expect some sort of correlation as we are talking about the same thing. ‘Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that light was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness is not understood it.’ This seems to say what I am trying to say. But there is more detail in the book of Genesis about these creations. If the following is oversimplifying the matter then it is because it comes from a simple mind but if it crosses the border to blasphemy and should be put into square brackets.[The two components that Jesus says that He is made of are light and life and two components may constitute a mixture. Any mixture can be heterogeneous or homogeneous and a simple example would be if we take the light of Jesus as being represented by sand and the life within Jesus being represented by sugar crystals we can either mix them thoroughly and come up with a homogeneous mixture or if they are not mixed properly there would still be layers of sand and sugar within it. This would be a heterogeneous mixture and could not represent the nature of Jesus because you could not have areas of life with no light or light with no life, they must be uniformly mixed. The point being that once time is turned on this homogeneous mixture it will light up a certain section of it but even the bit that is not affected by time will still have the same properties as the bit that was turned on providing of course there is no reaction between the time and either light or life. When the time was turned on it did not really create space, distance or the heavens they were only how long it took you to travel between two spots of time and there were many trillions of spots of time to travel between. No we need another role for space or the heavens;

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    ‘In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.’ So the role of the heavens then was to hold up the earth. Time itself had extra ordinary properties and after all it was the twin lamb sacrifice or the daily sacrifice and the reason why anything and anyone could exist because of time. So time itself also had a supportive role and could hold up a universe so that we can live on it. But in those first 12 hours of darkness, time, distance and earth were created. The omnipresence of Jesus Christ have no bounds and have no limits but they were confined by time and this confinement is called the universe. The time instantaneously crisscrossed and filled the universe but it did not go outside of this universe. Even within this universe it did not light up all the omnipresence of Jesus Christ so even though the omnipresence of Jesus Christ of light and life is a homogeneous mixture it was not turned on all in the one-time but time  that but has not been turned on we could still describe as dark matter and dark energy. After 12 hours of darkness at 6 AM it was God Gave the command to the Holy Spirit that surrounded the earth and the water that was around it, “Let there be light!” This initial divine light was supposed to combine with time and both together they produce the force of gravity which would work on a formless and empty world but this light flashed outwards from the world and filled the region that had been created by time and thus gravity also filled the whole world or at least by the end of the first day. On a spiritual scale I have a combination of divine light and let’s face it it is divine time because it is the existence of the full extent of the love of Jesus Christ and it is those divine entities that combine to produce another divine entity which I call The Christ and this entity that becomes the linkage between Jesus and God. Yes I am aware that The Christ did not exist until this point and even did not exist during the first 12 hours of darkness but I am going to use this scenario until it falls over in Scripture. Yes a lot of things happened in the creation week that had not happened before and the biggest one yet, the birth of Jesus Christ was still to come. Yes Jesus was Eve’s seed.

    A pleasant aspect of studying the Bible is that you can never be sure of what you are going to find. The reason I keep coming back to Genesis is because it is the first chapter in the science book called the Bible and it is here that enough interest in me will be awaken to make me seek the truth about Who this Creator actually is. Satan knows that this is a successful technique and under no condition will he allow you to do this and make sure this doesn’t happen and introduces his two greatest weapons; evolution and Big Bang. Because these two theories are in the realm of the absurd and the insane they have no logic and therefore cannot be proven or disproven. They make language meaningless because words cannot be defined; you call it black but I call it white and both claim they are right! It does not mean that all the evolutionists or Big Bangers say is wrong. I may assume that my car runs around because it has a dinosaur under the bonnet and even though I can give you the exact chemistry and physics of glass of paint of rubber of steel and other components of the car still will not prove that there is a dinosaur under my bonnet. Evolutionists hang known facts of their theory of evolution which are correct but that does not prove the original theory of evolution or Big Bang. That is the problem with which I am now struggling in Genesis is to determine what other known facts about this wondrous universe but which are hung on a theory of absurdity. There are many facts that we still need to relate to to help people to understand Genesis and the privilege of revealing some of these facts may not belong to me but may have been given some of the creationists in this field. But that does not stop any other “Christian” from inquiring about them and I for one have found profound truths within Genesis so far. It may be a tall claim to make if you think that I’m struggling with just two variables. You cannot have one variable because if there was only one choice they cannot be a variable but I have two so this can at least be included as variables. Once I have come upon the answer I will be able to say that, “when God created the angels and the angelic hosts He placed them in “and here are the two variables the tent of meeting which was

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    either on this earth or nearby or attached to the throne room of God. These are the only two entities that exist during the first three days of creation and therefore the only place angelic hosts can be placed when they are created on day four unless of course they are placed onto one of the many stars that are created on that day. But this is non-scriptural Scripture speaks about the tent of meeting being close to or a part of the Most Holy Place. Let us make a case for and against the tent of meeting being on earth which was created on day one or being in the throne room of God which was never created but has always existed. In the next universe they will be connected albeit with a foundation which is 1600 miles high but up there there will be no evil and no possibility of evil and there will be no sin or possibility of sin and I am not quite sure where John was standing when he saw the New Jerusalem or the throne room of God coming down out of the sky. Where it settled would have been the tent of meeting for the eternities to come. In the sanctuary in the desert and the permanent temple of Jerusalem both the Holy Place all the tent of meeting was directly connected to the Most Holy Place and this is supposed to be a shadow of what is up in the sky today then these units today are above us and are connected. So they will be connected in the new universe, they are connected up there somewhere today but were they connected, “in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” The angels created on day four would not be allowed to be placed inside of the throne room of God as there was a major rebellion on the way. The possibility of evil and it will materialise and many of them would sin. No they had to be placed somewhere and at a significant distance from the throne room of God which presumably is near the centre of the universe. But couldn’t God first create a tiny little pocket for them next to his throne room where they could be placed? Perhaps Eden2 after all it will play a critical role in the Day of Atonement does not matter whether this occurs in some 1800 years time or even 2000 years ago. He could but I cannot see that in Scripture. —

    From this very simple analysis that this first earth created was supposed to be a tent of meeting of the earth of the eternities to come. Thus by the end of day one sanctuary was complete, throne room of God was ready as it always had been and at the right distance tent of meeting was created so that it could take the results of the revolt that was going to occur, be patched up and thens continue for the eternities to come. All that was missing now was the courtyard to enclose the sanctuary and it was The Christ Who this construction and significance of why this construction occurred over seven distinct days continues to evade me. Why not construct the fence posts for the courtyard on the same day or even before both the Holy Place and the Most Holy Place were finished. Why wait for and allocate one day out of 7 to put up these fence posts? The fence posts were constructed during the next 12 hours of darkness and 12 hours of light and presumably half were built in darkness and half in light. It was not just a matter of waving a wand but a discrete unit of time being used up. The most amazing discrete unit of time so far has been day three of creation there has been no one around to see what happened on day one a day to of creation just like there is going to be the saints in heaven looking on as our new home of eternity is being built and we will see these discrete steps. (+135914 +2000)s

    1. The struggle with Genesis continues. Very soon the two variables that I have at this stage, the throne room of God where God has always existed and the newly created earth or the tent of meeting again to increase from two up to 600,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 and no one will quibble that this is a significant increase! But then again if you are one that looks at the odds stacked against you you are the one that does not get very far in life! So far, “in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth”, and God turned on the lights, divine lights and we have day one and the

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    basic unit of time which will now be repeated for the eternities to come but we will be able to avoid the hours of night if we are within the throne room of God itself. Day two is a day of fascination and I was going to try to put labels onto the forces that operated on this day. Unfortunately they are not forces that we see today and it had to be miraculous acts that occurred. The fence posts could not have been placed around the throne room of God before because it has always existed, so they were placed after the sanctuary, a combination of the throne room of God and the tent of meeting had been completed and they were placed immediately afterwards. They were made of the same material that the original tent of meeting was made from and this therefore indicates that they have the same privileges that the tent of meeting had and that it was first born. It will still need sheeting placed between them to complete the courtyard of the posts should stand out from the sheeting. So day two of creation was also an act of creating the sanctuary what really strikes me about this day is how distinctive each day of creation was. If this does not show me the significance of the separation of each day and nothing will! On day two of creation waters on this earth were lifted into the sky and they left an expanse between the waters below as some ocean still did remain and the waters above which were formed from the rising water to form fence posts in a sphere around the sanctuary. From the moment that the first few tons of water started to be lifted and they stopped pushing down on the plates under them, these plates should have started floating further and further up in the magma they were floating on. This not happen even as the last drops of water were lifted up and above the expanse. All the pressure holding them down was gone but the plates did not begin to rise until the start of day three which was 12 hours of darkness. The forces involved in floatation and that came in at the start of day three but they did not operate over the whole 24 hours as over the last three hours of daylight also God produced seed bearing plants which then covered the earth. Or did they? There was one area that did not have any plants and in the new universe we know this will be because the New Jerusalem, the holy City is going to come down and rest on this area and that is probably why it did not have any plants on it. What about the bare patch of ground on which God would later plant the garden of Eden and put Adam and Eve into it? It would certainly sort out a lot of problems for us if during the creation of all those stars and the problem of placing them God had just transplanted this area, plants and all and attached them onto the throne room of God. It would explain why it was bare and needed to be replanted with a replacement garden of Eden, it would give us Eden2 right near throne room of God in a place where God placed angelic host when they were created, it will give us a place where Enoch and Elijah and all those holy people who came out of the graves at 3 PM on Good Friday would be in right now, it will give us a place where we are going to spend the first 1800 years of our existence until God ties all the odds and ends on this universe before it is destroyed and it would give us a place where Jesus could have taken the 99 sheep on Thursday night whilst the events of Daniel chapter 9 were being carried out before the return to the one and only Day of Atonement and the beginning of eternity and it will also give us an archive for the events that happened on this earth and ones we would like to forget and these archives could be attached to universe. We can also use them for the last 10 or whatever years this planet survives for. There are many places that we can use for Eden2 and it qualifies as such because it’s origins can be traced back to day one of creation. But it is also a possibility that this patch of ground was left bare in anticipation for the creation of the garden of Eden being there. An optimistic way of looking at day four of creation and that almost no commentary at all has been supplied for it at least there is still plenty of room for improvements and not many errors have been made! And the same can be said about day five and six! But a pressing issue has appeared in our commentary on the miracles of Jesus and that is Luke and particularly the genealogy that is found in this gospel. Forget the genealogy of both John and Mark because they both go back to, the beginning but not so

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    with Matthew or Luke. When I thought I could understand some of the significance behind about 12 of the names in Matthew I decided to begin my commentary on this topic and is now the same struggle to understand some of significance about a dozen names in the genealogy of Luke before I attempt a commentary on it. It is more than confusing and confusing enough to require the writing of the ideas down into square brackets and then try to draw something from them. [Adam was the first born son of God. First born as in the first of humanity either male or female, son as in male and personally formed by God Himself. He therefore had all firstborn rights and when the angel of death passed over those Israelite homes that had the blood of the Passover lamb on their door frames this angel should not kill any of the firstborn sons of Adam but unfortunately there were many events up to this time. The angel of death was keeping an eye out for signs of Israel whereas from the genealogy before in Matthew I think he should have been looking out for the firstborn sons of Judah as it was Judah that resulted from the cross Good Friday and as the lion he went on to become one of the creatures around the throne. Israel did not come into existence until Jacob stole firstborn rights from Esau and their transaction was registered and approved in heaven. Although the differences between Jacob and Israel appear to be small it is our differences of firstborn which makes all the difference in the world in many cultures and monarchies today and is so back then even though technically Jesus was not the first born son of God. He materialised from something He had always been where  Adam materialised from nothing and therefore was technically firstborn. Thus when the big banquet is held in heaven we have to notice who is actually there? Was it Abraham, Isaac and Jacob or was it Abraham, Isaac and Israel? You are distinguishing between the Day of Atonement and the cross Good Friday. The changes to the genealogy are more profound if you start with Adam. Like the rights of any firstborn which had they can be accepted or they can be rejected as Adam and Esau did. This does not mean that Adam did not father humanity it just means that he lost his firstborn rights.  (+137371 +2000)







    1. The struggle with Genesis continues. Very soon the two variables that I have at this stage, the throne room of God where God has always existed and the newly created earth or the tent of meeting again to increase from two up to 600,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 and no one will quibble that this is a significant increase! But then again if you are one that looks at the odds stacked against you you are the one that does not get very far in life! So far, “in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth”, and God turned on the lights, divine lights and we have day one and the

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    basic unit of time which will now be repeated for the eternities to come but we will be able to avoid the hours of night if we are within the throne room of God itself. Day two is a day of fascination and I was going to try to put labels onto the forces that operated on this day. Unfortunately they are not forces that we see today and it had to be miraculous acts that occurred. The fence posts could not have been placed around the throne room of God before because it has always existed, so they were placed after the sanctuary, a combination of the throne room of God and the tent of meeting had been completed and they were placed immediately afterwards. They were made of the same material that the original tent of meeting was made from and this therefore indicates that they have the same privileges that the tent of meeting had and that it was first born. It will still need sheeting placed between them to complete the courtyard of the posts should stand out from the sheeting. So day two of creation was also an act of creating the sanctuary what really strikes me about this day is how distinctive each day of creation was. If this does not show me the significance of the separation of each day and nothing will! On day two of creation waters on this earth were lifted into the sky and they left an expanse between the waters below as some ocean still did remain and the waters above which were formed from the rising water to form fence posts in a sphere around the sanctuary. From the moment that the first few tons of water started to be lifted and they stopped pushing down on the plates under them, these plates should have started floating further and further up in the magma they were floating on. This not happen even as the last drops of water were lifted up and above the expanse. All the pressure holding them down was gone but the plates did not begin to rise until the start of day three which was 12 hours of darkness. The forces involved in floatation and that came in at the start of day three but they did not operate over the whole 24 hours as over the last three hours of daylight also God produced seed bearing plants which then covered the earth. Or did they? There was one area that did not have any plants and in the new universe we know this will be because the New Jerusalem, the holy City is going to come down and rest on this area and that is probably why it did not have any plants on it. What about the bare patch of ground on which God would later plant the garden of Eden and put Adam and Eve into it? It would certainly sort out a lot of problems for us if during the creation of all those stars and the problem of placing them God had just transplanted this area, plants and all and attached them onto the throne room of God. It would explain why it was bare and needed to be replanted with a replacement garden of Eden, it would give us Eden2 right near throne room of God in a place where God placed angelic host when they were created, it will give us a place where Enoch and Elijah and all those holy people who came out of the graves at 3 PM on Good Friday would be in right now, it will give us a place where we are going to spend the first 1800 years of our existence until God ties all the odds and ends on this universe before it is destroyed and it would give us a place where Jesus could have taken the 99 sheep on Thursday night whilst the events of Daniel chapter 9 were being carried out before the return to the one and only Day of Atonement and the beginning of eternity and it will also give us an archive for the events that happened on this earth and ones we would like to forget and these archives could be attached to universe. We can also use them for the last 10 or whatever years this planet survives for. There are many places that we can use for Eden2 and it qualifies as such because it’s origins can be traced back to day one of creation. But it is also a possibility that this patch of ground was left bare in anticipation for the creation of the garden of Eden being there. An optimistic way of looking at day four of creation and that almost no commentary at all has been supplied for it at least there is still plenty of room for improvements and not many errors have been made! And the same can be said about day five and six! But a pressing issue has appeared in our commentary on the miracles of Jesus and that is Luke and particularly the genealogy that is found in this gospel. Forget the genealogy of both John and Mark because they both go back to, the beginning but not so

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    with Matthew or Luke. When I thought I could understand some of the significance behind about 12 of the names in Matthew I decided to begin my commentary on this topic and is now the same struggle to understand some of significance about a dozen names in the genealogy of Luke before I attempt a commentary on it. It is more than confusing and confusing enough to require the writing of the ideas down into square brackets and then try to draw something from them. [Adam was the first born son of God. First born as in the first of humanity either male or female, son as in male and personally formed by God Himself. He therefore had all firstborn rights and when the angel of death passed over those Israelite homes that had the blood of the Passover lamb on their door frames this angel should not kill any of the firstborn sons of Adam but unfortunately there were many events up to this time. The angel of death was keeping an eye out for signs of Israel whereas from the genealogy before in Matthew I think he should have been looking out for the firstborn sons of Judah as it was Judah that resulted from the cross Good Friday and as the lion he went on to become one of the creatures around the throne. Israel did not come into existence until Jacob stole firstborn rights from Esau and their transaction was registered and approved in heaven. Although the differences between Jacob and Israel appear to be small it is our differences of firstborn which makes all the difference in the world in many cultures and monarchies today and is so back then even though technically Jesus was not the first born son of God. He materialised from something He had always been where  Adam materialised from nothing and therefore was technically firstborn. Thus when the big banquet is held in heaven we have to notice who is actually there? Was it Abraham, Isaac and Jacob or was it Abraham, Isaac and Israel? You are distinguishing between the Day of Atonement and the cross Good Friday. The changes to the genealogy are more profound if you start with Adam. Like the rights of any firstborn which had they can be accepted or they can be rejected as Adam and Esau did. This does not mean that Adam did not father humanity it just means that he lost his firstborn rights.  (+137371 +2000)

    1. We are in the book of Genesis trying to follow the history of the first human being created in this universe and that was Adam and the privileges that were bestowed on him because he was the firstborn son of God. The Bible does follow the scenario where his wife Eve did sin but Adam did not. The full account is given in the book of Numbers in chapter 6 as to what would have happened when Adam saw his wife eating the forbidden fruit and immediately screamed out to God to appear because of the disastrous situation that was unfolding. Adam did not scream but stuck by Eve regardless of where that would lead him and about lead him into oblivion or did it? As firstborn he had a double portion of rights and privileges as compared to the second and subsequent born and at this early stage we have to stay with males. It is God’s creation and if He chose to do it in this order He was perfectly entitled to do so but we also are given a free will and that includes the option of rejecting what God has done and substituting our own versions. Substitutions and alterations to perfection however will not stand the test of time and like its proponents will fade and become nothing. Another example of a double portion of blessings is the Sabbath day which has received a double portion of the daily sacrifice and is marked with the admonition, “To remember to keep holy the seventh day.” Most today will choose to ignore this admonition. What we are concentrating on now is a double portion of blessings that Adam received and and how Satan managed to take away the second portion but retained the first and what was that second portion about? Is the Bible story about Adam exercising the first portion of blessings as up to and including the Gospel of Luke and when the history of Adam1 is finished then Adam2 takes over in the Gospel of John in the Gospel of the cross of Good Friday on Mount Calvary? There are a great number of nuances between Adam1

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    and until we arrive at Adam2 even though the result was known on the first day of creation and in fact all of time was based on; the daily sacrifice. These genealogies give us the waypoints of this history and they are anything but easy to try to follow. They are difficult to follow because the end result is going to be the addition of the cross of Good Friday and the equivalent of the size of the step that is going to be required is like JK trying to adjust the two variables of the first day of creation of the Holy Place and the Most Holy Place and then turning around to find that there are six with 23 zeros number of variables to fit into this picture. If it was out of the bounds of Scripture it would not be there and thus we have to struggle with the addition of the cross of Good Friday because it actually did happen and you can see the monumental task that Satan has tried to keep us away from the treasures of what happened on this day and that will include building a door to prevent us from seeing it. As this commentary proceeds I hope to be able to pick up more and more waypoints but initially I include Adam, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Israel. The centrepoint has to be Jesus Christ and if it is not then I am just wasting my time! Firstly, did Adam lose his right as being the father of all mankind and if he did did that pass to Abraham or one of the others? Logic tells us, one of the attributes of Scripture is that it is logical this had to be the case as there were no other males in existence. But what if we invoke some real logic that is present in the theory of evolution where absurdity and insanity reign? What if it resulted from a frog on a hop mating with a hog on a jog or even a dog on its daily clog? It certainly proves that Adam was not the only one around my even in fact not have been around all! Why can’t this role as father of humanity be not moved from Adam to Abraham? The physical advantage that Adam had of the father of humanity, from whom all other human beings originated was that all timelines came back to Adam and there were none before him. So when every human being was presented before the cross of Good Friday all had to be there as all timelines are traced back to Adam. If that privilege had passed to Abraham and Abraham became the source of all timelines and all those human beings that were conceived before Abraham could not be there and that defeats the major purpose of the cross. Everyone had to be given a chance to call “accept!” Or, “reject!” And it is a sacrifice there was being shown them which is the issue. It was the daily sacrifice from the first day of creation that was on the line and is only required one rejection for it to be withdrawn. In fact there were very few who accepted it! The offer had to be withdrawn and then only represented those who accepted, in another universe. It is important to stress that this offer was not a part of the original creation of Genesis, it was never meant to be made and when it came online on Mount Sinai God wrote his 10 commandments on stone tablets supplied by Moses it still did not mean that Jesus had to go to the cross of Good Friday. And I for one continually struggle with how Adam1 can be compared to Adam2 or Jesus Christ. The struggle continues with such questions as; the Angel of death was concerned with firstborn sons of Israel or the saints or the redeemed so why worry about going back to Adam because when we get to heaven the beauty of the place will be such that Adam will not be on our screens at all and if he is he will drop off in a matter of seconds and certainly will not be there after a million years! So why worry about him at all and all we need to worry about is the firstborn sons of Israel and that we are inside the doorway which has the blood of Jesus Christ on it! This would be ignoring the physical reality of what happened and that Adam and Eve will both be up there and they will not have a genealogy and neither would anyone who was born before the time that Jacob became Israel. It points to the significance of genealogies even in the eternities to come even though they are locked up in an archive but they will all have Jesus Christ painted over them and therefore where our existence began from. It keeps going back to the Book of Numbers and chapter 19 on the red heifer. It keeps going back to Good Friday and Mount Calvary and I think that I have got my finger on the problem and that is that the burnt offering of Jesus Christ that hung on the cross of that day was not from 3

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    PM until 4 PM but from 3 PM until 4.0 1 PM. I have been unable to incorporate what happened on the cross on the day when that Roman soldier thrust that spear into the side of Jesus Christ and the water and blood that rushed from the side of Jesus Christ was to go on and change the history of humanity and for the eternities to come!

    If I tried to follow firstborn son of God and all the privileges that were bestowed on him the journey is rather short. Yes he did become the father of all human beings and by having our timeline again with Adam we can include every conceived human being and that includes Eve. But the wonderful privileges that were his, like Esau, he forfeited, he gave them up, he stood stead fast by Eve come hell or high water. He blew privileges which should have lasted for the eternities to come out the window and probably within the first 40 years of his existence. Because her sins were charged as unintentional just like the 200 million rebelling angels in heaven Eve actually appeared on the scene as it was her seed that would conduct the Day of Atonement sacrifice after first having destroyed Satan by crushing his head. As part of Scripture and been scripted and was supposed to lead to the end of time and ironically it is this part of Scripture that actually does end time. Scripturally this was the end of Adam1 but not the start of Adam2 as such. So let us try to put a tick alongside Adam2 . Abraham; the Day of Atonement. Isaac; the Day of Atonement. Jacob; probably the Day of Atonement and all three are present at the table of the feast in heaven for the synoptic gospels. Israel; if that is not the cross of Good Friday then what is? Judah; is the son of Jacob and the lion that turns up In the Most Holy Place at 3 PM on Good Friday and takes from the right hand of God the scroll which has seven seals and comes back to earth to begin opening them up. There is no doubt that Judah was present at the cross of Good Friday so this leaves Israel in limbo; was Israel involved in the Day of Atonement or the cross of Good Friday or even both? A part of that answer comes from at least the Passover itself. In the Passover the Angel of death were specifically concerned with firstborn sons of Israel who did and did not have the blood of the Passover lamb on their door frames. One would die and the other would live. This was the Passover that was established on the night of the birthday of the Christian church on 01 – 01 – 01. It was not a temple service but it involved homes of the Israelites and no doubt symbolised eternity. The lamb that died on that night was actually an animal or more correctly thousands of animals which were one year old male lambs without defect. It was their death and their blood on the door frames which prevented the Angel of death from killing firstborn sons of Israel. It was symbolic blood and it was the sacrifice that occurred at 3 PM on the day of the Passover, the 14th of the first month of each year. It related to the Day of Atonement which had already taken almost 2 ½ thousand years to set up and the journey that the Israelites were supposed to make once they left Egypt, travel through the desert and arrived on the banks of the Jordan before entry into Canaan and maybe even Jericho. There is little doubt that if Jesus had gone to the cross of the Day of Atonement as described in Leviticus 16 about 2000 years ago that this would have been the culmination of the journey that began all the time ago in Egypt and that started on 01 – 01 – 01. In the eternities to come then this Day of Atonement would have been celebrated each year for the eternities to come as a real event and no animals would have been sacrificed. But what about the Passover part of it which Jesus would not have died for when only symbolised by the death of an animal. What animals have continued to been killed each year in the heaven on earth for the eternities to come? (+139360 +2000 +300 in daily crash)s

    1. Even though the Passover inside Egypt on 01 – 01 – 01 was a complimentary affair to the existing Day of Atonement and the banner under which the Israelites began their journey from Egypt, into the Sinai desert, onto the banks of the Jordan River and across the Jordan into Canaan

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    resulted in the death of thousands of one year old male lambs without defect it was still a symbolic sacrifice and pointed to the possibility of cross Good Friday. It only became a reality on the deathknell of the night when Satan went into Judas and Judas went off to betray Jesus to the Jews. To even suggest that there would be a real animal killed in the heaven on earth will be an absurdity, there was no death or suffering or sickness in the heaven that should have come into existence 2000 years ago. There the reality would be that the Day of Atonement had taken place on 10 – 07 – 3889 and according to Leviticus 16 all sins would be gone. The reasons why Jesus did what he did on the Day of Atonement have been presented and been on show since the first day of creation and Passover was just a subset of those reasons. But at least we have a tie-in between Adam, Abraham, Isaac, scapegoat, Jacob and Isaac and why the angel of death was looking out for the firstborn sons of Israel to see whether they had the blood of the Passover lamb on the door frames of the houses. I will call this the first connection between the sons of Israel and Passover and this is a Day of Atonement connection. It is one lamb that was killed at 3 PM on Good Friday and whose blood was sprinkled on the door frames and the body of which was eaten symbolically so that the body of the sacrifice became a part of our body and would remain through history as such until the Day of Atonement and the point at which Moses died and handed over his leadership to Joshua in old Testament symbolism. Therefore to make that final inflection we need to add an extra dimension and make the Passover not just a complimentary part of the Day of Atonement but a supplementary part of it. We need now to add the 9 AM sin offering and the second lamb that was sacrificed on the cross Good Friday on Mount Calvary. The call for this infusion of the second lamb, the sin offering does not seem to add up. “Father forgive them for they know not what they do!” Would be an appropriate call for unintentional sins, all 70 trillion of them but these were not our sins, Jesus Himself will plead guilty to these sins. The sins that went to the cross Good Friday were all confessed sins and that included both intentional and unintentional. They were confessed and they went onto the perfect frame of the body of Jesus Christ and presented to the fires of hell. These sins were destroyed but not the frame itself. So it is the act of repentance or contrition and that we did not want to hurt our Saviour which generously renders our sins as, “Father forgive them for they know not what they do!” That answers many of my questions including how these single lamb sacrifice of the Passover became between lamb sacrifice on the cross of Mount Calvary or the daily sacrifice. How the Gospel of Luke mesh in with the Gospel of John. When this happens there still has to be monumental changes within the synoptic gospels including that of Luke. First and foremost marriage has to be redefined as we  the church or the bride will now be married to the bridegroom or Jesus Christ. This does not happen until the wedding feast in heaven when the Holy Spirit arrives back from earth and as fine linen garment between us and the robe of righteousness which we were given on entry into heaven begins to explain just a tiny bit of the beauty of this robe when we ask for hand of marriage to the bridegroom. The wedding feast takes place almost immediately and it is as a married couple that we undertake the final journey across the Jordan, into Canaan and ultimately Jericho or the throne room of God. Another item that has to be redefined is the temple of God. It would have finished up on earth as an object of beauty and in the new Jerusalem for the eternities to come as described in Daniel chapter 9. The cross of Good Friday on Mount Calvary ensures that it is going to be so much better in the new universe and the reason why it is up there because of the run-off that we had down here as a result of the cross Good Friday. The run-off was from Mount Calvary. The temple which had been in Jerusalem for over a thousand years firstly had shifted up onto Mount Calvary. Centrepoint of the temple was the altar or the cross Good Friday and this first had to be shifted to Mount Calvary. There were heady changes indeed underway but Passover was never a part of the temple service but when joined with the second lamb that was one year old and

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    a 9 AM sin offering they did become a part of the temple service. They could not just blend in with the old temple as confessed sins were not allowed, had placed on the scapegoat and taken outside of the temple and outside of the city. For the changes that would occur now to this temple and the focus of the Ministry of Jesus Christ as in the Gospel of John firstly required that this temple be cleansed before the changes began.

    What converts anything to become the temple of God is the presence of Jesus Christ. The cross that stood on Good Friday between 9 AM and 4.0 1 PM was the temple of God because of the presence of Jesus Christ. When that presence of Jesus Christ became a part of us when Jesus called for the vinegar and came to join the dead it was His presence that made our bodies into temples of God. The presence of the Holy Spirit as an intermediate is still a topic with which we have to struggle with and as beginning in Genesis. With Jesus after the second coming and for the first 1900 years we will still be the temple of God even though there will be monumental changes that have to be made. But at least there has been an attempt made to follow that character Adam through the history of time. As firstborn son, like many first born sons in different societies today and was given a double portion of privileges which we try to split into the first lot and the second lot and to follow them through. Technically at least Adam should have lost that second lot and where they went I still cannot tell with certainty. But at least there has been food put on the table for thought and maybe even enough for a first attempt at the genealogy of Luke. I do not find it all that difficult to get ahead of myself and lose the plot. And with the complexity of the genealogies it was actually quite easy. The central theme is firstborn and let us just look at the privileges of this firstborn man. He was made out of clay that came from an earth which itself was firstborn and therefore cannot be destroyed. Parts of the water around this earth were lifted into the sky to form a courtyard which of itself was therefore firstborn and cannot be destroyed. The geology of this earth whether that be tectonic plates floating on magma or something else was formed on day three and being in the presence of light, divine light makes all the difference it’s too cannot be destroyed so that clay from which Adam and the animals were made from was indeed privileged clay. But Adam was not made in the presence of divine light which ceased to exist on day three when ordinary starlight took over. But Adam was much more privileged in this because God Himself made Adam and the ultimate privilege was that Adam was in God’s image and had His breath within him. When you add up the privileges that were bestowed on Adam they are absolutely mind-boggling and it seems impossible to lose all those privileges. Overruling all those privileges however was free will and Adam was given the choice of accepting or rejecting those privileges at any time in his life. (+140833 +2300)

    1. Sooner or later the bits and pieces have to start falling into place. There are not that many variables but the two basic principles that seem to keep cropping up all the time are that of firstborn and also that was in the presence of Sonlight and not sunlight. Adam exceeded these conditions by far and so he must extra privileges as well. The clay that he was formed from came from earth that had been created on day one, the image that he was made in was that of God, it was in the presence of not just Sonlight but in the direct presence of God and Adam did have God’s breath inside of him. It is a background that it is difficult to imagine that can be exceeded spiritually and those privileges that were bestowed on him are of significance as he passed them on to Satan. It is those privileges that we are working on that Jesus has to systematically remove before he destroys Satan. Satan does not let go of any of those privileges without a fight but he only makes a final stand when he asks Jesus to allow him and his cohorts to enter into the pigs of the Gadarenes. When Satan heard that Jesus was in the area he should have withdrawn into the deepest caves but instead he

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    came out to meet Jesus as this was a last resort. Jesus was not going to go to the cross Good Friday He was going to go to the cross of the Day of Atonement and eight days before that happened Satan had to be destroyed. The compromise that Satan put to Jesus was that he was prepared to lose his physical body, to drown in the lake inside of those pigs if Jesus allowed Satan to keep his spiritual body. He must have been most surprised that Jesus allowed this compromise and since that time Satan has not had a physical body but spiritual only and even before it got to that time Satan has had most of the privileges that Adam bestowed on him removed. So for the first 4000 odd years of his existence what could Satan do that he couldn’t do for the last 4000 years? Firstly he could have drowned in Noah’s flood and I think it is in Scripture that tells us that Satan was indeed terrified and feared for his existence so he must have had physical body at that stage. Noah’s Ark stood for the body of Jesus Christ and the only way to survive this catastrophe would be to be on the ark itself which would bring you out of the water of baptism and to life eternal. Did Satan and his cohorts survive by entering into Noah’s Ark? Only humanity that were on that Ark did survive and what did happen to Satan can provide a base for our understanding spiritual beings. One day I pray that I can answer with certainty that while Satan and the angels contained physical body could they also not produce offspring with the daughters of mankind? Would it make any difference if these offspring themselves could not reproduce it would certainly tell us a lot about the genetic similarities between the heavenly host and mankind. Look at the genetic similarities between us and life in general and particularly the animal world and there is much to contemplate on! But one lot of privileges that Adam had passed on to Satan is certainly of interest to us. Adam only held his full batch of privileges for a very short time and then he blew them using Julius’ pressurised vacuum cleaner out the window. Eve also did fall but nowhere to the depth that Adam did. It was going to be Eve’s seed that would crush the head of Satan but in return have its heel bruised. She maintained a genealogy with Jesus Christ and therefore with the eternities to come. Being related to Jesus and the Day of Atonement she was a source of and the first of unintentional unconfessed sins. Adam fell off the screen almost at the start of his life but he was to return albeit under the banner of Abraham and Abraham’s seed. This was via the addition of the scapegoat to the original Day of Atonement and it was the scapegoat that added confessed intentional sins to the original agreement that God made with Eve in the garden of Eden. It now became the Day of Atonement that is described in Leviticus 16, it included Adam’s sin of the category of confessed and intentional. So in a way Adam was included along with all those others who confessed their sins. Adam sins would have been present on the Day of Atonement had it happened 2000 years ago and Adam would be in heaven today. Satan along with everyone else and that probably includes Jews today thought that this was the scenario that was going to happen. Where they were all wrong was that the Passover would change from a complimentary part of the Day of Atonement to a supplementary part of the Day of Atonement all these single lamb that would die at 3 PM would now be changed to the daily sacrifice and therefore an extra lamb would be added at 9 AM. The confessed sins of the scapegoat that included Adam sins were now moved from the Day of Atonement and onto the cross Good Friday. Adam1 had given rise to Adam2. How can the sins of Adam and Eve give rise to such magnimonios responses? And the tool to delve with this question is the tool of faith and it is the only tool that is capable of looking into the subjects of love and grace. If the worship in heaven is represented by 77 bulls and is limited because we do retain some human nature and the background level of worship is seven bulls will I be able to ever get to 77? After 1 trillion years can I get to a level of 20 and after 2 trillion years of worship can I get to 21 and after a very long time into the 70s and finally 77? Will Peter, Paul or Mary who started off at a much higher level get there before me? The answer to this question has already been addressed and the answer is no, no, no, no! It depends on the size of the

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    glass that we make for ourselves on earth here, it depends on the class of Levite that we are in and this depends on our relationship with the temple of God. Whatever the level we get to we will be perfectly satisfied where we are.

    I find it a fascinating subject to contemplate the condition of Satan at around the time of the flood and another is such subject is the garden of Eden in terms of firstborn and in Sonlight. We are probably in the last three hours day three of creation where all the continents are now above water when instantaneously covered with vegetation or seed bearing plants. They are firstborn and they give us permission to study divine light, Sonlight because those plants can live under both types of light; Sonlight now and Starlight when it appears on day four. One piece of this earth however is not covered with plants and a possible scenario is that it has been torn up and taken up to heaven and attached to the throne room of God so as to make a place for the angels when they are created. This would mean that the tent of meeting up there would have vegetation growing there and this vegetation will qualify as it is firstborn and made under the presence of Sonlight. It is the place where we will spend the first 1900 years of our existence and it is the place that will survive from this earth from this universe and be the archives of the new creation. It will have retained its privileges as firstborn and in the presence of divine light. If did not happen then we are still going to have to look around to find another place like Eden2 because whether heaven finished up here on earth or in another universe with still need a place like Eden2. This study so far has added much to my understanding of that phrase of, “Firstborn sons of Israel”.

    They were not firstborn sons of Adam as that privilege had long ago been passed in by Adam. They were firstborn sons of Israel because they were under the umbrage of of the blood of the Passover lamb and what Jesus was prepared to do for them. The journey from Egypt began as the implied blood of the Passover lamb and this journey would have led them through to heaven on this earth and for the eternities to come. So at this stage at least firstborn privileges of Adam were present at this stage and as far as everyone was concerned and then included Satan this is where it would finish. This is 10 PM on the Thursday night of 13 – 01 – 3889 in the garden of Gethsemane where all humanity lies dead in front of Jesus on His declaration that, “I AM HE!” There may have been many indications as to the possibilities of what would happen next and the result that again no one picked was that Jesus was staying on for Good Friday on Mount Calvary. There is your answer to what that Roman soldier asked that night and so many have asked since, “Who is this Jesus?” The firstborn sons of Israel also had an answer to this question but it involved a different dimension and a different universe. And it is worthy to note what part of what goes on next is actually archived for the change to come and it is a section of Scripture that we have visited many times in the ordinance of the red heifer and chapter 19 of the Book of Numbers. The situation in heaven was, on the new earth in the universe that we had spent the best part of a thousand days and Jesus had done everything possible to get us to the transition of going through the pearly gates but we were still not ready and the only solution now that remained was to show us the ordinance of the red heifer which had been archived back in Eden where we had spent the last 10 years (?) Of our existence in the old universe. So Jesus must now march us back out into the last remains of the old universe and these are very clearly and distinctly marked by a doorway in the frame of which had stars which of themselves were so intense that they penetrated from the old to the new universe. We know that these stars were drops of blood of the Passover lamb and by the time it was archived in heaven it was the red heifer. They burned a hole in the door frame and on this side, on the new universe side it was the blood of the ox or one of the natures of Jesus Christ. When we arrived there I could specifically tell you who was Moses and who was Aaron even before they examined the red heifer

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    and passed it onto Eleazar. He was the priest that was going to conduct this sacrifice. It began with Jesus personally approaching me and saying, “Julius I love you so much and I want you to spend the eternities to come within the throne room of God with Me. Unfortunately this can only be done one way and that is for you to push me into this incinerator and watch me burn into ashes.” By this time I had spent some 1800 years with Jesus at his request that was being made of me was just an impossibility and repulsive in any sense of the word. Yet my Jesus has never told a lie nor is he capable of telling a lie. Then again the alternative to not pushing him in the fire is equally impossible and repulsive and for the first time in my existence I begin to see the love that made that offer in the first place. Do I want to spend the eternities to come in the presence of that love? Again that desire cannot be expressed in words and for the first time I focus on both Moses and Aaron. The blood that flowed from Jesus side at 4 PM on Good Friday was the source of life but the water flow through his side was the sustenance of life. I am now asking Jesus for that sustenance of life, I am asking for the water that flows from the rock of Meribah. This is the water which flowed from the side of Jesus Christ at 4 PM on Good Friday and is what will maintain and sustain life for the eternities to come. The situation that I am in I no longer just desire that I be given that water but I also want to know that I can now let go and let all those inhibitions go as well that I am not just going to be in the presence of Jesus Christ  for a billion or trillion years, but that I am going to experience this love forever more! 1 trillion years is not enough as even the trillion is made up of a limited number of daily sacrifices and it will end so each day means that experience has been shortened by one day. No to fully experience the love that Jesus Christ has bestowed on me I need to know I am therefore eternities to come! By now both Moses and Aaron know what’s happening and I do ask them, “what must I do in order to receive some of this life sustaining water from the rock of Meribah? Do I have to tap the rock twice or even once? By now both Moses and Aaron know that they did indeed make a henious mistake in tapping the rock of Meribah twice. By a miraculous act that water flowed from the side of Jesus and was restored to His body on Resurrection Sunday now begins flow from under the throne of God and covers the floor of the Most Holy Place and overflows as a giant waterfall and from all directions around the new city and soaks into the earth below. This water that flowed from the side of Jesus was occupied by blood that flowed from his side at the same time. It may have been symbolic blood that saved the firstborn sons of Israel but that was in a different dimension, the blood that flowed from the cross of Good Friday was the real thing. One of the Passover lamb in Egypt and Sinai and the desert was what prevented the firstborn sons of Israel from being killed by the angel of death and so it is with the royal blood that flowed from the side of Jesus. On this day of Good Friday on Mount Calvary humanity had been shown the daily sacrifice and it only needed one rejection and there were many more than this but that rejection now resulted in the withdrawal of this daily sacrifice and of the existence of all those who rejected it and this could well have happened within minutes of 4 PM of Good Friday. What will continue to save the earth was the blood that was spilled at the base of the cross and it will continue to save the world until it is gathered and removed from this earth. The journey for the children of Israel and particularly the firstborn sons of Israel does indeed have a happy ending and by the time we are marched back again through the doorway into the new universe and onto the new earth and across the new earth and arrive at the base of the foundation that is 1600 miles high there is indeed a massive waterfall cascading down its whole length. Water flowed from the side of Jesus Christ on the cross on the Good Friday has completed its work. At today’s level of Christianity I would certainly have something to say to both Moses and Aaron but by then they will have seen the picture and through faith to the operation of grace and love. They can see what they did wrong was worthy of death! +143612  2300

    1. Deuteronomy chapter 15 the year for cancelling debts. Verse one; ‘At the end of every seven years you must cancel debts. This is how it is to be done: Every creditor shall cancel the loan he has made to his fellow Israelite. He shall not require payment from his fellow Israelite or brother, because the Lord’s time for cancelling debts has been proclaimed. You may require payment from a foreigner, but you must cancel debt your brother owes you. However, there should be no poor among you, for in the land the Lord your God is giving you to possess as an inheritance, he will richly bless you, if only you fully obey the Lord your God and be careful to follow all the commands I am giving you today. For the Lord your God will bless you as he has promised, and you will lend to many nations but will borrow from none. You will rule over many nations but none will rule over you. If there is a poor man among your brothers in any other council land that the Lord your God is giving you, do not be hardhearted or tightfisted towards your poor brother. Remember to be openhanded and freely lend him whatever he needs. Be careful not to harbour this evil thought: “The seventh year, the year for cancelling debts, is near,” so that you will not show ill will towards your needy brother and give him nothing. He may then appeal to the Lord against you, and you will be found guilty of sin. Generously give to him and do so without a grudging heart; then because of this the Lord your God will bless you in all your work and in everything you put your hand to. There will always be poor people in the land. Therefore I command you to be openhanded toward your brothers and towards the poor and the needy in your land. [Freeing servants verse 12] ‘If a fellow Hebrew, or a man or a woman, sells himself to you and serves you six years, in the seventh year you must let him go free. And when you release him, do not send him away empty-handed. Supply him liberally from your flock, your threshing floor and your wine press. Give to him as Lord your God has blessed you. Remember that you were slaves in Egypt and the Lord your God redeemed you. That is why I give you this command today. But if you’re servants says to you, “I do not want to leave you,” because she loves you and your family and is well off with you, then take an awl and push it through his earlobe into the door, and he will become your servant for life. Do the same for your maidservants. Do not consider it a hardship to set your servant free, because his service you the six years as being worth twice as much is that of a hired hand. And the Lord your God will bless you in everything you do. [The firstborn animals verse 19] ‘set apart for the Lord your God every firstborn male of your herds and flocks. Do not put the firstborn of your oxen to work, and do not sheer the firstborn of your sheep. Each year you and your family are to eat them in the presence of the Lord your God at that place he will choose. If an animal has a defect, is lame or blind, or has any serious flaws, you must not sacrifice it to the Lord your God. You are to eat in your own town’s. Both are ceremonially unclean and the clean you may eat, as if it were gazelle or deer. You must not eat the blood; pour it out on the ground like water.’

    We are comparing the theocracy with democracy with something which is defined in the Bible to something which has nuances between black and white and where anything goes depending on what democracy you are looking at. Even the theocracy that we are looking at now is but an earthly steppingstone or foundation to the heavenly theocracy it is pointing to and that is Christianity in the new universe. It is these differences between my behaviour down here on earth as compared to my behaviour in the heaven above and the differences between these two lots of behaviour if they are present in the miracles of Jesus I have not yet been able to find. Something which I am allowed to do on earth or in the first heaven but not allowed to do in the heaven above or the other way around. In Christianity we are not supposed cancel debts every seven years because we are not supposed to make them in the first place. A system like this is liable to abuse and there are many takers. They are easy enough to distinguish by just asking them give you something in return and when you see the hair on their backs rise then you know you have a taker and you must warn others about him/her. They will gladly walk you into your grave and the only reason they turn up to your funeral so they can meet some other Christian soul to prey on. Those are not the exception they are the rule within the Christian church. What wonderful sermons many of these give! Slavery has been a feature of humanity ever since the dawn of time and continues to be today. It is the Bible that places strict limitations on how they are to be treated and the rules that apply here apply to, “fellow Hebrews” and many Bibles have verse 17 in such a way that it can be abused to produce one of the greatest of all clangers. They have the servant who does not want to leave and has an awl pushed through his ear and a mark for life. Some Bibles have that this servant becomes a servant forever and ever which clearly indicates this could only be for the rest of their lives. Sodom and Gomorrah are also set to burn forever and ever but they are not burning today. Likewise the fires of hell which are also said to burn forever and ever will only burn until the fuel has been used up and the fuel hell is sin whereas heaven lasts forever and ever because there is nothing there that can be used up. Both firstborn male animals and human beings continue to be a problem to us as in heaven there are no males or females. It is encouraging in a way when looking at text such as the firstborn animals from verse 19 to know as little as I do and therefore able to make commentary on, to know that I still have just under 700 more blogging days in order to gain enough traction to give a commentary which has some substance in it relating to this topic. Attempts have already been made on Adam as the firstborn son of God, Jesus Christ as the Son of God and the Son of Man and even Eve. What has been learned so far is that the first Day of Atonement that was announced by God in the garden of Eden  on the day that our first parents sinned there were no animal symbols used by God. Euphemisms may be but no animal sacrifices. Satan was a real person and having his head crushed may have been a euphemism for his obliteration. Eves seed was certainly a euphemism for Jesus went through seven days before and on the cross of Atonement itself. The two animals that were killed and the skins that they shed if they stood for righteousness of the robes that we were to be given on entry into heaven was certainly symbolic and would disqualify the use of animal skins during any sacrifice. But even after this literal representation The Day of Atonement went on to be symbolised as a twin bird sacrifice; one bird as the sin offering and the other one as the burnt offering. If this were not the case then when Melchizedek added to the Day of Atonement by including not just Eve but Adam as well, Scripture saw fit that using the scapegoat was the best way of symbolising this. The first real association that occurred between the two great sacrifices and animals occurred as at the Passover which is our next topic chapter 16 and verse one; Passover;  ‘ Observe the month of Abib and celebrate the Passover of the Lord your God, because in the month of Abib he brought you out of Egypt by night. Sacrifice as the Passover to the Lord your God and animal from your flock or herd at the place the Lord will choose as a dwelling for his Name. Do not eat it with bread made with yeast, for seven days each unleavened bread, the bread of affliction, because you left Egypt in haste – so that all the days of your life you may remember the time of your departure from Egypt. Let no use be found in your possession in all your land for seven days. Do not let any of the meat you sacrifice on the evening of the first day remain as your morning. You must not sacrifice the Passover in any town the Lord your God gives you except the place he will choose as a dwelling for his Name. Then you must sacrifice the Passover in the evening, when the sun goes down, on the anniversary of your departure from Egypt. Roast it and eat it at that place the Lord your God will choose. For six days each unleavened bread and on the seventh day hold an assembly to the Lord your God and do no work. {Feast of Weeks ve



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    1. Finishing off Deuteronomy chapter 16 And the Feast of Weeks from verse nine; ‘Count of seven weeks from the time you begin to put the sickle to the standing grain. And Celebrate the Feast of Weeks the Lord your God by giving a free will offering in proportion to the blessings of the Lord your God has given you. And rejoice before the Lord your God at the place He will choose as a dwelling for his Name – you, your sons and daughters, your menservants and maidservants, the Levites and your towns and the aliens, the fatherless and the windows living among you. Remember that your slaves in Egypt, and follow carefully these decrees. [Feast of Tabernacles verse 13] ‘celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles for seven days after you have gathered the produce on your threshing floor and your wine press. Be joyful at your Feast – you, your sons and daughters, your menservants and maidservants, and the Levites, the aliens, the fatherless and the widows live in your towns. For seven days celebrate the Feast to the Lord your God at the place the Lord will choose. For the Lord your God will bless you in all your harvest and in all the work of your hands, and your joy will be complete. Three times a year all your men must appear before the Lord your God at the place it will choose; at the Feast of Unleavened Bread, The Feast of Weeks and the Feast of Tabernacles. No man should appear before the Lord empty-handed: each of you must bring a gift in proportion to the way the Lord your God has blessed you. [Judges] 18; ‘appoint judges and officials for each of your tribes in every town the Lord your God is giving, and they shall judge the people fairly. Do not pervert justice or show partiality. Do not accept the bribes, for a bribe blinds the eyes of the wise and twists the words of the righteous. Follow justice and justice alone, so that you may live and possess the land your God is giving you.’

    It has taken us 15 chapters to get here and 18 chapters leave it and it is the centrefold of the book of Deuteronomy: Passover. Actually the Passover is the light that illuminates the Day of Atonement and Scripture presents two levels of intensity, one being an earthly level and the second being a heavenly level. The earthly level began in Egypt on 01 – 01 – 01 and it began with the Passover. It began with the release of God’s people’s from sin and it ended with the death of the firstborn son of Pharaoh. Satan’s inheritance had died and this only happened after a prolonged fight with Satan and to the death and this is the story that we are following in the miracles of Jesus; a prolonged fight with Satan until the death when Satan will finally release God’s people from their sin. God had taken some 2500 years to prepare His people for the journey which started in Egypt by night as did God’s initial creation, and they marched under the banner of the Day of Atonement of Leviticus 16 on to Sinai where God wanted to make an agreement with them then into the desert and finally arriving on the banks of the Jordan. There would be a flurry of activity there but finally they would cross the Jordan and into the promised land of Canaan. There was even a possibility of going onto Jericho. Passover was there to show the Israelites that this was the journey of eternity and providing they lived in the house with the blood of the Passover lamb on its doorframes, the Angel of death would not kill the firstborn sons of Israel. The light from the heavenly version of these events comes from a height that is unequalled by anything in the universe; it comes from the cross Good Friday that stands on Mount Calvary. Here we are introduced to the first direct link between the animal sacrificial system and divinity. The blood that was sprinkled onto the doorways on the night that the journey began was animal blood but despite this the Angel of death looked at it and bypassed, passed over the firstborn sons of Israel. But you may say that the same thing happened to the apostle Peter. He was clean, certainly his head and body and all that needed cleaning now was for Jesus to wash his feet. The initial cleaning was the result of Peter attending the Day of Atonement each year and confessing his sins which were placed on a scapegoat and which in turn was destroyed by it being pushed over a cliff or regardless of what happened Peter was still clean. The difference here was so that Jesus was about to go to the cross of the Day of Atonement whereas Jesus was not going to go to the cross of Passover which up to that point did not exist. All these nuances are taken

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    into account as to what type of animal selected as a sacrifice to be used in the Passover: both animals from the flock and the herd could be used. Sheep and goats from the flock and oxen and bulls and even red heifers from the herd. It was from this choice the Passover remained as a compliment to the Day of Atonement or whether it became a supplement to the Day of Atonement in other words the Passover became the daily sacrifice and the basic unit of time. So it is chapter 16 and verse two which become the crux of the issue and certainly something we have been struggling with for a while. Sacrifice on that night could have been a male lamb one year old or it could have been a red heifer and the goat from the Day of Atonement has not been excluded either. It was the opening to heaven but which heaven was not being specified at this time. Neither was the name of the place where the sacrifice was to be offered but it did have to be a place chosen by God and the dwelling for his Name. If it was a place for the cross of Good Friday it would have to be outside of the temple and outside of the city, it had to be on Mount Calvary. The cross of the Day of Atonement would be a more difficult question to answer as a sacrifice was carried out inside of the temple but the scapegoat had to be destroyed outside of it. Working out the sequence of events on this day will probably help us sort out the sequence of events that happened on Good Friday on Mount Calvary. We are still a long way away from working out the interplay between the scapegoat being brought onto Mount Calvary and Moses and Aaron handing the red heifer back to Eleazar to conduct the service. How Jesus As High Priest conducted a sin offering by calling, “Father forgive them for they know not what they do!” And it was Jesus as priest and as Eleazar Who went on to conduct the service of the red heifer. Whether it is the animal that was sacrificed in the story that is going to lead us to the secret of the five loaves of bread being offered to the crowd of 5000 or seven loaves of bread being offered to the crowd of 4000 or the loaves of bread that will lead us to the type of animal and its symbolism still remains to be seen. We know that the location of the sacrifice is very specific but even at this stage we do not know where that is. We know that the time was entry into darkness but have not compared it to initial entry into darkness when God began His Genesis creation. We think that the meal had to be eaten before daylight because daylight would bring a new creation and the new heaven. We know there is a correlation between eating the meat of the sacrifice of the Passover with the eating of the bread. It had to be unleavened, it was a substitute for roasted flesh of the sacrifice and it was the substitute for this flesh after the event of Good Friday had occurred. It may even have been baked into cakes as it had been very close to the fires of hell when that interchange occurred: roasted flesh became baked bread. It must at no cost have the leaven of sin associated with it. Since the beginning of chapter 15 there has been a strong theme developing about people who have been freed from the slavery of sin and by an event clearly stamped on time itself and 01 – 01 – 01 and an origin of physical or earthly Egypt. If this is the case then surely the sacrifice for that day should be a one year old male lamb without defect and again surely it must be the case that the blood of this lamb is to be sprinkled on doorways of houses so that the Angel of death will not kill the firstborn sons of Israel. Yet there is no blood sprinkled nor is there male lambs that are one year old killed on this day. They are not excluded either but the inference has to be that there is a lot more involved in the sacrifice of the Passover. It is a history of the Christian church between the cross Good Friday and the time that we are let loose for the first time on the new earth that is in the new universe. Obviously the first year of our existence on this new universe is going to be a unique experience. Only on one occasion are we going to see Jesus creating the new universe from the ground upwards and over a period of seven days. These seven days will never be repeated again. The next seven days will be those final checks as we streamed through the doorway into the new universe with Jesus going first and then followed by John the Baptist and then Simon carrying the cross of Good Friday and of the Day of Atonement. We do not

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    celebrate the first Passover on 14 – 01 – 01 while we wait for the next year and celebrated on 14 – 01 – 02. The seven days after our arrival are filled with so much excitement that we can’t help ourselves at the thought that we are finally there and that eternity can now begin. We rush around building shelters to commemorate the places of significance where we have been to get here and even beyond our wildest dreams we did not think it was possible to get a better place than the heaven we have just spent the last 1800 years in. This new universe surpasses it by much and we definitely need time just to adjust to it and settle down. It is not even on our radar screens that things are still to get millions of times better when we enter into the throne room of God itself. That is the end of the journey and the start of this journey was Passover/the cross of Christ so you could even start the journey at 01 – 01 – 01 or when the symbols that were pointed to were fulfilled on 14 – 01 – 3889. I specifically remember analysing this journey and I was quite happy with the results so I am not sure that it would be wise to attempt another botched analysis. But this Scripture is in front of me now and these details are flowing from the page. The first thing that strikes me is a change of diet from one involving flesh of the burnt sacrifice to one involving wheat/bread. The crossover point is not really that clear-cut at this moment because I know that the crossover point will involve a crowd of 5000 with 5 loaves of bread and two fish but there will also be a crowd of 4000 with seven loaves. The flesh will have changed but it is the type of flesh which will become the issue in one type of flesh will come from day five of creation whereas the other type of flesh will come from day six. The change to plant life is not the issue but the type of flesh is still the issue. There would be nice to say that we have settled the issue of, “the place the Lord which used as a dwelling for his Name”, but I suspect we still have a way to go before we can finalise this. But it is the events that follow of the 40 or 50 days that occur after the cross of Good Friday which are of critical importance to us and it is a chapter on the Passover that points to these events. Tomorrow being the Sabbath Day I would like to reserve my commentary until then.

    In the meantime the end of time gets closer to every human being and that includes Christians but it does so also for the temple and the church of Jesus Christ. Jesus did not just appear unannounced at his first coming nor will  He do so at His second coming. The specific event that I want to look at is that our Prime Minister in Australia, Scott Morrison, along with many others in the world are advocating compulsory vaccinations, just how evil is this? Grab and jab is to be the policy! It seems as if he has the inside running on a vaccine that is soon to appear and this one is going to be very good. It will not be like most of the other vaccines that took years to develop this one will be straight out of Pandora’s box. It will have no recorded adverse reactions or deaths against it using the well tested and peer review technique of not having anywhere to record them which I know is fact the medical world has used extensively. It may even well be engineered in such a way that reactions do not occur until after the trial period. There is no room for reason in the world of insanity. Anyway the vaccine has appeared and Scott is the first 1 to be jabbed and he is so impressed he now mandates all others come to join him. I accept the right that he has to make the decision for himself but why does he want me jabbed now at the same time? And there can only be two answers and one is that he thinks that I am a danger to him and will pass on my virus onto him and pass a minimum 95% for herd immunity is required or he does not  think I am a danger to him and he mandates my vaccination for altruistic purposes so that I can enjoy the benefits of the vaccine that he has. If it is for the first reason that unvaccinated people are a danger to others then you have missed the whole point of vaccination. You have been vaccinated so that you do not get sick or at least to this particular virus. All residents of old age homes have received compulsory vaccination with the flu vaccine yet I am not allowed to go in there unless I too have been vaccinated because I am going to give them the flu. This is the world of the crazy this is the world of the insane, they all

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    have the vaccines and they all run terrified because of catching the flu. It is a flu vaccine because it gives you the flu! One asset that insanity has it is difficult to mount a cogent argument against it. Our little twins that were 11 weeks premature were vaccinated against hepatitis B. Let me define the depth of evil or the height of insanity. They were premature, they had no immune system and the vaccine could do them no good but only harm. Hep B is a virus carried by sexually active teenagers between the ages of 18 and 25. Neither of those twins were between these ages nor were they sexually active. These angels were inside a humidity crib where there were no viruses and no bacteria. The hepatitis B that they were given had been peer reviewed and as far as I know continues to be given certainly in the gold USA. But then again they were given 20 or 30 other vaccines as at birth. It is an insanity for you to think that if I am unvaccinated that I can give you the coronavirus because that is a specific reason why you were vaccinated unless of course it is just one of the many lies. I do not want your vaccine for two reasons; firstly it is because I may not even have this virus and if I do not have it even in the world of insane I cannot spread it to others. The second alternative is that I do carry this virus but I have made it a point to look after my body to such an extent that it can handle this and the thousands of others by viruses and bacteria wherever and whenever they appear. I have stayed away from antibiotics and left it to my immune system to take care of these dangers when they appear and if this danger is present in my body today and so far at least it looks as if the immune system is handling it. This is called a healthy body and I don’t want it destroyed by subsystem which has caused endless sickness in the past. It is me who should be staying away from you, you have just injected yourself with a substance of which you nor anybody else as even the slightest idea of what is going on and you can’t get a less on knowledge of the body when not to know the difference between dead and alive and they do not know that! But when you grab me to jab me you may as well have a pair of electrodes nearby and it will only take a maximum of 20 seconds to put them over my ears and turn on the current . All that will be required will be a scream level of 110 dB to be maintained for 10 seconds! While I am still a quivering lump of shit a quick squirt of lithium to a level of 100 mmol per litre should complete the job! Which one of those techniques are you saying that was not the standard method of procedure on the human population and advocated by those standing near you now under the authority of peer-reviewed? They are trying to pull the same swiftly today as they have done all those years and under the same banner of evil; the WHO! In a way you may argue that it is not that evil that it is actually factual and literal truth. If you get the flu vaccine you do not get a toothache or gangrene (not usually at least) or a splintered toenail! You get the flu and since my vaccine where I never got the flu before I have it all the time now. So in a way I cannot complain that I was misled because it was the flu injection that I got. The vaccine that you are advocating Scott does not need to have mind bending powers. The people’s minds are already where you want them, they are already mushrooms. They will bleat for your protection and to lock them down and they do know that lockdown at best will extend the life of 70, 80, 90 and hundred-year-olds and it may be cruel and callous to say we have seen the best of our lives and the very end is just a constant struggle. These lockdowns destroy the lives of the young and those whose lives have just begun. Lockdowns have destroyed the world financial system and along with it the lives of the younger generation. Massive losses as compared to little or no gain are the result and get the mushrooms prayed for this intervention. You cannot hope to bend a brain like that into a more distorted or contorted shape than that! The vaccinations, the prescription drugs and the electric shock among others have already done that work for you! There is only one answer and one way out of all this insanity and that is through Jesus Christ! Yet Scott Morrison proclaims himself to be a Christian and yet is advocating an answer to the solution to the evil that is in embroiling us now! Does he know what he’s doing or does he not and for that answer you would

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    have to ask him does he know who is giving him that advice? If he knows in Australia at least has struck rock bottom of evil and there is only one solution now is to call on Jesus for His second coming. If he still goes on in with his plan of grab and jab it will prove to me that he has been complicit with the WHO from the start to bring down the world economy and the one that is going to replace it has never worked and will not work now. Whatever endgame they plan Jesus can see that and having put my faith in Jesus it will be sinful for me not to trust in the outcome. The issues of end times are described in the Bible under the title of; the Great Tribulation. Jesus will only allow His name of Christianity to be abused and slandered for so long when He will close the door mercy. When that happens the end will come like a flood which will not be able to be arrested. Satan and the beast will be at their peak’s but not for very long and the only reason what is happening is happening to test our faith and whether we really want to be with Jesus forever in the eternities to come!

    This blog is now approaching hundred 50,000 words when it becomes unmanageable or at least very slow and I have no choice but to start another blog. Thus tomorrow I will begin block 16 hours on 22 – 08 – 2020 and along same guidelines as this present blog.s (+152800 +2300 = 155,100words)






























